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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 27, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! >> carley: it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is wednesday, march 27th, and
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this is "fox & friends." >> steve: good to have you today, carley. >> carley: thank you. >> steve: looking live there in baltimore recovery efforts underway at the key bridge as 6 are presumed dead. a new audio from a mayday call reveals the crew sounding the alarm. >> just lost their steering. >> yeah. if we can stop traffic. just make sure no one is on the bridge right now. >> the whole bridge just fell down. >> start -- start -- alert everybody. the whole bridge just collapsed. >> brian: yep, to another alert. after less than a week former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel is now out at nbc because of on air criticism. >> lawrence: unbelievable. the dnc in panic mode that r.f.k. jr. can sink biden's re-election efforts as he names his new v.p. pick. >> democratic party. i do believe they have lost their way. i worry for the party's overwhelming interest and elitism, celebrity and winning at all cost.
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>> carley: the seconds hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> yep. >> steve: all right. fox news alert. if you're just joining us, this is a live look at baltimore harbor via stream time live view. >> brian: i wonder when they start pulling that boat out? right now recovery efforts are back underway for the six people presumed dead after the collapse of the francis scott key bridge. >> later today the owner of the singapore flagship that brought that bridge down are expected to arrive in baltimore. >> lawrence: griff jenkins is live from that scene. griff, what can you tell us? >> good morning, guys. and it's already active here. of course, the search and rescue mission has ended as officials told us late yesterday all six unaccounted for individuals are presumed dead. they will begin as the light starts to come up. they will begin the efforts to recover those bodies for the families. but they will also start to dig
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in to what went wrong. how this happened in tsv officials are on the ground here in just moments ago i was able to speak with the chair of the ntsb, jennifer. >> we have seen the reports about power issues. we do need to verify that. we do have the voyage data recorder right now, which we have sent back to the lab. thank the ghost coward for helping download that and get on the vessel. i hope later today that we value timeline of events that we can share officially. >> griff: so, some news there, guys. that they have now covered this data recorder. think much like a black box of an airplane. this data recorder will tell them a lot of key parts of what possibly went wrong if there was indeed the power failure as we believe to be the case and what happened after that power loss.
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now, one thing that's also a big part of this story this morning is the voice transmission with the dispatch of the maryland transportation authorities after that mayday call went out. they are hailing those individuals as heroes because they stopped the traffic and saved countless lives on this bridge by stopping cars from coming on to it at 1:30 in the morning. listen here to some of that transmission. >> stop traffic. just make sure no one is on the bridge right now. i'm not sure where -- there is a crew up there you might want to notify whoever the forman is and see if we can get them off the bridge. >> the whole bridge just fell down. start alert everybody, the whole bridge just collapsed. >> griff: now, there is also the closure of the ports still no traffic in and out of this, one of the busiest ports in the country. and the cover of the baltimore sun today estimates that the port closure is costing
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$15 million a day. now, i asked the ntsb chair about that. she said she stance that. she is talking to the governor. right now they have a number of things they have got to do before they get to the point where they think they are going to open this port. i also asked her if she will be meeting with the owners, the singapore owners of that ship that will be on the ground. she indicated she certainly at some point will want to speak with them. guys? >> steve: and, griff, one of the other things, you know, in addition to the complete loss of power, the emergency generators came on and that's why we saw the lights flicker there in the video just before it hits. but, also, it was an -- and so then the guy who was piloting it, ordered a hard left turn and dropped the port anchor and it didn't work. he was trying to keep it from going to the right and tried to make it go to the left. but the other thing is the build of the bridge, which is over --
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approaching 50 years old, it didn't have fenders around the support. and i was talking -- which essentially would have diverted or stopped the ship from knocking it down. i was talking to somebody in the intel community down in d.c. yesterday and they said, you know, when you saw how fast that collapsed, he wouldn't be surprised if terrorists around the world were watching that and said i didn't know a ship could do something like that. and now they are thinking, hmmm maybe we could do something like that. ultimately, they have got to fortify the bridges that don't have those fernsdz. fernandez. fenders.this is a nearly thousat long ship that can carry up to 95,000 tons so a ship that size taking out bridge of this age. that's certainly going to be something they will be looking at the physics of it and how any sort of structure could handle
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an impact from a ship that size. guys? >> steve: it's the size of a skyscraper. griff, thank you very much. more throughout the morning. all right, meanwhile. another fox news alert this morning, ronna mcdaniel no longer working across the street at nbc as a contributor. the network caving to anti-republican staffers on air apparently. officially dropping the former rnc chair after a very public on air revolt. >> brian: they didn't even have the courtesy to call her. fox news contributor tammy bruce is here to react. can you believe the fallout over the last 48 hours? >> no. considering what the importance of this year, the nature of what the conversations have to be, what management has said, which is that they brought her on because oh, gosh, we need to have a have a right of opinions. that's what they're supposed to be doing. what is shocks me is rachel maddow is an example. what she making for one day a week about 30 million a year we are guessing? and she can't cope with an alternative point of view? you would think that you want to refine your point of view.
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you want to have people on with whom you disagree so that you can contradict them. so you can have that conversation. there's a reason, obviously, i work here for a research because i love the network it. is the biggest, most important successful network because we do have a opposing points of view. audiences come here. they leave with more information than they had before they either learn something. change their point of view and having confidence to do that is what this business is about. so every single one of them making a living at that network to bring news to their audience, they have a fiduciary duty to the stockholders when it comes to the nature of a week like this. and then to, if there's a lawsuit. clearly she is talking with lawyers. that network and her agency dropped her. so we have to look at was there internal lobbying lawrence? >> brian: the agency dropped her? >> tammy: the agency dropped her so now she can talk about reputation, the harassment. she did work for them for a week. how is this kind of business structure good for anybody?
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everyone loses. >> lawrence: at it core and maybe i'm from the south. i don't -- i was always raised what happens in the house stays in the house. you don't bring the public. >> steve: no shooting in the tent. >> lawrence: to family business. so what about that? them openly going against the boss. we have disagreements but we never put our laundry for the public to see. >> tammy: yeah. i think that exposes, again, why they have had problems for years and will continue through this year is it's about professionalism. it's about respect. forget about republicans. you know, it's about conservatism. it's about somebody who doesn't follow the line doesn't tote line. at least that's the now the impression that they can't, in fact, contradict that or debate that within w. any he success.
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>> carley: these people attacking ronna mcdaniel they felt like and they are peeking to what their viewers want. so it ends up being not just the 10 people on air ronna mcdaniel. it could be their viewers not 79ing to hear former rnc spokesperson. half the country intolerant to the other person's point of view. >> the way the networks have moved the last several years the opposite may be true. there is a reason why more liberals watch this network than other networks that supposedly pander to the liberal base. you can be a democrat and it doesn't mean that you hate everyone or you don't want to hear points of view or don't have competence in what you are thinking. if the audience is shrunk enough to where they are simply pandering to an extreme element that you not win. management and executives have a responsibility to be able to address that. >> carley: feel like those people out of touch all the though people who spoke out against ronna mcdaniel. >> out-of-touch, again, a lack
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of professionalism. a lack of respect for the audience, for everyone watching if someone was going to get fired. maybe we need to make a switch. >> brian: overturned the election she helped donald trump do that editor and chief rebecca blume stein and kara brown signed off on thcious nbc editor rasheda jones she signed off on this this is what the president said. i want to personally apologize to our team members who felt we let them down. while this was a collective recommendation by some members of our leadership team i approved and it i take full responsibility. so now i guess chuck todd decides who is hired and fired. >> he is speaking as though somebody ran over everybody's dog. this is leadership takes courage it takes courage and vision you
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answer not to five or six people on the air but entire millions of americans who own stock in that company. >> steve: sure. nbc has tried over the last year or so to establish themselves with more republicans and get credibility with republicans. remember, it wasn't that long ago, lester holt himself went and met with the rnc to try to get a republican debate and he did. and the debate was a good one. >> brian: and so did cnn. >> steve: exactly first ones non-fox outfit to get a debate with the republicans. so, you know, it looked like they had made progress until suddenly somebody decided, you know what? i don't like her. >> lawrence: got mad. >> tammy: this is for television network and this is i think their audience wants information. that's why people watch. can you go to any other cable network. there is hundreds of them. if you are watching a news network, you want information so you can appropriately make decisions for your life. you should think that they would welcome individuals so that they
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can fully contradict a conservative narrative that is going to take hold and has already taken hold. >> brian: if trump wins over the next six months as he contends it's neck and neck. they are going to be cutting him off nonstop. they are not even going to treat him like the president. >> lawrence: brian, there are trump democrats that are socially liberal but independents, they are not welcome at msnbc anymore? >> carley: may be a whole richer than the $300,000 a year. >> the rnc. the ronna mcdaniel network. steve her agency said i think you need to hire a lawyer to resolve it. so maybe, according to some reports, maybe she is still on the talent roster at caa. >> brian: what did she do wrong? why would caa fire her? she did nothing except for sit down with kristen welker.
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>> tammy: humiliation attempts at ruining reputation on the air. the clearly national conversation now effects other work. her ability to get other work. will. >> lawrence: she was asked to apologize to the country. i don't understand that for saying and she had such a balanced view. she says i believe that joe biden is the duly elected president. but i also think there irregularity that i had some concerns. and democrats did the same thing. you know, let's go through the list of jamie raskin does he need to apologize to the country. jayapal? barbara lee maxine waters do they need to apologize to the country. >> brian: because they said that trump was illegitimate? >> lawrence: they had issues with the election just like the republicans did block things there until they got all the evidence. do they need to apologize to the country as well? >> steve: maybe a little double standard. tammy, thank you. >> tammy: my pleasure. it's going to be a wild ride this year. buckle up.
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>> steve: indeed. democrats are lashing out at robert f. kennedy jr. after he introduced his running mate silicon valley attorney nicole shanahan. >> carley: peter doocy is live at the white house with this. good morning, peter. >> peter: good morning. with no running mate r.f.k. jr. was only eligible to be confirmed on the ballot in one state. that was utah. now that he has got a running mate, can he start collecting signatures to get on the ballots in 23 other states. her name is nicole shanahan. >> and the democratic party i do believe they have lost their way and their leadership. i worry for the party's overwhelming interest in elitism, celebrity, and winning at all cost. and i worry that they do it even if that means turning a blind eye on the issues that they all know to be true. >> peter: r.f.k. jr. is pulling 13% in the latest poll. democrats are concerned he is going to sap support away from biden and throw the election all
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together towards trump. but those complaints aren't really registering. >> our values didn't change, but the democratic party did. the things that we love are still the same. we love our families, our children, and our faith. we love clean ira and clean water and productive soils and good food. we love the wilderness and our purple mountain's majesty and above all we love our country. >> peter: we were in raleigh, north carolina this with biden and harris yesterday and they talk a lot about trump and maga republican extremists but nothing about r.f.k. jr. there is some reporting out there that president biden doesn't want to go after him because he doesn't want to offend ethel kennedy, r.f.k.'s mom who he considers a friend. but if he continues being such a threat to president biden's re-election, that will not last long. back to you.
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>> steve: peter, it sounds like the entire kennedy family going to vote for joe to the horror of r.f.k. jr. >> lawrence: some family. >> peter: i think r.f.k. jr.'s wife is not voting for joe biden. it seems like the rest of them. they had them here for a saint patrick's celebration. there were dozens of members of the kennedy family all posing with president biden for a photo in the rose garden. we do expect to hear more from them over the next couple of months. is he going to be a real headache for democrats if he continues getting on ballots in states where it is close. >> steve: peter that, is a perfect transition to our next talking point. thank you very much. is he a real headache that explains why the dnc had a conference call. and it becomes very clear that they don't like him in the race because he will siphon votes away from joe, which ultimately could tilt the balance of power toward trump.
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>> carley: peter had the palm in his report that he just did. and when it's a three way matchup. when it's a two-way matchup, president trump vs. president biden, trump beats biden by 1.6%. when it's a three-way matchup, trump beats biden by over 5 percentage points. this has the other third party candidates in it as well. can you see why the dnc and the biden campaign are what is being described as in panic mode right now. >> brian: the initial thought -- here's an example. here is what state senator malory mcmorrow says this. him being in the race means there is a greater likelihood that donald trump will become president again. kennedy should be smart enough to know better. i don't think he does. his ego is in the way. the problem is was another congressman mark garcia i'm personally offended and just disgusted by hits campaign. that's nice. i didn't know he needed your approval. right now he is only on in utah. but he has got do a special
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thing for almost every state and got a team doing it. one of which is get a running mate. he did not necessarily want to do a running mate now. for some reason without established parties. these states want to see running mate. the easy ticket for him would be the libertarian ticket. they're on all 50 states. if he this would accept him. then it's game on for him. >> lawrence: brian, i think that issue alone goes to the problem with the democrats. if they would have just had a legitimate debate, r.f.k., this wouldn't be a problem. he just wanted a legitimate primary and he would have went away if he lost. but they suppressed it. they didn't want any debates. they didn't want any conversation. i think the real headline is what is going on in the "new york times." obama is fearing biden loss to trump and is on the phone to strategize. apparently he is not just talking to joe biden. he is talking to the chief of staff everyday. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: the former president doesn't have any confidence right now that joe biden can win. so, whether it is obama or all the former staffers that are
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saying this. they are saying that the key to joe biden winning is the surrogates. get obama back on the road. it doesn't say inspiring. and we heard after his big speech at the state of the union, that he was strong. he was alert. this is a guy. >> steve: red to lead. >> lawrence: loud and ready athlete party. whatever they gave him or strategy they used to you make him so loud has worn off. >> brian: he didn't yesterday. he mum could his way through it. >> carley: trump is -- they called kennedy trump with kennedy's name slapped on him. and then trump super pac called him a far left radical. so it's like neither wants to claim him as 30's. >> steve: well, in name are her as his running mate, he thinks is he going to get some of the goal money and people tied to that spear and young people because he even said, r.f.k. did yesterday, he said i'm looking
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to speak -- find a voice for the millennials and the gen zers. >> carley: donated a lot of money to pay for the super bowl ad. >> steve: she also gave $150,000 to george gascon out in l.a. soft on crime prosecutor. >> carley: very interesting. officers from across new york state lining the streets of long island to pay tribute to fallen nypd officer jonathan diller shot and killed during a traffic stop on monday. police say a career criminal shot the father of one nut stomach after refusing to get out of his car. nassau county police commissioner joined us last hour. he says this should never have happened. >> they don't deserve to walk the streets tout there in new york city, long island, anywhere in this country. it's a bigger picture because it's bail reform. it's letting the prisoners out. the revolving door of the 80's has come back. we have lost support for the men and women in law enforcement. >> carley: the suspect has 21 prior estates the state
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department is slamming russia after a moscow city court once again extended the pre-trial detention of "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich. >> russian authorities did not provide any evidence of a crime. they just extended his detention for another three months. and despite their claims, they have provided no justification for holding him at all. and we believe there's a simple reason for doing that and it's because he has done nothing wrong. >> carley: this friday marks one year since the american reporter was detained in russia. is he accused of trying to obtain russian defense secrets while working in moscow. allegations he, the u.s. government, and the "wall street journal" deny. >> carley: to a fox news alert. the u.s. court of appeals extending the block on the texas immigration law that would allow police to arrest migrants entering the united states illegally. meanwhile, new video shows a migrant using bolt cutters to cut razor wire at the el paso sector of the border on sunday. the group was caught by the texas national guard who turned
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them back towards mexico. the attorney for hip hop mogul sean "diddy" combs is calling the raid in his l.a. and miami homes unprecedented witch-hunt saying quote there was a gross overuse of military level force as search warrants were executed at mr. mr. combs residence. tmz, safes and drawers left open and papers around the home as they seized the rapper's electronics. police chase in georgia involving a large construction vehicle. wow, a former employee of a waste management business was arrested after going on a rampage in a stolen front loader. >> stop. stop! hey! stop!
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>> carley: quite the getaway vehicle. police getting a front loader of their own to pursue the man. they made contact with the suspect's front loader and flipped it on to its side. the suspect taken into custody. no one was hurt. and those are your headlines. >> lawrence: what a slow police chase. >> carley: wild story there. >> brian: what a good thought to go get a front loader. >> carley: i will match you with my own. >> steve: i think he needed to move something. maybe he had some gravel. >> brian: can you imagine watching this go down. >> steve: used another front load tore flip the other one. that's some good police work. >> brian: you are right ronna was let go by caa. >> steve: she was? >> brian: she was. >> one plus even "the washington post" editorial board thinks trump deserves his day in appeals court. >> brian: former trump attorneyc ti m parlatore agrees. he's next. ♪
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that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. ♪ steve did you play the lotto yesterday? well, we are back with the winner. somebody won the $1.3 billion mega millions jackpot. after 32 drawings, a ticket holder in the state of -- new jersey. became a billionaire overnight the ticket holder can opt for
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payments or lump sum. numbers are 7, 11, 22, 29, 38, and the power ball number, the mega millions jackpot number is 4. they weren't the only ones with luck on their side. 12 players in the states of california, and colorado, illinois, indiana, michigan, ohio, georgia, and florida. they won million dollars prizes. one ticket holder in new york won $3 million worth prizes. the top jackpot amount was last year somebody in florida won $1.6 billion. congratulations to the winner. brian? >> brian: all right. steve, let's talk courts. a new york appeals court is reducing trump's bond to $175 million from 454 million. "the washington post's" editorial board said this is a good idea. hold on to something writing quote no matter how much one
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approves of mr. trump or wishes his presidential ambitions fail every defendant due process including course to appeal. exhausting options without pushing him to bankruptcy is fair and correct and it would be better for any other american in the same situation. former trump attorney who oversaw searches of trump's properties. documents case following the raid on mar-a-lago tim parlatore joins us now. great to see you. it gets reduced. the president says he has got the cash. what about on the actual appeal itself, what you know about in new york? >> >> i mean, i think he has a pretty good appeal. there were a lot of procedural issues. i think that the way the judge handled it and, you know, partially this may be because of the way that trump pushed him. but he did show his bias. but, ultimately, what have you here is a case where no victim lost any money. the victim testified that they knew about the true value of the properties. they were paid in full. they made a profit. and so, you know, who lost and
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how do you go from that to a half a billion dollars judgment and so it does make sense that it would get knocked down. >> brian: going to be months until we get some type of verdict to see if the president is going to get his money back in the fall. let's talk about the case that's going to happen with jury selection beginning on april 15th. yesterday, the news was the judge imposed the gag order on president trump on this new hush money case. your thoughts about the role it might play? >> yeah, i don't think the gag order is going to make that much of a difference. i mean, this is case that's going to receive such significant media attention to begin with. so the idea that, you know, by him speaking that it's going to really effect the jury. i don't think that there is any merit to that. you know, this jury is -- it's going to be a mess. just to pick a jury. i picked a jury on a big media case with the same judge before. and it was a disaster. he started by asking how many of you read about this case or seen it on tv? half the panel got up and formed
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a line going right up to the bench and one by one dismissed every single one of them. it's going to be a disaster, you know, to just pick a jury. and, you know, let everybody else talk about it except for trump? i don't think it makes a difference. >> brian: lastly, how long do you think this whole thing is going to take to keep him off the trail? you have to be there on a criminal trial. talking monday through thursday for four, five, six, seven, eight weeks? >> yeah. so i mean i think that the big problem here, the big unknown is how long is jury selection going to last? is that going to be something they can get done in three days? or are they going to lose the whole panel and have to go a few weeks with just jury selection? but, yeah. the way that the criminal trials work in new york is that you have to be there every single day and so, depending on how long the presentation is that's how long you stay on. and it makes you wonder, you know, a lot of times we work with the prosecutors to try and shorten things. you stipulate to certain things. you know, to make things a
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little bit faster and easier for the jury. i wonder if the prosecutors are going to maybe, you know, be less willing to stipulate and want to drag things out a little bit more because they are keeping him off the trail for so long. >> brian: the president think these court cases help them. we will see if it happens in the general. because time really matters in this last six months. tim parlatore, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> brian: 27 minutes before the top of the hour president biden vows federal support until the port of baltimore closes until further notice. governor wes moore joins us in a little while. the next guest says the ripple effect on the supply chain will effect everything from steel to amazon products. stay with us. ♪ e psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪)
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underway for the six people presumed dead after the collapse yesterday of the key bridge in baltimore. president biden responded yesterday to the disaster. >> it's my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge. and i expect the congress to support my effort. everything so far indicates that this was a terrible accident. at this time we have no other indication, no other reason to believe there is any intentional act here. >> steve: okay. but how will the collapse impact supply chains? the global economy and local businesses all around the port? we are talking right now to mary kaine, she is the maryland chamber of commerce president and ceo and joins us from maryland, mary, good morning to you. >> hi, steve, good morning, good morning. we are very sad this morning of the loss of six people that were out there last night, the other night. fixing our bridge. >> steve: they were working overnight. you would think that would be the safest time to do it but
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ultimately it is not. mary, as we look at what is, you know the bridge is certainly in the river and the port for the most part has ground to a halt and it will take a while until they can get the bridge off that boat and get the bridge out of the river to restore traffic. right? >> >> absolutely. they have to have an assessment of how to get all that steel out of the water. it's completely blocking the port right now. never mind the fact that they are not going to be able to move that boat for quite a while. it's an -- and all the goods that are on top of it. but just the impact. it's $15 million a day just on the impact of on maryland we have been concerned about small and medium size businesses that make their living off the port. actually sat down with folks in the governor's office yesterday, department of commerce, different businesses, and we
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didn't get to talk to the folks at the port yet but we will on how we can get out there and help them. it's going to be -- it's a tremendous impact on the maryland economy. that port generates so much money and over 140,000 jobs. >> steve: sure. >> are indirectly related to the port. >> steve: and you know, to that point, mary, it is the largest port in the united states for equipment for farms, for heavy equipment. the number one port for gypsum. which is sheetrock. and sugar. i mean, as we both know, they have got the great big dominoes sugar plant. the biggest sugar plant in the western world in baltimore right there. now what is going to happen? >> this is going to be every -- every business that works with the port is going to have to find a new way to deliver things. and a lot of these ports are already overloaded and being the biggest one that takes in all of
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these things it's going to be difficult. the problem is immense. >> and, mary, for the people watching across the country this is going to have a ripple effect. they can go to various ports. okay do we take it to new york, do we take it to new jersey or norfolk. what do you do. >> steve, part of the problem is that bridge was part of 695. which you cannot take tractor trailers with any kind of hazardous materials through the two tunnels that are the alternatives. so, yeah. just transporting goods and transporting people is going to be a nightmare at least for the foreseeable future. >> steve: indeed. mary kane, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you. >> the governor of the great state of maryland, wes moore is going to be joining us in about 17 minutes at the top of the
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hour. meanwhile, some illegal migrants are getting a bigger allowance than our own troops. will and pete are next in today's edition of off the grid. ♪ so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season.
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>> janice: hello, everyone. i have a great crowd in back of me hi alabama and michigan. we will say hi to them at the end. here in new york city 43. we do have showers and thunderstorms moving through. cold air across the upper midwest and the east coast, i'm sorry, it looks like just a mess as we head into the next 24 to 48 hours. severe weather threat for parts of the southeast up towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast. and we have just had a soggy, wet forecast really for the last few weeks. this is going to move on through. and we could potentially see upwards of 1 to 2 inches of rainfall on top of what we have already seen over the last couple of weeks. okay, larry, how are you. >> i'm doing wonderful. how are you. >> janice: i'm good. you have a joke for me. >> yes. with the weather what always falls but never hits the ground? >> janice: what's that? >> the temperature. >> what's your name. >> mitchell. >> is this your family if back of you. >> yes. >> janice: you are from alabama. >> yes, ma'am. cat scan january are you having
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a lot of fun so far. >> i'm having a lot of fun. >> janice: do you want to say hi carley? >> carley: hi, carley. >> carley: hey, guys. looking good. thank you janice so much. high fives for all ♪ >> carley: all right now in new york city, illegal immigrants can officially receive prepaid debit cards as part of a $53 million program. giving the average family of four more than $1,400 per month. it's more than the allowance for some deployed troops. fox news digital breaking it all down saying, quote: while an average military family is suffering from a deficit of $1,860 over a period of nine months, a similarly sized illegal migrant family is being given nearly 7 times more. joining us off the grid "fox & friends weekend" co-host will cain and pete hegseth. good morning to you guys.
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will, what do you think about this? >> will: good morning, carley. i think it's it's incredibly shameful for us as a country. deficit reflecting soldiers on deployment vs. what is given to illegal immigrant. i will have my friend here pete discuss the military angle of this but, pete, i would just say in it's not as though we hung out this welcome sign vacancies across the world. but we have a sign that even says now hiring or giving out free money. there's a saying, you know, cards at the table if you can't figure out hot mark is, you're the mark. we're the mark. this is embarrassing for america that we are giving out $1,500 a month. how much do they load those cards up by the way? are these illegal immigrants now targets for theft and crime? >> i mean i'm sure those cards are valuable to criminals to steal. i want to say this real quick, pete. i saw the mexican president say this will be america's problem until they send billions to the south to central america and to mexico to address the root cause problems.
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i mean, basically said i'm going to keep flooding you until you send me money. we're the mark. we're the mark politically. we are the mark locally to deal with the problems. all a reflection of our leadership. the world has looked at us and gone that's our piggy bank. we can take advantage of them. we can con them. they're the mark. >> pete: you are exactly right. do you know who is not the piggy bank? our troops. they are getting more on a month to a card than a guy gets to go afghanistan in extra combat pay. in extra combat pay. it's maybe 250 bucks a month in extra combat pay to go get shot at in some bleep hole country. that's less than someone gets paid on a card to come here illegally. add that up for a family of four and they are doing just fine. when you get deployed, you get maybe a little bit more basic allowance for housing. maybe a little bit more allowance for food. your family, but, otherwise, you know what you signed up for in the first place. by the way, you want to become legal or you want to come to this country, when i was in guantanamo bay, cuba, leading a
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platoon of men, i think it was 6 or 7 guys who were otherwise here illegally but not citizens who we helped through the process to become citizens. they earned their way wearing camouflage making next to nothing to come here. you're right. we are the fools. we used to be serious about having borders. serving your country, working hard for your money. now we are giving it away in a way that makes us look exactly like what you said, will. we are the mark of the world. >> carley: yeah. that's absolutely right, guys. and this drivers is going to cost about $12 billion over the next three years in just new york alone. and i was reading that president biden was considering executive action but, that conversation has gone away because now the white house apparently feels like there isn't enough urgency anymore when it comes to this border crisis. we'll see how that decision is reflected in the polls as well. got to leave it there. thank you guys both so much for joining us. this was fun. >> pete: thanks, guys.
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can you join us off the grid any time. >> lawrence: love that texas flag. all right. thanks, carley. turning to your medical headlines right now. arnold schwarzenegger is pumped up for the future after undergoing surgery last week. >> monday i had surgery for a pacemaker and became a little bit more of a machine. i have gotten so many messages and emails from people who were born with a biker's oar aortic e talking valve replacement surgeries has given them help to deal with their own. >> terminator three open heart surgeries to address his heart defect. you got chatbottal chatgpt chatg held. focuses on family medicine says we concluded because chatgpt summaries were 70% shorter than abstract. and usually high quality. high accuracy and low bias. they are likely to be useful as
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a screening tool to help busy clinicians and scientists. and have you ever heard of iphone finger. some people insist heavy use can warp and flatten the tip of your pinky finger. some medical professionals say it's not a real thing. experts warn that smart phone elbow and texting neck are real conditions that arise when people use their phone for long period of time. and those are your headlines. all right. but there to this maryland governor wes moore joins us live straight ahead. ♪
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>> brian: it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, this is "fox and friends." >> steve: recovery efforts are underway at the baltimore bridge as six presumed dead. the governor wes moore will join griff jenkins in 90 seconds. >> lawrence: former rnc chair is out at nbc after this on-air backlash. >> there is a reason there are a


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