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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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by house speaker mike johnson. >> very proud and happy to be here to receive this honor. thank you. [applause] >> 78 years later it's incredible. >> these are artists, engineers, and soldiers that came together to accomplish this is an enormous feat. i would love to watch movie on this, i am so glad i would watch a movie about this. >> seem arnesen bomb, bernard bluestein, and bernard cressman. one is 99 years old. >> bravery and brilliance. >> the best of america and history and they were recognized in a bipartisan fashion as we are all americans, thank you for watching and now here's "america reports." >> we need a speaker of the house that knows how to negotiate, knows how to walk in
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the room, knows how to hold the line and how to defend america first. we haven't heard from anyone all week long do not break the 72 hour role, he heard from all of us, we are going to have to do it because the country is in crisis. >> john: here we go again are we on a collision course for yet another house speaker boat? georgia republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene filing the motion to oust mike johnson the speaker as congress scrambles to avoid a government shutdown. study news around here we call it friday, john roberts i'm here with you. >> i'm gillian turner in for a sander today this is "america reports," greene made that announcement after they passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill, quite a few republicans tell us they are not happy with the plan, greene's plan to vacate could have us feeling deja vu, just this past fall they went through the whole rigmarole that got johnson elected speaker.
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>> john: we will get congressman michael lawlor's reaction ahead. >> gillian: liquid congressional correspondent aisha hashemi, what can you tell us? >> jillian, john, first of all let's make very clear that marjorie taylor greene yes has filed a motion to vacate the speaker of the house, she didn't drop that resolution into the hopper this morning but has not made it privileged, it's not live which means it's only a threat right now. a real threat to the speaker but only a threat if she does decide to make this live it would force the house to take a vote on a new speaker in the next two legislative days. that is after they come back from a two-week easter break, excuse me, take a vote on ousting the speaker first, not a vote on a new speaker. nothing is happening right now, greene says it isn't personal, she likes mike johnson, but she says he is not doing the job. >> we need a speaker who
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supports all of us. not a speaker who breaks the 72 hour rule, will not let us vote on amendments or introduce amendments to major funding bills. >> it does not appear that anyone in the conference saw this coming, perhaps only thomas massie who she was talking to on the floor before she did this, congressman lawler just called it idiotic. the house freedom caucus shared bob good kept telling me emotion stomach a motion to vacate was not on his agenda, here's his reaction. >> i don't know if anyone cares what she says. >> currently know but i don't know what the option is because of we did it today and she understands this, we would put hakim in the speaker's chair. >> speaker johnson did not take his normal route from the house chamber to his office. we have not seen him yet. we are told we probably won't see him, he is scheduled to leave washington in the next couple of hours, but we are expecting a statement from his office on this motion to vacate
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sometime soon. back to you. >> aisha hashemi on capitol hill, thank you. >> this sends the message to people all around the world even if you act like this, you can probably get into the country and i think they continued to push these boundaries and to see what they can get away with. >> as long as we don't have the rule of law we will continue to see this chaos and president biden through his actions have taught these people this is okay. john: a shocking border
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bridge in el paso getting lots of reaction and the head of the first white house press briefing since it happened, white house spokesperson is now blaming republicans in a statement they write in part "when the former president told congressional republicans to block the bipartisan border security agreement, he said to blame him for it, he got his wish and the result was chaos" after operation lone star and razor wire were overrun yesterday. senator steve daines is standing by with his reaction but first let's bring in robert el monte, former u.s. marshal in el paso, robert, you are down at the border where it happened, this was awfully shocking to americans to see it but you say this is not the first time it is happened. >> no, it's not the first time this has happened, we have had several incidents at the el paso center area yesterday was really something else and i have been out here for an hour, may be closer to two hours now and it
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appeared at one time there were all attempting to knock down the fence again as they did yesterday. fortunately, there is a lot of heroes from a border patrol, texas ppf and national guard here they have a lot of reinforcements. basically this sends a clear message of the border patrol needs help. they are not getting enough help and they're not getting enough support these agents are getting tied up processing these migrants. if it were not for taxes and the national guard helping them i don't know what the situation would be. so my hat goes off to all the law enforcement agencies and national guard working out here. right now it looks like they have it under control. look like they were going to attempt to knock the fence down but now it seems like it's somewhat calm. >> how often do you see people successfully cross the border forcibly using violence?
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>> well, you know, when they are using force like they did here, they will target a certain area. let me tell you what caused the incident yesterday, i will tell you bottom line what caused it. i'm getting this information from several different law enforcement forces in the area and basically the mexican cartels were behind it. mexican hotels were putting out propaganda basically telling these migrants if you rush the border at this particular area where they were just yesterday you will be granted immed immede asylum which is the furthest from the truth. they are being provided information that is false. so our government, the mexican government needs to send word to the migrants on the other side of the border that that assembly false. they'll be placed under arrest as they found out yesterday. >> john: this seems to up the ante in the battle between the biden administration and texas governor greg abbott, here's what the governor tweeted after
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this occurred he said "about the surge of illegal immigrants in el paso the texas national guard and department of public safety quickly regained control and are redoing the razor wire barriers. dps is instructed to arrest every illegal immigrant involved for criminal trespass and destruction of property. my question to you, robert, is what do you think the biden administration thinks about this? because they don't want to dps there, they don't want the texas national guard there, they don't want razor wire and barricades, in fact they have sued texas to get rid of it all. >> let me tell you something i found very interesting, i just learned of this today. apparently the u.s. attorney for the western sort of texas issued a press release or is about to issue a press release stating that anybody arrested for destroying government property, the fence, or assaulting any soldier or federal employee on the border will be arrested and
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prosecuted federally. so personally i was glad to hear that message. that's a mixed signal coming from biden's administration as well. >> gillian: thank you for taking time with us, check back in with you soon. >> have time for one quick thing? >> john: go ahead. >> let me say something else. this is very interesting, all your viewers need to know this, since october 2000 known criminals, gang members, terrorists, child rapists have crossed into the area, over 6,000 criminals, those were apprehended but how many were not apprehended? as i have been singing on fox for several months in several years now a lot of these migrants coming across are dangerous criminals and we are seeing that today. >> john: we appreciate you joining us at the border, rocky almonte thank you.
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>> gillian: let's bring in montana republican senator steve dames who joins us on set now, sir, thank you for coming in with us on a friday, nice to see you. >> good to see you both. >> gillian: interestingly the mexican government has something to say about the texas law saying "mexico is not going to accept anybody turned away by u.s. border patrol" meaning the mexican government is saying they are not even going to allow their own citizens freely back into mexico when the u.s. turns them away at the southern bo border. >> this is why americans can't wait to vote, remember that president trump was saying that it's going to be this way or else and that his leadership the strength we need. those images are shocking. i'm sitting here watching the same videotape you are watching, this is absolutely shocking. >> gillian: have you seen anything comparable to that? >> i mean thank god for our
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sheriffs, governor abbott, for the national guard of texas, as well as border patrol who are trying to do their jobs, they are in harm's way like a military operation right now. to try to protect this country, but just last weekend we got word they arrested and detained ahaz below terrorists that came from lebanon across the same el paso sector. we are watching the video at the moment and says i am a has blocked terrorist i've been trying the last seven years, i am coming here to build bombs and kill people. he said that to an agent and thank god they arrested him but this is what we are up against in terms of criminals and terrorists coming into our country it's a national security issue. this is not an immigration issue. >> john: let's hope he did not try to claim asylum after making that declaration. we saw the video and we have seen similar video i guess with less violence of illegal migrants en masse trying to cross bridges and other border crossings, here's what congressman pete aguilar said or didn't say about this when our
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aisha traced them down. >> and you see this video it's pretty dramatic. >> i haven't seen the video but i.speak i am playing it right n. >> john: are they going the same strategy? >> look, we've had key votes in the senate the last couple of weeks you say why would democrats be taking this position to let the chaos rain down there with 9 million and counting coming in? i will tell you one of the reasons because the united states census counts people, not citizens and congressional district and the electoral college. >> john: elon musk was talking about this. >> we put an amendment bill saying the census should only count u.s. citizens, not just people for the purposes of congressional district allocation and the electoral college. every single senate democrat voted against that. that tells you a lot of what's going on right now.
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speed to the white house put up a statement we saw a moment ago they say we are grateful for the quick work to get it under control and apprehend the migrants so they clearly agree with you, sir, these people should not have been granted entry into the u.s. but they go on to essentially say had the border agreement they proposed or democrats proposed been put in place this would not have happened. >> that's absolutely false. look, president biden has to say something and the reason when trump was on the board of that same day was because he has a political crisis. i don't think they really care about the border crisis, he has a political crisis. he knows is the number one issue of the american people he knows it will doom his reelection efforts this fall. talk is cheap, if you want to solve the problem go right back to the policies president trump put in place, remain in mexico, told the mexican government this is how it will be and that will be an incredible deterrent for what we saw just now. >> john: related issue laken riley will it pass?
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>> i hope it passes. chuck schumer has control of that. i don't know if he wants to put that on the floor to make his members take a very tough boat, look -- >> john: 352-65, a lot of democrats. >> senator ted button i want a vote on that in the senate. i will tell you, had this law been put in place, it would have saved her life. it simply says if someone is arrested illegal in the country they are detained in jail until they are deported back to the country. that would have saved laken riley's life. >> gillian: for what it's worth i'm not sure americans knew that was existing law. >> the man to took that committed the crime went to new york and then went to an asylum state. it would mean she would be alive today. >> john: to tiktok band went
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through what you think will happen? >> this is a threat to national security, think of our young people are consuming an app. >> john: you think the up or down vote? >> it's up to schumer who is blocking that vote if he brings it to the floor of the senate it will pass overwhelmingly. >> john: why is he not bringing it? >> there's a back story for that as well. but that's another story. this is a company owned by the communist party of china that is controlling the mind of the young people of america. >> gillian: and making everyone mentally ill at the same time. >> you're seeing what's happening right now the young people with tiktok messages saying they are talking about threatening suicide, they threaten violence around members of congress right now, coming through the tiktok at. >> john: senator, thank you for joining us, we will see you on the other side. happy easter. the white house holding a briefing moments from now after blaming chaotic border breach on
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former president trump. senator tim scott simply saying this is what innovation looks like. he will join us later on with the reaction. >> gillian: plus a tragic end to our's search for the missing college student steve harrigan is joining us what can you tell us question might >> a parent's search for their son for the past or go weeks ended tragically this morning in tennessee. i am steve harrigan in atlanta, that story had. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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when he was moving the barge. 22-year-old college student from university of missouri, riley strain, who was in nashville celebrating with some of his fraternity brothers celebrating a traditional spring of an. police say the body have the same shirt, same watch riley was wearing when he disappeared turgor weeks ago. he was in a bar in downtown nashville at 9:30 p.m. and they kicked him out of that bar from being intoxicated and he told his friends he was going back to the hotel. police surveillance video shows him however walking in the opposite direction at times of stumbling and yet he had an interaction with a police officer captured on body cam video that he seemed to be coherent and, so those turgor videos showing different things but police maintain when they found the body there was no signs of any trauma. >> there are no signs of foul play at the riverbank. >> police had predicted turgor weeks ago that if he did fall in the river that body would surface sometime within the
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window between 14-20 days and today is exactly day 14. gone, back to you. >> john: sad end to that story, steve harrigan boris, thank you. >> gillian: the squatting crisis is turning deadly the tragic story and ask what happened to a woman finding two squatters living in her deceased mother's department plus this. >> this is like dress-up court with kids running some kind of halloween party with no adult supervision. getting the court involved for a second set of eyes. >> donald trump on a tight deadline to secure a bond in his new york civil fraud trial and he is making a big change to try to come up with the cash, new your republican commerce when mike waller here to react to that as well as congresswoman marjorie taylor greene making a move to oust >> mike johnson.
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$454 million bond or new york attorney general letitia james can freeze his bank accounts and sees his property. one of those properties is in congressman mike lawler's district was standing by to talk to us in a moment but first let's go to cb cotton with the latest, what is trump now trying to do to come up with the cash? >> hi, dylan, a big source of cash could be freed up now that his social media company which manages the platform true social will go public, but the potential windfall will only comb if the board of directors for the newly merged company waives the six-month lock period on trump's shares. at the board does this, the associated press reports "trump could receive eight sizable payout in the process, his total value could surpass $3 billion. "this developing comes after the legal team told the court earlier this week it had been impossible to get a bond to secure the nearly half a billion dollar civil fraud judgment
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against him. it appears new york attorney general letitia james has been gearing up to collect on a possible asset seizure. she registered the fraud judgment earlier this month. this area is home to two of trump's properties and this would allow her to get a lien against list properties in the future. now trump has asked the appeals courts to accept a smaller bond of 100 million while he applause a civil fraud judgment or allow him to not post one at all but notes decision has been made. real estate developer and former obama fund-raiser dawna peebles told fox this case will turn businesses away from new york. >> as this case amplifies it's very difficult to do business in new york and if you happen to be a successful, wealthy come onto printer, watch out because the government can be used to used to weaponize you especially if you get out of line and do something the far left does not like. >> while we wait to see what
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comes with the civil fraud judgment by early next week shares of trump's media company could begin to be publicly traded, gillian. >> gillian: cb cotton in new york for us, thank you. >> john: new york republican kurtzman mike waller is with us will get your thoughts on former president trump and what's happening to him and first marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to vacate the chair. here's what she said immediately after doing it. >> we need a speaker who supports all of us, not a speaker that breaks the 72 hour rule, will not let us vote on amendments or introduce amendments to major funding bills. >> john: interaction of the $1.2 trillion spending bill passing in congress with a lot of support from democrats. she has not made it official yet. may never come we don't know but your thoughts on what she has done here? >> look, marjorie supported kevin mccarthy so she understands how chaotic and destructive it is to vacate the chair. when matt gaetz and seven other
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republicans teamed up with 208 democrats to remove spea speaker mccarthy, they created chaos. and really were destructive to the congress, to the institution. and so i think this is unnecessary, i think it's idiotic, frankly. and i think it does nothing to actually advance the conservative movement or serve the american people. the bottom line is we are in a divided government. we are not going to get everything we want. chuck schumer is the senate majority leader, joe biden is the president. the only way to really advance the conservative movement is to win elections and doing stunts like this actually undermines our ability to win elections. >> john: it will probably get her reelected. >> in an r plus 30 but the difference between having a majority and not the seat is like mine, joe biden won my district by ten points. my voters understand me, i am running against a socialist mondaire jones who supports defining the police, open borders, and the like.
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but it doesn't help the conference and it certainly doesn't help the country when we engage in this interparty fight. >> gillian: when she says -- i mean she took great pains in this press conference a couple times to say i am not doing this to create chaos periods i want to g.o.p. leadership in the house. i want it to stay intact, you do not think she was being insincere? >> i will not question her sincerity. the bottom line here is this. we have already been through this process. kevin mccarthy was doing a very good job speaker, frankly he was running circles around joe biden and chuck schumer. but we wasted a lot of time and undermines the ability of the conference to get things done. for my colleagues that are upset about the deal negotiated here, they have to look in the mirror. when you vote down rules, when you undermine the conferences ability to negotiate, in a divided government you are obviously weakening the speaker's hand. doing this motion to vacate will not fix anything. in fact, it will make it worse
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periods we need to focus on issues. >> john: easy to say but it's not practical sometimes to do so. i want to ask you about something in your district which is letitia james moving to seize donald trump's assets, the first one she has her eyes on is the seven springs golf resort and private residence. will put up on the screen all the potential properties she is looking to go for, what do you make of what she is doing? >> three of these properties are in my district. east fish kill, hopewell junction, briarcliff, seven springs, and look. you have to allow due process of law. i think to try to seize his properties is unconstitutional and un-american while he is appealing the judgment. and i think it is wrong. this is a woman who campaigned on prosecuting donald trump in 2018. >> so she wants a trophy? >> yes and it's wrong, that's not what a prosecutor or what an attorney general should do. you are here to uphold the law come you are there to represent
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the people she takes such glee and joy in this it is really disturbing, frankly. at regardless what one might think about the former president he is still entitled to due process of law. i don't believe these properties should be seized and he has every right to appeal this judgment which anyone who watched that trial recognizes that a judge was irrational in so many of his decisions. i do think a lot of this if not all of it will be overturned on appeal. >> gillian: what about the idea of a fire sale that has been widely debated in the media this week? do think it's reasonable or unreasonable to expect the former president should sell off one of his properties quickly and maybe even undervalue it to make this bond payment? >> listen, in this economy where you see the cost-of-living has skyrocketed, where inflation was at record highs, i don't think it is fair to ask anyone to enter into a fire sale.
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and the reality is the appeal is pending. there should be due process of law based on the report, obviously he may have a cash windfall that helps us and dumb execute the bond secure the bond of social but what piqued my ina comment of a business manned the are reticent to do business in new york. they lead in outmigration from wall street is fleeing new york they have a budget shortfall. it has a tax revenue shortfall because of the disastrous policies, the high taxes, the high regulatory burdens that are placed on businesses. when you do things like this and you make a move to seize property, to fulfill a judgment while an appeal is pending, i think new york is going to continue to lead the nation in outmigration and no matter what i don't think it will fulfill their budget shortfall in
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new york which is a result of the disastrous policies that get enacted by one party rule in albany. >> john: another thing burdening is the squatting problem which seems to be out of control particular when this woman from spain, nadia patel, was killed in her apartment, her mother's apartment bequeathed to her when she came back into the city to check it out, she walked in on terkel people who were living there. they allegedly killed her, stole her car, it was fun in pennsylvania and they are on the run from the police. the police obviously anxious to find them. we are seeing increasing amounts of violence. people who owned the place is getting arrested and squatters being kicked out not happening. the bureaucratic red tape can congress do anything? >> i think we need to look at what can be done to uphold the constitution and protect people's property rights. you looked at a very simple truth here, cashel's bail and the policies that have been
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enacted in new york city and new york state related to property rights are insane. when you have people who are squatting in someone else's home and the person who owns the home is being arrested and this quarter has more rights to the home then the person the taxes and the utilities and the bills for that property, we have lost our minds in this country. this needs to change. >> gillian: sorry to interrupt but you are just saying that i was thinking of the irony you can squat in someone's apartment and claim some kind of residency rights. yet, as the owner you can no longer go on to airbnb and rent your own property to somebody else? it's that crazy. >> the restrictions that have been put in place -- >> airbnb is gone in new york. >> it's totally insane. with the state legislature wants to do is basically take away all property rights and prevent anyone from being affected. they want good cause eviction
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and enacted into law. so you as a property owner would have basically no rights to evict anyone regardless of whether or not they are paying their rent or not. >> john: congressman thank you for being with us, we appreciate it, enjoy and bring us back some san moore horizontal tomatoes. will it help him in the polls? fox news contributor karl rove on that coming up next. >> it really rocked her world for years afterwards and that she is now starting to get back to a normal life. what was the impact on your life? >> i mean i don't want to go oprah but i was experiencing suicidal ideation. >> gillian: we will look at her sits down with mark judge, he you may remember was at the center of the sexual assault allegations against justice
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speech a welcome back president trump still leading by men a lot if not most national polls move from one advantage his campaign and the dnc have over twice as much cash on hand as trump's campaign and the rnc let's bring in fox news contributor former white house deputy chief of staff with us, karl, thank you for being here. as we get more and more out of the primary phase into the red meat part of general election campaign, how does cash play here? is it getting more and more important between now and november? or less? or something else? >> no, money is important.
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it's not the end-all be-all. the quality of the candidates in their appearances on the campaign come their own personal messaging, the debates, those will all be more important but money will matter particularly in the election we are in where there will be a small number of battleground states, seven of them. the election will be settled there and fought there so having a cash advantage like the democrats have today gives the advantage to go up earlier and stay up longer and also gives them the ability to invest earlier in the ground game and voter persuasion voter identification and get out the vote efforts that are so important to winning. it is an advantage and we are eight months away and the question is do the republicans up their game and close that advantage to a more manageable level or not? and we don't know. it's not a good place for the republicans to be starting out. >> john: if you look at the polls versus piggy bank it's
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reversed because trump is leading in everyone the battleground states is marginally it's neck and neck but look at this in terms of fund-raising, by and in the dnc cash in hand $97.5 million, not quite $45 million for trump and the rnc. situation was reversed in 2020, carla, is it purely incumbency or something else? >> something else is going on the number of donors to to donald trump's campaign is radically different than terkel years ago in four years ago its way down. and a lot of money that goes into his apparatus, particularly funds shuttled through a group called "save america" goes to pay legal bills. compounding this is a point i made my thursday "wall street journal"." the state party organizations in these battleground states will matter in a democratic state party organizations and the battleground were pretty good-very good but the
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republicans have some real problems. nevada, arizona, wisconsin, they are disaster areas. and michigan the republicans forced out their chairman after she bankrupted the party. former congressman former ambassador the question is can he right the ship? parties will play an important role in the get out the vote effort. >> gillian: carl it seems pretty clear correct me if i am wrong that trump's bases by and large fine for the campaign and the reelection campaign to dole out money on his legal defense fund. i am curious how politically voting electorate.e restthe >> i'm not sure voters are paying attention to that issue but it's major donors in particular, some are saying to themselves why should i pay for his legal bills when he is a billionaire?
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i think that's more to be found in major underwriters who say i am not happy about having my money to elect republicans through the republican committee siphoned off to pay his legal bills and again, money is not the determinant. most times the candidate with the most money wins. they have the most money because they are a better candidate with the better campaign campaign and the better message and some built in message with the electorate not necessarily because of the money on money alone but it does have an impact particularly in this election with so few battleground in the quality of the get out the vote operations mattering so much. >> john: i want to ask you this get out the vote operation not only are democrats great at making money unless this social deal comes through then he will be rolling in cash but the are really, really good at collecting ballots. they get people out to vote early so come election night we see situations like we did in 2020 where when the early vote and the absentee ballots were
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counted it reversed the trend of the night. what are republicans doing to combat that this year? they really had a terrible game on that up until now. >> look some state republican party's do a good job, florida in particular does a good job of it. in other instances, the candidates of the party do a good job of it. in 2020 we had a great operation here in texas superintended by our senior senator john cornyn. in 2022 we had a good operation shepherded by our governor running for reelection and as a result republicans did very well in the early vote which in texas is about 50% of the total votes cast. so it really is a mechanical issue. the problem is that you have to have money to get the headquarters, get the data, staff the operation, provide the materials, paving the text messages, pay for the mailings, and it's expensive. republicans have a lot of good volunteers in the federated
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republican women's clubs, you have to have some resources to pull together and you have to have leadership. as i say their republican party organization is in a number of battleground states are utter in unmitigated disaster is an very much time to turn it around. >> gillian: okay, carl, we have to leave it there great to see you, thank you for taking time. >> you bet. >> john: dire forecast, attorney general merrick garland pressed with questions on the robert hur report specifically the parts about president biden's memory, wait till you hear how you responded. >> gillian: plus california is cracking down on shoplifters or will policy interfere? that next. 's because it's easier to steal sometimes retailers that happen so they can't keep up with it and they don't report it so it isn't easy crime to get away with. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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>> john: a lot of democrats were shot that merrick garland would've allowed the report to go through without any cuts to the reports about joe biden's age or faulty memory. justice correspondent david has more on this, how is the relationship between the
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president and the attorney general these days? >> publicly it seems to be okay. privately it is a little icy and a little strained especially since he has taken office terkel years ago. three years ago now in early '21, early on president biden made a pledge, john, to give the justice department separate from the white house. some may say he has done a great job, others say that he has failed spectacularly. the report from former robert hur balance it rubbed the president personally the wrong way, comes about as memory calling him an elderly man, one example that they didn't like it and they made it clear garland appointed robert hur early in 2023 and even though hur included some controversial things about his memory he allowed it to stay in the report, here he is making some public comments about the re report. >> the idea that an attorney general would edit or
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redact or censor the special counsel's exultation for why the special counsel reached the decision the special counsel did, that is absurd. >> just last week hur himself testified about his report and the controversial lines about the president's memory. >> i did not sanitize my explanation. nor did i disparage the president unfairly. >> there are terkel or other special councils appointed by garland, jack smith looking into hurco cases with donald trump and marit weiss and two cases of hunter biden that note, i've special counsel since 2017, john from 2003 to may 2017 just one special counsel so we have picked up special councils a lot in the past five or so years. >> gillian: you get a special counsel, you get a special counsel, everyone gets one. >> john: the garland hit a hornets nest when he put that out unredacted.
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>> he didn't touch a-determiner. >> john: imagine what he would've stirred up if he had redacted it. >> he left it alone. >> john: david, thank you. >> gillian: we are watching the white house the briefing will start at any looking particularly today from more response to the border region el paso, texas, senator tim scott will join us to explain why he called it a straight up invasion. >> john: if you are a football fan already frustrated by the referees you may want to buckle up, we will talk to a former nfl player on a fundamental part of the game that may soon be sidelined. free at visionworks! (shouting) how can you see me squinting? (shouting) i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey! see your tax refund go further with buy one get one free at visionworks. see the difference. (♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch,
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kelly subareas at a neighbor and chocolate sop outside of geneva, illinois. kelly how much do you think people need to plan to spend on candy this easter? >> gillian the natural retail federation is estimating that americans are going to spend over $5 billion on all of their easter needs with the majority of that being chocolate. and that is definitely true here at grams, we have a bunch of people here sta stocking up fore holiday a little over a week away we are with jamie wunderlich the ceo, when can we expect customers to see a price increase with a record high cocoa prices? >> we saw a 29% increase in our milk chocolate cost as of november of last year. really a 49% increase since 2021. we have not had a chance to pass it along to our customers as of yet, but we do see it potentially happening in the next couple of months. >> thank you, janie.


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