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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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and our thoughts going to the cloud somewhere? pretty scary. >> that they should be used for positive advances, not individual ones. it's with eugenics and technology and how the government forced people to do certain things or categorize people in certain ways, you never want government forced or mandated by people should have the right to try something like this if part of their being has been compromised and not just not just quadriplegics for whom this is a miracle but also people who suffer from things like dementia and alzheimer's and als. >> that is why i am glad elon musk is at the helm because he understands all of that, go get jessie's book, "get it together" today watch the show at 8:00 p.m. and don't forget to dvr the show "america reports" right now. >> my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there is a law that says if a
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house is not inhabited you can expropriate it. i think that will be my next business, invade abandoned houses. >> that tiktok video has gone viral and has been seen millions now and sparking outrage, and illegal migrant urges others like him to use u.s. squatter laws to seize abandoned houses. john: some americans could find themselves locked out of their own homes with an uphill battle to get back in, tony gonzales congressman and andy mccarthy with what homeowners need to know. >> sandra: and now there is this a fox news alert as we begin a new hour and look at that, the dow right now at the high of the session in fact its highest level ever soaring to new records on the promise of future rate cuts but how long will this last? i am telling you it is a question larry kudlow gets on
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the street every day. he will be joining us coming up hello and welcome i am sandra smith in new york. >> john: when i saw switzerland was cutting interest rates i thought the dow will pop today. >> sandra: i saw your tweet. >> john: i am john roberts in washington this is "america reports" stocks are not the only thing surgeon, the housing market seeing a boom in february with house sales jumped 10% of the affordability crisis continues to hurt young americans as a number of first-time buyers actually went down in february month over month. >> sandra: what does it all mean? as promised larry kudlow is here, we pulled them out of lunch or wherever it was you were, you know. [laughs] >> it's the dead of night. >> sandra: but the pop of the stock market is incredible. we are about to hit 40,000 on the dow jones industrial at. >> it's good for the kudlow trust i will tell you that. one thing about the fed and interest rates, i think what is
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driving is profits they are the mother's milk of stocks. and profits are at a record h high. current profits for the s&p 500 and forward-looking profits when you look at the consensus of all these analysts on wall street also a record high. i did a load of homework, profits are expected to go up 11% in the next 12 months, that's a big number. profit margins at a 16 month high, that's a big number. the price earnings ratio is 20.8, 21 times earnings we will call it, that's a little pricey but not bad given the surgeon profit. >> we are still saying stocks are cheap this level? >> no, no, no i would also say if you read the work of some of the analysts on wall street the bull/bear ratio hang with me you know this, you are a business reporter -- >> you are not on fbn, people want to know am i buying or selling? >> the ratio of bulls to bears
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is very, very over weighted toward bulls right now. so i would be a little careful. now stepped back a minute. >> stepping back. >> you buy the s&p, nice move, buy the s&p 500 index and hold it forever, i'm not a short-term player, i am not an active manager -- >> sandra: i see larry kudlow walking down the street because i get this question all the time and people say i have missed this rally. they didn't know what was coming around the corner and by the way we don't know what's happening in the federal reserve there's a lot of unknowns uncertainties stomach uncertainties. >> the fed is a rorschach test. >> sandra: but now stocks are record high, should i get in now? >> if you have spare changes you get income every month you should add to your position the s&p 500 or index, it is really cheap. you hold it forever. you hold it forever because no matter how many political mistakes and you take hits from time to time you should always hold it forever. right now i am just saying i
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don't think the fed will cut interest their target rate this year period. >> sandra: jerry baker said not only that he thinks they may have to raise rates. >> it's a nonzero probability is an interesting point. i know people read the dot plot and you know the fed is whatever you wanted to be it's a rorschach test nobody knows. but this is not about interest rates. this is about a continued drive in profits and of course the technology stocks and the ai story is very important here because not only artificial intelligence sandra but also the applications of artificial intelligence which covers finance, agriculture, commodities, industrials, do you see what i'm saying? it's like the information revolution of the 1990s. very similar. >> sandra: all right but but there are a lot of people say my socks are great my 401(k) is up but i'm paying so much more for
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everything else, food prices are up 25%. the price of just about everything has gone up. gas prices are up 30%. >> here is one. >> sandra: if you were to cash out of your stock portfolio today, are you really realizing serious gains here? >> don't cash out. >> sandra: if the dollars don't go as far? >> don't cash out but look, one of the things plaguing this economy especially with lower income people and i would say younger people is borrowing costs are very, very high. you have mortgage rates above 7%, credit cards 25% sometimes 30%, you have your auto loans, a new car is about 7% or 8% if you buy a used car, which by the way, prices are going to skyrocket because of these crazy new epa regulations coming out of the biden administration, those used car borrowing loans
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can be 10%-11%. borrowing costs are holding people back, that is a problem and you are right, essentials like groceries and electricity and gasoline prices are all 30% above. >> sandra: for most owning a home as a single largest asset they will ever own in the stock market are not. >> it will cost a lot more because mortgage payments are higher. >> sandra: how it started verse how it's going january 2021 your mortgage payment on an average $400,000 home would've been 1349 a month as of march 2024 it's at $2129 so that's why the existing home sales are still going down. they are down 33%. >> in percentage terms today's numbers never looks good but it's a million five? almost two and a half million home sales four years ago, so it's not all that great. i will say one thing, though, biden's crazy tax height you want to tax everything that
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moves in his budget, capital gains, dividends, personal income, corporate income, the good news is none of it will get through congress. not a one, zero. >> sandra: that's good news to and on. to think the dell will finish about 40,000 today? >> i don't know. >> sandra: i'm asking you on the spot. >> do i look like a quick trader to you? >> sandra: no i mean you talk to a lot of them. >> sandra: profits are the mother's milk of stocks and that's what's driving a-determiner. this not a political story. this is by the way american business if you leave it alone is very ingenious and resilient. >> sandra: thank you for waking up surly for us. >> that was a hard thing a real slog. we will see what 4:00. john? >> john: interrupting lunch, one of the two, also fighting off lee grew troubles, president biden may be called to
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testify about his alleged crimes and former president trump spends much of the campaign in courtrooms and could be forced to surrender some of his properties within days. fox team coverage david has the latest on the biden impeachment inquiry and cb cotton joins us now with more on the trump case. cb what is the latest in the back and forth in the legal team and the general? >> former president donald trump's lawyers are firing back at a series of suggestions the new york attorney general's office made to the court about how donald trump could pay the nearly half a billion dollar bond. one idea was for trump to sell off its assets, another was for trump to post real estate with the court, trump's lawyers pushed back on all of his ideas and said this of attorney general with teacher james "mrs. james is trying to short-circuit the justice system to get mr. trump. as she promised she would during her 2018 campaign. trump has less than four days to post bond for the $454 million
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judgment" is campaign and is making an urgent push for donations, writing in this message "hands off trump tower" asking donors to help stop the "witch hunt" trump's legal team says its approach a more than 30 insurance companies, they say the companies have refused to consider a bond of t size or refused to accept real estate as collateral. trump has asked us appeals court to accept a smaller bond while he appeals judgment or allow him to not post bond at all. if drum cannot secure the amount needed, james can drain the bank accounts or start the process to seize assets from monday. >> that is the easiest thing to do, go to brokerage accounts and bank accounts, figure out what you can get there. presumably there is not enough because if he had that kind of money he would be posting the bond. then it would begin to look at real estate properties. >> james' office also suggest
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trump at multiple smaller bonds, trump's lawyer says that would require them to come up with collateral in excess of the total judgment amount of the guns trump, john. >> john: cb cotton with the latest on trump troubles in new york, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: james comer says he will be inviting president biden to testify in the influence peddling impeachment probe, david live at the justice department photos, expect them to show up, david? >> we know he wants them to show up whether he expects a sitting president to come before congress and testify is in a different story, sources from both sides of the i'll say it is unlikely a sitting president would do so although homer says he will extend the invitation in the next few days. he posted on socl media "i will invite president joe biden to the hut site oversight committee to explain why his family received tens of millions of dollars from foreign companies with his assistance"
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hunter biden was a no-show yesterday his name in front of an empty share in the hearing room and examined alleged influence peddling. tony bobulinski the former hunter business associate who says joe biden is the brand false in the biden family making its living off influence peddling. >> my biggest appeal to everyone in this room is i wish she would spend the time focusing on the fact that the chinese communist party infiltrated the white house of the united states of america through the biden family. i don't say that lightly. it is not a joke. >> democrats also focusing on former president trump and his family businesses including dealings with saudi arabia and interests by son-in-law and former white house aide jared kushner. >> we all know the truth, donald trump is the quintessential influence peddler in chief. >> democrat's big witness was a former rudy giuliani associate who spent some time in jail, he
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also spent many months looking into an alleged biden corruption scandal in the ukraine. >> in nearly a year traveling the world and interviewing officials in different countries i found precisely zero evidence of the biden stomach biden's in the ukraine. >> they said privately they had some hesitations and wonder if it's an impeachment vote will make it across the finish line across the house floor, though publicly james coleman and jim jordan of the judiciary committee says they are going with this full steam ahead. >> sandra: all right on the justice department thank you, john? >> john: sandor the tragic death of lincoln rarely pushing for change nationwide white democrats are getting in the way plus this. >> my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states because they are learned there is a law that says
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of the house is not inhabited, we can expropriate it. >> sandra: what is going on? if giving up your safety was not enough, get ready to give up your house? we have a congressman from texas on the growing threat at our southern border next. works on both.sentyx cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> sandra: republicans pressing the senate to push the lincoln riley act, washington with more, rich, why are some democrats trying to get in a way of passing this? >> sandor, there is an effort to attach it as an amendment this week to the massive government spending bill, several senate republicans wrapped a press conference urging democratic leaders to allow a senate vote on the lincoln riley act that is
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named after the murdered georgian nursing student. >> of the house passed this bill earlier this month with the support of 37 democrats. but while some house democrats have found common ground on this, senate democrats blocked from passing the lincoln riley act and the senate last week. so, we are going to try again. >> it's unclear he will ever get a vote on the floor, it would mandate federal officials taken to custody migrants in the u.s. illegally and accused of for stomach that. prosecutors were prosecuted with but the lack riley's murderer who was parked on my previously with shoplifting, their scoring political points pressing house republicans to allow a vote on another immigration bill. the bipartisan proposal negotiated in the senate. at the top of the hour the house committee holds a hearing on
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immigration this on customers, customs and border protection, cdp one app align migrants to order stomach arrange for a appointment to process them into the country on their smartphones, january of 2023-january 2024 the government allowed about 450,000 migrants using the app into the u.s. republicans have security concerns and cbp says it helps migrants avoid paying smugglers to get, sandor? >> sandra: rich it's hard to imagine as we do you see some conflict some stomach coming from democrats passing this hard to imagine there's not massive public support for this. >> yes, it is interesting and interesting to see if this gets on the floor of the senate and what the tally would be among democrats if it were to get a vote on the senate war, unclear theft that happens now but bipartisan support, 37 jump on board. >> john: sandor the new rules to drive up tv sales actually end up driving voters away in
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november? at least until super charging station, john duffy and mark debate the permanently parking of gas cars. >> sandra: in new york city at the new front line brought in the fight for fairness and girl sports, alexis mcadams is out by a school in manhattan, what exactly is happening there, alexis? >> this comes, sandor, after a several hour long meeting, now the conversation about transgender athletes and female sports comes to the big apple, i will have the latest on that boat coming up next. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) book in the app
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>> john: texas governor stitt don mike abbott is facing pushback not just from the biden administration but also from mexico, let's bring in tony gons whose district is on the border, congressman sb4 which is the bill that would make it illegal
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for someone to cross over the border into texas withougoing through a port of entry is tied up in the courts right now. fifth circuit court of appeals heard arguments yesterday, it will render a decision at some point. what are you hearing in your district about this issue? >> we have had enough and we are grateful for governor abbott to do everything he can to try to get this border crisis under control. luxe, local law enforcement, they don't want to be enforcing immigration law but nobody else is. it is very clear president biden is shackling the hands of border patrol agents. border patrol agents want to be back in the field, they want to be doing their job but they are not and they have to plan that gap and until they do that we welcome law enforcement in texas doing every thing they to keep it safe. >> john: before s before goes into effect it will not accept
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migrants who are set back across the border because that is a provision of the bill. i cannot imagine mexican officials saying that during the trump administration. >> this is where president biden has failed all and how he is putting mexico in a bad spot. if he would do his job this will be solved but he is not but he is forcing texas and mexico to have this rough relationship where we are very closed part down my stomach close partners and we have a working relationship but texas has had enough. we are done with us, just a few hours in el paso in my district there were a dozen of people entering the country and nothing happens. there have to be a action, send them back a step one. >> john: spark to speaking about those entering were nothing happens i don't know if you saw but syracuse university track the number of deportation
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cases thrown out by immigration judges. 200,000. the reason they were thrown out was because dhs did not file the required notice to appear in a timely fashion. a lot of people are saying what the -- >> john, this is pure madness. this is exactly what the administration wants, they want these open borders and they want this to occur for these people to come into the country illegally. in the meantime americans are being put last in the equation. you are doing all the things right, you are paying your taxes, you are following the laws, and somehow you are in the back of the line? it doesn't make any sense why so many people are so angry and we have had enough with joe biden's lives. >> john: selling that has been a little pop culture here, it has received millions of views on tiktok's and it's this illegal immigrant saying he has come with a great business plan which is to start squatting in houses and encouraging everyone
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else who crosses the border illegally to do it, listen to what he said. >> my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there is a law that says if a house is not inhabited, it can be expropriated. i think that will be my next business. invade abandoned houses. >> john: what is next, congressman, will we see illegal migrants finding empty houses that may be people's vacation properties and say it is empty, we are moving in? >> you know what, john, the sad thing is it's already happening and let's talk about eagle pass, a lot of abandoned houses or empty houses are being used for smugglers. they know where these houses are. i did a right along with local law enforcement there and they are showing me all these different stashed houses so it doesn't surprise me at all. today it is in eagle pass, tomorrow in your city and your state. there is no end to this border
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crisis. whatever it touches it's turned to ash which is why we have to deport people by the thousands, not by the dozens. >> john: unlikelthat will happen anytime soon, congressman gonzales thank you. >> thank you, john. >> john: it's the latest thing, we don't know if it's the latest thing but it's latest idea, we'll see if it becomes the latest thing. >> sandra: we will dig into that with andy mccarthy and we called him up and said can you come on and talk about this because john, people are boggled you can own your home, own your property, and somebody can come in while you are gone and eventually gain rights to that property to the point where you cannot get them out? so we will ask them about the details about all of this because people see this video and they are shocked. terrified. >> john: it seems absolutely insane including coming to the door with this bogus piece of paper saying they have a lease and i forget which city it was in the owner try to get them out
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and the owner ended up in handcuffs. >> sandra: he called the cops and the cops can't do nothing about its we will ask andy what we need to know, meanwhile, electric vehicles become electoral vehicles in the race for the white house? formal president trump appears to think president biden's new gas car crackdown could be a winning issue for him. let's bring in mark penn and cohost sean duffy. what say you, sean? >> first off i think this can be electoral issue because you have so many americans who love the freedom of a car, it's americana, we love wind blowing through our hair, would love to travel upon a wide open country and people don't want to electric cars, we have been able to buy them the last ten or 20 years but people don't want them. they are stacking up at dealerships because no one is buying them, they want a gas-powered car. the problem is immediacy. this happens in 2027 a and a ful
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effect in 2032, that's far off in the mind of an american voter, can donald trump make this an immediate issue if he doesn't win this could come into effect so if we can make it immediate it can be a campaign issue. if not -- >> sandra: mark people don't want to think okay, he will push this and i will pay for this, right? these electric vehicles are expensive. to get the chargers put into your home is expensive. in some cases you can't even find a charger. so many people say this is not what they want right now. why do democrats feel this is a good push politically? >> there are a lot of competing issues here because a lot of people and most of the country think we have to step it up when it comes to climate change in the transition to electric vehicles that is the primary way i think the administration is putting forward to do that. at a certain point with innovation if you push it and all the infrastructure gets
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built, and there is a lot of support particularly in the urban areas and the suburban areas for the move to electric vehicles out in the rural areas of course things are quite different. >> sandra: they called it anti-jobs, anticonsumer and anti-american. here is formal president trump on biden's plan, listen. >> it will not be acceptable, people will not have it. you can't build that number of chargers. if you were going to build the charging booths that are necessary, our country will be immediately bankrupt because it would cost trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars. and by the way, i am a big fan, you can have electric cars if you want them, but you also have to have other forms of movement. >> sandra: that's the point, some people at home say i love my ev that's great, you can love your eb but don't mandate it. >> don't make me buy one if i don't want one, the freedom to choose, this argument climate
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change matters to sony people and driving climate issue is cars, if people cared about it they wouldn't buy evs but at the same time they make this push to go to all the solar or wind and we don't have an infrastructure or a greed to support all of these cars go into electricity, but also remember this last winter in chicago when it got cold, you saw a whole bunch of evs stacked up at charging stations because they wouldn't charge so the technology coming from wisconsin it doesn't work. mark made the point in rural america these cars don't work. so you are going to isolate a huge swath of the american population with these cars when they are nonfunctional. >> sandra: i don't want to be stuck where you are from in wisconsin without a vehicle providing heat for me. this is "the wall street journal" on biden's ev mandate blowing its cover the companies are subsidizing evs from gas-powered cars which means the journal says "middle-class americans in fargo are paying more for gas-powered cars to be
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affluent in napa valley for cheaper evs. this would not be sustainable as the biden mandate ramps up and may be politically sustainable or not be politically sustainable either" should your party st the max davis path? >> i think president biden is raising what the sacrifices that have to made to secure on climate change means pushing evs faster may be, maybe that's what he laid down will have an end pressure on the country but will make jobs putting in these new stations and making new cars and even though it is subsidized a good move for the country. republicans and trouble have to try -- >> it will cost automakers jobs, get less makers to make the ev as opposed to the gas-powered car and american voters don't
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want that. >> sandra: you have to pay them a lot more to afford the ev. to keep track of the latest average price of an electric vehicle, this is kelly blue book it's now more than $52,000. mark, sean, great to see you guys today, thank you so much. john? >> john: tempers flaring last night in new york city after a neighborhood school board approved a resolution that could lead to a ban on transgender athletes in girls sports. alexis mccann and is outside manhattan school with the latest what happened? >> hey, john, that meeting went on for more than three hours a lot of emotions as a lot of trans athletes talking about sports at the end they voted in favor of this resolution and that vote was 8/3 and that could ban this going on with transgender athletes and female sports in new york. the clear message to the department of education that they want for the review and they want more to be donone abot
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it, take a look inside that meeting where that's went on we can see there were some parents and the numbers of the school board to manhattan's largest district approved that could ban transgender female athletes from performing in female sports, many criticized the resolution money pushing for the band saying trans athletes should not be allowed to compete against females. >> we can't pretend we can't sit here and we can't say that there aren't actual biological differences that manifest themselves in a sport or athletic environment where athletes are competing that might not necessarily result in a level playing field. >> discrimination has no place in our schools. our city and our state and we are proud new york is a legal safe haven or transgender young people and their family come we will not sit idly by while students are threatened and victimized by the same people who are supposed to be protecting them.
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speech of the department of education says new york city public schools all students have the right to have their gender r gender identity and gender expression recognized and respected in our school every student can participate in sports and athletics in accordance with their gender identity, back we can say there will be another meeting in april so keep you posted. >> john: look forward to that, alexis mcadams from the streets of new york, thank you, sandra? >> sandra: is america alienating her allies? we sit down with the former israeli ambassador to the u.s. >> john: plus plus tick perpetrators if you are curious about criminals in your area, you may not want to use this southern california town, joe piscopo tries to piece it all t. ♪ what i got to do and what i'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ i don't want to be anything other than me ♪ with ,
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>> john: form a camp counselor paralyzed in a diving accident several years ago is now using a brain implant to play chess. controlling the video game with his mind. molly line in boston with more sounds like science fiction but it's real. >> absolutely, john, this has been compared to telepathy by the head of the company, neuralink which is elon musk by the way and its first ever human user talks about this in that way, he unveils this remarkable thing, the things he do just by thinking including chess, 22-year-old nolan was paralyzed below his shoulders and a diving accident a year ago but in january a chip was implanted into his brain, what he describes is kind of like something out of "star wars." >> basically it was like using
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the force and i can get it to move wherever i want if i just stare somewhere on the screen and it would move where i wanted to. >> the implanted chips and electronic processes signals from the brain and transmit them wirelessly turning the data stream into action. here is dr. marc siegel. >> is unbelievable even though it's science fiction because you can project the thoughts with tsame kind of radiation the neural neuralink has, neuralink is using electricity that's why it works in your brain is using electricity. >> neuralink has a pretty big goals aiming to restore capabilities like vision, motor ability, speech and with other neurological issues, john? >> john: pretty incurable stuff by the way, these are the droids you're looking for, molly line for us, thank you, sandra? >> sandra: next up, john, the future of tiktok asks present to
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my president biden to delete the app for good
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you want a short time from now antony blinken sanitary estate will hold a joint news conference with egypt's former minister as they call for an
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immediate cease-fire between israel and hamas but it's having while israel a positivist and u.s. democrats don't even seem to be on speaking terms. let's bring in the former israeli ambassador, it's good to talk to you again. opening question for you. that is this draft cease-fire resolution that lincoln dropped at the united nations calls for an immediate cease-fire in exchange for all the hostages to be released. do you think hamas would ever agree to that? the hostages are their last bargaining chip. >> well, it's good to be with you always, john, if it's a limited cease-fire of six weeks then hamas will not agree to it because they will simply continue the war after six weeks and hamas has one interest only which is a permanent cease-fire. a permanent cease-fire means hamas wins the war and merges and declares victory, reorganizes, regroups, rearms and stages the next onslaught, that's simply what a permanent
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cease-fire means. a limited cease-fire, hamas may agree and then agree to release some hostages but most certainly will not release all the hostages. >> john: relations between israel and democrats here in the united states appeared to be deteriorating after chuck schumer went to the well of the senate where he called for immediate elections and the said that netanyahu is an impediment to peace, netanyahu fired back on fox listen to what he said. >> i think schumer's statements are wholly inappropriate. it's wrong to try to replace the elected leaders of a sister democracy in a staunch american ally at any time but especially during a time of war. >> john: what do you make what schumer said? >> i really don't know what his motivation was. it is crudely inappropriate as senator says it's unprecedented. it's also frankly vinnie dominic very dangerous. just a few more weeks there'll
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be a complete break which i guess in the united states someone will come along and impose a cease-fire, it's dangerous. jon cremins very important to remember in not a second of governance and we are the only country that has never in a second of peace. i think just on that basis alone we deserve respect. we deserve respect for our democratic system and for our sovereignty. you may not like the leaders we elect and there are no small amount of israelis that don't like their leaders -- go that's the nature of democracy, that's the price we pay for freedom. i have no respect. >> john: a good friend of chuck schumer's was on your world with neil cavuto on monday, here's what he said about schumer's speech. >> talking about crossing a red line, that was a double medic redline i have never in all my years seen crossed.
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it is outrageous to intervene this way it's offensive to one of our closest allies in the world. i am really disappointed that chuck schumer did it. >> john: he penned a lengthy editorial op-ed in "the wall street journal" in which he took schumer apart piece by piece but one of the points that lieberman makes is that it was always the democrats being seen as pro-israel. notes the republicans. >> we always hoped that it will be the one issue with bipartisan support and not be the political football during a presidential election year. it's a dangerous situation. in view of the history of the democratic party, president truman back in 1948 made the united states the first country on earth to recognize the reborn jewish state, that's quite a legacy for the
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democratic party from lyndon johnson during the six-day war supported us and democratic presidents throughout have been very, very supportive of the state of israel. bill clinton as well. so i think it's an aberration and i hope israel will go back to being the source of bipartisan support in washington. >> john: perhaps reading the tea leaves well here in washington netanyahu held one meeting with the republican senate caucus and then offered to have a second meeting with the democrats, chuck schumer said no to that. he was questioned about that, listen to this. >> is it true that prime minister netanyahu asked to talk to the democrats and you declined? >> as i said, when you make these issues partisan you hurt the cause of israel.l. >> john: is he making it pertinent to my partisan? or is he simply saying i know what the tensions are in d.c. let me meet with the republicans and the democrats? >> it's kind of, you know the
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word chutzpa, meaning talking to those it will make it a partisan issue, what does that speech do but make it a partisan issue. i want to make one thing very, very clear and it's not clear to many people in the united states. the prime minister of israel is not the president or the armed forces the way the president is of the u.s. armed forces. it's much more consensual and you can replace benjamin netanyahu tomorrow or play some today, and israel will have the exact same policies because these are national policies. the people of israel even if it means to going into, they will oppose a cease-fire because it knows it is the end of the state of israel. even a politician from the left would oppose these. >> john: lieberman also wrote in that op-ed while netanyahu may not be exactly the most popular person in israel right now, this idea of eradicating
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hamas is the most popular issue in israel. ambassador, always great to talk to you, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you, john. >> sandra? >> sandra: nextel ron desantis plan of dealing with a flood of haitian migrants may include a ritzy vacation spot and could one of baseball's biggest stars be caught up in a gambling scandal? william is life. >> he is the biggest player in baseball, show a otani, how was he involved and how bad could ip get? comingolar up. ance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes,
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speed tune shohei ohtani's to start the daughters onto a knife to start, millions of dollars, william gambling is playing a role in all of it? >> yes, the question being while
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ohtani is the victim did help his friend gamble which is illegal in california and a violation of league policy known by the u.s. attorney allegedly finding records of multiple wire transfers from ohtani's bank account was southern bookie and they said he began betting in 2021 and asked ohtani to cover some $4 million in gambling debts. no one has accused ohtani of gambling however attorneys say he is not necessarily in the clear. of evidence shows however innocently he helped facilitate the crime. >> i think they will look into everything, the bets outside of baseball, the bookmaking operation by this orange county guy, and then how was ohtani involved? >> a spokesman for the player admitted the superstar but later called him the victim of


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