tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News March 17, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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rachel: it's the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, i'm out of breath a little bit. [laughter] ran up these stairs. all right, a washington post columnist is telling vice president harris to, quoteing step aside. why she says the vp is a burden to biden's re-election ticket. pete: plus, it's been four years since we were told to lock down and mask up. now a new report shines light on, eau eco-- oh, the many ways do -- will: revisit this thing four years after it started. and to top of the morning to you. [laughter] there we go. rachel: you're going to have to relive. will: the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. rachel: so good. ♪
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♪ rachel: all right, you guys, good with morning. 7 a.m., and as we've been talking about, it's st. patrick's day, and and you're looking live at dublin thanks to our friends at earth cam. will: what time is it in dublin? pete:is a.m.? rachel: they're just getting started here. later this hour we're going to learn some irish dance stepping. pete: refine will's already fantastic dancing skills. think it's maybe only a 5 or 6-hour flight from new york to dub runs or, don't you think? will: probably. rachel: i think next year we should do the show from dub runs. we have a resident leprechaun already. if. pete: and he changed his tie. will: we not these cards from if
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rachel's daughter morning, happy patrick's day, will. and his says make sure you eat green pancakes. pete: do not forget to make your pancakes green. will: do not forget cabbage and corned beef. i which can my list. i just had it. rachel: was that reuben sandwich amazing? i was in the green room polishing off my corned beef sandwich there, and it was amazing. will: are you happy now that i changed my tie? pete: it looks good. a green tie with a gray suit. will: it's not a gray suit. rachel: i wish we could focus this in on the suit more -- will: we have four hours to get it squared away. joe biden spooking last night at the annual grid iron club undinner said this about the two candidates running for president. he said, of course, the big news this week two candidate clinched
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their party's nomination for president. one candidate is too old, minuteally unfit to be president, the other is me. pete: so the gridiron -- avenue ray did people laugh? pete: there's no video. was the annual gridiron dinner is like the consummate insider dinner. black tie -- rachel: we'd never be invited. pete: no, we're definitely not invited. no cameras, and you're supposed to make jokes. we got an e-mail, kind of the rundown of some of his remarks. he was trying to be fun gnu, definitely wasn't. at his age and his speed, trying to get him to land complicated joke, they probably kept it pretty much pretty simple for old joe, and if that's the best he could do, probably weren't a lot of laughs for him. rachel: you've got "the washington post," you know, a frend of the administration, saying this in an op-ed. this is written by kathleen
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parker. she says for the country's sake, vice president harris should step aside. that's the title of the op-ed. she says she was picked -- this was interesting, this first line, because it's an admission of manager we've all been saying for a while. she was picked because she was black and a female, a combo tantamount to job security. now that she has become a burden to the democrat ticket, biden can't fire her. there's no reason to think her ranking would spike were she suddenly promoted to the oval office. instead the most signs point to disaster. this is why i propose, with all due respect, that harris step away from the ticket. wow, that's so interesting, having them just admit out loud she's black, she's a woman -- will: it's kathleen parker. she's one of their conservative columnists. she would definitely be someone i would suspect that you would
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are thought four or five years ago controversial she recognizes it's reality. i don't think there's been a vice presidency nomination if that significantly swung a ticket including john mccain versus barack obama. and while kathleen -- i mean, while kamala harris is a huge liability, it doesn't change whether we think joe biden is fit for the presidency. pete: no, i think it would clear the deck for other they weres though, right? if she's a giant insurance policy for joe. rachel: what do you mean? pete: well, or meaning the reason hay don't want to get rid of joe is the next person in line is kamala harris cans worse and less popular. so it was a smart pick from the view of joe biden. well: if people don't like me, they're not going to go to her.
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that's probably not kathleen parker's intention in writing the column, but it's true. it's certainly played out. another thing that's playing out, well, four years since the lockdown. when you think about that, the way our lives changed, masked up, locked down, there's a lot of lessons we should learn. will: was it march 13th when we began the shutdown? pete: i thought i heard the anniversary was a couple of days ago. rachel: i thought it was in february when we -- will: well, that's when everyone began -- rachel: freaking out. will: and it's been four years now since california hocked down, stay at home orders. pete: the committee to unleash prosperity has done a study saying the covid lessons learned, a retrospective after four yearss. really interesting. i'll read the first three. rachel: go for it. pete: if leaders should calm public fores, not stoke them.
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two, lockdowns do not work to substantially reduce deaths or stop viral circulation. lockdowns and social isolation had negative consequences that far outweighed the benefits. rachel: fourth is that government should not pay people more not to work. number five, shutting down schools was a major policy mistake with tragedy you can effects on children. six is, masks were of little or no value and possibly harmful. will: i wondernumber six is ready to be admitted to even by government and cdc authorities. it was true at the beginning. four years later it's point number six. number seven, government should not suppress or police the boundaries of simes. number eight, the real hospital story was underutilization. number nine, protect the most vulnerable and, ten, warp speed. deregulate but don't mandate. they went on the to explain lockdowns in their report, lockdowns, school closures and mandates were catastrophic
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errors pushed by public health norths at all levels. c or dc guidance is strictly add advisory. the u.s. should halt all binding agreement with the world health organization until satisfactory transparent city and accountability is achieved, unless and until key institutions acknowledge that lockdown cans, school closures and masks, vaccine mandates were catastrophic errors that should not be repeated in the future. the american people should withhold their trust. world health organization guidance flowed to c, dc guidance. to which laws followed and schools closed and businesses were forced to shut. rachel: and i think this is so important because coming up in june there's something happening with our government, they're trying to transfer authority over to the world health organization, so should there be another pandemic, it would be
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centralized. so in other wording or will, what's happening, what the biden administration is doing is the opposite, they're doubling down on these institutions and giving them power and authority other the american population to decide what's best for everybody. and what this report is saying is that was a mistake. don't double down on that. in fact, we need to deregulate this process in terms of, you know, these thing should all be recommendations, and we shouldn't have these unconstitutional mandates which in the end ended. making thing worse. pete: remember when there was the a run on toilet paper? [laughter] we really did go and lose our minds, and that's what leaders exploit. and that's why i think the first point from this list is probably the most important and the one we violate the most quickly the next time around. we need to calm public fears, not stoke them.
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because our trust in science and public health officials is so low because of what was done to us, they're going to ramp up the fear a lot quicker and the shaming a lot quicker to try to get people to conform even when there's very little information about the next virus. rachel: i think that the virus did two things that i don't see, maybe it wasn't the purpose of this paper, but the lockdowns allowed for universal mail-in voting. let's be clear that there was a political incentive for the left to lock down, create panic and, therefore, get what they had been trying to get for decades which was universal mail-in voting. pete: never let a crisis go to waste. rachel: and the over thing, if you could separate the power of pharmaceutical companies over government which they exert through funding research, etc., i think that you would have
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better results. in the beginning you saw a lot of people unable to get ivermectin or doctors to look into other treatments because there was this feeling that they couldn't mandate the vaccine which, by the way, the pharmaceutical companies made a lot of money off of if there were other treats. you couldn't do that if there were other treatments. so they suppressed and vilified doctors who were looking into those other ideas and even vilified vitamin d. and then they pushed their vaccine and and, again, there was a profit motive there. will: to your point, pete, i saw gina ca ran know,ing the act a dress that was brach listed during covid. rachel: the disney star. will: she recently said our real sin and what got her canceled is that during a moment of fear and panic and then, therefore, conformity, it wasn't so much she said what i had to say, it's that i wouldn't say what
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everyone required me to say and that was basically to conform. in those moments of heightened fear that,ting as you point out, leaders how old calm. they shouldn't stoke. but in those moments what her sin was and what so many did so well is just conform, you know? say what you're supposed to say, do what you're supposed to do. just conform. rachel: it's hard to think back on those days. i mean, i was a nonconformist, for sure, during the covid situate. situation. i remember just the vilification, the attacks online and in person actually. people treating me like i was some sort of leper because i was unvaccinated when, in fact, now we know that having had covid is more of a protection, of course, than the vaccine ever was, the immunity from that. so it's really, or i think it's such a great if point about a nonconformity. pete: it's -- my w50eu6 and --
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wife and i were thinking about it the orr day. what will happen, what is it going to look like because they're manipulating this stuff right now, what if it's a real deadly thing? what if it's a 52, 30%. will: because they've bred cynicism. you cried wolf. let's move to tiktok. you know there was a bill this week to advance a divestiture of tiktok from bytedance. welsh it's caused some real interesting debate that doesn't follow party lines. first of all, there are many on the right taffe had internal disagreement about how far this bill would go and when it sets the government up to regulate ore platforms more in the future with some others on the right saying, what are you talking about? it just targets foreign
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adversaries like china. the same thing exist on the left where representative jeff jackson is, he's a huge tiktok influencer, didn't know -- rachel: has, like, 2 million force. will: but he voted against tiktok this week and now he's backtrack thed it and apologized. here's congressman jeff jack john. >> i apologize. it -- i did not handle this situation well, and i have been heatly roasted -- completed roasted. when i was reading the bill, the part i agreed with was the part that tries to force a sale because i figured this would just be a better app if bedidn't have to worry about the stuff that comes with it being presidentially controlled by an add a very sail government. the reason i voted for it was because i genuinely believe the chance of a ban is practically
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zero for a lot of reasons, financial, political, geopolitical. i just don't think there's any real chance of a ban. rachel: apologizing, is he backtracking -- he's apologizing for his vote? i couldn't figure out what he was saying. pete: well. he clearly benefits from tiktok and doesn't want to be criticize9 but also clearly saw thing in these briefings and said, or i don't know, the communist chinese shouldn't be controlling apps that hundreds of millions of americans are consuming. so he's a conflicted individual who just want to be popular on tiktok, cheerily, and is. will, i agree with you, i kind of after the hoe dug in a a little bit on this to the bill, and i think tiktok the should be banned. i think it should be banned in this country. the opposite of hid view is that tiktok should be banned. but the way this bill is put together, it gives that power to the executive. this executive and any future executive to deem if an app or social media company has too much foreign influence.
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what could that mean? will: and like in any law, words are the key. what is the foreign influence, what percentage of ownership, who can define who is foreign influence. as you point out, the president. it's worthy of some serious debate. by the way, i've seen some of these guys going at each other, very shallow. and then, oh, you don't understand the bill and, oh, you're for china. it's, like, maybe when you have a serious debate about where this bill can go, the potential effect of this bill. rachel: you talked about how people don't trust institutions. when you had our own government, our intel agencies and the f with bi saying, for example, that hunter biden's laptop was, you know, foreign interference, the election was foreign interference, russia hoax, you know, all of this stuff of course people aren't going to trust if joe biden with this kind of authority.
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pete: make us keenly aware of your love for us. we ask that you make yours known to us, help us to feel the grace of your presence. returning to the cross for our sake. may if we see ourselves the way you see us and come to believe that we are worthy of your abounding love. in these final days of lent, help us to follow your healthy example if p. end spire in us the same sacrificial, selfless love you showed on the cross. o jesus, we surrender ourselves to you with. take care of everything. thank you again to hallow for this partnership during lent. rachel: amen. pete: amen.
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god. we take this moment just to give you thanks. we thank you for this time to come together as a family, as friends, and as a country. help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. amen. join us in prayer this lent. on hallow. stay prayed up. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were
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will: on march 4th a united plane was forced to turn around after an engine caught on fire. then on march 7th, a tire fell off moments after takeoff, and then on monday a united aircraft was portioned to make an emergency landing after a mid-air fuel leak. we can ask what with's going on and owk we stop this. here to discuss is the director for the foundation of aviation safety and former boeing whistleblower ed pearson is. from the beginning, ed, i have been somewhat skeptical of using anecdotal evidence as drawing a larger story to tell, that we should consider how safe air flight is and see what's going, but i have to say the anecdotal evidence is adding up, and it does seem to always come back to boeing. so what's going on this in.
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>> well,ing good with morning and thanks for having me. i think it shows that our system is under pressure, you know in the system is vulnerable. everything needs to work. not just is airplane as, but the operations of the airplanes, the maintenance of the airports. it all has to come together, expect if system is under detremendous pressure. and there's a lot of interest in trying to, you know, travel and all that, but we need to be very careful what we're doing. ten days away we met with the head of the faa, our town days did and we wanted to be very direct and didn't want to pull punchs. we came out and we said, hey, we've identified at least 35 problems that we need to get the addressed, and we need to stop downplaying these safety incidents. that's a real problem. it's a bad attitude to say, hey, these things happen and they're going to keep happening because those things tend to be precursors to accidents. will: so you said the system is
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overwhelmed, i believe. why? what's changed with the system? why is it under greater pressure now than it has been in the past in. >> there's a lot of reasons. one of the big reasons is there's been a shortage of staffing, right? if from air a traffic control centers to the flight crews to the may not if nance organizations. that's a real problem. so at a time when, you know, people are trying to fly and and airlines are trying to move people from a to b, we're doing it under a lot of stress on employees. and when the people are under stress, they a make mistakes. will: so i read this, and i would love to hear your feedback on this. this problem when it comes to boeing in particular seems to at least correlate to going with back to their merger with mcdonald douglas. you're talking about one player who now is somewhat insulated from competition. and when that happens, you sort of have late term managers who run a corporation. who are focused on perhaps will
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less successful metrics. this is where you bring in the lawyers with dei or whatever it may be. the point is your company loses focus as you lose competition. do you see any credence in the theory of what's going on here is boeing is allowed to let its standards lax? we. >> well, aviation safety isn't political, obviously, but i would say what's happening, it's failure of leadership. and it's, it starts at the very top, and, you know, i think of it as situational leadership. even a brand new employee if say working in factory or a mechanic working on the flight line at an airline, if they see something's wrong, they need to be able to spook if up and be able to comfortably say, hey, this is not safe and we need to stop. and i think what's happening is this focus to get, you know, or profits and everything. and there's been a lot of talk about this mcdonald douglas merger. i frankly have -- i think that's
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overly similar 34reusic. it's a lot more complicated than that. that the merger happened in 1997. nobody e talk thatted about it.. -- talked about it. so i think we need to be honest with the problems s and until we are, we're not going to fix these problems. will: culture and leadership take a long time to bake into the cake. they dictate it all the way down and how people behave because it's how you set the incentive structures for how one should behave. and i'd be surprised if it wasn't playing a role what we're seeing from boeing. ed pearson, thanks for being on with us this more thanking for this discussion. all right, up next in, megyn, markel's marketing opportunity and what is a chad wife? griff jenkins joins rachel os pop culture round-up. and war celebrating st. patrick's day with irish
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♪ rachel: all right, well, it's time for another pop culture round-up. i asked for george santos, i got griff if jenkins. >> again? [laughter] i've got a lot of opinions. rachel: the latest and the great. of the drama in hollywood. ing meghan markle, or she has a marketing ploy. she's the former duchess, as you know, and she has a new lifestyle brand. it's called american riviera orchard, it's a mouth ifful, concern, of course, he decides to launch it in the middle of this drama at buckingham palace, where is kate.
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>> well, right. the princess of wales is missing. so sister-in-law decides the launch this ridiculous, blurry ad -- rachel: it's so blurry, thank you. >> rachel, this is why americans can't have nice things, right? meghan broke up the royal family. this just adds insult to injury. what is she selling? it's not even clear. a cookbook? if some jams? nut butter? i don't know. rachel: here's what it's. it's kind of like magnolia, or you know, chip and joanne, but for mean girl. >> again. we buried the lead, what where where's kate? if. rachel: whoa. that is a spicy story. we're going to cover that on the next one. we'll have to bring you back for. that. >> or george santos, whoever's available. >> people are hungry for the news is just so heavy that at a lot of films are doing better if they have christian themes or
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lighter theme, and one of them is cra -- cabrini. >> we watched thatted that trailer yesterday. john list you is in it i can't wait to watch it. but what really is frustrating is anytime a great movie, and remember sound of freedom which was awesome, the story of tim ballard, you know w has anything to do with a car penner the's son from nazareth, hollywood's, like, no, we don't want that. i hope it wins at the box office, and and she took on the world. who gets told you've got months to live and you take on the mayor of new york. rachel: and she's a truly american saint. it's an amazing story. all right. now let's go to this. there is a tiktok orer who this is had 100 million views, and basically all. >> -- all she did was sit in her car on her way to work and start to unfold the story of how she married this guy who turned out
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not to be -- it's sort of like a dating, marriage catastrophe. she broke it down, bared her soul. america loves her. >> i've got to tell you, until you asked me to do this, i would have never in a million years clicked on this, but once i did, it's a rabbit hole. you can't stop going down it. she talks about this guy she married if gave her the united nations of red flags -- rachel: and like a lot of women, he ignored the flags. the fact that she married him, he gave her 525,000 the reasons not to love him. rachel: take a look at this clip if you don't know what we're talking about. >> it is the so many red flags that, i mean, you would have thought i was color blind. he explained to me that he used to play a arena football, he work9 at apple in the off season. he was a forklift driver. on top of everything, i was married to a convicted felon.
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so -- to say that i have no idea who i married is an understood statement. rachel: we've got do move to our next topic which is trad wives. feminists are freak being out. it's a reaction to feminism which has gone crazy. >> well, and, look, there's the compareson to stepford if wives. what is it about being a traditional mother if that care9 about her husband, that cares about her children, that wants to raise a good family is a good thing -- bad thing all of a sudden in america? it's an offense to women who are strong to do the traditional role of being a wife at home. and trying to raise their kids -- rachel: -- social media is able to pick up these trends that hollywood would never if tell, right? if hollywood's not going to tell the story without being negative. hook, it's not for everybody. >> and princess e of wales,
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kate, might be trad wife of if we could just find her. rachel: a very privilegedded trad wife. griff, thanks. you're as good as george santos. >> thank you. i'll take that anytime. [laughter] rachel: catch griff hosting the big weekend show tonight at 7 p.m. >> it's big. rachel: senator chuck schumer names prime minister netanyahu an obstacle to peace. congressman byron donalds calls the remain completely out of line. and later or we're going to get a direct response from the prime minister himself. there are (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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>> it is clear that israelis need to take stock of the situation and ask, must we change course. at this critical juncture, i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a them think -- healthy and open decision making process about the future of israel. president that was senate majority leader chuck schumer urging america's best ally in the middle east, israel, to get rid of prime minister netanyahu as it fights to defend itself
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against brutal hamas terrorists. and joe biden afterwards when asked about it said he support his remarks. our next guest calls these comment out of line, and his name is gop congressman byron donalds, a forther of -- supporter of israel as well. what do you make of this? it was staggering to see schumer go to the floor, say what he said and then for biden to back him up. >> good to be with you this morning. look, out of line is just the start of what i think. you have the senate majority leader trying to interfere in the election process and destabilize e the country of our ally, israel. i mean, what the heck is going on? many that's not his job. is his job is to make sure we a actually find a way to help fund israel. not san diegoing as an obstacle to the israel doing what they need to do which is to to obliterate hamas. this is the same chuck schumer whose goals around -- who goes around whine and crying expect a can -- the russians involving
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themselves in our elections. let's be clear, it should be decided by americans and americans alone, but but he has no problem going to the senate floor to talk about what's going on with bibi netanyahu and the current government of israel. this is the indicative of a broader point. the democrat party support ifs hamas. they do not want to see ap end to hamas. they are more concerned about israel removing hamas from gaza than actually supporting israel in that position. they would prefer to have a deal with the iranian, they would prefer to let the houthi, hezbollah and hamas if continue to operate regardless of the security threat to israel. pete: yeah. i mean, this is the leader of the senate also browbeating the israelis saying you need a two-state solution. this is something you're hearing from the administration as well. wouldn't it be the israelis and the voters or there the that would decide what leaders they want and what kind of outcome they want? the idea of two states hasn't worked very well. >> of course.
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and let's be are clear, gaza essentially was a mini two-state solution. they voted for hamas if almost 15 years ago. hamas has been running the place. they've been stealing the humanitarian aid that the united states, the u.n. and everybody else has been sending over this. they've built military the tunnels, they've embedded weapons amongst civilians, amongst children, so this has not been -- been an experiment that's benefited israel. the only thing that matter is what president trump was doing with the eab ham accords where you had israel and other arab nations finding peace agreements and finding ways to deal with each other in economics and trade. empowering iran the way the biden administration has done has been disaster for israel, and it's been a disaster for the middle east. pete: upside down, no doubt. we're going to have prime minister benjamin netanyahu on our program live today at 9:30
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eastern time to respond. congressman if, i want to get your thoughts on one more thing because the house oversight committee says it's going to proceed with this week's hearing with or without hunter biden. here's the letter from the chairman, james comer, to hunter biden's attorney saying, hey, we want you to publicly testify. it says a few months ago hunter biden demanded a public hearing where he would answer questions in front of the american people. after facing questions during a private deposition, mr. biden decided to e reverse his decision. the committee will proceed forward to show publicly how the biden brand was sold for so many in years and to explain joe's involvement in those the lucrative transactions. sounds like toap nebraska bob lin key, deafen arch or and another associate with testify but hunter or won't. what do you make of this? >> well, look, i'm not surprised. hunter biden's been trying to make a mockery of what we've been doing in the oversight committee this entire time.
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that's why when he he had to do his original deposition. he went to the senate side and gave a mini press conference which was stupid and done. now that he has an opportunity to come and testify of course he different want to do it, and the reason why because mr. bobulinski and mr. around a offer would refuse at lot of things he said behind closed doors to members of the oversight committee and judiciary committee. we can clearly see that hunter e biden was the bagman, that he did take money from cefc, that he lid text chairman zhao next to his father because pictures place him at the biden beach house in delaware on the day of those pictures, and money flowed to his accounts that he controlled, to family member of joe biden. he wants to say that, oh, maybe he was on drugs. that mean the way -- the case, but the financial records and
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text messages paint a completely different story. he wasn't want to be to be refutedded. america, the man has not been telling the truth the entire time. pete: you need to get to the bottom of it, which is exactly why he won't show up. congressman byron donalds, thank you very much. >> thank you. pete: you got it. all right. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. what's up, adam? if. pete: adam: good morning, pete. feeling like a nice day for if st. patrick's day activities. let's dive into the national forecast and talk about it. temperatures fairly comfortable along the east coast. 50 degrees in new york city. 50 degrees in d.c. it's getting colder across the northern plain and midwest. the bigwet maker is a system across the gulf coast, houston seeing heavy rain, moving in towards new orleans. that's do our resting of severe weather today. all wraps around the gulf coast. i will leave you with our
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forecast across the country. staying relatively mild up and down the east coast and if main continue -- rain continues for folks across the south. pete, tossing it back inside to you. president thank you, adam. all right. well, you know how much will loves eye remember dance, so is today we're going to give him another try. our@patrick's day celebration continues next. ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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♪ ♪ pete: we are celebrating st. patrick's day all morning long. rachel: and what better way to get into the spirit of it all than giving will and pete another shot at irish step dancing finish. [laughter] right here on fox square. will: we have adam and rachel joining us. joining us now is nile o'leary, founder of to leery school of irish dance. what's up, nile? if. >> happy st. patrick's day. rachel: and you ladies look gorgeous, amazing. pete: yes. will: we're going to need some instruction on how to do a little irish step dancing. i think maybe you have some different tips than what we learned last year. [laughter] >> the first thing is we're
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going to get the arms right. the decision is -- tradition is you keep your arms down by your side. pete: so one of this. >> no praying while you're dancing. that's done separately. so the right foot up front, and we're going to do a big jump. 5, 6, 7, go, jump! hop, hop back, 2, 3, 4. there's no ceiling, so we're doing good. no one's going to hit their head. jump, hop back, 2, 3, 4. jump, hop back, 2, 3, 4. one more time. jump, hop, hop back to the heel. hop, hop back, hop back 2, 3, 4. that's the right foot. what's next? 5, 6, 7, go. jump, hop, hop back, 2, 3, 4.
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