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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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from the epa's ev rule that we expect to be finalized later this week. that one is criticized by republicans as being a mandate to force the sale of electric vehicles. >> dana: i just said the automakers might win one today and lose one tomorrow. thank you for keeping us updated. >> bill: thank you. before we roll out of here, here we go. show you a map where you are most likely to catch the total solar eclipse. april 8th a couple weeks away folks are getting pumped up for this. some schools will close for the day. delta airlines are offering flights to watch the eclipse at 35,000 feet. >> dana: that's neat. i remember -- >> bill: you see the path. >> dana: i remember from third grade when this happened and we were outside with our little cardboard things and mrs. brown was our teacher. >> bill: she said don't look. >> dana: all right. "the faulkner focus" is next. sandra smith in today.
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i'm sure sandra remembers it, too. >> sandra: fox news alert as we top the a new hour. leticia james campaigned on getting trump and now the clock is ticking. the former president needs to fork over nearly half a billion dollars by monday to even be able to appeal his civil fraud suit verdict. critics say her entire prosecution was personal and political. this is "the faulkner focus." sandra smith in for harris. the president's team says he is unable to secure a bond of that size, enormous mag any tut calling it unprecedented. a practical impossibility and grossly disproportion nall. the former president has asked a court for a pause on monday's due date or accept a portion of the tab, $1 hundred million. constitutional law attorney jonathan turley with this. >> basically his position is in order to get a any other judge look at what i've done to you
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you have to come up with a half billion dollars to appeal. a judge saying we'll take your house away. appeal my decision but sell your house in order to do it. many people look at this as a type of almost mob justice. >> sandra: if the court doesn't accept trump's appeal by deadline date james can start going after his properties. the former president owns new york city's most iconic also and big concern over the harm it could do to the city's economy. the word play there it is, high seas. eric shawn has more for us now. hi. >> that deadline, as you said, in six days from now. the demand is going to come up with $454 million but donald trump doesn't have it. if he cannot pay, his properties could be seized by new york state's attorney general. mr. trump must come up with that
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bond in order to satisfy the judgment set by judge arthur engoron in trump's real estate civil fraud trial. he found the trump organization over all viewed its real estate assets to get better loan terms from banks. the reaction to the new demand trump posted this on truth social saying i shouldn't have to put up any money. being forced by the corrupt judge and a.j. nobody has ever heard of anything like this before. forced to mortgage or sell great assets perhaps at fire sale prices and if and when i win the appeal, they would be gone. if the former president doesn't meet the deadline leticia james can have the ability to freeze his bank accounts and also go after some of his real estate properties like trump tower. but some bankruptcy lawyers say james has to get in line before she might ever see a dime
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because there are other creditors. >> number one is the other lien holders, equity holders, judgment lien holders, taxes city new york city and new york state. the list goes on and on and on. >> in order to post the bond the insurance companies need cash as collateral, hard cash. they do not rely on real estate assets like trump tower. the president does not have the backup, his lawyers said they approached 30 insurance companies to try to get that bond but all 30 said no. sandra. >> sandra: eric shawn live in new york city on that. thank you. one recent op-ed argues james sacrifices the rule of law to get trump adding her dubious civil fraud suit is more damaging to the market's integrity than his conduct is. points to a.g. james 2018 campaign promise taking down trump. she leaned into that promise hard. >> i will never be afraid to
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challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe the president of these united states can be indicted with criminal offenses. >> we'll be a real pain. he will know my name. that man in the white house. he can't go a day without threatening our fundamental rights. we need to focus on donald trump and his abuses. we need to follow his money. we need to find out where he has laundered money. we need to find out whether or not he has engaged in conspiracy. important everyone understand the days of donald trump are coming to an end. i look fororward to going into e office of attorney general every day suing him, defending your rights and then going home. >> sandra: it was on full display. leo terrell joining us, attorney and fox news contributor. she said it, she said it many times and she said it out loud, leo. >> thank you very much, sandra.
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you are right. those videos that you just displayed should be a compelling reason why the appellate court should grant donald trump's request to lower the bond or not to have a bond at all. sandra, there is no victim here. there is no victim at all. and the bail request is excessive. i guarantee you one way or another if it's not stopped by the new york appellate court, the supreme court under the eighth amendment is going to find this excessive and donald trump is going to get justice and take a while but he will have to get justice from the supreme court. >> sandra: the "wall street journal" with the headline. leticia james turns the screws on donald trump. it denies him due process. they reiterate their argument from last month saying the judgment is overkill. none of mr. trump's business partners lost money lending to him or claim to have been deceived by his financial
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statements. no witness during the trial said his alleged misrepresentations changed its loan terms or prices. and there was no evidence that he profited from his alleged deceptions. so why are we here today, leo? >> politics. sandra, you and i and everyone in this country can look at what letitia james said in 2018, look at what she is pursuing. it is to deny the leading nominee, the republican nominee, from running for office. it is not going to happen but that's the mindset. i have been a lawyer for 30 years and never seen an individual identify a person, donald trump, to try to block him and do everything possible to prevent him from running for president. if he wasn't running for president, sandra, these charges would not exist. >> sandra: leo, next up i want to ask you about the big debate over our government's relationship with big tech and
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the content the american people actually see. the supreme court, leo, heard oral arguments just yesterday on a suit by attorneys general in loa and missouri. they accuse the biden administration of coerceing social media platforms to censor certain views such as conservative voices and certain information on the 2020 election. covid vaccines and hunter biden's infamous laptop. the case has enormous free speech implications. this comment from justice brown jackson getting a lot of attention. >> to my biggest concern is your view has the first amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods. the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country. >> sandra: majority of justices
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across the spectrum expressed similar concerns. house judiciary chair jim jordan attended the arguments. >> it was one of the craze jevity things i've seen. you can have a justice say that in the oral argument. it made no sense to me. that's frightening. she really believes that, that is scary where we're headed. understand what took place here. it was censorship by surrogate. big government telling big tech to take down speech they disagreed with. most fundamental political speech. the kind with the most heightened scrutiny before you can take it down. that's what took place. >> dana: what was your reaction when you what erred the comments from the supreme court justice? >> i was very scared. i like to enroll her into a government class. the whole purpose of the bill of rights, the whole purpose of the first ten amendments is to limit the federal government and to protect individuals. she flipped it upside down and those statements were scary.
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very frightening by her to even articulate that the government is being ham strung. that's the purpose of the bill of rights. that's the purpose of the first amendment. and what you have here is a convoluted decision because no one is denying the right of the federal government to get involved in the marketplace of ideas but the government cannot intimidate and basically propaganda and prevent american citizens from expressing their viewpoints. >> sandra: thanks for coming on today, leo terrell. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: president biden heading out west to try to make up ground in trump in key states. his approach get aggressive and go harder against the former president. democrats could face consequences in the party not standing behind israel. >> the democrats are scared now. we see so many of the far left
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democrats are supporting hamas instead of israel. they are afraid it will cost joe biden the election. >> sandra: biden and others are turning their backs on our biggest mideast ally and caving to progressives. my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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that there are two really bigger stories that you might want to report on and even do some research on because these are big issues. this is not about me. one of the big stories is about what is really an unprecedented assault on the constitutional separation of powers and the doctrine of executive privilege is a critical tool dating back to george washington affecting presidential decision making. when i walk in that prison today, the justice system, such as it is will have done a crippling blow to the separation of powers and executive privilege. the second and related story has
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to do with the emergence of law fare and the partisan weaponization of our justice system, which we have seen come to this country to a vengeance since the coming of donald trump as president and that keeps getting worse. let me walk you through those two stories. again, i hoping as journalists you will do some background, some research. i'm asking you to fact check everything i say today and write the bigger stories here, which i think are the important ones. let's talk about some facts here. i am the first senior white house advisor in the history of our republic that has ever been charged with this alleged crime.
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and i say alleged because for hundreds of years this has not been a crime and for 50 years the department of justice has maintained the principle of absolute testimonial immunity. it was only with my case that somehow that has changed. and here is where the homework is. because the big constitutional separation of powers are these. can congress compel a senior white house advisor, what they call the alter ego of a president to testify before congress? executive privilege goes back to george washington and his remarks to the congress regarding the j. treaty.
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he said simply and clearly, elegantly and to write to the congress he said i cannot command you as members of congress to come to me. you cannot command me to come to you. and the reason is -- >> sandra: he will be reporting to that prison at 2:00 p.m. eastern time there in miami to serve his four-month prison sentence. he began by saying not about me. he said this is about a crippling blow to the just sis system. to fact check it is no longer an alleged crime. he has been convicted and there was no evidence that would have excluded him per executive privilege from testifying. so john roberts just on monday refused to delay his prison time. he continues to appeal his conviction, peter navarro for refusing to testify before congress with his efforts to
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overturn the 2020 presidential election. 74 years old. four months. peter navarro on his way to prison. meanwhile now president biden is on his way to two crucial battleground states out west, nevada and arizona today. he won those states in 2020. recent polls show he now trails trump in both. the trip is part of what the biden/harris is calling an aggressive stage grew in key spring states. jacque heinrich is in las vegas. what is biden's message going to look like today? >> nevada is one of four sun belt states where team biden sees its path to victory. this state benefited from huge investments in affordable and senior housing from the affordable care act. so they are -- the american rescue plan. they're using nevada as the [drop to large new proposals to bring down the cost of housing that continue to rise even as
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overall inflation falls. last month it accounted for 2/three of the country's annual inflation. in a sweeping proposal here that's not likely to go anywhere in an election year the president is calling on congress to pass tax credits for first-time middle class home buyers in part of a bid to demonstrate his priorities for a second term. >> the president's proposal would couple the buyers tax credit with a sellers tax credit of up to $10,000 for middle class families who sell a starter home to another owner occupant. the seller's mortgage relief credit is estimated to help nearly 3 million families and unlock inventory at the lower end of the market where it is needed the most. >> biden's proposal adds 258 billion in affordable housing investment through his 2025 budget proposal and calling on agencies to crack down on corporate landlords who are
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keeping rent high. not all about the second term agenda. he is continuing to frame november's choice as one before a good guy and bad guy launching a new ad based on trump's recent comments that the former president's team said were taken out of context. >> if i don't get elected it will be a bloodbath. a bloodbath for the country. you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> are you willing to condemn white supremacists and militia groups? >> stand back and stand by. >> trump's allies say he was clearly talking about the auto industry being decimated with the bloodbath with if biden won re-election. biden says we take trump at his word and we think the voters will, too. >> sandra: jacque, thank you. power panel is here now.
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gianno caldwell and leslie marshall. will it work for president biden and his campaign to go hard on the campaign trail against the former president? >> they've been doing it for years now. i don't think that is resonating. they have never taken their foot off the gas. the truth of the matter is in arizona as an example, biden is at 39%, trump 43%. robert f. kennedy, jr. 10%. in arizona, biden 33%, trump at 40%, kennedy at 11%. this is going to be a race about kitchen table issues, people know for the first time in american history we have over a trillion dollars in credit card debt. people can't afford to buy food. inflation might be down for the data but the prices are not. interest rates are up. foreclosures are up. this is a problematic scenario and he needs to speak to the real issues. just bashing trump and talking about january 6th and other issues won't be enough to get
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him over the finish line. people want to see progress and prosperity. joe biden has given them the decline of america. >> sandra: we spend a lot of time during america reports covering the white house press briefings. many times the press secretary steps up and touts what they say are successful policies on behalf of the president. why not tout those successes? >> i think that you can do both. the reason i chuckle gianno. i love you but when you say they've been doing it for years and doesn't resonate. he won the election against donald trump doing this. so it worked before. not saying you do the exact same page and playbook but i would agree tw gianno you cannot just attack your opponent. that's not going to work for anybody. democrat, republican. donald trump, joe biden. you have to talk about your accomplishments and you have to -- you really have to let the numbers not just speak for themselves but explain the numbers to the people. where i say that is the economy
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is good and keeps improving but voters, as we see in the polling, they are not feeling that yet. i feel that they will much more so once the election is here. more time will go. you need to address the concerns. there are a lot of people that said they didn't know that republicans were stumbling block with legislation with regard to immigration. president biden and his team need to put the messages out there and need to address the concerns especially in the swing states. two of those like nevada, arizona, immigration is number one to those voters. >> sandra: when you address concerns you have to offer solutions, right? >> exactly right. my point is over 90% of the media coverage on trump has been negative. these things are already baked into americans minds. they anticipated the reality that the media projected for them being whatever propaganda whatever it may look like.
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they recognize this is a man to bring prosperity. they've seen it for four plus years. no matter how much negative commentary they'll throw at him. they will throw the kitchen sink at him, we know that. that is not making a difference for his poll numbers. joe biden is losing this race today. >> sandra: this campaign trip by the way comes on the heels of new reporting that the president is angry and anxious over his re-election bid. sources are telling nbc news biden lashed out after he was told his poll numbers dropped over the israeli/hamas war. peter doocy got a strange reply yesterday. >> is he shouting and swearing about netanyahu or about hamas or about his poll numbers? >> this is the when did you stop beating your spouse question because i don't think he ever did that. and you use that as the premise of your question which is when he does that. i've never seen him do that
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shout or swear in response to that. so from my perspective, that particular report is not correct. >> sandra: an interesting exchange, leslie. >> well, you know, there are rumors and then there are facts. it would seem at least with this press conference that was a rumor perhaps and not a fact. this is a very tight race and tempers are going to be high. there has been some infighting and some resigning among some of those on president biden's team. anybody left or right especially with a presidential election needs to be united and needs to remember the goal is to have their boss, their candidate win and that is what needs to be focused on. i would imagine that anyone would be frustrated when you see accomplishments in your administration and don't see the poll numbers following those. >> sandra: when you lead you have to keep your cool, though, right? appreciate you coming on. president trump is now working to turn the bloodbath to his
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advantage. how the big media freak out could backfire against democrats. a new crime is flooding the country. >> they go after high-end houses. they go after luxury items, jewelry, watches. >> we have an older security system in our house and something like this makes you think about maybe upgrading and getting something more robust. >> sandra: a scary new phenomenon known as burglary tourism. another dangerous consequence of the soft border policies. william la jeunesse how it works and what one hard hit area is doing about it. jason rantz with his thoughts, all next. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans
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shipping it back to countries like chile. william la jeunesse has this crazy and biz ash story for us. why are they so hard to catch? >> number one i'm told most are arriving specifically from chile which is the only latin american country you don't need a visa to enter the u.s. as a tourist. that means no background check. no secondly they have fake i.d.s so no electronic trail to follow. police caught these four red-handed outside philadelphia with masks, gloves, saws and break in tools. north carolina four more. these four guys face 200 charges of breaking and entering homes to steal. glendale, california, police there arrested these three for burglarizing multiple homes and finally baltimore these five connected to break-ins in maryland, north carolina, alabama, oklahoma. what do they all have in common? they all entered from chile
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posing as tourists. >> so not only are they robbing us blind and burglarizing our homes. then there is no -- they're not held to answer for their crimes because we don't know and cannot represent to the court what their criminal background is. >> that's because as a tourist waiver country police don't know the criminal background before they board and airplane, allowing this emotion to travel to wealthy areas not just l.a. new york, miami, phoenix, detroit, indianapolis and more where they case houses, break in, take cash, collectibles and jewelry. >> i can tell you that we have a significant increase in burglar eaves from organized groups outside this country. >> why are they so effective? existing police databases and informants are use land. high-end jamming devices and
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they don't use guns most sheriffs and don't prosecute residential property crime. >> i can't comprehend why the united states government is trying to protect chileans coming in and breaking into our homes? >> they could revoke chile's waiver status but they won't. he is suing the administration to find out why. >> sandra: this is a crazy story. thank you. jason rantz, seattle radio host. jason, shocking but not really. what do you make of this burglary tourists robbing homes? >> when you think about it they are coming to areas, going to areas with sanctuary policies already. they know that they are already going to be soft on any crime they might be engaged in and by the way, likely protect them from getting information to the feds if they actually get caught. that's the thing.
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a lot of these folks aren't getting caught and when they do they are released. if they are getting police too much on the trail just leave the country. not just happening from chile. ecuador, columbia, peru also having some folks involved in this country and while this is new, this specific incident, we have been seeing these kinds of things happen across the united states for the last couple years. it has never been as blatant and flagrant. they're doing it because of combination of all the things i mentioned. especially the soft on crime laws. >> sandra: meanwhile a story we have been talking about. liberal media frenzy over former president's trump bloodbath remarks has handed him perfect fodder to rally his base and rake in cash. a fundraising email he clarified he was predicting a bloodbath for the auto industry if joe biden wins in november. he tore into the quote fake news and democratic party saying they are pushing a hoax to keep
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control. democratic senator brian shots egged on the media to report. don't outsmart yours, do trump promises blood baath if he does not win election. we saw it on countless outlets. jim jordan says this should surprise no one. >> as a template. the left will tell a lie, big media reports the lie. big tech will amplify the lie and when we tell the truth they attack us all the more. the legacy media and left will operate. >> bill: the media and biden campaign are so eager that biden -- they will resort to cherry pick quotes to craft their dishonest narrative and they do this all while ignoring the nearly indisputable fact that widespread violence will break out from the left if trump is
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elected in november. jason, they didn't just run with this they sprinted with the narrative. >> they really did. i think some of it shows the desperation that they are feeling right now to do anything they can to insure that donald trump doesn't win. the problem for them is that people have access to the internet and can see the video of the actual speech, including the one minute's worth of context that perfectly explains the language that was used. and at some point when you lie to the american people enough, not only do they lose trust in you but it starts to backfire and you are sympathetic toward donald trump and think last time he was president there was a lot of nasty rhetoric and attacks and sick and tired of it. maybe it was completely overblown by the media. then those folks start to remember how they felt financially, how secure they were under donald trump and they compare it to where they are right now. that will help donald trump. every time he comes out and says i am being targeted, the media
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or democrats clearly make that point which makes his job a heck of a lot easier. >> sandra: interesting analysis there. jason, a post from former msnbc post keith ole berman. they say he has been persecuted worse than any president in history including abraham lincoln with the caption trump says he has been treated worse than lincoln, who was assassinated. he responded there is always hope. jason, your reaction. >> he is an awful person. very ironic. he had the worst person in the world when he was famous on msnbc. he does this against people not just politicians but everyday citizens. he is a rotten person. if you want to talk about all the nasty rhetoric and how it
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can inspire violence, just look to the left. keith is one of the top of the list trying to foment violence. >> sandra: we'll see how long that stays down if they keep it down. if he comes back and does it again. by the way, jason rantz, thank you very much. we're monitoring the live event. i want to call your attention to the defense department right now. we've got the secretary of defense lloyd austin briefing the news media following the ukraine defense contact group in germany and giving an update. we'll bring you any news from it as we get it. president biden spoke with israeli prime minister netanyahu just yesterday for the first time since biden praised senator chuck schumer's calls for elections in israel. more critics say the president is caving to progressive pressure and turning on israel. plus hunter biden skipping house
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republican's hearing tomorrow on influence peddling. >> biden has been trying to make a mockery of what we've been doing. he doesn't want to be refuted next to former business associates and he will run and hide. >> sandra: hunter's former associate devin archer. what it means for the republican's impeachment into president biden. tammy bruce is in "focus" next. and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> sandra: florida republican congressman cory mills rescued americans from israel last october and now done it again. he has helped get americans out of haiti as armed gangs take over the country. mills claims his team has evacuated more americans than the u.s. government. >> the bottom line is that biden administration has a pattern of abandonment. they care more about trying to go ahead and save poll it particular optics than american lives. i will do his job for him if he doesn't do it. >> sandra: officials say the number of americans trapped in the country is now approaching 1,000. bryan llenas is live from the dominican republic near the border with haiti. have americans used that border
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crossing to get out of haiti? >> they have. her daughter from miami sent for her and made the 6 hour drive right here in the dominican republic and on her way to florida until the violence is over. we're told 359 americans have used this border crossing to come into the d.r. to escape haiti since march 1st. the state department is urging americans to travel by land at their own risk to pay attention to the news and to keep a low profile. the u.s. embassy is working on new evacuation routes directly from port-au-prince, the capital of haiti, to the capital of the dominican republic as the violence in haiti escalates. a dozen bodies were found after gangs attacked two wealthy neighborhoods in the capital of port prince yesterday. curfew is in effect at the capital. gangs control 80% of the city
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including the airport making airplane evacuations difficult if not impossible. more than 5 million haitians are in dire need of humanitarian aid. that is being looted by these gangs. >> it is not -- this is one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world. gang violence continues to make security situation in haiti untenable and it is a region that demands our attention. >> frustrated with the slow response from the government many americans trapped in haiti are getting help elsewhere. florida congressman cory mills has helped organize rescues for at least 23 americans trapped. nonprofit project dynamo has rescued two americans and claims they received requests from 200 others so far. >> the gangs are not going to wake up tomorrow and get government jobs. so the number one way that they are funded is through kidnapping and americans are the most
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expensive lottery tickets out there. so it is time for americans to leave haiti. >> the dominicans are allowing some haitian migrants to come in here in a controlled fashion. haiti is over there. it has been controlled so far as the crisis in their country continues to get worse. >> sandra: bryan llenas reporting for us. thank you. >> why did president biden wait so long, 32 days pass between phone calls with prime minister netanyahu? >> first of all our teams are in contact every day at every level. if the prime minister needed the president he would have picked up the phone and called. >> sandra: trying to defend biden's relationship with netanyahu. the two spokes yesterday for the first time since biden was heard on the hot mic saying they were
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headed for a come to jesus meeting. since hamas brutally attacked israel on october 7th the president, vice president and congressional democrats have faced pressure from protestors calling for an immediate cease-fire and forcing some to shift their position on israel including president biden. many critics say he has caved to progressive pressure. >> many of us saw it coming, that first it would be the europeans, and then it would be the political left in the united states, and eventually biden would get weak need in his support for israel and we are seeing that play out heading into an election year. every decision you see this administration make between now and november is sadly going to be made through a political lens. that is just the shameful reality. >> sandra: "wall street journal" editorial board says israelis notice the president rarely
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speaks of defeating hamas anymore. instead he bashes israel under the cover of bashing its prime minister. the stance is his way of catering to the anti-israel left without alienating the bulk of u.s. voters who would find it terrible to turn on israel in wartime. tammy bruce is here. is he caving to the progressives on this? >> i think that it is retoreically he is. the polls. they are desperate. if he caters to the far left and the jew haters and the so-called pro-palestinian he is alienating jewish americans. americans who care about israel as an ally. a horrible position to be in when you are head of a party where you have to cater to those people who want you to leave hamas alone and who don't like the state of israel. it is not a very good position. it indicates that there is again some level of chaos. if his policies and if his attitudes toward and certainly
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any kind of success on the international level were more stable, he would be in a different position right now. he could actually support our ally. he wouldn't be scrambling and stumbling to go after israel. they want to make this, yes, a biden versus netanyahu issue. the fact of the matter is even israelis are united. before october 7th it was 50/50 for a two-state solution as an example. now that's dissolved. the people who were murdered were the people who far left socialists who were supportive of the two-state solution and those are the people slaughtered. you have a no-win situation for biden but it signals to the rest of the world, you know, heck, whenever the jews are going to defend themselves, we want to slow that down a little bit. americans don't like that. >> sandra: you heard the white house defending the president on the issue yesterday. jake sullivan saying our teams are in contact every day. 32 days go buy and you don't
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have the prime minister and netanyahu in discussions over the strategy. >> it tells you the israelis know what they are doing and perhaps are anticipating a different president in january. they see as the world does united states being feckless in foreign policy. there were reports even with the humanitarian aid air drops that we killed palestinians with those air drops because there is no coordination. seems to be kind of a disjointed panicked response and it is a sign that no one, including israel, is taking joe biden seriously or the united states. the good news is israel knows what it is doing and it won't stop. i think humanity generally, not just americans. people throughout europe and otherwise understand the risk, considering what happened on october 7th. it was a barbaric attempt at extermination. we've seen it historically. it is not surprising and like cancer. if you have a tumor, if the doctor says we'll take out half and watch it.
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nobody does that because it is in cancer's nature to overcome the body. that's what we are facing here. >> sandra: tomorrow house republicans hold a public hearing on influence peddling in their impeachment inquiry into the president. tony bobulinski will appear in person. another will testify remotely from prison. two people who won't be there hunter biden himself and key witness devin archer. his lawyer claims lawmakers didn't give them enough time to prepare. despite hunter eva's repeated claims he wanted to publicly testify his lawyer has rejected the invite. he wrote to house lawmakers if you're serious about pursuing this oversight purpose in a legitimate and bipartisan fashion you would hold a hearing with relatives of former president trump. if you do, mr. biden would consider an invitation for that event. house oversight chair james comer with this warning. >> if he does not show up, then it is not going to end well for
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the bidens. we have three witnesses that are testifying -- that have already testified under oath to significantly different stories as to what exactly the biden influence peddling schemes were. this is very serious. we're at the point now of criminal referrals. >> sandra: same question. what does it mean if hunter doesn't show? >> it is interesting. we talked about the issue of credibility and someone taken seriously. the biden family seems like they have no worries where peter navarro has to report to prison for not showing up to a congressional hearing and not responding to a subpoena. you have this happening and here you have hunter biden and his friends and lawyer thinking that this is just no big deal. the problem with criminal referrals, this is the biden d.o.j. and they have to be acted on. for some reason they think it
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just isn't going to happen. and we've seen that before. you can have a criminal referral as an example during the kavanaugh hearings of certain witnesses where it just goes into the history hole. it never gets heard from again. i think that's what they are anticipating. that's why january matters and why i think joe biden is still running for president, won't let go because his maintaining power saves, in part, or protects, in part, his family. >> sandra: you have to love the devin archer attorney. not enough time for the client prepare for the hearing. do you anticipate any surprises? >> as you can tell i'm cynical about what the republicans are doing, the nature of how this will turn out. if t they really will do a criminal referral and continue into whatever the next administration would be. the fact is that they've been operating in this manner for
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years, for decades with no pushback, no surprises, no problems. many of us don't expect anything to be any different but we hope that things begin to change. >> sandra: always good to see you. we anticipate that tomorrow. we'll be covering it here. this afternoon america reports will cover the live hearing of the chaotic and disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. we will have a gold star dad on to react to that live. thank you so much for joining us here and watching "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith in for harris. i'll be back with john roberts at 1:00 eastern time for america reports. "outnumbered" will begin after the break. hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student. i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity.
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