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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 26, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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i live in california. i think it is great. but we just need somebody who understands business more than our governor. i guess he doesn't have businesses, or he doesn't help us at all. i don't know what happened to california. it wasn't like this when i grew up here. >> neil: well, we will see what he does. he wanted to exempt you but you can't exempt yourself because all of a sudden you're at a competitive disadvantage. thank you very much. hang in there. >> thank you. >> neil: many, many miles for your sandwiches and good things to come. but that's the reality with a lot of states that are posing these higher wages, and it is a very good, meritorious goal, we all want to see people get paid more, but a lot of times, a lot of them get paid off more. here is "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, dana perino, and even greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ and we have some big breaking news to get to. team biden ready to crush rfk jr. as he announces his vice presidential pick. and the liberal media pushing a new conspiracy about trump. but first, officials investigating the catastrophic collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore after a cargo ship crashed into it. kevin corke is on the scene and joins us now with the latest. >> judge, a massive, coordinated effort continues to coalesce here as the search for answers and for those who may have possibly survived this devastating collapse continues even tonight as we take a look at live pictures.
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of course, we are talking about the devastating collapse of that bridge around 1:30 this morning overnight. as mentioned, the search for answers, and for those who may have plunged into the frigid waters, continues. >> and there is not a single resource that we will hold off on deploying. i have already authorized the deployment of everything from air, land, and sea resources, to make sure that the search and rescue operation is carried out to its fullest intent. >> i should point this out, almost a dozen agencies already on the ground here. meantime, the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg, says this is a devastating loss of life, to say nothing of commerce and history. >> this is no ordinary bridge. this is one of the cathedrals of american infrastructure. it has been part of the skyline of this region for longer than many of us have been alive. so the path to normalcy will not be easy. >> at least six people remained
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missing at this hour. the fbi, judge, there is no evidence of terrorism involved, at least right now. back to you. >> judge jeanine: thanks so much, kevin. and it's the moment that's been terrifying team biden for mo months. robert f. kennedy jr. officially naming attorney and entrepreneur nicole shanahan for his running mate as the independent campaign for president heats up. >> 70% of americans, they don't want to have to choose between president trump and president biden. they don't want to choose between the lesser of two evils again. both the democrats and republicans are lucky those poll results, and they are devising ways to keep me off the pallet. they're trying to keep me off the ballot and frighten you into choosing between the two tired and unpopular heads of the unit party. >> judge jeanine: and team biden is launching an all-out effort to stop rfk jr. from securing any votes. the president's campaign staff is reportedly plotted an entire
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operation to take down kennedy. and the liberal media is more than happy to play along. >> my view is third parties, they are like cockroaches in the kitchen. it's not what they carry off, they fall into and foul up. >> let's be clear, a vote for a third party is basically a defective vote for donald trump. >> i don't think it is a smart move to spend a lot of energy attacking robert f. kennedy jr. i think he is probably a marginal candidate. i don't think he has a big impact on the election. >> i do worry that bobby is taking some percentage of votes from biden could shift the election and lead to trump selection. >> judge jeanine: meanwhile, joe and kamala are finally hitting the campaign trail together in north carolina. the democratic duo trying to ramp up support for the administration's deeply unpopular bidenomics. >> you notice not making much fun of bidenomics anymore. thinking maybe it works to build from the middle out and the
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bottom up. >> judge jeanine: all right, dana, i will go to you first. here we have robert kennedy jr. periods anti-big tech, anticensorship, proenvironment. who does he take votes from? >> dana: well, right now, i think both biden -- the capitol came out very strong against them but the trump pack did, as well be right now how rfk is pulling pulling around 24% and if you look at an election that is really, really close, if someone is going to even take 10%, it could make a big difference, and if you wonder if that is true, ask hillary clinton about jill stein and michigan back in 2016. it makes a difference. the democrat national committee for the first time ever has stood up in actual formal office within the dnc to just specifically go after third-party candidates. i am shanahan curious. i would like to know more about her. i think it is interesting that there is somebody like her who is willing to throw herself into the ring. i don't know if she knows what is about to hit her. silicon valley is not the
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easiest place to be. can be knockdown, drag out fights out there. the scrutiny she is about to go under is going to be intense. i was surprised, in a way, that it wasn't mike rowe. because he was within the mix, he was on the short-list of rfk jr. and i believe there had even been conversations and i think he would have been a really interesting choice, if you were trying to figure out where to get blue-collar workers in the middle of a political realignment that the republicans on the democrats are fighting over. if there is an independent streak in america -- and we know there is, gallup says there is 30% of people say they are republican, 30% say they are democrat, and the rest say they are independent. they usually end up voting republican or democrat, but if there was a viable third choice, i thought that mike rowe, as an excellent communicator, someone who brings a lot of credibility with him to that fight with those voters, that might have been interesting, but he chose shanahan and now we shall see. also pretty interesting, i think
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this is the 472nd makeover of kamala harris, and she is being sent out to shore up shaky biden voters? that doesn't make any sense to me. >> judge jeanine: before we get to kamala, what do you think, jesse, the fact that one of the kennedys is saying it is a de facto vote for donald trump and, you know, apparently rfk is only on one state ballot so far. >> jesse: he is on a couple, but not all of them. it's a process. in one of the reasons he tapped shanahan's because she has deep pockets, who can self-fund and help get him access. a lot of people i know who like rfk weren't thrilled with the choice. they were expecting someone a little bit more electrifying to kind of jolt that ticket and continue the momentum. there is a lot we don't know about her. but she has a lot of money, and you need a lot of money if you're running a third party. if you look at the polls, judge. joe is losing to trump head-to-head in every battleground still. if you introduce rfk, he pulls
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from both, but he pulls more from biden. right now, he's pulling a double digits in arizona, nevada, and wisconsin, and basically at 8% or 9% in the rest of the swing states. if he on pallets and continues to get more face time, he is going to be in double digits in all of the major battlegrounds and biden will lose this election if he performs like these numbers say. it looks like rfk is just going after the youth vote. he is trying to pick someone who has some young energy, she is in her 30s, and she is telegenic and mysterious, so people are thinking, who is she? what does she believe? right now we know rfk jr., he is intellectually curious, he doesn't speak like a politician, he has for the environment, but he is also for and all of the above energy deal. he's got a great relationship with the black community but doesn't pander. he is a capitalist but he think there should be checks and balances on corporate abuse.
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so i think he is a smart man. i like him. i think he is a good guy. i don't think he is going to win the election, but i think he is him to play a major role. >> judge jeanine: jessica, what jesse is referencing is the fact that kennedy is polling well in a lot of areas. take jill stein, she was at 1% and, you know -- but it depends -- >> jessica: election -- yeah, it wasn't just michigan, when you look at the margins, she did well in wisconsin and pennsylvania, so there is your blue wall. that is what joe biden needs to run. he needs to run exactly the same math, if not better than he did in 2020, and he certainly is under a lot of pressure in arizona and georgia, which were huge pickups were him, where he is down by five points to donald trump in most recent polling. with the rfk jr. issue, it is not antidemocratic to run against your opponents. that is what you are supposed to do. rfk jr. isn't even running as a democrat anymore. he is fully representing another
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party. he has views and policies that are divergent from what democrats are supportive of. and he is now going to be obviously heavily funded, and we should note that nicole shanahan was the person who paid for the super bowl ad that the kennedys flipped out about. but he is also funded by timothy mellon, a mega-daughter who also gives to trump, so $20 million went to rfk jr., $15 million to trump. steep band and encourage rfk jr. to ron saying he would be a use. steve bannon is into you than you are not good for democrats and of course democrats are going to stand up and do something about it. and to add to dana's point, they put liz smith in charge of this outfit and the dnc. that is not just we are taking this seriously, that is we are going to the walls on this. there is no one better at figuring out a good communication strategy. we probably wouldn't even know about pete buttigieg, let alone he would be the transportation secretary, if not for liz smith.
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>> greg: so she is the one to blame? >> jessica: do what you want, he didn't collapse the bridge. i want to say something about what is going on in the polling. there has been quite a significant biden bounce since the state of the union, so today that he got to north carolina, he has visited every single battleground state, and there were new swing state polls out this morning from bloomberg and morning consult that showed him gaining in 6 of 7 of the swing states, the only state where trump is gaining is in and georgia. >> jesse: but he is still losing all of the -- >> jessica: actually, no, he is not losing -- depends on what poll. i would love to get greg in. >> judge jeanine: to the extent that jessica is talking about biden doing better with the polling, isn't it do to kamala? [laughter] >> greg: yes, absolutely. she really is the star here. i don't think, you know, i don't think rfk jr. full from dems or republicans. he is going right where he is supposed to go, which is the independent voters purely as a perfect independent candidate. a little left him a little right, a little bit exotic, he's
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an outsider, fashion forward thinker. he is not as ripped as i am. he is doing something no one else is doing, and that is talking about nutrition and food and our food supply in the united states, which is something we don't like to talk about because that is where we make our money. you know, we can see that we are not a healthy country. i don't know this lady at all. it wouldn't have been my choice. my choice would have been kennedy. because he needs libertarians, right? >> jessica: i thought you meant one of his -- >> greg: two kennedys for the price of one and he gets the libertarians. i think that is about a split for both candidates. in terms of the democrats going after third-party candidates, this is a party that claims to be saving democracy. they are actually saving democracy for themselves, right? the running theme in all areas of the democrat -- a modern regressive left of the
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democratic party, is the worst thing in the world is another choice. right? they need to protect their incompetence by eliminating comparisons to things that are actually more competent. this is why they keep -- for example, if you look at elections, the targeting of candidates using nefarious means, look at trump and what they are trying to do to rfk jr. look at education, right? blocking school choice, preferring to put kids in, you know, minimum security prisons that we call public schools. you look at speech. look at difference of opinions and calling them miss or disinformation or hate speech, right, because people can't hear better ideas, that might be compared to your rational delusions, dei, which stands for didn't earn it, that is what replaced meritocracy, which is based on the best person winnin. you have quotas taking from a depleted pool of deserving applicants in every aspect, there is a war
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on competition. they don't like to win fair and square. >> judge jeanine: well said. >> greg: thank you. >> judge jeanine: okay, coming up. after trump's big win in court, the media is cooking up a brand-new conspiracy theory to attack him with. what a shock. musical ♪ ♪ no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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♪ ♪ >> dana: trump's truth social soaring in its stock market debut, ballooning the former presidents network. democrats calling the stock a ploy to pad to be after payment. speak of this sounds like a pump
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and dump. if you were ag, wouldn't you be prosecuting somebody for this? >> if you sell it, you will have a tax loss. >> the value is essentially worthless. they went to market and essentially try to sell $3 billion, the value of the stock would go to zero, practically immediately. >> dana: trump's coauthor behind "t"the art of the deal"" to pay his legal bills. >> he is more than willing to do anything, right now. i mean, look at his range of remarks over the last month or do. he is now a gangster. he is a mafia don. he belongs in a prison. >> dana: jesse come with liberal litigators made president trump much more wealthy. it's like an own goal. >> jesse: it's karma, jessica. >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> jesse: so funny the democrats have been bragging
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about biden's stock market and it is a ploy, it is a ploy, and joy reid wants to investigate trump but not nancy pelosi? talk about a pump and dump. nancy and paulie p have been pumping and dumping their whole lives. pillow talk. all of a sudden he happens to know exactly when and where to sell and what to buy, just happens to be his wife is the speaker of the house? come on, jessica. the whole market is a pump and dump. eventually. stock market is going to correct and everybody on the inside is going to sell and everybody else is going to be sitting here like, what just happened? this is the way life is. what do you think the clinton foundation was? >> jessica: a charity -- >> jesse: worse than truth social. going public to list on a stock exchange? it's got transparency. instead, the clinton foundation just goes to the saudis while she is secretary of state and says, pay up. they give her $20 million and they use it on their daughter's
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wedding. >> judge jeanine: 25. >> jesse: come on, jessica the whole thing is a scam. the clintons don't even know what business is. they just know how to fleece it. >> dana: jessica, have you scored on yourselves? >> jessica: i don't think so. also, charity navigator has a very high rating for the clinton foundation. listen, i have always said this. donald trump gets really lucky. >> greg: of course. >> judge jeanine: is that what it is? >> jessica: oh, it is the genius of truth social but has under 500,000 users? the last nine months of 2023 -- >> greg: here we go, jessica. i love it when people who have a media footprint pretend to know how things are built. i don't know how things are made. i don't know anything -- >> jessica: i know that when something is doing well, that people want to be on it, and when -- >> greg: lucky. >> jesse: he was a billionaire before this stock.
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>> greg: 's account. >> judge jeanine: can i -- they want to lock him up. now they are furious because he is making money on his own. and you know what, it is poetic justice for him. >> jessica: it is great poetry. in the last nine months of 2023, truth social generated $3.4 million and had lost $49 million in that span. the valuation, which is $11 million, compared to read it, right, something we've all been on, people use -- >> judge jeanine: i don't. >> jessica: you are on truth social but not on reddit. their evaluation was $6.4 billion. we think that a site that has less than half a million users -- these are facts. >> jesse: electric car companies. >> jessica: it's pathetic. >> judge jeanine: this is pathetic. >> jesse: valuations are ridiculous, jessica. >> jessica: it's like game stop.
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>> jesse: it's actually not. >> jessica: you are in truth social? show it to me. >> jesse: i am not having you look at my phone. >> jessica: show me. >> dana: greg, i lost total control. >> greg: no offense, jessica -- >> jessica: the offense has already been taken butte >> greg: trump or elon musk or any capitalist or anybody who builds things, it's funny to me because, just because you are in the media, or somebody once called you an expert, or you showed up four times on cnbc to talk about stocks, somehow you know what somebody is doing? i want to know if this is a scam, tell me who is being ripped off? who is involuntarily investing in this? tell me about the illegality of it. it's funny coming from people who push things like air america or blm or deia, or who support the climate agreements, or the u.n., or the actual election of biden.
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we want a scam, this guy pawned himself off as a moderate unifier, not a chance. talk about pump and dump. that biden's life. he has one big pump and dump. this is going to play out as a movie, right. we are in the third act. feels like the remake of "roadhouse" but even better because you have all of these elites in power joining in to throw out the outsider who has somehow slipped their prominence to domination and they cannot handle it. >> judge jeanine: this whole thing is built of the hatred and contempt of the left, okay? the progressive left. the man was literally thrown off of twitter. he was forced to start his own social network, and he did. and you know what? the dems deserve it. the sad part about this whole thing is that the democrats have literally made him richer. they made him more powerful. and the democrats through their hatred are going to make him president of the united states. they are incapable of looking at
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themselves in the mirror and saying, i hate this man, i unfriended all of my friends and family in 2016 when he was elected -- who did donald trump kill? i mean, what is the problem? the man has signed the front of checks for his whole career, and now, all of a sudden, what did he build? what didn't he build? what hasn't he done? >> dana: i want to add one other thing to that. so he gets kicked off these other social medias, he creates his own, and then what happens is the media is so addicted to covering him that what they do is they take his truth social posts. they are not necessarily on truth social but take those and put them on television or in the newspaper, giving him a earned media, so who is smarter -- okay. ahead, joe biden putting the border crisis on the back burner as migrants find new ways to enter the united states. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: it's a giant free-for-all joe biden's border, a smuggler cutting through razor wire in el paso with both cutteg migrants free admission into the u.s., the same place where illegals stampede of the national guard but joe doesn't care. is blowup last month was just for show because instead of working to stop illegal immigration he is now kicking any idea of executive action to the curb. joe reportedly no longer feels any sense of urgency to do anything to fix the crisis. he has such a boat was on the border that even mexico's president is threatening him. >> everybody thinks you have the power in this moment to slow down migration. do you plan to? >> interpreter: we do and want to continue it but we do want for the root causes to be attended to, for them to be a seriously looked at. >> if they don't do the things
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you said need to be done, then what? >> interpreter: the flow of migrants will continue. >> greg: jesse, right after he said that he actually crossed our border. >> jesse: he did? and then biden let him in? >> greg: yes, exactly. >> jesse: well, he is shaking us down. we were told joe biden was this great statesman with all of our allies. we were going to work together. where is joe biden? >> greg: where is he? >> jesse: why isn't he negotiating a deal with mexico? trump negotiated a deal with mexico. why isn't joe biden getting on the phone with mexico or guatemala or honduras or any of these countries and saying, hey, guys, listen, this is what we are going to do, and you are going to do it for us, and if you don't there's like to be a problem. we have so much power over these countries. all it takes is a phone call. he says he can do it. he acts like he can do it. in venezuela won't even take the migrants that he apparently has deported back. so we are now just waiting
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around for him to figure out an executive order? he is not going to do that. >> greg: it is a pump and dump. judge? >> judge jeanine: joe biden is not interested in closing the border. remember the whole thing with the bill and they trashed the republicans and they said, we need congress to act, you know, 5,000 a day is appropriate, 35,000 a week, what was it, 150,000 a month, we need that bill. but the president will have to issue an executive order. did he? he didn't do it before the state of the you and come he didn't do it at the state of the union. you knew why? he doesn't think there is an emergency there. there is nothing creating any sense of emergency. and the truth is that he wants to open the border, which is why his agenda as soon as he came in was to issue all of these executive orders to overturn what donald trump had done. and he doesn't want to issue an executive order now in his third year because he wants to keep them coming in.
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why does he want to keep them coming end? why would he do that? because we have to pay for their education, medication, housing, credit cards, free cash, their food, moving veterans out in all of that stuff but the truth is we don't have extra cash, so we are just doing it why? because he needs the votes. and the example that i will give you is in new york city today, the new york city council is looking to get 800,000 illegals to vote in new york city. it is just the beginning and it explains why joe biden is not acting. there is no emergency in his mind. and the truth is the people who are coming in here don't care if it is open or closed, that is why they are jumping in el paso with cheers of box cutters. they are going to get in one way or another. >> greg: it is an interesting comparison when you think of how the media reacts after some crime in america. they will talk about it every single day around-the-clock. it's like, whatever happened, whether it was laken riley or somebody be raped by an illegal,
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it just gets forgotten and buried. there is no emergency or urgency at all. >> dana: it's like we don't have our own eyes. you are seeing it every day. one of the things about the cartels -- the mexican president -- the cartels run the mexican government. biden, he says he doesn't want to do anything. i think it is because he feels powerless. what they do, the problem is they governed by crisis. so they just have a crisis and then they wait for the next crisis to cover up that crisis periods afghanistan and the pull out, that was a disaster at a crisis. and then inflation and gas prices became a crisis. east palestine, baby formula, chinese spy balloon, one crisis to the next but i don't understand their unwillingness to want to solve problems. why do you go into government if you do not want to solve problems? i don't get that. he is trying to hide behind this congressional bill that the judge brings up, but he thinks we don't know that he did 99 -- or 91 executive orders.
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that means you had some power then, why do you not have it now? that's probably why he has a 70% disapproval rating on immigration. >> greg: in the green room, jessica, you hoped this migrant flow would continue because of course you are looking for a nanny. >> jessica: oh, my gosh. and a housekeeper. >> judge jeanine: gardner. >> jessica: no, no, no, i am a renter. [laughter] by the way, brian didn't like that one, we talked about -- >> jesse: sorry, brian. >> jessica: any who-dles, i wish politician and generals would just be more transparent when they say, well, you could do this or this one did this and i undid this. i think the list should be made public for everybody. these are the executive actions that i was considering. right, it came out a week before the state of the union, said i am going to take an executive action on the border, which one was it? right, just so we know at least where the administration is thinking that this could be a good solve.
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maybe it was something that president trump had done, maybe it was something else, but i do think for those of us are supporters of the president and also care about this issue that we deserve to know that, and you can't hide behind the bipartisan bill throughout the entirety of this election because it is not going away as an issue, at least for republican voters and a lot of moderate voters and if the plan is to pick up 10% if you can of nikki haley's voters come who said they were to satisfy that donald trump is the nominee, you are going to have to talk about some issues that are outside of the democratic will house or traditional democratic will house, and you say, well, maybe it doesn't feel like a crisis, but losing even 5%, 10% of latino voters from where it was in 2020 is a crisis. losing even a couple percentage points of black male voters is a crisis. these margins are so razor-thin that a jill stein could have an effect, going back to our discussion in the a block. >> greg: thank you.
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>> jessica: that wasn't bad. >> judge jeanine: it was long. >> jessica: it was not long. >> greg: i was zoning out, to be honest. [laughter] ahead, the career criminal is all smiles after murdering an innocent person in an unprovoked attack. this is nuts. ♪ ♪ >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive.
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>> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: when do liberals say enough is enough when it comes to letting career criminals run rampant in our streets? a commuter killed in new york city after being shoved in front of a subway train in an unprovoked attack. police charging a suspect with murder adding to his rap sheet of four prior arrests. near post capturing the moment the suspect flashed a smile as he was led out of the police precinct. and an nypd officer fatally shot during a routine traffic stop.
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suspects both with lengthy criminal histories. the driver has 14 prior arrests, and the shooter has been busted 21 times, including nine felonies. new york city mayor eric adams calling the incident a recidivist problem. >> there is a small number of people who are repeat offenders, and i am hoping that our lawmakers, that we focus on that body of people, and i am hoping that our judges focus on it. >> jesse: yeah. judge, nine felonies. we always talk about prosecutors. these judges are letting a lot of people off the hook. >> judge jeanine: oh, there is no question. look, jesse, i could go through each one. the police officer who was killed has a 1-year-old child. i mean, it was a routine traffic stop. what most people don't realize is a traffic stop is the most dangerous setting for a police officer. more cops are killed in traffic stops, and then the next is domestic violence settings.
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this guy just got out of state's prison. what we do know about rivera, who shot the cop, is he had to state prison terms. one for a controlled substance, and the other for attempted murder and robbery. very serious, career criminal, but he probably should have been in states prison. he was on parole, let him out in 2021, apparently kept him on parole for two years, maybe should have been on parole more than that. the driver, 14 arrests come out on bail, he has been convicted, the driver, attempted murder already, he was out on bail appeared meanwhile this mcpherson nut job who pushed the person in front of the traiy does he have demonstrated mental illness and a record of the same, he apparently was arrested three times on one charge, and they kept letting him go without bail. finally they set bail at $2,000. so i can complain about parole not keeping guy and long enough,
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one guy how is he out of jail if he has already been convicted of attempted murder and now they have him on a gun charge, why are they giving him bail? keep them in jail. the mental guy with four priors. for those of you who don't think it is a serious crime, it's not, but it leads to everything else. we live in a country and in a city, certainly, where criminals are emboldened. they are not afraid of us. we are afraid of them. i could say we got to change the bail laws. i could say we've got to get prosecutors better than bragg, who is prosecuting danny penny for protecting people on a subway car. you know, kathy hochul, keeps putting police in and say we are imagining crime in the subways when we are seeing it every day now. of people shoving other people off. we are living in a time when unless we take the bull by the horns, change the law as it relates to the bail issue,
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refunding the police departments, taking out the d.a.s who are not prosecuting these crimes, we are all going to be victims, it is that simple. >> jesse: jessica, you are a compassionate woman. what's going on here? 14 second chances? >> jessica: no, it's too many. if you want to look at this through the most craven lens, which is how i think most politicians do, you can look at the results of kathy hochul's race for governor, where lee zeldin got within a few points of hers in a blue, blue state, and that should have never happened, if not for the crime issue. and her refusal to address it. and you look at all of the seats that republicans picked up on long island, george santos included, and that was one of the key issues that's waited for republicans and how they were able to take back the majority. it was slim but we still lost that we easily could have won. coming in conversation and exit polls, this was an issue for them and one that was seemingly
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just ignored. tom suozzi, who has now won a george santos seat back, look at the way he is talking. it is a big departure from how the general party is talking about this issue. i think it is because these are the types of things that even if the numbers are technically going down, you feel it every day, and i talk to people who take the subway, don't take the subway, or are just living here, and there is an error, it is in the air that you are one person away from like a random act of violence. and that that is a scary way to live. and that we shouldn't have to. >> jesse: dana? >> dana: we don't have a minute left so let me just say it is not the bags, governor. as we sat at the beginning. is mentally ill people on the subway. if you have a triage situation, get the mentally ill people out of the subways. but the people who are committing crimes in jail, prosecute them, fire alvin bragg, you could actually do something. you could have a surge, do
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something, you are not powerless, why did you run, anyway? >> jesse: greg? >> greg: you know, we have set all of this stuff so many times, you have to ask, why don't they listen? it strikes me as really irrational, what is going on. why haven't the people in charge say they have had enough? is it because their ego refuses their ability to admit they are wrong? i don't care if they admit they are wrong or right, just do something. what has happened is they have demonized rationality by replacing that sort of thinking with this, i said it yesterday, delusional empathy. any efforts based on self defense, security, law and order, is viewed as inhumane. you are not compassionate. they have undermined rational thinking. and this is deliberate. when we talk about these things, they don't hear it because they don't want to hear it. this is a deliberate action. they have undermined rational thinking about law and order by saying our country is plagued by
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an eternal origin of white supremacy and slavery. that led, that led to the hysteria in which we undod all common sense making about bail, arrests, prison time, basic security on your streets, mass theft, carjacking, all of those basic common sense principles that dealt with those things were reversed because they came -- they were products of a racist society, so we allowed idiots, malicious idiots, to upend the greatest system ever, and we replaced rational thought with this irrational behavior in which all cost and benefits go out the window. they don't even care about what happens next. we have demonized self-preservation. if you are worried about your family, that could be construed as racist peter but if you want to crack down on criminals, racist. institutionalize the mentally ill, that is obviously inhumane, you want to defend cops?
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you are defending the oppressor. if you want to build a wall, that is xenophobic. you have seen how it all comes together. if you want to save your family and yourself, you are the bad guy. >> jesse: nothing more dangerous than a malicious idiots. >> greg: that's true, jesse. you would know. >> jesse: up next, the chat but will see you now. why doctors are turning to ai to do their jobs. ♪ ♪ you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. anthony: this making you uncomfortable? good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: next time you go to your doctor, you may be seen. the american academy of family physician is now encouraging stressed-out docs to use chatgpt to free up their schedule and lighten their workloads. you are for this? >> dana: i am. i think the headline is misleading. what is not like you're going to go in and a chat bot is going to say, wow, can i look down your throat? you have strep. you can use ai to do things like, could you write out this chart, could you fill in this information? you know how you go to the doctor and you have to give the same information every freaking time and it is so annoying, that is why i never go -- just kidding, i do go once in a while -- i think this is figuring out a way to be more efficient with paperwork, fill out the insurance -- how many times did you go and you have to show them your insurance card, both sides, it takes forever.
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this is to help with that. i think. >> jessica: real fast, i was at the doctor today, i have gone over that list three times, we are done. and the truth is, chatgpt gets medical diagnosises right. can confirm what your doctor thinks, i am no problem with it. >> greg: yeah, i went to the doctor today. >> dana: you did not. >> judge jeanine: i did. >> greg: okay, good for you. that's all. >> jessica: okay. jesse? [laughter] >> jesse: i don't want a chat bot. i want -- the chat bot is not going to try to get books on the show. the chat but is not going to tell me what a great job i am doing on "the five." i am in the tender loving care of the doctor -- i love the doctor. >> jessica: a lovely man.? "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv —
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♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for "one more thing" and jessica goes first. >> jessica: great, so 200 waiters and waitresses competed in a server's race in the streets of paris known as decourse the cafe walked 1.2 miles throughout the city holding a tray with a croissant, full glass of water and empty coffee cup. only one hand was allowed. >> jesse: they still don't get tips. >> jessica: rude. 13 minute and 30 second winning a medal. it's a fun tradition. >> jesse: do we know who won? >> francois. >> tonight great show emily austin jim florentine kat timpf, tyrus that's tonight. we got time for this. ♪ >> greg: all right. let's play the sound. all you guys got listen and guess what it is.
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[hollow sound] >> is that engine. >> animal. >> lizard. >> hippopotamus? >> motorcycle. >> judge jeanine: one of those things in the water the big ones with the. >> hippos. >> judge jeanine: hippopotamus. >> greg: bret baier snoring. i recorded it this morning. i didn't want to wake him he was so adorable. let's play it. >> jesse: can akimono dragon. >> baby alligator. >> greg: 29-year-old alligator cincinnati zoo in ohio. >> judge jeanine: how did you know how old he was? anyway, that's it for us, everybody. have a great night. see you tomorrow night at 5:00. >> bret: judge, i do have a snore that's like an alligator sometimes. but, thank you. >> judge jeanine: i wouldn't know but thanks for telling us. [laughter]


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