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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 25, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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i have some fans, too. >> lawrence: how did this moment feel for your career? you have been flooded on social media, tiktok, instagram. >> everything has been blowing up. it has been awesome. i had tons of positive feedback. rarely negative feedback at all and grateful to all who supported me. he told me to act like myself. keep playing and then after he gave me the guitar i will use that guitar to write music. that's the one he was playing in the show. it was awesome. >> lawrence: we're proud of you and all your success. quickly i have five seconds. give us your instagram or twitter how to find you. >> my instagram is lucas mason music. tiktok lucas thanks so much. >> bill: a star is born. good morning, everybody. deadline day for donald trump.
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we're waiting to see if the former president will pony up nearly half a billion dollars in bond money at the same time about to head downtown for a hearing in a separate legal matter. as we say hello. a busy monday, folks. hope you had a great weekend. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we have a big week planned. we start with a big day. the former president is expected to leave trump tower any moment now and keeping an eye on it due in court at 10:00 a.m. eastern an hour from now. that will be a hearing on the hush money case involving stormy daniels. >> bill: happening the same day letitia james could start seizing some of his property if he does not appeal a bond totaling what, $460 million thereabouts? changing by the day. eric trump argue than it is all political in new york. >> they're trying to put my father out of business, taroking all his resources he would put into his own campaign for president. new york state and what we're seeing.
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letitia james campaigned on the promise. making him do something that's not physically possible. putting up a half billion dollar bobbed. bond that size don't exist in this country. >> dana: first let's go to lydia hu outside the courthouse in lower manhattan following the case all weekend and good to get your take. hi, lydia. >> good morning to you both. that's right. former president donald trump is confronting those two legal threats here in new york today. when he appears here in manhattan criminal court with his legal team this morning they'll ask the judge to delay or dismiss this hush money case entirely. as you mentioned today is also the deadline for the former president to post the appeal bond for nearly half a billion dollars to protect his assets from new york attorney general letitia james. trump's lawyers earlier asked the bond be reduced or waived entirely. we have not heard from the court on that request yet. it's still possible the attorney
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general's office and trump's lawyers could come up with some type of agreement about the bond. if he misses today's deadline, the attorney general can immediately begin moving forward with efforts to seize his assets. she could freeze his bank accounts, file liens on real estate and that could be used later to pursue foreclosures. she could tell his tenants they have to pay her moving forward instead of him. after today donald trump has options. he can continue asking the court to help. he will try to raise funds for that bond. also have stocks from the truth social merger. without a waiver he won't be able to use it as collateral for a bond for six months. growing measure on his financial situation. if the judge doesn't delay the criminal hush money case it is scheduled to begin april 15th. >> dana: another big tax day. stay in touch. >> bill: who better to bring in
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than andy mccarthy. good morning to you. you will be thinking all day now. let's divide it in two. first the alvin bragg matter. this goes back eight years now. the judge today, how do you evaluate that case, what should we expect in terms of moving that ball forward? >> substantively it is a terrible case but it will go forward. a high probability trump could get convicted because what has happened here is alvin bragg has taken one transaction, which years ago if you brought it at all should have been a miss demoney or falsification of victim records. the state wasn't deprived of any tax revenue. he has carved it up into 34 acts he labeled as felonies that could put trump behind bars for over a century. so it's a terrible case but the
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judge has been pretty much a rubber stamp on everything that bragg has wanted to do including his theory and the current dispute is over discovery. the judge is not going to throw this case out over discovery violation. he gave them three extra weeks to prepare and to go through the documents, which bragg says are either duplicates of stuff already got or don't help him. the most important thing i think is that the judge, when he granted the postponement from march 25th to april 15th, told the lawyers and trump not to take any other engagements, in particular in the other cases the trump is facing. that sounds to me like a judge who wants to keep his trial date. >> bill: quick follow-up on that. in new york and some other cases the statute of limitations has been a rubber band. they just stretch it the way they want. was there a statute of
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limitations on this case with regard to the 2016 matter? >> yes. if it had been brought correctly as a misdemeanor the statute of limitations was two years and it would have run in 2019. by making it a felony, he gets a five-year statute of limitations which he stretches into six because in new york during covid they extended the statute of limitations for a year. >> dana: you said it is possible that trump could be convicted in this case. if that's true, what's the timeline on that and how does it coincide with the 2024 election? >> dana, if the case goes on time, say april 15th, they have estimated a four to six week trial gets us into early june. generally speaking there would be about three months between the time a jury verdict comes in and the time sentence is imposed. there is no way this should be a prison sentence in this case. this is a non-violent business
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records crime at best in which there are no victims and no one was hurt. and courts usually look beyond prosecutors trying to stack counts to make a case look for serious than it is, as bragg has done here. it would be a travesty if he did an hour in prison over this. >> dana: the other case which is the one we've been following in terms of letitia james, the attorney general looking to seize trump's assets if he can't post his bond. let's get back up to speed. this is what she said over the years how she was going to get him. >> i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. we're going to be a real pain. we need to focus on donald trump and his abuses. important everyone understand the days of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day suing him, defending your rights, and then going home.
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>> dana: this is pretty incredible that she was this blatant and we're at this point today is the day for the bond. what do you think will happen? >> i think nothing will happen today, dana. it would be really -- to take any action before the appellate division rules. they put it on an expedited schedule. trump is trying to take as our reporting has shown, a lesser bond or no bond at all. and the fact of the matter is times had a good report about this over the weekend. a lot easier to win a money judgment than enforce it especially when you have very complicated finances like trump does. it will be a her -- she wouldn't be able to taken forcement action before the appellate court has ruled would
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be unwise. >> bill: it will involve court hearings and legal fees? >> for example . take one building where he has a lot of commercial space. if he has mortgages on that building, the banks and other institutions holding those mortgages probably have priority over new york state enforcing a judgment. then you have limited liability companies that are sort of put in the middle between trump and his tenants and you have to kind of pierce that. it gets very complicated financially to try to pull this off. >> bill: let me break it down easier. one of the examples we've been given is when o.j. simpson was faced with that civil case for the murders in los angeles, he had to pay a $33 million debt judgment. he didn't have the money. he sold his highsman trophy to try to generate money. is that a fair comparison what we're looking on a larger scale here with trump?
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>> i don't think so, bill. simpson was a very famous, rich former athlete and actor. trump is in a very complicated, sprawling business which has like hundreds -- literally hundreds of limited liability companies that he sets up for leasing purposes and lending the brand of his company and the like. it is going to be very difficult for her to get through the litigation that it is going to take to get through all that stuff and figure out how much he owns of these different properties. >> bill: can you give us a better application for a case like this? >> yeah, the example i saw over the weekend in the times was pretty good. they talked about the taxi medallion business in new york. if you owned 100 taxis, what you would do is set up 100 limited liability companies for each individual taxi.
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so that if one was in an accident, whoever sued would would have to go after the limited liability company that held that one particular taxi cab and you would have protected all of your other assets and whoever leant you money would be protected as well. and you might not know how that was structured until you started to investigate and dig into exactly how his finances are arranged. >> bill: okay, andrew. i'm writing that down. dana, are you? >> dana: i will use your notes. really helpful. i read a lot about it this weekend and we're looking now at the motorcade. is he in the car? okay. president trump is in the car. he has about how long is that drive, hemmer? >> bill: i would say 20 minutes this time of day. you have to remember nobody works in new york on mondays and fridays since covid. today is a good day for traffic. andy, stand by. we'll be in touch with you throughout the day.
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thank you very much. >> dana: and the border patrol chief warns the migrant crisis at the southern border is becoming a national security threat with nearly 190,000 encounters in february alone. nate foye is live in texas with the follow-up. >> calling the situation at our southern border a national security threat, u.s. border patrol chief jason owens referenced the 140,000 known gotaways so far this fiscal year. something that lieutenant all var yeah is reacting to this morning. take a listen. >> we hear from the border patrol chief himself talking about the national security threats. really shows it's evident the federal government continues to ignore the situation on the border. >> take a look at this newest video from el paso. 40 to 50 migrants got picked up sunday by border patrol to be processed and remember, we've seen a lot of problems in the past few days. you remember friday take a look at this next video.
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migrants pull on a razor wire fence near the border wall. their goal is to get past texas law enforcement so they can be processed by border patrol under title eight. that's what happened to the migrants involved in the thursday stampede. 300 single adult men many from venezuela tramped national guard soldiers. one migrant charged with assault and more arrests may be coming. >> the people now coming over aren't the people that used to come over a decade ago or two decades ago. they are aggressive. they do not care about laws. >> the lieutenant with dps says the stampede is a great example how senate bill four could be helpful. migrants involved in that stampede could have been arrested and possibly deported. democrat congresswoman escobar doesn't see it that way. >> no way the state of texas is
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qualified or prepared to be a brand-new immigration force. >> a startling statistic. in the first 17 days of this month, border patrol agents in the san diego sector alone seized over 200 pounds of fentanyl and almost 11,000 pounds of methamphetamine. we'll send it back to you. >> dana: thank you. we'll keep in touch today. >> i think what's important for us beyond this horrible tragedy is that fact it took four people for this carnage. we have had 9 million who have come across our border illegally and it only took four. >> bill: interesting interview he gave to "fox & friends." the massacre in moscow exposing vulnerability at home. could isis take advantage of the border crisis and launch an attack on u.s. soil? many are asking that question as of today. >> dana: robert f. kennedy, jr. set to announce his running maleate for an independent white
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house bid. will his choice unleash campaign cash. >> donald trump motorcade is headed back to court. two things to keep an eye on today including the window, is it closing to secure nearly half a billion dollar bond? we're staying on top of both big legal matters and we'll be back on that after this. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home. ♪ grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream
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>> dana: fox news alert. we told you we would follow the motorcade. the president is making good time, hemmer, look at that. traffic does well for the motorcade. president trump on his way to a courtroom in downtown manhattan. sometimes he speaks after he gets out of the car. we're paying attention to that and bring it to you if it happens. >> bill: 20 minutes was a good guess. >> dana: you are batting a thousand today.
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is that what the phrase is? >> bill: yeah. you could bat a thousand. >> dana: you could bet thousand and that's another story we'll talk about later. >> bill: we have rfk, robert f. kennedy, jr. expected to announce his pick for vice president tomorrow. it could bring a major boost to his campaign. the most likely candidate is a lawyer and mega donor by the name of nichole shanahan. deep ties in silicon valley. stand by. >> dana: the clock is ticking for house speaker mike johnson, already. thanks to the house easter rehears before congresswoman greene's -- chad pergram has the latest. >> greene did not automatically trigger her resolution to remove
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johnson but this serves as a shot across his bow. greene believes johnson betrayed republicans. >> speaker johnson, who has barely been a speaker for six months, led us to a complete catastrophe. only giving republicans a day to read 1012 pages and not allowing us to pass amendments to make any changes to this bill. >> republicans want to hear from their constituents over the easter recess about johnson's future acknowledged here is a question. will former president trump weigh in? some republicans believe their colleagues are making the perfect be the enemy of the good as they try to navigate the majority. >> if we stuck coag and recognized we can't get a home run on every single bill we would present more of a force to the senate democrats who are holding up all of our agenda. >> the house majority dwindles to one seat when representative
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mike gallagher retires next month. democrats could win a special election in new york in april. it has never flipped in the middle of the congress. more retirements are expected. >> i told hakeem jeffries when he became a leader and we're very proud of him. he will be next and soon. the disrespect for the institution with these motions to vacate, the disrespect for the republicans in the congress with the departure of these republicans, takes them to a precarious place. >> democrat alexandria ocasio-cortez says democrats should not try to help johnson. democrats did not vote to help former house speaker kevin mccarthy remain in power last fall. >> dana: we'll pay attention to that. thank you. >> bill: more breaking news because we're coming up on six months in the war in gaza. about the activity that's happening on the gaza strip where the hospital was in gaza city. it still is.
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ongoing battle again there to try to isolate what the idf says are more hamas fighters taking refuge inside. to the southern end of the strip is rafah, the town of rafah, a border crossing. egyptians closed it on one side. israelis have it surrounded. the question is whether or not the idf makes a move on rafah. you know what the administration has been saying, don't go, don't do it. i advance it one time to show you this is where the israeli ground operation taking place for the last 5 1/2 months in the north. a little in the south. you see the evacuation zone. hard to see on this map but located here along the israeli border. meanwhile the vice president kamala harris was asked about it this weekend and said this about the war. >> we've been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafah with any type of military operation.
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>> would there be consequences if he does move forward? >> we'll take it one step at a time. we've been clear in terms of our perspective whether or not it should happen. >> are you ruling out there would be consequences from the united states? >> i'm ruling out nothing. >> dana: author of the book the genius of israel and a podcast called call me back. i learn a lot from it. i don't know how you think about -- what you think about kamala harris's comments but ratcheting up the pressure from the white house every day. >> they know that israel is going into rafah. i was in israel last week. i met with the minister in the war cabinet, interviewed him for my podcast and he basically laid out in our conversation that israel and the israeli public, broad consensus from right to left they have to finish the war and finish off hamas and can't do that if they don't go into rafah. some of hamas leadership is in rafah. four remaining battalions are in
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rafah. it wouldn't finish the war. the administration is trying to shape moving some of the sieve yells to north gaza and trying to slow them down. make no mistake. we are hearing from harris and schumer and biden, they're trying to at least projecting they are trying to restrain israel. >> bill: they will do it. the question is when. what could delay them is a hostage swap which apparently may or not be in the works right now. last week i spoke with a spokesperson from netanyahu's office saying there are 99 hostages still in gaza today. meanwhile you have the story of moscow over the weekend. marco rubio earlier today on the broadcast, tom cotton is talking about the growing isis threat coming out of afghanistan and our southern border. watch. >> i asked our commanding general in the middle east about
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isis's capacity to project attacks from afghanistan. he said that in as little as six months, turned out to be closer to six days, that isis from afghanistan with little or no warning could attack western interests across asia and europe. that's exactly what we've seen happen. this is a very dangerous echo of president biden's failed withdrawal from afghanistan. >> bill: over the weekend on sunday the french government put their own people on notice. where do you think it's going now? >> i think senator cotton is right. there is a threat from afghanistan we don't have much growing threat from isis, we don't have much visibility into. isis is all over the middle east. they have been historically in syria and iraq. u.s. and u.s. led forces did a lot to extinguish them out of the region but we have to still be present in the middle east. our allies in the middle east, whether israel, saudi arabia matter a lot. they are the forces that are not only as we're seeing now in israel's war with hamas basically a satellite organization of isis on the
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front lines of fighting these terrorists. our allies in the region we depend on for intelligence gathering. deepening ties with our allies in the region is important to american security when there are terrorist organizations like isis on the rise. >> dana: the terrorists, the russians arrested, they said they got paid. they had half the money up front. if you follow the money, where does that take you? could it be iran-backed? >> i don't -- it could be. it certainly could be. they were so isis was fighting syria. syria is a proxy of iran, so it is not entirely clear where the money came from. the truth is this money -- they don't require enormous resources. these are not complicated attacks to pull off. part of what makes them scary. >> dana: scary here to that point. >> they need a base of operations to operate and organize, not a lot of money. vacuums in places like
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afghanistan or the middle east where they have a place to hunker down, headquarter, get organized, train, logistics, get arms. i don't think these are costly affairs. >> bill: it is terror on the cheap. >> exactly. >> bill: largely effective. nice to sigh. want to get viewers downtown to lower manhattan. donald trump entered the room and i guess our commute time was pretty spot on, dana, 15, 20 minutes downtown. will he say something going? in all likelihood he will. we'll bring it to you in the event it happens. meanwhile a major shake-up at boeing. what is happening at the highest of levels and enough to ease customers' concerns when flying? no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim?
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>> bill: 9:33 in new york. back inside the courtroom. the hallway outside, we should see the former president momentaryly. he has not gone inside so far as we can tell. there may be comments. if and when it happens we'll
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bring it to you. we want to share with you all the movements we'll see in new york throughout the day beginning right now. >> dana: a big day. kelly o'grady from fox business joins us now how donald trump could face a huge windfall on wall street today. this is another thread of this story. tell us more. >> basically friday truth social, social media platform, received approval to merge with digital world acquisition. think of it as a blank check entity huntsing for assets to take public and allows companies to avoid the red tape process. it will replace and list under the ticker djt. based on the current share price the company is valued at $5 billion. trump will own 58% once the merger goes through. that stake would be worth $3 billion. the big question is whether he can use that to fund this appeal bond. the answer is basically no or
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not yet. shareholders are subject to a six month lockup agreement. they can't sell or lend the shares because it could cause volatility in the stock which would hurt the company and the shareholders. traditionally the stock can be used as collateral leveraged to secure the bond. i've talked to a lot of attorneys and they're interpreting this particular agreement to apply here as well to prevent him pledging those shares for that six-month stretch. unless they amend the agreement before the deal goes through using the funds isn't an option. if he did get the waiver it won't come before today's deadline. another thing quickly, we should watch who is investing. trump supporters are pouring in money to the stock over the past few weeks. it could become the ultimate main stock. >> dana: will people make a lot of money? >> we've seen how quickly they can fall also. you could also lose a lot of money. >> bill: for him specifically there is a six-month lock-out period.
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>> exactly. >> bill: he would be forbidden to take advantage of the financial gains. >> dana: you could get a loan and say it's coming? >> no. this particular agreement prevents it him using it as collateral until there is a waiver. >> bill: the president's legal troubles coming to a head in new york. the bond is due today. we're not clear as he heads to court in the separate hush money case. charlie hurt and -- karrie, we heard from andy in the legal aspect. charlie, take the political aspect of this. what is the effect on the campaign as the presumptive republican nominee? >> the most interesting thing about all of it right now you look at the stock price of his djt. the fact that you have donors pouring money into this truth
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social is an reminder that donald trump is -- he has rewritten all of the financial rules of politics because he is the master small donation and registers incredible enthusiasm here. what we have seen throughout this entire process is that no matter how much these people go after donald trump, it proves donald trump's main political point, which is the system is corrupt. and so everything they throw at him winds up helping him. what we're seeing today only helps him. and one final point i think is very interesting is that one of the most sterling achievements of trump's first term was his ability to bring sanity to the federal courts and watching democrats -- democrat partisans use the courts to go after him just further proves his point about the depth of the corruption both in the political
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process and in this case the willingness of democrats to use even the judicial system as a weapon to advance their political agenda. >> bill: one of your first jobs-in-law was court of appeals, washington, d.c. thereabouts. what did you learn that that applies today? >> i've been thinking a lot of my time on the court of appeals virginia state appellate court with jurisdiction all matters in virginia and you know, bill. when i left my time there i walked away with an increased appreciation and respect for the rule of law. but also a confidence in our system of justice because i was aware, as the personal political leanings of the judges in that court but i always observed two things. one, they really tried to get it right in their decision, two, this is very important. i think this plays episcopal will i in new york what we're seeing now. they were very concerned, as judges normally are, about the
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appearance of fairness. and what i've watched unfold in new york and the democrats campaign against trump, that concern not just about the appearance of fairness seems to have gone out the window. what we really can see that in play even today is why haven't the court worked out with donald trump yet some kind of deal on this bond that he has a post half a billion in order to appeal? they could easily work something out where they could reduce it, waive it and it would be consistent with how they normally operate. yet they aren't doing it. >> bill: why aren't they doing it? >> not yet, anyway. it is this lack of appreciation for fairness is quite disturbing to me just as a lawyer and somebody who was on the court of appeals in a similar state appellate court. i was thinking about my time at the department of justice. can you imagine if bill barr, who i worked for or me when i
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ran communications was live tweeting how i couldn't wait to go after a particular person? it is bonkers. it is upside down and not how the justice system works. >> bill: you have to stand by. a lot to talk about with this. i thought we might see him. we don't. charlie hurt and kerrie, thanks to both of you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: hockey. the new york islanders made a mess of playing defense against the new jersey devils stars yesterday. three islanders crashed into each other after bratt weaved through them on a rush up the ice is what they call it. there was a score after the coalition. it was that kind of day for the islanders who lost 4-0 to their division rivals on home ice. i feel i want a high wire without a net with that one. a rush up the ice. had never said that in my life. >> bill: that is madness of its
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own. great games over the weekend. how is your bracket, perino? >> dana: i lost on the first day but made my point about low tuition. >> bill: who wins in perino? >> dana: byu to win it all, but they lost in the first game. >> bill: we weren't judge it on that. we have whole different parameters. bond day in new york. he is attending, donald trump is, attending a hearing in the stormy daniels case that goes back eight years. the situation getting worse by the day in haiti. how some americans are getting involved and doing the job on their own. >> it wasn't an easy mission. a couple of attempts. we never gave up. they were dedicated to the success of the mission. welcome to ameriprise.
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>> bill: back inside this courtroom. some quick color from inside the room. our producer, maria, reports that some of the press are inside. courtroom is full. two sketch artists and a handful of court officers. the d.a.'s team, bragg's team walked in around 9:30. 15 minutes ago. trump's attorneys are there for him and also don junior and his son, eric. we have not seen the former president. stand by for that when it happens we'll bring you back there. in the meantime, here is this on haiti. >> about as simple as calling a cab and getting to the airport and all of a signed you go home. the reality is you have an easier time getting into this country illegally than you do just to be rescued as a united states citizen. how the hell does that make any
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sense? >> dana: ron desantis with the scathing comparison for the crisis in haiti. [shouting] >> dana: as violence surges in haiti the state department says it has only managed to rescue 230 americans. government agencies, private companies and nonprofits are all on the ground trying to help and one of those nonprofits facilitating evacuations is the jack brewer foundation. ceo jack brewer joins us now from the airport. he is there in the region. good to have you here. i want to play one thing from a father who wants to thank you for helping get his 2-year-old son out, watch. >> we would like to say thank you to governor desantis and the department of emergency management for their dedication and unwavering support to unite us with our son. a lot of stress.
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i would also like to extend a special thanks to jack brewer and the jack brewer foundation for their efforts because it wasn't an easy task. >> dana: hard for people to hear that. there was so much wind on the microphone. tell us about philippe who is thanking you and your foundation for getting them out. >> i'm actually holding back tears because i'm just watching the horrific scene on the ground flying in and out of haiti and this man and his family were one of over 31 american citizens that we've helped evacuate. dana, i was blessed. i came down here and partnered with an organization called tad recovery. that organization was working through the department of emergency management, as you heard. as well as governor desantis. we have been able to do incredible things. the logistics that it is taking to get this family out and so many more are so complex.
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you just see the stories and you hear, that particular family was right next to a zone where they were running into houses, several people were shot, murdered in cold blood, and just to hear these families going through this type of situation and these are americans right, you know, 90 minutes from our border. like governor desantis said, it is so complex to get these folks out of there. i've been working night and day coordinating efforts between the state department, between all the different ministries and the airport coordination. it has been so complex. i couldn't have done any of this without tad recovery services and who was sent here by governor desantis. >> dana: we're looking at video that shows a lot of desperate people on a beach. what is that scene like? >> that scene is right in haiti. it's in one of the major cities.
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this is how people live every day. you have to imagine when all your ports are controlled by gangs, the famine is extreme. 1.4 million people, more than that right now that are going through famine. you have another 4 million that can't get regular access to food. these are big numbers. so it is chaos. if you can imagine when your baby is going to sleep at night with no food and the americans are trying to get out. i had a woman who was stuck in america for 24 days. we just got her home yesterday and she missed her daughter's wedding. her daughter had a wedding date set and so it is really been a chaotic time and so unfortunate that it is so hard to get people out. we're really yesterday we were the only organization on the ground that had helicopters landing and the only international airport operating in haiti. that tells you how difficult these conditions are. so each life that we're able to save is a blessing but we need
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help, dana. i'm calling on america and governor desantis continue your funding. the tad team here and jack brewer foundation we have everything set up to get these people out. so we need to continue to do that. >> dana: jack, thank you. i know it won't get solved overnight. we'll be in touch with you and thank you. >> god bless you, dana. >> bill: we're eight minutes away from this court proceeding beginning with the former president donald trump. he will be inside that courtroom any moment now in this hush money case that goes back to 2016. we'll cover all of it as it develops so back on this in a moment.
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watch it from our perch in new york city. >> dana: we are waiting on word for ohtani of the l.a. dodgers set to address the media today for the first time since his long time interpreter was caught up in a sports betting scandal. william la jeunesse with what to expect. >> is the highest paid player in baseball the victim of a crime or did he facilitate one? later today we could get an answer. part of the confusion, you know, we've heard both stories from ohtani's own people. when the story broke last week his friend and interpreter mizuhara admitted gambling on sports to an illegal bookie. he said ohtani helped him pay off gambling debts from his own bank account. the spokesman confirmed the player himself made those $5 hundred thousand payments to help a friend. the next day ohtani's lawyer
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said that wasn't true calling ohtani the victim of a massive theft. the stakes pretty high. th th three investigations, i.r.s., u.s. attorney and major league baseball. >> engaging in contact or payment or association with this illegal book making operation, which will certainly trigger discipline from major league baseball, if that's the case. >> so we have three possibilities here, right? mizuhara acted alone and ohtani knew nothing and he got ahold of the bank account and nobody noticed. ohtani did not bet but knew about the gambling problem and paid the bookie to help a friend or ohtani placed the bets himself. no evidence of that and no one has made that claim. no time yet, dana, for the presser. i wouldn't expect a long


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