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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  March 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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health in ways that could last a lifetime. >> doctor anita phillips a trauma mental health expert the book is the garden within. thank you for joining us on the sunday night. i look forward to talking to you again. >> thank you, see you soon. >> thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. hope you have a great week ahead, next week find us on gowdy america were on the tray gaudi podcast. good night from south carolina. joining us we will see you next week.
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♪ >> i am joe concha with kat timpf, dagen mcdowell and jason chaffetz welcome to "the big weekend show", the big story tonight. former president trump 454 million-dollar deadline is less than 24 hours away, new york attorney general letitia james is threatening to seize real estate assets if he doesn't pay up all on her mission she campaigned on to be new york's top cop. >> i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day, suing him, defending your rights and going home. joe: fox news correspondent cb cotton is outside of trump tower wanted the property the ag is threatening to take over. >> this morning on true social former president donald trump going after those who brought the civil fraud charges against him new york attorney general letitia james and dodge arthur
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goren the former president writing on the platform the judge in the ag undervalued mar-a-lago at 18 million to create his fake narrative he is grossly incompetent and corrupt. i should have 0 fine. ag james took trump to trial an alleged trump, his company and adult sons were part of a decade-long scheme over evaluating properties to defraud banks and insurers the judge ruled in ag's favor and handed over the massive penalty plus interest trump must secure the 454 million-dollar bond for his appeal by tomorrow or the state can target his assets. democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez had this to say on cnn. >> this is my belief that all people should be treated equally under the law. i think there is risk and not seizing these assets in the open window that exist in him trying to secure the funds through
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other means we've seen a lot of interesting transactions happen with true social another means and there is a very real risk of political is not about being republican is not about being a democrat. it's about being unethical individual who is subject and prone to commonality and unfortunately this is the state that we are him. >> on "sunday morning futures" with maria bartiromo and exclusive interview the former presidents on eric said is been scrambling to help his father. listen to this. >> no one ever has ever seen a bond this size, everything a person thinking i get half a billion dollar bond, they were laughing they were laughing top executives of the largest companies had never seen anything of the size go to start seizing assets if he can put up something that's not available in the united states.
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>> eric trump went on to maintain his father's innocent blood former president has asked to waive the bond in the civil from or about him did not post one at all eric trump told maria bartiromo there still waiting on the decision and they're hopeful. a separate legal battle the former president returnees have asked the court they want to delay trump's hush money case the judge could make a decision on the request and the hearing scheduled for tomorrow. a lot to watch here. joe: let's hear from mitch landry he is the co-chair of the biden campaign and here's what he has to say about the whole case. >> the jury that matters the most is the american people on election day in joe biden is going to take it to donald trump in with him where it matters. people can take note the donald trump is out on bail right now
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and he's trying to find a bond and while were talking about how he's going to do that people should not forget the reason why he is on bail because he has 88 federal criminal indictments pending against him. >> jason chaffetz does this strategy work as far as painting donald trump is a criminal therefore he should not be president of the united states in 2024. >> democrats can do this to their own peril there is no victim the banks got paid in folder not completed about it, there is no body that is out there what did he do other than be donald trump. evan attorney general that pledged every day that she was going to go after person, not a crime, after person that is not justice in the united states of america. the more they do that to donald trump, the more they realize democrat have stepped far too far they've gone way too
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overboard donald trump is a political victim in an election year and i believe it's election interference, there is no victim here. >> charlie gasparino is reporting that president trump will come up with the money and if anything happens with the appellate court they will maybe reduce the amount of the bond to $100 million that would be my guess, andy mccarthy is thinking that because of what happened with the case but part of me thinks maybe the term camping in the family want letitia james to make a move on assets because it'll drive down the value of the asset. she will look like to quote stephen the new york post she will look like xi jinping going
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after seizing property out will because she feels like it. it will further drive businesses out of new york city and the state it it'll drive a stake through the hearts of the vampires who are democrat were running for office in november or to the abuse of power not only they use the statute but you don't even have to prove criminal intent there were no losses and no intent is not common law fraud it was a kangaroo court at its worse. >> are you with dagen and me, do you think that letitia james will go ahead and seize trump assets let's say he said i double dare you to take my property and take my money and everything that i built because politically that probably helps him on some level. >> it would definitely help them politically and i also think the
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whole thing is interesting and there's a refrain repeated is not above the law but the facts are this is unprecedented in everyone else's above whatever this is except for him. only one of two things can be true this is political and it will only be him that goes through this for this will be used to consult the people which should make people afraid and would make people afraid you were already hesitant to open a business in new york because of how expensive and its unforgiving climate for businesses in new york i think it could potentially help him and hurt her and as new yorkers a lot of us think a lot of empty storefronts. joe: led to from the former federal prosecutor he said the trump case is a miscarriage of justice.
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>> anytime with some of the power of prosecutor, d.a. anyone with power that can enforce the laws of the country when they stopped caring about the case at hand and they care more about making it difficult for an individual that they don't like then we lost the interest of fairness in the administration of justice brett tolman is one of the talented u.s. attorneys and he knows what he's talking about. justice in america is important is nonpartisan if it is equally administered but you have an entire class of people who believe in and balance right now and they're going after him because he is donald trump and the value mar-a-lago at $18 million are you kidding me that is a joke. >> the parking lot mar-a-lago is worth that. >> we heard from aoc what's legal and illegal, come on. the average person understands
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and when you can explain to the macon public what it is donald trump did that was wrong you do not have a case. joe: dagen i have to get your reaction, will this not ashamed that she did have a relationship with a man go ahead. >> i don't feel like my reputation re-needs to be reclaimed i'm not embarrassed by anything that i've done i guess my greatest crime i had a relationship with a man that that's not something i find it embarrassing anyway and i know i've not done anything illegal all while that was going on we were writing responsive briefs and doing the case in the way that it needed to be done. i don't feel like we've been slow down and there are efforts to slow down the train but the train is coming. joe: that's her first interview since his whole decision came down in fulton county georgia as far as her boyfriend beatable to prosecute the case. dagen: it was your plan until you got caught.
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she can always move to new york and run for attorney general. she has a resume. kat: i would watch the reality tv show that she started. joe: is that true. totally transparent. coming up on the jampacked hour of "the big weekend show". >> my name is joe biden and joe biden's husband. joe: do women roll bidens world, james carville thanks so as he tells dems to man up. >> that's bravery under whole different kind of fire. >> i employ you on your courage and bravery. >> is a media gotchas over justice kavanaugh's accuser his childhood friend who face the accusation of his own system with an exclusive interview with vaccination. a ridiculous way to land a
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dinner reservation by postcard that's next. ♪ billy: one second, grandma. this guy is going to buy my car. okay? grandma: you need carvana... entering plate number... grandma: no accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: generating offer... carvana can pick it up tomorrow! billy: that's an amazing offer. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana.
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>> welcome back to "the big weekend show", new details on the horrific terror attack at a concert in moscow putin calling the wording from the united states two weeks prior of a plan terror attack outright blackma blackmail. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with no reaction from the biden administration. >> marco rubio says a terrorist attack in moscow by the isis branch in afghanistan is one of the reasons why u.s. military should've never left the country is the same terrorist group that killed 13 american troops and over 170 afghans during the haitian withdrawal in 2021. here's marco rubio. >> it constituted itself as we warned him at the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. what are the reasons we didn't want to withdraw or sip initially you get them operating space to reorganize and plan
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externally and since that time they attacked inside of afghanistan. >> vice president, here's lane the attack on isis on better known as isis-k the afghan affiliate of the terrorist group and said ukraine had nothing to do with it. >> there is no whatsoever any evidence and what we know to be the case is isis-k by all accounts is responsible for what happened the white house warned the russians about the attacks weeks earlier and shared intelligent senator tim kaine running for reelection to virginia said that never would've happened if that was the other way around we will tell nations of or worried about their civilians russia or iran would never tell us if there's a terrorist attack in the united states. >> senator rubio said the southern border made to make sure terrorist attacks in moscow
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is not repeated in the united states. >> thank you what is causing bidens pulling problems democrat strategist james carville is blaming preteen females in a new interview the raging cajun says democrats are losing male voters because of the women telling them what to do using the suspicion there too many preteen females and don't drink, don't watch football don't eat hamburgers this is not good for you everything that you do is destroying the planet you have to eat your peas james carville has a way of framing things and he is pretty smart politically what do you think of the raging cajun. >> is watching gutfeld because
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greg and kat discusses lesson two weeks ago greg did a monologue about the affluent white female liberals in the democrat party in there so divisive the ones focused on making sure that your children have hormones because they decided at the age of ten and i'm not a boy, girl or vice versa something to that effect if you look at the numbers 53% of married women bactrim 64% of unmarried women backed biden but don't give james carville too much credit one thing driving reasonable women out of the democrat party is look at him the sleeves stack that's all you got if you want to get married, god almighty that's the best you can do the democrat party is that guy drag a hundred dollar
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bill through a trailer park, talking about paul jones he's the one who driven any reasonable man, woman and the other out of the dam party. kat: i do wonder if he was projecting out all like maybe a little bit because i don't know what kind of women that he said calling women females like these females, scott don't ever do that again, you should not project that onto the rest of us are never told anybody don't drink beer don't eat a hamburger. the way he made the point was absurd, these females won't let me drink beer and eat hamburg hamburgers, i want to know what kind today he had the day before that the medium say that. >> is kind of like that all the time but i don't doubt that he was watching gutfeld when he went to their. joe: i'm so glad i didn't get
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the first question on this one. you have to go to the females, the ladies on the set. >> that you know we don't think like that. >> i want your perspective first so i'm glad i got that from both of you. james carville is 79 years old and he sounds every bit of it. he was relevant 30 years ago the 1992 campaign, bill clinton he was on cable news into your point he demeaned the victims of bill clinton by the whole drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park. he gets rewarded by going on msnbc is saying a lot. here is the thing about people when we talked about this yesterday they're not categories, they're not groups are not demographics there is no female boat there's no hispanic vote, black vote it's all about do you feel inflation in food prices too high in bread prices too high in gas prices too high and crime to high and foreign policy you disagree with the border wide open. it's not about categories is
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about overall human beings not better off under this administration than they were four years ago and by four years ago i don't mean 2020 during a pandemic and beeper 2019 pre-pandemic. jason: one more quote from james carville if you listen to democratic elites, mpr is my go to place for that, the whole talk about how women and women of color are going to decide the selection. 48% of the people that vote are males do you mind if they have consideration. >> this is what greg's monologue was about this is the battle of driving men out of the democrat party and i'll point out one thing in all seriousness the labor participation rate among men has fallen it is only two thirds of men that are participating in the labor force and senses plummeted there is
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honor and dignity and work and when men do not work there's something critically wrong with this country, there is one party that stands up anything on for masculinity and is okay with it and there's one party that does not. >> labor participation rate really is the key metric. jason.joe: were working sunday . jason: you will need more than at the get through the doors of the dining maca foodies are forced to mail it in to get a seat at this table, that is next. ♪
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♪ ♪ what. kat: welcome back to "the big
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weekend show" prince william and princess kate say they're enormously touched by the outpouring of support from the public since announcing case cancer diagnosis, fox news correspondent stephanie bennett has said update from buckingham palace. >> the prince and princess of wales announcing a joint statement saying apart they are both enormously touched by the kind messages from people around the world and they are very grateful that the public understood their need for privacy at this time. for now it's likely we won't hear from the princess for a while as this was a what weight to arrest the rumors and speculation of remembering. kate revealed in her video that she is undergoing chemotherapy in the early stages of her treatment. the 42-year-old princess was seen sitting on a park bench in front of a field of blooming daffodils a flower known as a symbol of hope and resilience for cancer patients and survivors. an extract from the flower itself might also prove effective in the fight against
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cancer. originally kensington palace at the princess will return to facing duty sometime after easter but with the new cancer diagnosis, it is likely she will not return for quite some time. at buckingham palace, stephanie bennett fox news. >> now to this the kitchenette busy restaurants get a little hot. >> we're firing 76 beef 34 chickens, 12 french fries 12 mash. thank you. corner. kat: now to get a reservation at one of the most sought after restaurants in the country people have to go to the extremes for just a chance to have dinner in the last kitchen only takes reservations by postcard the restaurant staff pick the cards at random to see you actually get the table. >> i'm not intrigued.
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there picked up tree in them, would you actually do this. jason: the problem i have when i looked into it more power to them if you can run a business like that, it's $265 a plate, i have crap online because i bought a 90-dollar turkey to feed 20 to 30 people at thanksgiving, this is twitter $65 and i don't even know what's on the menu green beans i guess but i'm all for american business, that works more power to you. kat: gavin newsom paid in my calculation well north of $10000 to french laundry during tobit. i don't want in a restaurant with people who so desperately want to eat not restaurant. >> that's how i feel. dagen: you will have to sit next
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to them and they will say oh my gosh, this is so buttery. kat: taking photos of it. dagen: it is the annoying nauseating discussion of the meal by the people your dining with. kat: it said this was introduced december 2018 after being bombarded with phone calls, can i do this can i do this, with e-mails, can i institute a postcard only policy. >> cat we need you on "america's newsroom" tomorrow ascended by postcard that only makes sense. you could say this place is impossible to get into i sent in a postcard i ate there, you don't have to like the food it is a story afterwards that people want to be able to share. kat: 20000 postcards each season, 20000. dagen: how many are lost by the postal service. you can do this you can put a box outside of your office and
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you put a reply message like an away message saying i'm no longer responding to e-mails, if you have any complaints and comments there is a box outside my office you're welcome to drop a card in. >> what is that. dagen: i watch top chef it is a type of sauce. dagen: i watch about restaurants and food in chefs but i don't go to restaurants and eat food made by chefs. >> i'm an arby's guy. kat: it also says those that are selected uppers may be given a chance later in the season if other diners cancel so you're on call to go to this restaurant. dagen: is in maine. kat: said in a very small town a population of 700 people, you cancel all your plans, integrate marketing i'll give them that everything from restaurant to business to dating the more you make it known the more people will send you postcards.
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>> i think my wife will like this place. kat: you have to send a standard 4-inch by 6-inch postcard. geback to the whole economy of this town in rouen on this restaurant yet to stay somewhere nobody owns a home that this restaurant is a whole town's economy. joe: do you take your wife there? jason: no, i don't think so. kat: will i sound like a jerk to my wife for an elitist. >> straight ahead of "the big weekend show", no good answers there. >> let's drop the nuclear bomb on these people the day before the confirmation that seems dishonest to me. kat: a former classmate of justice kavanaugh reels against in the immediate reaction next.
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♪ ♪. dagen: welcome back to "the big weekend show" remember the moderna blowout on the alaska airlines flight, the fbi is telling those passengers they may be victims of a crime. christina coleman has update. >> an attorney representing 27 of the passengers who were on the alaska airlines flight he said even though they knew the d.o.j. bob sugarman on investigation into the incident they were stunned when they received a letter from the d.o.j. notified each of them that they could be a possible victim of a crime. >> when you receive a letter from the department of justice, it is a major development as an aviation lawyer the only time of
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two crashes of max a witherington 46 people died. i represented dozens of victim families on the two max eight disasters which was by the department of justice. the reason d.o.j. is investigating this incident even though nobody died is because we see a pattern of problems from boeing. >> alyssa boeing incident public scrutiny attire falling off a boeing plane as it departed from san francisco. despite these issues aviation maintain is still very safe to fly. >> should people feel safe getting on a boeing aircraft be that people should feel safe line, your chance of dying is one in a million and in the faa does a phenomenal job oversight and when all these instants we have to keep in mind the bottom line is the end result that
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nobody died. >> but when cfo said the company is taking confidence of action so they can move forward district the quality and build confidence. dagen: thank you. brett kavanaugh christine bossi ford is going on a book tour in the ladies on the view are eating it up. >> some of the men did not clap in this audience. >> to face those people the way they were looking in dealing with you, that is bravery under a whole different fire. i employed you on your courage and your bravery. >> kavanaugh's former classmate who claims witness everything is sitting down with vaccination and he is skeptical of her claims. >> because you say you don't remember that event or anything
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about it, do you ever in your heart of hearts think maybe she was telling the truth. >> not really, look at the context in which this came out thick someone who is telling the truth that an issue like that would've approached differently, let's drop this nuclear bomb on these people the day before the confirmation that seems dishonest to me. dagen: this is almost six years after brett kavanaugh was nominated in ensuing confirmation process. is anybody going to ask her, say chuck grassley's memo that was released in late 2018 that said the senate and the fbi investigation found no evidence to substantiate any sexual assault allegations against brett kavanaugh who including the one made by christine blasey ford. >> i do not believe her and i didn't believe her then and if
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you look at the senate investigation and fbi investigation and you have no witnesses and nothing also collaborated it dropped the day before the confirmation vote, i think the senate did the right thing and put them on the bench. i think is an honorable man and i think it's a tragedy what he went through to celebrate her the way that they're doing is disgusting. dagen: i want you to listen to another piece of sound from mark judge, it kind of goes to the liberal campaign and behind christine blasey ford at the time. >> in her initial letter describing what happened i'm referred to as mark g judge it's a byline as a journalist when i was younger, nobody calls me mark g judge, they call me mark judge unless you have research my past and you found them. joe: christine blasey ford that this was never about politics or
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publicity in here she is with the book during an election year, 2024 and going on a tour talking about something that brett kavanaugh said he never even met christine blasey ford let alone at a party yet our media is going to pick this up like the view, let's stop calling them the ladies of the view that implies class. she will go on all the shows and talk about something that no one can prove ever happen 0 evidence whatsoever that if you accuse the conservative in this case brett kavanaugh of something that happened 1982, how long ago 42 years ago and as long as you make the accusation that is good enough because is on the wrong team. dagen: what say you. my point in this is long ago, enough that people forget all of the evidence and testimony that did not line up with what
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christine blasey ford was claiming. >> it was long ago and i think counter to what two of you have said in terms of the media seizing on it, the view made a big deal about it. but i haven't heard that much about it at all. it's been a little bit quieter. this does feel like so long ago. i remember me to was the issue of the day overall i'm not just talking about this instance but overall it was a believe all women, me too and during this time when she first came out with this she was partying with gwyneth paltrow and having sleepovers with oprah and now it seems a lot quieter than it was back then because it went for me to to the race was the issue and i think as a society we would seize onto these things in a fever pitch and then there were two other women that came forward and it wasn't there was no evidence as were disproven the one woman said i made this
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up so i feel like i'm in a time warp to remember where we are now versus where we were back then. i know cove in the middle messes me up a little bit timewise but i think actually comparatively it's been quite quiet compared to the absolute fever pitch that it was at the time. dagen: amen. if you want to read mollie hemingway cowrote a book justice on trial and they go into a lot of the women who were critical during the kavanaugh hearing including dealing kaiser who is christine blasey ford friend under great pressure she did not want brett kavanaugh to be named of the court, she is a liberal but under great pressure she never changed her story and she said i cannot cooperate these claims by christine blasey ford who is my friend, there are a lot of women who stood up and told the truth, watch more of the full interview with
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kavanaugh classmate mark judge on a babysitting buzz kill overbearing parents don't think teens have what it takes to watch their kids anymore, because they don't. tomorrow morning on "fox & friends" trump codependent lawyer ashley merchant joints to talk about the cases against president trump, dvr the show if you cannot catch it live. ♪
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we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. it may not sound like it, but this... is actually progress at 225 miles per hour. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60% in all ntt indycar® series races. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. it may not sound like it, but this... is actually progress at 225 miles per hour. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60% in all ntt indycar® series races. ♪♪
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we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. >> welcome back to "the big weekend show", growing up everyone seemed to get job as a babysitter myself included we can get real jobs. >> it turns out babysitting not cool anymore because parents feel like babysitters of the when they need the babysitting.
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a columnist writing in the past few decades as intensive parenting has become a child-rearing idea across classes grown-ups have broadly began to see kids as fragile and in need of constant oversight between door younger teens might not seemed like comforting sources and protection. they might seemed like children in need of watching themselves. >> how well do you think you can babysit, what age. >> 13. kat: i babysat what i was in middle school and all of those kids are still alive. when i left them they were still alive. >> we had a 13-year-old, to babysit while there eight and ten but i don't mind it at all i cannot afford it, $20 an hour these kids charge and rightly so they could keep the whole thing i have a feeling that not reporting to the irs, overall the premises the story makes 0 sense to me. if you are like my wife that
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works as a doctor i'm here on a sunday night you don't have a choice as far as whether you want to have a sitter come in regardless of age because what you going to do leave them alo alone. kat: i do have a 12 round watch my cat because he requires too much attention he's most 14 years old would you let them watch her dogs. >> absolutely not this is what is different, this thing there walking the dog and the dog gets eaten by a larger animal. i'm serious they are on their phones. >> that's the biggest problem the phone but i'm not anti-teen i think it's actually good but you worry about how much time they get to do crazy things when they're distracted by the phone. >> the lassiter the first time at my house i said my kids are not to be on their ipads or watching tv i had sorry, no, the going to play games, play
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basketball, i don't want anybody including you on your phone, laid on the laws. kat: child and youth studies found that many babysitters have a pride in their craft in the earning ability in the little space of early teen hundred time of feeling awkward misunderstood having a job congruently dignity into be for your younger kid might be nothing short of profound, i don't know if i would go that far in terms of my own experiences. maybe a little bit. >> it to get a good experience in if he gets healthy and is definitely needed. i'm all for it. kat.dagen: work for real bossesd not jackass parents, go get a real job. kat: all the 13-year-old or watching this, the big four is next ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card.
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it is time now for the big four. our picks for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week or at least through monday. i will go first. during a visit to puerto rico vice president harris caught clapping along with a protest sound but simply stopped once an aide translated what was being said.
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♪ ♪ ♪ allegedly kamala why did you come here? a little disturbed comeuppance who probably think their lyrics are taps. back cooks jason go. >> give people talk about the vice president's role marco rubio teasing vice president see the florida senator says senats not spoken with donald trump about a position after report stating he is on trumps a short list or vice president rubio says whoever the former president picks should be honored. >> i think anyone who has offered the opportunity to serve this country by the vice president should be honored in a vice president is an important way to serve the country but i'm clear i've never talked to donald trump productive or talk to any went on his team or family or inner circle about
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vice president. >> i happen to think the big four, senator rubio, senator tim scott, john ratcliff and robert o'brien. those are my big four. think people are going to continue to talk about vice presidency. >> on a female or person of color question or. >> ongoing competency in those happened to be the four most competent people. looks like rubio, i like him. >> my turn. a luxury space tourism firm has enlisted a michelin star chef to create special meals served at a space balloon it's a most expensive meal costs and come home at this one, jason, $495,000. >> went to send a postcard? what's about half a mill and i hope i never have this kind of money. you have to do stuff like that you're just walking around dead inside all the time probably few can afford everything you do feel something you gotta go to space. i got chinese food waiting for me at home and i feel so alive going to be in virginia at two weeks or stick it to my on the website go don't miss it. >> if you don't go family
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members i will hunt you down. [laughter] >> kat's been time at chinese food for the past seven minutes. neighbors are pushing california men to hire security after his part of a group that won over 1.7 billion with the bee dollars playing the powerball jackpot. the friends are worried the man will be objected for his major winnings. look if i won powerball i do not want anyone know what's going on. when my house and the jersey shore up my sports bar in hoboken out my private jet and i want to be left alone with no one knowing i wonder. >> don't kidnap me i use the earnings for armed guards. >> yet when at powerful. gotcha. before you go to tune into bud light 6:00 p.m. monday through friday. me and sean duffy. that does it for i love kat. lever to the moon. ♪


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