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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 8, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast on friday, march 8th and this is "fox and friends." president biden invoking laken riley's name at last night's state of the union address, not without messing it up, listen. >> lincoln, lincoln riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. >> embarrassing. with immigration top of mind, this is one way to get into the country. >> [not speaking english] >> real funny. what he lacks in height, he makes up in heart. this five-year-old basketball coach taking the internet by storm. >> they listen to him more than they listen to me steams. >> lawrence: final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now.
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remember, mornings are better with friends. [cheering] >> four more years! >> brian: president biden delivering his third state of the union address last night and could be his last. >> joey: spent a lot of time attacking his predecessor without saying former president trump's name. >> ainsley: and mentioned murdered georgia student laken riley's name. >> lawrence: he called her lincoln. griff jenkins is live in eagle pass, texas as migrants pour in. we begin with lucas tomlinson at the white house. is the president getting applause inside of the white house, lucas? >> lucas: he is, lawrence. the speech started late and lasted 67 minutes. georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene demanding the president say the name of that young woman, laken riley, who was brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant in her home
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state. >> president biden: it is not about him or me. i would be a winner -- not really. >> say laken riley. laken riley. [cheering and booing] >> president biden: lincoln riley. an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. >> lucas: usc lincoln riley is from d.c. and played at gonzaga, and expected to go first round number one overall. other interruptions, father of u.s. marine killed at abbey gate yelled in the following speech. >> president biden: up 38%. [screaming] >> president biden: biggest increase in history.
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>> lucas: biden called out the supreme court. >> president biden: look, decision to overturn roe v. wade, supreme court majority wrote following and with all due respect, justices. women are not without electoral power. excuse me, electoral or political power. >> lucas: president biden referred to donald trump 13 times without actually saying his name, guys. >> brian: felt very political, lucas. thanks. for the most part, i thought if i close my eyes and say where is his speech, i thought it was at the dnc. he had to show energy and have no major gaffes. he was late because of protesters evidently. why are protesters allowed to block the president of the united states en route to the
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capitol? there should be zero tolerance. you can block my path to fox, but not the president. what we saw, guy thats don't try to replace me, i can do the job. they have nothing to go on. donald trump is in his head. he knew donald trump would be live truth socialing, truthing, whatever it is called. he knew that is who he is going against. he linked january 6 at home and russia as the enemy like fdr had. enemy at home and enemy abroad, scary analogy to give to teleprompter. >> lawrence: love or hate marjorie taylor greene, he was not going to mention laken riley's name without her giving him the pen and interrupting the middle of the speech. for once, i agree with her on that. he should have mentioned her name and got it right. how will he unify the country now?
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this was a campaign speech. he didn't reach across the aisle. you even have henry cuellar saying joe biden was fired up. did you talk about the border and sanctuary cities going on that you said you oppose? >> joey: unity point is interesting, he went in and a couple things that are important, he pivoted toward the two-state solution, appeasing the left as far as israel and gaza and what is he doing there? he's looking and talk about why aren't protesters arrested? this speech was pivot to the left. he attacked the supreme court to their face last night. >> brian: he kind of mocked them. >> joey: he looked at them and said women will have their vote. it was an attack. he did things that are red meat to what is far left and all we can surmise, he believes for
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this election, his base is the far left. if we go back light years to 2021, this is what he used to say about unifying the country. >> president biden: i pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide, but unify. who does not see red states and blue states, only sees the united states. it's time to put away the rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again. listen to etch00 other again and make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. my whole soul is in this, bringing america together, uniting our people, uniting our nation. my predecessor, former republican president, tells putin, "do whatever the hell you want" many of you are promising to pass national ban on
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reproductive freedom, my predecessor failed most presidential duty. get this bill done. my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor. unlike my predecessor -- [applause] >> president biden: i know who we are as americans. >> brian: how many times he said predecessor. >> ainsley: several takeaways, we were watching to see if he could get through an hour, two hours. he seemed jacked up and fired up, he was yelling and seemed angry. that is not unity, he is not unifying the country when he talks about what his predecessor did 13 times that he disagrees with. many people voted for him to get unity. second thing is how out of touch he is. we are hurting. people can't afford groceries or can't afford to take their family to chick-fil-a or to five guys because it is $100 for
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family of four to have fast food these days. he talks about how many potato chips are in each bag. maybe they are in the same realm, but two totally different things, as well. i don't care, i'm not worried about how many potato chips i get in the big lays bag, i worry about how i will afford it. he talked about snicker bars and all that before he mentioned border. it took him 40 minutes into the 67 minutes to talk about the border. that is what i mean when i say out of touch. a gold star dad is saying, remember my son, he died at abbey gate. they arrest that guy. his son served and died for our country. when not planning to mention laken riley's name and takes someone, the congresswoman that represents her district to yell
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out and say, say her name and he holds up the pen she gave him when he came in. that was off the cuff. she forced him to do it. >> brian: he said he cut the deficit by a trillion dollars. he didn't. moody's said you added to the deficit. that was money from covid as covid faded out. you are a spend aholic. reduction inflation act, the infrastructure deal, that's a ton. he talked about paying taxes, guns and divesting from china. has he talked to his son? his son has a gun problem, a china problem, 5 million and a diamond ring he got rid of and he's got a little bit of interest, few issues coming our way. katie britt gave retort, here is
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a little of what she said about unifying the country. >> didn't talk about things real americans wanted to hear, that hard-working people want answers to. things we talk about around this kitchen table everyday he failed to mention or failed to give time they deserve. i thought the anger and bitterness, seemed to be some kind of rage was unbecoming of the president of the united states and he used none of his time to bring america together and tell us how to move forward. he used divisive language and tried to put every party firmly in their corner. >> lawrence: last thing i will say about this, it is clear biden did what he needed to do last night to unify his party, they were singing his praises, you have pundits on television rallying behind biden. republicans better get together and figure out what they believe. they need to be in lockstep,
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democrats, i saw james langford, who is ush approximating this bill ahead, your party rejected, a lot of american people rejected. marco rubio tried to do this and he realized his base did not like it. you got to let it go and figure out what to do to move the country and your party forward. it can't be siding with democrats and nodding as president is giving this speech bashing republicans. >> joey: gop divide in style in general is detriment for them, they have to get together and be unified. >> brian: that speech unified republicans, how many more will endorse trump by end of day? who would have thought they would be in lockstep. liz cheney and adam kinzinger. >> lawrence: what is your red line? >> ainsley: i think the party is connected when it comes to big
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issues, the economy, shutting down the border. his approval rating is 38%, is that what it was? 38%. 86% of americans say he is too old. most ofern ms want to do something about the border, that includes democrats. republicans are united on economy, inflation and the border. like you said, democrats are always unified and always stick together. republicans have this divide and they have to come together. how do they do that? >> lawrence: they start with live images, fox news alert in eagle pass, big group being detained on the border. >> brian: that is live, president, you might want to take a look at this, griff jenkins is there. >> griff: we got brand new numbers, in past six days, 42,000 migrant encounters across the southern border and you can
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add 100 more. 20 minutes to my west, group of 100 plus migrants, many are from venezuela. that alarms officials because of fear we keep seeing venezuelan migrants that are suspected members of the tren de aragua, the largest, most dangerous, violent criminal organization in the country of venezuela. we have no repatriation agreement with venezuela. once they are here, it is hard to send them back. i will show you pictures of tattoos cbp shared with fox news. you see the train, tren de aragua, ak-47, these are tattoos to look for on the migrants. one of the guardsmen yesterday was telling the migrants to go back to mexico. listen here. [speaking spanish]
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>> griff: in that group of migrants, a man from honduras wearing a biden-harris 2020 t-shirt, we asked about it, here is what he said. [speaking spanish] [laughter] >> griff: if we can take a live last look of our group of 100 plus migrants, many venezuelans said they encountered 335,000 venezuelans only 35 were sent back and officials say they worry about gang members usually trying to be part of the gotaways, meaning they may get in and we don't know where they are. guys, back to you. >> brian: we don't know what to
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do with the venezuelans, venezuela doesn't waup them back. we are stuck with the gangsters with neck tattoos. it is not stopping. >> ainsley: lawmakers were discussing this tiktok bill and it quickly passed in committee 50-0, unanimous, bipartisan bill because people are worried about tiktok and china being able to hack phones or get information on kids. now it goes to the house, the entire group and this is what is in the bill. you have to divest tiktok or all applications for the apps will be banned in the united states and allow executive branch to ban access to any app owned by an adversary if it poses a threat to national security. >> joey: they are saying tiktok is an asset of the chinese government and it needs to be sold off and become ownership in america or different company. what is interesting, we have a clip from mike gallagher talking
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about how tiktok is responding by putting a pop-up on the screen of users, he says lying about the bill and telling them to intimidate and urge their members to vote differently. let's take a look. >> users of tiktok are getting a pop-up on their app lying about our bill. asked them to enter zip code they are in and automatically calls the number of congress in that zip code. it says stop the ban on tiktok. if you read the bill, it is not a ban, it is divest tour and puts choice in the hands of tiktok to sever their relationship with the chinese communist party. today it is about our bill and intimidating members considering that bill, but tomorrow it could be misinformation or lies about an election, about a war, any number of things. >> brian: we're being played by
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foreign sources, whether russia or china. make number one app in the country, 170 billion users and gradually begin to shape the news feed they get and videos they receive. we'll have a whole generation growing up anti-american, do you want to sell it and make money or be banned? for those who don't want to give up their app, generations have fought for this country and asked to go to war. women had to take jobs of men. we're asking you to give up an app. instagram, facebook, something else will take that place. >> lawrence: i'm sorry. >> ainsley: you go ahead. >> lawrence: prime example with them putting alert on tiktok that the democratic process and we're talking about tiktok now, there is a plan from china when it comes to buying up land, farmland in america, their influence is growing in america.
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>> brian: why would we let them have it. >> ainsley: high school students, one in our studio is shadowing us today and she said, i don't want to lose my videos. what did your kids say? this came up and your kids were upset. >> brian: two of them don't have it, my youngest still has it. >> ainsley: i wouldn't want to lose my videos. >> brian: there is way to do that. >> joey: there is an algorithm within tiktok that performs better than meta or twitter and now my part of the conversation is where is elon musk in there? can he create something -- >> brian: he has x. all lobbying, democrats lobbying for tiktok on capitol hill. >> lawrence: carley has headlines. >> carley: take a moment to remember it has been 10 years
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since flight 370 vanished with 239 people onboard. it is still missing. aviation journalist joined us earlier telling us his theory. >> cyber security vulnerability this plane had which most planes don't which would have allowed somebody to hack the signal and make it look like it was going south and it went north. >> carley: he thinks hackers. this just in, pentagon clearing v-22 osprey to resume flights after one more round of safety checks. this comes after a crash off coast of japan left eight servicemembers dead. it was grounded after the tragedy. take a look at this wild video showing tire falling off united airlines flight in san francisco.
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the plane was safely diverted to los angeles. the tire crushing several cars in the airport's employee parking lot. united airlines spokesperson says the airline can land safely with missing or damaged tires. expelled former congressman george santos attended president biden's state of the union address last night. right there. first time he was back on capitol hill since he was removed last year for misusing funds. he will run for congress against nick lolota, who was leading the charge to remove him from office. this weekend, spring forward to daylight saving time. concept was introduced by ben franklin in 1784. bet you didn't know that. do you like daylight saving tile? gary said spring forward and
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stay there. marj argues daylight savings time is great because they loves to go for walks while it is light outside. perry says it cuts down morning fishing time. i like that one. and this five-year-old boy is a tiny coach with a big personality and he is going viral. coach christopher and his dad joined us earlier and the young man from north carolina delivered a motivational speech to give us good energy heading into the weekend. >> they love him. they embrace him and actually sometimes i think they listen to him more than they listen to me sometimes. amazing to see our high school guys gather around them. big-time players make big-time plays. >> carley: i can listen to that on repeat, christopher coached the all-star game. what a lucky team and what a cute kid he is. guys. >> lawrence: big-time player.
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>> carley: make big-time plays. trying to jack up the players. we got this. >> joey: he's emulating his father and doing everything his dad does. that is awesome. >> ainsley: storming the court. >> brian: it helps to yell at refs. working the refs. >> ainsley: what was he saying? it is game time, always game time. >> lawrence: stay ready. >> ainsley: his little arm around his dad's shoulders during the interview. so cute. >> joey: set your dvr for 6:00 a.m. eastern, so you can catch up. i do it at my house so i can watch you guys. >> ainsley: you can watch yourself. >> joey: today i'll watch myself. try to learn from the professionals. >> brian: zoom in. >> ainsley: took 40 minutes for the president to address the
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border issue. tom homan was inside the chamber and he's next. ing. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide.
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this bill. federal chamber of commerce, yeah, you are saying no, look at the facts. i know. [cheering] >> president biden: i know you know how to read. >> lawrence: we know how to read, terrible bill. president biden taking 40 minutes to make that point. tom homan was there just hours after testifying about biden's failure to secure the border and he joins us now. tom, let it rip, what did you think? 40 minutes and he says something. can't remember laken riley's name >> tom: they can call it staid of confusion. i sat and watching people stand up and applaud after he says something that is not true. i sat there wondering is there any integrity left in this
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building? we can't speak the truth. it took 40 minutes to talk about the border. he talked about laken riley, forced to bring that name up and mispronounced it. and senate bill, he knows he could fix it by stroke of a pen and he ignores it and people in the room say he is doing the right thing. it is disgusting. >> lawrence: he broke it with stroke of a pen, he could fix it the right way. this is the question he asked, how many americans have been killed, this is the president, watch. >> laken riley. >> president biden: lincoln riley, an innocent young woman killed by an illegal, that's right. how many thousands being killed by legals? to her parents, i say, my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself, i understand.
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>> lawrence: i'm sure you are able to connect with angel mom and dads, they would love to tell their story so they could understand how many there are. >> tom: i have met several hundred moms and dads because an illegal alien murdered their child. it isun tos. let's not forget, 114,000 americans died from fentanyl because you have an open border. laken riley won't be the last. that irritates me. there will be another one and another one and another one. this administration just don't care. when i testified yesterday, congressman pramila jayapal talked about how she met with parents separated during the trump administration. has she talked with an angel mom and dad, that is real separation when parents bury their child because this administration refuses to secure the border.
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going to have all the power to do it. >> lawrence: republicans will bail out administration with partial measure so the president can say he attempted to do something they never learned their lesson. tom homan, thank you so much. so new york deploys troops to the subway to crack down on crime. we asked daniel penny's attorney what he thinks about that, next.
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last month's jobless rate. last night president biden said the economy is doing well, called it the envy of the world. how do americans feel? madeleine is in redding, pennsylvania. madison. >> we've been talking to diners about the economy. i will bring in linda, we talked about the economy, something biden pushed last night, envy of the world. do you agree with that? >> i don't. it was ridiculous. he lied about everything. >> how did it feel when you were watching when it came to inflation and the economy? >> it made me sick, i wanted to throw up. >> okay. >> we need trump in. >> okay. >> the economy is bad. >> economy is bad. we have a rightist table here, differing views at one table. kim, you thought, talking about
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strong economy, you thought biden's performance was strong last night, right? >> i did. lately they have been showing everything the man does wrong. last night he looked animated and coherent. >> what is your concern? >> my biggest concern is age and should he get re-elected and something happens, kamala harris is what we've got and that concerns me. >> there you go. one dinner table, one diner table in america, two differing views, trying to figure out who they will vote for. back to you. >> brian: 22 before top of the hour. violent crime continues to surge in new york city subways, everybody knows it. governor kathy hochul is stepping in, not by going after criminals, but by calling in the national guard. they will search everybody's bag for weapons before they get on the train. next get is no stranger to
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policies, he is defending danny penny who is facing charges for the choke hold death. attorney general tom knif joins us. your thought about how state cops and 750 national guardsmen are going to the subway? >> it's about time. i just wish it didn't take this long for there to be a realization, recognition among elected leaders there is a crisis going on in the subways of new york city. i don't know if too little too late is the right expression, better late than never. >> brian: good samaritan was stabbed in the hand last night 12:40 in the morning and a conductor got slashed in the neck. that is what your client saw. what are witnesses saying they felt when danny penny jumped
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into action. >> i lefted to some sound bites from the governor and what struck me, she talked about wanting to comfort the senior citizen on the high school train, the high school kids using the subway and the mother with children on the train and wanting to make them feel safe. that basically describes to a tee three of the individuals that were on the subway car when jordan neeley started putting fear in people. did the governor read our motion before giving that press release. >> brian: with rise in crime acknowledged, do you think your case could get dismissed or will this go all the way through? >> we're preparing and our client is assumed innocent, i have no doubt he'll get a fair
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trial and we are preparing to go to trial. there is no indication anything else will happen and we're taking steps necessary to give him best defense. >> brian: did the people on the subway car feel they were under threat? >> they felt they were under threat and that is the testimony they gave to the grand jury. the district attorney called a dozen witnesses and almost unanimously, every person described absolute terror on the subway car and palpable fear they felt. not harassment, fear they might die when the subway cars closed and deranged jordan neeley started threatening everyone. >> brian: he was a threat and claimed to be a threat and your client in my view is a hero, hope this jury does the right thing. thanks for coming in.
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straight ahead, supreme court justices getting front row seat to president biden's attacks last night. >> president biden: those bragging about overturning roe v. wade have no clue about the power of women. >> brian: what is he talking about? kayleigh mcenany here to react. that is her waving. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people.
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>> president biden: my predecessor failed most basic presidential duty. my predecessor and many in this chamber, my republican friends owe it to the american people, get this job done. my predecessor. my predecessor. unlike my predecessor. i know who we are as americans. >> ainsley: president biden calling out former president trump 13 times during last night's state of the union address without mentioning him by name while trump slammed biden's speech as angry, polarizing and hate filled. kayleigh mcenany served for biden's predecessor and works here now on "outnumbered," good morning to you. what did you think about that? >> kayleigh: we learn what keeps president biden up at night, his predecessor and likely poll numbers given donald trump is beating him in almost every poll, save a few.
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what i learned last night, i watched and he must see mutiny, blood bath in poll numbers among progressives. this is aimed at far left aoc types. he gave gaza deliverable and he was angry, defiant, mentioned donald trump and perils of democracy. this was geared at far left flank. >> ainsley: and looked at supreme court justices and attacked them, as well. listen to this. >> histories watching another assault on freedom. joining is latoya, social worker from birmingham, she wanted to have a second child. my predecessor came to office determined to see roe v. wade overturned, he is the reason it is overturned and he brags about
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if. look at the chaos that resulted. >> ainsley: this is their talking point they are going to run with. >> kayleigh: irony of someone talking about democracy being at risk. very next breath attacking an american institution, one of three branches of government. obama got criticized for attacking the supreme court, but it was a minor mention. last night was almost a threat. if you care about democracy, mr. president, try not attacking one third of the federal government of the united states. >> ainsley: compare what you saw when you were working for president trump versus what we saw last night. >> kayleigh: state of the union address are more focused, not last night, 13 mentions of trump, though not his game. in 20 20, president trump surprised a mom with bringing home of her husband from overseas, deployed overseas,
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beautiful and unifying. he unified the country, beautiful, who do you want to be president? angry guy last night or the guy trying to unify. >> ainsley: wouldn't it be great if he united families at every state of the union address. >> kayleigh: the man who lost his son at abbey gate goft arrested last night, i realize that is not biden's fault. >> ainsley: she'll be on "outnumbered." will cain having rooting tooting time at the american roddio, first check in with dana perino. another white house press secretary. hi, dana. anthony: this making you uncomfortable? good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal.
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>> good morning. who love it had, who hate it had? we have athat will sis of all angles alaska the president's state of the union and one thing for sure is the talk of replacing biden at convention is possibly on hold forever so the vase set, biden is trump. plus, as ownership of tiktok on the chopping block. committee votes 50-0 to make it so and where will we find bill hemmer today 124 been looking all over. help us with the clues when america's news room kicks off at 9:00 with a special coanchor, "fox & friends" back to you.
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you're not going to believe it when you see it. >> i predict bret baier. >> nice prediction, you're wrong. >> thanks, dana. >> next guest fell just short of last year's american performance horseman last year only losing out to his wife. >> check in with "fox & friends" weekend cohost will cain with chrichris dawson. reporter: i've spent little time on my life on horses but i'm getting expert coaching from chris. first of all, chris, talk about performance horses and competition and give us lay down of three different types of performance horse competitions. >> what we're seeing here today is we're going to start with the cutting, which is where a horse is going and horse and rider combination separates a cow from a heard and keep it away with a
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whole bunch of style and flair. okay. i mean the crowd's going to get into it and it's really remarkable what the horses can do with just -- there's a lot of horse training, there's a lot of discipline and years go into it and whole lot of horse sense and natural covid reigns leading and ability for horses. >> these are fertilizer arrowhead rendition of anthonys and -- ferrari of horses and everybody says athlete hawaii they can do is incredible. >> it is. it's really -- the closest you can come to being a super hero. you can go faster and run further and do things that you didn't think were possible. second event is like the figure skating of the horse world. you'll see the horses run large fast circles, small, slidings, spin around like pirouettes and it's pretty cool. cool. reporter: they slide in and it's amazing. >> wrapping up with the personal favorite and it's the fence work and rain cal horse association is the governing body that
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dictates that discipline but they're going to turn one cow in here and it's like gladiators meets game overthrown thrones, scoop the dragons and do all the things. we'll exert complete control. >> this is a growing sport performance horse. i'm getting expert coaching and show them what some of the horse cans do or maybe i can do. we'll see. >> we're going to spin this horse around here quick and let's ride hip out in the my and will get away from the camera just a little him to spin to the
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right and quick with your left foot. there you go. there you go. good job. well, good. back him up again. good. well, excellent. now it's the same thing totalist. >> you've come a long ways since you were sitting on a horse. reporter: this sin credible. life experience. do this. it's amazing. >> i cannot wait to see you bring that back for the next eight who ares over the weekend. that was awesome. >> thank you


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