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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 27, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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accountable and what does that accountability look like now 30 seconds to you, congressman? we're going to have hearings in congress. we're going to have hearings probably on both of my committees, the coast guard subcommittee as well as on the entire transportation committee to find out exactly what happened it. may not be more regulations and laws, are we enforcing them properly and a big shout-out to law enforcement who did the right thing, moved quickly, and saved a whole will the of lives on that bridge. >> todd: amen. without our foun first respondes both on the bridge and in the water we would have lost a lot more people. jeff van drew, we appreciate your time this morning. keep us posted on the steps you are is taking the people need the government to step in and fix this. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> lawrence: buckle up 6:00 a.m. on the east coast and wednesday,
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march 27th around this is fox news alert. >> brian: fox news alert right now. recovery efforts resume as the baltimore bridge as six are presumed dead. the new audio from a mayday call reveals the crew sounding the alarm. >> there's a ship approaching just lost their steering. stop traffic. make sure no one is on the bridge right now. >> the whole bridge just fell down. everybody. the whole bridge just collapsed. >> and to another alert. after less than a week on the job, former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel is out at nbc after on air criticism. >> there's a research why there is a lot of journalists on nbc news uncomfortable with this. >> we also said election deniers not just so that they can do that on our airways so they could do that to us our sacred airways. >> onto me that is inexplicable. >> steve: we are going to talk about that in three minutes. in the meantime a mega billionaire, one lucky player to
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the state of new jersey is waking up this morning for the winning ticket for the fifth largest jackpot in history. they are rich. >> lawrence: it could be one of us. >> brian: new york city got to be new jersey. >> steve: we can go to jersey. they have bridges. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now and remember mornings are better with friends. >> brian: here we go. this is a fox news alert. live look at baltimore harbor. recovery efforts are getting back underway for the six presumed dead after the francis scott key bridge collapsed. >> lawrence: later today the owner of a singapore based ship that brought the bridge down are expected to arrive in baltimore. >> steve: griff jenkins joins us now from as close to the scene as he can get. and, griff, as we piece together what happened yesterday, it sounds like the pilot on board, when he yelled mayday probably saved a lot of people's lives. >> that's right. there are heroes in this story. good morning, guys. but let's start with what we
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know. we know at least 8 people went into that water. two were rescued. unfortunately the six unaccounted for have now been presumed dead by the officials. now, at 6:00 a.m., they are scheduled to begin what is called a recovery mission. no longer search and rescue. they are going to try to recover the bodies. those divers will go back into that frigid water. and it will be dangerous for those divers as well because of the amount of the bridge pieces and currents in that water. but, those heroes you are talking about, steve, they are the first responders in the maryland transportation authority dispatch people as we can hear in dramatic audio recordings of contact exactly what happened. what went into effect after that mayday call went out in stopping traffic on this bridge. listen here. >> we can stop traffic. just make sure no one is on the bridge right now. there's a crew up there 3450eu9d want to notify whoever the
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forman is see if we can take them off the bridge temporarily. >> the whole bridge just fell down. everybody, the whole bridge just collapsed. >> why did that ship the nearly 1,000-foot long shipping con towner flagged from singapore lose power. were their redundancy for the power and lost propulsion and crashed into that pillar that brought the span of the bridge down. yesterday we got a brief ntsb briefing. we learned very little. hopefully get more answers on that today. meanwhile there is an economic impact here the cover of "the baltimore sun" this morning showing the economic cost to the port shutdown can cost $15 million a day. and, of course, there will be questions about how they begin to remove the pieces of bridges out of this channel to open that port back up. that, of course, can take quite some time. and then they will have to rebuild the bridge. finally, as you mentioned,
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lawrence, the owners, the singapore owners of the ship are expected to arrive in baltimore today. we'll find out. what they have to say. and if they have any answers as to why their ship had a couple of issues possibly, flagged for preefs issues and was it sea worthy? guys? >> brian: first thing to comes to find only 30 minutes into the journey. pilots are in control of the ship until they turn it over to the captains. what is going on in maintenance and do you think that will be a big focus of the investigation how this potential what ended up being a power outage how it wasn't detected? >> griff: i think that's absolutely going to be a big issue, brian. and the "wall street journal" is exclusively reporting that one of the potential causes could have been dirty fuel. was that an issue on this ship? and i think these are a lot of the questions that the ntsb will dig into. yesterday at that very short brief ntsb briefing they told us
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it's going to take quite some time. maintenance is going to be an issue and what led to the power loss because, obviously, when you have no power, you can't steer the ship. so it essentially drifted into the column that brought the bridge down. and, of course, why weren't their power redundancies on that ship? we don't know. big answers that we're going to need to find out. >> steve: no kidding. all right. griff. >> lawrence: i'm so sorry, real quickly, griff, has it been confirmed that all of the folks that are facing right now are the construction workers? >> griff: that's right. the officials say that they were all construction workers. they were fixing potholes on the bridge. and we did get a little bit of another piece of information, lawrence, and that is the mexican consulate official for this baltimore area confirmed to fox news that they are nationals from mexico, honduras, guatemala and el salvador. the immigration status was
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unknown, but they are nationals from those countries. and there are some vigils in one of the latino areas here in baltimore yesterday. >> brian: i saw one of them interviewed didn't speak a word of english. >> ainsley: there was the reporting that officials used sonar technology and did detect cars in the river and so you were thinking oh my gosh there are even more people? what about those drivers? now they are thinking that those cars belonged to the construction workers and there was nobody in those. >> steve: the audio that griff played a little snippet of, you can actually hear the people who were working the bridge say we haven't been able to get ahold of the construction crew and before you know it, next thing you know the entire bridge is in the water. >> brian: right. >> lawrence: thanks, griff. >> brian: to another fox news alert. nbc dropping former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel as a paid contributor. the move comes less than a week after hearing hiring was
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announced. >> carley: mcdaniel is reportedly exploring her legal options after finding out about the termination through media reports. >> steve: don't you hate it when that happens? lucas tomlinson joins us now with a little more of this drama from d.c. and elsewhere. lucas, good morning? >> good morning, steve. the backlash was loud and appeared united across the network. >> when nbc made the decision to give her nbc's credibility, you got to ask herself what does she bring nbc news? >> this is about truth vs. lies. ron into mcdaniel has been a major peddler of the big lie. >> what we have also said election deniers is not just so they can do it on our airways so they can do that as one of us, as paid contributors to our sacred airwaves. >> i find the decision to put her on the payroll inexplicable. and i hope they will reverse their decision. >> jen psaki also warned democracy was in danger after ronna mcdaniel was hired last night on "special report" hugh
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houthi predicted mcdaniel will sue nbc for breach of contract and intentional infliction of mental distress. the chairman nbc universal issued a mea culpa while announcing the termination mcdaniel writing, quote: while this was a collective recommendation by some members of our leadership team, i approved it and take full responsibility for it. our initial decision was made because our deep commitment to presenting our audiences with a widely diverse set of few points and experiences particularly during these consequential times. we committed to be committed to that principle. we will redouble our efforts to seek voices that represent different parts of the political spectrum. now, critics say it's a lack of diversity viewpghts at issue here, including having someone explain donald trump's appeal to voters. some of mcdaniel's supporters would helped explain why immigration is such an important issue to the network. guys? >> steve: but they nb see ya
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later. thank you very much. this is how they are going to be treating donald trump through the next six months and the next four years if they win. they have no patience. they have already been cutting him off. they feel as though she would have been in there going to bat for president trump or giving his point of view out. also they ripped her for a half hour. all they talk about is january 6th for 30 minutes with kristen welker, chuck todd lights her up. joe scarborough as you saw the whole channel does. and then they apologize to their on air talent for hiring someone? >> carley: they ripped her all day and all night for a week after nbc announced that they were hiring her. and i had no idea that employee could say make hiring and firing decisions i guess they can. they also ripped their own bosses, the executives at nbc. you heard all of that sound from the anchor saying ronna mcdaniel isn't one of us. she can't be a part of "our" sacred airways.
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bullying. after the announcement came down that she was being fired. listen to the difference in tone and the celebration from those same anchors. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> when somebody does the right thing, i feel like it should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledged our outrage. >> it's not about hiring republicans. not even about hiring somebody who has trump ties. this was a really specific case. i'm grateful that our leadership was willing to do the, i think, the bold, strong resilient thing. >> she aided and abetted in the biggest attack to destroy american democracy since the civil war. i have to say i really appreciate working in a place that was able to say we got this one wrong and then made the right decision. >> lawrence: it's truly unbelievable when you listen to these comments. as carley and brian noted earlier on, they ripped her a new one. she was asked to apologize to the country. and it's become very clear that the only republican that is welcome on nbc are never
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trumpers. republicans go on and condemn the republican party and condemn donald trump. and i hope this is not just a message to the viewers. if you are an independent voter who agrees with trump's economic policies but may disagree on some of the more social tone things. don't tune in because you will not get that point of view. i hope it's a lesson to penal considering contributorships there even when you apologize. even when you lie on the sword which ronna mcdaniel did some places in the interview because they beat her so much on tv, they still will get rid of you, even when you apologize they still get rid of you. it's never enough for them. >> steve: do you know what it is interesting though this was a complete corporate decision to hire. you had the ceo who put out that note and apologized. she was hired by nbc news editorial chief and the decision was backed by the person who had
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the political conch. it's like the whole head of nbc said this is the right person until it hit the fan. and the people who appear on tv from their perches said it was inappropriate and essentially called for her head. and eventually got it. it just goes show you that apparently across the street the people on tv run the show. >> carley: the reason they hired hher commitment to diversity of thought and wanted to other people's point of views as is the fabric of america we all feel different ways about different things. obviously that's what a news network would want to do. she has availability. she just was out as the rnc chair. and so, of course, you could see that a news network would want to hire her. i don't understand why they couldn't have had her on or challenged her and had the panel and have her be the one republican and other democrats feafn. asks her where she comes from.
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if donald trump wins the election again she could tell their viewers why half the country wanted to vote for him. >> brian: also, if there is a strategy and i hope it doesn't happen again where we are almost deadlocked at the end she could say this is how we approached it in michigan and pennsylvania. this is what we were worried about in arizona. this is difficult but they can make their own decisions. i think it's very emblematic same intolerance seeing on college campuses and the way students feel they can dictate to management in everything. now you have the anchors dictating to management how to do it. when you acquiesce. now you have to clear everybody with management -- i mean with the talent? >> steve: ultimately when contributors are hired so they can contribute to the story because they come with a unique point of view and they have got access to a lot of people involved. so, ultimately. i mean, who in the political world on the republican side knows more about the rnc than ronna mcdaniel? >> lawrence: also at its core to
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hire her and not have the decency to call her before the media reports are done? >> brian: try to have a soft landing. >> lawrence: apologize with what is happening. give her some sort of -- i mean treat her like a human being. >> brian: hey, listen, why don't you step aside and say it's your decision to step aside or how do you want to handle this? >> lawrence: give her a package or something. anyway. >> steve: stay tuned. >> lawrence: new video from tmz shows the messy aftermath on sean "diddy" comes home in los angeles. >> comes as the rap mogul calls unprecedented witch-hunt. >> brian: todd piro with the details. the de. >> todd: tore his home apart from the bedrooms to the boiler room. the raids in l.a. and miami are part of a sex trafficking investigation. video showing safes and drawers left open. paper scattered throughout the home and loose wires where agents seized electronics. >> the rap mogul's lawyer
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calling gross overuse of military level force and also saying, quote: this unprecedented ambush paired with an advanced coordinated media presence leads to a premature rush to judgment of mr. combs and nothing more than a whisenhunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. now, diddy was hit with four lawsuits in recent months accusing him of sexual abuse. one of those was by his former girlfriend r&b singer cassie. she agreed to a settlement. unclear if the federal probe is linked to those lawsuits. diddy last seen in miami on monday and as rumors swirl over his whereabouts. his attorney says the rapper is still allowed to travel wherever he pleases. high profile criminal defense attorney mark geragos defended diddy in a 2015 criminal case. he joined us live at 8:20 a.m. eastern to discuss this case. my opinion? this case is small now. it is going to get huge in the coming days, weeks and months. back over to you.
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>> steve: they don't show up like that unless they have got inside information. >> ainsley: they mean business. thank you todd so much. more business to get to here. officers from across new york state lining the streets of long island to pay tribute to fallen nypd officer jonathan diller who was shot and killed during a traffic stop on monday. police say a career criminal shot the father of one in the stomach after refusing to get out of his car. new york city mayor eric adams talked about this yesterday. >> i cannot say it any clearer, is the good guys against the bad guys. this is what you call not a crime prorks a recidivist problem. same bad people doing bad things to good people back on the streets with another gun. >> carley: the suspect had 21 prior arrests. the analysis saw county police commissioner will join us later
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to discuss this tragic situation. new york city is handing migrants up to $18,000 per year in prepaid debit cards. the taxpayer funded cards are given to migrant families whether they arrive at the city's hotel shelter. the cards are preloaded with up to $350 per week. and are renewed until the end of their stay. city officials say the migrants have to sign an affidavit saying they will only spend the money on food and baby supplies. president biden is interrupted by pro-palestinian protesters at an event in north carolina yesterday. >> because the insurance company considered those pre-existing condition, allowed them to deny conch. [shouting] >> what about the healthcare in gaza? >> everybody deserves healthcare. [shouting] >> be patient with them. >> they have a point. we need to get a lot more care into gaza. [applause]
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>> carley: biden has faced increased criticism from the left over his support for israel in gaza. robert f. kennedy jr. announcing nicole shanahan as his running mate last night at a campaign event in her hometown in oakland, california. shanahan says she is disillusioned with the democrat party. >> in the democratic party i do believe they have lost their way and their leadership. i worry for the party's overwhelming interest in elitism, celebrity, and winning at all costs. and i worry that they do it even if that means turning a blind eye on the issues that they all know to be true. >> carley: shanahan is a silicon valley attorney and entrepreneur. an estimated 40,000 fans flooded times square for a pop-up concert with shakira. ♪
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>> carley: that is so consume. i had no idea that happened and i live in this city. celebrate the release of her first new album in seven years. look at her go. one lucky person in new jersey becoming a billionaire with a b overnight. the number for the $1.3 billion mega millions jackpot were 7, 11, 22, 29, 38, and 4. the ticket holder can opt for annual payments or get a lump sum of $537.5 million. and they weren't the only lucky once. 12 players in california, colorado, illinois, michigan, ohio, georgia, and florida winning $1 million prizes and one ticket holder in new york landing a $3 million prize. that's a lot of winners, guys. >> steve: yeah, it is. it just goes to show you don't have to get all the numbers right. if you got the first five and then the powerball number. >> brian: so much easier to win
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than i thought. >> carley: yeah. >> brian: jimmy fallon had a funny skit. put lie detector on her hips. drew bear more running the machine car car that is very funny. >> brian: we might have shakira on. she might pop right up. >> steve: she is in the neighborhood. >> brian: steve, ask her to come. >> steve: shakira? >> brian: do you know what her last name is? >> carley: what. >> brian: johnson. >> lawrence: really? >> brian: no. i made that up. serious stuff now. soft on crime policies meet hard reality. man with 21 prior arrests accused of killing a police officer and a man awaiting trial for assault accused of killing a bystander in the subway same day. >> steve: we're going to talk to police commissioner pat ryder why blue states let criminals back out on the street. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ )
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the past 21 times. nine of them felonies. just over an hour later. a man was killed after being pushed in front of a moving train. his attacker reportedly had a long history of mental illness, spent a lot of his time in prison and shouldn't have been there that night. how are these criminals aloud back on the streets. why would anyone be a police officer today and have this type of sacrifice with no backup. nassau county police commissioner pat ryder joins us now. always nice to see you. this happened in new york city the 31-year-old officer is from massapequa, long island. that commute back and forth can you see eye to eye with. the fact is you look at this guy's background. could you talk about how the officer walks up on a car, asked him why are you stopped in the bus lane? >> so, first of all, on behalf of nassau county executive bruce blakeman the police department our condolences to the diller family and the entire nypd family. there is no such thing as a routine car stop. anybody who has ever says it has it never done it or walked in the shoes of an officer in the police department.
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every time you stop a car, there's a chance that your life could be taken. >> brian: so, when diller walks up in his car and says guy you got to move. they don't want to move. shoots him under east the bullet proof vest and he loses his life right there on the spot. when you look at this guy's background a story of a gay never should have been out of prison. out 2021. serving five years, 10 years prior to that you think it's a bigger story than that. >> absolutely. both of those perps should have been in jail. they both spent over 8 years. one 8 and 12 years in the system. while in the system they assaulted a correction officer. they don't deserve to walk the streets out there in new york city, long island, anywhere in this country. it's a bigger picture because it's bail reform. it's letting the prisoners out. the revolving door of the 80's has come back. we have lost support for the men and women of law enforcement and we lost support when it comes to the tools that used to be in the toolbox. they are no longer there for us. >> brian: when diller walks up and gets shot by these guys, the attitude of someone who thinks i
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can even touch a cop maybe run away from a cop, but let alone take out a cop, can you get inside that mindset? >> no, you can't. because these are not normal people. thee people don't deserve to be out there. the fact that you think you can get away with assaulting a police officer in this great city of new york is unfathomable. the fact that the nassau county, suffolk county, everywhere in the state of new york getting assaulted by people individuals stop in car stops. going down the street, throwing stuff at us a us. a couple years ago throwing the water on top of the officers. it's unheard of. you can't allow someone to attack what stands for justice. that is us. we stand for law and order. we stand for the quality of life here in nassau county and new york city and suffolk county. but, at the end of the day, if you let the bad guy out, the bad guy is going to keep doing what he does. >> brian: officer diller 31 years old has a 1-year-old child. he lives in my town. and a already the main thoroughfare of people who want to drive by the house. memorial services start today. the form are president called the family yesterday at the
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funeral home. could you describe what's going to be happening in tribute to him and his sacrifice? >> tomorrow you want to see what the strength of the blue line looks like? tomorrow there will be thousands. hundreds of thousands of cops lined down the road from massapequa from seaford all the way back into within a do you a. they are going to come out and support of our brother officer killed in the line of duty by some individual who shouldn't should have spent his life in jail out there took this spherps life. this 1-year-old kid will grow up without a fox all star now because of this. >> and right now you were hear when bail reform went into play. >> that's right. >> brian: you feared this hang. and now it's been copied around -- in other major cities across the country. do you sense people are wising up to it? >> i don't think the people in albany get it. i don't think they're ever going to get it. i think we have to put pressure on albany to make changes. it's got to come from the other local politicians. you heard mayor adams yesterday. and he came out against bail reform. against things that are hurting his community here in new york
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city. hurting his cops. bad guys deserve to be in jail. that's where they belong. let's keep them there. >> right. and when someone at 31 years old loses their life, you were teaching in the academy yesterday. what does it do for you permanently? what does it do to you personally? >> it his home to everywhere single cop. i got two kids that are in law enforcement. i got my best friends and families that are in law enforcement. but every one of those cops put on uniform, they are part of my family now when they come in. i teach those recruits the same thing. when you walk into this academy, you raise your right hand to protect and serve, you protect and serve without any questions. it doesn't matter. whatever the law is, we are going to still go out there and do it. so the people in our communities need to back our cops. >> brian: look at these two guys, before we go, guy rivera, 21 prior arrests, 9 arrests, released from prison in 2021, parole in 2023. carrying a weapon. sitting there in queens willing to shoot whoever comes up to him and look at his partner. tell me that america is a better place when they're out. >> there was a time you got
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caught with handgun in this city you would automatically go to jail 1 to 3 years. now caught with a handgun no bail, walk out no. violence involved they let you walk out. what does he have the gun to begin with? he is -- we are supposed to stop crimes from happening. not react after. and by stopping these car stops, taking these guns away. this is how you prevent further crimes. homicides and so forth. unfortunately, this one we didn't get this stop. >> brian: you didn't. see an outpouring of support and let everybody know that they're not alone. some people still have your back commissioner thanks for coming in appreciate it. steve for headlines. >> thank you brian and commissioner. terrible story. start with a fox news alert. the u.s. court of appeals has extended the block of the texas immigration law that would allow police in texas to arrest migrants who enter the united states illegally. in a 2-1 ruling the appeals court denied the state's request to allow authorities in texas to enforce that law.
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the biden administration argues senate bill 4, s.b. 4 interferes with the federal government's authority over the border. meanwhile, women in new york city are taking to tiktok to detail how they were randomly punched in the face by strangers. watch this. >> i was literally just walking and a man came up and punched me in the face so i just got punched in the face walking home. >> i was literally like leaving. >> i literally got punched by some man. he goes sorry and then punches me in the head. >> steve: that is just crazy. the victims say some of the assaults happened in broad daylight. cops say it is not clear if the incidents are connected. but it sounds like it. new york attorney general letitia james leading a pro-abortion chant yesterday outside of the supreme court building. >> our body, our choice. we will fight, we will win, we will protect abortion rights now
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and forever! [cheers] >> steve: the attorney general who pursued a civil fraud case against former president donald trump wading deeper into politics ahead of the 2024 election. she encouraged people to march to the polls and to vote as the high court in washington takes up a case on abortion pill access. meanwhile today in california, a federal judge will hear arguments from hunter biden's legal team as the first son fights to get his federal tax evasion case tossed out of court. hunter's lead attorney claims the president's son was unfairly targeted by special counsel david weiss. if the judge refuses to toss the case, hunter's trial is expected to begin in mid june, if convicted he faces up to 17 years in jail. and those are some of your headlines. and we have got another fox news alert. details in the baltimore bridge collapse. a mayday call two minutes before
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the cash could have saved a number of lives. our next guest is a commercial crab fisherman who docks his boat near the bridge. what this tragedy means for his community and the country. ♪ epression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects.
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>> recovery efforts back underway bridge clasp as we learned that the cargo ship had a complete power blackout before the crash. break down the impact and the timeline. so when you look here as we turn -- all right. there we go. it leaves the marine terminal about 12:30. and then when you get to 1:00 a.m. is where this ship starts making that turn around. and then the tragedy is about to happen at 1:26 there is a mayday call and it collides with the bridge and then you got the crash site where they are trying
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to find -- we hope there are survivors but, obviously, they are trying to find those bodies. let's look at the economic impact that's where it's going to be key right here. when it comes to the biggest ports, this ranked number 9. but when it comes to the money, the handling of cars and trucks it's ranked number one. you go down to the cause right here, tons, a lot of cars, obviously that it are on there. 52.3 million tons but $80.8 billion, that's going to be hard on the economy there. passengers when it comes to the crewsships, you got 444,000. and that's 63 million. and then 139 k, when it comes to the connected to the port. that's going to be paused immediately. hopefully they can get that back up. let's talk to one guy that is going to be impacted by. this let's bring in luke
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mcfadden chesapeake bay waterman and uber. he also is a fisherman as well. sir, thanks so much for joining the program. you are actually on your boat. tell me how this is gonna impact you being a commercial crab fisherman. >> >> yeah. it will impossible me some. i used to sell crabs over the bridge. at love the supplies i have to get is over the bridge. i think people don't realize how much people use the bridge around here. like, people seeing it on the news and stuff. i mean, i was on the bridge, you know, hours before it collapsed. i got up at #:00 the next morning to drive back over it to pick up this boat that i'm on, and there was no bridge. but, i mean, the people that is really going to effect more is all the people that work at the port. and the people that use the bridge to go to work and things like that. but, i mean, you know, the port
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is kind of the industrial heart beat of baltimore. you know, puts the majority of the blue collar workers in baltimore to work and, you know, it's a lot of people from my community. from the surrounding communities that, you know, they might have a tough time. i mean, even if they're only out of work for a few months until they can get it cleaned up, i mean a lot of people can't make a few months right now. so, i'm worried for them. those are the people that need talked about. those are the people that are going to need support from the rest of the community. >> lawrence: luke, you obviously just made a point to show that this is the heart beat of your community but you talked about that you were right there two hours before, hours before, how do you feel i mean, do you feel like, you know, there is an angel protecting you that you just missed it?
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>> i mean, i don't know about all of that i never really thought about it like that. it's just i wasn't there when it happened. it is what it is. you know, fortunately. it is crazy to be over the bridge hours before it's gone. it's just crazy to see. it's like unreal. i mean, been on the water my whole life and it's always there. and you just go out and it's -- it's rubble. it's just crazy. kind of unquantifiable, really. changed the whole city escape is different. you know? it just kind of is -- i don't know. i think it's a reminder -- such a reminder people see it to think about, you know, i get people's late. people lost their lives. and there is people from my
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community and people from all the surrounding communities, you know, that's the thing that's probably going to go unseen. going to be at love people that are going to be out of work. and they are going to need help. you know? >> lawrence: luke, we are going to be praying for you guys. obviously at love these jobs aren't ones where you can pick up and start a different career. we are rooting for you guys. and we hope that they get those bodies soon so the families can have closure. thanks so much for joining our program this morning. >> yep. no problem. >> lawrence: you got it. so no good deed goes unpunished. one georgia property owner fighting off squatters after -- years after he allowed people to stay on his land rent free, one even filed a lawsuit against him. his story next. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. take lack at the maps where we have cold temperatures across the northern plains, down towards the central plains as well. kansas, 43. 41 in new york. we have this system, this cold front that's moving across the east coast. that's going to cause some travel delays for you over the southeast where we could actually see the potential for severe weather today. and here in the northeast, we're poised for another round of wet weather. starting tonight tomorrow and
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then friday things should start to clear out all the cities along the i-95 corridor yet another round of wet rain. look at this, more rain coming so last weekend we had over 2 inches in connecticut and rhode island over three inches here. close to 4 inches in new york and we have got more rain in the forecast. already an incredibly wet start to 2024. look at providence. the first over 21 inches of rain so far that the wetteddest it has been in 2024 for recorded history. same for hartford. baltimore over the next several days, of course, we have got the recovery happening because of the bridge collapse. and it looks likes a we go through the n next couple of da, i'm sorry, all of the sudden, there we are, just a little blip. some rain in the forecast for wednesday and thursday. better conditions thursday and friday. of course, prayers out to all of those affected by this incredible devastation this morning. steve, over to you.
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>> steve: j.d., thank you very much. meanwhile, listen to this story, one atlanta property owner was generous enough to let people stay on his land temporarily if they helped with the upkeep but has long since ended that offer. now years later, of course squatters have taken over and trashed his land. one of them sued him for nearly $200,000. joining us right now along with his attorney david perry. we have got david morris. mr. morris, good morning to you. >> good morning, thanks for having us. >> steve: great to have you. you have a big heart. you wanted to establish this nonprofit where people could live on your nine acres for free if they took care of it and they did up until the pandemic you closed the nonprofit you could not get rid of the people even though you asked them politely. what happened? >> well, people just kept coming on the land an bringing rvs and tents and the pandemic
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happened i tried to file eviction and there was a moratorium and i totally understand. i'm compassionate and understand, but, it just got out of hand, a lot of people, you know, with addictions and co-morbid issues, mental issues had nowhere to go. nine acres of hard woods and, you know, downtown atlanta, and lakewood area. seventh acres of hard woods. swan nature preserve. huge area for people to camp. >> steve: right. and, david, it is beautiful property c, you can camp as wel. why is it in so many localities now it seems like there are these upside down laws that protect the squatters and not the people who own the land?
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>> there are and i think it's a lack of respect for property rights. currently statute pending before the georgia legislature make squatting a crime and false lease a crime. >> steve: what's taking so long it doesn't seem like this is right. mr. morris, i mentioned this at the top. one of the people who is a squatter actually sued you for $190,000 you wound up going to court and he didn't show up so it was eventually dismissed. >> thank god. >> steve: right now you are at the stage where you would like them to simply leave but they won't. what are you going to do? i have gone through the eviction process many, many times thought
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marshals will call us and i have told the people who are living on the land and there is about 8 of them right now i said, guys, pack up. get ready the marshals are coming out. it's going to be about three weeks and i will have five people with gloves and garbage bags and we have to load everything out of the house out of the bunkers and huts and get moved to the street. >> i have already had to hire a clean up crew and filled up five dumpsters with trash left by the squatters. >> $10,000 clean up. >> we can see the problem. we get the problem. too bad you are going through it. you wanted to help people. you want -- everybody off the property so you can build affordable housing there. so, let's see what happens next. david and david, we thank you both. you no longer are in atlanta.
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you are actually out in california because you have had it up to here. guys, thank you very much for joining us on this wednesday. >> thanks for having us. have great day. >> take care. >> steve: okay. that's just crazy. meanwhile, speaking of crazy, nbc has cut ties with former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel less than a week after they hired her. tammy bruce is going to weigh in on that coming up next ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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