tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News March 25, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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believing that we're going to get evan home soon. shannon: and you can show your support for bring evan home by using the x hash tag i stand with evan is. you can also get updates to free him at "the wall street journal," quick note, my if podcast has a new soaped today, i sat down with oklahoma republican senator james lankford and previewed a look at tuesday's abortion case at the supreme court. living the bream, wherever you like to get your podcasts. that's it for us today. thank you for joining us. i'm shannon bream. have a great week. we'll see you back here for the next "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ i love kat. lever to the moon. ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. thank you for being here but great guest allen west, david schoen one of the greatest legal minds in the country. i want to do a little history lesson in the present day applied to current events because this affects you each and every one of you. this is the document bernie sanders and biden and their reprobates put together about how they want to govern america. i called the new communist manifesto. when you go through this document you will see what i mean. in every aspect of our culture, our politics, our government, central government controls you, controls our livelihoods. controls our future parts of modern-day communist manifesto this is what biden's administration are doing in the democrat party. i told you before i spent last
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weekend on it. this is an autocratic party it is not a normal american party that supports our principles, our constitution and our processes. it's an alien entity. much of their ideology is imported from germany. given these fools do not know it but it is. i want to get to the issue of a property. and this affects you. what is going on today in washington d.c. and what is going on today in new york. the democrat party as a pretend justice system. eight justice system in new york. they have judges they have prosecutor sometimes they have juries but it is rigged. it is rigged against donald trump and anyone who dares challenge the status quo on the left in new york. he's paying a severe price for it. they want to steal all of his property pray they want to steal his building's right from under
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them. they are twirling clear media is twirling about it as a right to appeal they want to do it quickly because it they steal all of its properties and they sell to somebody else, pennies on the dollar even if he wins on appeal. even if he wins or the eight men with the bill of rights of the constitution and the supreme court he has lost his property. they used a law that was never intended to be used this way. they have a judge who is a complete fraud or they have a prosecutor should been disbarred based on ashram for office. eight radical marxist kook. all democrats. what does this have to do with you? i will tell you what this has to do with you. while this is going on joe biden his regime have issued regulation that will make the use of your car and the combustion while an impossibility. in other words they are destroying the automobile industry. they are destroying your vehicles, your choice of vehicles for the future. why are they doing that?
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i will get to that in a minute. they are also doing another thing. this past week they enshrined rules that will make it virtually impossible to build single-family homes in the suburbs. this is been a dream of theirs since obama was president of the united states. they want to control your vehicles. they want to control your homes. they want to control your neighborhood. they want more apartment buildings, condos and townhouses. they want to eliminate single-family homes. they want to control zoning from the hud housing and urban development building in washington d.c. in every corner of the country. they went to lay out maps that will determine where schools will be. you are a public park transportation will be, or your libraries will but they'll have to prove all these plans if you want any federal funding. federal any federal funding. it is an industrial policy that's really.
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i want to read something to you before go on. private property, what is private property? you see how it is being destroyed all across the country and in our cities. stores have to close, people's cars are being stolen the democrat party believes in confiscatory taxes you cannot even afford to live a certain way if you have a home or a business you costly hear them using marxist propaganda about the rich got to get the rich, gotta get the riches if that's going to help you. all it does is empower the government and the democrat party you do not see a penny of it. and so what is all the sworn thn property? your houses, your cars, your ceiling fans, your air conditioning systems, your dishwashers, your dryer, what is this obsession? it is everything. listen to this from james mattis. march 29, 1792 what is property?
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this a term in its particular application means dominion which one-man claims and exercises over the external things of the world. exclusion of every other individual. okay i have my house. it's a larger and it embraces everything to which a man may attach a value and have a right. which leaves to everyone else the like advantage. property is bigger than this. it is this. property in your beliefs. property in your morals and of course material property. the former sends a man's at land or merchandise or money is called his property. the latter sense a man has a property in the free communication of them. he's a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions and in the profession and practice dictated by them. he is a property very dear to him the safety and liberty of his person is it equal property
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and the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects an in which to employ t. a man is said to have a right in his property he may be equally said to have a property in his rights. or excess of power prevails property of no sort is duly respected. no man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties or his possessions. where there is an excess of liberty, mob accuracy the effect is the same. though from an opposite cause. government is instituted to protect property of every sort. as well that which lies in the various rights of the individuals. as that which the term particularly expresses this being the end of government that alone is a trusted government which partially secures to every man whatever is his own. right in your person, right in your faith, right in your property according to the standard of merit affording
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adjusts securing to property it should be sparingly, bestowed on a government a limited government which however scrupulously guarding the possessions of individuals does not protect them in the enjoyment and communication of their opinions. in other words when it really comes to your human being, government doesn't really protect that. you protect that. government becomes a problem. in which they have an equal in the estimation of some more valuable property. the democrat party radical left ideology the marxist ideology. government is more important than any individual right. or sparingly should this praise be allowed or man's religious rights are violated by penalties or fettered by tests or tax by a hierarchy consciousness the most sacred of all property conscious, morality. other property depending in part on positive law that is the exercise of that being an
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unalienable rights. the reporter from politico i think she was on msnbc what's all this natural inalienable rights we get a rights from congress and so forth. that is bizarre. to guard a man's house as his castle to pay public and enforce private debts with the most exact faith. can give no title to invade a man's conscience. which is more sacred than his castle. or to withhold from it that death and protection for which the public faith is pledged by the very nature and original conditions of the social pact. government you exist for one reason to protect the individual and make sure we as individuals live in a harmonious way. you do not get to steal our free will you do not get to steal our soul what you do not get to dictate morality we get that from a higher authority at that is exactly what is happening in this country under biden and the democrats. that is not a just government. nor is property secure under the property which a man has in his
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personal safety and personal liberty is violated by arbitrary seizures of one class of citizens for the service of the rest. a magistrate issuing his warrants to a press would be at its proper functions under appellations proverbial the most complete despotism. that is not a just government ignores property secure under it. arbitrary restrictions exemptions monopolies denied to part of its citizens that free use of their faculties. and free choice of the occupations which not only constitute their property in a general sense of the word but the memes of acquiring property strictly so-called. the memes of acquiring a home, a car, land, what must be the spirit of legislation were a manufactured is forbidden to bear his own child in the linen shroud or in order to favor his neighbor who manufactures woolen cloth for the manufacture and ie where of woolen cloth are again forbidden the economical use of
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buttons of that material in favor of that manufactured button of other matures in other words the government should not step in and ban or require and redistribute these rights which is exactly what is happening. it just security of property is not afforded by that government under which unequal taxes once pieces of property reward another species. arbitrary taxes invade the domestic sanctuaries of the rich and excessive taxes grind the faces of the poor. the keenness and competition of one are deemed insufficient and taxes are again applied. an unfeeling policy, government as another spur in violation of the sacred property which have it and decreed man to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow kindly reserved to him on small repose that could be spared from the supply and it goes on slightly. but i want to get into this. as it applies to us. when does the government have the power under our constitution to decide what kind of vehicle
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you can or cannot drive? where does the constitution give joe biden the power to decide what kind of air conditioning unit you can have in your home? where is the constitution give the government the power to decide what kind of dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, toaster, light bulb that you can have in your home. it's climate change i did not ask that question but did not ask about the propaganda. i did not ask about the ideology. where is the government authorized to do that in the constitution? no where. where they focused on the automobile? what is the obsession? the automobile is mobility. the ability to get in a car and drive wherever you what whenever you want. electric vehicles don't work that way, do they question what wwehave gas stations everywhere. they're in the infrastructure of the government did not create than the private sector created them. they have business after and of an owner of a gas station the system works beautifully for the government is destroying it. they insist that you use electric vehicles why? because of the air? not because of the air they are
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going to control the charging stations. where they will be, whether they exist they're going to control your use because obviously the grid cannot handle the power consumption it is an impossibility so they are going to control your movement. limited distances and things of that sort that is what is going on here. how do i know that? because the infrastructure is not in place. and they do not care it is not about clean air. it is about liberty the proper property, mobility the core some of the greatest inventions of any free country can get in your car and go. they do not want you to get in your car and go. home ownership they are destroying that they want to in the suburbs single-family home home with a white gate everybody has a dream wherever you are, wherever you live this is something you want they are trying to eliminate it. they wan want to salute and mord more intense areas where there's public transportation. we do not have freedom of mobility. they want to limit your ability to own land.
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why? your ability to acquire things outside of the government? that is why. and so public transportation, apartment buildings, june with the sounds like? ever see these pictures of the old soviet union under lenin's talent one massive apartment building after another. or have you driven through a particular impoverished area where there public housing, one building after another after another. that is what they are talking about. and why is that? it is much more easy to manage people who rely on you for permission. or all located in one place it is much easier to get a mob of people located in one place. should you wish to insist they do. this is all coming from the federal government the war and gasoline, the worn fossil fuels, the warrant single-family homes, who wethe word local control zo. worse the constitution a part of the democrats to do this?
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no way, what you think the founders of the country with think about this? something tells me they would reject it. you will notice the language is always equity. equity is the term that's been used by marxists since the beginning of marxism. equity. they know that equality is a possibility we are all individual human beings of property is the manifestation of your labor your intellectual labor and your physical labor. there are two things you do most of your life until you die sleep and work. they cannot control the sleep but they want to steal what you have created when you work. that is a form of indentured servitude to the state and fiscal tory taxes telling you what you can and cannot buy. telling it whether you can own a home. the reason you get so excited when you own a home finally i can own a home you have it automobile it's most and most
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expensive items you have. it's not just because they are beautiful. because you feel free and have accomplished something. this is mine and nobody can take it from eat what they are taking from you right now. equity, equity is the word they use. equity is the word that marxism uses the de- growth movement they are d industrializing our industries to industrial policies. they are taking out oil pipelines. they are taking out commercial fisheries. they are taking out functioning automobiles in a complex automobile system. they are destroying energy independence. i can go on and on and on. that is what is happening. circling back to donald trump the marxist and mentality i understand their differences but in the end it is the same you lose your property you lose your liberty. that's what is going on against donald trump and it is horrendous. they can do it to him they could
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do to anybody and they are doing it to anybody. they are doing it to you. they are not going to build own the automobile you want and travel as far as you want. and be inconvenienced if you do. it will be easy to track you are not going to be able to live in the home you want. or the place you want because the government is going to make those decisions. the government is regulating and controlling everything through the back door. through unelected bureaucrats through decisions made by potentates. like biden. biden says we are behind 1 million homes. okay let's build homes. no, no, no he wants a massive building program just like stalin had to do what? to build massive skyscrapers. to house people. and so they can control people and you will lose your freedom. that is the bottom line.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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assembly line? have ever planted seeds to grow corn? have ever driven an 18 wheeler? have ever laid one brick to build a building question mcauley's lawyers and career politicians, all these frauds and phonies are pushing this country into an ideological hole from automobiles, to homes, to the border. where did they get all this power from? is it in the constitution? works know, it's not in the constitution for its great to be with you, mark prater my smear quote from jon mason during the virginia it ratified convention for our constitution when he said nothing so greatly compels a man to guard the interest of his constituents and the certainty of return to the general mass of the people from whence he was taken. or he shall participate and share their burdens. our founding fathers never met first of career politicians they meant for us to have this political elitism and oligarchy. that is exactly what has happened in washington d.c. they are completely detached through everyday working americans they do not understand what it means to go out and pump gas or go to
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the grocery stores and things of this nature. they are not sharing or participating in the burdens they are placing on american people i think of that is going back to what you remember or recall from the old soviet union you had those people that were above that cut line a cutline ae else that was below it was basically them creating the laws and the things you had to adhere to but they did not have to adhere too. mark: isn't it amazing, to underscore your point we had this pandemic and were told the patriotic thing to do was to shut your businesses and huddle in the corner of your home. no social interaction and then the other 15 things the government was demanding we do for health of course. so they destroyed the economy for a period of time particularly in blue states. now if you shut the government for one day. one day or some bureaucrat goes without a paycheck for one day
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it's going to break loose chicken little the skies going to fall. doesn't this demonstrate the ruling class in washington? particularly the democrat party but not alone in the media. it is like a cocoon of unreality. they impose the will on all of the plebes out there in the country and they do not care you lose your home, you don't have a car, whatever it is. we want power, we want money and nothing is going to stop. what you are absolutely right we've got upside down and united states of america. you read and understand the declaration of independence and the constitution for the constitution is a restraining document. it is a restricting document on the powers of fellow government and that is what y why have theh amendment that says those things, those powers not specifically delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people. i'm so can you show me anywhere in the constitution anywhere the government has the right to be able to tell a private citizen that it's healthy they cannot come outside their home?
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are the government can tally business after shut it down. benjamin franklin warned us of this he said those would surrender liberty for security in the end old not have liberty nor security debts with the governments doing they have gotten beyond the can consider the cover they do not understand there are supposed to adhere to us but you are right the government is supplied by the resources of the individuals be at thbetthey can shut them down. the government based upon the fiscal irresponsibility is forced to shut down they go into apoplectic rage. we are upside down in america when it comes to the relationship with the individual institution government. mark: were making the argument for a long time now here and elsewhere we are not a federal republic anymore. we are not a representative republic since most of the laws imposed o and also not voted ony the representatives and they certainly do not ask us for our opinion. were not really a constitutional republic i believe in many
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respects within the post- constitution america this is been my argument for a while but so what are we exactly? >> we have devolved into a bedroom from the did not want us to have. we almost have a monarchy we almost have these people ruled by executive orders dictates and edicts and mandates and things of this nature. we have a ruling class. we do not have the ability of the people once again the consent of the government to be able to speak out we do not have a representative democracy. we have without a doubt lost our constitutional rights and they are being replaced by ideological rights but i would say we have an ideological agenda that's undermining all of her constitutional rights and freedoms and liberties. you've been spot on about this for quite some time. >> the great alexis de tocqueville said america could face one day a soft tyranny. i would argue america is facing a soft tyranny. if you cannot decide what kind of lightbulb you're putting in your house and the government
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has unlimited power. when we come back i want to pursue that with you. our constitution, does it have any meeting today? or are we just pretending it does? this is a very, very important fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her.
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progressives really the early marxists the intellectuals like woodrow wilson among others. the constitution has always been a barrier to their dream of centralized power. re- engineering hureengineeringd so forth. so, the democrat party has embraced really the hostile ideology among other places. will not have these violent revolutions. they will surely battalion the communist and marxists secrete themselves into the culture and that government and take over that way. isn't that really, you look at bernie sanders and that new communist manifesto he invite and put out isn't that what we are expecting right now? >> you are absolutely right. when you understand the socialism socialism is economic model. there are five basic points to
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socialism its wealth through distribution you hear that all the time coming from joe biden, from the democrats and from the left paying your fair share. it is in nationalizing economic production where they bring in more and more under the government's control. it is created in expanding a welfare state depending society and yousocietyand you're tryinge people with the government for its social egalitarianism they called equity which is equality of outcomes in a secular humanist and pray they do not believe in our foundational judeo-christian faith heritage. all those things are the antithesis to who we are as united states of america. a constitutional republic. they see the constitution as we said earlier restricted document that is an impediment to what they want to do. their power of control. and so the socialists and mob of the economic model is a societal model which is the communist model. it's about the subjugation of the individuals there will,
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their freedom, their determination and that is what we are moving towards here in the unites states of america. when they talk about a threat to democracy, the democrats these progressives are the greatest threat to the american ideal of individual's right, freedom, you wrote about when you talked about liberty and tyranny they believe they have the right to decide what happens to you and the product of your labor which is security and that is exactly what lincoln articulated back on 1864 on the first book you wrote in many others. >> with the bad inner thigh rash for half a century. [applause] he is one of the dumbest men to ever be in the senate the dumbest men to be vice president and now he's with the dumbest men to ever be president. he's desperately looking for legacy. he is very thin-skinned. and so he is thrown in with bernie sanders and marxist radical leftists. he is thrown in with the squad
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and the house of representatives. his policies are as radical or more radical than one could even have imagined. so joe biden, is he doing this because suddenly he's a marxist? or because he is a chameleon and power-hungry street politician? >> it is the latter without a doubt. when you look at the democrat party they're owned by a socialist left. i live down here in texas and what we see in texas i'm sure people saw the recent video of illegal immigrants single military age males storming our border and overrunning national guardsmen. this is something they sent out to do. i do not understand how we can allow a president to willfully, purposefully and intentionally advocate the sovereignty of the eye states of america. that is something that is articulated as enumerated duty to the federal government article four section four of the constitution. we are seeing drug invasion of america trafficking in human
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trafficking. the terrorist trafficking that's coming in is affecting every aspects of our lives. we are seeing young people lose their lives like lakin riley and all the people losing their lives to fentanyl poisoning. this is something done unconstitutionally through 90 plus executive orders and actions. and joe biden knows that. he has lied to the american people when he says you have to passive border control legislation knelt. mr. president just reverse the things that you did which were ideologically wrong. constitutionally wrong. mark: i would just add one thing under joe biden we have seen the greatest amount of slavery in this country since the end of the civil war. whether he likes it slight child slavery labor slavery and numbers we have never seen. as modern americans the democrats and under biden, biden
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is the biggest slaver in american history. allen west i want to thank you for your great patriotism and service to the country today and in the past. god bless you my friend. >> god keep you remember joe biden said no a memo to the constitution is absolute. obviously he is reversing the 13th amendment which end
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mark: will go back america. here ihere's really one of my fe people david schoen over president trump attorney. david schoen and went to get into this new york issue because it's hot right now. you've got a radical left-wing attorney general who violated the rules of professional conduct in new york based on the way she can paint it. it prosecuted posted can paint with the prosecutor at a certain way not the way she did. it would judge here really a
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clown show i've never seen a judge like this before. he's ruling on the papers donald trump did not even have an opportunity to argue his case the only thing there was the penalty. they use a law that's never been used like this before it is a preposterous law they had to dig and dig and dig to find it. but here is my problem. after all of that in order to appeal donald trump has to come up with half a billion dollars. people don't have half a billion dollars sitting around i don't care if you are basis or you are a must or whatever you have your money invested in things that is how you become a billionaire. what the attorney general there is trying to do with this judge is trying to do is to divest donald trump of his most important properties and wealth so even if he winds up waiting on appeal weather in new york or the supreme court under the eighth the moment and so forth he can't get those properties back. what do you make of that? >> it's absolutely outrageous. the american people any reasonable person believes he
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should have the right to appeal this there are tremendous issues in this case taking it back a step remember this at lot 63/12 new york executive let you do not even have the right to a jury trial parade there's a case from 2012 that says so people versus an first american corporation britt said the reason you do not have a right to a jury trial as this is supposed to be equitable in nature a regulatory nature. damages are incidental to it. half a billion dollars is it incidental that should have had the right to a jury trial. remember also the judge addresses this in his opinion he acknowledges it. the definition of fraud is different from anything we have ever seen any place else. there is no victim for there is no loss there is no reliance on some representation to cause a loss. they admit all of that. and so it is outrageous to be damages assessed in any event. mark: my opening statement talks about property rights and what james mattis said. it's not just about material. donald trump spent his entire
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life building the skylight in new york. contributing to that community. creating tens of thousands of jobs taxpayers, people with pensions and medical benefits. he brought wealth and prosperity to parts of the city that were destitute. that were just lying there. politicians would come to him to get things fixed and done whether it's an ice-skating rink or some other that they had he contributed mightily. a mightily to new york, the environment of new york, the productivity, the rebirth of new york. and now they want to steal everything that he has. let me ask you a question. what exactly has letitia james contributed to new york? how many jobs that she created a new york customer company taxpayers that she created in new york? my bigger problem here, david schoen, where are all the lawyers where's the bar they don't need a complaint they could act right without it they were the judicial oversight committees in new york? where are all of the protections
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and the balances that are supposed to be in the justice system the legal system in new york. are they just blown out because it's donald trump? >> yes i think so. the criminal defense bar is been turned on its head by this you have criminal defense lawyers cheering against donald trump even though the rule of law and due process are being violated in one after another case here. you pointed it out earlier and it is outrageous. letitia james the attorney general ran on a platform of getting donald trump and promising that people should get donald trump. he was a private citizen was not even under investigation at the time. we do not permit that kind of thing. in fact they put in a call to a fellow who wrote the leading treat on prosecutorial misconduct but i asked why he hasn't covered that kind of thing? running a political campaign on promising to go after as a prosecutor or a judge go after particular citizen it's absolutely right is going to cover and the next one and this never should have happened. we've seen the same thing with
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mark: welcome back america. david schoen given the biden ministrations for the state of israel diplomatic war, economic war, military and the sense they are slow walking munitions to israel. given the fact is trying to organize the arab states and the european states against israel, demanding a two state final solution for israel. given the fact he does not want israel to finally destroy hamas and is funding iran and their surrogates and allowing them to build a nuclear weapon. i have a question for you. you've got democrats in the sun and the house putting pressure on israel. you have got "new york times," favorite writer, freedman doing the same thing pretending it's all about bebe rather than hamas. you are jewish. i am jewish. why should jewish people who believe in the state of israel who are appalled by the anti-semitism that is spreading in this country with very little being done by the biden administration, what would you vote for a democrat? >> they should be outraged treat
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all voters, all americans should be outraged by what chuck schumer did the other day in the senate was unprecedented. today even every day he is defending that speech as if he were supporting the state of israel. it is outrageous but you see president netanyahu opponent chastising schumer for what he did. americans do not agree with what he did he is out of touch with the public opinion in israel. the day before he gave that speech there is an op-ed in the wall street journal by a fellow a journalist in israel who said biden is living in a fantasy world. the israeli public does not believe in this two state solution. biden's two state solution by the way is michigan and nevada court michigan and minnesota's alan dershowitz says this is pandering to the hate squad it's looking for votes because he sees what's happening on college campus instead of shutting down the violence and the hatred against jews in this country he is empowering it with chuck schumer made that speech he empowers hamas. talking we've been talking about the two state solution now which
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israelis are against almost uniformly is nothing other than rewarding hamas. you want to make hamas in a terraced heroterrace heroes quek that's the kind of speech you give. these were atrocities unseen ever before on october 7. mutilation, torture, rape, sexual abuse. literally cutting people's body parts off what they are alive for kidnapping babies and holding them hostage. you do not negotiate with terrorists let alone to date we should release 10 of the hostages but have to stop and hold back. don't go in israel has to finish the job and chuck schumer undermined that effort the other day and he has no business interfering in other countries. our only democratic alley in the middle east. one of the greatest democracies in the world he has no business interfering with their electoral process. mark: chuck schumer literally gave aid and comfort to iran, to the houthis, to tran for they are quoting him.
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they are citing him because he is undermining the commander-in-chief the elected prime minister of the state of israel who he has never liked. biden has never liked they are so worried about their own politics. i have a little theory here david schoen not only is chuck schumer a reprobate he says he will do anything for power he is worried about this other senator by the name of van hollen out of maryland who is a leftist and a full-blown anti- israel mouthpiece for hamas and the other islamists as far as i'm concerned. and here is the theory if the democrats lose the senate which they are very likely to do schumer will have a challenge from the left when we say it left we need far radical left because schumer is of the left that will be van hollen. he is worried about van hollen and so he has to play ftse's with the islam expert he has to play footsie with the river to the sea crab this is a man who puts his own career, his own
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politics his own power ahead of country in my view whether it is the united states or israel. ahead of everything what you think of that? >> it is a horrible -- make it that's the case it's even worse than i think the general public knows or appears but it certainly possible maybe even likely. many of these people are so wrapped up in their own ego. let me say this you raised it now i think. chuck schumer did not just act against israel's interest he acted against the united states interest. we have to speak strongly and with one voice both in favorable of israel but against terrorists. this is not just hamas it's not just palestine and islamic jihad. these are the houthis biden took off of the foreign terrorist organization list almost as soon as he came into office. it's against all american interest. interests. interest in the free world frankly. he is empowering other countries do the same. we see spain, ireland, talking
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at least he called me smart. the smart ass has a question for you joe barden why are you giving aid and comfort to hamas, why are you sending directly and indirectly to iran why have you become the biggest slavery in american history because you want secure the border why are you checking off economic prosperity for average americans and trying to destroy our energy independence, what is with you what the hell is your problem, what kind of a wrecking ball are you, what your doctor when it comes to foreign policy what are you trying to achieve on the southern border and what you trended with the middle class in this country. man up and explain yourself in plain english without garbled in your words. also you next time on "life liberty and levin" ♪
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