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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> john: any moment now we are expected to get an update from the white house as the situation in haiti spirals out of control with hundreds of americans stuck in that country. the u.s. is in rescue mode now, officials say they chartered a flight to miami with more than 30 americans on sunday. with that, welcome back the program. i am john roberts in washington. a busy week ahead. >> sandra: here we go and we are watching for this live event to happen. i'm sandra smith in new york and this is "america reports." let's get right to peter doocy care he has live in that briefing room. we are looking for the plan to get those americans out but also a plan to deal with what is expected to be an influx of
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haitian migrants to florida. peter. >> exactly sandra because as we understand it, the haitians who have been caught basically by u.s. border patrol trying to enter the united states they have been repatriated back to haiti over the last couple of days but there are lawmakers in florida who want assurances that florida and florida communities are not going to soon see a huge uptick in the number of haitian migrants who are fleeing this terrible situation there. something else we will hear at this briefing about his president biden and benjamin netanyahu phone call today. believe it or not despite all of the stuff we've heard from the president in scripts and also on hot mics, he has not talked to benjamin netanyahu and 32 dates. that is as long as they have gone not talking sense october 7th. >> sandra: we know you will be in that briefing room. we will be watching for that to begin. thank you. john. >> john: a live look outside the supreme cook now we're
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arguments just wrapped in a free-speech case. the question before the justices, how far can the federal government go impressing big tech companies to moderate content and at what point does the government crossed the line into suppressing free speech? two states, louisiana and missouri accuse the biden administration of violating thet during the pandemic by coursing platforms to remove posts that the fed simply did not like. specifically on topics including vaccines and mask mandates and the origins of covid. some physicians involved in the case slammed government overreach early today. >> a speech that was targeted was based on viewpoint discrimination. speak of the government censured speech that would have if it had been heated save lives. >> if they don't uphold this preliminary injunction they've created a road map for every future administration to violate the first amendment rights. >> john: joining us are jim jordan a dan bishop. they were inside the court forod
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have been investigating the case through house hearings. congressman bishop, why don't you start us off. what was your impression of the oral arguments? david spot said at times it seemed like the supreme court seemed sympathetic to the white house's case. >> there were some skeptical questions. there were some -- justice jackson suggested in a number of questions that the government could coerce private parties to suppress third-party speech but the questions were mixed. i think what it comes down to is justice alito suggested at one point there is an ensuing argument on the same subject that as long as the government is really subtle about coercing, it might be able to do that or the supreme court might not be able to interfere with it. that would leave the fbi to embed itself with social media companies, takedown the hunter biden laptop and election after election after election if
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it turns out. >> john: what you make of that congressman jordan? >> that's what happened. you had the fbi doing that but the big take away today was ketanji brown jackson when she said to the solicitor general from louisiana she said you have the first amendment hamstringing the government. while that's when it is supposed to do. it was literally the craziest things. you can have a justice on the united states supreme court say that in the oral argument. it made no sense to me. that is frightening because if she really believes that, that is scary where we are heading. understand what took place here. this was censorship by her surrogate. big government telling big tech to take down speech they disagree with and it was political speech. it was supposed to have heightened scrutiny before you can take that down but that is what took place and then to have a justice on the supreme court say what she said, that is frightening. >> john: some of the things that the government was coercing, facebook, twitter, and others to take down now seem to
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be conventional wisdom such as what was the origin of covid. as we pointed out, some of the plaintiffs in this case are physicians. one of them aaron curiosity spoke with our camera right after arguments. i speak of the government's job is not to decide what is true and what is false and what can be said publicly. it's only job is to draw the line between illegal and legal speech. >> what you say to that congressman bishop question work that the government crossed the line to where it does have jurisdiction into a whole area where it does. >> that's exactly the issue for determination of the supreme court. do we want to have a situation in which the government, the fbi, other agencies are trying to constantly walk a line. how far can they go to keep perfectly legal protected speech off of public platforms? i don't think that the government ever has a valid
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interest in doing that. it can talk and come out publicly and say we don't agree that there could have been a lab leak. we think that is a ridiculous theory but to go to social media companies and say no one should be allowed to say that, we see from what has happened afterward that it's a bad idea to allow that to occur because they were wrong. >> john: congressman jordan, the process of influencing social media companies as you have called job boning, plaintiffs likened it to arm-twisting saying that officials at the white house berated media companies and threatened legal action if they didn't comply but to hear jen psaki say it and all play a clip from may 5th 2021, the white house was just making suggestions and they are nothing if not people who embrace the first amendment. listen here. >> looked. i think we are of course a believer in first amendment rights. i think what the decisions are that the platforms need to make is how they address the
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disinformation and misinformation, especially related to life-threatening issues like covid-19 and vaccinations that continue to proliferate on their platforms. >> john: what do you say congressman jordan twitchy said there? >> that is ridiculous per the irs will knock on your door and your first response isn't oh joy, my government service are here to help me today. your response as this is the federal government. this is the white house. the fact that they were pressuring like they were and going after like what dan pointed out, speech that was true that turned out to be accurate and they are trying to take it down. by the way jen psaki and president biden got the biggest bully pulpit in the world. if they don't like what's being said, go speak your own mind. go post something on twitter or facebook. they have accounts, they can do that but don't go taking down speech that you disagree with. here's how bad it was. the third day of the biden administration the white house sends an email to twitter saying
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take down this tweet asap and guess what the tweet was? rfk jr. saying to senses. hank aaron took the vaccine and passed away peered he did so to encourage black americans to get vaccinated. two true statements. they wanted to take away and by the way, who was that individual? the guy running against him in the primary. that is as scary as it gets but that's what this white house was doing and this administration was doing. let's hope that the court reaches the right decision. >> john: we will find out but probably not for a couple of months. congressman bishop, congressman jordan, thank you for being with us today peered we appreciate it. sandra. >> sandra: a live look at the white house and inside the briefing room where the white house is set to take questions from reporters any moment now as the situation in haiti spirals out of control. latest update from the state department 1,000 americans may still be stuck there. all of that as florida braces for a surge of haitian markets. we are live for us.
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what we tell people that are stuck there and trying to get out? speak of the state department tells us that nearly a thousand americans in haiti right now have contacted them about plans to get out. this is a huge jump from days ago when state insisted to us that number was really just a few hundred. >> this is a fluid situation and the number of individuals who have reached out to us through the crisis form is approaching a thousand and we are continuing to monitor the situation closely and evaluate the demand of u.s. citizens, evaluate the overall security situation, evaluate what is feasible. >> state appeared to reverse course over the weekend evacuating 30 plus americans if i had a charter florida this after insisting to us multiple s they had no evacuation plans for ameramericans which were.listen.
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>> when it came to the security circumstances on the ground as well as the feasibility of commercial options made it such that we thought it was in the interest of the american citizens. >> american mother amber who has one adopted haitian son and two others in the process tells us she has been separated from her family during haiti's spiral into s state collapse and the state department has been unhelpful. >> we've been there 13 years but as a mom i would never leave my children to go through something on their own. it's absolutely not an option to leave my kids behind. our deepest desire is to honor the haitian law and u.s. law however it has made it very difficult because even in times like this when they are saying u.s. citizens you should leave, we can't because we can't take our kids. >> officials here today are saying that that situation is fluid which everyone knows and they are insisting now that the safety of americans suck there is their top priority.
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this is a very different change and messaging tone from last week. >> sandra: which makes the update we are about to get from the white house crucial. we will be listening for that. chilling, thank you. john. >> john: former president donald trump is slamming right wing media for jumping on his remarks and warning a bloodbath in the auto industry. more reaction from the left rolls and about those comments. plus, this. >> here they are. the joe biden sneaker. live soul, no doubt great for stability and the president does have a history of some blanket so let's see what they feel like. very comfortable. >> sandra: who doesn't like a good sneaker. all eyes on president biden as he is seeing and one appears to be lifestyle sneakers known for stability. how president biden's new kicks are fueling concerns over his age, next. ♪ ♪t jen x.
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>> are those sneakers? yes. so-called lifestyle sneakers designed for maximum comfort and support while walking or hiking. and here they are. the joe biden sneaker. live soul, no doubt great for security. in the present dove has a history of stumbling. >> sandra: he's rocking new sneakers. maximum support lifestyle sneakers that is and that is causing even more concerned about his fitness to serve another term in the white house. nbc is reporting biden is feeling angry and h us over his reelection campaign. we will dig into both of those items. i don't know.
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this shows the comfy, charlie. >> they do but the problem i have with them is the idea that they are wide sold. if you want to make me fall down, have me wide souls. i have enough problems with regular narrow shoes but it is interesting because i think the tactic here, the fact that they are making it so obvious that the guy can't walk up a set of stairs or walk across the grass, the lawn. the idea is they are kind of leading into it and trying to laugh about it. they are hoping if everybody laughs about it and has a big joke about uncle joe being old wearing these therapeutics, it will go away. but i think it could backfire because something tells me in the hands of donald trump, he is going to make it beyond a mockery by the time we are done. >> sandra: the rnc is running with it. they say biden's handlers are
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forcing him to wear a pair of lifestyle sneakers because he trips so much. observers have likened them to boat anchors and peers. that's all of this inside edition report that highlighted the shoes. they noted that the shoes are designed for maximum comfort and support while walking or hiking. sounds great. the specific she was a whole could transport. a shoe that has a wide sold that is no doubt great for stability. but there is actual concern and growing concern over whether or not he's too old to serve for a second term. 67% say he is too old to serve another term. 62% said he does not have physical fitness. are you in the camp that adds to that concern or is it a bigger picture for you? >> i don't think it is possible
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to add to my concerns about his age or his mental acuity because it is -- i'm pretty tapped out in that department. but i do think that -- i don't think this is going to help him and i dodon't think trying to me it have the white house trying to turn it into something light is going to help much because when you look at the issues that people are genuinely concerned about, whether it is the border, whether it is crime, whether it is the economy, any time a political force like the white house is trying to minimize that and say it's just uncle joe, he's an old guy and i will make some old jokes and he has to use the baby stairs to get into air force one. it might sound good, but when people are hurting and hurting and we have ways and are genuinely upset about the issues that joe biden has ways because whoever's in charge in the whitd
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policies and a lot of people assigned that to his age. i think it ends up backfiring for them. i don't think it's going to help them at all. >> sandra: apparently biden advisors are torn on how to make him not look as old. behind the scenes this is an nbc report. behind-the-scenes biden has grown angry and anxious. they reporting about his reelection bid parts of advisors have told him they should walk faster that his gait speed the impression that he's old but the white house is worried about him tripping that he is taken to boarding air force one by a shorter staircase through the belly of the plane. in a private meeting according to this report come at the white house in january allies of the president told him that his poll numbers in michigan and georgia had dropped over his handling of the war between israel and hamas. apparently there is internal concern about the president and how he is handling these lower poll numbers.
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a final thoughts on that cha charlie. >> i was struck by that nbc story that you were just referencing their because obviously the white house was trying to present this idea that he is in charge but the problem is if you are presenting the idea that he is in charge because he is losing his mind and he's yelling at people and cursing them out because he doesn't like poll numbers, that suggests he is not in charge. he is not in control. just like the thing with putting the ridiculous therapeutic shoes on him and making him run across the lawn which he looks like the energizer bunny trying to keep up. all of that actually winds up undermining their effort to make him look like he's in charge. >> sandra: charlie, we will get to the white house for this briefing here. thank you very much for joining us. good to see you. john. >> john: the national security advisor jake sullivan has been briefing and talking a lot about
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the president's phone call today with benjamin netanyahu. prime minister of israel saying that the u.s. assures the goal of israel of eliminating hamas but now talking about israel going into rafa and the consequences of that. let's listen in. >> our position is that hamas should not be able to go into rafah or anywhere else but a major ground operation there would be a mistake. it would lead to more innocent civilian deaths, worsened the already dire humanitarian crisis, deep in the anarchy gaza, and further isolate israel internationally. more importantly the key goals israel wants to achieve and rafah can be achieved through other means. on the call today president biden asked the prime minister to send a team and composed of military intelligence and humanitarian officials. to washington in the coming days to hear u.s. concerns about israel's current rafah planning and to lay out an alternative approach that would target key
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elements without a major ground invasion. the prime minister agreed that he would send a team, obviously he has his own point of view on a rafah operation but he agreed he would send a team to washington to have this discussion and have this engagement. we look forward to those discussions. the prt and the prime minister discussed the ongoing negotiations for an immediate cease-fire for several weeks in return for releasing hostages currently being held by hamas and other militants in gaza. we would look to build on that cease-fire into something more enduring and use the space created by a cessation of hostilities to search humanitarian assistance at a vital moment. so far this deal has been more elusive than we would have hoped but we will keep pressing because we regard this as an urgent priority. as i have said before, hamas could end this crisis tomorrow if it chose to do so and as i have said before, far too little of the energy and the pressure to end this conflict has been
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applied to hamas. we will keep pointing that out. the president and the prime minister agreed to be staying in close touch in the days and weeks ahead and all of these issues and their teams are in daily contact on every element of this crisis as well as the other threats that israel faces from around the region and the shared threats at the united states, israel, and others of our allies and partners face from iran and its proxy forces across the middle east. and with that i would be happy to take your questions. >> you mentioned the cease-fire deal had been elusive. understand that hamas had a proposal forward. is that what you are working with and is that still alive option at the point question work >> hamas put a proposal on the table. this is after israel working with qatar, egypt, and the united states indicated a willingness to move forward on a six week cease-fire in return for the release of a number of hostages leading to further phases from there and hamas haven't given us nothing for quite some time here the last time i stood at this podium i pointed out something i believe today. if hamas handed over the
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elderly, wounded, and women tomorrow there would be a six week cease-fire. they put a proposal on the table where they have at a series of other conditions as well. the israeli government has responded by saying they can't just accept that. they regard some of those conditions as going too far but that is what a negotiation is about. as we speak today in qatar, you have teams from israel, qatar, and egypt sitting down and banging through those details to try to arrive at an outcome in the next few days where there is actually a deal. we believe that those discussions are very live, a deal is possible, we should be able to achieve it, and it is the best way to get hostages home and to alleviate the suffering of the civilians in gaza and from our perspective, we in the united states will keep pushing on that and the present will have the ability to discuss with the prime minister. >> why did he feel. >> john: we will jump out of this briefing out her jake sullivan talking about the situation in israel saying that
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there is a lot of common ground with the president and prime minister netanyahu but with going into rafah, there was sharp sharp disagreement between the two. >> sandra: growing pressure from the white house on hamas to end the conflict. he will continue briefing. we expect john carroll to questions as we been telling our audience we want to get an updai and what it's estimated to be 1,000 americans stuck there so we will keep monitoring this and go back live as peter doocy is in the room. >> john: the push to reject women sports finding an ally and one of america's most decorated olympic champions. plus, this. >> when you look at the charges coming trumps way, when is enough enough? >> sandra: espn's stephen a. smith taking aim at democrats accusing them of using the legal system to try to take out their leading political my rope. jonathan turley next on that. f .
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>> sandra: the push to protect women sports on long island, new york, getting strong support from caitlyn jenner. she appeared alongside nasa county objective was blakeman as he pushes to ban biological males from competing in women sports on county property. alexis mcadams is on that for us. alexis, what did caitlin have to say this morning? >> she said she had to be in new york because she is trying to fight back against the saying along biological meant to compete against women is not fair and it is not right. urging families of athletes to speak up. watch. >> the solution is simple. when it comes to athletics participation with the biological sex, you have to in the biological sex you were bor. this is critical to protecting the integrity of competition in women sports. >> she was up there with
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nasa county executive bruce blakeman this morning regarding his executive order that says all leagues or teams seeking permits to use county facilities would not be allowed to have a transgender female athletes compete on any girl sports team at all. blakeman announced today that the county is seeking a federal injunction and response and new york attorney general letitia james demands the county to rescind the spam. he says it is the band that is violating the state law but jenner says that james does not know the law. >> in new york we have an activist attorney general letitia james that alleges and seems to think that her state laws and preferences supersede federal law. specifically title ix. >> the nyc ou has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the long island roller derby team calling the county's policy of policy of newark's human rights law. it impacts a hundred lights.
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swimming pools, basketball and ball fields and all tennis courts. a lot of families of these athletes are trying to push for change. >> sandra: alexis mcadams on that. john. >> john: former president donald trump battling a long list of court cases ahead of november. and now a firebrand in the sports world is speaking out about her let's bring out jonathan turley. it's great to be with you. stephen a. smith on his podcast the other day whack to joe biden in the democrats for their use of legal warfare which he and everybody else calls lawfare against donald trump. listen to what he has to say. >> trump is kicking the democrats you know what. you can't touch him. and now he is throwing this out and he said why don't you come beat me. stop engaging in lawfare and using the legal system to push political agenda.
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come beat me. that's what he did. >> john: smith argues, professor, that the more this happens the less faith people will have in the american judicial system which for years has been held up as the gold standard around the world. >> i think that is right john cured one of the most troubling things is if you look at new york, that is a premier legal system appear particularly when it comes to corporate and business law and we are really s decline. you have an attorney general letitia james who literally ran on a pledge of selective prosecution. that's when it was to say if you elect me, i will nail trump for something. she didn't bother to say what it would be. she said i will get trump. that is called selective prosecution. people loved it. they elected her and there is this thrill kill entertainment value to all of this. but the result is most of us looking at this from the outside see something very different. we see a legal system that is
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disassembling. that is deevolving. people look at new york now as a place where you don't want to do business. you don't want to get pulled into this vortex where politics play such a major role in how you are treated. >> john: i remember that old saying from the old soviet, show me the man, i will show you the crime. and that seems to be in play here with a couple of these cases. and then on top of all of that, we have the mainstream media taking trump's comment about there will be a bloodbath, he was talking about the auto industry if he does not win the election and take care of china's incursion into mexico and building cars and shipping them to the united states. it almost seems like the left, jonathan, is willing to use anything possible to stop for those having a say in november. >> what is most troubling about
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that about the bloodbath story you just had to listen to the se before or after is to know that it was untrue. it was a reference to the auto industry. you can criticize trump for reckless rhetoric, for inflammatory statements, but to say that was something other than what it clearly was is a mark of propaganda. you can have a state media, we have learned, without state control. without coercion. you can do it by consent and i think that is what you are seeing here to what is bothersome about that story is these are smart people. they knew what they were running as a headline and as a story was untrue. they become untethered from that core of ethics in their profession in my view. >> john: they knew it was untrue and yet they ran it anyways. and that's where we are. jonathan turley, good to talk to professor. thank you. >> thank you john.
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>> john: sandra. >> sandra: we are keeping an eye on the white house's breathing. jake sullivan still at the podium. we are expecting an update on the 1,000 americans still stuck in haiti. karine jean-pierre is up next and peter doocy is in the room. >> john: plus could china have to pay up for the covid virus question work one business owner is trying to take the country tr the pandemic. >> when you combine all of these pieces of evidence, it becomes overwhelmingly likely in my estimation that sars-cov-2 originated in a lab.
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which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at >> sandra: a small business owner in texas is trying to take china to court for the financial damages his business took as a result of covid. senior national correspondent william nash and us is joining us. is it a long shot?
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>> is a challenge to get china or any federal country into court. it's happened before around libya and cuba but this is not just about financial liability but accountability. did covid start and the wuhan lab question what china denies it but defending that claim in federal court would prove tougher. >> we have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> buzz corey owns a photography studio near dallas. like other businesses during covid, he took a financial hit and now wants china to pay for it. >> we know who is responsible. it's that certainly lab in wuhan. >> he brought it as a class action on behalf of all americans. >> attorney larry claimant sued china in court. >> it's likely that the wuhan lab was conducting experiments and bio weapons. if that's the case, it's a violation of international law. >> when you combine these cases of evidence, ibecomes overwhelming in my paint that sars-cov-2 originated in a lab. >> a paper suggested that the
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genetic structure of covid could not occur in nature and a blockbuster report containing 1400 pages of u.s. government documents supports that conclusion. a team of u.s. and chinese biologists applied for a $14 million pentagon grant to make the sars virus more infectious through genetic splicing. >> if we win the contract, the project leader said i believe a lot of this lab work can be done and wuhan though the lab did not u.s. safety standards. depending on passed on the project but a science editor nicholas wade suggested that the team secured chinese government funding and went ahead by themselves. speak of these researchers have the means, motive, an opportunity to do the work. >> not everyone agrees with that but a prominent virologist suggest that these new documents are a smoking another called them confirm that the virus was man-made and china has fought the subpoena and is trying to
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claim immunity and it is now up to a judge. >> sandra: william, thank you. >> john: protesters in washington state begging for change as squatting takes over their neighborhoods. we are sitting down with a professional squatter remover and what he is doing to combat the crisis as it grows nationwide. that is coming up next. ♪ ♪ so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> sandra: squatting becoming a nationwide issue and flirted is fighting back. lawmakers passing a bill provoking for squatter's rights and protecting property owners after one woman was left with $40,000 and property damage. our next guest has hands-on experience with this growing crisis appeared let's bring in flash shelton, professional squatter remover. thank you for joining us. whenever we bring up the story, somebody around us says they have with a squatter situation around them. how big of a problem is this becoming in this country? >> it is a big problem and it has been around forever. i personally know someone who dealt with this almost 30 years ago. with social media, it just seems a lot bigger now. >> sandra: what does one do
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when you return home and find somebody living in your house. >> the very first thing you do is you get your family out for safety reasons and you call law enforcement. as soon as they come and assess the situation, if the person inside that says they have a lease or any indication of being a squatter, law enforcement tells you they can't do anything. at that point, i would suggest going onto squatter before you consult an attorney. >> sandra: this florida bill that aims to close this squatting loophole after this homeowner that we just mentioned was terrorized. at lasted for 34 days and she had $40,000 in damages. with this bill help solve the problem? >> i think the important thing is there needs to be a clear distinction between tenant rights and squatter rate spread squatters need to be criminal. some tenants will claim that they don't have a lease in
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writing but they still have the legal right. it needs to go to criminal court and figure it out by a judge. one of the big things that needs to happen is there should be fines, penalties, jail time, but restitution. these homeowners should be able to recover money to repair their homes. >> sandra: this is a washington state landlord on how squatters are hurting the american dream flash. listen to this. >> i am not getting justice. justice is denied. judges are not ready to listen to me and it's not what american dream is. i've talked to a lot of small landlords. we are just selling the house. >> sandra: what you say to that? this is a growing problem for landlords all over the country. >> one of the most common things i hear in a zoom consult is there is finally someone that will listen to me. homeowners are feeling helpless
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and there isn't much they can do. we are living in a generation of entitlement and i think that is what is growing the squatter industry. >> sandra: you bill yourself as the squatter remover. what is businesslike for you? >> well, you know, a lot of people need help. i'm doing multiple zoom consultations every day. squatting, changing squatter laws is a priority for me. so i always ask for a donation to squatter law change and it starts with the consult and in some cases we go out my team and i and we take care of it. >> sandra: i have to leave it there but what is the number one reason you hear from the squatters why they believe they are entitled to live in someone else's house? >> you know, i think it is the
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laws there, the rights are there, i deserve to use them. >> sandra: wow. flash shelton, thank you for joining us. we know you are trying to help a lot of people dealing with us. we will check back in with you soon. john. >> john: at the white house briefing moments ago our peter doocy asking the press secretary about the reports that president biden has had many flashes of anger over his political position heading into november. we will turn that sound for you on the other side right after this. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> a short time as though white house briefings the jake -- security advisor jake sullivan was asked about reports president bynum the fact he is facing some opposition from his own voters and many battleground states has washes is anger over his sagging poll numbers and losing voters peer listen to this exchange...
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>> a report from when president biden told his head was starting starting to affect his poll numbers. he began to swear. when he does that is he shouting and swearing about benjamin netanyahu or his poll numbers or hamas? >> this is the when did you stop beating your spouse question because i don't pick he ever did that. you use that as the premise of your question which is when he does that. i've never seen him do that shout or swear in response to that. so from my perspective that particular report is not correct. >> he says the president never showed flashes of anger but we have heard other reports to the contrary, sandra. >> john: we have indeed. by the way another big day coming up tomorrow. >> sandra: a promo we will have the -- double amputee bright mass who lost his leg serving in afghanistan john. he will join us live tomorrow
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during our hours there we'll be a hearing on capitol hilll analysing the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan. we look forward to having him on the program. >> john: we should also point out the recent state of the union address he stood up and interrupted the president's shouting advocate in memory of his son who was killed in that suicide bombing. last we heard he is still facing charges for doing that. we will ask him all about that. back to the conversation you had with charlie hurt about the shoes. [ laughter ] >> john: a lot of people love hope those but, you know, if -- that's my weapon of choice. but, you know, biden might fall off the edge.
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there are a lot of other shoes out there that might go better with the suit do you think we. >> oh, dear. i guess they are black they match the socks and the pants. but they gobble up any stones or dirt and they and d. out inside and -- >> john: they due. they have a litter pickup effect to them no question about that. but there are other shoes made by the same company that look maybe a little better with the suit them what the president is wearing? i don't know i'm not trying to be a fashion consultant here. >> sandra: great to be with you and kick off this week john. thank you for joining us i'm sandra smith. >> john: 's arm john roberts we will see you again tomorrow. the always fashionable martha mccallum has the story coming up next. >> not wearing box diggers today but i respect that. go


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