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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 25, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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ago, 5 years ago, the democratic party was saying we are going to have a young person, perhaps a black person, a woman, hispanic or they are going to be our party official and presidential candidate. you fast-forward now, not only our young people nowhere near the candidate, but even things that young folks care about like kicking rfk jr. to the curb. it doesn't feel like the democratic party even when they promoted themselves of yesteryear. >> there is almost no voting group that is excited to vote for joe biden. he has incredibly soft support. that's why he's more susceptible to a third party. >> charles: ladies, i've got to leave it there. we will be back tomorrow. you can catch me on fox business at 2:00 p.m. eastern making money. doing pretty good these days. right now, "the five" starts. ♪ ♪
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>> : hello, everyone along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, greg gutfeld. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ [indistinct] >> dana: new york's plan to seize trump's building running into a major roadblock. an appeals court flashed a staggering $450 million bond to $175 million judgment. he has 10 days to pay the lower amount in order to stop attorney general letitia james from seizing his assets. that'll happening while trump was in a different courtroom today. a judge ruling his hush money trial will start april 15th, meaning trump will be the first presidential candidate on trial while campaigning. trump slamming criminal cases against him as election interference. >> i respect the appellate division for substantially reducing their ridiculous amount of money that was put on by a
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corrupt judge. not to be looked at in james not to be looked at. she is like the puppet master of the judge. we are going through this weaponization of our government to try and knock out somebody's political opponent. so far based on the polls, it's not working at all. that case is a scam, a sham, and a hoax. >> dana: democrats who were once thrilled about the prospect of trump surrendering his assets fuming over the decreased bond. >> this is so infuriating, i don't know what to do. now he's getting his own private system of justice. an absolute travesty. >> this is one heck of a break for yet again -- go >> the playbook is different for former president trump. >> he has pretty much gotten everything is wanted. >> no one else in the country would have that kind of luck. >> dana: and my favorite is back after being forced to dismiss her ex-lover from trump's election interference case.
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the prosecutor says it is full steam ahead to go after trump. >> i don't feel like we have been slow down at all. i think their efforts to slow down this train. the train is coming. but the record, i'm not embarrassed by anything i have done. you know, i guess my greatest crime is, i had a relationship with a man. that is not something i find embarrassing in any way. >> dana: all right, judge. there's lots to shoot at here. take your pick, which everyone you want. >> judge pirro: thank you for the $175 million bond -- which certainly is appropriate. there was absolutely no connection between the $475 million and i think it is half a billion dollars at this point with the interest that he pulled out of the sky and said i'm going to hit donald trump for that. they are disappointed because they wanted to call him broke. he's going to make that $175 million bond. in his condition of course upon his perfecting his appeal by september, that means he's got to have all his appellate work
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in the appellate division first apartment which render this decision reducing the bond. i want to -- i look this up. when sam bankman-fried who apparently gone to something like a million dollars or a million victims, his bond was $250 million. bernie made off at 40,000 victims. his bond was $10 million. donald trump, no victims, half a billion dollars. i mean, i don't know where those people from the other stations are learning the law but they are talking about. there is no harm no foul night. that's the end of it. no one relied to their detriment on anything. no one lost a dime. donald trump is a whale client. everyone who comes in with him makes money with him. that's number one fan. number 2 on the business records case that's gonna on april 15th, they've got a convicted felon who was a liar who is the main witness in that case on the case that is literally without basis because they took a felony
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charge. they tried to breathe life into a statute of limitation past misdemeanor in new york that didn't want to go on. alvin bragg didn't want to prosecute. the southern district wouldn't prosecute an f d.c. didn't prosecute. they came and breathed 8 into this falsifying business record by bootstrapping from the feds and pulling away the statute of limitations in the misdemeanor. pulling out michael cohen to be their central witness. it is absurd. the last thing i want to say is this. you have a supreme court who came out as at the secretary of state as well as the supreme court justice in colorado were wrong. you can take them off the ballot. they said to fani willis, get rid of your lover. you can't have him on. six of your accounts go because you don't know how to draft an indictment. this b-17, they are saying your
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bond is nowhere consistent with the facts. we are going to take it down 40 or 60%. they are bad shape already and it's can it continue that way. this is all coming out of the democrats who hate donald trump. >> dana: how do you see all this? >> greg: i like my shirt even though it looks rather strange on tv. i love that montage. there are people who are so infuriated, they don't know what to do. so in pretty rated, i don't know what to do. because trump only is going to pony up $175 million. what kind of life do you lead, you know? you have any friends or any family? what kind of lonely existence is this when you derive your happiness or sorrow based on the trials of another person? i can't imagine how small that world is. when i saw that on motion, i don't even get that mad. at crime spree's. i was angry because there was actual crime.
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over somebody else, it is so weird. the bond was based not on thoughtful reasoned penalties, it was based on what trump was going to make, his profit. it was reversed engineered using the manipulation of a law that wasn't used in that way before. that is why it was called unprecedented. i still want to know who he writes the check out to even where this bond. if you hate trump, you should still maintain a shred of principle and say, i don't want this guy in the white house, but i realize that this is, like, illegal, immoral, and would laugh lasting consequences in the real estate industry. people like jamie dimon are saying that. and you are not. i think the problem right now is, you can't argue with an ignorant mob. people cheering this on, those people you saw have no idea what they are cheering. they have no idea. like, when they see "unprecedented" in the seizure of private property, they don't think, this is where people live
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and work. they don't know what this is going to incentivize where the future. republicans are going to be to do this. or democrats will do this. the people in real estate are not going to want to invest in the city. if you bring this stuff up, they will look at you with a blank face. they are soaked to the gills with tds. it's like arguing with a mob, torching an auto zone. they are in that moment, destroying that building. you do realize that people work there and, it's not can i help everybody living in that area. they don't care. they will trash it and punch you in the face. that is the mentality. >> dana: why were they so mad about the rule of law being followed? >> jessica: i don't think they would say the rule of law as being followed. they feel that this is about 2 tears of justice and no other person but donald trump would have had the bond amount lower that much. i know that there have been
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larger bonds. 99.9% of them have been to public companies not individually held companies. that is the point of disti distinction. >> dana: isn't that two-tiered system of justice? >> jessica: i am saying what they were arguing. i have consistently felt uncomfortable about this and said this was a distraction from the cases that people are really interested in seeing play out before they cast their votes in november or whenever their early voting period starts. it is definitely a win for trump. you saw that in his press conference afterwards where he said the beautiful appellate division. i'm happy to pay this. i do still think that there was no point in him bragging beforehand about how he had no money. $500 million a few days ago before that he said he had $400 million in cash. i guess we will never know. i think he really gave up their game and one exchange with a reporter who said, are you married a conviction could cost
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you the election? his answer was, well, he could also make me more popular. i understand his thinking on that. survey after survey reveals that isn't the case. no, he gains popularity. he did that through their primary purity is obviously running very competitively. people don't want to vote for a convicted felon. i think he needs to be careful about that. he has a lot of cases pending against him. >> greg: is that the whole point of this? people don't vote for a felon. it is a circular argument. >> jessica: that is making it out as if the man didn't do anything wrong. the average real estate investor is inflating the worth of th their -- >> greg: you don't know anything about real estate, jessica, you rants. look at that building. trump owns that building. trump owns all of these beautiful properties. he has built these things.
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what has joe biden build? joe biden has not built anything, jessica. he hasn't even built a charging station for this man is responsible for thousands of americans being hired and millions of dollars being made by banks by investors in this great city. the book in the back shot of that stupid former assistant u.s. attorney, do you know what it said? taking down trump. that was the book in his little back shot library. this guy is a straight player. these are not stray players. these are hounds, jessica. a savage attack on a man, because these people are mentally ill. they don't want to see him actually convicted at all. they just want to see him convicted before the election. they don't care what happens after the election. that is the whole point of this. joe biden has unleashed the hounds. talking about the train. come on. if you take the trump train and you go like this, my money is on
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the trump train. remember after 9/11, jessica. we treated -- your democrat lawyers flew down to get to represent him. they need constitutional rights. they need all of the rights that they should have the right to appeal, the right to due process and the right to a trial. they are giving terrorists more respect than donald trump. they said, this is what makes america, america. now they are just destroying this man. they don't care about precedent. they are trying to attack him anyway they can. >> jessica: donald trump has -- he thinks it is great representation. he has gotten almost all of his request from the supreme court down to the state courts. what you just said being on incredibly rude way that you began about how i rent my apartment. it has given him -- subpoenas and not returning them to fomenting an insurrection after he lost an election by millions of votes.
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>> judge pirro: he's not charged with that, is he? >> greg: i'm saying there is no victims in any of these cases. you guys are very angry. you guys are very angry that he has the cash. the other day, you said, he's broke. $500 million cash. and then, he just put up bond for $97 million for the woman who accused him and put another $175 million for this stupid case. >> he was found liable for it. i am thrilled he is rich. >> dana: up next, are left democrats fuming over what he just said. ♪ ♪ with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c.
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♪ ♪ >> democrats may lose the white house in november all thanks to preachy female politicians according to democratic strategist to suggested they are there a reason joe biden's poll numbers are sinking. he told "the new york times" this. bear the suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females, don't drink beer, don't eat hamburgers. this is not good for you. the messages too feminine. everything you are doing is destroying the planet. you have got to eat your peas. it seems he hit a nerve with aoc who tweeted "maybe you should start a podcast about it. i hear men are really underrepresented in that space." jessica, i have been waiting for this segment all day. >> jesse: this is such a delight.
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>> jessica: it is a classic james carville. >> jesse: totally nailed it. >> jessica: i wouldn't go that far. it is classic james carville. there is a subsection of the party that feels that way. bill maher talks about this that people don't want to be ashamed about the way that they live their lives. and these issues that feel more ancillary to the huge election issues are just a distraction for it. let people go on and guess what they are going to show up and vote for you because you didn't tell them about cows breaking wind or how they have to get an ev car before they are ready or whatever. the data doesn't really support what carville is saying. so joe biden got 11 points more than hillary clinton. we know that democrats have over performed expectations by miles in the biden era, the midterms, sore spot for you. every referendum, although special elections and the
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majority with mike gallagher and announcing he's going to be leaving early down to 1. they will never get anything done. marjorie taylor greene is on the warpath again. i welcome it. in the economist polling unit, chart, now biden is ahead for the first time in 7 months which is a scene change. we know about the money on hand. we know that actually joe biden's travel -- which everyone likes to deny. >> jesse: we have to move it along. judge jeanine. one of the things we quibble with is the focus on women's issues. women of color, abortion. there is not an active targeting of the male demographic in the biden campaign. >> judge pirro: the guy is absolutely a neanderthal. he is a relic from the old democratic party. this idea that they women, they are sinking biden, that women who don't drink beer, don't eat
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hamburgers, and don't watch football. i do all three. what does that make me? they don't recognize that we are now individuals whether you are black, white, hispanic, a man, a woman, it doesn't matter. asian, it doesn't matter. we are concerned about certain things. while they want to categorize people as the blacks feel this way and hispanics feel this way, we are so far past that and it is really stunning beauty comes from a party that is based on hate, that hate that is infused. all the energy, all of criminal charges against donald trump that are in the end baseless and so that the man could not run for office. it is election interference. if you don't been in the box to this guy, carville. is he still married? how is that marriage going? >> jessica: great. >> judge pirro: how do you know? >> jessica: because they are not divorced, and they seem happy. >> greg: jessica knows how their relationship is.
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he may be a relic, but sometimes relics can be right. >> dana: clearly that democrats aren't going to listen to him. he has instinct. what did he say in the '90s? he said the economy stupid. we have been talking about that. he can pinpoint thing. he can pinpoint an issue and focus on it and knows exactly how to bring it up. he is basically saying what we all know. on the data point in 2016, the hillary clinton campaign in michigan was saying, guys, we really need her to come visit here. we are really behind. we need some help. the data says you are fine. actually, we are telling you on the ground that is bad. the data is night. it's rather than using ways rather than your instincts because he don't know how to get home. not only on the climate change stuff and evs and all that, i think this is hurting that democratic party on the issue of israel and people like the squad and aoc go on television this weekend and say israel is doing.
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she said we have to stop them. any normal universe, you would have democrats come back and push back on that. instead, they are silent. what is the biden administration doing? backpedaling away from israel because they want to help the squad when they are not talking to the rest of the democrats. i think carville is absolutely right. >> jesse: you raise this very issue 2 weeks ago. did he steal your thunder? >> greg: i think he did, and you are welcome, mr. carville. i think there's a lot of misery right now in the democratic party. i think the identity is stupid. i think what happened, it was they replaced the self evident with the self identifying, ri right? when you are self-evident, you have a grounding and a foundation. when you replace it with self identifying got you end up with 72 genders. there is no foundation for you.
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it is an infinite regress. that is why you have all of these people and gender and gender fluids. then i'm going to be x gender. then i'm going to be to spirit. it is because they can't seem to find a foundation in their lives. women may be the better half. in the party, men are still half. they are really good at stuff that the democrats have deemed problematic. men know this, but they are afraid of these preaching females. we are. we don't want to be yelled at. when you start looking at what happens when the outside, outsized empathy is directed at the latest because without any controls in place, you end up with what is happening at the border and the crime epidemic and a lot of these things are harming women. that is why i say it is more like self-harm. this is where i am going to become a peacemaker. men understand their flaws. we are ambivalent about feelings.
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we insult people. we joke around. we think about the roman empire a lot. women wonder why. we are consumed by fantasies of self-defense. what would i do in that situation? we live to protect. it is in our genes. those laws are all intertwined. part of that is we don't suffer empathy without analysis. it's time for women in the democratic party to do the same thing. you don't know everything. you have great benefits, but you also have flaws. you cannot do this alone. at this rate, you will. let us protect you, jessica. once in a while. don't yell at us, because then we will ignore you. >> jessica: don't put your finger in my face. >> greg: coming up, it is the end of the world for the liberals at nbc after they dared to hire a republican. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge pirro: the liberal media can't stand the idea of having a different point of view on their era. post that nbc and msnbc completely losing it after nbc news hire the former chair of the republican national committee ronna mcdaniel as a contributor. >> ask our opinion of the hiring chemically it would strongly objected to it for several reasons. >> we hope nbc will reconsider his decision. it goes without saying that she will not be a guest. her capacity as a paid contributor. >> i think our bosses owe you an apology for putting you in this situation. when nbc made the decision to give her a nbc news' credibility, you have to ask what does she bring about
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nbc news?" >> judge pirro: staying in a statement, "there should be no debate about the truth and our political discourse. nbc is a proven liar and has no place in an honest and objective conversation about the future of this country. "ted cruz is saying "not so f fast." the texas senator is calling out the hypocrisy many pendants on liberal networks were once employed by a democratic white house. i don't quite remember a backlash quite like this when nbc hired -- i think it was michael steele. who was also the former rnc chair. is this just the way they are today? >> dana: he was not for trump. here is my point. i am for more voices, not fewer. if your boss in the company has decided this is a person we want
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to have as part of our team, either keep your mouth shut, don't book her if you don't want her on your show or say, hi, welcome. would you like to have lunch and talk things through? i don't understand the vitriol and animosity. if they let her go and cut ties, that will be faster than scare a moche he was fired from the white house. she might benefit from it. >> judge pirro: i can't remember the last time an employee reprimanded a boss and demand an apology for hiring someone they didn't like. >> greg: i would almost upload this, except i know this is totally personal. by the way, what is "meet the press?" is that on cable? is it on sunday? i don't know. he was let go, "meet the press." that was his successor. i think he was trolling her. he was basically saying, you
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know, if i was there, this never would have happened. you could see her face looking at him. what are you doing? what are you saying? basically, trying to get back at that. i think i speak for most of america. who cares about these people? this is media theater. it reminds you of when they use to replace the character in a soap opera with a new actor. but it was the same character. the role is the same, the lines will be delivered, the actors will perform their duties. no one will be the least surprising. these people are soaking in the same view of elitism. you are not going to be surprised by anything on msnbc. i say, "who cares?" >> judge pirro: jesse, who is going to represent the voice of half of america, all the people who voted for donald trump? or do they just not care about what other people say?
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>> jesse: no one is allowed to represent the voice on nbc. that is the point. nbc is gone for 5 years telling everybody, maga republicans are insurrectionist and extremist. they have to be deep flat formed and censored. you have to investigate them and prosecute them and not allow them to have a voice. all of a sudden, nbc brass hires one of them and blows up the entire narrative that "morning joe" and these guys have been selling forever. the brass doesn't even maybe watch "morning joe" or they don't believe what "morning joe" is selling. it is an election year. let's do it. access and balance. sign the check. now we are hearing the inmates are running the asylum and they might cancel the contract. okay, that tells me nbc is not a business. it is a political operation.
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>> judge pirro: jessica, you are a first amendment proponent. do you think nbc made the right decision hiring ronna m ronna mcdaniel? >> jessica: i can only afford my very high rent because fox believes in employing opposition voices. great respect for the first amendment. i feel that it is important to have representatives from a party that absolutely represents the party versus never trump republicans that are not telling you anything about what is going on inside the republican party at this moment. it is a small faction that does decide elections. you should hear from someone who said i voted for a trump in 16 bits which do biden in 2020. ronna mcdaniel offers incredible access which is a huge part of this. it is an election year as jesse said. she is not a regular republican. she is not a regular opposition voice. not only just because of how powerful she was in the job that she held, but she is someone who
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flies in the face of what has become the core 8,000 over at nbc and msnbc tremors soothing to say that joe biden really won that election to getting on theh donald trump and calling up g.o.p. officials in michigan and pressuring them not to certify the election results. we all know this. if you tune in to msnbc, you are going to hear about january 6th a lot. you will hear about -- not okay. i'm not done. it is core to their ethos there. it is core to their viewership that that is one of the most important sins that has been committed against the country. to go out and hire someone who has participated in it and made no apologies. if you want to have our own and say every interview is going to start with, why did you call up those officials and pressure them not to certify the results, when we know how people voted in michigan. why did you say that you don't
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know that joe biden actually won that election, that is one thing. if you are just going to greet her like a normal opposition voice like me, run-of-the-mill establishment democrat, i don't think that is correct. it probably is a bad business decision. >> judge pirro: you must agree that someone like letitia james who says that trump was an illegitimate president, she should be sanctioned some way or saying the president was illegitimate. >> jessica: if she was offered a $300,000 whatever -- >> judge pirro: she is the attorney general with the state of the new york. you're the one bringing up january 6th. >> jessica: ronna mcdaniel as a part of what happened with january 6th. this is being investigated. >> dana: i want to say one thing. if you watch that interview with ronna mcdaniel and jim jordan, you see there is a shifting in the media on one particular issue, which as you can believe that the election was won by biden. i do. i've said that all along from the beginning. i also think there were
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of course obviously some problems within the election when you had an election during covid with state laws that were changed immediately. all of a sudden if you say, of course there were things that were not great, and we should fix those things, you are an election denier. that doesn't work. you watch the media is trying to shift a little bit so that everybody who says we should make sure that ballot harvesting is not abused, then you are an election denier. that is not the case. >> jessica: the officials? >> dana: i didn't call any officials. i'm not talking about ronna mcdaniel. i'm talking about how the media is framing the questions now and what we have done that we saw on nbc and "60 minutes" last night. >> judge pirro: of next -- >> what is carbon dioxide? >> i went to high school, but carbon dioxide is a gas. >> judge pirro: democrats expert witness it's embarrassed during a climb end. ♪ ♪
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>> dana: a hearing on climate change went downhill after an expert witness struggled to answer basic questions on the environment. a cross-country olympic skier getting grilled on the effects of carbon dioxide on our planet. >> what is carbon dioxide? >> i went to high school, but that is -- carbon dioxide is a gas. >> you want us to abolish it, right? >> no, there is always going to be carbon dioxide. >> it is a major part of our atmosphere? >> it is a huge part of our atmosphere. the go it's actually a part of our atmosphere. >> okay, yeah, i don't know. >> jessica: yeah, would you like to elaborate?
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>> dana: that was excellent tv. i want to say. probably one of the most entertaining hearings that that we have ever seen. all the hearing and a witness. that witness you should prepare. the witness should know the basics out the science i which he is going to be called upon. it was absolute malpractice to put them up there. when you know that senator kennedy is on your committee, and you don't prepare a guy like this. it is like having greta -- whatchamacallit. i'm sorry. sorry, sorry, sorry. it's been a long day. it's a monday. coming to lecture all of us about climate change, and she is a child. not a child anymore. if you said anything, then you are the one that was in trouble. this follows another pattern. you have all these kids who are so upset. they are bringing lawsuits against american oil and gas companies. some of these courts are giving them the go-ahead for the hawaii court. what are you doing?
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why are you doing this to american energy companies because of children? >> jessica: jesse, i think what he wanted to convey is that rising temperatures -- we have seen the increase in artificial snow used for winter sports is a climate problem, because it ended up going this way, do you think anyone heard any of that messaging from the witness? >> jesse: now, jessica. i noticed that crime is up or does that make me an expert on crime? that is this guy. his claim to fame is an expert because he notices there is less snow. i know there's less criminals behind bars. am i going to testify in front of congress? it doesn't make any sense. i have noticed the weather is changing. it is warmer in the winter. it snows less. here's what the democrats want us to do. they say, give me all of your money so then we could spend it to save the world.
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okay, how does that happen? they are going to give it to the donors to build windmills, evs and solar panels that don't work very well. the donors get rich and no nothing changes. now they are just bringing in skier as that notice there is less snow. >> jessica: greg. >> greg: according to science, every fraction warmer makes the planet more livable overall. cold weather kills more people than warm weather. that is a fact. i am sorry if this elitist cross-country skier is not getting his pack snow. it is helping the rest of us. i felt sorry for him. it is the democrats fault for bringing him in and calling him a highly credible witness. remember that we paid for that. he didn't come on his own dime i'm pretty sure. we paid to have that going on, and we are probably going to hear tony hawk tell us about immigration.
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it shows you -- here is my theory. i think somebody in the senate had a crush on him. staffer had a crush on him. there was a back story to this. i will be talking about it live on "special report." >> judge pirro: we have a 23-year-old, i'll be yet he has good looking and all that. why do we have a 23-year-old talking before congress, when we spent billions of dollars -- we have got scientists and experts in all kinds of people who can address this issue. we bring in this guy. this guy knows nothing about anything, and he is part of the climate called for the people going into museums and the people on the roads trying to prevent everybody from going forward. they are empty, and they are uninformed. i've got a tidbit for you. skiers like him are leaving forever chemicals on the snow and on the land. i've been a skier my whole life.
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you ask your skis, and that destroys the earth and the environment. they got to keep their mouth shut and leave it to the exp experts. >> jessica: and get a nordictrack. >> greg: he was way ahead of his skis. >> jessica: why are people getting high just to fly? ♪ ♪ e with cpap... you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at hi, i'm tali, and i lost 85 pounds on golo. all my life i struggled with my weight. i tried every diet, and i even had weight loss surgery. but, after complication,
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>> greg: nervous fliers are getting high before taking to this guy. passengers are turning to antianxiety meds and prayer to get through their flights after a string of problems that follow the alaska airlines door plug blowout earlier this year. what do you do to stay calm on a flight? do you do any kind of spiritual preparations? >> dana: i look at peter, because he is a good flyer. is this a problem? that's not a problem. chill out. you brought this up years and years ago. you want someone to come to your house, knock you out, put you on the plane and have you wake up when you are at your desti destination. >> greg: stack every body like bakery cakes and wheel you out. you are at your hotel, judge. i would have made a lot of money
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off that. >> judge pirro: you would have. i would have preferred a second seat. did that yesterday for a little bit. boeing, if it is bowing, i'm not going. >> greg: boeing, i'm not go going. >> jessica: i think it is weird when ceos assay, we are having this huge problem, so i'm going to resign in 9 months. why don't you go today? >> dana: who cares about the rational explanation? >> judge pirro: that guy committed suicide. talking about some information. that is why he is pulling out. could be, but i don't know. [laughter] >> greg: jesse, is this about time to call dr. siegel and get a prescription? >> jesse: i flew with you want. you didn't care if it was boeing. you didn't care what the engine looked like. you are feeling very good before
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you got on that plane. >> greg: it is because i did some prayers before. intoxicated by god. are you done? >> jesse: are you? >> greg: let's have a staring contest. >> judge pirro: we are done. ♪ ♪ you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." judge. >> judge jeanine: coming up on fox nation. you have to see this. menendez brothers you remember them from the late 80's that they were indicted for shooting their mother and their father. we did a special for fox nation on this. and the -- what is so amazing about this and you have to see it, and i have the original detective from the case and one of the psycho analysts, psycho therapists as well. but the issue, of course, had to do with whether or not one of the brothers or both of them were sexually molested. you're not going to believe this. the judge would not allow testimony of that sexual motion.
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and so those young men are now in their 50s. they have been in prison, life without parole. you have got to see this fox nation menendez brothers monsters or misunderwood. >> cat devito. now with letson. now let's go to the nashville zoo. something truly repulsive. check out disgusting -- a tiny male pup, a fan locate can a, it's the fifth spotted fanaloca. nocturnal animals thoroughly repulsive. mammals, reptiles and jesse watters hair. >> dana: cute. >> dana: age is just a number especially true for basketball
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player. 408 years old still plies basketball games. looking for teammates. recruiting players for 2025. perino on politics charles payne. jesse in. >> jesse: thank you for everybody signing you for book signing dana was there and of course fritz. if anybody was wondering fritz was in the house. i punched that man wearing a gutfeld shirt. that school many people trying to have me run for president. how many shirts did we see? a lot of those. >> greg: they want you to get assassinated. >> judge jeanine: don't say that. >> jesse: still availability. vero beach tonight. debuting the "jesse watters primetime" jfk series. >> dana: jessica, you get more time next time. that's it for us. have a great night. hey, bret. >> bret: hey, dana, thank you. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, we are following two big stories. the divide between t


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