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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 19, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> jspeak of the white house red to listen to warnings about the situation on the ground. as the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. and fail, they did. to the families here today and two to the american people i say i will not rest until i get to the bottom of this tragedy. you deserve answers. the american people deserve answers. there is no military leader, we have lost troops and combat who have this feeling so this is personal to be. >> this is culpability in this attack lies in policy decisions that created the environment of august 2021 kabul. >> john: powerful testimony from the two generals who ran president biden's chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan an event that defined his first term in office and theearing is right now on a capitol hill. >> sandra: the president meanwhile thousands of miles away about the land in nevada on a campaign swing asking
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americans to give him four more years. >> john: john roberts in washington. >> sandra: good to be with you i'm sandra smith in new york this is america reports, president biden has maintained that everything there went according to plan in afghanistan, but as we know tens of thousands of allies were left behind and a suicide bomber killed 13 u.s. service members at the kabul airport. their families are still demanding answers. >> john: one of those killed was sergeant taylor hoover, who serve the marines several decades on his third tour in afghanistan, his father will join us with reaction to today's testimony but first we'll go back to the hearing, smith in new jersey as the question the generals. >> in gaza where we can discuss the incredible difficulties of urban warfare and how the top expert on urban warfare at west point has said israel has done at least a good of job as
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any other military in military stomach minimizing civilian casualties given the difficulties of urban warfare. instead, we have what appeared a highly politicized hearing trying to blame biden. and this hearing began with the title "biden's strategic failure, it's my understanding our witnesses refused to touch testify with that title. in any case they should have. we retitled the hearing but we haven't repurposed it. it continues to be what is sized. but a highly partisan hearing should not be held if you are in the party that made most of the mistakes. let us -- let's put this in context. we had a real dispute as to whether we should lead to 2500 or so american servicemen or perhaps this decade or the following decade.
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a lot of the foreign policies established argued for that but trump promised the american people every single american soldier would be out. from that point we had no bargaining position. that is why the chief negotiator said it was well-known by 2018, by the end of 2018, that we are hellbent to get every person out so what agreement did we enter into in d supposedly buy the bet negotiator in the world, it's an agreement that says it is okay for the taliban to treat 12-year-old girls like sex slaves, nothing prevents the taliban from killing people who are part of the lgbt community, no one prevents them from killing people who convert from islam to christianity, all they are needing to do is to talk to
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the government, then they assume total power and we could do nothing about it because we promised the american people that absolutely every soldier would be out and of course trump promised to have them back by christmas of 2020. the trump administration lost 59 of our servicemen, 152 of our contractors accomplishing nothing, we started in 2020 and we could have surrendered in 2017. but perhaps the most extreme part partisanship has arrived when so many members of this committee have attacked president biden supposedly for not bringing back the "85 billion" i think it's more like $8 million of equipment we left behind. now, this equipment was in the hands of afghans who had plenty of use for it. they could keep it for their own defense, they could sell it to
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the taliban, they did not choose to bring it back to us and return it, so i will ask general milley, was there a way for us to go all around afghanistan and to demand the return of our equipment? this was assuming -- i realize at the time we hoped the afghan armed forces would use that to resist the taliban but if we had realized they were going to cave immediately, could we have taken that equipment away from all of these afghans with no casu casualties? >> no, of course not. >> would have incurred a very substantial casualties if we had done what so many on the other side of the aisle would suggest and somehow get back our equipment? how does our withdrawal from afghanistan compared to our withdrawal -- actually i have
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another question. biden came in in january of 2021, was there a comprehensive plan at that time to both withdraw because that was the promise that trump made to american people without drawing stomach withdrawing in an organized way was their complete plan ready to go at that time? >> can i go back, two points, as i recall and i think it is laid out in the report the rg for afghanistan about 80 some odd billion dollars worth of military aid total, that's everything from food, building bears, uniforms and boots to include equipment over 20 years. i think is about 7.2 billion of military equipment, u.s. manufactured military equipment with the afghan security forces. that is afghan owned equipment, not american equipment. every piece of american
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equipment that the american military owned came out with us with scott miller or he destroyed it on-site. and that is a fact. so the idea at -- >> john: this attack on bi biden -- >> recognizes mr. wilson south carolina. >> thank you mr. chairman and i asked for unanimous consent to submit two reports from the george w. bush institute of february 2024 the captured state on human cost and on corruption. >> to order. >> thank you, chairman and we appreciate your service. but we just have to learn from what has occurred the appeasement in afghanistan. the biden decision to appease is the worst foreign polity, policy decision i believe in the united states that led directly to the encouragement of dictators who are ruling by gun to invade democracies of rule of
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law. we saw that on february 22nd, 2022 what were criminal putin was in the ukraine, we saw in 2023 when the regime into ron and their puppets of hamas invaded israel, we see it today as the world's largest military buildup is being conducted by the chinese communist party to threaten taiwan. the global war on terrorism continues and indeed with open borders of the american families have never been at greater risk of attack. and i especially appreciate the military families who are here today as a 31 year veteran of the 218th infantry brigade i visited four times with our personnel with our troops serving in afghanistan and i saw them served with their afghan brothers just as you did. and it do to encouragement by my wife i am particularly grateful of my oldest son, alan, who received a cab, my second son
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eight dr. in baghdad and my third served in the southern border and also served in egypt and my youngest son served under your command a year in afghanistan. to me, the biden decision that led to the 13 deaths of the persons at abi gate, the service members just inexcusable. and i actually felt assured generals knowing your comforts and capability and a pseudo-graduate but i am very concerned that you were blamed on august 26th 2021 by mr. biden, he specifically said that the 13 murdered, the withdrawal of forces was a decision as determined by the military and he said he had letters that indicated that you had said there should be an immediate appeasement. i sent a letter that day to the
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president asking for copies of the letters in every couple of months i would send another request, it has not been provided. so there are no letters. so is the responsibility of the president's united states, and his decision resulted in what occurred of putting american families at risk. with that the doha agreement, each of you was there a violation it was conditions based and where their violations by the taliban of the agreement? >> i will let joe mckenzie give the specifics but yes it violated each part from the time they sign the agreement all the way to the end. yes, they were in violation. they did not renounce al qaeda, they did not do afghan to afghan negotiations, there is a whole series of conditions in the doha agreement they didn't do. >> that is correct, every
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condition except the one narrow condition about attacks on u.s. coalition forces. in particular, actually, they stepped up intentional attacks on afghan forces because we agreed to withdrawal substance of air combat during this time and they took advantage of that opportunity. >> and i appreciate that president donald trump has indicated it was conditions based. the conditions were violated and that would lead to his view of maintaining the bug rum base, what is your position? >> my position on bagram led to my position now that we should've held at 2,500 u.s. forces that would allow afghans to stay in the fight you can maintain a viable base at bagram >> and it would be protecting american families and we still have a president making bad decisions which we had seven weeks ago for young americans
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were killed army reservist from georgia and this was a decision of the president, mr. biden, who did not follow through on trying to stop these attacks on our troop via the puppets of iran. and we lost three service members and over 40 were injured. the president needs to take this seriously, we are in a conflict existential of our country, thank you. >> gentlemen yields, chairman recognizes. >> thank you, chairman milley and general mckenzie for your service then and for coming voluntarily to testify and provide really important information to the committee and the gold star families and i join you in console and sows for the gold star families in that we cannot necessarily repay but we are trying our best to get answers for you and i want to extend my condolences to the over 2400 other gold star families who were not able to join us today. whose families also made the
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ultimate sacrifice over the 20 years of this war. my criticisms of the withdrawal the missteps and problems are well documented, there were certainly issues that have to be addressed and i have been very clear about that. i have endeavored to get answers with my colleagues, but i also want to provide some really important context which is ending wars is never easy. and ending wars is never clean and in fact as you all know better than me retrograde operations withdrawal operations it's one of the hardest and most dangerous things that we ask our military to do to provide that, general milley used it that the admin discretion entered into with the taliban required -- >> john: we will take a quick pause here after more testimony and more questioning, the two generals, mckenzie and milley, and sandra we have a couple of very, very interesting guests i had to give us their take on not only what we have heard of the
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hearing here but on the situation coming out of afghanistan august of 2021. >> sandra: as you are hearing from this congressman and others they say they are here for the gold star families who are still searching for answers. when it comes to this chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan here we will ask a gold star father, taylor hoover's father daniel hoover who will respond and react to what he has heard in that hearing room so far. mike doody heads of the ultimate sacrifice and has served multiple tours as a an army he will react in the program will quick great stomach break and we will bury back.t bobe right back. there's nothing better than a sub— —sorry buddy. this deal is so big, we had to cut your screen time to fit it all in. order now in the subway app.
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>> sandra: the hearing is ongoing on capitol hill as the military leaders that continue to take questions from lawmakers over the chaotic exit from afghanistan, right now as we get back into the briefing but first bring in mike doody, ultimate xander rice foundation founder and darren cooper, father of fallen marine staff sergeant darren taylor hoover. darren, to first. this was said by general milley in his testimony to the gold star family, listen here. >> i am committed and i will honor that commitment. to get you the answers, to get you the truth and i will personally, and everyone else as well honoring your sacrifice and the sacrifice of your loved ones. sandra: darren, what's your reaction to what you've heard and that hearing room? >> it's also all the too lay.
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yes, we are searching for those answers and want those answers and will take them anyway that we can but it has been two and a half years stonewalling and not giving information. and it is -- it's frustrating it has taken this long for him to step up and say he wants to give us all the information and help us search for those answers. he's got the answers. he's got some. he is just not willing to go forward and give us all the answers we need. but i will hold him to a. it's. >> john: we will see if they do, mike doody to you because you are a sniper in the military and that question about sergeant parlor bargains and marine sniper at the place when the bomb went off just came up. general frank mck mckenzie was asked regarding certain embargoes and whether he had the authorization to pull the
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trigger, he remains a mystery to this day why would he request permission to take out that suicide bomber and it went up the chain of command and never came back down? >> that's a great question and i think the american people deserve that answer because you need positive identification and then you have to put up to the higher-ups. they will either give you the go or no-go on that. i think what we have here is the difference between weak and strong leadership. weak leadership holds zero accountability and pins on their subordinates, strong leadership will take extreme ownership and accountability for their actions and/or interactions. >> sandra: darren i see it clearly agreed agreed with that statement. >> absolutely i do, 100%. if i remember directly in the beginning of this, the subordinates were to do their job, we would still have that command structure and i'm sorry,
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but if it is not being passed up the chain or it is being passed up the chain and nothing is coming back down, then there is a severe lack of accountability. and at the time, all of this was going on supposedly these two gave their recommendations not to have the withdrawal happen under those circumstances, but ultimately, they didn't put their careers on the line. you have back in iraq who was the commander who put his career on the line to protect his troops. did either of these two do anything remotely close to that? absolutely not. it is disgusting and it's a disgrace. they say their troops are important to them, show it. prove it. >> john: mike, doody, both billy and mckenzie told the committee the conditions for withdrawal laid out in the doha agreement never materialized that the taliban had violated
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every condition of that agreement with one exception and that was no leave the will attacks on u.s. forces. now, the way president trump left it when he left office was that until these diplomatic conditions of doha are met, 2500 forces would stay and maintain a presence in the airport which we found in the years after would be an important thing to do with a number of different reasons including against iran. so if the conditions, the diplomatic conditions were never met, do you have any idea why biden went ahead and said i have to live up to the text of the doha agreement, public troops out? >> no and i think this place to weak leadership, i think it's utterly insane. listen, afghanistan and the taliban that was one of the most kinetic wars we have been and as a country and american stomach america hardly knows that parent i want to go back on what general mckenzie said he said he we used the taliban to beef . if you are using one of the most
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ruthless enemies of all time, we have put in values thahave firefights, name me a place that ever happened. if you are trusting the taliban with the security of our outer court on, you have lost your mind, general. you've lost your mind. >> sandra: mike, we pulled that sound, general mckenzie just a few moments ago, let's play it up. >> we did not rely on the taliban for our security. we use them as one tool among many to beef up our defensive posture. we avoided a number of potential abby gate attacks and i am proud of the commander sent troops that prevented them. this is small comfort to those who lost loved ones and i realized this, nonetheless what is remarkable about kabul is not that the tragedy of abby gate happened, but that many other attacks did not happen.
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>> sandra: darren? as a gold star father your reaction to that? >> that is a lie in and of itself. because on august 15th according to "the new york times," the taliban offered to allow the u.s. to secure kabul and rely on the taliban, general mckenzie attended a meeting in doha on august 15th and in that meeting mckenzie presented two maps. the first one showed narrowed corners between our embassy and the airport for u.s. forces to be active, the second showed a 30-kilometer circle around the center of kabul and mckenzie warned the taliban that any entry into that zone would be interpreted as a hostile act, but the taliban was already inside of that zone.
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taliban leader asked mckenzie if the u.s. wanted to take over security for all of kabul which mckenzie declined without passing that question up the chain of command ultimately to the president. he then asks mckenzie what the u.s. thought about the idea of taliban taking over kabul. mckenzie consulted with former ambassador w and this is where t gets rough. mckenzie told him he had no opinion on that so long as the taliban did not interfere with the u.s. evacuation. now because of that the u.s. was forced to rely on the taliban for the security of our kids and the rest of the civilians that were trying to get out. so don't say on national tv and lie that the taliban was not in charge of the security.
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he said in august 15th of 2021 that that is exactly what was happening. don't sit here and live. it's wrong and he has to pay for it. >> john: darren, i want to ask you one quick question before we get out here, do you know what happened with your fellow gold star father at the state of the union where he got up and interrupted the president, maybe you should not of done that, he was removed from the chamber, but that he was charged and/or actually told just a little bit ago that the charges against him have not been dropped, they have still been leveled, and a number of those congressman will do whatever they can to get the charges dropped. you are thoughts quickly about that incident and the fact he remains charged to this day. >> you know, in all honesty i am proud of steve who has the guts to stand up to the president because still, to this day, the president has not set our kids names in public and steve stood
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up, defended the rest of our kids and his son and i couldn't be more proud of him. to have him arrested like that and charged i think is absolutely wrong. there is another person in that state of the union that got removed, he was not arrested that i am aware of. and all the protesters that stopped president biden from getting into the capital, none of them have been arrested so why is it only steve? >> sandra: darren, i want to make sure you know we have pictures of your son, darren taylor hoover come up on the screen for our viewers to see and they are hearing his name right now. that is what this day and this hearing is about right now. if you could, darren, please do stand by, mike doodytandby as we will continue monitoring getting back into the hearing because it is incredibly important as so many gold star
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families are still searching. >> john: and more from the texas border law, stay ahead with us for that. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. - it's payback time. all these years you've worked hard,
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>> sa>> john: big news on the border allowing texas to temporarily enforce its new law that allows it to arrest illegal immigrants crossing the border making it a state crime. david allied with more. >> at the justice department where anyone with the justice department has any comment on camera, we asked suppose they will not be happy about this after they went to the supreme court recently and asked the supreme court to put a pause on this texas law called sb4 and it would allow texas state officials to arrest people suspected of illegal immig
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immigration. texas governor greg abbott says it is a necessary tool to fight this crisis at the southern border with people illegally crossing from mexico into the united states. specifically into texas, although the biden administration says it is up to federal officials to make such arrests and up to border patrol. governor abbott has said border patrol is not doing their job or its job the past two and a half or three years so that is why this law was enacted in texas. right now the supreme court has allowed it to continue going forward while the greater fight over the merits of the case makes its way through the system just as soto mayor in brown jackson expressing their issues with this moving forward but as of now, texas officials can continue to enforce this law which allows them to arrest those suspected of illegal immigration again waiting for some comment of attorney general
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merrick garland which we expect they'll left something to say i'm not in a good way. >> sandra: hopefully we get that soon, sandra here, david, obviously now comes a question of resources. for texas to be able to carry this out. >> that's exactly right. homeland security alejandro mayorkas has set on camera for well over a year now that they are strapped resource wise. so that becomes the question that governor abbott has opposed to these federal officials is that if you can't do it someone has to do it and we are e goingo do it. the justice department has said it is about territory and the border is federal territory which is correct and they say they should be making the arrests meaning border patrol and other federal related agencies but governor abbott says this is the tool in his toolbox that he will use to stop this record flow of migrants crossing the southern border, sandra.
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>> john: david, how long we think the supreme court will allow them to arrest people? >> we don't know exactly because right now this case is making its way through what we call on the merits the actual case itself of sp for and whether it's constitutional or whatnot so that is making its way through on the merits of this is something that allows them to temporarily continue, but short answer is we don't know how long this will continue because just yesterday, not to make things more confusing for our viewers, the justice samuel alito put a brief order announcing he was going to continue the pause of this law and that was not even 24 hours ago. yesterday at 5:30 p.m. we got a notice from the supreme court that texas could not enforce this law. it was the second such pause from the supreme court and now not even 24 hours later texas is able to go ahead and enforce this controversial law. things truly not to be trite and
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use an overused phrase, things can truly change by the hour and by the day especially in this case and with the supreme court. >> sandra: david, it is our understanding brandon judd is jumping on the phone with us here. this will be a fresh reaction to the news for those who are just tuning in we just got word the supreme court has declined to block this texas law allowing state law enforcement to arrest people suspect of the illegally crossing the border, brandon judd joining us now live by phone, brand and your reaction? >> i am ecstatic. this'll be a great learning tom ackerley for border security because what we are looking for, any time you hold them accountable for breaking our laws you can expect a decrease so if texas is able to implement this and they are able to charge people trespassing, and give them a consequence for the violation of that state law, we are going to see a decrease
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in the illegal immigration. >> john: do we know, brandon, how this is going to work? what we see typically with the federal government as catch and release or catch an parole type of program for the most part. do we know how long texas would be able to hold someone for crossing the border illegally? >> that will be up to a judge. obviously when you take someone into custody, they are subject to release based on what a judge determines but the law is pretty strict. the law is -- it's a highly written law. what i give texas credit for is they look at arizona's law sb1070 they know why it didn't work and what they wrote into the law is it gives them great latitude to actually charge and hold people but ultimately what is a judge going to send these two? as long as they can help it really doesn't matter, it's just the fact they will be able to hold them.
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the fact they will now have a criminal record. those facts are going to play into people's decision to cross into texas. now -- now this is not going to solve the problem because it doesn't apply to new mexico, and california but in texas these individuals are not going to want that criminal -- criminal record on their record because they are going to ultimately hope to get citizenship and one of the things that stops you from getting citizenship is what is your criminal record. so, look, this is huge for border security. >> sandra: really quick, final, brandon come on that as i just mentioned to david, now the question over resources to be able to carry this out. >> texas recognizes. they knew that, governor abbott knew this was going to -- going to cost a lot of resources up front. you have to remember illegal
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immigration, they react immediately. so what we can expect to see is within the next few days, once they start enforcing it, you can expect an immediate drop. those across today will be a lot less than the cost seven days from now. etude brandon, appreciate you jumping on the phone with us on breaking news. go ahead. >> john: we will be watching closely with what this is. this could be a powerful deterrent against people crossing the border illegally at least in texas. because the way the cartels work now is they get people who want to stay in the country to cross the border, put them in the hands of the border could tell my patrol to be processed and released with notice to appear sometimes ten years from now on some extreme cases so if folks now know if they cross the border, they are going to jail, they may either decide not to come across the border or definitely go somewhere else. >> sandra: indeed, big win for
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governor abbott of texas for sure. >> john: for the time being. will be right back with more from that hearing right after this. ellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you
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she has allergies. yeah. > john: let's jump back to the hearing, afghanistan veteran brian mast question the generals. speak of those events leading up to august 26th as he looked at a lack of targeting iran is giving the enemy, i would look t giving that enemy -- outlook about lack of actions as giving them aid and comfort. and with that my time is expired. >> gentlemen recognizes connolly. >> thank you mr. chairman and thank you to both of our witnesses. general milley, as an american, i want to thank you for your service. and for how you conducted yourself in that service.
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american owes you a debt. you come from my hometown of boston, just outside boston if i understand that correctly. your father fought in world war ii ago in the fourth marine division, is that correc? and your mother was a nurse who served in the naval reserve is that correct? >> she worked at a hospital in seattle and took care of the wounded that is correct. >> and an uncle that served in the korean war. >> i have two uncles in world war ii one was in the philippines and one in normandy and one was in the korean war. >> fair to say your family really answers a call to service country including bearing arms to protect this country and to deter its adversaries and enemies, is that correct? >> that's correct, two uncles in world war i and dozens in vietnam. >> even going for the. and you yourself government deployed in panama, haiti, and
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multiple times as brigade commander to iraq and afghanistan, is that correct? >> correct. >> you are proud of that service? >> 44 years proud. >> john: those listening to mark milley's service history want to jump for a another piece of news on the supreme court decision with the border laws. >> sandra: they declined to block the texas law that would allow state law enforcement to arrest people suspected of illegally crossing the border. lieutenant governor dan patrick is now on the phone with us to react to this news and tell us what it means for the border crisis. welcome. >> hi, center, hi, john. look, i am catching my breath right now because this is the story how the supreme court has which i wrote and passed, the governor signed it, that would give texas the right to arrest
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those here illegally. we can put them in jail or we can send them back. i was on fox just yesterday morning, kind of in a lighthearted way i said i know the supreme court is listening as they get up court this morning and we are being invaded. by land, by sea, by air. it is drones, it's both going into florida, they have been taking drugs and illegal immigrants to florida for years across millions have come across the border under joe biden so it sounds like to me and i haven't heard the final rolling yet but it sounds like the court has made this decision that texas has the right to defend ourselves against this organized mobilized cartel driven invasion of our country. this is historic today and i am thankful for the supreme court ruling i believe which was 6-3. now this just says it goes into effect while it works its way through the courts, but this is
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a big statement that we can go into action now and this law can become effective now. >> john: lieutenant governor it's john here, number of questions. in the overall how is this going to work? what charges will peaceful face crossing the border illegally? how long can we hold them? will they be able to bond out? and in terms of sending people back, u.s. immigration law states we can only send back people with a continuous border with the united states on foot, others would have to be flown back. who can be sent to -- how does that all were? >> great question, john, the basic overview is when we arrest someone that we have seen crossing or we find out they crossed here illegally, we will arrest them. we will get all of their information. this was a key part of the bill. we did not want to just turn people back because on the terrorist watch list are they a criminal, who are they?
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we will bring or print them, photograph them, we will do a background check. at that point, because they are here illegally, in other words what senate bill says is it is illegal to be here illegally. at that point, they can agree to go back. if they are not a criminal or on the terrorist watch list, if they don't have any of those charges against them, they can agree to spend six months in jail or go back to mexico. if they go back and come back the second time, it increases to a felony and they go to jail for many years. speak to lieutenant governor -- >> that's how the law will work. >> sandra: we appreciate you weighing and calling it historic, that news just happen, thank you for joining us. >> john: thank you lieutenant governor, sorry, we are against a hard break with thank you for joining us, really appreciate it, we will vary back. be right back
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>> john: hearing into the incident in afghanistan continues thousands are in the stomach, congress or in haiti, frank and us live at the dominican republic at the border with haiti and brian, what are the latest on efforts to save stranded americans? >> john, the state departments as it continues to explore safe
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options to evacuate americans stranded in haiti, the majority of which are believed to be in port-au-prince, about 1,000 they say so far, one of those options could be flying americans from port-au-prince to the dominican capital of santo domingo. those who have not been able to wait for the u.s. government who have lost patience and are frustrated look through other means like through u.s. are presented of cory mills who on his own is a combat veteran has organized rescues for 23 americans trapped in haiti. it is a dire situation which is now under the control of gangs, schools, hospitals, police stations have been attacked by gangs who have also stolen critical humanitarian aid. yesterday at least a dozen people were killed in attacks in wealthy neighborhoods in the capital. haitians tell us they need help. >> every day they is always bad news. nothing comes of it. i want change for the country. >> yes, i am afraid of the gang,
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we can't go outside, the kids can't go to school or eat, life is very difficult. >> to solve again problem we need an international armed force because we cannot do it alone. >> meantime florida governor ron desantis deployed forces with a possible haitian exodus to florida and the dominican republic has built a border wall and continues to deport haitians despite the u.n.'s demand to stop. every single day haitians are deported from the bit dominican republic back to haiti, you can see them coming out of this truck here. they are of all ages despite the humanitarian crisis the dominican republic says there they are walking in. >> every country has its o own laws against the united states to allow undocumented immigrants to enter their country freely, we cannot allow that in our country. >> you are looking on the haitian side of the border here, immigration officials tell us,
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john, from 359 americans that have left this border since march 1st. >> john: we will see if they can get anymore, on the board of their between the dominican or public in haiti, brian, thank you barry and sandra? >> sandra: let's bring back mike doody come afghanistan veteran ultimate sacrifice foundation founder darren hoover father of fallen marine staff sergeant hoover, we continue to watch this hearing on capitol hill, want to get your thoughts, mike, as you and i work watching this hearing together at some points during the commercial break, brett barr from kentucky was just speaking. you had a strong >> reporter: let's not tiptoe around this subject or may this was not it withdrawal of this was an absolute catastrophe of mega- measures. as soon as we allow the -- caliban to get within the limits that was the essential catalyst to allow them access
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to abbey gate something that killed 13 of our servicemembers and when did 18. think we're tiptoeing around this too much. and watching two generals one of which i served under 42 years tiptoe are on several subjects. it's very hard to watch, i can't imagine ford during hoover was going through his head right now. i love you got here my brother, i'm going to do everything i possibly can to continue to be an advocate for the following 13 and 18 that were wounded. but i think something else these points need to be brought up, who otherwise is leaving $86 billion of military equipment to the caliban like a couple years ago i can't imagine the proxy wars that will happen in the region and the other enemies and other terrorist organizations that are going to form via the caliban or us-led weapons now that are in control of their -- but also who they sold them to. 's second and third order effectively to look at.
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>> jason: i got about 48 -- for five seconds or. any thomas was going through your mind? >> at this point and mike, thanked -- thank you for sticking out for us, bar questioning -- both of them, in the various hearings that we've had and the state department, dod doesn't know what they're doing. one has to take over where the other one drops off and if they don't have a solid plan in place, we're going to continue to have this and if -- it's ridiculous. >> john: there in our hearts break for you and other gold star families in a grateful nation thanks you might think you sent and others for their sacrifice before it was an honor to know both of you. you so much. thank you fo


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