tv Hannity FOX News March 27, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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to write another book. an about athinking self-help book. a self-help book foren men thats also funny. and also political. yes,s. >> will talk about straw ice cream and soup etiquette, but they'll also be a lot more interesting things in there about diet, exercisrese professionalism. yes, professionalism. aftem. r greg gutfeld wrote aself-hel self-help book for people that don't self-help, i figuredi i can do it because lookhim. at him. >> who needs more help tha n greg? always remember, i'm waters and this is my world. >> welcome to "hannity". and tonight, another big show up tonight, more fallout from the utter debacldebacle e that n as msd and c.
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nbc will never be theter th same again at the network, of course, allowedk of their far left-wing hosts to bring outagas their pitchforks and torches against the only actual of ye conservative hired their number of years. nbc'ars now in tatters and wors' than ever. also tonights tion in , governot desantis is here. he just signed two neww gr groundbreaking measures into law, includingng a bill that wi ban young kids under 14 from using social media and another that is property owners from squatters. this nows from a much bigger prm than anybody knew. now, governor desantis accomplished more in half a week than joe biden will gete the entire year. the biden administration, it is clearly a dumpster fire. his campaign not really much better. we are tonight only 222 days away from the 2024 electionat
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that will fly by democrats. they ares in panic mode. even barack obama is getting very anxious a numberf repo of reports out there about this. and apparently he's reportedlyre very afraid joe biden will, in fact, lose to donald trump. he is now making numerous phone calls to top white house aides and campaign advisers. now, according to the "new york times", obama is also having regular conversationso h. with biden himself. now you have obama and billve clinto oban there now set to headline a star studded fundraiser in new york,y musi i think, at radio city music hall. the presidenc tht just wasn't enough of a draw for big donors, apparently. now, the democrats have abe big problem come november, and his name is joe biden. >> there's nothing that barack obama or bill clinton or frankly, anybody else can do that will turn the mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, incompetent 81-year-old career politician into a viableble cand
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candidate? in fact, biden's press secretary doesn't even s press to answer even the obvious questions. some wouldeven tough. i don't think it's that tough. the question that everybod'sy hh on their mind, the question that polls are showinglls are that vast majority of americans agree with. and that has to do with her deci boss's cognitive decline. >> watch thine s. people >> what i told a numbers ta of people that i was talking to you today, itlk you was interesting. >> they all said, would you please just asall saask hers the president have dementia? so before i move? on from that, does he say that? >> mark? mark, i can't even believe you're asking mee thiyoasking . that is an incredibly offensive question to asibly offk. o, mar >> but, you know, i ask.k, we need. no, no, no, no, no. tak you mark, you, you, you you're going tt down a rabbit hole and. so i'm not even going to truly, trululy,y, really, you know, tae take the premise of your question. i think it is incredibly
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insulting. >> and so we can you know, we can move on to the next question. gas prices and grocery prices. then big topics here in northd carolina. >> how does mr. biden win votesi when people don't have as muchn? disposable income? >> look, the president understtds all the importan groceries. those costs have gone downy, because of what this do. president has been able to do, and they end with that. thank you so much fo that, t yo >> have an amazing, amazing day. wow. wow. oh, she offensive, insulting. grocery prices are down karine jean-pierre. she to do a the writing is on the wall. anxiety running. and while democrats panic, the president does nothings today. no schedule events at all whatsoever. now president trump, meanwhile, just accepted an invitation. he will attend attend the wake for nypd officer jonathan diller. remember he was murdered by a34a 34-year-old career criminal
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with more than 20 prior arrests. how's that? defund, dismantle, reimagine the police thing workingd,, bail laws working. now, biden probably isn't even aware of the violent crime nowme erupting in major cities. he certainly has never tried to address it. now, tonight, he seems more worriedt. about athe le political challenge from pee left, that being rfk jr, who is now peeling off a significant amount of support of biden.h soci and on truth socialal president trump wrote this, quote, rfk jr is the mostunio radical left candidate in thes race by far. he is a big fan of thebig fa green new scam and other economy killing disasters. i guesomy kills this would means that he's going to take votes from crooked joe bidenm, whichma would be a great service to america. then he continued quote it is great for maga, but the communists will it very hard for him to even get on the ballot. kenned y is now fighting against f a bureaucratic nightmare. teamightg agai biden going fulle
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against him, but he's vowing to get on the ballot vowin in al 50 states. he's considering running as a libertarian runniw,. polls show clear wins for, poll donald trump. the following stage georgia. nevada, arizona. michiganowing st and north caro wisconsin and pennsylvania. in otherd words, that would be an electoral blowout. but even withoutectoral rfk jr, trump is consistently polling ahead of biden and almostf all of the key battleground states. now, as it turns outthe key bat, americans seem to miss prosperity and peace and stability and safety and security. they see what biden is doing at thet . kno they know he has been spending recklessly. they see bee biden inflation. it is starting to surge yet again. to servthey reject the overbeag green new deal regulations. o ge you know, you've got to get an electric vehicle. they want to take away your stove elect to, your refrigerator, your air conditioner, and they want you to. they want to even take away your meat. erator, nditionethe high taxes h
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for, the vilificatioe'n of those that work hard risk capital and definitely pay their fair share and then some. and they look at their phones and tv and they see a decrepit politician struggling to get up the stairs of air force one the baby steps and is so obviously unable to perform the dutiese of his job. there is nothing that obama cano do clinton can do to cover up that disaster. he might even sar upy it. it's kind of like putting lipstick on a pig at this point. here was reactiopstick on n. presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy is with us. al candiall right. you think you think clinton and obama, their big fundraiserl and them going all in to bail out joe? >> will that worouat k? i don't think it's likely to persuade voters. >>y is it does show, sean, who is really pulling the strings in thepulli democratic party bill. joe biden's cognitive deficits, they're not a bu feat they're a feature for the managerial class underneath
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him aroundrial cla that's realln pulling the strings and advancing their puppet. and soeir pupp right now i am rd glad about how optimistic we can be witabout hoh the poll nus that we're seeing. but we cannot be complacent. we know the left. we understand how they behave. they behave like they're in a wahoy beke they r. we need to understand and approach this election with the same mentality. soapproaection i like what we'r, but we can't get complacent. and keep in mind, it's notcan'ta joe biden we need to worry about. it's the machine underneath him mach, him up. that's really what we're up against. and that's what i take away from the obamae obam and clinton machine involvement. all right. well, let's talk about where we are and the rfk factor now. team biden is very littessively, you know, set up their own little war room to go to battle with rfk jr. >> he's not conservative. i mean, i've interviewed he support every supported every left-wing radical c democratic candidate over the years. he wanted to be the democraticcc . they rejected him.
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he's a radical environmentalis t you ,believes in the radical, you know, new green deal and know, climaclimate alarmism. his his policies are far. do you see that? do you see you see him getting on the ballot in all o 50 stateb >> do you think the libertarian >>rtm on?l take hi >> look, i think the beauty of our country is we have a free systek thm where people are able to have ballot access if they actually meet certain criteriaoallo. il so the democratic party now is going to probably try to do everything they caobably t everp this man off the ballot, just as they were trying to stifle him whent aswere he was runninga democrat. >> but the thing that has the , is he'sowean free to have his own views on the climate change agenda, which i do thinkmatee is a thret to the sovereignty of the united states on abortion and a range of other questionsy of whs he's anti-second amendment. he's a range of issues that are no t aligned with the republican party that better align with democrats. and so if he does make it on the ballot as if he doesn't by the rules, he deserves ballot, it sho access to do, itd take votes away from the democrats and this should
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be good development not only for president trump, but i believe for this countryent notw because what we need this november is a decisive moral nee. t a landslide of reagan, 1980, 1984 proportions. and i think we have an opportunity to do it. 4and rfk being in this race t helps that. you know what? i think that could be a good thing think for this country.a go and i'm against any democratic effort to try to remove hiod t c andm or keepe the ballot, as they will try to do. t tyou're on the campaign trail for president trump. we thought at al f presidel aboa joining his administration, should that happenti . look, i'm laser focused on winning the election. look on november, sean, we've n to keep in mind, this is still the third or fourth, fifthocess. inning of the process. fwee oft take our eye of that ball. w so my focus has been how can we help attract the kind of voterws that republicans may not historically have connected with young voters across this country who are hungry for direction and purpose? that presidentrection purpos trl be able to provide yoth national pride that joe t
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biden is it you thinkt about even the asian-american community, indian-americans, many of whom weneven thet decisy for joe biden, and yet there are core values of meritocracymr ,of a free speech of the american dream, align with the republican partyican dre today and donald trump's vision for this country. and somp's visr th i see an oppl to build a multiethnic, working class coalitionicn that defies historical partisan boundaries. we've got to keees histop our ee on the ball and actually win in november. e out.let'ake that figur what comes after let's deliver victory. and that's how we're going to save this countrya victord. vivek, great to see you. thank you for joining us. nofow, the biden campaign is now so desperate, some are floating walk down memory lane to the dog days of covi dowd. now, biden himself has even recently invoked the pandemic and the president wants you to forget the mask mandates the vaccinnts you e mandates, the lockdowns, the school closures, the mass hysteridowns he certainly doesn't want you to remember that more people die diedd 2021 under his watch than died in the
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year. it started in january of 2020 as he lives in the past. after all, it was a better timeg for joe biden. it was the beginning of his signidency and. the last time his poll numbers were significantly underwater. well, anyway, his far-left policies had yet to wreak havoc on youk havo every american.d here w and here with more, a governor who has kept south dakota free. kristi noem is with us. by the way, congratulations. although you weren't numberkota one.u north dakota beabyt you by 1/10 of a point when it comes to having the lowest unemploymentt come hav in the cd i'm sure that kind of irritated you. that would irritat would irritae a little bit. just a little bit, yes. bityes of cof course, we're ala competitive with other states. but you werete you were talking about covid. and i was just remembering back to those first days of covid, and i than remembe andk god thatt and wa president trump was the president and was in the white house during that time becaus tuse he actually let me, as governor, do my job. de m mew, he let be governor, make decisions for our people that were the best
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for our statle e. and our state is thriving today because of that. everybody's working there, earning a lot more income. women owned businesses are doing better. revenue we've got historic revenues and visitation people moving and we're growing. and it's visitatiople all becauseuse of p president trump was in the white house and we've only seen our country declin trumpe onlye joe biden has been the administration that i have to get up and fight everyio day. so if biden wants to go back and visit covid wave, visi. some stories g what happened on day one when joe biden took over the white decle because our military biden declined. he attacked our people. he tried to mandate vaccines, he masks and hurt our children and set them back. it was tragiand k.c what his pos did to this country. but 222 days outside of election day, how do you assess the race right now? >> gosh, freedom is doing well.t i think that it's resonating i with people and they recognize w that the only person that's going to keep them free is president donald j. wilm free'strump. a so that's what i thinkthat is amazing, is that you see people rallying around y a man that gets up every day and fights for america. what america meantfights f back
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our founders brought it forward and gave us our constitution. and he's the only one that stood there and defended our freedom of speech or freedothere frem of assembly, t of religion. so that's what's great. we've got to keep talkin. have g to them. ti so i'm spending a lot of time in a lot of these states that, you know, need to make up their mindmet of thes that we hn in order to win the presidency. and that's michigan and wisconsin inn pennsylvania, arizona, ohio, spend a lotsin, of time in ohio helpinhig in tho senate race there. that all affects who wins the white house, too. soeite hous there's a lot of wo. i think that we're lookingd good. but that means we double down and we press our foot >> s. e as the the democrats seem focused on a very aggressive strateg det now, probably out of panic more than anything else. and that's attack trump attackha p. trump, democracy in peril, january 6th, lying , demagoguing about abortion, trying convince people that he's done a great job. i don't think i don't think that's joat's going to resonate at all. and as i'm watching the campaign, then i think of twoagt
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advantages that they might have. >> democratsheve. are not resistantoting at all to voting early voting by mail. ing bythey have pretty much masd the the laws where you're allowed to have legal ballot harvesting. s and.g an i know lara trump is workingut on this, but it's 222 days. it's a heavy lift to match. hopefully surpassed democratic issues on that. where do you stand on it should republicans get over their reluctance and resistance? to voting early by mail? do they have to do a better do tt? legal ballo and how do you accomplish that in that short period of timdo youate? >> you work with the laws >> yen yourve in your stat and. you make sure that your secretary of state is following the laws and then you go hard and you make sur s mak secretare that we win hard overwhelmingly in these states and that it isn't a a thim margiand e weakn that we wt we win big and we win recognizing the difference e differ in these candidates, what the democrats playbook is, is they're going to take a gallon of gahendidatesdemocrat on the candidate, throw it on donald trump, and light it on fire and trond triey to burnd
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and his family and everybody close to him to the ground and then manipulat e and bendd the election laws in every single state. lahow they can. we have to be smarter, faster, work harder, and we're goingo to have to spend some resources to get it done. the strate problem that we fac . right now is that they're strategically going after trump. soeggoing af that he's spendingy on legal battles and they're bateing money in joe biden's campaign account to come after our freedom. >> yeah. all right governor, greatus. to have you. thank you for joining us. now we turn to a more horrific a from bi from biden's border crisis. according to a local report, ana illegal immigrant in alabama now allegedly has been charged with a 14 year old mentally and capacitated young girl. so far this year, dozens of americans far been violently and murdered or assaulted by asylum seekers. in other words, joe biden's term joe million plus unvetted illegal immigrants all over the world. and why? because of his insane border
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policies, him aiding and abetting in lawbreaking. po, hihe doesn't seem to care. what is the impact on the raceuw for 2024? joining us now, senior fellow at the hoover institutioseniorn victor davis hanson, along with the host of our kicks lahren, his fearless tomi lahren. what impact victor davis, hanson, do you see here on, you know, the people in this country? they're watching it like we watch itthey aik now, joe. the they're floating the idea of maybeoating people that haven here ten years. they get a green card and a path to citizenshihe citi but yeah, well, i think the present policy is unsustainable. they made high five that they got 10 million people out and they feel that that was valuable for a constituency, but it's blowing up in their face. >> sean, in their face if you sv minute interview with obrador, president of mexicieo, whenou he just flat out said that we owe him $20 billion, we've got to stop the embargo of venezuela, we've , restore r
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with cuba and give amnesty withto every mexican national he you can see where he's coming from. and hehe's coming fr said he hae contempt for them, for us, and all we'd to do. p any normal president would slap a 10% tax on the 60 billionthat of remittances that go to mexico. they would declare the cartelst, a foreign terrorist organization, finish the walrrol and help out with the military on the border. and he wouldn't talk like that. i think he'd ot have more respect would b and they would be much nicer to us. the mexican government nicer, br they would have some deference to us. but now they're ridiculinge. us and they think it's a joke. and you see all these people coming out of the woodwork ofpl that think the borderor is over for good and they can come and go as they please and. and they're essentially right, at least for the next nine orve ten months. >> can you believe tomi lahren i with victor davis hanson in his analysis that we're now we aregoing to get lectured on o giving billions of dollarsforeig to foreign countries.
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he's demanding citizenship of mexican nationals as and the embargo on cuba and venezuela, sanctions on venezuela. really we're going to get lectured by mexico and joe does nothing. bac you know, back during the trump administration, it was the other wae trump y. donald trump said if mexico doesn't play ball, theld trumpnf will have a tariff slapped on them. and then, lo and behold, mexica then military decided they were going to cooperate with the united states border patrol and law enforcement operate and they had to do their part. also remain in mexico. mexico in mexic, a much more incentive to control their own border because they didn't wantwn b people remaining in mexico and that they couldn't send on through the unitethey coud states under donald trump. but once again, we're leading from behind. ld trumpe agn weand joe biden, be cognitively slowing down, but he's notmightively stupid ar are democrats. they are willing to riskthey ar american sovereignty and american safety. with biden's border bloodbatide
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and again, they like to use that word bloodbath. and it's true. it comes to what biden's allowing into our country. it is going to bo oue an even w of a bloodbath because we've gowe t 10 million plus people, also hundreds of thousands of got a ways that wsoe knowe where they're from, what they're doing here, and they're now residing rom, wha in ouruse country because joe biden and democrats want congressional seatjoe bid democn these people to be included in the census and they want them to be futur ande. t they are willing to risk and sacrifice american lives and the american economy in order to get votes and more congressionan orl. and that tells you everything you need to know about the democrat party. ththey play the long game. they're okay with this being unpopular right now the because they see the future and they see this as locking as l for voting bloce this generations to come. they might be sinister, but are not stupid. >> all right. i hope america is paying attention, ho. tomi lahren, thank you. victor davis hanson, thank you. than today, florida governor ron desantis signed legislatios signedn that he say,
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quote, squatters and the squatters scam and protects property owners. gee, what a shoc k. h >> how sad is it that he even has to bring up a bill like that? he will explain that and much more straight ahead as we continuerks fast. it la >>st i see. i swear it's first it makes it less of a power of contrast. there. so you can rise from pain. i see. >> what's this? that's for pepper. you keep dog food in your fridge. >> it's not dog food. it's fresh bread. real meat. no veggies. it's dog food. form you. it's almost passover. hereitute, e israel and across the former soviet union. and in n basic but we're findis of destitute elderly who are
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alone and in need of basic fooda . >> ramsey isto a holocaust empt. survivor. >> she keeps saying my refrigerator is empty. wow. but she's embarrassed to ask for help. is their need, as you can see, is extremely urgent right now. of $25. the fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to bronzino and thousands of others. ramsey i have had such a hard life and to see this smile that you can save a lifeelebrate that looks like ramsey.ah >> your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passoverramzia w. >> i saw this, martha, that the fellowship brought her passover. >> ramsey i was so excited.
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and where we serve. >> apply today. visit vago slash pr s.t. welcome to fox news live m ashley strohmier new york. the cargo ship that crashed into a bridge in baltimore had just undergone routine maintenance. it is according to the u.s. coast guard. data from the ship's black box shows. the ship's pilot asked nearby tugboats as multiple sounded. according to the ntsb, there's more than 760 tons of hazardous material on the ship some of which was breached. the bodies of two of the six bridge workers have been found. four others are presumed dead. >> d.c. lawmakers are mourning former connecticut senator joe
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lieberman, according to his family. the four term senator and vice presidential nominee died wednesday of complications from a fall. he was al gore's vp pick for the 2000 election. senator lieberman was 82 years old. i'm ashley strohmier. now back to candy. all right. so the issue of swatting nown th has been on the rise all across the countrrisey. that's where people take over vacant homes or they rent a property and never leave. can you imagine? you own a property you can'tineh get rid of somebody that's in your house. oftentimes, it could take the property often tie th owners months or even years to get the squatters th. f out well, now the state of florida is taking action. governor ron desantistakis just signed legislation that gives police the right to squattersaso as soon as they are found
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and makes it a felony to do more than $1,000 worth w of damagorthe to home while squatting. >> take a look at this. well, today in the state of florida, we say very simply what would pass muster in new york and californi whaa is not passing muster here. cou are not going to be able to commandeer somebody's private propertyy's priv and.n h expect to get away with it. we are in the state of florida endinge of this squatters scam e and for all. and it is a scam. i know somebody in new york four and a half years, a squatter stay in somebodye budd else's house. now, the governor of florida yalso recently signed a billy banning any children in the state under the age of 14 from reveng a social media account. after years of research has now revealed the serious dangersplam that these online platforms are posing to our kids. orid anyway, joining us now, florida governor ron desantis. ron is.t to have you.
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you know, i doubt when you got s that.litic you ever imagined a day we'd be hearing story after story after story of, you know, people just commandeering other people's homes and then the courts protecting them. i know a case in new york, itr n went on four and a half years before. they were finally legally allowed to takd toe back their home. amers this is thisis thi americe the america i know what? >> no shot.s and i mean, you know, you think about things like, you know, this idea of squatting when when americans were settling like the old west, you'd go, man, you didn't know who owned it. there weren't records. sowned it, people started a coma there. then someone came six or years l seven years later and claimed it was theirs. well, that was different. it's an adverse possession. it was never intended that you subdit was nd just go into some subdivision and break into aa house and start living therf
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and then all of a sudden thve all these rights vested in new york. there was a case and it was reported where the homeownerwene went when someone had takend over her house and the police did not evict the squatters. the police ended up arresting the homeowner. what kind of a country is is that? and so like on so issues. what what new york does, what california does , florida will do the opposite. and so the squatter scam today with our legislation and it's important question you know,sidt now being a florida resident, we've got people that will be herehat will seven months of the year and then they'll go to michigan o gr new york or even u canada. >> so what, you come back after the summer and someone's the in your house and then they just get to stay there for six months. now, in florida, you call up and you fill out a form. sheriff comes and the sheriff kicks them outerif your propert. yeah. and i've owned property in florida for over 20 years
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now. i am, a domiciled resident, permanent resident of florid a, and my florida license to prove it, if you want to see it and every other legal thing that i had to do. that., maven worse than if people can start out, maybe they'll pa y the first month's p rent, then they'll never pay again. and if try to kick them out,right, t you're right. the home that you were describing was a cashe homu wers over $1,000,000, that property. and they arrested homeowner. and i'm i'm thinking to myself, what country is this that theye arrest the homeowner and the squatterst of th gets to stay ia person's house. you can't make that upn'ke tha. well, yeah, it's like the private property rights.f that's the bedrock of a free society and a constant national republic. and what i think the left is doing with some of activists are doing heck, even the illegal aliens are on social media and talking toout squatting and urging
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other foreign nationals to come to this country illegally and commandeer property. you know, we don't have private property rights. we will nos, wwillt have a free. society. so it is the bedrock. florida standsflorida by. we're proud to do it. and, you know, sean, it's like yet another reason lik whyg people are going to choose to flee from the new york's and the california to flee end upe suns coming down here to the sunshine state. >> well, let me tellstate. haou, you have baby boomers that have yet to retire. thatpeople that have just gotten fed up with the crime, the high taxe s, the way of life that they're going to be leaving in droves for the next g two decades. >> i don't think this migration is ending anytime soondon't th.c let me ask you about sociala an medikia and kids and 14 year olds. and because there is a lotors ou of danger, there are predators out there that are targeting our children online targetie. you are very successful with this legislation. you i think it's been misconstrt by some in the media. not a big shocruk you, but yourn reaction. yeah. so basically, look, i'm a dad,
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sean. >> i've got a first grader, kindergartner at a preschooli'vg here. so my wife and i are thinking as they get older, you know, what is this aou kno landscape o to even look like? >> and the reality is it's hard for parentn lookthe reals to ken with everything that's out there. >> and so what our legislation r 14 is for 14 and 15 year olds, social media companies cannotoca issue them their own social media account unless the parent consents par. kno so then this way the parent can kind of know the dangers and then make that decisios anda 13 and under social media, companies cannot issuecompanie n account. and here's the thing underng 13 is already prohibited under federal law. . it's just not enforced. so you do have eight year olds and ten year oldo haves who have these. what we've said is we're not really regulating the use. soat we'noi mean if a 12 year os something, it's not really about that. t's not realit's about holding l media companies accountable. if a parenal mediat wants to had a social media account and let i their 11 year old use it, they are free to do it under there. so i think it striketrikes ts tt
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balance to try to help parents navigate this reallyte thi periu landscape. and you're right, the predators you used to have, to worry about the predator. if the other kids out in the neighborhood and someone at kid i would come by and like a van. now the predator can come right intothe predgh your house the kid can be there. your kid can be, you know, just justav safe as can be. >> and then through that internet and through their social media apprnet ando so i think we struck a good balance here. and here's the thing h, sean, nn talking about the content. we're talking about appsgne and social media networks that have addictive qualities. sove they don't have the the addictive qualities, then the bill doesn't even apply nen. at situatio you know, i know a group actuall of parents that actually have all come to an agreement, no cell phones for their kids until eighth grade. i actually thought it was a great decision and manyhave of the parents, what they have decided to do, i haven't ha o,d a landline in years. i don't know about you,bo governor, but uti don't even knw what one looks like anymore. >> and they justmore decided if
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they do, if they allow any thone use, it's going to be landline in their house that they can hear the conversationn' . pretty creative, i think. sean. so last year we did a billct that i signed that said school districts could say no cell phones during class time. there was a huge uproar about that. people were saying that somehow this was, you know, too restrictiv. thawe. and yet what's happened this school year, that kids are learning bette are r. everyone's happier because the attention is on what's happening in the classroomier ba i'd also say, just as a parent, my wife and i have talked about this. t our kids are too young to have any phones. haven doly not gat whe get a phone, probably not going to be a smartphone. sit's going to be one of thosee old flip phones that we used to have where they can makd toei a call if they need anything from us. but we don't have to worry about all the hundredsey need nf of different apps. and here's the thing, sean, to apart from all the really thing significant harms with the predators, it's not healthhay to kids buried in their phonest
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8 hours a day. >> thanks fos ar being with us,. governor ron desantis. all right. coanie up, nbc news ronna mcdaniel problem got a whole lot bigger . we're going to tell you why right after this. straight ahead. >> our pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years. my wife and i have run it for the last 30. american technology is making us more efficient and customer friendly. we use online tools to fill prescriptions, process insurance claims and make deliveries. but some in washington want to undermine the technology tools we rely on. their misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries and hurt small businesses like ours. our leaders need to strengthen ,not weaken, american technology. >> tough on this is tough to kill and it can spread. it's time to start using funny nails maximum strength. but mckinnell is so powerful it but mckinnell is so powerful it cures and prevents fungall infections. plus, it has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health forc >> say goodbye to tell fungus with fungi now. with fungi now. forced factor tota
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repu and adam kinzinger. really? anyway, here with reaction, democratic pollster mark penn and fox news contributor joe conchaic polls is with us. >> joe, i think this goes very ,very deep now into somethingw o i said back in 2007, right on rg this network, right on this show, journalism in america is dead. they're noca is det journalists. they're talk show hosts. but now, which are you or you have you ever been a republican ore, a donald trump supporter? if so, they don't want to hear from you. >> reaction. and this will damage the nbcth news brand, which was already damaged, but maybe irreparably nbc no . >> when you think about it, sean, because nbc now offic is officially the home to only far left democratsiae home, onll these on air, self-proclaimed journalists now come acros os as sane as keith olbermann. and it's all their own doing.
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i mean, from its president, cesar condé, who said in a memo to staffm in announcing sta mcdaniel's firing that the newsroom needed to be, quote, cohesivedaniel's and aligned. in other words, either you conform or you get eliminated. kristen welker also to blame. remember, she moderated a 202020 presidential debate and she fired the first rhetorical shot here at management on meet the press saying, hey, i hade ta to do with this hiring. >> you don't do that publicly. you take that conversationu dona behind closed doors. chuck todd, same thing the poster boy for. in subordination who called out his bosses also on the air to apologize while appearing on his former show meet the press. i mean, talk about the hubrihe a of of the oblivious and then the avalanche at nbc, msnbncc from there, led byowed f top conspiracy theorist rachel maddow,rod who pushedr r trump-russia collusion for years, dismissed a hunter biden laptops,, declared on her show that if you're vaccinated, you can't transmitdeclar covid. i could go on and on, but we've only got finite time here. so look,ti rachel even said onwk her show this week when talking about rachel, ronn
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a mcdaniel that she's, quote, part of ann o ongoing project toin get rid of our system of government. this is mitt romney's niece talking about and that most trump supporters aren't exactly trum crazy ay about. so at this point, sean, thiss wr is where we are at as far as this network is concerned. isey just declared that diversity of thought is dead at 30 rock. so i guessdiversitdead good luce because now you're only going to be a show t that conforms% of to maybe 30% of the country. >> you know, there was a day no and a time mark, and i knowwon' this won't surprist sue you. i knew peter jennings. she'd come on my radio, my tv show. tom brokaw, same thing. tim russert, same thing. i get calls, marc, from tim russert. just random what do you want conservatives thinking about thinservatis? just asking out of curiosity. he moderated a debate with meefr in kabul once before he sadly passed away. ns these are great icons of news.
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they might have slanted left, but they were they had curious . they were willing to hear the other side. what do you make of thislling t well, look, i'm really concerned about what's going on with free speech, viewpoint discrimination o. all of these issues. look, i think joe conscious, right, nbc now really shot hea themselves in the head or the foot or what hav thee you because i think the democrats, a lot of republicans probably didn't watch msnbc, but they dif repud. and for them to basically throwm down against someoneone wh who was head of the rnc is incredible. d it does say that theselivi people are living in a cocoon. it does sang icoony, look, you d governor newsom on and in a debate it says they're not even willing to have a debate on air. that's undateable, that they're right. and look, that's not journalis m . it's not even opinion. it's not even the kind of confenot r and clash of ideas that are central to american
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democracy. it needs to be restored. v this is really a verery shameful episode. >> i would just say to these ivory tower elitists, get ready, buckle up. politico says lawsuit likely headed your way. all right, joe, thank com mark, thank you. when we come back, the left is trying to run away from biden comics. oh, i thought they were bragging about it. i the ngs what.enough the american people are suffering enough. they're not being fooled. larry kudlow, brian, bret burger next. and later, a disturbing new trend appears to bee on the rise in new york. we've got the video. womein new n randomly punched in then face in new york city. >> where do you hear those stories coming up? hiding your fungus damage, toenails yet clear healthy looking toenails with not nail clarifying gel. in a clinical study, 90% of nails improved no matter how many years you've struggled, nomics works. finally in flip flops after
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the word biden-nomics for the first time since january. >>cs for t take a look. >> economists aren't making much fun of biden nomicscs anymo anymore, but thinking maybe it works to build the middle out in the bottom up. the wealthy could still be very wealthe wealth very. >> no, joe. things are getting worse. gettin nobody thinks biden-nomics is working. in facnobody thinks t, somebodyt house may want to look at this chart from axios. >> democrats are using the term less and less and less because it hasn't worked and it's not i meeting the realitt'y of peoples lives. why biden's economy is faltering. and according to a new fox newsa poll, over 50% of theerican american people, that means you sa y they are worse offf financ financially than they were four years ago under donald trump. another sign the economy's a mess. trader joe'sd othee econom now d the price of bananas at their storesre. get this. for the first time in more tharn
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two decades now. meanwhile, out in california, gavin newsom, he's working hard worki pretty much to destroy california's economyng. >> and he's facing a massive multibillion dollar close to, whatlion, $70 billion budget deficit. but a lot of this is because of a new $20 minimum wage law, a popular food chains like my favorite out there in and out burgerlike all across the state. >> they have to lay off employees becausss thee they cas afford to pay them. california's also leadingeading the fight against gas powered cars, being now the first state pledging to fully ban the sale of all gas powered cars by 2035. you know, seven other states are joining as well. limitations by the way coming as soon as 2026. here with reaction here wit, host of kudlow on fox business, larry kudlow along with the co-host the big money show. also on fox business, brian greenberg, larry kudlow. okay, i'm i'm looking at this.
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they can say all they want. americans are doing fine. t,that is not the reality that most americans are living. >> thet amern add to this manda. they want to shove an rv into your driveway whether you like it or not. they want to take away drivewa e stove, whether you like it or not. they don't like your refrigeratootr. t they don't like your air conditioner. and they don't like the fact don't like yout. that now, if that's the party,is they want to be fine. i want partyy wa to be part of y that believes in liberty, freedom and choices. that's right. choices. freedom. words that democrats, choi use t don't really mean. >> well, shawn, thanks for don'e back. i agree with you. look. years ag. o, as a young man,onald re i worked for ronald reagan about and people started talking about something called reaganomics. called reaganomiand it was a tet and ridicule. and thenack an all of a sudden n his tax cuts and deregulateame n came into play and the economyto exploded, growing at 10 to 12%,
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the first couple of years after the carter recession, anywayess reaganomics became a term of endearment and a termying cry of respect and a rallying cry. the trouble with mr. biden is by dynamics. now a poll. t as you very poorly but as you suggested some of these things if you can't afford. the biden economy. pric thane rising faster wages. mortgage payments are a problem. raisingcredit card payments ara problem. automobile payments are a problem. all of these things should be built into the consumer price index. . inflation remains a very difficult and sticky problemfla so biden-nomics is not popular because ordinary working folks are nos is not t doing well and theyo ba prefer to go back to the trump policies. >> drill, baby, drill!l ba tabyx cuts and deregulation. yeah, well said. and brian, i ask you, you know ,look at the carter years,at
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double digit inflation, 21 and a half percent interest rates. reagan comes in cureagan ct taxr dramatically from 70 to 28%, became the longest period of peacetime becam economic groh in history. up to that time, the sam e trump implemented under donald trump. they worked again. theyai, conservative principles work when they're put into actio worn. you know, a 21 million new jobs under reagan. and if you look at the unemployment rate for every demographic african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans, women in theas- workplace, african american youth unemployment, they will sinkans, wom to record lows aftr record low under donald trump's policies pre-pandemic, those policies were working. yeah, we'll work again when the policies deliver. er the brand works. if the brand doesn't represent anything that works fo r people, then you got to abandon the brand. the problem with biden is, yesbc
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,he stepped away from biden-nomics, but he hasn't stepped away frosm the substanc, of biden nomics. >> look at him out there. now, he may not be saying mag th, but he's stillking a talking about forgiving student loans and subsidizin g mortgageyour mor and regulating businesses and making it nearly impossible eventually to buy a gas powered car. so, you know, he can a and by nomics. but if he sticks with the substance of iife t, then the reality americans are experiencing isn't going change. so don't be satisfied that he doesn't say the word forced him change what the word means, and then life migh t get a little bit better. >> listen, sean, the scale i got to tell you, an,ton anecdh this is one of the problems with biden nomics. rich lowry camoblems wdenomicse, you know, rich from national review, and he tells the story. the went out a couple of weeks ago. he went to mcdonald'went ts ande had two fries and a shake and it cost. are you ready for this? d a two fries and a shake. $17 now. that's worse than raising the banana by $0.04.
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that's 17 bucks for two fries in a show. that is the problem with biden nomics in a nutshell. >> you know, maybe they need to get out and talk to the 60% ybe theycans living paycheck to paycheck. maybe they should talk to people that are notuld talk r meet and putting bare necessities on credit cards with high intereste n. hey shou they should be brian. g >> all right, guys. good to see you both. reen wd you bote come back, disg new reports people randomly being punchendomlyd right in the face, right on the street in new york city. can't make i.can't mat up. >> sad but true. we'll show you the video straight ahead. you're being watched. the new show, the changing crime tv is back with a new season only on fox nation. hey, criminals. we're still watching sean sticks. larkin returns to the show where every shot tells a different story when every frame uncovers the truth.
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and a man came up to me in theas face. oh, my god walki. it hurts so bad i can't evenn ta talk. literally, i fellkl to ground, d and now this giant goose egg is forming. and i'm like, oh, my god. >> it's so crazy. even reality star bethenny frankel said that she was randomly punched on ad new york city street earlier this year. now, luckily w york, one of the suspects in these cases has been arrested and charge suspecd with assault, but no bail laws in new york and a very liberal court system. all right. that's all the time we have left this evening t system.. r be usank you for being with us. thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr so por ever, ever, ever miss mis an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubleday . greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your head, on your tpua smilface. >> have a great nigh
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