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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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of this is legal and constitutional and if it is, maybe they need to pass a law that would put some restraints on what information the treasury department is able to gather on american citizens. dana. >> dana: thank you so much and as we speak, president biden is about to deliver remarks at the league of cities centennial conference in washington, d.c. the cities have a lot on their plate talking about the national guard being requested in chicago to help deal with transit issues there. they are there in new york. denver is hurting, austin, across the board. san francisco trying to make great choices. >> sandra: we'll get more on the president later today. heads of security and the hearing happening on america reports. on global threats. >> dana: thank you for being here. we see what we get from mr. hemmer when he returns. see you on america reports. >> harris: the president is speaking now and this is the
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mayors and other city leaders, their annual conference. the timing of this, he is talking while that controversy is cooking over his state of the union address. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the president's remarks will come after he spent the weekend walking this back. >> president biden: it's not about him, not about me. i would be a winner -- not really. i -- [crowd noise] >> president biden: lincoln riley. >> harris: the suspect is an illegal immigrant. the president called it out. it's the fact. now there is a complete difference in his choice of wording. i don't know about his perspective or real honest opinion, who knows? but his words are changing. two days after he said that at the state of the union he
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essentially apologized to laken riley's suspected killer for calling him an illegal. police confirm the man suspected of murdering the young nursing student was in the united states illegally. republicans. >> it's a slap in the face to this family of laken riley. >> talk about disgusting. joe biden is more worried about using the word illegal or undocumented. the word he should use is murderer. >> the fact that the left is going so far out of their way to say that someone who is in this country illegally who murdered an american citizen should now somehow receive some type of respect or different terminology is ridiculous. >> it shows exactly what their attitude is toward their open border policy. they want an open border. >> harris: on the other side of the political aisle one senator pointing the finger at
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republicans. >> the fact that there are those who walked away from this bipartisan legislation, at least a chance to debate it, and now they are trying to score political points in the wake of a young woman's death, that is craven politics at its worst. >> harris: congresswoman nancy mace is standing by. let's go to jacque heinrich at the white house. >> good morning to you, harris. under the law, people who enter the country illegally are known as illegal aliens. democrats freaked out when biden said in his state of the union address laken riley was killed by an illegal. notably the first time act if he regretted using that language he said no. after intense media pressure the president has apologized for referring to a murderer with a perceived word. >> using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night?
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>> president biden: second nickly not supposed to be here. undocumented person. i shouldn't have used illegal. undocumented. look, when i spoke about the difference between trump and me -- >> you regret using that word. >> president biden: yes. >> part of the plan with the state of the union address and campaign blitz that followed was to show him speaking off the cuff, taking some swings, countering the age concerns. this display was so problematic for his base in part because it cuts against the contrast that his campaign wants to draw with former president trump. >> president biden: instead of celebrating immigrants to our economy and communities donald trump calls them vermin, poisoning the blood of america. no one should doubt where my heart is. unlike donald trump, my first day in office as president i introduced the comprehensive plan to fix the immigration system.
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>> president biden shared condolences to laken rile''s family but no regret her alleged killer was in the country illegally under his policies. came in in 2022. release in the country and released after being arrested in a sanctuary city. >> harris: jacque, thank you very much. appreciate your reporting always. republican congresswoman nancy mace of south carolina member of the house oversight and armed services committees is in "focus" now. your overall thought what has transpired since the state of the union address. the message from the president is changing. >> absolutely. joe biden is twisting himself into a pretzel to appease the far left and progressives. joe biden has twisted himself into a pretzel to appease a murderer who is an illegal alien who is here illegally. came across the southern border illegally and murdered an
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american citizen. donald trump is simply not given enough credit for keeping our southern border secure but also for the compassion that he showed this weekend to laken riley's family. he has met with them and listened to them and heard their voices and had them at his rally this weekend and we've got to give credit where credit is due. he is doing the hard work and heavy lifting here. >> harris: i just want to get your response to this. it's a point that others have made and i was looking at the speech more closely. is the president trying to -- did we lose her? do you have me now? >> i can't hear anything. >> harris: did we lose her? we'll try to get her back. in the meantime we'll go forward with this and mississippi secretary of state wrote a scathing letter to biden's justice department. an executive order that they claim could help illegal
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immigrants register to vote. it is about control and continuing their power. unfortunately it puts our country in a terrible position. it is immediate. we hope they'll respect our request to stop this program. homeland secretary mayorkas pushed back against these allegations just last week. watch. >> is it the policy of the biden administration to allow as many migrants to come across the border in order to change the political dynamics, electoral dynamics of am? >> of course not. the facts indicate that is absolutely false. the facts matter. and the rhetoric we should brush aside. >> harris: we understand we have nancy mace back and able to hear those comments. what is your reaction? >> i'm sorry, i missed the last part of the comments just now. >> harris: we had one of the hosts on a competing network say it is the policy of the biden administration to allow as many migrants to come across the border in order to change the
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political dynamics. >> it is. it is. what they want to do is they want them to vote in our elections. we've seen municipalities and towns around the country want to have illegal immigrants vote in elections. when they do the census every two years they base congressional districts including the population of illegal immigrants. we don't filter for illegal immigrants when drawing lines for congressional districts and they want to change the face of the country by importing these illegal immigrants at the southern border. >> harris: i would allude to this earlier trying to get my mind around what the president is trying to do. did we lose her again? okay. are you with me? yeah, all right. we tried. if we can we'll bring her back in the program and but forward now. the president is speaking right now and this is something we're going to monitor as he is
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talking with city leaders. tiktok is really under fire and they are working against the clock to get something done. the house is expected to vote wednesday on the fate of the chinese-owned app tiktok. in fact, what they are doing is mobilizing millions of followers and users as our national security is at stake. they want to block what our own u.s. house of representatives are trying to do for the benefit of tiktok. everything is owned by china in china so this is china. plus biden's backers going full throttle defending his fitness for office. poll after poll showing americans aren't sold on him. >> they would like to control the topic or claim and say it's okay the normalize it that biden's age is the issue. they don't tell you his failures. they prop up what he has done in large part to buy votes. >> harris: team biden is hitting the airwaves with a new ad
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>> you can continue to indulge in a washington blame game or actually get something done. this president has taken leadership in addressing the situation of the border. i'm oh energized by the president's state of the union address talking about the achievements that had come about on his watch. a good example of that saying what matters most is the age of a leader's ideas. >> harris: glad he is energized. we have quite an aviation issue going on right now. transportation secretary pete buttigieg pushed democrats don't worry about biden's age talking point. the biden campaign is doubling down on that in a new ad.
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>> president biden: that's no secret but here is the deal. i understand how to get things done for the american people. >> harris: a new poll suggests that americans don't agree with that. it is close but more of them say they trust former president trump to do a better job than biden. power panel fox news contributor tammy bruce and former democratic new york state senator david carlucci. great to see you both. tammy, when you look at this and how close they are, trump and biden, that's such a problem for biden. he is the man in office right now and has the power to do stuff. >> the power of the incumbency is powerful and also controlling having some control with the media. the negatives that have been pushed against president trump. so that has to all be taken into account. that particular poll is troubling because it is a poll -- normally you get polls of registered or likely voters. this was a random sample of a
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few hundred americans. anybody who picked up the phone. might not be voters or citizens. not a good example as we are eight months away from election about what voters are feeling. people who might be more connected into what's happening. that's when you have a variety. polls can be a problem. but even with that kind of a poll, biden can't get into a position that he should be in as president. >> when you look at that poll it shows 40% of the electorate is not engaged. they aren't following what we're talking about right now. not reading the paper about the general election. i think as we move closer, that will benefit joe biden. as people see the contrast between donald trump and joe biden, it will be clear to them that they believe joe biden can move forward and with his age they are leaning into that because his experience has been effective. you can't deny that. we might not agree with his policies but you have to respect the fact that he knows his way
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around washington, d.c. and he can run circles around some of these less experienced republicans. >> harris: a couple of data points. i would hope he could be able to negotiate someplace where he has been for nearly five decades. >> he has shown he can. >> harris: the idea the american public will play catch-up in a gap of their understanding and knowledge is not reflected in the poll they showed. they know he is not doing the job they need him to do. the other data point his birthday is 15 days after the election which is 239 days away. i keep count. he will be 82. older even harder to make that i'm fit for office based on just his age argument which is what we ask in the polls. i want to adjust that to acuity. >> donald trump is just a few years behind. >> you are a few years behind me and there is a big difference.
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>> potentially recruiting nikki haley. >> it's crazy to think she could run with biden but that's my dream. a unity ticket and then he would, i think definitely win. >> take off the first african-american female vice president. >> she is a woman of color. not that. mitt romney as secretary of state. something to reach across so we don't live in this world where we're just -- where everybody sees the other side as a threat. >> harris: for the box checking crowd that the left tends to be. not all of you, some of you. mitt romney as secretary of state will get it when you could put a woman of color on the ticket like nikki haley. is that bizarre? what do you think about that? >> it goes to show you there isn't a connection with the problem. the president and the democrats and their decision making and policy. you could put mitt romney and
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nikki haley somewhere with the democrats. even kyrsten sinema couldn't stay with the democrats or joe manchin. that is where when you talk about bringing people together, that's a trump option. sinema. this is an all hands on deck moment. people like that not in major decision making roles but influence. this country is big with people with different opinions. >> harris: it might be a major decision. he will be 86 at the end of his next term. so who knows what will happen with the president? which is why the next one that he picks is so important. >> it is. this conversation is more about this desperate fight for donald trump and joe biden to go towards the middle. people on the right and left have made up their mind. it's the middle that's so important. this talk about getting someone on the right or left and mixing and matching. haley would do that for either
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candidate. >> harris: in the primaries and poll they were different. not enough people for her to win more than one state. >> if donald trump picks nikki haley it will show he has a sense of humility. someone attacking him and still take her. if biden takes her it would show this unity ticket but i think it would obviously -- >> harris: he hasn't been very humble with the one he has. >> whoever is running the country has an interest in doing what they are doing. they haven't stopped even with what we see as a failure they've kept going. why bring in someone who will say wait a minute. no one who is running the white house. not joe biden, will want somebody who is going to interfere with that, hence why kamala harris has been kept and may still be kept because no one interferes with whoever is running the country. >> harris: all right. she broke that mic. we can't take anymore.
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thank you both. so glad to have you here. great to see you. breaking news right now. new jersey democrat senator bob menendez probably infamous for gold bars and cash lying around his house, again has pleaded not guilty. it happened moments ago to a superseding indictment charging him with bribery and obstruction of justice stemming from an investigation into senator menendez and his wife both accused of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash if bribes, including what i mentioned to you, the gold bars, the mercedes benz, exchange for using menendez's power and influence to benefit the governments of egypt and qatar. we'll take any remarks the senator may speak outside the courthouse. if he walks up to the mics we'll go to it live. some new york firefighters are making it clear about how they
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feel about the state's attorney general letitia james. she won that controversial $4 hundred million civil lawsuit against former president trump. watch and listen. the boos are out. probably not allowed at least not with this person. she said those firefighters are facing some big trouble for raising their voices. what the world needs. an attorney general who doesn't know about free speech. a decision could come at any time from the judge in the georgia election interference case against trump. >> the judge may be faced with a cascading failure. if he believes that wade and willis lied on the stand, can he believe the other aspects of their testimony? >> harris: the woman who is leading that case and her prosecutorial paramour because he was married.
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they are the ones in the hot seat. the fate of fani willis is hanging in the balance. jonathan turley in "focus" next.
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senator bob menendez may speak right after that pleading of not guilty to that superseding indictment charging him with bribery and obstruction of justice. momentarily we're told to expect him to come out to the bank of microphones you see at the bottom center of your screen right there. if senator bob menendez from new jersey, infamous now for having a lot of cash, hundreds of thousands of dollars in his home, free mercedes benz, charges against he and his wife and gold bars at their residence. once he comes out and if he speaks, we'll carry it live. we could also get a decision at any moment from the judge who is
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overseeing fani willis's misconduct case. he will decide whether the fulton county district attorney prosecuting former president trump in the state's election interference case can stay on the case or get kicked off. the pivotal issue a romantic relationship she was having with married special prosecutor nathan wade, who she hired for the case. a lot of conflicting testimony. they both took the stand, remember? we covering that lived. all the conflicts in the testimony about their relationship, timeline, all the cash involved. democratic georgia senator raphael warnock dodged on whether fani willis will be disqualified. >> i know there are folks on the other side of the aisle unfortunately who are trying to lean in here and put their finger on the scale. i won't pile on. i think this case is being played out before a judge and that judge will have to make a decision not based on optics but
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based on the law. that's the wonderful thing about american. no one is above the law, including donald trump. >> harris: trey gowdy says the issue is actually bigger than fani willis. >> the question for president trump and other co-defendants is whether the indictment is legally sufficient. even if it's not they'll get another grand jury to indict him again. we need to fix the underlying pathology. a politization of our justice system. >> harris: jonathan turley, thank you for joining us today. the big question now is which way this judge will go. are there any tell tale signs maybe in court from what we saw? >> no, the judge has not given any indication. this is a difficult question because in georgia, there is remarkable ambiguity what standard he is supposed to
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apply. both sides admitted it wasn't clear whether you have to establish an actual conflict of interest or whether an appearance would suffice. there are cases supporting both arguments. the problem is i think the court is going to have to recognize that the testimony of these two prosecutors was really left in tatters. it seems clear to many of us that nathan wade did not answer truthfully in his divorce proceedings when asked if he had a sexual relationship during the course of his marriage up to the point in which he filed his answer. he insists he simply read that in a rather strange and narrow way. willis is standing contradicted. the new evidence involving cell phones show in one case these pings, these locational data points showing wade going to the area of willis's home, being there for hours and then
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returning along the same path in the early morning and on either end of that are calls for texts to willis. that seems to shatter her denial that they had this pre-existing relationship and also that he never stayed at her home. the question for the judge will be well, if you believe that they, in fact, lied on the stand, how can you believe the other answers? >> harris: it's a great question. so many people were brought into this. people from their lives. i'm thinking of the day her father took the stand. he loves her so much and said he had never seen nathan wade at her place of residence but admitted he wasn't there all the time and moved to a different location during that time. she didn't get that much help from dad. that conflict about whether wade was at her place when she says he was not over and over and over prior to the case starting is critical. >> it is but also you do have the testimony of other witnesses. mr. bradley, who desperately
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tried to reverse previous statements, was very clear in speaking with other witnesses before these proceedings began that he had an absolute knowledge of a relationship starting before mr. wade was hired. now despite his testimony on the stand the court has to consider the fact that there are other credible witnesses. in fact, bradley's own statements to opposing counsel that contradict his testimony. >> harris: yeah. it is so interesting. you said an absolute knowledge of that relationship because he used the words absolutely about that relationship in a text message. okay. the new york city fire department is investigating the reception that new york attorney general letitia james received at a promotional ceremony last week. she was met with boos and chants. the chanting said trump, trump
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u, trump, trump. watch. >> oh come on, we're in a house of god. [booing] >> first, simmer down. thank you. thank you for getting it out of your system. i want to thank commissioner >> harris: a quote from the fire department leadership. we are looking into -- held in a house of worship end of that quote. attorney general says she is ready to seize some of trump's properties if he doesn't pay the more than $359 million in damages in his new york civil fraud case has ended in. those are two separate issues but circle around letitia james. another left-leaning d.a. that wanted to go after trump now is up against -- i don't know, is
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it free speech? what is she up against with the first department she would rather have be quiet while she talks? >> this may surprise you. i have been a vocal critic against james since he ran for the new york attorney general's position. the case she brought against trump was excessive and abusive and politically motivated but i don't agree with shouting down speakers. we see this happen on campuses all the time called deplat forming. it is not an exercise of free speech to keep others from speaking or listening. so i think that there is a basis to say look, you've got to follow the rules here. you can protest but not stop others from speaking. if she was wise she would tell the fire department just let this one go. the emotions are running very, very high and in this case maybe some restraint would be advised. >> harris: i caught what you
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said there. this is about everybody else in the room who might have been trying to hear or listen. if you talk over that, it is colliding with what we might think of as free speech is what i heard you say. that's brilliant. that's why you are here. thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: all right. let's bring back congresswoman nancy mace and do it by the cell phone this time. i want to talk to her and be able to hear her. we had technical difficulties earlier. thank you so much. as you know, a lot of coverage of this particular exchange with another anchor yesterday. let's watch. >> you have endorsed donald trump for president. judges in two separate juries found him liable for rape. how do you score your endorsement of donald trump with the testimony you saw? >> i was raped at the age of 16 and not sit on your show and be asked a question meant to shame me about another potential rape victim. >> it is not about shaming you.
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women won't come forward because they are -- donald trump >> they are jumped and shamed. >> you are defending a man found liable for rape. >> not in a criminal court of law. it was a civil judgment over sexual abuse. >> harris: that was unbelievable. first of all, what was that like to sit there and be questioned that way and what did you say what you wanted to say? >> i was so shocked and dismayed by the line of questioning. george stephanopolous tried to bully me and shame me as a rape survivor over my support for donald trump, which is insane to me. he wasn't found guilty of rape anywhere. but the other thing is that george stephanopolous doesn't -- he has never felt the shame of rape. he doesn't know what this journey is like. a journey of healing over a lifetime. i will tell you, i've been built tough and tough things.
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the citadel made me tough. that guy playing mr. tough guy yesterday wouldn't last 30 seconds at the citadel. he has no idea what he is talking about. >> harris: what about brought about the back and forth? you signaled enough with your body language and words that you felt bullied at that moment and you spoke the words stop shaming me. >> i did. that's why women won't come forward when they are assaulted is because of the judgment and shame and here he was judging me bullying me and shaming me as a rape victim for my political choices. it is wrong but almost like rape is bad unless you are republican. then we'll shame you for it and the way that the left reacted is a reflection of how bad joe biden's numbers are that this is what they do to rape survivors and rape victims and shame them for their political choices. i thought i did it more
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respectfully than i should have and probably wanted to but it was horrifying. you could see at the very beginning of that interview i winced. you can see i was there to talk about 2024 not talk about my own rape. i didn't agree to any of that and the speech i gave. it is difficult for me to watch that speech and painful. you can see it on my face. i was in dismay this is where he was going with this. it was disgusting. i want to know what abc's female leadership think about what he did? they've got female presidents. what do they think about what he did yesterday? >> harris: that's an excellent question and about those women who may have been victims as well, how they saw you in that moment standing tough. you said you were built for tough. you certainly are. i know it's a lifetime of healing for you but along this
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route just know you have a lot of support as a victim. i appreciate you being tough in those moments. thank you, congresswoman nancy mace. >> that means a lot. thank you, harris. >> harris: the divide is growing between president biden and israel's prime minister over the war in gaza and the prime minister is defending his right to defend his nation. >> best thing we can do for the future of the middle east and the future of peace, for the future of those hostages is get a speedy victory. it will come sooner the more united we are. not divided or at least not given the appearance of division. >> harris: how weak is president biden? is he caving to the far left? i thought there were just a few of them. is he throwing israel to the wolves? fox news correspondent benjamin hall is in studio with me in "focus" next. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements
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>> harris: moments ago new jersey democrat senator bob menendez pled not guilty to a fresh indictment for bribery and obstruction of justice, accused of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes involving international countries, eric shawn has more.
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>> well, u.s. senator bob menendez for a third time has now pled not guilty to those bribery charges. this is now a new indictment that charges him with ab obstruction has his trial draws near. last year he was charged with taking hundreds of thousands of dollars if bribes including mercedes, cash and gold bars. all allegedly to try to impede law enforcement probes egyptian businessmen faced. the new indictment in 2023 he had through his lawyers falsely told federal prosecutors in manhattan he thought he was paying back loans on a mortgage and car payments that the two businessmen made for him and his wife. that they were not bribes. the new counts include more bribery and extortion. he has refused to resign from the senate and rebuffed calls to step down including from fellow
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democrats in new jersey. he did temporary relinquish his role as the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee. now he and his wife and two businessmen are set to go to trial may 6th. a fifth businessman pled guilty. that guy is cooperating with authorities. right now several candidates running for his seat including the wife of new jersey governor phil murphy. menendez back in court today said when he walked in said maybe he would make comments before he left. but just this morning he left court without making any comment. again, the senator set to go on trial in may on these charges. as prosecutors found even more bribery charges on the democratic lawmaker. >> harris: i live in new jersey. blue over there with the politics on the front page of everything, every move he makes
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right now. eric shawn, thank you very much. cease-fire talks between israel and hamas are at a stand still. now israel is setting its sights on the last hamas stronghold in gaza, the southern city of rafah. it is crowded with palestinian refugees and israel's planned offensive is raising tensions between president biden and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> would invasion of rafah, which you have urged him not to do. would that be a red line? >> president biden: it is a red line. i will never leave israel. the defense of israel is still critical. he is hurting israel more than helping israel by making the rest of the world -- contrary to what israel stands for. i think it is a big mistake. >> we're not getting off the gas. i'm telling you we have to take care of israel's security and our few or and it requires eliminating the terrorist army. that victory is important not only for us, it is important for
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the civilized world. >> harris: president biden was asked is there a red line. yes, then he said no. obviously that is a clue because this is becoming a serious campaign problem for biden. far left democrats have pushed people to vote uncommitted in several primary states now and it worked. tens of thousands of them have voted that way. senator bernie sanders is urging his progressive supporters to ease up on biden. >> can you in good conscience ask your supporters to vote for mr. biden? >> if you believe in democracy and involving people in the process rather than keeping people from voting, you have to vote for biden. >> progressives need to put this aside? >> the fight continues to change biden's policy in gaza. but the contrast between biden and trump is day and night. >> harris: did you see what he did with half the country?
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if you don't believe in voting for biden, you don't believe in democracy. who would he be talking about? not just people in his own party but anybody who doesn't vote for biden, wow. "new york post" op-ed argues it comes down to politics clearly and biden is trying to win re-election. in "focus" now fox news correspondent benjamin hall author of the book "saved." out now on paper back. i saw you over the weekend on instagram. talk to me about what's happening on this first day of ramadan for the muslim communities around the world and what is happening in gaza with israel and hamas war? >> a few weeks ago benjamin netanyahu said the deadline for hamas to reach a deal was the beginning of ramadan. if the hostages weren't released they would move into rafah where he says a quarter of all hamas fighters still are. so that negotiation has fallen apart. there will be no current
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negotiation. what we may well be seeing over the coming days is some movement into rafah. we will see an uprising during ramadan. a lot of people coming to the west bank in jerusalem and maybe riots. a tricky few days ahead. >> harris: how does that compare with what we normally see? this has come after months and months of hamas leaders saying they want to do october 7th all over again. would they hit that nation state of israel again? >> i think if you listen to what hamas said that's absolutely what they would do. they will hit it whenever they can. they know right now that they have a quarter of thafr people safe and they know if israel goes into rafah, then the western world they think will turn further against israel. they are in a sense goading
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israel. they won't release the hostages. that's all they've got. they are playing with civilian lives of people in gaza. hamas doesn't mind if the people of gaza die. they are human shields to hamas. >> harris: i do want to talk to you about your back saved the number one "new york times" best seller and tells the story of your survival after being hit by russian bombs covering the war in ukraine. happened two years ago this thursday and you recount that story in a special on fox nation. we want to show everybody a clip of that. >> just as we approached the first barrier, the first shell came out of nowhere. about 30 yards in front of us a big explosion. immediately pierre shouts reverse, get back. ukrainians who were driving couldn't get into reverse and
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out of nowhere the second one lands. >> harris: the special sacrifice and survival. a story from the front line is available right now on fox nation. you were just telling me first of all, have you gone back? >> yeah, i was back in ukraine in november and interviewed zelenskyy. i wanted to go back and i wanted to talk about this week. i want to show you can throw everything you want at journalists and try to stop us. it won't stop journalism and us going back. i was back in november to show we will keep reporting. there is no way you can silence us. everyone caught up in the war but we won't stop reporting. >> harris: anywhere in the world and to protect those of you who go into the front lines. it's very important that americans understand that oftentimes you are embedded with our u.s. military where we're on the ground. not in this case but the danger
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arises no matter where you are trying to bring home the stories of truth. >> that's true. if you want to get the stories of truth you have to be on the ground and figure out what is happening. so many different sides of the story. it is important we listen to journalists out there at the moment. amazing people at fox doing that now. >> harris: we have lost journalist lives in the israel/hamas war and your last quick thought what is happening there. >> in the war? >> harris: journalists having to tell that story? >> it is tragic now. we're at a point where many people are forgetting the hostages being held around the world. i was in israel a few weeks ago and i spoke to the family members and spoke to released hostages and they all say just give us back our hostages. this can end. people are forgetting that. >> harris: that's our job as journalists to keep that alive and we try to here on "focus" and you have reignited us again. always a pleasure to see you. god bless you and your family.
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thank you for watching. "outnumbered" after the break.
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