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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 21, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly. at creative planning, your portfolio is managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. book your free meeting today at ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> lawrence: buckle up it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. thursday, march the 21st and
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this is "fox & friends." laken riley's dad begging for action on the migrant drivers. >> i stand before you a heart-broken man, part of my purpose has been taken. governor kemp, please declare an invasion to detain and deport criminal illegals so we can prevent future families from those tragedies. >> ainsley: and check out this new wild video from alaska airlines passenger as the shoes and his phone were sucked out through a massive gap during that mid-air scare in january. he's going to join us to tell us about it. >> steve: yep, if about 15 minutes. plus, lego heads or mug shots. you decide. the woke law driving california police to replace suspect faces with images like that. brian. >> brian: yes. i don't know if they can see through that the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better because you're with fanned out friends.
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>> ainsley: we're going to start this hour with a fox news alert. florida is carrying out full more evacuation flights full of americans leaving haiti. >> steve: this effort spearheaded by governor ron desantis, already bringing home 14 americans, including kids. >> lawrence: griff jenkins has the story on that. hey, griff. >> griff: good morning, guys. it's a race against time. more than a thousand americans registered with the state department on information how to get out as armed gangs continue to take that capital over. four more flights are set to land later today. but, as you saw, we will show you this again, a plane arriving in sanford, florida yesterday. that was carrying 14 americans escaping that chaos. now, governor ron desantis says he is proud of his state's efforts to give floridians home and state agencies are helping citizens when they arrive. here is what some of their division of emergency management provides. meals, lodging, transportation, health and medical screenings, along with supplies for babies and seniors and pets.
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it was an emotional reaction by the way from one family grateful to get out. >> they stayed with us until the end of the mission, which i can happily say was mission accomplished and we're finally reunited with julian, our 2-year-old son. it took about two and a half weeks so, the days were turning into weeks, the weeks were turning into months. but we're very grateful. >> griff: u.s. chartered helicopter flights 30 americans a day. john kirby says there is no guarantee everybody gets out. important to note we have had a do not travel alert in haiti in place since 2020 precisely because ever the ongoing instability caused by the gangs. and we have been stressing that the united states government cannot guarantee american citizen also all be evacuated given the treacherous situation on the ground. >> griff: no timeline yet exactly on when those four plane
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also land but governor ron desantis will certainly have an update coming up to talk to you guys in the next hour. also, his efforts to try and keep a flood of illegal immigrants coming from haiti into their state. guys? >> steve: so, griff, you know state document says 1,000 have contacted them about information getting out. you got to figure the number of people who are either american or who have dual citizenship and probably want to get out is much higher than that. >> well, and i believe the number that i read yesterday was closer to 1600, steve. and you are very right. this is caribbean island. a lot of americans have families and go back and forth. and the state department, as you heard there, from john kirby, saying that well, we have been telling people the conditions have been bad. they have been bad since i was there in 2010 in an earthquake. but they are specifically bad now because 80% or more of that port-au-prince capital is under control of violent, bloodthirsty
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armed gangs. >> steve: indeed. >> ainsley: thank you so much, griff. we worry about who these individuals are that we're letting in the country. they are not being vetted. some of them do have ties to terror. and we have heard officials, the experts now saying it's never been this bad. in fact, look what happened to laken riley brutally murdered allegedly by this illegal immigrant jose e ibarra from venezuela. illegally entered the country from 2022 got in trouble with the law. went down do move with his brother in athens, georgia also in trouble with the law. young lady had his whole life in front of her. laces up tennis shoes and jogging outfit to run around the lake never to be seen again. here is a picture of the man who is accused of killing her. >> lawrence: now you have got laken's dad. we have been waiting to hear from the family. they have been grieving rightfully and trying to process this a lot of folks have talked to them off the record.
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a lot of states are calling for the inflation clause to be invoked. we have done it in texas. people have pressured arizona to do the same thing. laken riley's dad doing the same thing needs to happen in georgia. watch. >> i stand before you a heart broken man, part of my purpose has been taken. god gave me a beautiful daughter to father, protect, provide for, and nurture. a man with an evil heart stole her life he was in this country and in state illegally. my vision for every senator in this chamber is that you protect citizens from this illegal invasion. please recognize over a million illegal aliens are in this state and making families nervous. governor kemp, please declare an invasion to detain and deport criminal illegals so we can prevent future families from those tragedies. hundreds of women and children each month that are being
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smuggled, coerced and trafficked in our state. they are victims just like laken. >> lawrence: brian? >> brian: so mr. riley, i ununderstand he wants to come ot and make sure his daughter is not used for political purposes but his daughter, whose life was taken not only tragically but unnecessarily, which makes it so much more maddens and disturbs can be used for good. it makes everyone say this isn't political. that could be your daughter. that could be -- that granddaughter, that could be your sister. and that could be -- you could be next. and you could say it over and over again as a politician. but until you have an example of the horror that could potentially happen, that's why i think something good of this. i do have bad news for mr. riley. and, obviously, he is in a divorce situation. so that's another challenge on top of that. but, governor kemp can't really do that much. it's all at the border. it's got to stop at the border. by the time they get to georgia,
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it is done. and you are trying to hunt people down. you don't even know existed, especially in this case the guy is in new york in a sham marriage, gets a ticket. doesn't get -- doesn't get thrown out because you have a green card and do what he did driving around with a kid without a helmet in a dangerous situation you are out of the country. this guy is allowed to go free. he leaves hiever wife that sham situation. goes down to georgia. hooks up with his brother, also a criminal, and then he kills. now he is in jail forever and going to have to pay unless we can put him to death. to me the only thing good that could come out of this is if everyone realizes it's not political. we have -- the first thing we have to do is keep americans safe. it's hard enough from keeping people victims of climb america let alone from people on the outside. that's what could be good about this. sooner or later the president will learn her first name. >> steve: ultimately, as we have seen over the last number of years, the u.s. supreme court and other courts have found that
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federal government in charge of policies and stuff like that. to your point, brian, it means there is not much georgia can do. that's why jason riley appeared with his family there in the georgia state senate all they really could do is patsz a resolution citing her accomplishments and honoring her memory. that's what they did yesterday. >> lawrence: to your point, steve, that's the part that is currently being litigated in the court. i think you are exactly right, bribe. there is limited action that georgia can do, equities september for the invasion clause. you are seeing power through numbers. they are saying the federal government interest is a part in our constitution if the federal government does not protect the state that the state has a right to secure itself that's the part we are waiting to go through the supreme court as you know sb 4 was struck down, delayed at the moment, but the supreme court still wants to hear the full case. so we are waiting on that.
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>> ainsley: guess whwho filed an emergency -- some sort of filing with the court. >> lawrence: court of appeals. lanes. >> ainsley: to go to the court of appeals is the biden administration. he said the borders are secure. then he said he is doing something about the border. when abbott tries to pass these laws to say we can arrest you and deport you if you are in our country illegally. the biden administration is the one that had a problem with it. >> steve: lets the courting figure it out then. >> ainsley: fox news alert. the biden administration can seeing more student debt for tens of thousands of public service workers. >> steve: jacqui heinrich live at the white house. jacqui, and what a coincidence, it just so happens to be an election year. [laughter] >> jacqui: good morning to you guys. that's right, if you are a teacher, a firefighter, a nurse or other kind of public service worker, you might have an email in your inbox from president biden this morning because the administration is canceling student loans for another 78,000 people through their public service loan forgiveness program. they are also emailing an additional 380,000 borrowers to
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tell them they are within two years of getting their debt canceled. if you qualify, the email is going to read from the president thank you for the work you are doing to strengthen communities, keep it up. >> the administration says it's using existing authority,signed into law under president george w. bush allowing certain not for profit and government employees to have their debt canceled within 10 years of on time payments. this program long been plagued by confusing rules and misinformation from servicers, resulting in very few people actually seeing debt relief. about 7,000 until this administration. but they say because of the fixes that they put in. they have canceled debt for 870,000 public service workers. bringing the total debt cancellation under the biden administration to $144 billion for 4 million americans. something that the white house, of course, is eager to tout in an election year. but biden is also seeing the limits of his proposal was in another announcement coming this morning. that is seen as a concession to
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automakers and labor unions. relaxing one of biden's most ambitious goals to curb climate change slowing down the transition to electric vehicles by relaxing tail pipe limits proposed last year. the new plan calls for 56% of new car sales to be electric by 2032 with 13% consisting of plug-in hybrids. the epa administrator michael reagan said transportation the largest source of u.s. climate emissions the strongest ever pollution standards for cars solidify america's leadership in building a clean transportation future and creating good paying american jobs all while advancing president biden's historic climate agenda. not only though had consumer demand for evs fallen far short of expectations, but biden needs support from the auto industry and their union workers believe that an abrupt transition is going to cost them jobs. so this change also coming out this morning, guys. >> steve: a lot of them live in michigan, which is a state joe biden would like.
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once again, election year. jacqui, thank you very much. >> ainsley: thanks, jacqui. >> lawrence: apparently the president is not aware of enterprise having to sell all their ev cars because they can't get people to use. they this energy policy is crushing americans and he is doubling down. >> steve: well, ultimately though, if your student loan is forgiven, you are suddenly happy this morning. and that brings us to our next story. >> ainsley: but my dad is not happy. my dad paid for all of our education. worked three jobs to do it. paid for my sister. >> steve: did i, too. >> ainsley: now she could have just gotten a student loan. dad would have had that money in his project. >> steve: we all had student loans and we paid them off ourselves. going back to the happy point. the world happiness report has come out. and unfortunately, in the history of this report, suddenly the united states is not even in the top 20. we are 23 over all. and the problem is, americans are gloomy about issues from loneliness to the economy to political leadership.
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a lot of it has to do with the pandemic. what's interesting you say we're number 62 in 30 and under. we're number 10 in 60 and over. the report found that older people are happier than young people in the united states, which is the opposite of a lot of other countries. >> ainsley: it says that they're less self-focused and more grateful. younger people might not be as happy because they are spending less time impacting with people because so many people, brian, are on social media. >> brian: right. well, it turns out there is other places that went through the pandemic, had social media, and just seem to be happy. what is so great about finland? they are number one, lawrence. denmark is number two. iceland in a volcano, lava capturing the country, and they are number 4. >> ainsley: look at israel. >> brian: still they are happy. israel the whole country is at war and they are happier with us. can you believe this?
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>> lawrence: they have perspective. all these countries and also when documents to our more seasoned folks have perspective in life. young folks don't have. >> ainsley: it's really embarrassing. >> brian: more seasoned. should i talk to diners about this, guys? should i talk to the people there? [applause] >> steve: ask them if they are happy and if they are not, why not? >> brian: first off, guys, how many people are happy? [weak response] >> brian: okay. good. you belong in finland. [laughter] >> brian: in american we are 23. i want to find out how you feel with this. what's your name? >> liza proudly. >> where dual? handover. >> brian: how much money is no in your savings? [laughter] >> brian: i'm only kidding. >> what makes you happy? >> a happy family. law and order. >> brian: are you shocked that america has dropped from 15 to 23 overall happiness compared to the planet. >> not now i'm not because of all the terrible influence of for instance illegals coming in
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and shaking up our communities. >> brian: we know it could be better. what's your name, sir? >> jim. >> you serve in the army. >> yes, sir. >> thank you so much for that jim, are you shocked in america we went from 15 to 23 in terms of happiness? >> no i am not. >> brian: but for your age bracket under 30. [laughter] 60 and over, we are number 10. why do you think that america is not as happy as it was. >> because we are being assaulted on all fronts, our savings, our families, our values. all out the window. >> brian: fixable though, right? >> yes. and very fix being. >> brian: we always do. what about you, sir? what's your name? >> i'm jim merrill. >> brian: are you happy? >> i am. >> brian: first off, so that helps us. keeps us at least 23. are you surprised we dropped from 15 to 23 in a year? >> i am not because of the constant fear-mongering and constant negativity. trying to suppress everything that's good about us as a people, as a country.
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>> brian: right. >> and everything that we have believed in and stood for, we have seen so much corruption and unbelievable downturn of integrity. >> brian: gotcha. but the glass is still half full right in america? could turn it all around? [applause] >> brian: all right. we got to emphasize the positive. now, the problem is carley shimkus, you are really helping us on a happiness scale. this woman is always in a good mood. you are helping the country and i believe she is under 30. and your bracket says we are 62 in the world and under 30. you certainly help us, carley. >> carley: i just like that you -- i don't know if you knew when you woke up this morning that you would be sticking a microphone in people's faces at a packed diner asking if they are happy but you did a very good job of that. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: how much money is in their account. >> carley: are you depressed? >> brian: mclean is happy. take it away, carley. >> carley: all right. got more news to get to here starting in tennessee. new overnight chaotic protests
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erupting at the university of memphis during an event featuring kyle rittenhouse. he needed to be escorted out by his security team after a large group gathered outside. the protesters were outraged that rittenhouse was acquitted in connection with the deadly shooting in kenosha, wink during a riot in the summer of 2020. the search for riley strain i object tense phis at a dam about 42 miles downstream from nashville. a coalition of out-of-state volunteers from the united cajun navy has also joined the search for the missing university of missouri student. he vanished 1 days ago now after luke bryan's bar in downtown nashville. his debit card discovered near the cumberland river sunday not far from where he was last seen. a fox news alert now, there is a manhunt in idaho for escaped inmate and the gunman who ambushed two corrections officers outside a hospital in boise.
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police say the shooter opened fire as authorities were transporting the inmate seen on the left. is he a gang member serving 20 years for assaulting an officer. the wanted men were last seen in this gray get away car. police say both men are armed and dangerous. the wounded officers are expected to survive. a stunning new report reveals 200,000 migrant deportation cases have been tossed since president biden took office. the reason homeland security failed to file the notice to appear with the courts on time. meanwhile, a colombian migrant was arrested by border patrol with confirmed ties to a gang. agents searched the man and found photos of people being tortured on his cell phone. wow. a suspected drunk driver going airborne in this porch sunday 4:00 a.m. look at that footage right there. that car hitting other cars as it flew through a shell gas
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station. hitby a tire. a driver and one of the passengers both 19-year-old women are okay. the remaining passenger, a 20-year-old man is in critical condition. and check this out. one police department in california has found a creative way to conceal suspects' identities. marietta police are covering suspect's faces with lego heads on their social media pages. the toy suspect heads appeared confused angry, happy or sad. this is the department's response to a 2021 law that prohibits precincts from sharing suspect's photos for nonviolent crime. it forces them to remove mug shots from social media after 14 days. if you don't want the lego head, don't commit the crime, guys.
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>> steve: i have been reading what this police department did. they actually put the photos out for a long time. >> ainsley: let everybody know who is committing the crime. >> steve: nobody said anything. >> lawrence: part of punishment should be shaming. >> ainsley: they are suspects. not charged yet. >> lawrence: should we wait until they after they finally were charged and go back and release it. >> steve: should probably wait until after it's adjudicated. >> ainsley: if somebody suspected you of something and put you on one of those lines. >> lawrence: this true. rush to judgment. always happen. everybody's mugshot goes out all the time. look at the president. he hasn't been convicted but his mugshot is out. >> ainsley: that's a good point. you are right. thank you, carley. a lot of moms will do this put hearts over their baby's faces because they don't want their kids on social media. the baby is not a suspect in a crime. >> steve: so far. >> lawrence: governor glenn youngkin joins us ahead. >> steve: because brian is in
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virginia. >> ainsley: american airlines passenger speaking out after his phone -- we talked about this guy. is he going to be interviewed next. his phone and shoes were sucked out of the plane. he's next. ♪
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massive wildfire tearing through 100 acres in central virginia, including of the shenandoah national park. only about 10% contained at this point and the cause is still unknown. let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> terrible. the winds have been gusting upwards of 60 miles per hour. we still have very gusty winds right at the border of virginia and west virginia where we have several wildfires that are burning right now. let's take a look at it. we had a cold front move through. it is chilly. and you can see the observed winds in the virginia area. 36 miles per hour. that's sustained winds but gusts upwards of 50 miles per hour for the hot springs lynchburg. low relative humidity which is of course that's helping really spread these wildfires. but the winds are really the problem here. 24 hour temperature change. can you see where we have that cold air moving in. not feeling very much like spring. those are your temperatures and with the wind cap wind chill its even colder. several symptoms bring snow
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northern plains and upper midwest. a coatings events on the northeast for the east coast. this will be the weather pattern over the next couple of weeks. spring is here. it's just going to take some time to look for it and find it. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: any chance we will get snow here in new york? >> janice: no. i don't think so.. i know, i'm sorry no. silver lining. >> ainsley: lawrence says is he disappointed but over it. road trip? >> janice: i'm. >> ainsley: turning now to your headlines house oversight committee chairman james comer now inviting president biden to testify in the ongoing impeachment inquiry. in a recent social media post comer said this: in the coming days i will invite president joe biden to provide his own testimony and explain why his family received tens of millions of dollars from foreign companies with his assistance. comedian shane gillis opening up to joe rogan about the state of comedy in the cancel culture era. >> if we are going back to eccomics.i'm not worried about s
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actually righteous and have a god point. just the comics that became like. >> speakers? >> like just cnn democrat hard core? you know [bleep] insane. >> weird. >> do you know what they have in common? >> that's insanity. >> do what? >> low ticket sales all of them. >> after being fired from the cast in 2019 over a controversial remark he made during a podcast. to the olympics, the city of paris is planning to keep athletes at the summer games cool without air conditioners. organizers will use a water cooling system under the athlete's village instead. the goal is to cut the carbon footprint of the games by half. even during a potential heat wave. and those are your headlines. steve, over to you. >> steve: no air conditioning in the summer. crazy. >> ainsley: can you believe that? something is going to go wrong. those athletes are going to be
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burning up. >> steve: just stay tuned. ainsley thank you very much. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> steve: meanwhile we have been talking about this for a while, it was the scariest ride of his life. this morning, one petrified passenger speaking out as he was left hanging on for dear life when that alaska airlines plane door plug blew out mid-air just in front of his seat back in january. joining us with more, now that passenger who took those pictures, do you kuhn tran ands attorney timothy layering jerry, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> kuhn, i understand you are there in row 27. you are about to take a nap what happens? >> oh, man, it happened so fast. i didn't even know really register everything. the door just suddenly took off and next thing i know my feet was getting pulled through the airplane, i was struggling the whole time to try to stay inside the airplane.
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>> steve: i don't know that we have the sound the plane is making. can you just hear it hears like wind. okay, i kind of heard it a little bit right there. you can just hear wind or is that suction? cuong. >> mostly the wind sound. i couldn't speak to my buddy next to me even though we were like right next to each other whispering trying to scheme to each other. we couldn't hear anything at all. >> steve: so you were in row 27. the door plug blew out in row 26. so you are literally inches away from it. it sucked your cell phone and your shoes off? is that right? >> yeah. so, my shoe and sock flew off when the plug went out. and my phone was in my hand also went with it. >> on the scale of 1 to 10, how
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terrified were you? >> oh, that's definitely a 10 for me. because i don't think i have ever been experience anything like that ever in my life. >> steve: oh, man, i just can't imagine. tim, you are representing him and some other clients suing over this. this happened at 10,000 feet. i know you are a pilot. if this would have happened at 36,000 feet, we might not be talking to this guy right now. >> it would have been a much -- it doesn't get any scarier than what he went through. if it was much higher you are right, it could have been much worse. thank goodness it wasn't. >> steve: yeah. no kidding. so, one of the people -- one of the organizations you are suing is boeing. and they have -- even though we are looking at a big part of their plane missing right there, they are not being forthcoming in providing details to the american public or to you.
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>> apparently they have lost video that would show how this part of the aircraft was being assembled or being maintained during some routine maintenance that they had. it's unfortunate that information would be very helpful to us in understanding why this happened and so we can avoid it in the future. >> steve: sure. and there has been reporting that it sounds like they just simply forgot to put the bolts on it to keep it in place, which is extraordinary. what are you suing these corporations for? >> for exactly that. it's the failure to, you know, build these aircraft to maintain the aircraft in a responsible way. putting people's lives in danger. it's something that needs -- we need to focus on the procedures that they were going through. make sure they are following them. and we need to keep people safe. >> steve: cuong, do you have dreams about that? >> once in a while i just wake up at night and i don't know what i was dreaming but
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terrifying. just thinking about it. >> steve: i'm sure i would wake up in the middle of the night thinking i'm back on the plane as well. it goes to show you -- what would have happened to you if you would not have been wearing the seat belt? >> well, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be sitting here right now because if it can pull my shoe that was on my feet that was that tight, i don't think -- >> steve: yeah. have you flown again since? will you ever fly again? or are you suddenly looking into amtrak for everything? >> i don't know. i got that moment when think to take a flight again. but for now i'm pretty much grounded, canceling most of my trips this year. >> steve: i don't blame you. it's got the whole country looking, figuring out, tim, am i near a door plug? what could possibly go wrong on this flight?
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>> well, what shouldn't happen -- nothing should happen. you should be absolutely fine when you are flying. everyone should know that for the most part, you know, commercial aviation is very safe. unfortunately, there have been instances like this. and we are focusing on making sure it doesn't happen again, at least through lawsuits. we'll see how it goes. >> steve: right. we will see how it goes. tim and cuong, thank you very much for joining us to tell us your story. we have been dying to hear it and now we have heard it. it's terrifying. thank you, gentlemen. >> thanks for having us. >> steve: you bet. all right. wow. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. lawmakers now demanding answers on yet another mounting threat at our southern border. governor glenn youngkin just vetoed a pair of migration bills. there he is talking to brian down in virginia. ♪ ♪ ♪ making noise with the southern boise
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♪ >> if there are people's liberation army personnel being trained there and then persons of chinese military age unaccompanied or coming into the united states due to biden open borders, every american family is at risk and this should be a priority of the indo-pacific as to the deployment of troops from the chinese communist party. it's that important. >> brian: republicans sounding the alarm especially joe wilson because he has got kids serving in the military. migrants tied to the chinese military entering the u.s. and doing illegally with roller bags through the southern border. what the heck is going on here? virginia governor glenn youngkin is here. he has great international business as well. international political experience and he is the very popular governor from virginia.
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a round of applause for your governor. [cheers and applause] [applause] >> governor, by the way, the governor youngkin gift shop is going to need some replenishing there is a lot here. china is real serious. you told me just now you saw a change in china from 2010 to present. they became somewhat from a competitor to an enemy. >> well, let's just be clear what the chinese communist party wants to do is dominate the world and they want to do it at america's expense and they are literally using every avenue available to them from economic coercion, which we saw change materially from 2010 to 2020 where they were inviting folks to do business in china to once they got them in china, they were literally trying to coerce them to give them access around the world. look what they are doing to the electric vehicle market. like, if you want to sell cars in china, then you have to allow them their technology companies to be at the heart of their manufacturing in the united states. we said no in virginia to thatat we weren't going to be part of
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it. because i don't believe that chinese technology should infiltrate every aspect of this country it puts us at a national security risk. >> brian: you know the president of the united states is getting closer and closer to banning gas cars and more he pushes beam to evs we are going to china. china has 85% of the rare earth, correct? >> it's just a fundamental either lack of understanding or blunder. and what's happening, of course, we drive this t that nibleg approach to vehicles it. drives them into the chinese vice grip. they control the minerals pipeline. they control right now the largest market share in electric vehicle battery technology. and, instead of developing securer supply chains with our allies like south korea, like japan, like taiwan, what's happening with the president's philosophy is he is pushing us deeper into china. we have to recognize china is an adversary. now, they are an adversary that is using every possible element
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at their disposal in order to win. they are trying to win economically. they are trying to win militarily. they are trying to win by surveillance. and we had this huge issue with tiktok right now that we all know. >> brian: let's talk about that. you banned it it on state devices. republicans like rand paul and others who say tiktok, come on, it's first amendment. let it happen. go compete, america. what are they missing? >> well, this is a national security moment because what tiktok is doing is manipulating people with the most advanced al gore recidivisms you can believe. and on top of that. gathering all of the data and the chinese communist government that data has to be shared with them. got to stop. this that's why we banned tiktok on state devices in virginia. republican governors have been on this for the last two years. it's time for the federal government to get on it. senate needs to get moving to protect americans. >> brian: you endorsed president
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trump. you were thinking about running yourself. 59 least everyone thought you were going to be in there how hard will you work for him in virginia you don't have the legislator but you have the governor's march. >> i have been focused on virginia the last two years. deliver for virginians and when we endorsed president trump and said, listener america needs proven leadership. we need a president who understands that we have to have a secure border we have to project strength around the world. [cheers and applause] >> and we have to build an economy that actually delivers for americans look what happened today, joe biden unleashed inflation on america at record levels and it doesn't go away amazing owner of this restaurant donna was telling me earlier the price of eggs totoday was three times what it was three years ago. those prices don't go back down
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easily just. >> just go up slower three times what they were. everybody here feels that inflationary thief that's stealing the around earned moneys of americans and virginians. we need president who knows how to grow an economy, grow our strength and the border. >> brian: dealing with the democratic legislature very close like the federal government. you had 22 vetoes yesterday mostly around public safety. >> yeah. >> brian: how hard is it dealing with the opposition party here? >> we have a legislature that has a one seat majority in our house and our one seat majority in the senate they are sending me bills that are really representative of the progressive left. they liberally want to undery mine public safety. they want to make it harder for our prosecutors and our judges to hold people accountable. and so, yeah, i vetoed 22 bills yesterday. to make sure that virginians are going to be safe. i mean, two of the bills i vetoed yesterday were also
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trying to protect illegal immigrants. they were going to allow non-citizens to be police chief was in the commonwealth of virginia and they were going to prohibit our criminal justice system from asking a basic question around immigration status of someone who has been arrested. so, i'm going to veto these bills. i'm going to make sure that our public safety is at the top of the list. and i'm not going to allow it to be undermined. [applause] >> brian: i don't see you giving in at some point there has got to be compromise. i will say i haven't seen you up close for year. you are looking younger this job must be really easy. >> i tell everybody thank you for hiring me. thank you for hiring me. it's an amazing privilege to go to work every single day. >> brian: thanks. so. appreciate the quality time. >> welcome to richmond. i'm so happy you made your way on to so many radio stations across the commonwealth. i think you are missing something. i think you need a red vest. [cheers and applause] it. >> brian: all right. thank you very much.
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and it's my size. all right. thank you very much, guys thank you governor, great job. meanwhile today we mark world down syndrome day. it's a very important time in our fox family. rachel campos-duffy joins us live with her adorable daughter valentina on how she became the family's greatest blessing and the favorite child. ♪ oh, no, darling ♪ no way ♪ oh, winter cold ♪ oh, winter cold ♪ no, no, baby ♪ matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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4:52 am
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♪ >> ainsley: today is world down syndrome day and extremely special to our "fox & friends" family. our very own rachel campos-duffy daughter. rachel and her daughter join us now. good morning. >> hi, ainsley. >> ainsley: how are you? you are on national television. can you wave and say hi? >> save hi. >> ainsley: rachel, tell me why this day is so important to you. >> it's really important to raise awareness. actually a lot of women get this diagnoses a lot of them and they will get fearful. there's a lot of fear around it. and even the medical community can make people scared and say
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well you have options. and i think when people realize that they are just like any other child, they have a few little challenges, sometimes medical. some them are prone to heart conditions. maybe some thyroid stuff. but all of that is very treatable. >> ainsley: i love it, thank you. >> rachel: precious and joyful as any other child. in fact, i would say our family is better because ever her. i think our friends are learned tolerance and patience. they have learned to be helpful. >> ainsley: where are you going, sweet pea? >> rachel: notice other people who have special needs in the world it. brings about that kind of empathy. so i think she wants to show you her pilates because we are practicing. do you want to show pilates? >> ainsley: show me your pilate at this. >> rachel: is the microphone going go to hurt her back. >> rachel: there she is i don't think the camera is capturing it. >> ainsley: we are moving the camera right now. >> rachel: that's what she learned in therapy. >> ainsley: this is what she learned in her physical therapy.
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we discussed back stage. do it again can you do pilates? >> rachel: there she is. >> ainsley: good job. good job. >> rachel: look at that core strength. >> ainsley: i know. she is so cute. were you scared? your faith is so strong and you are pro-life. you have nine children. tell me what you felt what you experienced. >> i think the most interesting thing is i had met a family that had had child with down syndrome. why these matters are so important. her name is cathy mcmorris-rodgers, she is a congresswoman in the house of representatives. a colleague of my husband. and her son kohl had it and i knew him, thought he was amazing, knew how much he -- helped their family. better family. it took all the fear out. that's really kind of the point. so many of children with downs are being exterminated in the womb. and i think when people get to meet them and know how burial they are we will see less of that. >>
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>> ainsley: back stage we are saying are you the favorite child in the family? >> rachel: she is everyone's favorite in the family. no question about it. >> ainsley: valentina we are so blessed to know you and have you as part of the fox family. more "fox & friends" coming up. >> bye. >> bye. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals. that one! and look forward, to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy.
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