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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 14, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> lawrence: it is 8:00 on the
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east coast, thursday march 14th. >> steve: a head-on crash that killed a young missouri boy. his sister joined us earlier. >> it makes me angry. she wasn't supposed to be here. >> ainsley: fox news alert. in two hours, former president trump expected to appear in a florida courtroom to dismiss his classified documents case. >> brian: we told you about the daring rescue of americans from haiti, mitch album was one of them and joins us now. >> lawrence: wow. your morning is better with friends. packed american airlines flight makes emergency landing overnight. pilot reported possible mechanical issue with the boeing
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jet. >> ainsley: the flight took off from dallas and landed safely and no one was hurt. >> steve: we don't know what happened exactly. the latest in a string of incident says involving planes built by boeing. criminal probe over the alaska airline door plug blowout and as we have learned yesterday, apparently they were supposed to take that plane out of service at the end of that day's flight. they never made it that far. >> brian: two hours from now, former president trump is expected to appear in a florida courtroom as his legal team fights to get his classified documents case tossed. >> lawrence: the state throws out six counts, ruling is correct application of the law and prosecution failed to make specific allegations of wrongdoing on those accounts.
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>> ainsley: will d.a. fani willis be allowed to stay on the georgia case or disqualified, ruling is expected this week. >> steve: bring in greg jarrett. greg, start with the fact the trump team is trying to dismiss the florida documents case. where is that going to go? >> greg: as i said on the day of the fbi raid, the retention of documents by former president is not a criminal case, it is a civil matter, governored by presidential record act. if government wants records returned, civil court action, not a criminal indictment. that is how it was handled in the bill clinton case and the doj argued ex-president can keep whatever he wants and a federal judge agreed. here, it is trump, biden's attorney general and special counsel reversed course and
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renounced their long-standing position and went after trump criminally, even though he had declassification authority while president, which joe biden didn't have when he removed documents. >> lawrence: greg, i'm curious, typically, you can form some type of inference from a judge based on past ruling. judge cannon on the bench, where do you see that going? >> she has posed questions in earlier court hearings and as well as some writings about, she is not quite sure the proper legal standing that the government is taking here. that is a bit of a tip of a hat that she may be seriously looking at dismissing, some, if not all charges. what do i think she'll do? i frankly don't think she will do that. >> ainsley: judge threw out six
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counts in the state of georgia yesterday. what do you make of the ruling about fani willis, do you think she will be removed from the trump case? >> i don't think the judge has a choice here, it is pretty obvious this is improper and creates a serious conflict of interest prohibited by the cannons of ethics. i think in the end he'll have to remove her. the action yesterday, dismissing the six charges, that was the right mood. petitioning government officials to take action is not a crime. it is protected right under the first amendment. demanding georgia officials challenge the electors, that is what democrats did four years earlier and it was permissible under the electoral count act.
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okay for them to do it, when trump does it, it is a crime. >> brian: you really believe, the judge said the deadline is monday, logic says they were lying and have been contradicted. you think there is a small chance, even though you believe they were lying, do you believe the judge will still try to find way to keep them on the case? >> well, he has several options here. he could refer the matter to one of the special commissions in georgia. he could refer the matter to the bar association, but keep them on the case. or he could decide, you're disqualify because of the a appearance of conflict and impropriety. if that happens, under georgia
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law, the entire case has to be removed from the fulton county district attorney's office. what happens then? it goes to prosecutor committee, can we hand off to a different county. if they do that they will take a look and say, wait a minute here, i think the decision is going to happen today or tomorrow. >> steve: wow, that fast? thank you for getting up early today. >> brian: if you move the case, do you move all the 18 people and all the counts and if they look and go, i like the case, i don't like all the people, don't do the rico act, can you reeshg valuate? >> steve: they can refile the
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cases thrown out yesterday if the d.a. says, i think there is something there. >> lawrence: we get so caught up in the scandal of what they were doing behind closed doors. if the judge finds they lied, i don't know how they could -- >> ainsley: if he did move to a different county, they would have to do all their research and study the case and delay it. >> steve: a lot of variables. >> lawrence: fate of tiktok in the hands of senate. >> steve: content creators pushing back against the bill that would -- if not sold by bite dance. >> ainsley: kelly o'grady is here with the latest. >> congress issing closer to a ban or sale.
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it heads to senate and the legislation enjoys backing of republicans and democrats alike. senators marco rubio and warner say we are concerned about the platform with enormous power to influence and divide america, bite dance is legally binding to the chinese communist party. the impact on free speech and others on whether the bill skirts due process. bite dance is fighting this, the ceo warning this will concentrate more power with facebook and many users are slamming the bill. the main concern is keeping the platform accessible. >> if they want to sell it, so
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be it. we want to keep the platform. a lot of content providers use tiktok to provide for families and full support system. >> long way to go before the tiktok bill hits the president's desk. i was on social media last night and shocked at rampant misinformation that this is a total ban not a forced sale. many say they will not vote for biden if this goes through, that could be problematic come november. >> steve: shocking there would be misinformation out on the internet. >> lawrence: and on tiktok. >> steve: there you go. coming up on 8:09, 8:10 now. president biden hitting the road heading to battleground state of michigan, his first visit there since 100,000 people voted
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against him. new set of fox polls shows donald trump topping biden in several swing states. >> lawrence: peter doocy is live at the white house. >> peter: there are cracks in the blue wall. pennsylvania, where president biden campaigning more than any other state is favoring donald trump, 47 for biden and 49 for trump, a two-point advantage. trump won in 2016 and biden won in 20between the. look at the numbers, voters say important issues are the economy, election integrity and the border. two out of three of those voters are trusting trump over biden to do better. immigration and the economy. president biden is watching arizona potentially slip away in the new fox news poll, down four points there, 49-45 after
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winning there barely in 2020. top issues in arizona, economy, election integrity and border. climate change is a priority for this white house and it is all the way down at 25%. and despite poor polling, president biden is saying he's confident in his chances against trump. >> president biden: i know it sounds like hyperbole, it is all in your hands. this is how i won the first time i ran and how we'll win again. a lot of you helped me in 2020 and make sure he was a loser and he is a loser. we will make sure that happens again. >> peter: president biden needs meetings like the one today to go flawlessly. he'll be in michigan and begins the process of convincing mic
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michiganders to commit to him in the general election and in chicago, white house officials are set to meet today with a group of muslim and arab and palestinian activists trying to ease their concern about a lack of ceasefire in gaza right now. these are coalitions that are critical for president biden if the election is going to be as close as it looks according to the polls. back to you. >> steve: got to do fence mending. >> brian: you are on israel's side, are you going to apologize, i don't like benjamin netanyahu, i'm yelling at him and they are electioning stories how tough he is and the story today samantha power let prime minister netanyahu have it. you have to be better fighting the palestinians. have you heard anything from coming out of gaza from anything except hamas communication? you don't know what is true, why
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take their word for it. >> lawrence: there is a deal on the table asking for the women and children and hamas will not agree. just the woman and children. we can stop the bombs right now if they hand over all the hostages. >> brian: they would do it, they got to take out hamas and get the hostages. >> steve: migration is one of the top issues. in the 6:00 eastern hour, heart breaking story of a 12-year-old boy, travis wolf, he and his mother and father were in their jeep when an illegal migrant from venezuela who was traveling 70 mile per hour in a 40 mile zone wrong way down the highway hit their vehicle. he eventually died. his sister joined us and is so, so frustrated.
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>> it makes me really angry, if i'm being honest. she wasn't supposed to be here, if she would have came legally, they would have documents and get insurance for her. she would have been able to get insurance herself and no one needed to do it for her. now my family is stuck with the loss of a child because she didn't know how to drive. i don't think there is much to say there, she shouldn't have been here. hes was a very sweet soul. he was a little kid, to be sure. he was an 11-year-old boy and they're all crazy, but he always tried to light up the room making people laugh and he was just goofy, you see how silly he was by his face. >> steve: so hard for a big sister to say goodbye to a
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brother like that. >> ainsley: how cute. that accident happened in december and he was on life support and died march 6th, turned 12 while in the hospital. >> lawrence: latest example of the consequences of open border. people being killed by people who can't drive, people drinking and driving or gangs on the street. this administration apologizes to migrants by using proper terms and pronouns. when election comes down, are you going to vote for party of pronouns and not offending illegals that kill americans or vote for somebody that will secure the border much vm it is an easy choice for reasonable americans. >> brian: venezuela about to let out worst of the worst prisoners and they are heading our way. all they have to do is leave the country. >> ainsley: all the gangs in
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haiti taking over that government, florida expecting many to come in. >> lawrence: we were told that is not happening and people were fearmongering and other countries were not sending people in prisons. all of a sudden, it is happening now. >> brian: having trouble saying that now, we reapproach venezuela, sorry about the other guy, sorry about donald trump. do you pump oil? we'll pay you for it. if you promise to have elections, we'll ease sanctions. what do we get? their prisoners, no free election and dirty oil. >> ainsley: sorry. >> steve: have a sip. go ahead. >> brian: perfect time to toss. take it away. >> carley: carley to the rescue. >> ainsley: brian start talking so i can fix this. >> carley: 16 swat team members were hurt yesterday after explosion inside fbi training facility in southern california. one person suffered a leg injury
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and two others had minor wounds, 13 experienced diddiness and ringing in their ears. police are investigating the death of a boeing whistleblower, john barnet it was found dead in his car saturday. he worked as quality manager and was with boeing for 30 years. his families hostile treatment led to his death and he was looking forward to his day in court to try to improve boeing safety procedures. new anti-crime campaign in southern california designed to grab attention of criminals. billboard s, bus ads warn crime does not pay. the d.a. is behind the push and says unlike los angeles, his office will prosecute crooks to the fullest extent of the law.
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they have been warned. fdny denying there was a hunt for firefighters who booed and chanted trump as leticia james spoke at a promotion ceremony. fdny spokesperson telling fox, at no point has there been an investigation into members booing. this contradicts reports that the department was searching for first responders booing at that event. those are headlines. >> brian: come forward, it will be easier because we have tape. >> carley: they said they were looking at the footage to identify the members. my question is, then what happens to firefighters after they are identified? >> ainsley: aren't you allowed to boo? >> steve: freedom of expression. >> carley: more -- >> steve: something right, if you're in a public place, you should be able to express yourself. >> carley: rules.
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>> brian: it is illegal to boo a fox anchor. >> ainsley: do not ever do that. >> steve: has that ever taken? >> lawrence: people try to boo you, i will tell them, that is not nice. i will arrest you personally. >> steve: boos. >> brian: citizen arrest. >> steve: set your dvr and record every program monday through friday and saturday and sunday, as well. today is difficult for news, marking two years since pierre zakrzewski and sasha kuvshynova were killed in ushg yoo. benjamin hall was badly injured, as well, benji is next. part of my journey is responding to looks. >> i was interested in working with students easily excluded. i respond to looks. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun.
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about. benjamin joins us right now, your thoughts about hearing that again two years to the day? that's an interesting day for me, i speak to a lot of veterans who have been injured as the way i've been injured, and they called this their alive day. it's the day where you realize you've got another chance at life. you can go and do amazing things. don't waste a second. make sure that you make the most of it. but so i
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feel really optimistic about that. but then the most important part of today is remembering those who didn't come back. there are four others in the car who died, including our team, pierre and sasha. and more than ever i see that. i remember them and i just think what we have to do is we have to remember the work they were doing, the things they were passionate about. they were going around the world to bring the news and the images to our viewers, because they thought it was so important. and i sit here today saying that we were attacked, our team was killed, i was injured, but we won't stop. and our viewers need to know that we will keep reporting because that's how important we feel. but today the thoughts have to be with pierre and sasha and their families. yeah. i mean, every time we would see you reporting from the ground there in ukraine when russia attacked, we were all talking about how we were worried about your safety and just praying for you. and then this happened. tell us more about your relationship with pierre and sasha, what they were like. have you talked to their families? i spoke to pierre's wife this morning. so a very difficult day for her. but pierre was a person who was so
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full of life. he entered a room and could he would find a way through, like the mcgiver, of the camera world. he would love journalism and loved traveling places. he was the first cameraman i worked with, he taught me a lot. he was like a brother, teacher, father. critical part of the team and sasha, so full of energy and wanted to help her country and take us to places to tell the she said to me a few times, i'm doing this for my country because it is so important. >> brian: pierre's wife is now an activist against russia. who the bad guys are.
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>> that has been forgotten at the moment, they are saying the more support they need, the better it is. >> ainsley: how are you doing? tell us about your injury and how the girls are. >> i'm doing well, this is my alive day. i've been given a second chance and i feel one thing you have to convey to people, community, resilience, get through things together. you can be knocked down in of well, i'm a perfect example you can pick yourself up and keep going, do not let these things slow you down. true if you have injuries like myself or have a problem at home, find a way through it and you will feel stronger on the other side. help the community and that will make us stronger and keep us together. >> ainsley: you said you had vision of one of your daughters coming to you.
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>> in front of my eyes, i went to another place and spoke to experts on near-death experiences and you go to see family members. my daughter said, daddy, you have to get out of the car. i dragged myself out of the car and got out of the car and the third bomb hit the car that day. she saved me that day. pierre saved me opening up the car. i feel something physical toward them, which i did not before. immensely grateful for my family, they got me through this. my wife, i couldn't have done it without her. she's the most wonderful person and we've come out stronger. >> brian: in your special, on the channel and on fox nation, sacrifice and survival on fox nation and get saved war reporter mission to make it home. it is out in paperback.
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>> ainsley: "new york times" best seller. >> podcast is a joy, i'm speaking to other people who have gone through similar situations and had real difficulties in life and come through on the other side. it is so inspirational and optimistic, they are our heroes in every community, they are out there and around you, look out for them and be one yourself. >> brian: got it, see you on one nation on saturday. 30 before top of the hour. >> ainsley: today we remember pierre and sasha, for bravery and dedication to work at fox. may both rest in peace. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away
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>> steve: let's talk about money. back with a fox news alert. february producer price index
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report came out six minutes ago and wholesale inflation up .6% from january, more than expectd and year over year, domestic manufacturers are up 1.6% actual. let's bring in republican senator from great state of louisiana, john kennedy, who sits on senate budget committee. numbers are not going the right direction. >> i'm disappointed, i can't say surprised. president biden is an inflation machine. and we talk about the cpi, and ppi, and nba, and the nfl, average american does not have time to stop and research this. all they know, concrete example. my people in louisiana, median household income $55,000 per year.
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inflation is costing them extra $10,000 a year and they don't have it. this was predictable. you can't print, borrow and spend kind of money president biden has without causing inflation and i don't know why his colleagues at the white house didn't tell him that. some days, i think the biden white house would lower the average iq of an entire city. this is not, this is really basic economics 101. >> steve: let's see what happens, it feels like prices are way too high for what you pay there. we did a segment, deodorant or dog food, prices are stuck high. >> worst part, even if inflation were to come down, prices are going up less quickly. prices are permanent. >> steve: unfortunately, for
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now, you are right. meanwhile, yesterday in the house they passed to senate that tiktok bill. they got to either sell it or it would face some sort of a ban. the big question is whether or not chuck schumer, the democrat who runs senate will bring it up. what are you hearing? >> i don't know what schumer is going to do. i know this. i don't think he can ignore it. it got such an overwhelming vote in the house. i will not vote to get rid of a platform for 170 million americans until i'm sure and by that, i mean until i'm sure that the national security threat is greater than the first amendment concern and the only way to find that out is sit down in a classified briefing with the 17 intelligence communities and have them tell us the truth.
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>> steve: it is interesting, thomas massie said and i've read the bill and language is broad and not specific. he said the president would be given the right to ban the site and websites. we've heard from one former treasury secretary who said i think i would like to buy it. here is steve mnuchin. i will put together a group to buy tiktok. this should be owned by u.s. businesses, no way chinese would let a u.s. company own in china. >> have you put a group together? >> i'm working on it, i've spoken to a bunch of people. >> steve: we've spoken to a lot of people, too. i'm sure you have and one
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concern about tiktok is first amendment thing. if you have 170 million americans and a lot of young people get information from tiktok, that could be a one a problem. >> yes. and look. it is importance we're clear about this. putting together the money to buy tiktok is not the problem, the issue is if communist party of china will sell it. tiktok is owned by chinese company bite dance and communist party of china controls bite dance. you can buy tiktok and it won't make a different if bite dance still controls. algorithm. this is not as simple as appears. tiktok is not the problem, communist party of china is the problem and i don't think they are willing to sell. >> steve: i think you are right.
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see what happens with mr. schumer. senator, thank you for joining us live. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: we told you yesterday about congressman cory mills daring rescue of americans from haiti. famous author mitch albom is one of the people he rescued and he is coming up next. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. known for following your dreams. known for keeping with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer,
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> janice: good morning, we have a lot going on. take a look at maps. heavy snow in and around the colorado rockies. we had earlier tornado reports overnight and tornado-warned storm just north of st. louis over next few months. a tornado spotted and doppler radar indicating strong rotation. in terms of cold side of this storm, close to three feet of snow. we could see six feet of snow for parts of the rockies. severe weather and snow. real quick, talk to my friends who came to visit today. >> i'm pam, from pennsylvania. >> dwayne from bowie, texas. >> you having a good time?
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>> i am, i'm ready to go home. >> you leaving today? >> this afternoon. >> we'll talk. first toss to brian kilmeade and i'll give the local forecast. >> brian: 13 before top of the hour. we told you about the daring rescue of 10 americans led by congressman cory mills. >> if americans are abroad and in trouble, i will come to their aid. we conducted a night operation departing out of a neighboring country by helicopter, got on the ground for a minute and seven seconds and safely got them extracted and out. >> brian: cory mills is fearless, the group was visiting and exited out there. name of the orphan age is called have faith haiti orphanage and
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mitch albom, and his group, in the middle of it. cory mills went in. m m mitch is safe back home along with his wife and his group. what were your thoughts? >> we had to do it in middle of the night, there are concerns about helicopters. it was supposed to be a bigger helicopter, 10 plus two people, cory wases in there. we piled in on top of one another, no seats, big human ball of bodies and lifted off the ground. we didn't hear shots. we were happy. to be honest, when we hit the point where they said we're out of haiti air space, we are safe. a lot of people who were guests,
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we were happy. for my wife and me, we realized, we were safe, our kids at the orphanage are still back there. >> cory mills took action in a matter of minutes, can you describe what it was like meeting up with him, trying to communicate with the embassy, can you tell us about those moments? >> moments after we got there, all hell broke loose, roads were shut. we called the embassy and they kept tell us, stay where you are, we don't have anything for you. they evacuated. we were not going to get help that way. we tried several attempts before cory and we were left standing on the hillside waiting for a
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helicopter that never showed up. i never met lisa or cory. it was all texas, we're going to come get you. we had one attempt the night before and exactly as he said, he was in the helicopter when we got in. amazing to me. it was an independent effort, we have to thank them for getting our guests and everything out safely. >> brian: you have 60 kids there. we are waiting for government to get security. you are focused on maybe going back? >> absolutely. i go every month, every month for the last 14 years. we were there when the president was assassinated, we have been through this. our obligation is to our kids. other americans and canadians
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still need to get out. we went through what it was like to have our freedom taken away and it is a horrible feeling, that is what the haitians go through every single day. if we filled that helicopter with our kids some way, they would have been turned away. our heart is with them and i call on leaders to do something in haiti. >> brian: go to have faith haiti orphanage, he is doing things for kids who desperately need it. appreciate it. >> good to hear your voice. >> brian: get ready to rumble, tonight's first responders battle it out in battle of the badges. our next guest is battleing and showing lawrence some moves. check in with bill hemmer. great hand speed. >> bill: i want to see you in that ring with lj.
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hats off on that interview. two courtrooms two different states, the beat goes on for donald trump. maria b on inflation front. new numbers on two critical battleground states for november and spring break has sprung, what kids are up to these days. dana and i will see you top of the hour, see you then. of breat, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed.
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>> lawrence: let's get ready to rumble. first responders from new york will square off with first responders across the u.s. and u.k. for the international battle of the badges happening at madison square garden raising money for tunnel to towers. it is tonight. victor, thank you for your service. this is a great cause so you served in combat, now you are serving your country here back at home being a firefighters and you have the great event tonight. tell us about it. ? >> the first ever international battle of the badges. people from the u.k., ireland, colorado, atlanta all coming here to fight us. usually it's nypd, fnpny.
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thisier just fdny. the cops weren't able to fill the numbers, not sure what really happened. >> lawrence: we'll have to ask them about that later. how does the training work? you already got a tough job. how did you find time to train to box as well? >> i'm lucky enough that my firehouse and my coaches, mark, built a ring in the basement of the firehouse. >> lawrence: wow. >> every time i was at work i was training. it is a little annoying when the tones go off having to take everything off and run upstairs but we got it done. just difficult. >> lawrence: how many from the fdny will be representing the city in this event? >> i believe 14. >> lawrence: 14 from all difficult leant ladders. >> let's see if you can teach me
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some moves. let's get this done, all right. i'm good at street fighting. let's see if i can bring it here. so we're going to -- >> one, two, three, four. this one you throw a hook. >> lawrence: all right. >> one, two, three, four. >> lawrence: let's see if we can speed it up a little bit. >> all right. >> lawrence: there we go. that's what i'm talking about. visit fdny to support the cause. victor from ladder 17. see you all tomorrow. >> bill: good morning. want to show you a live look now. federal courthouse in florida. a judge about to hear arguments whether or not to disms


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