tv Hannity FOX News March 11, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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sarah from florida biden told the sage steel he played football. i went to the university of delaware with biden. not only didf delawa he not play football, he never attended our games. >> we w we want to talk to you. contact. you know what? la have your texts. we'll talk to you. larry from paducahy from, kentu. >> paducah. that can't be real. based on the size of biden's crowd, wanda is going to have her work cut cut out for one is going to have to call craig. >> john from green bay,onsin, wisconsin. >> when i speed on the highway, it's not illegal. i am driving when e highwa at an undocumented speed. >> very good. >> jeff from orange, california. when are we going to see f you t ufc event, jesse? dana i'm available whenever there's one in the tri state area. >> you let me know jackie ibanez. haitian prime
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minister ariel henry announcing a short while ago that he will resign once a transitional presidential council has been created. it follows worldwide calls for his resignation. as violence plagues the caribbean nation. us secretary of state antony blinken spent monday in jamaica, where he met with caribbean leaders for urgent talks about the nation's violent gang violence. henry has been unable to return to haiti because the violence closed its main international airports. on monday, blinken announced an additional $100 million to finance the deployment of a multinational force to haiti, as well as $33 million in humanitarian aid. it's still not clear who will lead haiti out of the crisis, which has seen heavily armed gangs burning police stations attacking the main airport and rated two of the country's biggest prisons. scores of people have been killed. more than 15,000 others are homeless after fleeing neighborhoods
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overtaken by the gangs. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to regular programing. already inu to regular programming already in progress. accoun the accountable providertas tumultuous withdrawal from afghanistan. biden didn't evetumultuous n seemther was to understand what this gold star father was shouting. the president has long forgotten those who were killed undethosr his watch, those thate left behind in a very hyper jacked up joe. cover well, he did cover a lott of of topics during the state of the unions during address. hi other topics. he wos even shamed int mentioning lake and riley. she's the young woma nthe who was murdered by one of the nearly ten plus illeganell, unvetted, illegal immigrants. and jod e biden that have poured across the open border to int our south, unfortunately. well, even jill got her namegolg wrong. calling her lincoln riley on facebook, while lincolnher, s riley's mother. good for her.
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she responded, quote, biden does not even knows my child's name. it is pathetic. name.patheticshe's right. of course, joe didn't publicly apologize to the riley family or even acknowledge his mistake. now, instead, he went on mostc.f dnc for a propaganda interviewor to express his deep and sincere, sincere regret that he accurately iere -- callr illegal immigrant charged with killing lincoln. rilean wiy, lincoln, lincoln, joe and the illegal. take a looenk. >> you used the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed don riley, an undocumented. and i shouldn't. and usually i should as undocumented. and lookillegal,re and, when i e about the difference between ow trump and me and one of thwae i things i talked about on the border was his the wayn th he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. poe blood i talked about what i going to do, what i won't do. i'm not going to treatgoto treay any of these people with disrespect because the country r
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the reason our economy is growing, we have to control the border and more orderly flow. but i don't that view at >> so you regret using that word? what -s. igrant illegal immigrants show not build the country. legal immigrants did. we'll get to that in a second. try, is the apolog t to thay to lincoln? not lincoln. lincoln. riley's family. joe, a young woman is deadn is and joe biden is focused more on using the more inclusive language to describeeg her alleged killer while falsely claiming that illegal immigrants tha, quote, built the country. no, joe, legal immigrants didfor that like my grandparents, all four that came from ireland. as biden does nothincameg to cub illegal immigration, he's been hegevenand abetting and lyin to us for three years. he's not even attempted to prevent violented to pt offendem crossing our border. meanwhile, president trump, formerrossin president trump a actually did meet with the family of lincoln. rile y. riley. he had this to say about thissa very bright young nursingt wa
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student who was brutally and she was brutally murdered. watc d shh. at w >> one of the lives that was inken us was a incredible 22-year-old nursing student right here in georgia lincoln, riley. >> from the time she wasshe wa e first grade, lincoln's dream was to spend life caring for and others. and i met her beautifu i mltage mother and family backstage, sister, friends, some of her friend, sists, her roommate- they said she was likes alwa the best. who's always the besys tt as thd admit that she was the best fir bed she was the first in her class. she was going to be the best nurse. she was the best the bes nursing student. she was always the best. she wae best.s the brightest light in every room. >> they told mkindlye. wonder if most dnc hosts will giggle over it being theo h number one issue to the people in states like virginialt lincoln. riley's death is totally unacceptable. in fac.t, every single murder or
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violent offense committed by an illegal immigrant is unacceptable. that is simple, basic, fundamental common sense. while the illegal immigratiowh n war, while legal immigrationegal is an important part of our country,n that is true. illegals without background checks any propeue.r will abuse our asylum process and commit crimes the. thousa they should not be here and they should be deported. and yet thousandnd- s, thousands pour across that border every single day, including drug traffickers, murderers, and yee day,cluding s, even ter. even today, fbi director wraydi testifierectord yet again that individuals linked to isisg are taking advantage of joe biden's wide open southern border aden's wi. >> he just forgot the joe biden part. take a look. ther juste is particular network that has where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling networkpies have isis ties that we're very t concerned about.fort
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and then we've been spending enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating exactly what that network is to . >> it's something that's, again, the subject of our current investigation. but there is a network we're s concerned about that has facilitators involved in it that have ties to isis. correct. terrorist organization, correct? our top geopolitical foes, i keep repeatingct. iran, syria, afghanistan, egyppt ,russia and china. joe biden signed dozens of executive orders as may, august one said to me and many to even list all of those executive orders with the stroke of execusa pen, eliminad donald trump's critical border protections that were working,ys including several on his very first day in office. even flew thousands, hundreds of thousandsd of of illegal immigrants just directly from their home countries fro, from latin american airports, saving them the trip to the border. al guess what you paid for all those private flights an have tos ofistspriv
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be here. among the millions of illegals who have enterede ente country. joe, are you even goingto to listen to your own fbit of director? well, i don't particularly think it's the best at his job, k d, fohink he's weaponize his politicized that great former the greatest institutionrm everi the height of law enforcement in the world, the gold standard that has been corrupted by politics. now, according gallup, a largee majority of the american people now see joe biden's open border as a critical threat to our country. and yeical threat tot presidents to reverse course. he'd rather put americans inex extreme danger than admitrt that fact. donald trump was right and that he made a mistake by rescinding thoswas righ tha now, this represents a massive betrayal. ffic >> and with joe in office, ite g will only get worse. clear and presenett dangero to this country. and time and time again, biden has provedth cou himself to be a terrible president, a congenital liar.
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he has for three long years been saying the border is closed and the border is secure again and again and again. anywhe's trying to blame republicans. >> anyway, joining us now with reaction is formeing is nrr adviser to president trump, stephen miller and fox news contributo, r charlie herd.t >> so let me get this straight.t stephen millerhi. >> but joe biden will apologize to the alleged murderer of laken reilly and from venezuela illegally who should have been kicked out when they caught him in new yor usuae and should have not been allowed into the country in thet first place. but he won't apologize or reacho out to lake and not lincoln lake and riley's familyr and apologize for saying lincoln in his state of thsancoe union address. >> that's who i thinizk he shoud have apologized to. or sean. i've sat here with you before for a number of interviews about this border invasion. i've never been more infuriated than i am talking to you
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tonight. that young, beautiful woman in georgia was savagely beaten to death and the person charged in that monstrous crime is a criminal illegal alien releaseri into this country, freed,r th permitted to enter this countriy by joe biden on a ticket, an entry from joe biden. giv and when it came time to give he apology, to whom did he apologize? he apologizee? hed to the criminal aliens that stands charge and accused of this savages beating and murder. >> he said, i willsa noti will disrespect that illegal. i will not call them an illegal . people like him built this country. he complimented him. y hie he praised him. he groveled to him. he apologized to him and notil to the family of this incredible young woman. this is thle younge the president's moral duty is to our citizens. when our citizenduties s suffer, the president suffers. his heart should bleed only foir
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americans and this beautiful, incredible family. and instead,l ca he groveled grovel to the man who is charged with slaying this an how could this man sit in the oval office? and how could and any y aberican short, any american think of casting a ballot for this man afteour ro what he's done to this family and so many others? >> and what about his statement in the state of the union? charli mente, that that there are plenty of legal people in this country that murder people? >> what was that all what was about? or the falsehood that illegal immigrants built this country? r no, i think most of the immigrants that came in, they cammigrantse in legally lie my grandparents, all four of them from ireland at the turn of the last centurycame ino i think because what said a is exactly right, this is a man who does not care about the american people. he does not care about the country. he doesn't care about thcare aey and the safety of americans. all he cares about is his political nest, making
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as much money as he can offwashn of his political career. he spent 50 years in washington on agt government salary and hes become a millionaire many times over. he does not care about our constitution. he does not care about our border, he dids. s of d he's willing to spend tensol t of billions of dollarss to enforce borders halfway around the world and doend thest care about our borders. >> and, you know, the othert thing that i thought was kind of interesting when when he went into that wholthweire w, you know, digression about where he called lincoln riley, lincoln riley, he alsod broughriley lit up the fact thae lost a son a few years ago, which had absolutely nothing to do with anything. but for him, it's all him.out. that's all he cares about.lf he cares about himself. >> he does not care about the country. and what steven said is exactl d right just a minute ago. and i understand why there are a lot of goo d americans whoan have given up on the political process and they've walked
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away. so walked by these people thatf them, they've just walked awayoa from the process. you have an obligation to cometo back to the process. this is a war that this man,r th joe biden, has launched against you and against your country. and if november you haven't figured out how to castt this your ballot to make sure that this guy gets sent packiner and, anybody who is in league with this guy gets sent packiner ,then our ouy r our country is doomed with these people. th you know, stephen, this is now the time that the fbi the director has spoken ou ntge about the nature of the danger that now exists in this he talked about, you know, the chatter has never been louder threats in every direction. and now director wray talking wa about isis people with isish links now coming into the country and eliciting really closely here.
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and i don't think you really have to read between the lines - ,hear him saying that we couldyt very well be on the verge of aus terror attack because i would bet everything i had and i pray to god i'm wrongd h. 100 t >> and i've said it a hundred times that among the nearly 10 millionimt unvetted joe biden illegal immigrants, i would bet that there are peoplere are e tt that are terrorists that are plotting and planninand plgg and scheming their next attack, the nextr next 911, october 7thr worse, against our country that they are already here. look at the countries we know they're coming froe counwem. our top geopolitical foes. sadly sadly sean, you're. o and it can't be argued or debated or disagree with anymored or disany our fore enemies and foreign adversaries from all over the worligom alldn the middle east and from asia and far flung countries are infiltrating through the wide opeen southn southern . and when you have someone like chris wray, who certainly not
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on our team, sean, sayingwh what he said today, that tells you how terrified they are about thhoe threats that aret ar coming across that border. and so you have a party and a president and left-wing movement in this country that is so determined to bringing legal aliens in for electoral votes, for congressional seats to make them citizens, to increase i and make permanent their political power. they are willing to evenei riskattack multiple terrorist attacks on this countrs y. urse not to mention, of course, the attacks on families likeattk the riley family. so i want to second what charlieo said. people out there who are disengaged in the process get engaged in the processn . i would argue that the fbi director needs to talk to biden because he's not enforcing the lawsno of our land. last time i checked, he has a constitutional oath to uphold and that would be he doesn't
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get to pick and choose which laws he's goinanws enforg only g to enforce and which ones he won't. and i think he'd even take it a step further because he's been aiding and abetting in this horrible process. stephen miller, charlie herr, thank you both. we appreciate it. now we checkwe app we back id up joe biden, who was well, as we all know, unusuallye unio energetic during a state of the union. shouting, screaming, speedinn se through that bizarre, you know, state of the union. manyri americans who observepr joe biden regularly. yeah, they were pretty confuseed by the actual ordinary level of energy that joe had. i don't know if he doubled upi f on red billed red bull orll o caffeine pills or maybe he justi had a miraculous burst of vitality, which is extremely doubtfulta. >> but whatever the cause jacked up, joe now appears to be losingno. n and over the weekend, biden had almost reverteha d back to his usual form. >> take a look at pennsylvaniam . i have a message for you. send myoe to congress.
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i can support this. right? i promise. l rest we take back congress. we wor we will restore roe v. w to the u.s. capitol, the same building where our freedomr frs under assault on july the sixth. josh, you'll be generous. >> we cut the deficit and wed we added more to the national debt than any president in his term in all of history. >> before i bega i begin,n, i was, you. >> what what they're goingg to dtoo is to insure a nationala really endanger national security, expand, you know, free are they going to expand personal freedoms? well, that's what we're going goo. owill thaat folks, we've come through pretty tough times. and w havi know, i know we got t more to do we to stay off. >> we have to start offnating by vaccinating america. all rest in peace. jacked up,t in joe.
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we likely won't see that joe again until probably the dnc or if he ever dares to debate donald trump, which i think he'll avoid at all 'ls. ly bac in fact, today the presidentke was fully back to baseline and in desperate need of some rest and relaxation. >> take a look. to colle. lo last night, not long ago, my buddy john mccainng passed away. my predecessor and friend who he that'n mccainy. s how we ended. his career. can you know, when i asked if he changed his position, he said, quote, there's a lot you can do in terms of cuttingou a tremendous amount of things. you can cut, maybe transition for tremendous amountcan do of things. you can do not cut. still he said, i will. i'm. but the bottom line is he's still at it. 15 million new jobs. that's good. but it it doesn't reallyally connect yet to people, even it tthough they from it.ting fro inflation down from 9% to 3%, 800 to 800000 manufacturing
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jobs. my dad used to have anexpa expression anyway. am i allowed to take any questionns d tos and is anybody here- to start? i think you trust that. >> all right. no n doubto doub a leisurely toe beaches in joe biden's near future. anyway, here future with, more former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy is with us. sir, welcome back to thethat program. appreciate you being with us. pennsylvania, i have a message with us . you send me back to congress. to mlbt thare to the nationa debt than any president in his term. i'm like, okay, well, he's getting a little closer i'm six to the truth. july 6th. okay,, sur. >> sure. you guys don't report. i'm winning. i'm like, okay, show me the report. were you winning? rei'm sure there'll be a couple in the media, but the american people, i got asked hav all weekend and you got to ask the same thing all weekend.
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what the-you ge? e wa that. that was the question i got. what? what, what did. give this guy before that speech? >> did you get that question? >> yeah, there's no good answer to that question. y >> but for all of joe biden's frailties, we're going to see a lot of them between now and the end of the year.on sean >> the thing that's remarkable about this election, sean, is that we have a uniquehave rs opportunity. voters have a once in a century opportunity. this tim ae to actually comparerds the records of two presidents side by sidepresiden, four yearr of trump, four years of biden,lr four years of trump. you have sealed borders, declining crime, a growing ng econoconflict and staying out of foreign conflict. four years of biden. of bideu haveyou have rising ce inflation and open border and closer world war three thani we've ever been in my lifetime. >> that's what this electionfet actually comes down to. and that's a rare opportunity. sean. oppoy, sean,e in a century opportunity. >> usually you have a president who's stepping up againse t anoffer incumbent. they're only able to offer you promises of what they're goinfromseg to do.t the reality is this time it is a rare opportunity
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in american historamericany whee voters get to choose between the records of two presidents, make their choice. t inyf we're presented that wa ,combined with biden's frailties and gaffes, i think gaywould have hopefull and a landslide unifying outcome this november. >> we know what their strategy was. they're going to they're going to say democracystra is in peril.x, the play of january 6th. they'll lie and demagogu liee about abortion and in vitro fertilizatioinn. donald trump has ebola. then joe already threw commercials. they're playing the race card, comparing them. yy the way, the gu that praised the former klansman as his mentor klansand friend and partnered e with the former klansman to stop the integration of schoolsn of sch because he db want those schools to be racial part with thenered klansman. former klansman to do that is now using the in an ad h his supporters. oh, okay, greais t. >> well, these tactics work because they're going to have ee hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars in these
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lying adds ollions os. >> the sad reality is they, tryi will work for some, sean, but i think the american people have now been attunedng cut- not tow what they're force fed. every time they trie.d to doo this in the past, even with respect to the issue of immigration. now, loothissue immigrak at hon backfired, they said building the wall was somehow racist or was e like that asylum l policies that are like the ones that you have for biden are requiredik youve worke for compe you're xenophobic. >> i say this as the kid coun of legal immigrants to this country. >> that is not compassion,try, that cruelty to everyone involved. >> and on this campaign, i've been to places and on i'm the south side democ of chicago, where you have a traditionally democrat regiorn that's every bit as put offe by the actual open border policies olicies we have in thiso brin country that i think are going to bring many people along with ueopls who the democrats nr imagined. and that's how we're going to succeedd that's . thing oh, certainly we can't things can't get much worse than what thi s guy's done to the country. vivek, great to have you. thank you. and straight ahead tonight,
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though, the gold star father arrested after chanting abbi tharestee gate at joe biden's st of the union. he will speak out with us fo urn the time. also tonight, it's that time of year. of thek parents question. >> trump, biden from trump draw from for the win trumper biden, biden, biden. come. what is your bet right now? i'm joking. ean: >> just throw it away. all right. >> your kids are spring break. get back. jimmy failla and tomi lahren weiggbackh in.o also, congressman matt gaetz is here with more on his effort to fight back againsmatt gaet joe biden's doj and, of course, of being politicizedagaif and weaponized. and, by the way, a new low forwo fake news. cnnew cnn with fake jake straigt ahead. yes, one sided in korea and the
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now, last thursday during the state of the union address, the father of one of the marines killed in the th in th bombing in afghanistan at karzai taice woduring biden's chaotic withdrawal had some choice words for joe biden. rds foetake a look here before k off his murmuration of 30%, 30%. and they went and the biggestt r increase in historeay. >> it was then through no through my american rescue plan. >> incredibl -y, this gold star father, steven zarqawi, was actually arrested afterwards and charged by police with the disturbance of public peace. i by the way, carries up to 90 days in jail. steve joins us now for an exclusivexcluse interview, along with california congressman darrell issa. first, are almost 20 years old. i'm so sorry-- about your loss.
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and frankly, to me, it's understandable how you and it doesn't. i still believe free speech. you are one man, a grieving f father that should notno be arrested for littr one minor little moment at a state of the union. nsive. i find that offensive. i think joe biden by now shoulyd spoken out and said, leave this gold star father alone. i wouldn't expect it from even the probably won't doesn't even know his name or the name of the otherkn people killed. but what's the status of where you are and i'm sorry about your loss. >> with all my heart. i mean art, i m, that. >> well, thank you for having me, sean and i want to. i want to thank the man next to me, congressman issa.rt gr he's part of a group that has helped us, the other gold star parents since june, when, you know, we didn't know if we had any chance. he'
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he's part of four congressmen a that we affectionately calppl the four horsemen, which is issa, walt's master mills l, all led by chairman mccaul, who helped to to get us answers. and we wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for them. so i want to thank darrell forit you know helping us.d also and also i want to bring light1h to the fact that on the 19th, general mckenzie and general mike lee, who we believe, you knowu know, are main causes of the evacuations debacle, they're going to bdebacleou k that congress. and, you know, these are theno ones that said that was nothing that they could have done and they didn't see anything wron seeng wrongg with the way s evacuation was handled. and, you know, i need all americans to be, you know, watching that be a par kt that and, you know, democrats and republicans to finally speak out against it s co we cao get some closure to this terrible thing that's happened
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. now, you lost your son and then you had another son who committed suicide a yeara later near kareem's grave. oh, i. i read i read this and my jaw. dropped to the floor because thdon't know how to brin that up. yeah, yeah.nt to i'm sorry to interrupt you. i want to be clear, and i want to say his nambe ande, so. yet i was not his dad. he's been in m keyy life since he was two years old. >> his name is dakota h james halvorso name wata jamesn and, you know, his brothergement loved him very much. he was very close to him. lose tand, you know, he was devastated by kareem's missing or, you know, kareem losing his life. d and ultimately it affected him. and hek his li his life at a pao that we were planning to name after kareem after k.
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>> so it's, you know, beenr devastating for for his mother . it's been devastating forg fo their their his siblings, for his brother and for his sisters. >> and the effec effect of thise president is just like stephen miller said, you know, this is a reactionar you y president. and the poor riley family, you know, they're killing my kids. they're killing their kig my cake d. u're g and what are you going to do,oi america? you're going to wait until they kill your kid becausel orchid. you know, he's a bumper car hitt and everything on his way out. and the only one that's going to be left to pick uone thp pic >>e pieces is us. you know, sean and i. y so. yeah, good, good. - you've already said. you've alreadyu said name the p more often than the president. steve's already said his son's namerescheme more often thanyou the president. you know, one of the reasons that there's no closurknowhee a is there's never been a realkn goknowledgment by thisowledg president and the five gold star family members who were in attendancey member
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that night, steve, being one of the the stalwart leaders, they wer, e e there becausee an they're asking for closure. and what you're hearing, steve, is a grievin ying, steg father e can't bring his son back. he can'tring his other son backt what he can do is make sure some other doesn't suffer this way. and that's all he's asking the presidentht to do. >> and that's what the president isn't willing to do. he'll talk.u talk a about both , but he won't talk about thesep t 13 or how we keep it fromening happening again and agaiagn. i think that's such a good point, mr. curry.i i don't even have words for people like yourself i and families like yours. and i hope congressman, say i hope that you and the fellow congressmen can get together and somebodyan get get the polif off this guy's back.? can we at least do that?least, can we at least, you know, let this guy have free speech
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rights? after all he's been throughhe to really need to pile on with the legal system? do you thinkn we're going to be able to help him that way, at least? >> sean, we've we've already? contacted and we're following up with a letter to show the history of otherless rea people with far less reason to have anan who have not been charged. >> and that's under presidencies. we >> recent is president trump. so we think it's only just onle that they're equal treatment, if not less.ow you know, i've known steve now since that tragic da, tevey ande first time we met and we've been together many times. he is someons.e who is grieving. he prays every day for - the other men and women, the armed forces, especially the marines. >> and tha t is the reason he was willing to come on his own cost to the state of theasoy union. and it's the reason he's here tonight is that it her is import that these young marines and soldiers not have died in vain. mr. curry, i can tell you this,e
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and we have a really special i was watching this show. >> yeah, sir, i'm sorry. go on. now, the just that i know everyone hearinge pain you understands can understand the pain you're going through. you wanted to say, sirg? ust >> yeah. i just wanted to say i wanted i to be clear what i had said,he because the only time i ever watched it was onl. r been o now i don't watch anything that i've ever been on, and i don't have a social mediabut that i look at. but i wanted to be clear becausntedleare think thei a misunderstanding what i said, you know, i saidsaid., doand wh you remember abbey gate? and when i did that wass look praying. and, you know, because i was looking at this spectacling at e that i was seeing below meto him and i was listening to him and i was praying, you know, hoping i praying that maybe at t prior to this that he had mentioned, you know,us afghanistan, our kids, because all the gold star parents were thinking that that mightl thr pa possibility and it wasn't happening now. en -- n he saidsoo something about kids and thensoh
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something about beining safe,dne i don't even know what i i didn't even do that. i just jumped updid. d and.membr i said, do a you remember abbey gate? it was like the lord convicted me, the holyike spirit got in me, and when i did it, i paused. i was like, oh, what did i do?u? >> you know? and then right after that,and th i saident i, you know, united ss marines or united states marines, green m, the cooleys second battalion, first marines, because i've been waitin g ig three years for thit man to say my son's name into this chamber s. he never did. but on this day, on this day th, his was said, i know, please - know, our prayers are with you and your familse knoy and ae other families as well. go i meaness you and that with all my heart. and i said, thank you for what you're doing as well. thank you. when w, the come back,in doi th. reportedly searching forw the firefighters and staffers that dared to blow the new yor k general, letitia james, c
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and cheered foher trump. whatever happened to free speech? well, explain that and we'll expahel trump's lega case. >> matt gaetz is next as we continue allergies with a leg rub. they won't stop me. nothing beats a leg rub. it's the fastest non-drowsy four hour allergy relief. >> live your greatness love diamonds set in prices to carat three stone rings. 1493 on the terrace 2995 you're at 4990 and one carat, pink, blue or white studs. 599 we beat everyone's price on love diamonds, period. >> the jewelry exchange. it's afraid you would be hurt. why do you need to chase? after 40, a guy loses free testosterone. >> even me. i couldn't stay in shape like i used to really work. oh, yeah. my workouts are incredible now i'm feeling stronger, more energetic with a lot more drive.
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cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease, cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune with qualifying injuries. cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians. before they die, you may qualify even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if we win. called the meyer blair law firm at one 846 seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights. >> do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell policy, even a way a term policy for immediate cash payment. we thought t we had plan carefully for our retirement, but we quickly realized we neededsurance, a way to supplemt our income. >> if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don'sit coveom to fit or let yoa
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freedom ., florida congressman matt gaetz asked the inspector general at the doin washij to launch an investn of the special counsel, jack smith specicounci, who gatg is trying to take donald trump to trial before nov the november election in violation of so-called doj policiesectionolatio promising t to interfere in elections. he was much more part t of.. congressman matt gaetz is with us first on the on the fdny. i could tell you i know manym, of them. and guess what? andand i check in people'sn wh political affiliation when they're going in a directionena and everyone else is going in another direction, like on nine 11.. what's crazy about this is they're doing out th more to identify the fdny members who booed tish james than. they are to identify the illegal aliens who are engaged in a crime a in new yor city, and beating and killingt people. and you know what? when you get to new york's finest and new york's braves twe if you don't stand with them, they'll let you know it. they let bill de c blasio know
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it. they're letting tish james know it. and what you know and what leknow a i about a lot of these fdny guys, they love, they believboee in the majesty of new york city. and that city has been totallyyt by this lawless pursuit of president trump for things i didn't even know were crimes e like a hush money payment >> ssuccessful, hu estate transactions where no one lost money, no one lost money.s and there was a disclaimer and. you have a judge that was far more guilty of phony valueg actions than anything the trump people were even accused of. unbelievable evesed all right.l moving on this, let's talkta about the inspector general. and you would like an investigation which i think would be warranted. becaus doj does have a policy. there's no specific detail spes but you don't have trials like this before elections. okay. well, they're supposed to starts one later this month. do you expect a response mon? >> what do you plan to do? well, here's what i know. the last time there wasg
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election interference endeavor. it was indeedd the inspector general who revealed the text messages between the lovebirdsrg struck and page and the little insurance policy they ha dwell j with smith right now is engaging in explicit election interference.nce po he is the insurance policy. except nowli they're tryinge to ensure that the trial occurs before the electiothn. if you look at the amy coney barrett concurrence in the colorado case, she makesspecific specific note of the fact duri this is all erupting during a political season, just like the inspectorn. general exposed the russia hoax for election interference. si now he ought to sink his teeth into jack smith. let's find outth the coordinatin that's occurred between the department of justiccoordie and all of these various and sundry efforts to pursue president trump. variouand you know what? what's true about jack smith, he is totally giving up the gamey gi. he's saying the quiet part out loud, because every pleading, every filingloud bec every strae is directed to get this done before the election.
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this isn't about the facts and the law. this is about derailine law atgy productive and very successful presidential campaigry pn. r donald trump. that's not what the doj is supposed to do. e have an inspector e general who's blown up election interference in the past and haterferensts the power andi obligation to take it up and do so again. think it's i think it's a greata approach. you have it's going to be interestin g to see how theyng - come down on this. it's interesting that these things all happenees havd years, but they just magically scheduled a trial in an election, year and where donaldd trump would do better on appeal, that would be post-electionectable d, becag i don't think you can get a fair hearing in new york or a fair heari trial in new york t a fair trial in d.c. for sure. >> never minri sure.d fulton co. all right, matt cates, thank you. we appreciate your time. ack,all when we come back, wonds what your kids are doing on spring break. well, we sen d it our ownthis w jimmy fallon. you gave him a tough assignment this week. downo he went down to see what y happens. where do you see this take? you don't wantth the lea to mis. that's next.
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that's one 803 to 9 7676. >> heart for years on this program, we have been covering the insanity that is your spring break. and some cities are so fed up o s of collegeha students that they are now breaking uare nop with spring bk and they are instituting curfews amongst all thediscou regulations to discourage this kind of touriss kim and behavio. but of course, the did not do, this, didn't stop college from f trying to take over florida spring breakfor kickoff. well, we sent our very own. jimmy down to fort lauderdale. i wonder if you've partieder thn he actually interviewed. but we'll see is what he is. what he reports.look >> take a look in fort. lauderdale, florida, for spring brea t laudk. and the good news is every a college kid is getting a 4.0.s
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the bad news is that's their blood alcohol content. ht it's a mess. i decided to hit the streets and find out who's drinkinfindg and who's getting so bombed. they're going to vote for next biden in the next election. come on, let's go. wowho would you rather partyd yo with on spring break? trump provided trump.his du you know this dude jusdet trump did. this this dude just jumped in from u the house. what a small world.just they were separated at birth. they just reunited right here at spring breatring brek. p or give me one question. trump for biden from trump. draw fro?. m for the win. trump or biden. biden. biden. you believe in? come on, man. why does it matter now?- >> i'm joking. sure>> i'm. >> >> yo, spring break is go in for trump. yeah, which is weird because spring break party is like hunterde biden, does it not? no. i mean, he drinks, he gets nut s . >> this is my designated driver. i don'this it if you guys have
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before. >> are you from philly, though? no, i'm fromyou from this hotel. oh, hot .or i'll speak slower. i had no ideand no ia. oh, north dakota. what do you think of indoor plumbing sota. o far? >> i think it's pretty good for the economy. how long are you in town forood >> um, let's see. it's friday. about three more days. okay. yo she's not sure what day it is. you might be a biden girl after all. no a bid, not trump or >> it's going on. >> he said, what's going on? he's confused. sounds like biden. you think biden throws it in? but do you think he throws a goodu thin. oh, 100%, no. trump would throw a better hann. but it happened no, no, but hey, that was the question. no, it wasn't. do you have an affinity forit people with dementia. it was who throws a better parh t of. >> so you're going to go you're going to go democrat, republican on it. no, you di>> kd that. comin no, the phillies coming out. the phillies cominw thg - yeah, he's going up. but no. o so who's better to party with on spring break? trump or? biden?
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trump from the dog. even the pat s going with d.t.. rough night. thankfully, biden's not awake to see any of this. i joining us now, the host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick. tomi lahren is with us. all right. only jimmy can make you laugh. and it's funny. and in fairness to florida, th they really crack down, especially in miami, where they had had some earlier troubltroue. do you think parents know how awful this gets for their kids? >> well, i'll tell you, the young people that jimmy interviewet d, they seemed like harmless young people having a good time. they seemed, you know, relatively speaking, pretty tame. but, you knoely w, i can't help see but think when i see spring breakers, especially the ones we've seengrd espec in spring bs past in miami, twerking on the streets fighting,an't brawling, shooting one another. i can't help but thinkp but. sac are these the same college kids that want the american taxpaye r
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foot their student loan debt? because if so, i'm eveng more upset than i was previously. i'd also say if you do have the extra cash or you have your parent's cash to go party in florida p in mexico for sprid break, you can probably also issurd to pay your own tuitionnb . but beyond that, the safety issues, i just hope when young people are outi justwhen are hai good time, you know, if you're of age, drink, be saf ag >> but just remember also that the cartels are alive and thing that you fen think you're taking might have fentanyl in it. >> so make sur.e have your witsk about you. make sure you're paying attention, because this coulre o be your last spring break if you're not. >> that's a great.t point.ars ag >> and, you know, when we dido n this years ago and ainsley went down theree went, i mean, we hat one moment where girls said, whoa, whoa, your parents think ha my parents and then the fact that you have people that are targeting these kids with drugs that they're makin thag in their basement and probably most of them don't have a high school education, let alone a college educatiollegen.
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that's scary. yeah. when also what also worrie's sc, too, sean, is we've seen it d in the past. >> when something does go down and somethinng violent or dangerous happens. unfortunately, our young unun have more of an affinity for recording it than stepping in, doing the right thin eve ig. so if you're a good person out there, step in and do the right thing. call the police. caldon't just record it for content. >> please. , an oh, it's true. and parents know that there's a lo at of danger. i don't know. maybe just sayay n no.o. just, you know, take it on the chin. be a parent. all right tomi lahren, thankcome you. when we come back, cnn actually spoke to a new lo bac wand ha that means a lot. and i have a little message for a fake jake tapperve litfake j r the break. you don't want to miss that. straight ahead. >> the first to document covid's origin exposing human trafficking on the border in central london. source for daring to tell the truth. we've been censored, demonetized and attacked. we've been jailed in china in.
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>> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of, these same qualifying marines and civilians, before they die. you qualify even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims revamps all costs which are deducted from your 80% share. only if we win called the meyer blair law firm at one 800 467 3800 for a free no risk consult . that's 1-800- 467 3800. let help you protect your rights. >> we have breaking news as stories develop across world. a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill. get smart insight on the top headlines. we'll be covering all of it. the story with martha maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel. america is watching.e cn >> all right. big news. cnn's well, they continue to hit new loweys during lastt week's state of the union address. the network declined to ai- weer the ad that pulls biden for the death of nursing student
12:00 am
like and riley. >> so much for objectivity. no claimingsperson f the advertisement did not meet commercial clearance guidelinets policies. >> all right. speaking of not meeting standards, i suppose to have limessage for fake jake tapper ,but after my team didng, a little investigatingth, this guy barely gets over 500,000 viewers a day or night or whatever he's on. >> i'd say if you want meak to respond, fake jake, you need at least a million, million and a half viewers before you genut attention. i addressed that on earlier today. jakeust --, you're liberal talkj show host pretending to be a journalist. that's why the name fake jake is perfect for you. choose your lane. >> that's all the time we w have left this evening. lefas always. sav thank you for being with us. please set your dvr and never miss an episode. let not your heart troubledgo greg gutfeld will put a smile on your facea smal
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