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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 17, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ everything i need. ♪ everything i need. ♪ my father has, my father has. ♪ every single time. ♪ the lord will provide. ♪ my father has. ♪ my father has. ♪ oh, everything i need. ♪ everything i need. ♪ my father has. my father has. ♪ every single time. ♪ the lord will provide. ♪ my father has. ♪ treasures, everything else will -- ♪ i know the lord will provide. ♪ i know my god.
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♪ i know my god's right. ♪ he gives us blessing upon blessing. ♪ i still believe. ♪ i know the lord will provide. ♪ i know the lord will provide. ♪ [ applause ] >> incredible. that was passion music performing as our faith and friends concert series continues. thank you so much. that was called the lord will provide. rachel: that was gorgeous. >> i love it on these sundays, we get a prieivet performed pri, millions of you get to enjoy it too. .>> we're glad you're here on the fourth around a final hour
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on this st. paddy's day and we'll get to more celebration. we want to move to some news. donald trump was in ohio yesterday, the primary in ohio happens on tuesday, it's a foregone conclusion he's already won that. he continues with his campaigning and he made a point yesterday about the you auto aa. he's talking about the auto manufacturing industry in america but then we're going to talk about how the media is responding to it his words are being manipulated. here's donald trump yesterday. >> let me tell you something to china, if you're listening, president xi and you and you i are friends but he understands the way i deal, those big monster car manufacturing plants you're building in mexico right now and you think you're going to get that, not hire americans and sell the cars to us, no, we'll put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and you're not going to be able to sell those cars. if i get elected. if i don't get elected it will
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be a blood bath had. that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a blood bath for the country. that will be the least of it. they're not going to sell those cars. >> he's talking about testify ect should he lose -- about the effect, should he lose the election, the country at large, hreferencing the country and the economy and another four years of the biden administration. you're seeing the creation of misinformation. for all of those who yell about misinformation, they're often the perpetuators of misinformation. i want you to see how it's being played out. it happens with x with viral videos and turns into headlines in mainstream media. take a look. nbc, trump says there will be a blood bath if he loses the election. politico, trump says country faces blood bath if biden wins in november. rolling stone, trump says there
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will be a blood bath and elections will end if he exhibit reelected. this is -- this is a lie. this is the manipulation of the public mind by piecing out a same cstatement completely devof context. can you stand behind and -- you can, if you're stupid. >> if you're not stupid and you want to create the narrative. >> manipulate people to think he's talking about another january 6. rachel: that's what they're trying to create, this is another january 6. it feeds into the line, if you poll democrats, after the economy, they say the greatest threat is the threat to democracy and they bring up january 6 but this is a little reminiscent of the charlottesville inche incident. >> the both sides things. they've got the both sides hoax. s this will soon be known as the blood bath hoax.
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they'll play the clip, starting at if i don't get elected, that's where they'll start the clip. context doesn't matter. they pull the context the out on purpose. >> if you repeat it, it makes its way to the public mind to where that is the truth. >> correct. here is the biden/harris spokesman, put out a statement in response to that speech and of course they're going to perpetuate it. they said this is who donald trump is, a loser who is beat by 7 million votes, instead of apeeling to a wider audience, he doubles down on violence. he wants another january 6. that's what they're going to do, saying he wants a january 6. >> it starts with an online cretin perpetuating a false viral video, goes into headlines until it's screamed from mountain tops or a spokesperson
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who thoops be a sitting president -- who happens to be a sitting president of the united states. you start with this is what will happen with the auto industry, you end with political violence. rachel: that's why they're trying to control the media. one of the problems is that x has been -- if you've been on x or formerly known as twitter a lot of people are going back and saying that's not what happened, here's the full clip. before elon musk, that would just be the only story line and that's why it's so important, right now we talked butt it earlier with shannon breen, there's a supreme court case that will be heard this week on the collusion between our intel agent agency, the democrat partd the media in general because if you remember from the hunter biden p laptop story, and the up supprsuppression of that and pet weighs of those lies that was in consistent b junction with other media outlets who refused to tell the truth. that's why free speech is such an important topic. that's something that gop ohio senator jd vance talks a lot
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about. he was present at that rally, so senator, so great to have you on today. tells us what you think about -- first of all, tell us would out the rally and also this new misinformation from the media about what was said regarding the automobile industry. >> yeah, well, good morning, guys. it was a great railly. rally.we had a great time. he was there to rally for better any marino and fight back against the swamp. we were celebrating bernie and his campaign and now you have this ridiculous attack on donald trump coming out. we were there, we heard what he said. he was saying if you allow the chinese to dominate the ev industry, which is what biden's policies are promoting, you're going to destroy the auto industry in this country and it's going to be a blood bath had for the you auto industry. he's 100% correct about that and again, i think it shows how low the media is willing to go to
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cover for joe biden. they know they cannot win this election if it's about joe biden's record, the failed border policies, the inflation and so forth ha so they're goino lie about it for the next eight months. it's important to have real journalist, push back against the craziness. if the american people know the truth they'll vote for better for berniemarino and donald trud we'll have a great election in 2024. >> your name tone continues ton the list as a possible vice presidential pick. what do you think about that? stepping y aside, i know you knw how to answer that, what kind of person will trump be looking for? >> trump has great instincts of people. i'm honored be considered. it's premature to get into that i like being a senator. i plan to keep on being a senator.
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if the president asks me you i would have to think seriously about it. you i want him to win. i think it's the most important election of our lifetimes. you asked what kind of person he needs toing pick. that's donald trump's call but i think it's important you have someone who believes in the agenda, that believes in bringing american manufacturing jobs back, that believes you've got to deport some of the criminal migrants who have come into our country, can't give them amnesty. the biggest problem trump had during his first term is you had a lot of -- i hate to say it, of congressional republicans who refused to support the agenda, they were stabbing him in the back in privates as they said nice things in public, one of the reasons why bernie marino is the right choice for ohio and the u.s. senate. >> you're someone who i think is a leading voice on many of the policies issues when it comes to america first ideology or america first political priorities. i'm curious where you are, although the bill is stalled in the senate, i'm curious where you are on the bill to address
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tiktok. it divided many of the right had are those who say we don't need to tend first impeachment rights to an a adversary like china. some say it opens the door for censorship of american tech companies or media companies, that it's a trojan horse into government censorship. how did you see the tiktok bill? >> this is complicated but be i'll try to be brief. i think the intent of the bill is good. i think it's good to try to prevent the ccp from having a spy app in our country. i worry about how overbroad it is. that's what we have to work on in the u.s. senate. we mentioned x. elon musk like me had been accused of russian influence because we don't agree with the biden administration's ukraine policy. you don't want to create a bill, given how the biden administration is so corrupt in if using the department of justice the, you don't want to create a bill that gives them
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additional power to go after people like elon musk so i think the intent is good. we've got to narrow down the focus a little bit so it does what it means to do and doesn't attack free speech in our country. i think that's doable but it needs a little more work. rachel: jd, what about just instead of just focusing on tiktok, what about a bill that just says none of these social media apps can censor on behalf of the government but also collect our data or information and share it with the intel agencies. >> very, very good point and i think this is one of the criticismses of the tiktok bill. it's valid here. it's not the bill's necessarily wrong in its intent but we have to focus not just on tiktok but we've also got google and facebook which we know interfered in a big may the 2020 election. we have to take on the big tech problem at large. the tiktok piece is one part of it. there's a broader problem with
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the way the hyper left win technology companies control the debate and narrative in our country. i think we need a legislative solution to the problem. we have to deal with the whole problem. i think the focus point is really important. >> whatever that legislative solution is going to look like it's going to be a knock down, drag out fierce debate because there's a lot of people invested in the control those programs have over the minds of americans. thank you you forking being here. rachel: i feel better that he's in the senate dealing with these issues. >> we begin here, in russia. where at least 47 protesters have been detained during the weekend's presidential election. the arrests come as the incumbent russian president vladimir putin is poised to win another six year term, there were no other real candidates challenging putin. rachel: are they arresting protesters? >> fdny commissioner laura
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cavanaugh heckled at the st. patrick's day parade after reports the department threatened to hunt you down firefighters who booed latisha james at a ceremony last week. >> you suck! >> you suck! >> firefighters are the -- >> fire chief john hodge inches says it was not meant to be taken literally, was not uttered by anyone on the executive staff. now to college hoops, yukon taking on march ge marquette ing east championship game. they used the second half to pull away from the golden eagles. >> nice double up, with two hands. >> yukon took the game 73-57, securing their first big east title in 30 years, the huskies now have to wait to see where
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they'll end up in the ncaa tournament, mens and women's brackets released later this afternoon. a w>> it's an east coast bias alert. bill from north carolina, saying what are you doing missing the bigbiggest be bawl story. nc state takes the title. i was watching the game yesterday. >> iowa state upsets houston in the big 12 championship game. s is the s.e.c. -- >> one and two seed are out of the tournament, tennessee and kentucky. a lot of upsets. rachel: i heard about wisconsin winning, in the last second or whatever. >> the big 10 final? rachel: i think so. >> pete and i have you covered for the east coast buys. we don't have all a of the country covered. rachel: they beat purchase be,
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right. >> how do you know that. rachel: because sean told me. i do listen sometimes. >> we're always watching out tore the east coast bias. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu joins us live with the latest on cease fire negotiations. rachel: but first, a new social media trend has young people embracing the la lazy lifetime. >bedriding is a trend where you enjoy the time in your bed. rachel: it sounds like having a baby. that's what i did. >> i don't think that's what's happening. rachel: it's not about recovering after pregnancy. dr. nicole saphier on the dangers of the new gen z trend, bed rotting. next. ♪
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rachel: a new social media trend has psychologists worried. >> bed rotting he is a trend where you kind of enjoy the time that you have in your bed. younger generations are really ems bracing this concept of soft living and being able to live a more stress-free life.
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rachel: here to discuss is dr. nicole saphier whose new book love mom is available for preorder now. nicole, what do you think of this social media trend, bed rotting, where you lay in bed and enjoy and don't feel guilty about it. there's parts of it i don't mind. i think there's some fairness to that. it could go maybe too far. >> first of all, we love a lazy sunday. rachel: i don't know what that's like, nicole. >> the rest of us, we have lazy sundays, you unplug from society, it's been a busy week, spend more time with your family, with your friends, but the problem is gen z they take it to another level. they tend to do that often. this bed rotting trend, hashtag bed rot, it's been used over 33 million times. and what they're doing is you're seeing people staying in bed just like that video and they're oftentimes scrolling on social media, eating from bed. sometimes they're doing it for more than one day. listen, rachel, there are some
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negative implications to doing this. it does create a sense of isolation. this isn't just your normal un. they're just on their phone. they're not unplugging at a they're scrolling social media which is negative for mental health and they're also just contributing to that lazy lifestyle the younger generation is adopting. i have huge concerns about this. i absolutely suggest everyone should be unplugging. there are healthier ways to do it, go outside, take a walk, spend time with your family. the first thing you should do is be be put away your phone, that's the best way to unplug. rachel: if the you're rotting away in bed, you're not meeting people. that's a source of anxiety for young people they're not dating and getting on with their lives in that way. >> it's all on their phone. rachel: yeah. oh, boy. another bad social media trend.
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let's move on to this. allergy season is here. what we're seeing is what they're calling a pollen bomb so doctors are seeing an unusually high or number of patients with severe allergies before spring so this is off the charts, nicole? it's different than other of. >> we're starting to see allergy season earlier each year. last year was really bad. last week, people were reporting severe allergy seasons and as you start seeing warmer temperatures earlier in the spring, you're going to see blooming effects of lasting even longer. there are some tricks to kind of helping avoid some of the severe allergy symptoms. first of all, you should be on your weather app. they actually can tell you what the pollen is going to be that next day. that's a good way to determine well, he's is this the day i take the kids to the park or maybe i should look for a lower pollen day. i recommend doing that. there are some over-the-counter
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antantihistamines, nasal washes. when you come in from the outside, make sure you're stripping down, cleaning those clothes. you have pollen all over you. you should take a shower. it's all in your hair. one of my kids has pretty bad seasonal allergies. he has to shower a lot during this time and sometimes all of this doesn't actually do anything and you have to go see anilan allergist. there are some things that can help. allergy, people tend to blow them off. allergies can be debilitating and make people miserable for months. rachel: are there natural remedys for allergies. >> there are certainly one of the biggest things are the nasal washings. think of pollen as tiny little dots all over you. think of it, it's like dust and as you walk it gets all over you, gets in your hair and fair.
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you breathe it in. if it's inside of your nose, you're going to continue to have the symptoms, doesn't matter how many times shower. the nasal washes are really good. have you to follow the directions. you have to make sure you use clean water. there are risks to it. rachel: there's a lot of risk if that water isn't clean and washing that through your nose. so always such great advice, really fast. when does allergy season end for people? >> honestly, it varies. the next couple of months, maybe the beginning of may. but it can go through the summer to be honest. rachel: all right. nicole, always great having you. >> thanks for having me. rachel: you got it. president biden standing by senator chuck schumer's call for new israeli elections and criticism of the country's prime minister, netanyahu. >> he made a good speech. i think he expressed serious concern, shared not only by him but by many americans. rachel: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu responds,
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pete: right now in qatar, a done you tricountry playing a le games, cease fire negotiations set to resume between israel and hamas as israel defends itself from the brutal military attack on their country more than 1200 israelis were murdered. hamas still holds more had than 100 hostage. israeisraeli prime minister benn netanyahu joins us live from jerusalem. thank you for being with us. the calls for a cease fire at this point are extortion. on behalf of hamas. but you've been in the press talking about the offensive in rafah. how does that get hamas in a place to negotiate on your terms. >> the only thing that gets
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hamas to release the hostages is continued military pressure. that enabled us to bring out half of the hostages, that will enable us to get the remaining hostages. at the same time there has to be pressure, pressure from qatar that wields enormous influence on hamas. and they should be pressed to press them. so the fact that we're going to destroy the remaining hamas terrorist b battalions in rafahs both important for eradicating the hamas rule and also important important getting hostages out. these are complementary goals, not contradictory goals. pete: how many hamas fighters remain in rafah? >> we've destroyed 19 of hamas 24 terrorist battalions, there are four in rafah. we have to destroy them. when people tell us don't go into rafah, that's like telling the allies don't go into berlin, leave a quarter of the nazi army intact.
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that's ridiculous. if we leave a quarter of the hamas fig fighting terrorists in place, they'll regroup, recapture, and they'll repeat the massacre over and over again. that's not going to happen. we need total victory over hamas. we're within reach. we should do it. we're going to do it while we enable the civilian population in rafah to leave as we've done up to now. but we have to finish the job. we need total victory. there's no substitute for total victory. pete: there's no doubt this you is a fight that israel needs to finish. considering what occurred. yet you already hear in our media and our leadership, we'll get to in a moment, renewed calls for a two state solution. what's your view on these calls for a palestinian state. >> it's not only my view, it's the view of the vast majorities israelis, they believe it's time to have a palestinian state
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would be basically a formula for creating a platform, the great. reward for terrorism in history and would create a platform for attacking israel. hamas had a de facto palestinian state in gaza. what did they use it for? to massacre israelis in the worst savagery on jews since the holocaust. we just had a vote the other day. 99 against 9 of the parliament members voted against the attempt to impose on israel a palestinian state. you have to say when people say oh, well, this is netanyahu and his fringe elements in his coalition, no, it's not. it's the vast majority of the israeli public that understands that a palestinian state the way it's envisioned would be aen a r enormous danger to israel's
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future. when i'm chris sized by people in the -- criticized by people in the united states can for obstructing peace. we're not obstructing peace. we ensure that we don't have a catastrophic, suicidal move. it's not just me. it's the vast majority of israelis. if you want to take up the issue with the vast majority of israelis, say so. say you're against the vast majority of the people of israel. don't try to personalize it because it's not a personal thing. i'm leading the policy, that most israelis think is essential for our survival and future. pete: let's talk about the criticism. here's chuck schumer slamming you on the senate floor on thursday. >> a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision making process about the future of israel. people on all sides of this war are turning away from a two state solution. including israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. i believe in heart he has his highest priority is the security
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of israel. i also believe prime minister net ya yonetanyahu has lot his . pete: he says you've got to go. joe biden said he likes the speech and also said your also sis are hurting israel more than helping israel. your response to chuck schumer and the president? >> i think schumer's statements are wholly inappropriate. i think we're not a banana republic. the people of israel will choose when they'll have elections, who they will elect and it's not forced upon us. it's wrong to try to replace the elected leaders of a sister democracy, a staunch american ally at any time but especially during a time of war. just imagine that, after 9/11 and when you were fighting al-qaida and winning people will say oh, well the right thing -- some israelis would say the right thing to do is not to have new elections in america or have president bush resign. it's inappropriate, shouldn't
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have been said. it's wrong. as far as my considerations, thenotfor my personal survival, they're for the survival of the jewish state. that requires pursuing the war, something that my government enjoys the support of the overwhelming majority of israelis, not only the majority of israelis but the majority of the american people. 82% support israel, consistently, over the five months of the war, against hamas. i'm not why senator schumer made those statements. i think the only thing we should be focused on is changing the regime in gaza. bringing down the terrorist regime of hamas. and not the dually elected government of israel. pete: he was asked about what joe biden said on the topic. >> all of a sudden he dumped israel.
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>> he's not walking away. >> yeah, wouldn't you say he is walking away? he said essentially that netanyahu should take a walk. pete: do you feel like you're losing support, mr. prime minister? >> well, i hope not. let me say that i appreciate president trump's tremendous support for israel, when he was president. he recognized jerusalem as israel's capital, he moved the american embassy there. he recognized our sovereignty at golan heights, got out of the does as truss iran new clear nuclear dealand we broke erred c abraham accords which brought peace with four arab states. from the start of the war president biden stood with israel, came here, called hamas sheer evil, sent carrier groups, aircraft carrier groups to the region and sent ammunition. i hope the support will continue. i'll tell you one thing. i could tell you and i said this to president biden early on, we
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discussions, we had differences on whether we should enter gaza, how we should enter you go and en gaza and so on.i st said if u loan, we'll go it alone. i know we're not alone. the vast majority of americans support israel and for a good reason because they understand that our war is your war. our victory is your victory. we're fighting the same people who want to chant death to america and death to israel. they want to see our civilly case brought down, our values brought down. that's why i think we'll continue to enjoy the support of the vast majority of the american public. pete: prime minister benjamin netanyahu thank you for joining us on "fox & friends weekend" and god speed in your fight, sir. thank you. >> thank you. pete: maria bartiromo joins us live coming up next.
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>> this week, house republicans moving full steam ahead with their impeachment inquiry into president biden, whether hunter biden shows up or not. joining us now, sunday morning futures anchor. molly: . good morning, maria. this has gone on for quite some time, this investigation. it's hard to know how far along in the process are we. what will come out this week. maria: i think a lot will come out. the reason the house republicans
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are moving forward despite the fact that hunter biden says he's not going to show up, first he said i want a public hearing, i want a public hearing, i want to be able to talk to anybody. he didn't do the public hearing. now he's saying i'm not showing up. the problem is, that the stories don't match up. and that's why the house republicans are moving forward he despite the fact that hunter biden says he's not going to show up at the hearing next week. tony bob ly bobulinski is goingw up. let me tell you what tony bobulinski say. he met with joe biden on may 2nd and may 3rd, 2017. okay. joe biden was at the meeting according to tony bobulinski. they were all in the meeting in la. it was around the milliken conference, they went to the mike milliken conference, he does a global summit every may in los angeles. they had a meeting on the sidelines. joe biden was there, tony bob lynnbobulinski was there, hunter biden was there and james biden
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was there. gyms biden was asked three times about this meeting and if he ever met with joe biden because we all know that president biden hads has said repeatedly he has nothing to do with his son's business and he's never been involved in any business meetings. and yet tony bob lynn he ski bobulinski says no,no, i've spot biden, i've had meetings with president biden when he was vice president be. may was the meeting that house republicans asked uncle gyms, james biden about. he said three times, three different times, no meeting exists, so the question becomes did he perjury himself? is this perjury? the house republicans are moving forward because the stories don't match up. tony bobulinski said he met with president biden many times, including may 2nd and 3rd. president biden hay says i have nothing to do with had this. what was discussed at the meeting, may 2nd and 3rd which james biden seems to have
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forgotten about. they'll get the testimony on the record next week. you know, the hearing will take a take place and the impeachment inquiry is moving forward. we're talking with the oversight committee chairman this morning, james comer. comer told me it's ridiculous for democrats to say there's no evidence because he says we have $30 million that has gone directly to joe biden, president biden, we have that. we know there are direct $30 million that he has taken in. 170 sars which indicate 20 shell companies, the $30 million that i referred to went to the biden family and ultimately made its way to joe biden according to house republicans, $40,000 was part of that, that was a check, that was 10% of an overall $400,000 that went to the biden family and he also told me about james comer on this program, told me about the porsche which cames from kazhakstan, they sent him money to buy a porsche, hunter biden got the porsche and
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hunter biden received two diamonds from china. diamonds is a good way to hide wealth, you don't put it on your taxes, hand it down to generations, whatever. that's what they're looking at. this morning we're talking about they that incredible interview that you just did, with prime minister netanyahu. that was an incredible interview that pete did and will, i want you to know i'm getting into it with senator from wyoming, john barrasso is here. president trump just endorsed john barrasso for the number two position if the senate. we'll talk about that. we're talking to kash patel. we're that',we're learning thaty 6th committee decided to censor information. we're live in 15 minutes' time. we've got a big show, continuing the great conversation that you all are having this morning. will: well be watching, thank you so much. passion music joins us with a live performance this sunday morning as part of our faith and friends concert series, next.
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♪ >> with more than 3 billion
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streams worldwide, passion music is taking the world of christian you music by storm. rachel: their new album, call on heaven, is already topping the charts. >> passion worship leader christian stanfield joins us now, along with everybody here. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having us. >> 55,000, 60 you 60,000 from, live recording from that concert. what an event. >> it's a moment we will never forget. a generation gathered to worship. you can hear it. rachel: that a was more than a concert, it's a chris christian conference, you have that many young people there. >> they come from all over the country, all over the world and the idea is that we gather together in jesus' name, the pray, have some y amazing teaching, some worship and jesus is at the center of the whole thing.
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it's a beautiful thing. rachel: it's like a taylor swift concert over here. you're giving us new hope in america. >> taylor swift with a purpose. >> that's right. rachel: for sure. >> the new album is called "call on heaven." outs available everywhere now. tell us about it. >> it's what we're talking about. it's the sound of 55,000 college students worshiping jesus, saying we want something that's going to last, something that we can build our lives on, that's sure, that's unshakeable. and he's that's jesus. and so that's what you hear. it's a really powerful, powerful moment. >> well, the album is "call on heaven." today you're going to be perform "he who is to come." rachel: give us a little bit of gjesus right now. >> you've got it. ♪ there's a day coming.
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♪ when the old will pass away. ♪ every wrong will be made right. ♪ no darkness, no light. ♪ yes, the sun will light the way. ♪ there is a king coming. ♪ the one who conquered death and pain. ♪ no more pain and no more sorrow. ♪ there's hope for tomorrow. ♪ is our hope for today. ♪ he who was, he who is, he who
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was, he who is. ♪ he who is to come. ♪ christ, the son of man. ♪ riding on a cloud with a crown upon his head. ♪ every eye will see him with the nail scars in his hands. ♪ hallelujah, hallelujah. ♪ the day is coming. ♪ yes, the lord, you're coming again. ♪ he's surely coming. ♪ yes, it's true. ♪ oh, can you feel it too. ♪ i know we all do. ♪ all this tension growing
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stronger. ♪ it's just a sign it's getting closer. ♪ oh, jesus is already on the move. ♪ yes, lord, you're coming soon. ♪ oh, the story has been written. ♪ we all know how it ends. ♪ my future. ♪ my eyes are on the savior. ♪ oh, he's coming back again. ♪ yes, you're coming back again. ♪ he who is to come. ♪ christ, the son of man. ♪ riding on a cloud with a crown upon his head. ♪ every eye will see him. ♪ with the nail scars in his hands.
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♪ hallelujah. ♪ hallelujah. ♪ hallelujah. ♪ hallelujah. ♪ [cheers and applause]g ♪if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation,
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