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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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unit with all the they checked him up on. the thing with the car ise' ironically, he's making car sounds but nobody would get behind the wheel with this man. the photos you are showing with electric hummer or at a factoryt whenever he is like hey, anybody want to get in? no, actually, there is no chance. >> laura: my little kids, my boys used to go room room. they would put a car and go room for them. but we have a president. >> they weret not president and no one in future there checked the carfaxe would sign up for another for your purchase, bottom line. >> don't forge,t to catch jimmy on the road, montana and washington state later. that is it for us and staythis h fox and follow me on x
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>> carley: it is official, president biden and former president donald trump are the presumptive nominees for their party setting up rematch of the 2020 election. you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. biden and trump head toward rematch, robert f kennedy jr. is demanding he be part of the discussion and he is closing in on a vice presidential pick. there are big names, that is not a wrong graphic. aaron rodgers and jesse venturea. >> carley: surprising options there. lucas tomlinson has more on the races from last night. >> lucas: last night donald trump became the republican party presumptive nominee for the first time. nothing will be official until
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conventions this summer. take a look at delegate counts, trump posting on truth social, it is my honor to be representing the republican party as presidential nominee. our party is united and strong and understands we are running against the most destructive president in the history of the united states. biden saying broad coalition of voters representing rich democratic party have put their faith in me once again, at the moment the threat trump poses is greater than ever. mitch landry claims age will not be a factor. >> you have a president that is thinking about the future. donald trump is thinking about the past, revenge and retribution, clear chos going forward.
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it is clear you have a 77-year-old and 81-year-old running against each other. age is not the determining factor. >> lucas: mike johnson had a very different take. >> we are projecting weakness on the world stage. our adversaries can see and follow you and i and what the american people are. we have a weak president and our enemies are acting provocatively now. this is a dangerous situation and the election in november can't get here soon enough. >> lucas: ken buck, surprise he is leaving soon. >> todd: we did not know the timing. this weekend n.f.l. free yagenc began. aaron rodgers is the suitor. >> lucas: that's right, robert f
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kennedy is considering him as his running mate. >> both candidates will clench their party nomination in three primaries being held today and we will be entering the general election and i hope both candidates will debate. >> lucas: does this mean zach wilson could be third in line for presidency? >> >> todd: i have to go with tyrod taylor, he is above zach wilson on the depth chart, this nation is yours. >> carley: r.f.k. jr. being interested in aaron rodgers thing is surprising. rodgers says he is open to the idea and they both have vaccine hesitancy, this similarity is there. >> todd: you are a commanders fan and seen horrible things in
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your sports lifetime, wouldn't that be the most jets thing ever to lose the best quarterback to the campaign trail. >> lucas: election is not until november, he could put in a season and might have time for this. you got to be excited about the 12 free agents commanders signed. >> todd: carley and i have been talking about it. the house voting on bill to force tiktok to cut ties with chinese company. the ceo is set to meet with officials on capitol hill in effort to kill the bipartisan bill. >> i have concerns about naming a specific company in legislation. but it feels like this house bill has momentum. >> im00 not sure this is the answer, but house passes a bill, look forward to joining that
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debate and discussion. >> todd: unclear if chuck schumer will bring the bill to the floor even if passed by the house today. lawmakers attended intel meeting about the threat of the social media app. >> we continue to hear threat being posed by the chinese communist party through companies, in this case, tiktok, who are heavily owned by the chinese party and former bite dance. we continue to get hear more information. >> todd: wray is dodging questions about political campaigns using the app. >> to have a federal campaign app on tiktok? >> i've been clear about my views on tiktok. as to what campaigns choose to do with their platforms, i'll
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leave to them. i think tiktok is national security threat. >> todd: house expected have oat on this bill 10:00 a.m. this morning. before that, the man who introduced the bill will join us live, don't miss that. >> carley: storm warnings in place across rocky mountains as storm system moving through the region. utah and colorado expected to take the brunt of the storm with three feet of snow expected in some areas. >> todd: janice dean joins us. >> janice: severe storm and fire weather danger today. take a look, winter weather alert and storm warnings for colorado, including denver and colorado springs. we could get upward of a foot or more in the next 36 hours. yes, 18 to 24 inches in golden.
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denver could see upward of a foot there and two to three feet in the colorado rockies. today 51 and we'll drop the temperatures by 25 getting into thursday and friday. yes, snow is on the way. they are into a deficit in denver. seasonal average is 52 inches and we have close to 30 inches right now. risk for severe storms including tornados throughout plains and midwest. behind it, cold enough air for the snow and i'm concerned about fire danger. we've been talking about the enormous fire in the texas panhandle, not good news, extreme fire danger from texas to oklahoma. when you have a dire situation with strong winds, that causes big issues for firefighters. there are current temperatures,
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in new york, close to 70 yesterday. feeling like springim too, but across rockies, still winter. seesaw. >> todd: seesaw spring. jd, thank you. when will the senate vote on the laken riley act that requires illegal immigrants to be detained. they may not consider it at all. >> carley: media has a special take on special counsel testimony. >> not a good day on the house judiciary committee. >> this is another attempt to weaponize the house to hurt joe biden and it did not stick. >> carley: we'll see what joe concha makes of that, claudia tenney and jack brewer will tell us what they think next.
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hillsdale was founded in 1844 we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> todd: 14 democrats voting with republicans to pass a resolution condemning president
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biden immigration policy, it blames president biden and mayorkas of purposely violating immigration laws by refusing to detain migrants at the border. it was introduced by monica delacruz, who says current state of our border security is unsustainable. policies put forth by biden is the worst security crisis in our history, endangering our securities and straining our resources. >> carley: we are waiting to see if the senate will consider the laken riley act passed by the house last week. it requires to detain illegal immigrants charged with crimes and here is what senate democrats have to say about it. >> another bill the house moved quickly on. i haven't heard much in the senate, they passed it with sizeable democratic support, the laken riley, is that something they should look seriously at?
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>> we need to deal with the border. >> i have not considered it closely, i will review it and give it my full consideration. >> do you think the senate should be just as aggressive as the house should have been? they moved quickly. >> i think i said on your network, i hope we should be more aggressive on a comprehensive border solution. >> carley: congresswoman claudia tenney joins me now. what do you think about the future of this bill? it passed in the house. is there a future for it and will it be taken up in the democratic-controlled senate. >> great to see senator john fetterman talk on this bill. this whole election will come
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down to one thing, equal justice under the law. what has happened, whether what happened yesterday in the explosive robert hur testimony. reiterating my thoughts when the hur report was brought out. you have to charge and layout the violation of the crime. we are not going to charge him, he is weak or kindly or jury won't convict him, that is not his job. if that is the case, as i said on february 8th, if you are not going to charge him, he is not fit to stand trial and not fit to be president of the united states or commander-in-chief. now the laken riley act, similar situation, you have failure to actually uphold our laws and now we have to pass an act to get
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democrats to bring people to justice by detaining them. had new york state not had law in place that prevented detainment of this illegal immigrant, laken riley would be alive today, he was released by law under governor cuomo. he would have been detained and laken riley would be alive today. an innocent woman. equal justice under the law is what we need to see. >> carley: in terms of substance on the laken riley act, it would make sure illegal immigrants who commit crimes are placed in ice custody after serving, what would that mean for sanctuary cities? >> sanctuary cities would be eliminated and counties, section 287 g allow local municipalities to act in the place of ice to
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detain and determine criminality and had we done that in new york city, this could have been done. leticia james, attorney general, threatened to prosecute counties who accept this. one county in new york which actually opted into the statute that would have saved laken riley. the democrats know this is wrong, know this is about crime, they are refusing to stand up on this issue and i think it account cost them the election. this is the election issue, border and crime. >> carley: republicans need all the votes they can get when it come to republican priorities like border and crime. congressman ken buck announced he is retiring 19of next week. party breakdown, 218 to 213, republicans can only afford to
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lose two votes on a party line vote. what does that mean for republican primaries in the house? >> it has been difficult with divided government right now, we are not unified as we need to be. strongest thing is to stick together. every time a republican gets on the floor or in public and bash the republicans for work that speaker johnson is doing, chuck schumer, senate majority leader from new york, can rest easy knowing we're divided and they can continue to get their priorities and we cannot get ours. we will not get home runs with a two-seat majority. it will put us in jeopardy. i can't stress enough, if we don't stick together as republicans, we're last line of defense. republican in house are last line. >> carley: votes matter. you have to wonder what mike
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johnson's reaction was when buck told him he was retiring next week. thank you for waking up, have a great day. >> thanks, you, too. >> todd: need to go on that diet. >> carley: nick saban weighing in on major college athlete controversy as lawmakers consider legislation to,allow them to get paid for name, image and likeness. >> all the things that i believed in for all these years, 50 years of coaching, no longer exist in college athletics. it was always developing players and helping people. >> carley: former n.f.l. player jack brewer works with kids and will weigh in next. >> todd: first annual battle of the badges. first responders from nypd and fdny squaring off in a boxing
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match in madison square garden for a great cause. they will preview it. >> i'm packing up my cooler for my 11-hour drive to colorado springs this morning and enjoying tracking the weather and what is going on. hope you have a great day and god bless you . we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. ♪ make the call. because we care too. ♪
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♪ >> todd: gang violence and lawlessness in haiti has orphanages needing help. my fear is we're in the middle of something dangerous. we're on the frontline, it is
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depressing, the gunfire never stops. jack brewer has been helping children in haiti. this is a couple years ago. >> i love y'all, i'm not from haiti, i'm from the u.s., i love y'all, man. >> todd: jack brewer is chairman of -- how dire is the situation for u.s. missionaries there and our u.s. border immigration system which is wide open to hatian gangs crossing into our country? >> the normal mind can't comprehend what the people of haiti and these children go through each and every day. gang leaders have intimidated the entire population and actually eat people. i know it sounds gruesome, but that is what is happening there. you have kids living in
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prison-like conditions. you have kids that can't get access to food. we feed in haiti 1000 kids everyday and right now it is limited and we can't get to them. we got another request yesterday of kids in dire need. i've called for the u.s. government to do something, now if we don't, we'll have such an influx at the border of bad people. over 4000 people were just released from prison. imagine what the actual people are going through living in that land right now. it is just gut-wrenching to think about all of my kids who are there, who i've helped literally raise for years ander yoo, and i can't go to offer them relief. >> todd: we are praying for them
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and this is -- senator ted cruz hosting round table on nil, name, image and likeness. he sat next to coach nick saban, who came out strongly saying nil pushed him to quit. watch. >> all the things i believed in for all these years, 50 years of coaching no longer exist in college athletics. my wife said to me, we have recruits over on sundays with their parents and she would meet with mothers and talk about how to help impact their sons and how they will be well taken care of. she came to me before i retired and said, why are we doing this? i said, what do you mean? she said all you care about is how much you are going to pay
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them, they don't care how you are going to develop them. >> todd: what should congress do to keep college sports from becoming a facsimile ? >> it may be too little too late. talk football, this has hurt nick saban's heart to see the game be changed into greed and be focused on money. kids not wanting to pursue their career. i wrote my dissertation on college football players getting paid, i never thought it would result in this, kids moving from school to school, going for a
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paycheck only. you pray these kids are saving their money and praying the schools and states bring balance, that is what it is about. it is about morality coaches have. will they run their program and allow kids to be on social media and literally doing anything to sell their souls to money. i just pray this game can overcome this. college football is one of the last great sports in america. you can see kids on the field playing with pure heart and really going after it. i'm not sure anything can be done. this may be bigger than congress. once you get money involved it is hard to pull it away. >> todd: thanks for your insight on both stories. carley, over to you. >> carley: fantastic event, new york city first responders
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getting ready to compete in international battle of the badges boxing match at madison square garden tomorrow. 14 fighters from around the world square off with hope of raising 50,000 for . they join me now ahead of the big fight. shawn, this is first ever international battle of the badges, this has gone global. tell us about the event. >> tomorrow night fdny will be hosting first responders from all over the country, atlanta, chicago, sponsored by bud light and we're going to get in the ring tomorrow night at madison square garden and put on a show for the crowd. >> carley: if anybody told you 10 years ago, you would be boxing at madison square garden
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in front of thousands, what would you say? >> the younger me would be happy, this is dream of mine. >> carley: jewels, this is a charity event, but serious training. tell us about that. >> the team meet up five to six days at victory boxing and train for two or three hours per day. >> carley: you got help from your nephews? >> i've been training my two nephews, damon and able, they have kept me grounded. >> carley: family affair. how did you get into boxing? >> i started boxing for basketball purposes. i got the height. i've been training on and off for years, this is about 18 years ago and training on and off for years and started picking it back up six years ago. >> carley: for this event?
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>> for this event in general when i got on at the fire department, great work out. >> my best friend growing up, we were on the wrestling team together. he started boxing, he started beating me up everyday, how is this happening, i was hooked ever since. >> carley: you decided to become a firefighter, you are an emt, did you know the fdny had a boxing team? >> that was main reason to be on this job. i used to see them and i saw shawn and i was like, this man is the man. >> carley: you knew each other before. >> i didn't know him, i knew of him. >> >> carley: who are you going to fight? >> george dobbins, uk fire department. >> uk fire department, fasio kaheart attack n. >> people in u.k. are doing this
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to support tunnels to towers, an incredible org. i'm sure that is not even cherry on top. main reason you want to be involved. how do you feel about the organization? >> tunnels to towers, i work with them a lot, i love them. they know me there. great organization that helps so many families of wounded first responders all over the world. >> carley: there will be party at mustang. raise your glass after the big fight. tickets on sale at you can also make a donation. thank you for joining us, good luck. >> going to be awesome. >> carley: passengers pinned to the ceiling, dozens hurt, some terrifying accounts from inside
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the boeing jet that took a dive. another black eye for boeing and next flight could be impacted by doj criminal probe into the jet maker. cheryl casone has all of that coming up next. he hits his mark —center stage—and is
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>> this lengthy and independent investigation resulted in complete exoneration of joe biden. >> it did not -- that does not appear in the report. >> it is my case. did you reach conclusion this
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man was out right innocent? >> that conclusion is not reflected in my report. >> todd: democrats trying to spin robert hur's testimony to exonerate president biden and criticize president trump. they did good enough job only for their friends in the media. >> not a good day for trump fanatics on the house judiciary come the and not a great day for their star witness. >> i side with hakeem jeffries, it is over and done. >> reality here is that the only reason joe biden accidentally taking classified documents with him, only reason that matters at all is because donald trump willfully purposely took classified documents with him when he left office. >> todd: joe concha is fox news contributor. joe, i'm scratching my head at everything i heard from the media, your reaction to the
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reaction? >> joe: robert hur, if we watch that testimony yesterday was flawless in terms of testimony. democrats threw everything at him to paint him as a road partisan, part of the maga movement. instead they focused on donald trump, that is not what this was about. defending joe biden is like defending the indefensible. nine in 10 americans do not believe he has mental fitness to be president. you can read the transcript, the president's words when he had to ask when he began being vice president or couldn't remember the year his son died, which by the way, as transcript shows, joe biden approached that topic.
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robert hur brought it up because it was part of joe biden's book. he said i'm sorry for your loss. this is beef some have with robert hur. how can one come to the conclusion joe biden is too senile to run trial, but gets to run the country. was he senile when he had no ability to declassify documents? we heard how great the state of the union was last week by the same people in the media. this was worst received state of the union in 25 years. genius is media who are totally subjective. turns out joe biden is polling worse than before the state of the union. go figure. >> todd: what stood out to me, everybody spins, there are also lies and what we heard yesterday on capitol hill coming from democrats and perpetrated and
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propagated by democrats in the media were continuations of that lie. pramila jayapal said he was exonerated. robert hur said the opposite, nowhere in my report did it say he was exonerated and gaetz got robert hur to admit joe biden lied, yet you heard that nowhere. media supposed to report on facts, joe. >> joe: used to be that way, k kronkieshgsz te . they will say whatever the audience needs to hear. how is that compelling programming when one show says one thing and the next show and next. why can't people be objective and stand out at a network and
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say, this is what happened and this is why you should care in way maybe you get mean tweets from viewers and a dirty look in the break room, but you did your job. i agree, it is long gone at this point. so predictable this would be reaction like after the state of the union last week. >> todd: they could have taped it in advance before the hearing. joe concha, thank you for your time. united airlines telling boeing to stop producing the max tens after another delay in getting the model certify by faa. southwest and alaska cutting flighting and delivering fewer jets during the criminal probe. >> todd: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: good morning, on the heels of that incident in mid-air, the j.p. morgan conference was happening and
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ceos and aviation officials were there, pilot association representatives, timing is everything. scott kirby, ceo of united spoke about his plans for boeing and max 10's they ordered. he said we've asked boeing to stop building max 10's and start building max 9s, impossible to say when the max 10 will get certified. that 737 dream liner, the jet going from sydney to auchland and 50 people were injured including crew members when the plane tilted down. they are calling it a bunt. one passenger describing what she saw happen on the aircraft. >> it went like a roller coaster and it went up. people not wearing seat belt says or coming out of the
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bathroom and stewardesses walking, many were hurt. there was a lady in the seat behind me with a baby. i saw the baby fly. it was terrible. >> cheryl: yeah. bad on thissen pla. another passenger thought he might lose his life on the flight. >> it dropped and then the plane went like this, did a nose dive. i thought, i just looked out the window and said, all right, this is it, you know. we're done. >> cheryl: that same passenger talked to "wall street journal" and basically said that the pilot after the incident came into the cabin and that 61-year-old canadian said the pilot said his instrument panel had gone black for a second or two. this is the passenger recounting what the pilot said to him. it went dark before lighting up
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again. for the split second, the pilot said there was nothing he could do. >> carley: this is more than turbulence? >> cheryl: does not seem like turbulence. that passenger said you know when you hit turbulence and he told the journal, boom, out of the blue the plane headed down and everyone went up. they are saying it was technical issue and took the black boxes from the plane, you don't do that if it is turbulence. this is the investigation. last year was the safest year for flying and no fatalities on any passenger jets. but all issues at boeing and the whistleblower, self-inflicted wound that killed himself. the stock shares of boeing are down 29% year to date.
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>> carley: will people look at this news and think about buying a techet. >> cheryl: wear your seat belt. >> carley: sound aice from a former flight attendant. the house votes on a bill that could see tiktok banned in the u.s. >> todd: serious debate across the nation, congressman that introduced it will join us next. at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients
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♪ ♪ >> todd: house voting today on a bill that could force the sale of tiktok here in the u.s. as the company's ceo holds meetings in d.c. as the stakes are very high. >> director haines,you cannot rule out that this the ccp could, again, just like they did here, use tiktok as platform to influence 2024 elections, right? >> we can not rule out that the ccp could use it, correct. >> you just saw raj i can't krishinamoorthi ask that question. >> good morning, everybody. the ceo of tiktok is going to be meeting with senators on capitol hill this week. and the word on that is that the company thinks that this bill is going to pass the house.
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how the ceo is going to try to convince senators to vote it down. does that concern you? >> well, i i don't know what exactly is going to happen in the senate today we are trying to get it passed through the house. i'm cautiously optimistic. a great bill that basically does two things it. basically requires that bytedance, which is controlled by the chinese communist party divest itself divest itself of tiktok. we at this point in time to operate but just not have the ccp have its claws in it. >> todd: china experts experts feel china would rather shut downtown app. entirely than actually make billions upon billions of dollars if it means they got that money because the u.s. government forced the ccp to do something. your response to that, congressman? >> well, look, it's going to be up to the ccp and bite dance,
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but golly give the economy in china is horrible. xi jinping is courting investors to come in and invest in china and zero out that investment to basically tank it out of spite would be a horrible way to repair his economy. i don't know what they are going to do but we have to protect our national security first and foremost. that's why so many legislators are going to vote for this bill today. >> carley: congressman, looking into the potential not too distant future if this bill does pass the house and senate and the president signs it into law and does not separate from tiktok, what happens next? what can people who use the app. expect? will it just disappear from their phones? >> well, basically, bytedance will have six months to complete this sale. but, the bill basically requires that all data be courted into
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another app. and that there be some continuity of data protection but, again, i think that this will continue to operate. this is not without precedent. in the past the u.s. government has actually required chinese companies to divest themselves of other social media apps. one of them was a popular apt called grinder which had very sensitive information about u.s. government and military officials with regard to their lgbtq status and the trump administration successfully got the chinese to sell it. there was no disruption in service. and the sale happened like that because it was a valuable social media app. just like tiktok. >> todd: carley mentioned biden, you mentioned trump. but that fellow on this one is really strange. you once had trump try to outright ban it now kind of supporting tiktok and biden who endorsed your bill, mind you, but whose campaign still uses tiktok actively.
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in 30 seconds, congressman, what is your message to the two men running to be our next president? >> well, look, i think with regard to former president trump, one of his biggest concerns is whether meta would basically acquire tiktok and i think regulators probably would not allow that because of antitrust concerns. with regard to president biden, look, i don't have tiktok on my personal phone. it's banned from government devices. it's legal to have but i would just tell everyone to please exercise caution with regard to this app. unfortunately, the ccp has access to data as well as can manipulate the algorithm that creates the content of tiktok. >> carley: we are going to be watching this all very closely. and working closely with congressman mike gallagher. bipartisan is just a in this case thing, right? a good change. >> todd: great to see in congress and on "fox & friends first." we thank you for your time, congressman. with that -- >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day


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