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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 21, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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just got stronger afl kickoff weekend begins saturday march 3rd. get that one on fox tv sunday on espn. we are back the next level battle has begun. you'll have to earn your place on one of our teams and you can watch anytime before new episodes every thursday. >> you don't get a second chance. we need the best who will make the cut? i've been waiting for this my whole life. sticky rice in 20 minutes. banks are the most competitive season yet to watch. tonight was just not your nights on the next level, chef. thursdays on fox and watch anytime on hulu. >> anytime. thank you. jamie lewis unafraid. ingraham angle with laura starts now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> l>> i'm judge jeanine pirro n
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for laura ingraham and this is a special edition of the dome xp 30. tonight, chair james comer says he is imbibing president biden to testify before the committee about his family's business dealings here that same committee today held a hearingnd that hunter biden begged for.ub remember how he said he wantedli to clear his name in public? well, in true profession, he di not keep his commitment. >> should i allow hunter to getd his own first? >> it doesn't appear mr. biden showed up for a public hearing so we will recognize you.ea >> thank you, mr. chairman. >> hunter isn't just a crook, he is a coward appeared look, maybe he relies everyone would seebe through his lies and maybe he realizedre this would becamp detrimental to his father reelection campaign, or maybet hunter wouldn't be able to defend his position that his
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father knew nothing about his business deal giving his own h laptop and the circumstantial evidence contained thereinbu non to mention his former business partners testimonies. >> let m me be crystal clear and direct experience andg subsequently come to learn, it was clear joe biden w the brand being sold by the joe biden family. joe bidess.n was more than aare, participant in his family'srs w business, he was active, where enabler who met with businessss associates such as myself tome further the business despite being buffered by a complex>> scheme to maintain plausible deniability. >>didn't you said at the beginng that hunter didn't provide any sort of intellectual propriety asset value or anything of the sort, that his entire value wast th?e brand, is that correct? how did you say that? >> we didn't rely on him other than delivering what the biden e bihad left.
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>> judge jeanine: biden lift something they are not familiar with senseoe's bidenomics has driven into the ground. but the family pockets kepthe getting bigger with each compan shall. remember the big email? hunter denied knowing what any of it meant and who the big guy was. >> mr. bob belinsky, who is the big guisy?at joe biden. >> are you sure?eani >> 1000% sure and you mostats affect that appearance be onetey but of course, that wasn'tbe enough for democrats who want to completely ignore the testimony being presented. >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your testimony today? .> yes >> how much time do i have? >> what is the crime, sir? specifically! e >> you asked me to answer the
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h question and i answer the m questione,. exc obviously, you are not familiar with corruption. >> excuse me sir, excuse me sir, rico is not a it is a category. >> category of crimes that you are charged. >> you have charges -- you have charges, sir>>, please name. >> ricoh! >> judge jeanine: joining us is mike waltz of the house overt oversight committee.te congress, welcome, chairman comber is calling on joe biden to testify before the committee. one, what are the odds he shows up andsk to kokomo what is thes first question you would ask him? >> look, the question we havee been asking up every one of these witnesses. what was the product asked mark what was the service?acro what were 27 shell companiesu we
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established across the entire family while you werepoli vice president charged with obama for having policy a oversight of china and ukraineur of all countries that you were selling because i think what we have uncovered here and this is bank records, text messages andd multiple testimony of people with direct knowledge and judge, you know how important that is e selling wash america.he and we have talked about the eukraine pieces, burisma, the dinners he attended the mike attended a vice presidents, russian al l the guards, money m transferred, but the piece i focus on today was china and ths chinese communist party. because chinese stated enterprises especially cfc and its chairman who was a direct associate of the chairman of the chinese communist party has a
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long history of bribing officials, and they call it going after the sons ofy officials to get to keep policymakers. impact, don't even take it from us. that chairman then disappeared but many of his associates werer prosecuted in the southern district of new york for doing exactly that. we see that unfold withfr hunter biden. >> judge jeanine: and they denied getting money from chinao but right now, i will pass itdm overan. congressman your colleague, dani goldman, tried to make a pointml on an email but it backfired. take a look at this. >> did anyone respond to that email? >> yes, they did. that is important because hunter biden responded to it. >> you are just going to filibuster. i will reclaim my time is running out. i will say no one responded to the big guy reference.
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>> you are making my point herei they didn't have to respond because they knew it was joe.ep >> judge jeanine: congressman, why do they say the big guy is not joe biden? >> because, look, they are trying to carry is water. you know, they are complicit in covering up i think one of the largest and most serious corruption scandals in our corlhistory. this is in a corruption scandal with the mafia or someur corporation. this is with our greatest adversary that fully intends to defeat us and ha hiss a long hiy through its initiative to do exactly what is done through the biden family. and we've got the in terms of crime sense aoc doesn't know rico is. >> judge jeanine: amazing. >> he was acting as a foreign agent, hunter, and theyin comingled funds and you can't take foreign money into a relative and they pay all your
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bills, weatherman then and his wife or joe biden it is illegal. i expect to see referrals fort full prosecution, not this doj and we've got to get that to the r erican people. >> judge jeanine: congressmanis mike waltz, thank you forusti joining us. joining us now, mike davis, president and founder of the article 3 project and sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel and fox news contributor.s he mike, there was one momentg during today's hearing that stood out. take a >> and distinct indistinct m hisr took a call fro father. and might need a little help getting across the finish line. speak [boos] >> judge jeanine: mike, what do you glean from that?
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i think with this testimonyoe shows as they were clear evidence that joe biden lied to the american people and hunter biden lied under oath when they both said that joe biden was not involved in any of hunter's business dealings. they were as clear evidence to the contrary with tony bobulinski and jason: this comment is clear that joe bidenn >> judge jeanine: all right,year let's take a listen to what happened a few years ago whene joe biden was asked about this. >> i've never talk to my son overseas. b >> i never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else during the business period. >> they were a 0000 evidence ofo any assertion being made. >> judge jeanine: all right, before i will go to this.o yo
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zero zero now the bank records and the shell companies. what do yo>>u make of this?he >> well, there is nothing to l make of it. the president has repeatedly lied about this. and we havd e known it for quita while. and apparently, that doesn't bother him. he shamelessly does it across aa variety of topopics. what i thought was interesting i today was tony bobulinski, itest thought was a powerful witness.m he obviously has been waiting to testify for a long time. his testimony was raw and angry. i thought it madrfule it more powerful. any unlike some of the other people testifying, he doesn't have anything he can really be impeached with in terms of his background. he is a real patriot. so i'm i thought they were very worried about it. and use all that in theirs efforts and answers to the democrats answer questions to shift the topic here and
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pathetic was aoc who doesn't even know that rico is not a casualty. rico is a criminal statute, and it is 1962, you can look it up. >> judge jeanine: thank you. it is amazing because tony bobulinski came out and's head. >> here is one egregious example of hunter's surgery. lied to the community onat important details with demands and threats to the 30thoc july 31st 2017. and that infamous text to pay hunter immediately.or >> judge jeanine: all right, if hunter biden lied, what does ithat mean for him? ce>> it means he showed and shod faced perjury charges but we have the biden justice department that spun out of its way for years to go after trump. his top aides, january 6 supporters come up parents and
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, christians give amnesty to and joe biden, hunter biden, james biden, the biden fa family and their political allies. we may politicize, weaponize the justice system, but that will not change until president trumu is back in office january 20, 2025. >> judge jeanine: you know, sol commit is amazing thaa one individual that testified earlier, jason galanis of hunter biden. i mean, we had nothing to gain. we know the witnesses have something to gain and something to lose, this guy is in jail. is not like the department of justice will do him papers.r an he came right out and said he>> was a border know my partner and joe biden knew about it. >> right, of course, in a p criminalri trial he would be in impeachable because he is in prison. they don't have that with tony bobulinski. i think that is an important white. i lookpt at the transcript of hunter biden's testimony and i
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think he was very, very carefull he might have been literally truthful and some of his answers, because he had a gooddt attorney there with him heren't that is precisely why he didn't want to appear today.'t he didn't want to appear in a face-off that he couldn't control. he always wants to envonme be ia attightly controlled environmen. e with whatinly agre mike said, there was no with his justice department would everpa bring charges against him. >> judge jeanine: and that is a sad part. o mike and soln thank you for beit with us today. donald trump unleashes on letitia james to try to take trump tower. plust , just how dangerous isis tiktok? senator josh hawley got als closed-door intel briefing and is here but the details next. ♪ ♪
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loves watching their welfaren ap action. and today new york attorney general told an appeals court to ignore donald trump's claims that it is impossible to find an insurance company to back his nearly half a billion dollar bond.of and the new cour rt filing, the attorney general's office said, "the use of real estate is a collateral for an appeal bond is hardly impossible."of if trump doesn't post-spawn monday, letitia james could start the process of seizing his properties. joining me hav now the impeachmt lawyer, david. david, i ask you this, where does the attorney general ge off saying it is not accurate he can't get a bond? first of all, are you familiar with any private company in a statement like this get a bond for half a billion dollars? even though $54 million committee is 120% of the judgment, which is half a
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billion dollars. >> absolutely not, the attorney general's divorce from reality. you ca n be sure president trump is trying to get a bond. he has the context to get money if possible. rthese insurance companies just won't do it there is too much at risk. it is outraged what is required in this case. cplr 5519, as you know, judge, if a state appealing, they would o put up a pond at all. it is an outrageous situation. >> judge jeanine: time is of the essence. you know, do you think federal court could step in on thessiv accounts of the eight amendmenta comic excessive fines? >> i think it would be difficult for the federal court to do. they will not interfere with the state court proceeding, but theo still have the new york court of appeals and so on. k i'm a look, of b the public wants the issues in the case ttho be heard.e and he was denied a right to a jury trial. o and it comes out of that countys
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and says tha.t is because it isi not punitive damages but a regulatory statute.ju inry this case, punitive. he should have>> the right to a jury trial. >> judge jeanine: it is not only punitive. they got numbers out of the airt there is nothing that connects a it to reality. no victim and you have a case nwith no fraud, no victim, and everybody made money.e in the end, if she were to go to court to seize the properties, you know, if she is not limited to new york and we know florida as well, how does that work? d? she just goes in and says, i am the new landlord? how does that work? >> she has to use proper court procedures and that will drag on. who needs that litigation? ers it is absurd.'r the management of publicd on interest, but the court should waive the bundled together, irreparable harm and balanceit together go forward with the appeal with the case on therm merits. >> yeah, wha?t is the harm? let me ask you this, i love this
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case in georgia. fani -- well, the judge in the fani willis case got rid of thea lever but not fanini.m basically, the judge said i will allow interlock or tory appeal. but the georgia public court it takes 45 days. the judge signaling that beforei trial suggest maybs e he wasn't too sure about his own decision. what say you? >> this judge has done aes terrific job so far.ase, he is a straight arrow. he said the issues in this case, especially regarding miss willir are so appropriate it is importan t for the court to heal. however, he will go forward to consider the pretrial emotionst. and someone. will not wait for a decision with respect to that pure glistening, from what we saw from whence willis and her d testimony, they might be better the case.r on ase >> i think they should haves nathan wade on the case the way he was sweating bullets. you can tell he's never been in a boardroom before.e one of the problems is you have
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the georgia senate investigatinf her and another agency investigating her. long a prosecutor for a time, and you cannot take forfeiture money and give it to your lover.y you just cannot do that.s >> she has completely smearedy the integrity of the process. for election so shewi will not step down voluntarily, but she should have. she should have withdrawn from the case for the good of the case and integrity of thedo system.. but that is not what she decided to do.y op >> judge jeanine: we will see what the appellate court does. i have my hopes on that one. anyway, david, thank you so much. and came to capitol hill today with a stark warning for senators. tiktok is dangerous. the message seemed to land. >> my reaction to this briefing is that tiktok is a gone aimedth at americans heads. the chinese communists or weaponizing information that they are constantly, collecting from 170 million americans.s
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>> tiktok and bytedance and chinese leaders go to great things to try to conceal whatt they are doing. but it is clear right there in terms of conditions what they can do. it is clear how tiktok is it influencing american. >> judge jeanine: joining me now missouri senator, josh hawley. senator unclvee your colleagues sound very concerned what they were today. what have they told you?k >> what theyha have said is thee tiktok is a national security threat. you hear cd it, it tiktok is ato backdoor for the chinese communist party and every phonon in america that has tiktok loaded onto it. they arerack tracking location d our keystrokes. they are tracking our emails,mu emails,, and can be accessed by the chinese partied beijing. i don't wantand. the chinese aru owning our farmland, factories, or social media. that is what thiwouls is about appearance but when i would like
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you to listen to colleagues on this . senator tisch. >> okay listen. that is people's jobs. that is my only entertainment. and people make money off of there also was so. i'm trying to get rich like that. and, might will find you cut you into pieces.or [laughter] >> judge jeanine: that is a voice mail that senator taylor received although they are laughing about it. is >> that is crazy. that shows you the jud link thah they are trying to go to weaponized their own users and exploit them. this gets to the basic no america should be dependent on this chinese platform cured no american should have theirrs information subject to chinesetn sensors and get manipulated like these people, tiktok and chinese
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owners trying to manipulate american creators, americaney c citizens, american citizens. r there is a reason that tiktokwo doesn't want to sell and that beijing won't let that happen. m it is and about the money. it is way too valuable to them. >> judge jeanine: it is aboutssd control.o of course, the house passed legislation to make bytedance out off tiktok. what is the senate going>> to d? >> this and it should pass it.a. i am worried that tiktok is trying to buy the senate. tiktok already -- rather china owns our farmland, factories, an sd they want to own the sena. they are spending money. as you and i are talking right now, they are trying to buywe c boats in the synod. we allow that to happen. we need to show the american people are ia n charge of social media and all of america media, and we need to plan tiktok in the united states.n if chinese won't sell it, weyou need to ban it. >> judge jeanine: senator josh hawley, thank you for being with us tonight.
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you heard the medias bloodbath hoax makes you mad, wait untiltr you hunter biden's smear on donald trump. that iratis next. bout. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i'm doing something about it like millions of others. preservision.
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>> judge jeanine: i know under ng >> judge jeanine: i know under this administration we are used to illegals crossing the border and never getting deported. but in some instances, they melt actually get caught. fox film aleutian got to ride along with officers to crack down on dangerous criminal.esse >> because of sanctuary policiel in california, i.c.e. have to e work alone going after dangerous criminal aliens here in l.a. we went with i.c.e. as they remove three convicted felons off of the streets. >> it is 4:00 a.m. infi
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los angeles, and this team of i.c.e. deportation officers ishe briefing on their targets today: drug traffickers with lengthyoul criminal histories. the first target, a mexican woman with traffic opioids in l.a. >> she was selling opioids from a s.w.a.t. shop local areas. in distributing to minors. e >> after surveilling the area, she is part of leaving the home in a pickup truck would the i.c.e. swarmed the streets, pulled the woman over andte arrested her. i.c.e. says she is a convicted ellen who has been deported from the u.s. four times. during her intake, i found e juthousands of dollars of casn her. >> the convicted felon i.c.e. arrested is being processed and booked. i.c.e. tells us because of her criminal history, she can be deported as soon as tonight. >> moments later, i.c.e.a officers bringme in another convicted felons they justdome arrested from a mexican man with come evicted of trafficking meth
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and violence. >> it is frustrating. >> do you guys have any presence at the jail whatsoever? >> no. >> i.c.e. blames those policies for having to arrest the third felon of the day. he was previously convicted of trafficking meth a and ainssiow possessionhi of a gun. s the local authorities ignored their request old it. >> retained and honored. >> i.c.e. said l.a. officers23 arrested 3,000 criminal citizens in fiscal year 2023, including 249 suspected gang members. with limited manpower, their priority is safety threats. .>> the drug traffickers and not misconception we are out there indiscriminately conducting raids, checkpoints or that is simply far from the truth. say >> judge, i.c.e. said they weree frequently arresting illegal aliens deported from the
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u.s., sometimes deported multiple times. under u.s. law, reentry isd punishable with prison time. and i said they would like to impose more consequences for these persecutors. we will send>> j it back to you. >> judge jeanine: all right, bill, thank you so much. and raising the momentum from their bed bath hoax earlier this week, biden is seizing on his next manipulation. w warping trumps comments about illegal immigration.6 he for that, they have to go backru to the well. >> 2016, latinos criminalants drug dealers came down this week. now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of oure country. you are the reason why in large part i beat donald trump.ed [applause] you know, i need you and i need you badly. i need the help. i desperately need your help. >> judge jeanine: joining me noosw is rachel campos-duffy,
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cohost of "fox & friends weekend." is anyone falling for this? >> he says, "i need you badly. stay with me. i'm desperate." he sounds like a really bad boyfriend who has been taking yo nou for granted and only noticing you now that you area o starting to be interested in the other guy. i think a lot of latinos are thinking about the other guythei here they are remembering the good times when they had money and their wages were higher, when there was less crime. you know, when they could do things with their family. they are also remembering when you could send your little boy to school and nobody told him that he was actually a girl. and they are joe also, judge, remembering this guy, joe biden is alker stalker. he sent the fbi into a catholic church to spy on you. so, i think this idea, hey, look athe me, stay with me, the other
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guy is a racist. i don't think this going to work this time. i don't think latino os loves biden and i don't think they love trump pure they love their families. they are looking at the situation of this presidential election and deteri deterioratif thhee country. inflation and everything happening, andwantdo they are s, "i want to do what is best for my family." and that is where they are at. >> judge jeanine: the amazing part of this is he stands and begs for their it sounds like there were 20'sg. people in the room. it is this pandering, like the pandering that we heard in 2020. i don't know if we still have that. >> this guy is 5'10". i understand latinos, we justow celebrated st. patrick's day and i hope you're not offended by me saying this. the thing about the irish, they are about family, decency.
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and that is exactly what theid latino community is all about. e >> judge jeanine: you know, aside from that, his pandering and saying income y ia love latinos. e they are like irish people.lea i love the music. it is not working. people are looking at the economy, inflation, immigration, and youis know, donald trump is winning. he is winning in the swing soates. so joe biden can bet all he wants, but they are not buying l >> they are losing latinosny ano they don't have to lose that many for this to be absolutely devastating for joe biden's campaign. t they were losing latinos for the same reasochign they are loa autoworkers in michigan. latinos are working class15 m people. so they are looking at the inflation in the 15 million people coming over the border, whatever nationality t they are, with her latinos aree not. they are a thread t to the at, working-class wage and that is what they are looking at. that is what they are afraid of.
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so yeah, talking about tacos, none of that is going to work because times are really bad. latinos are feeling it juss t as hard as every asian or black working-class person. they just want to protect their families. >> judge jeanineso rig: yous know, rachel, you are right.anks at some point, just talk about what americans want. t.d ththank you for being with s tonight. and the liberal media that orchestrated the christine blasey ford attack on brett kavanaugh isre back to tre to revive her debunked claims. that is next.
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♪ ♪ >> i applaud you on your courage. >> it is upsetting to think fpeople are out to get you for speaking the truth. >> for tryin rightg to help, ri >>al even today, some people remain skeptical of your story. after all you have been through, do you have any regrets and d would you do it all the same w again? >> we definitely do it again. it was the worst thing. [applause] eani>> judge jeanine: she's bac! that is right, brett kavanaugh supposedly camera shy accuser. christine blasey ford is back to promote her newman work in whica
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atlantic calls a modern-daynst horror story that reads as an indictment against brett kavanaugh and supposedly enable hers. never mind the fact that her 2018 testimony was riddled withn inconsistencies, contradictionsf and memory lapses.s the regime is picking up right n where they left off six years ago. here now to react is teresa moreno, justice clarence thomas and president of the network.rig in the spokesman for the senater judiciary committee during the brett kavanaugh confirmation hearing. all right, i will start with you. does ford's timing seem a little bit suspect? >> you know, if you are lookingt infor new information about the esteemed glossy poured, it thise is not the place to look. it is an implausible story. at thest end of the book, it was uncorroborated implausible story that she brushes over some of forthe real problems, for examh
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isher own friend saying this is not something we did and this doesn't happen. at the end of the day, this t seems like an attempt to keep kavanauge neh in the news and to keep her own name and the news. shsle is obviously -- he talks about things like going to a sleep over at oprah's house and. meeting backstage. a lot of things interesting have happened since her and i think,e the pr team she detailstr following her through the book seems to be using her again tor try to get this back in the spotlight. itis is election year, of course, let's bring this topic up again. >> judge jeanine: i would liketh you to listen to the sound where ford talks about why she wrote her memoir. take a listen to this. >> are people would say like, ", theyhe will ruin your life andit sell these abstract things." i didn't know what they meant. so this book is concrete r examples how people might betr navigate it because there willlb be another person.
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>> judge jeanine: there will be another person. what do you take from that, garrett? >> well, we sell this withow justice thomas and now we have seen with just a kavanaugh. the playbook of the left to throw last-minute allegations and tried to derail a supreme court nominee.e we have seen this over and over again from the left. i think you take a step back and her claims in the book are as accurate the as a grown man leag in the tooth fairy. t there. just no it is ridiculous to believe ino. it. i have worked on justin kavanaugh's hearing. that rarely y happens, judge kavanaugh at the time hade been through three fbi car background checks and none of these things alleged. and as rightly pointed out here, her name, best friend and supposedly cooperator said shets had no knowledge of this.rk think two other witnesses outside of justin kavanaugh, also said this never happened.e. she couldn't remember where it c
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happened, she couldn't remember how she go it.t there, how she t and nobody can cooperate it. it is flimsy and false appearance newman it isic interesting, the left isn't just gunning for kavanaugh though, calling on sotomayer to retire and if she doesn't, she will not be fit to serve until possibly age 70 or 82. if she retires thisth e year, president biden will nominate a young and reliably able judge to replace her. the author even close to pointat out that justice soto meyer is in relatively poor health. gary, does it surprise you because it shocks me. >> at this point, i don't think we should be surprised but ily f agree, this is a lower blow than i thought especially someone agt reliable liberal spirit in you are doing things trying to suggest she is iealtn bad old w there is no evidence and they are going out of the way. what it does show the left is d
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very concerned about the upcoming election. they don't trust president biden to be able to hold on for another four years.this but it is in horrible taste that they are doing this kind of, well, you are no more useful to us and trying to pus with her up just as they did with justice breyer. it is a horrible way to justice. all along, whether liberal or conservative's, they want to use the court not for justice orm as even appreciating their dignity as people. they just want it as a tool to adjust liberal and low a spirit if it is shuffling just a sotomayor off early, they will do that too appear they want to have an intimate to democratic i control. >> garrett, i amed still son gnomic stunned. are you shocked by >> it is absolutely ridiculoushe to try to pack the court. we saw this going after judges ugh and assassinations attack ar
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justice brett kavanaugh.dent so this is absolutely aboutdg president trumesp to pick more judges and transform the supreme court. it is his greatest accomplishment. will win and we will point more judges. >> judge jeanine: all right, thank you for being with us tonight. and coming up on coparents get busted after partying too hard on spring brea k. >> what is up, man? time to wake up, time to wake up! >> judge jeanine: what we just showed you is not the most disturbing part. nt. the shocking video is next u ♪ ♪ we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it.
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>> the sheriff's office, wake up! listen up! >> at first this looks like a couple who might have had too much fun partying on spring
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break, passed out in the sun, beer cans around them. florida sheriff deputies noticed something was terribly wrong. >> do you guys have children with you? >> i do. >> are they with you? >> they were. >> the kids, i got this. i'll deal with this. i'll deal with them. >> tell me where your kids are. >> how old are they? >> seven, eight. >> wow, the kids are actually five and seven and at that moment, nowhere to be found. deputies spotted them swimming in a hotel pool nearby, safe and the couple was then arrested. >> i need you to come get the kids, we're being arrested. come get the kids, me and timothy are both being arrested. >> alcohol on the beach and
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child endangerment. >> can you tell them where we're at. >> you are not allowed to have beer on the beach. >> glad he has his priorities straight. joining me is fox news contributor paul mauro. paul, what kind of charges should this couple be looking at? >> paul: justifiably serious. in florida, this is third-degree felony, child negligent charge, five years. they are not florida residents. they are from georgia. he is not the biological father, but he has legal guardianship and looking at serious charges. he claimed he only had two beers, according to reporting and he decides to take off on the beach. he gets five or six steps and face plants. >> let's take a look at that at
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the face plant. >> stupid. >> clearly he doesn't have his priorities together and the sad part about this, not only were they just on the beach and lost the kids, they were asleep, i assume drunk, we don't know we got that. i know mike chitwood and they are good at what they do. there is more happening during the arrest, take a look. >> everybody else has been -- now we both go to jail. who is going to bond us out? >> no one. >> exactly. >> no grandpa has to drive eight hours to get the kids. i want to listen to what -- i want to make sure my kids are taken care of. now that she's up, she cares about where her kids are. >> she knows she's on cameras,
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they are quite belligerent after the arrest. i suspect there will be custody issues subsequent to this. she starts cursing him out. he gets nasty with the police. this will not play out well. >> does he have a prior record? why would he run for something like that? >> paul: i don't know, he puts up this big front he's only had two beers, you see in the video, he starts running and face plants without cops touching him and there are empties around. i don't know about had priors. >> you never know. take a look at this. >> there is no lease. he is not a squatter. he is breaking and entering, they are harboring criminal and fugitives in the house. >> i was brought into real
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estate, i have receipts, this insane. i'm not a squatter, i don't even know what that word means. >> in new york, a woman tries to get squatters out of her how the and she ends up getting arrested. explain what is going on. >> paul: they are all doing this. the person who gets arrested is the homeowner. she has a deed. i question the way this was handled. according to reporting on another network, they say, let's see your lease and he doesn't have one. >> of course not. that's it tonight, i'm judge jeanine pirro in for laura ingraham. thanks for watching this special edition of "the ingraham angl." >> massive manhunt for


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