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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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$9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. options start at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate-lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information, and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. mike: growing unrest and instability in haiti as gangs have reportedly occupied an estimated 80% of the capital
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city of port-au-prince. the humanitarian crisis is also a getting worse with hospitals coming under attack and and many people going hungry. this as the prime minister has agreed to step down once a transitional presidential council is created. welcome to "fox news live," happy st. patrick's day, i'm mike emmanuel. americans trapped in haiti getting a lifeline, charter flights for u.s. citizens stuck there but warning americans to travel to the pick-up point at their own risk. bryan llenas is live with the late from the dominican republic p. hello, bryan. >> reporter: hey, mike. yes, gangs in haiti have made life there virtually impossible, very difficult. we are on the dominican side of the border, and this is a marketplace where haitians are able to buy and sell goods and bring them back to their ohm as their -- home as their country continues to be in a state of crisis. the united nations says nearly half of haiti's population is
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food insecure and in need of some kind of humanitarian assistance right now. this morning the border gates opened to allow thousands of haitians a hasn't to buy the ice, water and other goods. they say nearly two-thirds of households have experienced a significant drop in income with more than 360,000 of them displaced in haiti. asians are crossing into the dr. they are fingerprinted, they're photographed before they come into the marketplace, and they're given an immigration card for future trips. we spoke to a haitian national at the market about the situation in his country. >> translator: haiti is no good for me it's misery. we're hungry. we'd like international help with food. >> reporter: some 1.4 million haitians are facing ma'am anyone right now. -- famine right now. 80% of the capital is under their control, some 4,000 inmates have broken out of two prisons there. there is no clear government in place, and congressional republicans right now are
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pausing $40 million that the state department has requested to launch a multi-national police force led by kenya to fight the gangs in aa a city -- in haiti. here is the explanation as to why they're doing that. >> what they're asking me to do is release $50 million of cash and weapons to go into haiti with no governance, and the worst thing we can do is arm the very warlords that threaten the people of haiti. >> reporter: there are several hundred americans who are trapped in haiti. the state department has put together one charter flight from cap haitian, some five and a half if hours away from the capital of port-au-prince they have to drive through gang territory, americans warned to travel at their own risk. the state department is working on other evacuation paths as the situation in haiti remains dire. mike? mike: bryan llenas if on the dominican side of the border,
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thanks very much. ♪ ♪ mike: israel and hamas expected to resume ceasefire talk in the coming days as the u.n. amplifies concerns over the humanitarian the crisis in gaza. trey yingst is live in tel aviv, israel, with the latest. hello, trey. >> reporter: mike, good afternoon. it's day 163 of the war between israel and hamas as the region waits to see what comes next in this conflict. reports do indicate negotiators will meet this week in doha to continue working toward what could be a possible cease firefire and possibly see the release of up to 40 hostages. the idea of a diplomatic breakthrough comes as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is doubling down on his intentions to invade gaza's southernmost city of rafah. >> translator: we have approved operational a plans for operation in rafah if including the necessary steps to evacuate the civilian population with the battle zones.
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from the battle zones. >> reporter: inside gaza, pal stint the januaries were able to get more supplies from air and sea this weekend with the first have vessel of aid arriving from the mediterranean and more american airdrops taking place in northern gaza. medical facilities in the northern part of the strip do remain overwhelmed as they work around the clock to treat patients. this doctor says that medical teams are running low on supplies and even donate their own blood to support patients when needed. [speaking in native tongue] sometimes we do not eat, maybe twice in a week. >> reporter: the question this week is if diplomacy will reprevail in these ceasefire negotiations. if a deal does take place, the israelis would have to release an unknown amount of palestinian prisoners.
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mike. mike: trey, thanks very much. >> and all of a sudden he dumped israel. he dumped israel. howard: but he's not walking away -- >> you say he is. he just said essentially that with best binetanyahu should -- best binetanyahu should take a walk. mike: for more on this, i'm joinedded by former secretary of state and fox news contributor mike pompeo. mr. secretary, welcome. >> mike, great to be with you this afternoon. mike: so in addition to the military conflict in gaza, you've also got this political back and forth between senate majority leader chuck schumer and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. let's plait, and i'll get you to react to it -- play it, and i'll get you to react to it. >> i believe a new election the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision making process about the future of israel. >> it's inappropriate, shouldn't have been said. it's wrong. as far as my considerations, they're not for my personal
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survival, they are for the survival of the jewish sate. state. mike: is this the time for american political leaders to be pushing for political change in israel, sir? >> mike, it's pretty remarkabling to hear the senate majority leader call for regime change in a democracy, right? what he's essentially asking for is an american demand that they hold an election where he thinks the outcome will be somehow different or better for the people of israel. it was incomprehensive bl for me, to see this. hamas if leadership loved those comments. the leadership in tehran in iran, the folks hard underwriting these terrorists who committed these bar if baric acts on october 7th, they thought those comments were fantastic because it undermines israel's capacity to do the necessary, take down hamas. it's income prehence comprehensible to hear what senator schumer said, and he sold out the people of israel in their effort to defend themselves. mike: to another huge story, the situation in haiti. you saw that off the top of the show. florida governor ron desantis
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expressing concern about how the crisis in haiti could impact florida. let's play that. >> florida fish and wildlife officers interdicted a vessel that had 25 illegal immigrants, potential illegal immigrants from haiti. they had firearms, they had drugs, they had night if vision gear, and those illegal aliens were turned over to the coast guard for deportation. if. mike: mr. secretary, what are your concernses about the crisis in haiti and the impact on florida and the broader united states? >> well, mike, florida ooh's governor certainly handled that appropriately and correctly. this is a real national security threat. the chaos that you just saw the reporting on, 80% of the city at least of port awe prince, the the capital of haiti, you should the control of gangs, lawlessness. what you have now very close to the united states is ungoverned territory with no government. that is a deep national security threat. make no mistake, the venezuelans, the cubans, the
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chinese, the russians will all work to make this difficult for the united states. and so we need president biden to do what governor desantis did, to make clear we're not going to allow these flotillas of gangs to make their way into the united states and to support an effort -- not to throw money at the problem. we've thrown money at the haitian problem for decades. we need a political solution. we need the governments in the region to take charge of this, and and then we need to make sure we do what's right to put american people first and make sure we don't end up with these gangs and people on our shores. mike: hen there's the issue of tiktok. here's senator mike if rounds on that one. >> the best approach would be if they were to divest and allow american ownership. if not, we're probably going to have to eliminate it from the platforms. mike: what is your take on the future of tiktok, sir? >> so this is pretty straightforward. the united states cannot permit any media outlet, any government control of an adversary government like tiktok, like the
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chinese communist control of bytedance, the parent company for tiktok. and and so the right outcome is that tiktok become a non-chinese-owned, non-ooh chinese-controlled, it's possible to do. the markets will present an opportunity to do that. i hope that the leadership of bytedance will come to see that's the only alternative that's acceptable, that's going to work. i can't figure out why the chinese communist party says they have nothing to do with tiktok and yet is is opposed to the commercial transaction. it's really quite something. in the end, we we can't let this propaganda be foisted on our young people, and we have the capacity to prevent that, and i hope the ownership of bytedance will find a way to get there. mike: a hearing is scheduled on tuesday on the withdrawal from the war in afghanistan. what are your expect takes, sir, and what can -- expectations, sir, and what can be learned from that withdrawal which obviously many american families are frustrated about? >> what we can learn is this, that america abandoning afghanistan in the way that president biden chose to do that got knowledge not only more than a dozen americans killed, but
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now you see the taliban in total control and the risk to the united states is even greater. what president biden did, setting a firm date and withdrawing under such massive chaos that you've shown the video of again to remind the american people, i hope the house committee will focus on that decision and that process. it was the right thing to do to bin to wind our way out of afghanistan over 20 years. we did thedown terrorism effort, we had -- counterterrorism effort, but to leave bagram air force base, to leave americans behind, to leave now what is at least $5-10 billion of equipment behind did enormous damage to the united states. and i think the russian leadership and the chinese leadership all saw that weakness as well, mike. mike: former secretary of state mike pompeo, thank you so much for your time and analysis. >> thank you, mike. happy day, so long. >> the local t.a. a stuff, fani willis, she spent with wade -- i call her fani wade, she spent with wade, her lover-boyfriend,
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days in the white house and in the justice department talking about my case. now, that case is imploding. she should never be allowed anywhere near a case, in my opinion -- >> some of the charges have been thrown out. >> well, yeah. ten charges have been thrown out. a lot of them have been thrown out. it's a fake case. mike: former president trump on the georgia election fraud case brought by fani willis, a falk case, after several charges were frown out and prosecutor nathan wade resigned after a judge found an appearance of impropriety due to his relationship with willis. for more, let's bring in criminal defense attorney katieture kousky. katie, welcome. >> thank you. mike: what is the fallout from the fani willis case in georgia? the district attorney there facing a lot of controversy. >> i think that the prosecution has been completely delegitimized at this point each though it is still proceeding. when you're defending cases criminally, it's about the
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battles that you can win along the way. sometimes it's difficult to get a committees dismissal. i think that the judge could have disqualified her, i think he would have been upheld on appeal if he had gone that route, but he seemed to feel constrained by the case law in making that decision. mike: from judge scott mcafee, quote, reasonable questions about whether the district attorney and her hand-selected sada testified truthfully about the timing of their relationship further underpin the finding of an appearance of impropriety and the need to make proportional efforts to cure it. what a do you make of that a assessment? >> well, the judge felt that they were lying. but the problem for the defense was that they didn't connect their lies and even the financial exchanges to anything directly impacting the case. they weren't dragging it on longer than necessary, and there was no evidence that the individual rights of the defendants had been violated at least according to the judge. he felt that removing wade with would cure that issue to the
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extenting that there was the per especially of unfairness there -- perception of unfairness there. but i think for a lot of people that really was far too short of a remedy. mike: the court calendar on the various trump cases has looked very busy for this year. obviously, we're in the content of a presidential election year. in reality, do you expect any of these trials to take place before the november election? >> i personally don't. i never have expected them to go before the election if trump doesn't want them to. a criminal defendant has a significant right to insure they have sufficient opportunity to prepare for trial. these are are complex, unprecedented types of cases, and as we see, there's been measure issues -- many issues that that pop up. so not surprising whatsoever is. i would be very surprised if these cases made it to a verdict before the election. mike: okay. tomorrow at the supreme court we expect argue as over whether the biden -- arguments over whether the biden administration
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improperly worked with some of the social media rah giants, basically what some consider basically silencing some criticism and whether censorshis at home expect in regards to that case? >> well, i think we're going to have to hear the questions from the justices to see the way they're leaning. but ultimately, the involvement of the administration into the election in that mannerrer is very concerning especially as a we're coming up to another election year. hopefully, we will have some transparent a city there moving into this in november. mike: katie cherkasky, thank you so much for your time and analysis today. >> thank you. mike: a man suspected of fatally shooting three family members in their philadelphia area home saturday was arrested yesterday afternoon a in new jersey after evading law enforcement for hours. 26-year-old andre gordon jr. was arrested on the street near a house that officers had believed he was barricaded inside of. officials have not yet named a motive for the attack.
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the brooklyn district attorney's office a says no criminal charges will be file after a shooting on a new york city subway sent passengers running for their lives. molly line is live in new york city with the latest. hello, or molly. >> reporter: good afternoon a, mike. citing evidence of self-defense, the brooklyn da. is not planning to press charms against a man who shot another man in the head during a fight on a crowded subway car as fellow riders screamed in terror. we are about to show you some of that video. shortly before 5 p.m. on thursday, the accused attacker slips through an emergency exit without paying a fare, hops onto the subway. nypd officials report the 36-year-old man aggressively approached a 32-year-old man also riding that subway car heading north through brooklyn. of there's a fight, but the smaller, younger man eventually wrestles the gun away when shots are fired. [inaudible conversations] [bleep]
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[gunfire] >> reporter: the attorney the for another high profile defendant, daniel penny, a marine also claims self-defense after being charged in a subway chokehold death back in 2023, believes the d.a. made the right call in this shooting case. >> similar to what you see in that video that you've just shown and really underscores how quickly a situation like this can devolve if you don't have someone like my client who is willing to step up, put himself in harm's way. >> reporter: potential hearing in that case this week. the nypd has reported 17 gun arrests this year and 8 shooting victims versus 8 gun arrests at the same time last year and just 1 shooting victim is. mike, back to you. mike: molly line in new york city, thanks a lot. miami beach is attempting to curb describe with a midnight curfew. that has been challenged this court by local businesses.
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mike: two people were shot and killed early this morning here in washington, d.c. and five more taken to the hospital with injuries.
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police are on the search for a suspect who fled the scene on foot. maaed run -- madeleine are rivera has the latest on this tragedy. hello, maddie. >> reporter: d.c. police are hoping to have more information about this shooting laterren today the. the heir asking for the public's help -- they're asking for the public's help. here's what they said early this morning. >> a total of seven people were shot at this location, two of which have since been pronounced deceased. the other individuals that were shot at this location, all of which are adults, were transported to local hospitals. >> reporter: so several things we don't know including the identities of the victims, the conditions of the five survivors and what led up to the shooting. this area where this took place though, as you know, mike, is a popular spot in d.c. home to a last of restaurants, bars and shops, and it comes despite efforts by public officials to bring crime rates down. about a week ago d.c. mayor muriel abuse orer signed a massive crime bill into law, and
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supporters hope it makes an improvement. listen here. >> security includes over 100 targeted interventions to answer these calls and fill critical gaps in our public safety cosystem to prevent crime and cycles of violence. >> reporter: some of the key parts of secure d.c. includes strengthening gun penalty, cracking down on organized theft and creating drug-free zones. locals and business owners have been pleading city lawmakers to find solutions after a violate 2023. -- violent 2023. homicides rose by 23% while overall violent crime increased by 39% in the nation's capital. the numbers have dropped slightly this year. homicides are down 36% and violent crime down 16% in the first two and a half months, but obviously it is still early so, hopefully, that trend continues. congress still hasn't signed off on secure d.c., but some key parts of the legislation are already in effect. mike. mike: awful timing, you've got the cherry blossom, so tons of
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tourists coming to town, the atlantic coast conference basketball tournament final was last night in d.c. and tons of school children come to washington, d.c. this time of year. madeleine rivera, thank you very much. where a judge ruling in favor of miami beach in upholding the midnight cu few imposed by the city. business owners asked the court for an emergency injunction yesterday hoping they could stay open later and garner more business throughout the weekend. madison scarpino is live in fort laud orer dale, florida, with more details. hello, madison. >> reporter: hell hello, mike. a lot of spring breakers are making ware i up -- way up here because of the restrictions in miami. police here say that there haven't been any major incidents so far. and that wasn't the case during spring break last year. about 30 miles away in miami beach, police arrested over 5000 people, and 2 people were shot
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and killed. last year's violence is why the city is shutting down business before midnight this weekend. business owners pushed back saying they're losing a lot of money from this. three delight -- nightclubs took it to the courts, but a judge ruled the curfew will stay in place. here's what the mayor said last hour. >> this is the calmest spring break we've had many years. but again, the number of restaurants that make their business like a traditional restaurant are actually telling me thank you that these measures have helped them. it's kept things safer, calmer and they're actually busier. if. >> reporter: now, the latest example of spring break chaos happened south of daytona beach on thursday. if police say a 16-year-old pointed a gun at a spring breakers on the beach. today say the teen was also carrying drugs. thankfully, nobody was hurt and a state the attorney says the boy will be charged as an adult. the sheriff there says they're not having it with any of that. >> we're out here to have a good time.
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a lot of out of towner es are here, no reason we should be bringing guns to the beach. >> reporter: mike, it is st. patrick's day, and the crowds are getting bigger on the beach, at the bar, so we'll be here throughout the day bringing you updates on the celebrations. mike: i hope you brought your sunscreen. >> reporter: i did. [laughter] mike: madison, thanks a lot. the white house blasting former president trump following mr. trump's rally in ohio last night. that's next. ♪ ♪ crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. i was born with wings.
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bulk of their smuggling operations out west to other states in places like lukeville, arizona, where you're seeing more common scenes like this. groups can easily get through, hundreds of people, through breaches in the border wall. and you've got to remember most of these people are folks who want to turn themselves over to border patrol. they are not worried about being caught. very different than cases like this high-speed chase on the interstate through hidalgo county in texas where a cartel gang member hit speeds of over 100 miles an hour trying to get away with six illegal immigrants packed into his car who did not want to be caught. they were turn over to border patrol after troopers used a pit if technique to get that car off the road. around tells are using people of all ages, offering anywhere from $2-5,000 a person. last week this 17-year-old was picked up -- was paid by the cartels to pick up four mexicans including a 3 yielder girl who
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came into the country illegally and led texas troopers on a high speed if chase through webb county until he eventually bailed and got arrested trying to run away. in the last three years, texas has a apprehended more than 500,000 people trying to get into the country illegally, and and that's half a million if people who other side would have gotten away and added to the more than 1.8 million known gotaways we have already had the last 3 years. mike? if. mike: garrett tenny live in eagle pass. garrett, thanks very much. the biden administration says israelis should decide when to hold elections, meanwhile, the biden-harris campaign is responding to the fiery comments former president trump made at a rally in ohio last night. lucas tomlinson is live from the white house with the latest. hello, lucas. >> reporter: good afternoon, mike. john kirby appearedded on "fox news sunday" with shannon bream earlier today where he defended the president calling chuck schumer's speech demanding new elections in israel a good speech. >> the president believes it's up to the israeli people and the
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israeli government to determine and when there's going to be new elections. >> reporter: and donald trump spoke at a rally in ohio where he called those arrested on january 6th good people. >> you see the spirit from the hostages, and that's what they are is hostages. they've been treated terribly and very unfairly, and you know that and everybody knows that. and we're going to be working on that as soon as -- the first day we get into office. >> reporter: now, trump's vice president said he would not endorse donald trump for president. he said that to martha mccall rum earlier this week. he also took umbrage with the president calling those arrested on january 6th hostages. >> i think it's very unfortunate that the -- at a time that there are american hostages being held in gaza that the president or any other leaders would refer or to people that are moving through our justice system as a hostage as.
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it's just, t just unacceptable. i was there on january 6th. >> reporter: donald trump also a got people's attention when he used the word bloodbath while describing the i auto industry. here was the reaction from the biden campaign. >> it's not simply one comment. this is exactly who donald trump is, and this is exactly the threat that he poses to our democracy every single day. i think the problem for trump though is that the american people saw what happened on january 6th, and they responded consistently since, right? >> reporter: president biden is hosting a few st. patrick's day events here at the white house before heading out west later this week for more campaigning. mike? mike: lucas tomlinson live on the north lawn, many thanks. ♪ if. ♪ ♪ mike: for more, let's bring in our political panel. with me today is jack -- and democratic strategist jim kessler. gentlemen, welcome. finish so, jack, you watched the whole trump interview with howie
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kurtz today. a great get by howie. what are your takeawaysesome. >> i thought it was a great interview, and he came across the way he did after the supreme court decision recently, after super tuesday. i thought he was moderate in tone, i thought he made his case in a a reasonable way. he pushed back on the media misinterpreting his words and maybe we can talk about that with the bloodbath issue. i just thought he came across very well and good for him for coming on show and being asked tough questions for one hour. mike: made reference to the bloodbath controversy we heard in lucas' report. let me play what the former president said, and i'll get you to react to it. >> now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole -- that's going to be the least of it. st going to be a bloodbath for the country. that'll be the least of it. but they're not going to sell those cars. they're building massive factories. mike: he -- his allies say he was referring to losses in the auto industry due to china. what do you say? >> let's put aside whether it's the bloodbath is the auto
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industry or the country, which is the words that he just said is, donald trump's making a lot of mistakes. like, that ohio speech was not a good speech. he talked, compared migrants to animals, he went off on a ron desantis rant, he did the january 6th and the election was stolenful there's a reason why democrats even though they're behind in the polls right now to donald trump feel that eight months of watching donald trump day after day after a day is going to remind voters why they don't like him. he's making a lot of mistakes, and yesterday was one of them. mike: do you want to react to the bloodbath? >> yeah, i don't think that's a mistake at all a, and shame on the rest of the media to be misleading the public. this was the point that he was trying to make, they're knowingly misleading what he said which is there will be a bloodbath of jobs and an infusion of chinese cars coming into this country. it had nothing toot with violation on the streets, and yet the white house and most of the media, not this network, is doing that. he pushed back, i thought, in a reasonable way. >> i mean, i thought pushed back
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in a reasonable way on that, but when you're also saying january 6th, they're patriots and the election wasn't stolen and we all know that it was stolen, and he also said bloodbath for the country, i mean, i don't think he gets the benefit of the doubt when it's in the same speech as january 6th. and and the election. mike: all right, let's move on. the current vp, kamala harris, has been dispatched talking to audiences about a issues like abortion and marijuana. jack, is that going to be effective in appealing to younger e voters? >> not at all. it, to me, it's desperation ifment i looked a new york -- at a new york times poll. 48 of young people, 18 to 28 -- 28's not that young with, but they consider themselves moderates. and cnbc did a poll talking about how young people want to know that there are jobs for them whether they're in college or just out. this is what they care about. they don't care about what the federal government says about a cannabis legalization or, frankly or, even abortion when it comes to many people that more want to know about what is the next president going to do
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with the economy. so i just think it's desperation if to be trying to shore up their base with kids that want more cannabis legalization. mike: is this in response to some of the trouble the democrats having with the whole israel-gaza issue and trying to energize a different portion of the base? >> well, i do think that every campaign you go into there's a certain group of voters that you feel we should be doing better with those voters, and the biden administration feels they should be doing better with younger voters. some of it has to do with gaza, but i think others is part of it is biden's age. the abortion issue is the rightish issue for her to focus on. women had 15 million abortions -- or 15 million women had abortions in the united states between 2000 and the dobbs decision. those women can be 15 million secrets, they don't talk about it publicly. the ballot is also secret. democrats have overperformed on the ballot since dobbs, i think that's what kamala harris is trying to get with biden on
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this. mike: okay. there was a washington post op-ed calling for vice president harris to accept -- step aside is, raised some eyebrows. we're nearly out of time, guys, but i want a quick reaction from you with. what do you make of that, jack? >> i mean, that's one columnist, but she does represent a lot of people, democrats and republicans, knowing she is a net negative on that a ticket. the only way she's going anywhere is if joe biden announces he's not running, otherwise she is right there with him. mike: jim, your thoughts. >> look, there are two vice presidents, mike pence and kamala harris, neither of them are voting for donald trump. mike: jim and jack, jk squared, thanks very much. >> thank you. mike: polls closing in russia after three days of voting in the presidential elections. vladimir putin set to win another term and become the country's longest reigning ruler since stalin. stephanie went net has the latest -- bennett has the latest. >> reporter: hey, mike. president putin had no credible opponent, so it was pretty
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inevitable, shall we say, and results will start to trickle in pretty shortly. the 71-year-old has been president since 2000 apart from 4 years as prime minister because of a two-term limit which he has since changed the rules so he can give himself a clean state to run again. during his time in office, he's methodically tightened his power so no real threat exist. and his most outspoken critics are either dead, in prison or exile. there's been scattered protests against his re-election including russians setting fire to voting booths and pouring dye into ballot boxes. supporters of the late russian opposition leader, alexei navalny, called for a -- against putin protest. here's what they had to say. >> translator: i'm expecting, i guess i would like to expect change. i don't know if that will happen or not. but i believe my voice can make a difference. >> translator: i'm glad to see so many young people.
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i'm glad that people are crowding around and wanting to participate in the election. i rarely witnessed such activity before. >> reporter: yeah. and carrying on her husband's work, navalny's widow also lined up with protesting voters outside the russian embassy in berlin. reports say ukrainians living in regions illegally annexed by russia were being coerced to vote for spite putin. for russian citizens now i living around the world went to vote as well. >> we moved, we emigrated and even here, far away from russia, where we feel the consequences of us not being heard. and this year is so important just to be there for ourselves. >> reporter: yeah, and this year millions of russians could cast their votes electronically which should help speed up that ballot-counting process that they have there. i do have one more polling station which will close on the
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western side of russia, that is about to close in 20 minutes. mike: stephanie bennett, thanks very much. another incident if involving a boeing jet as the company faces a criminal investigation. that story is next. ♪ ♪ ice works fast. ♪ finish finish so you can rise from pain. icy hot. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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♪ mike: >> what our commitment is, is to make sure that we want to put the safety of americans first, and that's what f if aa is doing. -- faa is doing. so they are taking actions. we stand by those actions to increase safety, obviously, and oversight of boeing. mike: that's the white house with press secretary amid another troubling incident in a series of recent mishaps involving boeing planes. this time on the united flight out of san francisco after a united flight from san francisco landed in medford, oregon, on if friday. ground crews found an external panel missing from the if underside of the plane. let's bring in former pilot, aviation attorney and aerospace
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engineer arthur rosenberg. arthur, welcome. >> good afternoon. thank you for having me. mike: so let's take a look at the number of incidents with boeing aircraft so far this year. we count at least four? january, two in february and as many as ten so far in march and this is only march 17th. what do you make of these issues, and how concerned should the flying public be? >> okay. so, first off, i think you have to divide the issues that have happened between boeing where there's a lot of self-enebb flicked wounds, design defense effects, manufacturing detects, we'll talk about that, and -- [inaudible] on the part of an airline, let's say united. for example, the recent case where the 777 lost a wheel on approach, that's to not really a boeing -- that's not a boeing problem. that's an old airplane. tours get changed, maintenance
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people, mechanics at united change the tires. something went amiss, i would say, on a lean tire change or -- on a recent tire change or some repair which caused that to come off. that's not really a boeing problem. the recent panel which we talked about the last day or two which was discovered upon landing, that was a maintenance access panel on an airplane. if you look on the install line, you can see hydraulics, tightening, wires, all kinds of components of airplanes. again, to me, that smacks of a maintenance problem of united airlines. mike: interesting. >> on the flip side of the coin, boeing's had a lot of self-inflicted wounds. this plug door issue on united airlines flight if is really no excuse for that. that was a manufacturing defect. that was a failure of the internal policies, the procedures of boeing, and apparently if you look at the long history leading up to that and even after, in my view it's
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become it's endemic and a pandemic inside of boeing. mike: you've been effective of laying out that part of this is airline issues, part of this is a boeing problem, but i think a lot of people watching at home are probably thinking that this is largely a boeing problem, so what does boeing do to win back the american public? if. >> yeah. so the has been going on a long time now particularly with the max if. the airline tragedies involving design defects, boeing promises to get it right, do it better. faa oversight, we're going to watch them closely, we're going to get it right. i think we have a problem in the united states with the faa. they are on -- [inaudible] but the faa has a dual policy. it's not just safety, it's also economics. they don't want to crush an airline. they don't want to put them out of business with protocols and
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safety procedures, but they are the watchdog. and in my view, they've failed one of their primary purposes which is aircraft safety. now, boeing, a little fun tact, the max airplanes, boeing's been pushing out 38 maxes a month. one of these giant plane every single day. they wanted to ramp up to almost 60 planes a month. that's almost two a day. mike: right. >> the fa a a said, no, you cannot do that. your policies and procedures for safety and especially in manufacturing are deficient, we're going to keep you at 38 until you demonstrate thed you have enough internal protocols and policies to make sure you have effective and safe manufacturing -- mike: arthursome? >> as for the flying public, i think they can trust that airline travel safe. the f if aa will get it right -- faa will get it right.
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boeing will, hopefully, get it right and only time will tell. mike: aviation expert arthur rosenberg, thank you very much for your time and your analysis today, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you. mike: coming up, it is st. patrick's day. we will look at some of the fun festivities this weekend around the country. that's next. ♪
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mike: iceland's biggest volcanic eruption. in three years triggering a state of emergency in the country. this is the fourth i eruption in three months in the land of fire and ice. authorities had warned for weeks that an eruption was imminent on the peninsula just south of the nation 's capital. new york city celebrating st. patrick's day with its annual parade yesterday. the procession made its way through the big apple with plenty of kilts and bagpipes. it is the oldest and largest sth the first one held 14 years before the signing of the declaration of independence. looks like a festive time. and in chicago, the local plumbers' union upheld a longstanding tradition of dyeing the chicago river green for the holiday. the windy city is home to one of america's largest irish communities with at least
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200,000 residents claiming irish ancestry. happy st. patrick's day to them. on "fox news sunday," shannon bream has an exclusive interview with chairman michael mccall of the great state of texas, she also speaks with white house national security communications adviser john kirby. that's coming up right after this show. stay tuned or set your dvr if you want to watch it later. on "sunday morning futures," maria bartiromo spoke with an all-star guest list, house oversight committee chair james comer, senator john barrasso, texas attorney general ken pax ifton, a panel with former dod chief of staff kash patel and house freedom caucus member anna paulina luna and mississippi secretary of state michael watson. and that is all for this hour of "fox news live." a big week ahead in politics and news. keep it right here on fox news. to all celebrating today, a very happy and healthy st. patrick's
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day. i'm mike emanuel. thank you for watching. have an awesome if day. ♪ everyone loves an extra $100 dollars in their pocket... he sure does... ...they do too have a turbotax expert file your taxes for you by march 31st... get $100 dollars back... ...instantly. only from intuit turbotax buzz baits bobbers. baitcasters, and boat wakes. rod bending , drag screaming, trophy dreaming the fish tales that lured you to go and the stories you'll tell after.
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