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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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[♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's healing formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. griff: vladimir putin announcing authorities have detained 11
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suspects in connection to the attack on a concert hall in moscow friday that killed at least 133 people and left hundreds injured. this comes days after the u.s. had warned russia that isis was determined to attack. welcome to "fox news live," i'm griff jenkins. aishah: i'm aishah hasnie. isis is taking credit for that dead i think attack which the russian president is calling bloody and barbaric and vowing punishment for those responsible. madison scarpino live for us with all of the latest details. >> reporter: russian president vladimir putin said this morning that he will find and punish anyone if involved in this mass murder. and security teams caught four people who were directly involved. [speaking russian] >> translator: i am addressing you in regards to a bloody, barbaric terror act that killed dozens of peaceful people that were not guilty of anything, our fellow citizens including children, teenagers, women.
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>> reporter: -- had been trying to cross the border into ukraine and tried to create a, quote, window to help them escape. but ukraine is saying today had nothing to do with this. the united nations is calling this a heinous and cowardly terroristist attack and also a says anyone if involved must be held accountable. witnesses say they were just watching the concert when suspects wearing camo burst into that a concert hall. the attackers started shooting people and throwing bombs. people inside were pushing, screaming and running for their lives. >> translator: i could not sleep. id had such a headache. today all that happened is in my eyes, in my ears. this is pain. this is pape. >> reporter: this morning rescuers were still searching the ruins of the concert is hall. the roof collapsed early morning. the moscow may ea your canceled all big events in the capital
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this weekend, and putin has a declared tomorrow a national day of mourning. and and you guys mentioned this attack comes just two weeks after the u.s. embassy many moscow -- in moscow warned american of an increased risk of terrorism. that warning said that attackers may go after large crowds, and they specifically mentioned concerts. back to you. aishah: madison scarpino, thank you. men time, new reaction from the -- meantime, new reaction from the if white house. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with what the administration is saying this morning. lucas? >> reporter: well, aishah, isis' branch in afghanistan is taking credit for the attack, the same terrorist group that killed and americans during the -- 13 americans during the u.s. military's evacuation. the attack took place during holy month of ramadan, john kirby smoke to martha maccallum yesterday. >> there were warnings about concern of this kind of activity. we have no indication, no sense
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at all that the ukrainians were with involved in this in any way, shape or form. >> reporter: interviews of some of the alleged terrorists are on social media, one man said he did it for the money. and the white house says they warned moscow and shared chatter they were hearing about a potential attack earlier this month. here's a statement saying, quote, earlier this month the u.s. government had information about a planned terrorist attack in moscow potentially targeting large gatherings to include concerts which prompted the state department to issue a public advisory to americans in russia. the u.s. government also shared this information with russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding, quote, duty to warn point here is that public warning issued by the state department on march 7th warning about reports the u.s. embassy e in moscow is receiving that, quote, extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in moscow including concerts and u.s. citizens should be advised to aside large gatherings for
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the next 48 hours. this same branch carried out an attack back in iran in january. isis used shia muslims as apostates, and isis has long held the kremlin responsible for killing muslims in chechnya and syria. aishah: lucas tomlinson is, thank you. griff: we're fortunate to have with us the former positive cow correspondent for the financial times, david satter. david, thanks for being here. i want to play for you putin has responded, making public remarks. here's some of what he had to say. [speaking russian] >> translator: all four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack, all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and and were mauving towards ukraine where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the ukrainian side to cross the state border. griff: so, david, a window was
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prepared for them, putin says. obviously, pointing the finger now to ukraine. your thoughts. >> well, they're trying to use this terrorist attack for the purposes of their prop if began da. propaganda. they're quite shameless about a this. they understand that there's no evidence to back this up, and it's wholly implausible. it doesn't matter. this is what they're going to tell the russian public because they're -- they don't want to waste this terrorist attack. they, which is, of course, emanating from afghanistan, from the islamic state and province. on the contrary, they want to use it for their main goal which is to continue the war against ukraine. the fact that people have been killed in moscow is something that they couldn't care less about. they are wasting lives in ukraine at a much greater, on a much greater scale than anything
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that has taken place in moscow, as tragic as it is. and, listen, you know, there is overwhelming evidence that they carried out terrorist attacks against their own people in the past. griff: well, you certainly know a lot about this. you've written about this. and for those of us old enough to remember back in the '900s, the bombings -- the '90s, the bombings to start a war with chechnya. >> this is how putin came to power. he would have had no chance of becoming president of russia without blowing up those buildings. and the evidence that it was carried out by the security services is overwhelming, and it's the incontrovertible. st the greatest mistake of our policy -- it's the greatest mistake of our policy that we chose to ignore if it or not to face the truth at a time when we could have done something about it. now we face a real menace from putin. griff: david, i want to see what you make about -- so as lucas tomlinson, our reporter there at the white house, was showing this warning back on march 7th,
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an imminent threat. at concert areas. but yet on this past tuesday, literally putin publicly dismissed this warning, calling it outright blackmail, saying that this is just the west trying to destabilize our society. what do you make of his dismissal? >> i think that they are so concentrated on their aggression toward ukraine that they don't want -- that they are filtering out information about a threat to russia itself which could, of course, is have the effect of convincing a lot of russians or at least the raising the possibility that that they don't need to engage in an overseas adventure or an attack on another country because there's a danger that a they have to face in their own country. they wanted to dismiss that. they weren't willing to think about it. they may have fold it up to some degree, been followed it up to some degree, but you can't guard
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every concert site is, every public venue in moscow. and when they failed, of course, the first thing that they want to do is find a way to use it in the service of their main goal which which right now is to attack ukraine. griff: if there was an independent media, a real media in russia, would that dismissal and and now this aa attack play differently? >> well, of course it would. but there is no independent media in russia. what independent russian-language media exists is functioning from outside the country. and people who try to investigate are handicapped by the fact that they don't have direct access to the evidence. now, every once in a while a military blogger including the bloggers who are very nationalist and pro-putin
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occasionally publish truthful information about security threats. it's possible we'll getting something like that in response to what happened here. but you can't replace a functioning, independent press when it comes to investigating in this type of malfeasance, this kind of negligence. griff: last question because we're about out of time -- >> yeah. griff: that is, could we see this again? should the russian people be thinking another one may come? >> i think we're very likely to see i again, because the islamic state is growing stronger if afghanistan, and they have direct access to russia through tajikistan. they will not have a difficult time targeting other russian cities, and that will to a certain extent complicate the
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version -- the holy crusade that the russians are trying to impose on the country against ukraine with. griff: lastly, i told you last question, i lied. very quickly, is there any part of you with the experience that you have and your knowledge that doubts the authenticity of the isis claim? >> no. no, i think this is consistent. they advertise their claims, they prepared on social media for weeks before this happened. for some type of an attack on russia. and in this case, i certainly trust our intelligence. because we would have intelligence both from, both in the middle east and maybe from the taliban because the taliban is an enemy of the islamic state. griff: yeah. david satter, we've got to leave it there. thank you for taking time to come into the studio today. sure. given give aishah? aishah: well, just wreaking now, president biden has signed that $1.2 trillion spending package to avert a government shutdown.
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but the capitol hill drama may just be getting started as congresswoman, republican congressman marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to vacate the speaker right in the middle of that vote. madeleine rivera is live on capitol hill with the latest on that drama. >> reporter: hey, good afternoon, aishah is. that's right, still a lot of drama. but make no mistake, this is a major, make your moment for this congress, finally fully funding the federal government through the end of the fiscal year. the prospects of this $1.2 trillion package appeared dim late friday. some senate republicans wanted amendments related to issues like the border, migration and the laken riley act potentially putting vulnerable democrats who are up for re-election in november many a tough spot. shortly before midnight though, lawmakers reached an agreement that allowed them to expedite the bill's passage. >> it's no small feat to get a package like this done in divided government. these past few months have shown
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yet again that when bipartisan has room to work, webbing e get the job done. >> reporter: the senate syncing up with the house overnight sending this bill to the president's desk with a 74-24 vote. it funds key agencies including the departments of defense, state and homeland security. but the legislation also comes with some degree of political pain for house speaker mike johnson. angry with how the vote went down in the house, the lack of border provisions and the number of earmarks in the bill, georgia congressman marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to oust johnson. it's not privileged meaning it's not an immediate vote to remove johnson. still, her effort not getting a lot of support from republicans. >> i adamant if lu disagree with what she's trying to get done here because it seems to me it's more of a publicity stunt than actually reality on what and how to move this country forward. >> reporter: greene hasn't mentioned a time frame as to when or if she'll take next steps. the house is out for the next two weeks. aishah. aishah: okay, maddie, thanks so
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much. what this all means, let's bring in our political panel now, and that is louisiana talk radio host and gop strategist and former biden surrogate kevin walling. jeff, kevin, thank you both for joining us. we appreciate it. okay, so this is like déjà vu all over again. we lived through this for weeks and weeks and weeks of trying to find a house speaker in the fall. you know, marching arely taylor greene, even though she kind of pulled a matt gaetz here, she says republicans have been telling her that they -- privately telling her that they do want a new speaker, that she's not alone in this. listen to this. >> i assure you, i'm not the only one. i have support on this from others in my conference, and it's not -- i'm not introducing this to throw the house into chaos. >> reporter: so, jeff, what do you think about this? i mean, what's her strategy here? >> well, aishah, thanks for having me. i think she is representing the grass roots that are just so unhappy with cutting deals with
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chuck schumer, spending $1.6 trillion, adding to the deficit, giving schumer and joe biden what they want. so it's just a lot of anger that the agenda of the gop is not being followed in congress. i don't think that mike johnson is going to be removed because there's been so much chaos over the past few months, i don't think there's an appetite for more. and, by the way, they keep shrinking. their majority is down to, like, one. so i understand what she's doing. she represents a lot of the grassroots. people are unhappy with the republican congress. mike johnson is not standing up. these bills are outrageous. what is included in them. we're adding to this incredible federal debt. we're adding incredible amounts, and we're knocking on the door of $35 trillion as far as our federal debt goes. so the are republicans are not happy with congress. i don't think this is going to end up with mike johnson being
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thrown out. there's so much turmoil and they don't have any numbers to work with, aishah. it's horrible that these republicans are leading in the middle of a term -- leaving in the middle of a term that they were elected to and just saying good-bye. that makes me furious that these republicans, now four of them, have checked out in the middle of a term. aishah: there's widespread discontent. privately, they tell you we can't get anything done, why would we stay? kevin, i want to ask you about these democrats who are pouncing to try to take advantage of this now-vulnerable speaker in a a very fragile state here. to be true, truthful, marjorie taylor greene may never actually bring this to a vote. but they're certainly trying, the democrats are trying to get something out of this, specifically ukraine aid. >> listen, aishah, i love the owe yogi bear a rah quote at9 the outset. listen, marjorie taylor greene, speaking as a democrat, is a carnival barker, and that's an
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insult to carnival bark we ares. there is probably the impulse for many democrats to sit back, get some popcorn and watch this happen. this is not good for this country. we need a functioning article i branch of government, and i'm hopeful that you will see some democrats -- aishah: so, wait, do you think that the democrats regret kick deeing out kevin mccarthy then? >> i don't think they necessarily regret9 that. i think we regret not holding the house to avoid some of these issues because, again, to jeff's point, it's republican on republican crime here in the lower chamber. and and his point is a good one, you know? when the fact that mike if gallagher who was, you know with, an up and coming, you know, chaired the china committee, republican from wisconsin is saying i don't even want to stay here through january, that speaks volumes about the dysfunction within the republican caucus. and i think it bodes well for for a speaker jeffreys come january. aishah: i want to get back to you, jeff. >>, on especially gallagher leaving and also ken buck at a
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midnight last night if officially is no longer a part of the gop conference. so that presents another headache for speaker johnson here. here's the balance of power as it stands now with ken buck out. still awaiting mike gallagher to leave, but here we are, 218-213. republicans can only lose 2. but on april 119th when gallagher leaves, they can only lose 1. i mean, jeff, who would want to lead this small majority? >> it's amazing, aishah. they started at 2232. let's go back a little bit -- 222. they kicked out george santos. i don't believe they should have kicked out santos. end then mccarthy leaves. ken buck leaves. now mike gallagher is leaving. so 217 is not a majority of 435. 218 is. so we've got some special elections coming up. i think these people that leave during the middle of a term should be forced to pay for the
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special elections. now, gallagher did it in a way where they're not going to be able to hold a special in wisconsin, so that seat's going to remain vacant until the end of the term, and those individuals will not have representation in congress. that is just atrocious. i'm hearing rumors there could be another republican leaving before the end of the term. they might as well just with give it to hakeem jeffries at that a point -- >> music to my aeros, let's do it. aishah: we're going to expect more republicans to leave which would really put them in crisis here. quickly, i want to move on to the race for the white house, a different kind of house, and this new report that came out. the numbers, the fund raising numbers are out, and former president trump is trailing president biden in terms of cash on hand by a lot are. kevin, i'll get to you first and then, jeff, you can have the last word. >> yeah. president biden's campaign is firing on all cylinders. this should be a wake-up call to republicans. the enthusiasm you're seeing, the fact that the president
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raised $10 million just in the hours alone following the state of the union should give all the republicans pause. you know, the president was traveling to six different battleground states, michigan, wisconsin, opening those field offices, that's what that early money can do in terms of fueling that field effort. $30 million ad buy to reverse some of the polling, and we've seen even within our own fox news polling, arizona and pennsylvania trending towards the president now because of that. aishah: jack, very quickly, your reaction to that. >> well, yeah. i mean, or trump also has all these legal battles he's going to have to allocate funds toward. the rnc had troubles with with ronna mcdaniel. here's the difference, biden's policies are so terrible, he's so up popular that president trump doesn't need as much money as the democrats. he's the most recognized figure in the world. people know him, his record is positive, so that's going to help him get through this. the financial advantage will be to the democrat, republicans have the success of the trump administration versus the biden administration, they can make
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that point in this are upcoming election. aishah: he is certainly stronger in the polls as of right now. jeff and kevin, thank you very much for joining us. have a good saturday is. >> thanks, aishah. griff: great discussion, aishah. meanwhile, we're getting brand new numbers on the migrant crisis. we'll take you live to the southern border next. ♪ dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno®
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aishah: kate middleton shocking the world this week with her cancer dying know sis. in a video statement released yesterday e, the princess of wales has not been seen in public for months after an abdominal surgery in january leaving a lot of people out there speculating on what happened. stephanie bennett is live from bucking ham palace in london with the latest on kate's condition. hi, stephanie. >> reporter: hey a, aishah. yeah, this viewed owe that they posted last night is hoping to squash some of those rumors. the 42-year-old princess did reveal she is undergoing chemotherapy and is in the early stages of that treatment. the detail remain very limited, so we do not know the type of cancer or what stage it's in. you may remember back on january 17th she had undergone a planned and successful abdominal if surgery which at the time they believed her condition was noncancerous. however, further tests found cancer had been present. she said she's getting stronger every day.
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>> i think it's great that she came out and just made a public statement so that people know that she's doing okay and what's going on, and, you know, i the all -- we all a just send is her well with wishes especially with her young children. >> reporter: yeah. and we've been seeing people all day coming here to buckingham palace, giving well wishes and hoping for a speedy recovery not just for kate, but also the king as well who is also battling his own chemotherapy with his cancer that was diagnosed just a couple months ago. for now, a speedy recovery to all. irish saw? aishah: exactly. thank you very much, stephanie. griff? ♪ ♪ griff: all right. from buckingham palace today board -- to the border we go. february saw record high numbers of migrant encounters. nate foy is on the ground there with the latest. of hey, nate. >> reporter: hey, griff. yeah, another chaotic week here at the southern border punctuated by those record-breaking numbers from cbp. and this comes as tensions
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continue to rise specifically in el paso where for the second day in a a row migrants clashed with texas authorities. take a look at this video from yesterday. on one side of the fence, you see migrants. on the other, national guard. the migrants are trying to tear down that razor wire fence and get to border patrol. this is where over 300 single adult migrants pushed back texas national guard soldiers while rushing the border wall on thursday. one migrant faces a assault charges for that. but border patrol processed the rest of them under title viii. that means they get a notice to appear in immigration court and then are released into the country. here's the white house press secretary talking with our peter doocy about that. >> so two things, everyone was apprehended by the border patrol if agents. that is important to note. they were apprehended -- >> reporter: were they deported? >> they were apprehended. i can't speak to individual cases. >> reporter: cbp data shows border patrol if processed 383 venezuelans specifically after
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that surge. for perspective, griff, last possess call year over 335,000 venezuelan ares were enencounter add to the border, only 834 of them deported. and more than that right now, venezuela isn't accepting deportation flights. new cbp numbers, take a look at this, also show over 189,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in february alone. that's the highest february ever recorded all this as texas awaits an appeals court ruling on senate bill 4. it would allow texas to arrest and deport migrants without turning them over to border patrol. now, border patrol also continues making drug busts nearly every single day. so far just this month, griff, agents have seized $25 million worth of drugs including over 300 pounds of fentanyl. back to you. griff: that's a lot of drugs. nate foy live on the border, thank you. aishah: well, as california spends hundreds of millions of dollars in hopes of tackling the
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state's retail theft problem, the lapd says shoplifting rings have now jumped 80% from 2022 to 2023. christina coleman is live in los angeles with more on this story. hi, christina. >> reporter: hi. yes, we embedded with the l.a. county sheriff's department organized retail theft crime task force as they busted a major fencing operation and recovered thousands of dollars in stolen merchandise in if an area plagued with homelessness, rampant truck use and crime. drug use and crime. >> come out with your hands up. >> reporter: what lookeds like a shopping center is a hidden storefront for a retail crime ring according to deputies. dozens of l.a. county sheriff's deputies swarmed the area late at night detaining several people including a man they believe is helping run the operation. once inside, investigators are removed more than $300,000 worth of stolen goods from toiletries and makeup to clothing, or even
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chocolate, items they believe were likely swiped off shelves during smash and grabs and other thefts. they say it's likely being sold in bulk to others for a fraction of its value. deputies say the stolen merchandise came from places like cvs, walgreens, she fora rah and in order strum. >> -- nordstrom. >> they can't keep up with it and they don't report it, so it's an easy crime to get away with. there's a lot of things stacked against us in california. i think people tend to think that the laws are soft when it come the these types of crimes, and they're probably right. so we have some work to do the with legislation to get some of the laws changed. >> reporter: speak of change, a bipartisan effort is now underway in california to change a policy. proposition 47, a criminal justice reform measure which many have long said is contributing to the state's rampant retail crime. since last october this retail task force has made more than 500 arrests and recovered more than $8 million in stolen
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merchandise. aishah? aishah: chris sustain that coleman live nurse out of l.a., thanks. griff: new reaction coming in from around the world after princess kate announces her cancer diagnosis. that's next. ♪ because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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have been talking about how it wasn't just friday. we had quite a week for the royals. >> absolutely, griff and aishah. you know, let's just back up. we started last week with a photo of for mother's day of kate hid -- middleton with her three children that we found out, of course, was doctored. and, in fact, the associated press told media outlets to drop the photo. kate middleton the offered an apology for it but, goodness, does she really go on instagram? i can't even imagine. and then on monday of this past week, king charles, there was a fake document that said it came from the palace that king charles had passed. the palace had to go back and clean that up and say, no, king charles is, in fact, alive. so then in the middle of the week we saw the video or photos of prince william and kate middleton at the store. so everybody's like, oh, wait, there she is. and then we got the very humbling announcement from kate
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middleton yesterday that she had been diagnosed with cancer which hits the chord collectively of prince william having lost his mother. and i'm just going to bring that up from running that again through my media lens and that perspective. and the palace isn't always great on handling news because way back when in gen-x expect boomers remember this, but when queen elizabeth did not acknowledge that princess diana had been killed for about a six or seven days, it was, the like, what? and i think even in this announcement even to though, of course, the royal family has the right to privacy as i believe everybody human does, but the royals -- and billie eilish would sing -- they also are in service to their community. so when you have a public life, sometimes you have to participate in, with the plifnlgt and i think even with this outcry that we're all discussing ask and everybody is experiencing even though kate middleton is asking for, you know, the respect of her
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privacy, it is hitting the nerve of everybody who's dealing with a cancer diagnosis with their family, every mother of young children of we're hearing way too much about cancer in the beginning, and so much of the public wants to go through the process with the family because if they feel like the family is, in fact or or theirs. irish iewsh i think that's such a great point. i was telling people about my own mother who had colon cancer and had very, very tough abdominal surgery and, after that, preventative chemo, whatever you want to call it, just to make sure there's nothing there. and that was a very anxious time for -- we were adult children, but with we were stressed out until she got the all clear. and i think this moment, i mean, you've got to think a lot of people at home are feeling shameful for the way -- >> oh, or absolutely. aishah: -- they were spinning these stories on tiktok and instagram, everywhere about are they, is he having an affair. it went on and on and on. i mean, it just got away, it got out of control. >> you know, this -- and the
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royal family has had to deal with this for, you know, as they did when queen elizabeth i would disappear with illness, you know? the u.k. and everybody was, like, where is she? is she dead? so we're looking for the participation. i mean, the brits have, you know, the royals, we end up with the kardashians, you know? and everybody wants to know. with the royals i would also say they're facing -- king charles has got cancer, sarah, duchess of york, has cancer, and of course, now we have learned that kate middleton has cancer. so it's a trifecta of cancer hitting a family that we feel is immune from anything, and, you know, we're learning, of course, again, a reminder that they are human too. griff: and they're not immune to family bouts and rifts. one of the most stunning things we've learned in the last 24 hours is harry and meg meghan -- meghan wouldn't given advance
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warning. >> ooh ooh, poor form. that's unnecessary. is that the a really necessary, to do it that way? yeah, i find that shocking. i do see also that cade -- kate middleton's younger brother james issued a statement of support. one could also wonder if he learned about a it the same way. again, when you live a life of royalty, you know, you can come to expect that people will want to, want to know more. and also, again, i'm going to hit that, you know, she's princess diana's age. we all watched princess diana with two young boys. i think that's the central nerve, kate middleton's young. she's very popular. she's not like prince harry's meghan markle at all. she's very popular. everybody is expecting her to be queen, they want her to be queen. i think she's even more anticipated to be queen than camilla. and, could you imagine the irony of with where camilla sits right now at this time period? if. aishah: yeah. i think nile gardiner said it best, the monarchy still very,
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very strong. it's hard not to look at them though, there's so few members that are actually working that it feels like the monarchy can is fragile. he definitely insists that it's still strong. what do you think? >> oh, i think they're survivors. are you kidding me? [laughter] i think -- and i have to think there are architects. so i don't -- they will, this will be to their advantage at the end of the day. griff: jackie jordan, thank you very much for taking time today. in thank you so much, griff and aishah. have a great day. aishah: okay. so as americans are warned to stay out of haiti, we're going to talk with a mother who is trying to get into that struggling country to see her own family. that's next. ♪ ♪ p you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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to not travel to haiti. the caribbean country has been wrecked by unrest as the capital city has been overtaken by violent gangs. finish. griff: and while most people are trying to flee the violence in haiti, one american missionary is trying to get back to her family in the community -- and the community they serve. amber -- i just screwed is it up. i wasn't going to do it. sorry, amber -- larry: [laughter] sorry about that. i was thinking about it, and i grewed it up. but your -- i screwed it up. your story is so important. explain. >> right. so i heft a few weeks ago just to come for a quick trip with my adopted son, and then i was going to go home and then this happened. my husband is there with our 11 other kids, my youngest being 4, my special needs daughter who's completely dependent.
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the u.s. state department has not been willing to issue travel or tourist visas for those in the adoption process, and so i don't want to be away from my kids. i don't want to be separated from my husband. i need to be with by family, and unless the state department is willing to give us tourist visas, i need to get back home. griff: and what are the conditions back home? what are you hearing in. >> well, it's kind of everything you're seeing on the news. this has been a going on for quite some time. it certainly got worse back in july when the president was assassinated. nearly -- [audio difficulty] griff: all right, we'll just see if we can get that connection. obviously, the technology sometimes gives us headaches -- [laughter] >> right. griff: okay, amber back with us. sorry about that. >> that's okay. griff: pick up what you were saying, the conditions on the ground as we hook at the footage of some of the stuff this week in port-au-prince. >> right. this is pretty typical of gang activity, blocking roads with burning tires, forcing families
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to flee their homes. these are the main areas of haiti, port-au-prince if in particular, but they've blocked all main travel routes meaning route number 1, 2 and 3, the routes in which we get our supplies in the area that i live from clean drinking water to food, to gas to run our generators so that we can have electricity. we're all finding it very difficult in our area to find supplies. and as an american family living in haiti, we have more resources than most, so you can imagine what my community, my neighbors and everyone around us are facing with poverty, with no food to eat, with not enough money to afford what's out there. griff: and, amber, you need help from the state department that it appears you're not getting. [no audio] >> t really, really difficult. it's been the most trying time. we've been there nearly 13 years, and this is not the haiti i once knew. griff: yeah. and, amber, if i could, we we heard if from florida governor ron desantis who made a statement here, i want the play
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it for you and have you respond. >> okay. >> it has been like pulling teeth to deal with some of these federal agencies. and the reality is you have an easier time getting into this country illegally than you do the just to be rescued as a united states citizen. how the hell does that make any sense? griff: what do you say, amber? [laughter] >> i'm laughing because i just said this yesterday. it would be easier to cross the border illegally than for me to get the legal process done from the u.s. state department allowing to bring my children who i've had for 9 and 11 years into the country the legal means. this makes no sense to me. it's frustrating as a law-abiding citizen, you know? we want nothing more than to honor the law of the united states of america, and we also want to honor the law of haiti. but the u.s. state department has made it almost impossible. griff: amber, i'll just give you the last 20 seconds. what would you like to say directly to secretary antony blinken? >> i would just like to say we
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need your help. we're families not stuck there because with we can't leave, we're stuck there because you won't let are us take our children. we're well over a 25 families in the same exact circumstance. we don't want the leave haiti permanently, we want to leave because you're asking us to leave because it's unsafe to be there, but with we will not leave our children in a war zone of we need your help. give amber, thank you for take taking our time. i apologize for botching your name, but thank you for taking time on this saturday. >> that's okay. i appreciate it. thanks, griff. griff: aishah? aishah: an important interview. torrential rains and heavy snow if flooding the northeast this weekend. more on that next. ♪
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griff: the fbi sending a letter to passengers from an alaska airlines flight where a door plug blew out saying they may be a possible victim of crime. the bureau says a criminal investigation is underway. the letter informed passengers about the type of services they are entitled to as part of the fbi's victim assistance program. the bureau e and plane manufacturer, boeing, declined to comment. aishah: the cdc on friday said the number of measles cases in the u.s. has risen to 62 which is higher than all of last year. in a health advisory they put
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out, the cdc is urging children and international travelers to now get a measles vaccine. griff: and watch this. a kite boarder in st. petersburg, florida, blown into the side of a pier on friday. the man was pulled out of the water by bystanders and was taken to the hospital in critical but stable condition. the area was experiencing wind gusts of about 36 miles an hour when the accident happened. but if you look closely there, just a terrifying slam into that pier. for those of us that spend time out on the watering you know, kite boarding can be very dangerous as you can see here. this guy's going at very fast pace, unclear how exactly how hard he hit that pier, but enough to be put into critical condition. fortunately, people there at the restaurant, dot ford's on this pier -- i've been on this pier before and and seen the kite
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borders, responded, got help and got him to medical care. but a frightening situation, no doubt. all right, meanwhile, major league baseball and aishah. aishah: i'll take it away. major league baseball launching a formal investigation into los angeles dodge's -- dodgers superstar, shohei otani and his interpreter. at least $4.5 million in wire transfers sent from his bank account to a bookmaking operation that's under federal investigation. now, he could refuse to cooperate in this investigation if as a member of the players' association. we'll wait to see what he decides to do. i just don't follow the dodgers. if. griff: i don't either -- [laughter] but with i can't wait to the follow you back on capitol hill. what an incredible last 48 hours really, and now mtg, i feel like
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we're about to go with right down the mccarthy path again. it's really stunning. aishah: to we may not. we shall see what she decides to do, but we'll have to wait two weeks while they're on easter break to see what she does. that's it for us for two hours, "fox news live" continues. i'm aishah hasnie.lici griff: and i'm griff jenkins, thanks for watching. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. [♪] did you know turbotax now provides you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish? try turbotax live full service. your full service expert, will do your taxes for you, as soon as today.
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