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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 21, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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drama. the baxters based on the kingsbury best selling book series of the same name. 27 million of the books in print. i thought it needs to be a tv series when i first read them. i'm grateful to amazon prime video who gave us the easter launch to start the story of hope. a hope opera. we need hope now more than ever. easter is the hope holiday and i'm just really excited to be back on tv. >> ainsley: we can watch this. touched by an angel for me in high school. now i can share this with my family. >> faith and family friendly. people reflect our values on the screen. >> ainsley: what a joy. god bless you, thank you for touching so many lives. it comes out on march 28th for easter weekend. the baxters, check it out. >> bill: a new report claiming the department's paperwork
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errors prompted judges to throw out 200,000 deportation cases. department i'm dana perino. bill is off today. good morning, john. >> john: they couldn't find anybody else and reached out to me. i'm john roberts and this is "america's newsroom." those botched cases all happening on president biden's watch. we're awaiting a blockbuster ruling from the fifth circuit court of appeals. hanging in the balance allow to allow texas the arrest and deport illegal immigrants. >> dana: the biden administration is fighting the bill saying it would burden law enforcement and texas officials say the white house has left them no choice. >> the u.s./mexico border is no longer the u.s./mexico border. it is the u.s. world border. people all over the world are exploiting the border to make entry into the united states
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illegally. >> john: nate foye is live in eagle pass, texas this morning. >> good morning. so a decision from a three-judge panel could come at any moment regarding the immediate future of senate bill four. it allows texas to arrest and deport migrants without turning them over to border patrol. absent that law taking effect, that is exactly what happens in the migrants are given a notice to appear in immigration court but a new report shows since president joe biden took office, dhs is responsible for 200,000 deportation cases being thrown out because that didn't happen. take a look at this videdeo fro yesterday. dhs didn't file the notices to appear before the scheduled court dates. according to the nonpartisan group dhs is backing up the courts by scheduling immigration hearings before the agency is actually capable of filing the notice to appear. right now there are over 3 million pending immigration cases. dhs can restart the process
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after its mistake but according to track, that only happened 25% of the time. the migrants that you see here crossed into california yesterday, 150 of them. right now illegal crossings are down in texas as we await that ruling on sb4. the immediate ruling, john, will determine if texas can en forers the law over the next two weeks and the overall law, the constitutionality of it will be considered on april 3rd. texas argued in court yesterday it whats a right to defend itself. the biden administration says the law oversteps federal authority over the borders. look at this new video from texas dps. we have two human smuggling chases from texas dps. the first one in county. the driver is from jumpsoveraranchfencebefore troopers--
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--thedriverlifeinpennsylvania -- states, if they're
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-- georgia, less than a quarter of a point. arizona less than a third of a point. wisconsin about 2/three of a point. pennsylvania just over 1%. donald trump won north carolina
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by a point in the third. nevada 2.4% win for biden. the state is getting more republican. hence its presence on this list and michigan, which biden won by 2.8%. why is it only seven states? it's because look at the next group of states that were won by biden or trump by more than 2% but by less than 10%. this is it. the only other states that -- where the margin was less than ten points. florida, that is becoming more republican. texas becoming surprisingly 500,000 new republicans added in the last four years to the roles. minnesota won by biden by seven. new hampshire won by 7 1/2. 8% for ohio becoming more republican. iowa 8.2% and maine 9.1. the other 36 states and district of columbia one side or the other got ten points. we'll have seven states that will be up for grabs in the
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election and why all of those campaigns' resources, candidates' time and organizational efforts will pour into these seven states. >> dana: nothing like the texas springtime allergies. i remember them well. thank you for being with us right now. that's about 61 million americans. you write each vote everywhere counts. the 61 million americans living in the seven battlegrounds decide who is president. it won't be easy but their votes are crucial. it is interesting, too. not like they have the same issues. you can say the economy and immigration are the top two but if you look at this, in michigan you have the auto industry. pennsylvania natural gas production. nevada, the nuclear waste facility there. i started working on that in 1995 when i first started working in congress. that's still going on. in arizona the border and water issues. that's a lot of different things the candidates can play with. >> look, you are right. it will be dominated by the big
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things by inflation, economy, how people feel about the direction of the country, national security. but you are also going to have to deal with these individual issues. for example, in michigan there is a real problem for biden with the question of the automobile industry because electric vehicles, which he wants to build more of, require less workers and tend to be in non-union plants in states other than michigan. trump is already making this an issue. similarly in pennsylvania, the administration is now having a ban on natural gas export facilities and that will have an impact on the ability of energy producers in rural pennsylvania to grow and succeed and help those communities prosper. these issues will cut different ways in different places and the candidates will have to deal with them. >> dana: it felt like this week we started to get into the meat of what this election is going
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to look like. once we had the presumptive nominees trump and biden are on the road and all sorts of things to consider. hope the allergies don't get you down. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> john: cedar trees are a killer. james comer says he is going to invite a prominent figure to testify after hunter biden's former business partner claimed joe biden was complicit in his son's crimes. he wants to hear from joe biden himself. mark meredith is live with more. the chances of that happening are slim to none and slim just left town. >> they like to tease it. that's the invitation there. the chairman of the house oversight committee wants the president to testify publicly so the american people can get direct answers what he says are serious and credible allegations of corruption and influence peddling. the invitation comes after the house hearing where lawmakers
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fought over witness credibility and the legitimacy of it. democrats say it is a political stunt. republicans say testimony from one of hunter's business associates proves there is a reason to keep digging. >> joe biden was more than a participant and beneficiary of his family's business. he was an active, aware enabler. >> bill: first son hunter biden was invited to testify and did not appear before the committee. the lawyers called it a media event. the same approach the white house is taking. a spokesperson for the white house said comer knows 20 plus witnesses have testified that potus did nothing wrong and knows the hundreds of thousands of pages of records he received refuted his false allegations. a sad stunt at the end of a dead impeachment. call it a day, pal. democrats are insisting the impeachment inquiry is all but dead. republicans say there is not enough votes yet to send charges to the senate. republicans insist their investigation will go on.
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>> the impeachment has never been the purpose. the purpose is doing the investigations. we have a formalized impeachment inquiry because some of the initial information we uncovered has led us to current information where we've found the money trail to joe biden and other issues along those lines. >> the president remains on the campaign trail today. see if he has anything to weigh in after yesterday's hearings. house oversight could send criminal referrals to the justice department. we don't know what d.o.j. would do and the timing and the election approaching. >> john: no way republicans will let it go before the election regardless of what they find. >> they say they'll keep working. >> john: thank you. >> so lucky to be a part of this and stuff. i just every day it seems like we're learning new stuff and i just can't even describe how cool it is to be able to do this.
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>> dana: incredible being called a life changing breakthrough. what the first human patient of a brain chip implant can now do. fox news takes to the skies are florida's national guard looking at preparations for a possible wave of haitian migrants. president biden targeting gas cars are new rules. how his new push for electric vehicles could drive you into the red. >> they will shove the electric vehicle issue right down the throats of the american people who are unwilling to buy into this thing.te stimonia ls. listen. the proper annuity used correctly can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees. sound too good to be true? if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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>> john: secretary of state antony blinken submitting a draft resolution to the united nations security council calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza that would also include the
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release of hostages held by hamas. blinken is visiting the middle east. sixth trip to the region since hamas launched terror attacks on israel october 7th. >> we've always helped the coast guard mission to protect our shores. they don't have enough resources. if the coast guard can stop the boats they send them back to haiti. that's the law. >> dana: florida governor ron desantis bracing for a surge of migrants as gang violence spirals in haitians. he is deploying the florida state guard to protect its shores there in florida and fox news got a firsthand look at the operations. dana marie mcnicholl is live. it's always fun to toss to you. i'm also dana marie. >> a great name, dana. good morning. i'm here in monroe county and this boat is a huge part of what
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you just mentioned, patrolling south florida's coastline. i'm with florida fish and wildlife. their main goal is to identify the migrant boats in the water before they hit landfall because by law coast guard will take those passengers back to respective country and if they are on land, then they have to be processed here in florida by border patrol. now surveillance patrolling not only happens on the water but in the air. yesterday i spent the day with the florida army national guard in their helicopter and took a look at their daily mission. right now we're 500 feet above the ocean just east of the florida keys. this helicopter is equipped with cameras that can quickly identify the boat and passengers on board the boat all part of the detect, identify and report mission. the florida army national guard are looking for large sails freighters. this video you are looking at in january of 2023 shows hundreds
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of haitians intercepted by the coast guard. the sheriff is planning for a similar event while governor desantis has sent significant resources. he hasn't heard a plan from the federal government and is looking for answers. >> how long would it take if i call and say i need more border patrol, transport, if i have 400 migrants? i need probably eight large buses to transport them somewhere. i don't have eight buses. do they have a transportation setup? who is the contact point? what's the number? who do i call? >> the sheriff says the power of patrolling is working. quiet on the water. officers shared there hasn't been a haitian boat spotted on state waters in 2024. governor desantis says they'll be ready if that changes. >> dana: thank you, dana marie. >> biden has made promises and failed on those promises. >> the e.v. mandates will reduce the number of auto workers needed to build a vehicle by
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30%. we have entire plants with thousands of workers devoted to building gasoline engines and he is getting rid of those. >> john: biden administration handing down the strictest rules ever issued for tailpipe emission. it's part of the electric vehicle push. let's bring in michigan congressman john james sitting on the house transportation and infrastructure committee. good to talk to you this morning. the president has dialed back slightly his plans for ev targets. he did want to see this happen by 2030. now it will be 2032. still pretty adventurous. 56% of all new vehicle sales to be electric vehicles by then. 16% plug-in hybrids. let's look at the e.v. reality. 1.2 million sold in 2023. 7.6% of total vehicles sold. he wants to increase that by seven times in the next nine
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years. is that realistic? >> absolutely not realistic. look, the fact that he has given slightly more time does not change the fact that this is an impossible goal that the industry has already acknowledged would cost american jobs and take american choice and would reduce our ability to defend ourselves from an energy independent standpoint. it is established that joe biden doesn't hate american oil and gas, he doesn't hate oil and gas but american oil and gas. we have to retain options for the american people. >> john: you can set forth lofty goals but at some point reality settles in. we saw that over the wintertime. we might have more electric vehicles on the road but people are discovering there are more problems with having an electric vehicle. remember the bottlenecks at charging stations in chicago? people were having huge range problems as well. they said you know what? it's too early for this.
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thanks but no thanks. we'll stick to our gasoline-powered cars. >> there are these folks who are completely untethered from reality. nancy pelosi saying you have to pass the bills before you know what's in them. right now you are looking at the fact that i just was at a hearing and democrats were stating we shouldn't take cost or likelihood of attainment into account when making policies. that's insane. the rest of us have to live in this world and in biden inflation where affordability and reliability counts. i'm pushing back with my congressional review act against these harmful regulations to put the american automotive industry dependent on china. it is not been fighting america, it is benefiting china. >> john: here is what the campaign spokeswoman said. joe biden's extreme electric vehicle mandate will force americans to buy ultra expensive cars they don't want and can't
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afford while destroying the u.s. auto industry in the process. the radical policy is an anti-jobs, anti-consumer and anti-american and destroy the livelihoods of countless u.s. auto workers and sending the u.s. auto industry to china. it is true, congressman, it takes fewer american workers to build an electric vehicle. plenty of jobs in chain with a yeah to make the batteries for them. biden claims that he is a good friend of the uaw. the leadership may be backing him but the rank and file seem to go with the other guy. >> that's exactly right. why trump's numbers are surging in places like michigan. i have a dodge ram manufacturing. and 50% of our gdp in michigan is automotive industry. it will crater the automotive industry and people know it.
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he is endorsing president biden but knows the rank and file aren't. people know that president trump is for the people. people trust president trump on his energy policies, on his immigration policies, people trust president trump on the economy and global and stabilizing the world and bringing peace that we saw in the middle east and no war in europe the way we had four years ago. that's why michigan right now, the elections today trump wins and excited to make sure we reverse these properly sees by pushing forward this cra. pushing back on the biden administration's harmful regulations crater the american automotive industry. focus on innovation. >> john: american people don't like to have something shoved down their throat. we'll see how it goes. congressman, appreciate it. now this. >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your testimony today --
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>> yes. >> what crime do you -- have you witnessed? >> dana: aoc and a former biden associate going at it. that was just for starts. wait until you hear her claim that is drawing mockery. draining the pockets of donald trump. new york's attorney general urging the court to make the former president pay even more. her latest demand next. >> has a chilling effect on anybody in new york. you better keep your mouth shut. you better not go against democrat rule. if you do, then the same thing that can happen to trump can happen to you. those epic hikes . step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year.
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the internet lighting up with mockery of the far left democrat. with us now is fox news contributor saul wisenberg, a former deputy independent counsel and great to have you here. let's play it in case they missed it. >> what is -- what is the crime, sir? specifically. >> you ask and answer the question. i answered the question. rico, you are not familiar with. >> excuse me, sir, excuse me, sir. rico is not a crime. it is a category. what is -- >> it's a category of crime. >> dana: wonder if it makes a difference if you enunciate every syllable to make a difference. in all seriousness. tell us about reek rico. >> it is con spur tee to commit
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a crime. bobulinski mentioned both rico and conspiracy. there are many federal statutes that cover conspiracy. the most important 118usc371. it's nice to know what you are talking about before you try to bully a witness. but he was a very, very uniquely powerful witness that they really don't have any dirt against so they needed to do everything possible to divert attention from what he was saying. >> dana: he was very prepared and i think he had also had it up to here with being this target and feeling like nothing ever goes forward. he has been accused of being a liar and more. also interesting that aoc wouldn't understand rico that president trump and many people would worked with him are under indictment for rico in georgia. >> right. georgia statute is different than the federal one but it is
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still called rico and it is still a crime. he was very -- as you point out. he had been waiting to testify for a long time. his testimony was raw, emotional. to me it made it more powerful. again, unlike many of the people who have testified, he faces no -- he is not in prison. he hasn't been convicted and out of prison. people were talking about hunter biden. and so -- and he is a hero and served his country honorably. he cannot be attacked on substance and so they have to divert attention like they did. >> dana: i wanted to ask you about this. we've been watching this back and forth between former president trump and the new york attorney general james. she came out again yesterday saying that the former president must post the bond that fully covers the $454 million judgment that she is very proud to have gotten against him. here is president trump's
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attorney habba on martha's show yesterday. >> our argument is that forcing him to sell prize property such as trump tower, onic properties like 40 wall street to pursue his appeal is manifest injustice and deprives him of that due process we're all entitled to. imagine, you can't reverse selling off trump tower on a fire sale at a discounted price. we can't fix that if we win on appeal. complete injustice. >> dana: president trump's message in a fundraising appeal was keep your filthy hands off of trump tower. how do you think it will get resolved? >> i don't really know. i know that he is going to the court of appeals and he is asking for them either to halt the judgment pending his appeal, or to reduce the bond amount to $1 hundred million. if he loses there, he can try new york state's highest court. i think it will be very difficult for him.
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i think it's very unfair the way the law is set up. but it will be very difficult to overturn the trial judge engoron, his specific factual findings whether or not there was fraudulent inflation of the financial statements. but it is very unfair. new york state constitution allows for a right to trial by jury. i will get law nerdy for you for just a minute. in 2011, state court said you don't need -- this special fraud law, executive law they used to go after president trump does not require a jury. new york state constitution has a right to trial by jury and there is a legal opinion in 2011 that says it doesn't really apply to this law. you don't have to have that with this law because this is an equitable law, right? a law we use to say -- to tell
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people stop doing this, to issue an injunction. the court said any monetary relief under this law is going to be minimal. that's not what happened here, as we know. there is a $455 million judgment against trump. so i think his argument is going to be that this is a constitutional problem under new york law and perhaps under federal law and so it's unfair that he has got to basically post the entire amount in order to have an appeal. doesn't mean that it is lawless that he has to. anybody in his situation would face this. it is just not a fair situation. if an error has been made at the trial court, since you have to pay the entire judgment while you are pursuing an appeal. it is a valid point he has got. >> dana: i love when you get nerdy on us in the law. i didn't go to law school but i
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love learning from smart lawyers like you. thank you, saul, great to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> john: more on law school coming up. a scandal in the dodgers dugout meantime. lawyers for ohtani are accusing his interpreter of stealing millions of dollars from the baseball superstar. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles with more. i'm trying to wrap my head around the idea. how does your interpreter steal all that money? >> the story is developing, john. the allegation is money was wired from bank accounts belonging to l.a. dodger ohtani to pay a southern california bookie supposedly to cover the gambling debts of his personal friend and interpreter who told said he began betting on soccer and other sports three years ago. asked ohtani to pay his debts, some $4.5 million when he got underwater in the hole. no one has accused oh tany of
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gambling. he is the victim. not the perpetrator. first a spokesman admitted he wired the money to pay his friend's debts. later called ohtani the victim of a massive theft. so the developments came during a federal investigation of a raid of an orange county bookie last year. sports betting is legal in 40 states, not california. major league baseball prohibit gambling by my player or club employee from making bets on baseball or any sports. the attorney thought the bets were legal. the 39-year-old interpreter and ohtani have been inexcept able since 2018. >> this isn't for me but at the end of the day i had to choose one team and dodgers were my choice. >> the dodgers fired him yesterday opening day while the team played in korea. the two are japanese and celebrities in kororea where it
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made huge news. >> they were always together. had a close relationship and by all accounts, you know, everywhere that ohtani went you would see them together. >> he is the highest paid player in baseball as you know. the u.s. attorney, no comment from u.s. attorneys office and also no charges. back to you. >> john: all right. he is watching that for us. thank you. dana. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: john, he has already won the green jacket five times. guess who it is? tiger woods. he will try to make it six. the golf legend will play in the masters next month according to the list of competitors on the tournament's website. woods has been playing a limited schedule recovering from surgery on his ankle and so tiger woods fans will have a chance to see him again, john. >> john: that would be great. he is 48 years old. jack nicholas was 46 years old
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when he won the masters. so i think that would make tiger the oldest person ever to win the masters if he won it this year. >> dana: he just might. we'll be watching. >> john: we always watch. >> it was like using the force and i just stare somewhere on the screen and it would move where i wanted to, which was such a wild experience. >> john: buck rogers stuff. the first patient to receive a brain implant playing computer chess with his mind. where the groundbreaking technology goes from here. the school board at the forefront of the education debate making big changes and parents say they are being silenced. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪
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>> i love playing chess. this is one of the things that y'all have enabled me to do. i had to use a mouse stick but now it's all being done with my brain. y'all see the cursor moving around the screen. that's me. it's pretty cool, huh? >> dana: remarkable. the first human to receive a neuro link computer brain implant demonstrating how the device works. the company posted a livestream to x yesterday of the first patient showing off new skills all powered by his mind >> john: this is "star wars" stuff. the patient nolan said he felt like he was using the force to move the cursor. this is just in its infancy. elon musk sees it going a long way. the patient is a quadra plegic.
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long term it's possible to shouldn't the signals from the brain, motor cortex past the damaged part of the spine to enable people to walk again and use their arms normally. can you imagine, doctor? >> amazing, john. also blind people to see again, paralyzed people to walk again. people with parkinson's to move again all by projected thought involving the motor cortex of the brain, deep on the left side of the brain. this technology has been around since 2004 but let me show you the advances musk is doing with neuro link here. it used to be a bunch of electrodes outside the brain. now over 1,000 implanted inside the brain. john, there is a charging station where you walk under the charging station wirelessly. the battery gets recharged and as you saw, you projected out by bluetooth technology electro magnetic fields inside
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the brain project the thoughts out. all 1500 electrodes are concentrated on the idea of using thought for movement. that's where all this is going. thought to provide movement. in this case to move a cursor. people said what about that amount of radiation in the brain? it's very low level. my argument would be in these cases like this, it is huge advantage to do it. >> dana: doctor, how could this be brought more to market? this is just one person and it is an experiment. looks like it is going very well. there are a lot of parents out there saying maybe this could help my child or my loved one. what is the trajectory for this? >> great question. this is the first step. it had been done in primates and now in humans. he has approval from the fda for neuro link to proceed in a clinical trial as part of the clinical trial. there is another company doing clinical trials. different technology using blood vessels outside the brain.
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i'm on the side of neuro link. it is very advanced. to answer your question i think it is a matter of months to maybe a year or two before you start seeing this in clinical practice. not in my doctor's office, dana. that's years away. i am talking about special uses for neurologists and neuro surgeons. >> john: it is amazing stuff. if he can move a computer mouse already, imagine where we'll be ten years from now. >> dana: amazing. >> john: thank you so much. >> i want to say quickly. i want people to understand this is so believable even though it sounds like science fiction. you project thoughts with the same radiation neuro link has. your brain is using electricity and neuro link is using electricity and why it works. >> john: i always wanted the ability to control people. >> good to see you. >> god gave me a beautiful
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daughter to father, protect, provide for, and nurture. a man with an evil heart stole her life. he was in this country and in this state illegally. >> dana: the heartbroken father of laken riley is urging congress to honor her legacy to crack down on illegal migrants. will democrats get on board? washington state is making the bar exam optional for law students after a court claims the test is racist. critics are objecting. ♪
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john washington state is lowering the bar to become a lawyer by making the bar exam optional. the task force claimed the exam was discriminatory. state supreme court court approved three new ways to become a licensed attorney.
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one justice writing with these alternative pathways we recognize there are multiple ways to insure a competent, licensed body of new attorneys so desperately needed around the state. "fox & friends" weekend co-host will cain is here to weigh in. there are alternatives including apprenticeships, additional course work and hands-on legal work. i always thought the reason why the bar exam was difficult to pass was because you needed to be really well versed in the law in order to represent people. >> yeah, you would think that would be the whole point, to raise the bar to increase the quality of attorneys. i will tell you firsthand the bar exam was harder than law school. we used to joke when we were studying for the bar exam it was watching a nature documentary with the hypos crossing the river. you know there was an alligator and it would get one or two hippos. ten or 20% wouldn't pass the bar exam. i have mixed feelings about
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this. let me say this first of all. i think america is an overly licensed society. there are way too many governmental institutions controlling who gets to do what for a living. licenses for plumbers, electricians, licenses for hairdressers. most of the time that's a mechanism designed to protect the existing class of workers from new competitive classes of workers. i like the idea of apprenticeships. but the fact that i think what i just said is true doesn't get in the way of the motivation here in washington, which is explicitly to lower the standards in the name of d.e.i. they said the problem is there is not enough diversity in the legal profession so let us lower the standard. what will you get? you will get a lower standard of lawyer. >> john: yeah, that's a question a lot of people have, too. i compiled this list of very famous people who didn't pass the bar their first time out.
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tops off with kamala harris. hillary clinton, michelle obama, john f. kennedy, jr. governor wilson, governor jerry brown. mayor ed koch and richard daly and kim kardashian. most of those people went on to lucrative careers but they passed it again. this idea of being overly licensed, certain areas i think you want to have a rigorous structure of licensing. if you are in the medical profession before you pass medical school and get your license you go through a three-phase test applied over years and the test itself is taken over days, not one day. >> right. the reason for that is that there are certain jobs where the cost of failure is way too high. a doctor takes your life into his hands. in some ways so does an
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attorney. i will say, i don't know how many times she took it. a license does not insure quality. fani willis passed it and there are many unimpressive attorneys. in an impression where you could ruin someone's life. incarceration is on the line. the death penalty could be on the line. you need someone who can pass a minimum standard of competency. standardized tests are the best example of trying to uniformly invoke a minimum standard of competency. if you can't meet it, the cost to society is too high. who will this hurt, john? if we have a bunch of apprenticeship lawyers out there whose qualification is that another apprenticeed lawyer vouches for you the most vulnerable and minorities will hire the cheaper, less licensed and less competent on the average lawyer and they will be


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