tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News March 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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to have to split it with me since i split mine with youit mn and give 20% to charity. >> thanks. i'll pay. i'll get early. what a surprise te tonight. >> jesse watters prime times they get it together series continue with love this statue toffler is toppling statues and we'll be explaining why tonight. >> eddie all right. this judge j aspiring medical s may not be cut out for java's future doctors reactions when they got a close up look at a see section three. all right. that's, what a c section looks like. having a and then they went to the to their guidance counselor and changed their major. yeah. eryone >> there's a guy that was on your future doctors everyone and i think i'm sorry, dana. tomorrow night you get it. that's it fo ir us.rememb >> have a great night, everybody. we'll see you tomorrow night at fiver e. d >> welcome to jesse waters. prime time tonight will drop
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in my car.] >> the real reason congress is banning tiktok. hey, where are you guys moving these kids to this black car? well, why don's black t we takee kids to school? but. oh, my god., joe biden's child trafficking scheme exposed. youl why are you getting in my face? barbara, if you could describe what his prison experience might be like, you think melaniience mia will bring stufo the prison for him? >> the liberal fantasy of lockingr him?he liber up trus crashing down. >> plus, that's what christopher columbus brought with him. l, satanought alcoho and with him. >> it was 19 87, a bright7, and sunny day in washington, dc ,and the steps of capitol hill a looked like a punk rock concert
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when membersk of congress began sledge hammering boomboxes. >> does the punishment fit the crime? after all, many companies, including american firms, have been found selling havt to the russians, members and members of congress aren't smashing their productfs. e the second question, however, may be even more to the poinweve do we have more to lose than win by making an example, maybee even a scapegoat of toshiba? >> the toshiba scandal: that rocked washington after of sjapanesethe tol tech giant s accused of selling electronics to the soviets. electrobut washington's rage gt results while congress smashed toshiba stereos. a major chip war was breaking out between the united a majorpw states and japan, and we were losing bipartisan congressionale majorities then voted to ban toshiba productsd totoshiba fo, crippling japan's foreign crip and launching ibm ahead in the chip race. >> this was the beginning of big tech, and the american intelligence community
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was the biggest beneficiary. >> today, congress is in a data war. the more data you own, the more poweown, r you have. overwhel >> and in an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, the house gave, tiktok, a chinese company, an ultimatuchinesm china must sell the company to americans or face a total ban. >> since over half of adultslion use tik tok and millions of young americans would rather give up their righamerict to voa than give up the social media app. nancy pelosi had to bency very clear. >> this is not a ban on tik tok. i'm a grandmother of teenagers. i understand the entertainment value, the educational value, the communication value, the business valuecational for some business on this. ownent toot an attempt to ba tiktok. e it's attempt to make tiktok better. tic tac toe. >> a winner. a winner. guarante e polly people will be buying a piece of tik tok. >> but what is pelosi mean whens she says this will make tiktok t better?
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>> and whyiktok bett are young americans so obsessed? >> all tik tok turns anyonobseey starving for attention into a star. >> the weirder the betteon r, but rather decent and beautifuln and you're thinking, why do i care? i'm not on the app. le i care?t the freaks be freak. well, there are 150 million american freaks on tik tok, including me. on u and the chinese can use it to spy on us. have toneesn't even be opened on your phone once it's downloaded. an invasion of privacy once i collectsa blis every keystroke. google search financial purchase trip, phones call, it grabs it all. >> and if the chinese military demand all
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s it, they can get it. it's not just for spying on individuals. the chinese government vacuums up huge tranches of americansitt personal data and exploits it to damage our brains. you saw the videos and diminish our national power. this. is cyber psychological warfare. >> you're probably asking, well, when did the u.s. government start caring about chinese spying? st pop've stolen. govern their balloons. they've stolen our tech for decades. they're sleepingn fire with ourl politicians, bribing them, even if tng as their chauffeurs our. >> if tiktok's a national security risk, why does the presidenationat use it? >> our roman empire is the roman empire that was and always was been mademade fun by america's most watched late night host of cold beer. if won't do it. you're fine, jimmy. so it seems like biden doesn't mind using a chinese spy app to stay in powerdend using. >> he just wants to become an ae american spy app. you know, like the wayse the government uses facebook pay zuckerberg the laptop's
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fake. shut it down. yes, sir. you can't do t down that when china owns the app. but when the americans own the app, you canowns t whe. embo some members of congress tho voted no believe who we're giving the president the power of a dictator. >> it's dangeroupowes to gived f the president that kind of power, to give him the power to decid, toe what americans caa see on their phones and their computers to give him that sort of discretion we also think is dangerous k is dan. >> the bill is written so broadly that the president could abuse that discretion and include other companies that aren't just social media companies and that aren't, you know,ou kne as some people would believe, controlled by foreign adversaries. >>ontrolleby the patriot act aft 911 made sense to monitor and disrupr 9/11t terrorist acte online. but there is a catch every timrt you give the government more power, they abuse it. >> just ask the trump campaign. . never forget that the >> alsostates government was the one that provided
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the russia hoax to americans. it also worked to bann am americans free speech. >> it also has workesd in so many ways to illegally warrantless spy on americanss. through fisa. >> this is really about controlling americans data. and if we cared about americans data, then we woulthd stop the sale of americans data universally, not justvernme with china. >> when the government lost control of twitternt loswitter h bought it, they still have facebook. so tiktok need theys to be brought bac back into the american orbit. >> it's an election year, of cours n orbit.e, and the bureau and the agency need platforms to run disinformatio an campaigs and censorship. so they have to force a sale to thehave americans or ban it.a and the american team who buys tok will pick up the phonehe whi whenever the white house, the fbi or ciaouse calls back.wi the probably have former intelre guys on the board back dooringsd
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and interfering. >> the second america owns tiktok aca. won' it's not going to be the same, pelosi says. it's going to be bette me.r. which means instead of the appd being open season for chinese ofintelligence, it'll be open season for american intelligence, whichlesr is the lesser of two evils. >> i'd rather be manipulated by my own country than sou a foreign country that wants us all dead. >> but i shouldn't have to be this cynical. >> all of these big tech appsec steal our private data, sell it to the chinese, the cia, and the scam artists. anyway, they rewire our brains e for profit, keep us distracteded and buying and compliant so congress can't play on its flag and say, yeah, we stood up against t the chinese. don't worry, americans, we own tiktok. americe. e saf maybe saved from china, but not safe from >> we have a constitutional duty to have a conventiowe havnr the internet to establish a digital bill of rights to est >> right to stop these predatory agencies from lyingo s
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to us, piercing our privacy and commodities in our lives. n this tiktok bill ban goes to the senate next spring and senator lindsey graham. senator, how are you going to vot e on this thing? that's a really good question. >> i want to divest the chinese communist party from our data that's going to require americans saleo requ. so i'm leaning yes. but here's the problem. if you shut downm sayi, tiktok and there's no competition for medicine and faceboo andk and google, they become the most dominant forceld in america. so i'd like to have somebody in the conservativike world buy tiktok. >> can the u.s. government create the investor group that is going to be buying tiktok now? >> okay, so here's here's what i worry about. i worry that theere's wh i chinl probably won't sell it. what are we worried about? the data is in texasre w by ora. all of our data is in texas
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under the control of oracle american company. the algorithms are controlled in china by the the chinese, you know, baowd guys over there. so the algorithms allow them to use our data potentially against us. >> if you had an american owned company that had the dataalso t and also the algorithms, you would solve this problem. >> but what if it's no t pat a patriotic conservative guy like musk who is going to buy this country? what if it's another guy friends with biden gets this investor group together and they buy it, and the next thing you know, it turnsuy it p another app that they use to t censor americans before an shoul election. >> that's why we should be allowed to sue these people when we're harmedallowe right now, if something happens regarding you and your family and social media, you can't take them to court if you thin k they're censoring your data. if you think they're knocking you off the apthinp becauses you're conservative, there's nobody to go to the complaint. nobo what i want to do, i want to open up the american courtroom to the courto they
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american consumer so they can sue these social media companies like they could an he thesey other company if you feel like you're wronged. >> i love that idea. i lovebut do you think that wilr pass congress because these guys have an army of lawyerst taking you guys out to dinner every dadinnery? wit yeah, well, i go to golfthat's with trump then. yeah, that's a better deal for me. i >> but the bottom line is thisor is the most important decision we will make as a countrtantn y google, facebook can determine what you see and how you see it. they have a tremendous ability ha tre. down information you saw that in the last election. i hope somebody in the conservativei hope world buys t, but every american should have the ability to complain if they're wrong or right. so if some of these social media sites take down, your content, shut you out as a person, i want you to be able to g out, o to court or some agy and say, i was wrong. i want some relief y an. n fo this is my reason for living, is to open up the social media sites to lawsuits by americancat consumers. you literally can't sue these people no matter sue what they o
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to you because of section 230. >> all right. yo sectiont let all ofs in your compatriots in the house and the senate get grease e and by these deeplo pocketed lobbyists and see if they don't even do the right thin ag for you. >> get the money back. i gave every penny back from social mediann companies.t yo i know exactly what you're saying. we're going to kick their , their peoplesaying. thck the being bullied, their people being exploited on these are p social media sits parents are losing control of their childregn and there'sp not a thing you can do about it now, but you should be able to b aboe able to sue. >> all right. they're very powerful and they have the agency and th areye buu right in their pocket. we got to stop it. congressman, sto you're notr, i j a congressman. senator, i just gave you a motion. i've been wors a e. >> lindsey graham, thanks. thank you. thank you. democratways confronted on capio hill. we know it's going to be a big change, but it's the right
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their package in their feet. go man and smell better naked from head to toe. >> jesse joe biden apologized this weekend. noe t to lake and riley's family for getting her name wrong or letting the illegal migrant tote who killed her into the country, but for calling thr murderer an illegaegalant w >> what other democrats are apologizing to lincoln riley's killer. fox business reporter hillary vaughn found out. do you think it was appropriate for the president to use the term illegal in th e state of the union address? clarified that and i'm glad he did. why is it wrong for someoneor to call someone that entered the country illegally ane immigrant? because it's classified, that human being and no humallyn being is illegal. you think the president should have used the term illegal in his state of the union addres. theresidentuseds? do yo do you think it was appropriate for the president to use the term illegalu for th, the statestate of the union? no. and he addressed that. i mean, whof? y not. why is that term bad? not accurate to use the term illegal to describe someonate te
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who entered the country illegally. >> is it not accurate to call t someone who the country illegally an illegal immigrant? have a great day . esn't ma there's a lot that doesn't make sense about the border. but what really puzzle tsoe primetime is why does jeffrey epstein seem to be giggling in his grav seam te? d that >> we're told that somehow kids hike thousands of miles through dangeroushike thos deserts and s all by themselves. obviously, that's not true. obvithe cartels traffic, once u they show up to the border, the government asks, do you know anybody here? >> if they say yes, they leaves. with a sponsor. sponsors are supposed to be family members d to, but these kids are sometimes put back into the hands of child traffickerse . over 85,000 migrant kids are missing. over 8biden lost them, and the c that claims they care about kids doesn't care e. what if the kid says they don't know anybody her thee? umpe they're being dumped into our foster care system. the most dangerousd into place
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on earth. thousands of foster kids ter kids found.are never >> did you know that more thante half of child sex trafficking t cases involve kids from fosterra care ? e is foster care is a big business. these organizations rake in billions.s from the government. you need to know more about what's going on here. so neere about reporters at mucr decided to follow the pipeline kiat pumps migrant mud kids into a foster care system that's riddled with . >> iare systemt starts in texas. >> where are you guys movinguysi these kids to? where are you guys moving these kids to? huuy th? it's not fun. hav but the guys get paid workorry o these kids over about it. i am worried about it. d about i want to run?kids i am worried about it. you know, a third of these kids go missing. e do you guys proud of what you're doing here? it's pretty wild, man. >> welcome to america. once the children land in new york, government contractors and shady black vans scoop theam
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. >> hey, where are you guys>> whe doing these kidsg th to? whoa! this is it. g th where are you guys moving these heds to? hey, where are you guys moving these kids to in this black car ? you got to take these kids. that's all. we want to know where the kid's going. okay? . what do they tell you? they won't tell me. look, he's coming around the window. ling m roll he's around doing i. where are you taking this kid? it's going to look really bad from that window rea, bro. where are you taking the kids to? okay, so what do you wanare yotk i'm independent. i work for myself. i'm an independent news reporter. f work fo ain indeent whernewse are you g? who do you go? oh, buddy. tully. ou no, we don't. where are you taking these kidgd to? >> so, buddy. oh, my god. then the migrant kids get driven to government funded foster care after the sun goes downnded fos. e no >> but you're not allowed to see what happens next. wed towhat's going on? >> hey, no, don't touch me.
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don't touch me. can you go? don't touch me. can you go? e asked to lyou asked to leave. don't touch nobody's touching you. all right, all right, all right. ! oa goodbye. why are you bringing my face? why are yo. are youu getting in? gaby, why are you getting in my face? barbara there's kids in that car. what's going on? i can't tell you thatwhat n. s drivo's g why? why are you guys driving these kids around? gd?i. i can't tell you.el no information. is this legal? l i can't tell you no information. this is private property, all right. u noi'll get off the property, but i'm going to have to call the police. : three of the foster care homes the migrants were sent foste ton dealing with serious sexual assault allegations dating back decadeths. are but they're still getting hundreds of millions r dollars.ting anthony reubens, the reporterl f who uncovered all of this and founder of muckraker. anthony, great job. what is the government up>> wel to here? >> well, you havl havee halff
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a million children who have come over the border unaccompaniemillioildren hd sinn became president of the united states. and what are you going to do with them? i mean, we're going to let themi loose in the streets. we'll be like the country of india. right. sothe stre be we don't want to do that.e si there's really no good solution here. but the solution is to load these kids into black vans after their, quote unquote, sponsors have been vettekids in it's not really a vetting procedure. we get into that. a lot of times they're dropped off in the hands of human the traffickers, sex traffickers, and much worse. and they're driveny ar across the country and dropped off at these homes. and 85,000 homes have gone missinatg. there' and that's what's going on. there's really no good answer when you have half a million children coming across the border in a very short timeu period, they're being paired up with either fake haln ki sponsos who are child sex traffickers or taken to foster care facilities with long recorded histories of and exploitative behavior. >> why the government continuing to fund this operatioperationn? a
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because they don't have a choice. what exactly else are they goin. comioingg to do with all these s that are coming across the border? there's there's nothing else they coulde border?s with them and what i want to say is this l people need to understand y this operation is, how shady this vetting procedure is. when these kids come across, they com s.e across with,ith you know, a note that says, i'm going to this address. here's the numbe thaysr, here's the person i'm going to write. then within 72 hours, border patrol handsng to these kids of to 0rr, that's under hhs, the departmentto of health services of the office of refugee resettlement. and what they doalthnd is they e a vetting procedure to try to say, okay, is this really the parent or guardian or relative or whoever they say is of this child? right. and there have been instances. e isone such instance is there s a person who worked for rr who reported a case of humane of trafficking to a government hotline because. g ab >> the superiors, we're not doing anything about it. and they were actually fired for doing so. if you can believe d thr doin that. so it looks like the government is covering thislike up. >> and you asked me, well, w what else is the government going to do about itse? it? they started this pipeline.
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they invited joe biden through his words and actions, millions of people into the country. so they brought this into the country. coand they're continuing to feed these children into places that are rife with traffickers. >> i it's probably the mostdist disturbing thing we've ever seen. >> and no one's talkinurbir seeg about it. what does that tell you? it tells you thau?t the operatis is incredibly shady. >> and, you know, there's a reason why whebly n i confrone these people, you see what they do immediately. they put a masle, you k on. they take their name badge, and they. they hide it underneath their jacket. badgethey tell the kids, turn . don't look at this man. don't look at the camera. don't answer him. and a lot of times, the kidsnoth this is not the first time i've confronted these so-called escortes. i confronted them about three or four months ago. put up that video. people go find that a muckrakeno . com where i'm coming. these people and m, the childree look at me as if they want to talk. and the escorto gives them gives them this horrible look
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and they look down, they cower and fear they and that's what'' going on. so i can't give you all the answers yet, but we could look and thee walanguaget ou way these people operate, know that something is not right. >> well, thank you for getting e nk under the hood of this. this is just very disturbing. muckrakersder th doing a great g thank you. and continue to keep bangingbann at this. >> anthony, great stuff. thank you, sir. fo charges dropped for trump in georgia nextin g. georgia nextin g. busby's barber blake castor'ste. in between rod bending, drag, screaming, trophy dreaming thenc the fish tails that lured you to go, and the storiescabels you'll tell after. if that sounds like where you want to be, thensale of cht bass pro shops and cabela's spring fishing classic for durig and boatingassic for sale of the year. save up to an additional $5,000 on the world's leading boat brands during the model year clearance event. fo up to $2,000 with purchase. your adventurethroat r starts hs
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a high interest loan that has anippled the countryn financially for the next 150 years. and what followed was a revolving door of corrupt leadership and natural disastervolvins. and voila, you've got a country constantly teetering coune of .iste but if you listen to hollywood a few years ago, you'd have thought a that haiti wasbbean a caribbean paradise. >> that has always been greapa had to be true. it was on a t-shirt, but haiti wasn't great then and isn't great now. two living nightmare prisons are empty. prrdead bodies litte the polluted streets, and savage gangs patrol the alleywayvage gan s. minist and the prime minister resigned and has fled to puerto rico. erdd toa warlord who goes by bae because he likes burning, the bodies of his enemies has claimed full control over the capital port au prince. and biden deployed our marines to protect our embassy. >> haiti's the size of vermont, but home to about 11 milliond is people. and it's just about 800 miles from florida. ust 800 fromso if you want to l
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you have to take to the seastake the first free slave state is on the brink of collapse, but it shouldn'ton have been thise 2010 way. since the 2010 earthquake, the stat earthquake department d nearly 6 billion into haiti. >> that money came with the promise of better schools, new hospitals and a stronger policeofs an force. >> but none of that happened. as you know, foreign catastrophesow are a boondoggleo dream. a lot of the cash for haiti made itslo way to the pockets of corrupt local politicians, government contractors and,f of course, the clintons. >> why don't you give back the monese the cy? i think it would be a great gesture, because she takes a tremendous amount of moneyoo and you take a look at the people of haiti. >> i washeeopl at a little haito the other day in florida, and i want to tell you i, they hate the clintons because what's happened in haiti with the clinton foundation is a disgrace. >> and you know it and they know it and everybody knows it. >> but not all of that moneyy me magically disappeared. some of the emergency relief fund- disapps made its way intom
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programs. >> je forced the haitian police to be more gender. and now all the cops, bothl th men and women, are deserting so they don't get barbecued. but don't worry, joe biden has a plan and it's the exact same plan he's always had.spend spend more money. how much ? >> just ahead, there are several different types of money we're buying. so $33 million of the secretary announced yesterday humanitin humanitarian assista. there is on top of that, $300rtr million that we have announced in support for the multi t mult. national security support mission. 200 min of tha$200 million of te the pentagon will come in in the form of equipment and other logistics support and they can speak to that. and thenlo t there's $100 milli. they'll come from the state department that we've been in consultatioten with congressr about 100 million here, 50 million,, 150 million here. so the american taxpayer is going to spend millions of dollars turningr wi haiti back into a democracy by paying defense contractors and politicall
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y connectedhow wi nonprofits. >> how's that going to help inflatioll than? and how did haiti lose democracy anyway? weocracy a call in to the cia, b haven't hearacd back. >> the media went into overdrive after joe biden's very louryd state of the unionry declaring the speech a victory that would relaunch aunch hi. gn >> well, that didn't happen. joe got zero bounce from the speech, zero.. >> who would have predicted that americans didn't like pretbeing screamed by a manfixh who won't fix the problems he started? >> so democrate started?s are t wetting, and the only thing keeping hope alive are trump'ss court cases. but even that ship's takint gev on water. today in the georgia election interference saga, fulton county judge scottrgia mcafee qh quashed six key charges against trump and company, ruling that they were fatally flawed and will decidtally fle soon onr he's going to cue fannie and loverboy. >> but liberals are still fantasizing about trump in the big house. >> jimmy kimmel scratched his age last night, interviewed a grouchedp of ex-cons to visuaz
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what life would be like for trump in prison. >> i think you'll fit right in. you dohink h? yeah, because, you know, he's dealing with politics,demor with the democratic party and the republican party. and there's almost the samat e. but, you know, you're dealing with mexicans, blacks, whites>>u and asians. >> now you're talking about like talking this, these l divisions in prison. what would donald trump whatha group would he be? and is there a n orange?? >> i think a big black man, i'd go ahead and take him unde bigr his wing. do you think melania will bring stuff into the prisong.i n for t >> i think he'll go to visitation and be like, hey, you need to go ahead and bringvi back that phone and there's only one place and put it up right? the phone? yeah t phone,re's, yeah, yeah, sure. yeah. yeah, i think so. well, you got to get the charger in to sell on the charger. >> i'm old enough to remember when lock her up chants werem ol treateod like hate speech, but it looks like little jimmy has a fetish for jail
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play. >> hey, everybody. it's me, donald trump. okay, i got the knife. don't talk to the police, okay t i can't talk to you anymore. give me a kiss. no . get away. grab my pepper spray. pull up on this guy. i love your flesh colored underwear. what are you doingunderwear. over here? kicking your. get out, everyone, get down!oorm get down! hit me. but i can't get back dow n. >> jes >> oh, nseo dolls, no straws, nw soup. >> radio talk show host tomi sotomayor joins me now. me.y? going on here, tomm >> it seems like. w wellel, first off, when you tal, about joe biden, it's a movie that comes to mind figure to launch. and that's what happened after that speech. but if you listen to jimmy kimmel, doesn' what happened ate these guys have some kind of weird fetish where they're kind of sn't it in jail and sexualizing donald trump on my show? on my sh to talk about it when people call in and they're really upset with me, but they can't really explaiyn
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it, but they can't get enoughgh of me and putting me in these type of situations, i call ond b beef. it's not real beef. it's beef. it'sbeefi want to be with you, t don't know how to say it, so i'll say it in some derogatory wait y about you doing itg it to someone else. >> so kimmel wants to be with trump t. , any of them. do you think about it? kno >> and he doesn't know how tow go about expressing that exceptt to play with dolls and prison. c that's exactly what it and i want to just takeo just a serious look at this for a second if you can. we would never allow nev things. like this that shows you where masculinity is in the united states now and howre we don'test respect it. >> because if liberals say they love the people in jail itg like they say they do, one thing it seems like they don't do is protect them becausliketheye when men are too they're going to jail, the first thing we say is that they're going to be violatedatd while they were there. so i actually have a problemi he with this type of speech because, jesse, we would never allow this to be said about a woman getting ready to go to jail, how we constantly say that men will be const violatedi
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>> well, now, if you go to jail, you just transition into opposite sex to get out of it. so, i mean, that's just that, tommy. that's what i'm doing. okay. yoa're going to call me jessic if i ever get locked up. >> well, yeah, i'm going to bemn like the guy who i saws th on the news the other week. that guy got three women wel pregnant. i was like, well, i'm going to turl, gonnan into a woman anp my member, hey, guards, i'm hungry, tommy. >> i'll see you later. >> thank you. don lemon is back on cnn. what and what's going on with kate middleton after advil? >> let's dive in. how about your facts beforeacetm advil, advilin, dual action fights, pain, two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks, pain. >> since advil, dual action
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>> grow your business easily with freelancers. >> fiber. many of you remember don lemon was fired from cnnuremember. a disappeared for a while, then reappeared on twitter. thenppearedon lemon announcing a was launching a new show on twitter. >> and ellenuna mosk was going to partner with him. hill, elon musk sat down with lemon for an interview to promote the partnership and then firedpartnethen him ony first day. >> i guess the interview didn't w di because don lemonplaces
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ran to cnn, of all places to tease what went down. >> here's a clip fro>>m hate speech on the platform. is up. do you believe that x and you have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform that you wouldn't have to answer these u vequestions from reporters about the great replacement theory? is it really i don't have to answer this question. 't hav replacement theory as it relates to jewish people, do qu have toavat i don'twe answer questions from reporters? don, the only reason i'm doing this interview is becaus answere you're on the x platformi and you ask for it. otherwise, i woulddi not do thi interview. so you don't think do you think that you wouldn' yout get inul trouble or you wouldn't be criticized for these things? cr i could care less.g wa >> the whole thing was a little icy. tly me you recently met with donald trump in florida. bout what did you guys talk about? i was at a breakfast at a friend's place i wasbreakfas an. trump came by. that's it. what did you discuss? >> whadiscuss?i don't.
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let's just say he did mostof of the talking. di d he ask you for money? he didn't. are you going to loan him moneya to help pay his legal bills? i'm not i'm not saying it payss, legal bills in any way, shape or form. do they ask you for a donation? no. >> didfodonationare you leaning? no. you're not leaning towardsre yo. >> you've been. i'm leaning. leaning away from you. but you're leaning>> jes. charli >> charlie arnold is an outkick host. hav >> so have you ever been fired e on the day you were hired? >> i actually have not. not yet. well, you're doing a great job. hopefully that never happens. but this was not a great start to the mosquut thit e lemn relationship. >> no, it wasn't. and you look at don lemon o and the golden opportunity was given. he was fired from cnn, abysmalp. ratings. no one wanted to hire him. elon musk has the power to blo w up people's brands. he said, we'll give you a sponsored show. come w a on, speak your your tr. >> write whatever whatever side of the argument want to take. feel free. what's the first thing he does? he gets on there, disparages thingrage
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elon musk, an ex. not a good move. m e, you know, lik and then runs to cnn, of course, to do his first interview. itdo his. just reminds me of a student or a kid who goes up on theirt own and realizes they can't cut it and then runs back to live with their parents in their basement n k to afterwards. >> i- t would be like the first time charlie was on jesse e e and you justime" and insulting me. >> i would never do that. right. insume. a don donullou lemon? >> never. and that's what lemon did. it's exactly what he did lemon. and he also he's finally being held accountable for the liberal garbagnally e that spewing, for example, saying that people can't oppose illegal immigration becaussa pee of the same rhetoric that radical shooters used in their manifesto. same rhethis isn't the platformh and the reason why that elon musk built iason whyt the way t did. he wants it based on fact. and of course, now don lemon haiton fac cous, to realize that everyone is going to agree with him, especially not elon musk. well, there'g tos something even more controversial going on. >> and i'm usuallyand i' a heat seeking missile for controversy. and eveng i can't figure this out, charlie, kate middleton, who believe is a princess, was
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just comin, wag back from surge. bill hadn't seen her in a while and then she posten d a photo of her with her children and everyone is freaking out because it's photoshopped. >> listen. >> this whole thing suspicious. >> tn? s kate middleto multiple images were merged and a section of the image featuring her face of th was cue and replaced. >> interesting. placed.and if she was okay. you know, the royal family would say, hey, get on instagraouldetm live and say, hs guys, here i am. there's a live video. i'm totally fine liv. >> but they're not. what could be keeping kate middleton at home under >>ping care? what is this grave health condition? is she even awak he? >> is she in a coma?se: is she sick? i don't believe she's inere is a coma. >> where is she? okay, charlie. well, it's trending on. it has been for days now.. where is kate? euse lireally knows where sh is, because, like you just mentioned, she had surgery in january. has actually seenn her in person since they seen photos of her doctored photos,
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as it seems. but i just have to give credit to the internet sleuths becausis i never in my life i stared at that photo for a minute. when it first came out, i wast like, what are we looking for here? what is the doctoror and goinga' on? and it wasn't until i read the article that i saw all the nuances that weren'tti t supposedd to to be there, but i never will. >> even afte r seeing all the the circles and where all the things were, still can't figure out what's doctore d about thathoto photo. >> well, there is there are some issues. i guess she's not wearin >> tg her wedding ring, a gown by the girl's arm in the red therk dowh like some type of gray peeking through in that space that i should just be grass and, well, no wedding ring. >> all of them. nong ring wedding ring wasn't i don't know what's going on. >> but all here's what we do know. but wthe butlers have butlers s royal family. >> no chance kate middletonow is doing her own photoshopping. >> no chance. okay. o sh it from charlie and i got to be true. >> get it together. >> serious. it's continuing after the break . there is no redeemable client
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puncture series. emily campagna gets the real stories from women who survived unspeakable crimes, fought back and lived to tell their story. the folks true crime podcast with emily capone.[♪ >> you listen now in our: in new get it together series. some of the people " i interviewed for the book decided to come on tv and talk to us on prime tim e. today, we're highlighting chapter 15 to talk to we areange statue toppling american indian. as you know, i'm a big advocate for keepinridian. w,g historical statues up. they symbolize our identity and what up our we've achieved. >> but not everyone believes in this. like bhatia, is it part of thea honor? should not be. trotpartt, the father of four aa leader of the american indian movement the, he became infamous for toppling the statue of christopher columbus in downtown minneapolis during the george floyd riots in down. >> let's bring in mike. why do you hate america so
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much? >> because to me, america was slaveon , slavery and colonialism and weauma have been through so much trauma. and america doesn't evenw what realize that they don't know what we've been through. and i don't hate americans.slik i dislike thisth this experiment ,this failing experiment, one because one of our most important documents, it talksal about how all men are created equal. your declaratione create of independence. >> and then when you get downn o to the bottom, it says the merciless savage indians. that's what they referred us as, the merciless savage indians. >> you saysavage indians. that r declaration, your constitution. you're an indian, but you don'tt
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seem to believe you're an actual american. >> i'm honest. should not be a mildly is to the anishinaabe nation and to the other first nation peoplesol of this country. that's where my allegiance liehs . i do not stand for the pledge of allegiance. we d tallegianceo stand for thag because that flag does notthat f stand folar. >> mike, what do you believe, wt gives you the right to topple our statues? >> well, it's not our statues. t it's tha ot one in particular.c. i believe christopher columbus should nevere christ take up sp the public square. he's apuquare. he's a murderer. and that's what i don't understand is why would you look uulokp to guy?eaven i mean, he got lost, for heaven's sakes. there was really ns.o qualities. >> there was no redeemable qualities of this guy. an he brought alcohol, satan and with him. peops wiimand zealots have doneh damage to our people, to him for toppling the statueppling
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the judge sentenced you to teach about the american to young school kids. >> i'm not surn e if that judge had the best idea there. whenever i talk to anybody, a group of people, the first thing i tell them as a message for the non-natives, a message t for the white people that you were not here. >> you didn't do it. i wasn't here. and it did not happen to me. t i but the animosity and see, we're not blaming them, but the animosity comes from the fact that they have i fact all. all they already took it all and they're benefiting from the . aretheir benefiting fromppened what happened and me and my people, what's still sufferingui . we're still suffering from what happened. and so i want to let theng fromw that we do not blame white america. they were not here, but we need their assistance on getting some of this land back.back. >> now, while we may not agree t on much, we appreciate mike, the anishinaabe tribe. we have lots of conversationke just like this in get iti wi
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together and i'm going to be bringing you more of thesellt throughout the weekend, next week and tomorrow, we're going to talk to a prison reformeromol who wants to revolutionize jails. >> so go your copy of get it h together now, because we have to beat the pope. >> the pope'ave to s book comes out on the same day my book comes out. >> beat the pope. i feel a little conflicted about saying beat the pope. i don't have any personal animositt havey towards the pop >>is i'm sure his book is fine. proby or not as funn as deep or as philosophical as minhical ase. tw and he doesn't have two shows to promote his book. he's probably not doing book signings in new jersey, florida and california, but that's fine. sure, a few people will enjo jersye it. wioy but i'm a competitive guy and i don't want to be beaten by the pope or anybody. >> text message time. >> matt from west virginia pelosi is going to make tiktok better. wh thisridan i share
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summer from florida. why isn't aoc weeping overg over biden losing migrants? i i don't know. the performance artist is justsg suddenly got stage fright. >> tom from anderson, south carolina. the child traffickingi story is the most disturbing thing i've ever seen on youry is show. >> and that's saying something. and i know we showed a zebra san being assassinated. >> leon from dallas, north carolina anthony ruben has more guts thanans mo in congres. fox should hire that guy. he's tenacious. nisha from chicago. nin pop, took down cor but he's paying up barbecue. got it . >> dan from hamtramck, michigan ,i think you and the pope b should have a book signing together. will probablooy help out. >> is sales. totally. i'm watters this is my world. how about going to hannity
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