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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  March 27, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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multiple women on tiktok a claim were randomly punched in the face by strangers take a look. >> i was walking and demand came and punched me in the face it hurts so bad i can't even talk i fell to the ground. oh, my god. >> reality star bethany franco said she was randomly punched a new york city street earlier this year 1 of the suspects in the cases was arrested and charged with assault but no bail laws in new york and a liberal court system. that's all of our time left this evening thank you for being with us thank you for making the show possible set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of hannity let not your heart be troubled greg is standing by to put a smile on your face have a great night. >> ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> greg: yeah,! happy wednesday everybody. today is manatee appreciation day so in honor we won't do any jokes about the view. it's also national viagra day or what first lady jill biden calls worst take -- worst day of the year. easter sunday 2024 has been named as transgender visibility day events are available for those who think eggs come out of
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roosters. would be goldberg interrupted the view just called an audience member for recording on his phone after a each additional camera adds 10 pounds. and it italian model claims she is so perfect people say is generative ai the only way to prove she's a woman is having her have -- do mast. trump endorsed a brand-new bible which sells for $60 everything is the same except there is a casino in the garden of eden jesus turns water into the trump wine and throughout satan is referred to 2 as a
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total loser. trace gallagher shannon bream. >> greg: here in nyc the subway is running a special lottery unlike my use underwear raffle it's 1 nobody wants to to win. your chances of getting in the subway through without finding a raving lunatic is the same as getting through jesse's book. it's like ukraine, san francisco or when i ate a burrito both for my water aerobics class. they hold press conferences saying they feel her pain and are praying for families what they conveniently ignore is none of this is actually random. it says addictive will as women
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fainting when i forget to close my road. most of these leaders forced through in the wake of george floyd forcing this. it's why blue cities are turning red, blood reed. the man arrested for the murder of an nypd officer during a car stop had 21 prior arrests including multiple felonies. i know you like the don't like the old 3 strikes rule but can you get the 20 strikes roll his partner driving the car had 14 priors including attempted murder out on bail on a gun charge i've gotten more slaps on the wrist from stealing dana's cool outs but that's the pair he approached monday night. he was 31 years old 3 year cop working a tough neighborhood for lousy pay with a wife and 1-year-old at home is accused shooter was such a committed
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career criminal the scumbag had knife stashed in his rectum's adjusting he might know he'd be arrested later that night probably not just because glove compartment was full but if you can't look at the 3 players involved in the tragedy and come away feeling our society is getting something wrong than all i can say is i hope nbc is paying you well that same day they held a press conference announcing a deployment of 800 cops to the subway to reassure a skittish public at is safe. but what are they going to do? arrested daniel penny again? their actions turned out to be as reassuring as a wuhan lab report as commuter was shoved in front of a train in harlem and killed the alleged perpetrator is unknown mental case with a long rap sheet and an open warrant for assault.
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i'm sure that's little consolation that the person who randomly kills you is crazy. the next day at the same subway station affair jumper punched a cop attempting to summons her and broke his nose. taking it a bit too far even if it is women's history month is it any surprising they feel as safe as a guest at p diddy pool party the worst part of those parties is the music. women are taking to tiktok about being randomly punched in the face on the street by a perfect stranger no worthless this guy a smattering of appropriate applause. but who cares doesn't seem that
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are liberal leaders don't if your doctrine dictates it's a racist oppressive system any laws stemming from the system are equally racist and evil meaning criminality is merely the act of the oppressed they matter more than you and it shows in bail, a jail interest policies. any rational attempt at self-preservation is racism. sure the nypd's majority minority in almost its entire command staff is may minority in the staff is black somehow the entire system is racist and white supremacy is everywhere so much so i minnesota school district is hiring a whiteness superintendent to examine the presence of whiteness in its system and structures code for you can punch teachers and no 1 learns to read it's clear we are paralyzed by malicious idiots who see oppression behind any effort to fight crime replacing rational thinking with diluted
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empathy anything based on law and order or self defense is considered inhumane. manic hysteria over race trumps common sense and the unspoken partners who this hurts most meet jayden perkins 11 years old stabbed to death trying to protect his mom when the geniuses at illinois prisoner review board released her violent acts despite her pleading for a restraining order they denied any responsibility later can't let the truth get in -- get rid of d cars ration have to get out of systemic racism but a big bail reformer himself had to announce the 2 board members responsible resigned in disgrace like henry the eighth's wives he needed a couple heads here's the killer. you think he just knew more education or white privilege you won't hear a peep out of black lives matter for jayden what
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will they do build a police station? you know sadly jayden perkins and his mom felt really unsafe and it wasn't from white supremacy but a homicidal x and a system that enabled him. of the truth today is that if you don't feel safe that's on you. it has to be otherwise common sense might assert itself and the democrats would never win another election. [ cheers and applause ] >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. i gallon of advil couldn't beat him, charles payne! call a veterinarian because his pythons are sick comedian joe machi she's like a slinky, wiry and flexible and can't go upstairs, kat tim. and he uses a surfboard as a
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shoehorn tyrus! [ cheers and applause ] charles a serious topic today but where i'm coming from what's the point in bringing this stuff up with they know it's happening and won't do anything about it. >> they are the authors of this you mention bail jail and something else but what you did mention was since. rip up the sentencing book i see people come out for assault 3 years or rape in 2 years we need extraordinarily long sentences. not the kind you go in and think you'll get a little better and this time you will really rob a 711 and it not get caught. first and foremost the whole thing is orchestrated.
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democrats stay in power by keeping black people uneducated, afraid and angry it's a perfect toxic mix but it's perfect for them they get the vote they've got it for a long time and it works for them. but we don't have so-called the leaders whoever is i typically think is paid off and they play a shakedown game. a guy smoking cigars and a five-star hotel while folks in st. louis riots and fight with police on tv. it's 1 hell of a cycle i pray we get out of it i'm trying to do my part the rest of my life to get out of it not matter what names or slings or arrows are thrown at me because it's devastating we've given democrats our lives for 60 years and we have nothing to show for it but misery.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> greg: joe it must be awkward for you now being a white supremacist and all. >> what gave him away was the members only jacket. [ laughter ] >> greg: joe slamming the mo. >> explain yourself joe. >> i get called a white supremacist because of my meticulous dedication to fitness. this body is a temple and you guys really sandbag me with the serious topic here. i have a whole to dig myself out of now but to the point of charles sentencing shouldn't be baseball to be like when i go bowling i'm lucky if i get 1 strike. come on these are coming fast. >> they say crime is don't but
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what really happened is they changed at the crime reporting system after 2020 which is convenient timing and it don't accept it if they don't use the new format and many don't so it doesn't get counted in the crime statistics it's all a very -- a bait and switch. no bail for nonviolent offenders becomes bail for violent offenders. therapy for the mentally ill becomes push someone in front of the train we will do nothing. >> greg: true very astute commentary joe. >> i'm not just a pretty face, or greg. >> greg: so kat pretty gloomy topic but we try to avoid doing crime because it's so songbird but what do we do? >> it's never been a worse time to be a woman who likes to walk around the city listening to music and thinking about her
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feelings. it's a national news at this point on tiktok all these girls are getting punched in the face on the street which is crazy because i said this repeatedly you'd think with this going on we would see some kind of reduction in the price to live here. no a lot of people don't realize the averages almost $4000 to live in an apartment 600 square feet. to go out to the street you risk getting punched in the face but if you stay at home you will want to punch her own face because of how small and crap you probably have 3 roommates. it's -- or you take the subway people are scared to take the subway and not for no reason or you get into a car. it's clearly the city not working. things are not working and people are noticing that and something needs to change. [ cheers and applause ] >> greg: tyrus i don't think
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this is even a conspiracy anymore i feel like we are in the teardown phase of an american capitalism there's a revolution in which the radicals are using this mask of compassion if you speak up your considered hateful as its networking. >> nothing is more dangerous than an independent man are even worse a black man so the reason they won't pick you guys like us to be leaders is lead by example we won't take checks to smoke cigars in a five-star restaurant unless we paid for which i'm not opposed to. before i get started you talk about kindness. how dare you. you started this monolog a spurt --'s merging vanities it's manatee month you say they look like the view that's cold-blooded. but it's an uncomfortable subject in general that the only
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way you will be safe is to be on d fence which leads to when men in her anybody goes to step in you end up in jail. so what do you do to help protect because the police don't do anything and worse when they do they are just set free by disaffected lawyers and attorney general's who don't give a damn what's going on. as you have to think defensively you have to carry the mace when i was a kid that weathers keychains like to get a swing or something you have to think defensively especially in big cities across the board there's no help coming. >> it would be great if we could carry an actual mace from medieval times. >> with the right outfit you could probably get away with it. let's move on our rate transit
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>> is that this wrong? [ cheers and applause ] >> greg: should you honor the holiest of resurrections by celebrating chicks with corrections? should i've even asked that question? >> nope. a. >> greg: i agree. all democrats on the fairfax county board of supervisors in virginia designated easter sunday as transgender day of
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visibility. march 31st when easter occurs of this year is typically the date when transgender day of visibility is celebrated annually and we can agree it's about time transgender people got some at attention. surprisingly the 1 republican on the board didn't show up. maybe it's republicans who need a day of visibility. they voted to turn 1 of christianity's hold plea days into an lgbtq+ holiday. just because jesus had open toed shoes long hair and an open piece tunic did not mean he was aiming to be a spokesperson for bud light. >> greg: is there a pressing need for trans visibility you can see there boobs in broad daylight and if you stop by the studio early enough you can see joe machi panhandling in the miniskirt. and if dylan was anymore visible i would need my eyes showmanship
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-- sewn shut they say as an elected official it should be moral responsibility to stand up for all people we represent not just the people we like or agree with. weight did they just admit they don't like trans people? anyways of their responsibility obviously doesn't cover christians those virginia democrats didn't have to join in and celebrate trans people march 31st just because it's trendy and they don't want to upset activists and have they ever heard of a damn calendar they could picked 1 up and open it and said this year it falls on easter maybe we should move it back a week out of respect? no, they went ahead knowing it would pick christians off. but i guess trans ideology is just another cross for christians to bear. >> sunday is easter intransitive bit visibility they i know you
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probably have plans for both. >> hardy hard greg you are so funny. i would have to say you would have to be in a bubble to think this was a good idea and they probably are a bubble because they are still afraid of covid-19 but historically this isn't the worst thing to happen to christians this week you aren't going to keep us down for long but i will say this if jesus were alive now they would probably, him off the wine he made a call him a bigot for using the word father and probably say that you shouldn't raise lazarus from the dead because you aren't a doctor. >> this was a big mistake and i don't know it won't affect anything about they want to keep people out of church because you might hear you aren't supposed to light and if you heard that you might be like okay i guess men can't get pregnant.
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>> they didn't pick this day it was picked 14 or 15 years ago by a trans activist on march 31st it's always been march 31st there just now voting on it because there's never been a greater visibility of trans and trans issues than this year as everybody is talking about it but easter won't fall again on march the 31st on 2030 -- 2086. >> greg: so we will do the show in 70 years? >> people might feel this way but to say a day that's always been this day for over a decade they're just recognizing the day it's always been then taking another 1 it's already been picked this isn't an attack on anybody it's just the day it wasn't easter win it was chosen this is just where it happens to fall this year and it doesn't happen again until 2086. christian should be happy they aren't being attacked by this. >> greg: tyrus there's a rich
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deep history of the transfers ability day of 10 years apparently. >> let me say this hold up on the prelaugh i appreciate it. but not yet hold it hold it. >> greg: [ laughter ] >> for some people there's easter is is the rebirth of the lord? bay-mac he rises. resurrection. in. >> resurrection wright and for some people there's a little bunny that leaves eggs all over the house for me to. [ bleeps ] pick up after they leave their candy and for some people it might be trans awareness or visibility day and some might have another thing and another thing so here's the deal if in your home it's easter that your easter on. we need to stop worrying about big blanket stuff because it falls on this date will that change your day no i'm going to
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be woken up rudely out of my bed they say dead the easter bunny came and look at all the candy and present to the goddess the easter bunny is the greatest why can't you be like the easter bunny. same. [ bleeps ] i hear every christmas and i take it you should be talked there's no christmas or no easter bunny for me it's a lot of working and doing stuff you get no credit for and i don't complain about it i would like a visibility day of tyrus on christmas and easter may be a high-five saying good job or something like dad we know you aren't the bunny but the bunny couldn't be here without you i'm waiting for my visibility day. but just let everybody just give me something. >> greg: last word to you charles. out of respect okay this is the thing that gets me more than anything this is a one-party system right now no republicans and the 1 didn't even show up that's how we get school name changes statues removed how you
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get a seed and statue in a town hall republicans have left the building somebody would've said you know what it's easter maybe move it to monday how hard is that? >> probably had no balls and it was appropriate for the conversation. it's just more virtues signaling. that's what i think everybody should be tired of i'm tired of black history month women's history month, trans day this and that day every day is black history day every day is women's appreciation day every day is an americans day this all idea... who came up with this why do we need this i don't get it i really don't. it's just ultimate virtue signaling saying these people don't like you but we do. it keeps us apart and it's done. >> greg: up next activist
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>> it's coming your way it's a video of the day. [ cheers and applause ] >> greg: this video comes from activist nina turner who described joe biden's tainting popularity with black men and how it could cost him the election roll it. >> black men have been emasculated in the democratic party that's real they don't see themselves because to lift up black women is beautiful we should but not at the expense of black men. as if they win it's because this parade is that in 10 the democratic party did not deliver material changes for the people of this nation it would be his fault we and blaming no voters and black people aren't taking the blame i'm speaking truth so just say amen and say out. so don't bring it here, don't
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bring it to the theatre black people we are always safe in the country. >> greg: there you go tyrus. i will go to you first for no reason. could you argue the democratic party emasculated emasculate's men of all races. >> to me just get out. all right. >> i hate grouping nobody hates men more than the democratic party. anytime we stand up and be some a liberal person just can't stand it. port mann in this country get the middle finger from both parties the only differences are republican is nice enough to say i don't want to help you i've got mine get yours. it's honest. i'm going to get mine give a low
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a way little as possible and build mind and pass it down to my family. you'd get your act together the democrats say stay right there. keep staying there it's coming don't worry await you've gotta move go down there and they keep moving broke men down there because they are useless that's what they look at us. they want women to think all men are emasculated and all men they don't have man buns and skinny jeans holding little baby chicks and not diddling vanities that they are cool with all this stuff but the perception is in there. the best as a black man my advices i don't care if you don't vote democrat or republican vote for yourself and be yourself don't fall into groups i'm at where i am matt because they didn't fall into groups when you hear that i'm speaking truth. if president trump wins it's because the american people elected him it's not being elected by black men or asian men are white men it's the country that elects him but it
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sounds good to say when something goes wrong whose fault is it the brothers did it. trump gets in black eyes fault i'm cool with it. >> greg: charles. how do i say this about this. >> here we go. why do black men like trump more than say biden. >> they love the success he inherited a small amount of money from his father and son going to take it he's never been embarrassed by his success as it's made other people want emmett -- be like him. you know how many times his name is dimension rap lyrics are him being in rap videos people look up to trump because he was so successful and always had the
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swag. i love a lot of things she actually said there. i was on your show a couple times back and there's been a weird thing with the progressives in hollywood and advertising world outside of like denzel washington and his son you don't see many black men in movies or commercials all the black women are married to white guys in these movies and commercials every single 1 of them. i was on a website the company reported their earnings they have the stock photos it was the same thing. >> they are the best and i'm like wait a minute. listen i'm a clause i conspiracy theorist there is a progressive effort to wipe out the black men as a male figure, a father figure as a lover and to happened in the seventies when black started making movies because when i was growing up i would see a shirley temple movie and the black i was afraid to go there and shirley temple is like 10 years old i was silly.
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finally black people said let's make our own movies right and they were beating up the drug dealers taking them out the neighborhood starting businesses and what did they call it black exploitation that's bad. and i was like i finally saw brother get a woman i never saw that in a movie finally let me watch super fly over and over again it's weird progressives do have this thing it's in plain site nobody talks about it so i do believe the democratic party again they are anti- male to begin with there's a program to erase the black men as a positive strong figure it's amazing how it's gone on nobody's saying anything about it. >> joe i know it's impossible to emasculate you. >> very manly great thank you for pointing that out.
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>> she's going against the grain of the left but also captured by their group identity language saying black men as if they are this monolithic group which is make sense we are both white guys but we aren't the same at all like you are short and bitter. i'm a jovial optimist that women love. [ laughter ] >> i'm very popular and mentioned in rap music i swear. >> greg: kat last word to you. >> a great question. i did take note of the part where she said white women might be able to leave their white men by the side of the road. as a white woman not so much. you would not believe the level of low trash man i've chased it
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down the road. so i did not agree with her there. >> greg: coming up holy filled year was julienned inspires pot that's a gui. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv...
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never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare—ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms,
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>> a story in 5 words. >> greg: get high on tysons year. he is selling mike bites in the shape of chewed human ears that should have been our apelike throwback to him biting a vendor holyfield 01997 what say you? >> no thank you. >> i just look at his history of behavior and feel i want what he's having. selling psychoactive substances
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i don't know i think the branding is nice. everybody knows what that's about. >> greg: i think this is a great business idea joe such as monica loo in ski should do blew dress fruit roll ups i don't want a psychoactive drug from a guy who bites ears off any more than i want a vaccine from a guy who makes super viruses in china stop using marijuana make it could give you man boobs people be wondering why you take your shirt on and then have to wear another sure. >> greg: pretend that never
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happened do you think holyfield to get a piece of this of the prophets? >> without a doubt. >> up you talk about other slow but he's and famous people i hope they don't get any ideas that solemn saying. wait a minute what happened to him? >> greg: what happen? weight no weight that was somebody else. that was bob it. i am not completely crazy. >> sick crowded got that in their head. >> greg: o.j. simpson should sell steak net knives. >> like reiki was was acquitted on all charges does he own a restaurant all your member that not that. >> greg: they say tragedy plus time is comedy comedy plus thc enables prophets.
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>> not if you do it in front of the camera it means unemployment. if a van or is getting a piece of this to your point i think it's great and they have a great relationship apparently under capitalizing and there's a thing where all the old guys are getting together think it was holyfield and riddick bowe got together they are brutal wars and hated each other so it's cool to see them come together telling stories like competitors but i was there bullfights i know where i was when his ass was what the first time and limited he the first fight was an ass whipping second time i was in there is in vegas for the second plate and when he bit his ear never have i said never taken an ass with things so bad that my only shot was that i will bite him in that year i have 2 hands i'm jacked know i'm going to bite him the fact he was able to get past that and mike was to. the problem is to the point of kat it looks hideous it looks
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like a freeze-dried ear a little too real make it cute like old gummy bears like it's jelly or something that looks legit he bit someone's ear off and put it in a bag just looks a little too real. >> greg: i don't know i'm getting up next featuring pretty cute creatures. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ celebrate great animal friends. >> greg: joe tell me about your animal friend. >> this is about a duck and dog that reenacting the budget and shut down legislation. mike johnson is the dog. at the duck is pooping on the dog saying i'm pooping all over you now literally be a poop there's a pushover know you are dead and soon barack obama is going to eat you.
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>> didn't see that coming. all right tyrus about you something that involves a snake. >> are you looking at the stop before comes out? >> greg: you usually have snakes or fishes. >> you know what i don't want to run it now. >> it was bring a mouse to workday where snakes got the player some of their friends here they are doing play fighting between snakes and the mice they are so silly like he is twisting him like he's going to eat him. but they are playing hide and seek that's my green tree python you see the rat hiding their out got you. tag you are it. so cute. >> this 1 out got him down. he could've fell and bruised himself had his snake buddy not been there. >> greg: they are best friends. >> they put look at this 1. lost i've got you buddy it's all
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good no worries. none of the mice were hurt in this at all. >> that's great we don't want peta on the back. >> peta can eat it too. >> tell you yet a delightful animal story. >> i sent my beaten-down shark i saw this video the shark look at this bad boy. this is a dude who's been through stuff. that's my spirit animal there. probably 100 years old keeps going look at this. doesn't miss a beat i love him. >> you should see the other guy. >> greg: the other guys they are all incited him. maybe a few licence plates may be a datsun inside. >> animal kingdom don't complain to keep it moving. they don't need therapy or anything. >> greg: kat what do you have? >> it's so good okay look.
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so this is in thailand there are lions in the convertible but after the video went viral people went and got arrested because they weren't supposed to have those liens because it's liens i feel like if you have to transport your illegal exotic animal pick 1 at that many cars with a roof on it. may be the lion had to go to the vet or something. >> you think it's an easy bentley? >> if you have illegal for animal like a lion or tiger what if they need to go to the vet you can't take them there so i think people went to jail because they took that lien on a convertible joyride. >> to be fair with the hazards on there probably just like a look at look at me look at me. >> greg: don't go away we will be right back.
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