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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 28, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, thursday, march 28th, this is "fox and friends." president biden will join barack obama and bill clinton for a star-studded fundraiser in new
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york city today. no plans for him to attend the wake for fall know police officer jonathan diller, happening not far away. >> brian: 25 miles. fox news alert, donald trump's georgia case continues after prosecutor nathan wade resigned. we will discuss the stakes and the agenda. >> joey: and batter up, mlb opening day and will cain's birthday. >> play ball. >> lawrence: mornings are better because you're our friend. >> brian: in a few hours, president biden will be across the street at radio city for a fundraiser featuring former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. i think it is $100,000 for a picture of all three of them. >> rachel: trif million so far.
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pr pro-pa pro-palestinian protesters are planning to make their voice heard. >> lawrence: peter doocy is there. hi, peter. >> peter: biden-harris campaign is saying this will be the most successful fundraiser in american political history with over $25 million already committed, already raised for the reelection effort. if you want a photo with presidents biden, obama and clinton, it will cost $100,000. tickets start as low as $250, you get a ticket for lizzo, queen latifah. stephen colbert is the mc. the people in charge want protesters to show up as early as possible.
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that likely won't impact mot motorcade traffic, but it could slow donors down. democrats must hope their huge fundraising advantage can help overcome a sizeable polling deficit. biden is trailing trump by five points 38 to 33 in a national poll that considering robert f. kennedy, cornel west and jill stein, as well. voters are better off today than four years ago because when people in the fox poll are asked for biden's biggest accomplishment. 38% say nothing. and four more years of nothing could be a tough sell. back to you. >> lawrence: yeah. >> brian: we'll see what he wants to bring up. he's out there and needs help and had them -- it is historic across the street. thanks, peter. the polls, the president says he
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is gaining in battleground states. he has more money than the rnc, who is reconfiguring and the president. he has to spend on his court cases. i think the president should name his whole cabinet and put them out everywhere to talk about what the secretary of labor, secretary of defense would be doing. saying this is your government. the president in april will be stuck in a courtroom for six weeks. >> lawrence: and current president making his way to new york city. he is hemorrhaging. i don't think -- >> brian: he will be right there. >> lawrence: i don't think any american, except new yorkers are have to worry with the traffic care about the president's fundraiser. what is concerning, you have an officer that was killed, 31 years old by a repeat offender with a long rap sheet and the
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president has not called the family and will not acontinued the wake. when you contrast that with the former president, he called the family and the family invited him to attend is making his way there. i wonder if the press will do the thing they do, do you have a comment? is there a request from the comment from the president on why he is not attending? will there be a message from alvin bragg and leticia james who believe we should release repeat offenders back on the treat. >> rachel: we don't need a comment on this, this visual is powerful and will be a moment we'll look back on in this campaign because the image is stark. rudy giuliani, america's mayor, said funerals are mandatory,
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funerals are optional. you have image of barack obama, bill clinton and joe bidens with celebrities, with the elite and people who can afford $100,000 for a photo and then you have donald trump grieving with the officer's family, grieving with everyone in the city who cares about -- he's with the people and those 25 million dollars they raised right there are not going to undo that image. it is so stark. it is so clear who stands with america's working class, with those who protect us and who stands with the elites. you don't need a statement on that, lawrence. >> joey: who is persuaded by celebrity endorsements? even in 2020, president trump got some celebrity endorsement, like lil wayne.
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there was energy, but i don't know it affected outcome of the election. when you look at who he's trying to persuade with these celebrities, is it young leaders? that will be quashed by the an anti-israel protesters outside. they are more anti-war more than an anti-israel. >> brian: he has lizzo there, she is pro-palestinian and pro-hamas. and stephen colbert advocates for them every single night. the president could go down to 161st street where the man was thrown in front of a subway the same day john than jonathan diller was killed.
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how do we make this place safe for americans? he doesn't. jonathan diller it was important, 31 years old, three years on the job, he had 70 collars. he came up to a car and there is a shoot out and he is shot below the bullet-proof vest and sadly, he dies and able to get to the back of the car. the video is available, not sure if the public should see it or not. the guys are out, looks like the guy will survive that shot officer diller and the other guy will go to prison hopefully for life. his nbaickname was killer. last night at masapequa park, they had a vigil for jonathan diller. his brother-in-law is also a police officer. here is a little of his remarks.
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>> he loved what he did. he was born to be a cop. he was born to be a hero. he died being a hero. he died doing what he of loed. i will forever be a better person because of him. >> rachel: let's not forget, this is a dad, he had a one-year-old child, fairly new bride. this is so tragic on every level and again, shameful, embarrassing that our president couldn't make a 25-mile trip to grieve with the family. >> lawrence: the white house pushback is they weren't invited. i don't think it is symbolic measure of his greatest asset being the consoler in chief. that is what he is supposed to be good at. the president, even if you don't go to the funeral or wake, call the family. >> rachel: thank you. >> lawrence: call the family and reconjecture the liberal
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policies that are destroying community after community. it is not just new york, it is chicago, it's philly, this is a national crisis and i think the leader of the party for the democratic party should be able to stay on the national scene. these policies have hurt america and now criminals feel embolden to kill cops, why can't you say that moderate joe, consoler in chief? >> joey: he needs to call, not show up, you can't see him check his watch. >> lawrence: like he did in afghanistan, when the 13 bodies came back. >> joey: we're here with a fox news alert. live look at the collapsed francis scott key bridge in baltimore. a possible hazmat spill is complicated the recovery efforts. >> lawrence: containers carrying hazardous material were breached during the crash. >> brian: griff jenkins is live on a boat there in the riffer.
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griff. >> griff: closer look of the containers on the ship abdollahian, we -- dali. we learned that some have electioned. they are dealing with that today. as you look here and see the giant steel trestle and containers hanging off, one concern they have is later tonight wind gusts are supposed to pick up to 35 miles per hour and that makes it a dangerous situation. i'll show you some video we shot yesterday of the recovery effort here. we watched as they raised that red truck in which two of the six bodies were recovered. they aren't going to do that today, it is deemed too dangerous to be back down there with all of the debris under the water. we are learning more about the four victims missing. this is miguel luna, man from el
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salvador, been in the country for two decades. hes he was a father of three, a grandfather, as well. trying to bring these bodies back to families to have some closure. there were lives saved and quick action of harbor pilot and transportation authority that put out the warning and closed this bridge. governor wes moore talked about this yesterday. they are heroes and they saved countless lives. individuals and law enforcement officers who moved so quickly to be able to warn the workers, to be able to stop traffic. had these police officers and law enforcement officers not done that, what was a catastrophic accident would have been more catastrophic. >> griff: what we expect to hear later today will be the flat barges bringing out cranes and that type of stuff to start the salvage part of this operation.
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they will start trying to remove parts of the broken bridge to open the channel. ships are still stuck in the port and that is greatly impacting shipping and commerce in this area. guys. >> joey: thanks, gri, iff. >> brian: carley shimkus has more news. >> carley: tributes pouring in for joe lieberman who died yesterday after complications from a fall. he served in the senate from 1999 to 2013 and ran for vice presidency in 2000. his former running mate al gore called lieberman a truly gifted l leader whose strong will made him a force to be reckoned with. he founded no labels. here he is talking about the need for political parties to come together. >> what do you make of your party shifting in such a public
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way so far to the left? >> if the democratic party becomes a far left party or revolutionary party, it will not win. want to see left, right, democrats, come to the center and keep america strong. >> carley: lieberman's funeral is tomorrow in his hometown of stanford, he is survived by his wife and three kids. joe lieberman was 82 years old. to another fox news alert. nine members of the migrant mob caught on camera rushing the el paso border last week are hit with criminal charges, inciting riot, assault and damage. dozens of others are expected to be charged, as well. we are just learning an american journalist has been abducted by a criminal group in haiti, the kidnappers are demanding a ransom for his release.
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the u.s. is set to give $10 million in guns and ammunition as the country deals with unrest and gang violence. human rights groups are urging protections. five and a half million people are in need of assistance. it is sentencing day for sam b bankman-fried, he faces 110 years in prison for defrauding ftx investors, he was convicted of conspiracy and fraud in november. a jury found he spend huge sums of money to fund his lifestyle and bribe officials. it could be five to seven years. listen to this number, four universities and colleges in new england will charge over $90,000 a year starting in the fall.
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boston university, topps, weysley and 90,000 for boston university and yale. what will it be when brock is going to college? nick saban sharing how different his life is now that his college football career is over. he said the biggest change for me as person, i lived my whole life being in a hurry. his wife says he is texting and reading his own e-mails and he sent his first e-mail all on his own. a little late to the party, but a great football coach. >> brian: how did he keep in touch with players. >> lawrence: a few months ago he said he does not watch the n.f.l. strictly college guy. i'm always watching tape of
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college, i don't watch it. >> joey: if you follow college football, head coaches that are active don't have any time. little parts that used to be time off are recruiting players. for those of you that are college football fans, thank you for watching and thank you for sharing with disappointment i have that rachel does not care about football. carley doesn't care. >> lawrence: i'm surelet o audience is happy you said thank you, brian never says that. >> brian: if you are a coach and watching us, e-mail us, i want to prove that joey is wrong, football coaches can't watch morning shows, i'll bet they watch a morning show. >> joey: you said n.f.l., not morning shows. they listen. >> brian: if you're a high school coach, anybody, write if you play football. >> rachel: i have nine kids, i'm not buying the i don't have
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time. >> brian: you can still watch us. joey, read us out. >> joey: we'll move on. fox news alert. trump's georgia case continue after prosecutor nathan wade resigned earlier. the attorney who blew the lid off his affair with fani willis was previewing what to expect. >> we're going to be arguing his decision should have gone further and should have disqualified her. he gave us the factual findings, we need a court to say that is too much, that's enough to be disqualified and then we'll get a neutral prosecutor to decide if they will even bring the charges. >> rachel: d.a. fani willis firing back at republicans asking about her use of federal funds saying nothing will derail the effort of the staff and i to bring prosecution to trial so fulton county citizens can determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant.
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>> brian: fox news contributor andy mccarthy joins us now. what are chances of this being successful? >> you mean disqualification? i'm of two minds on that. the logic of the judge's decision is wrong because if you find there is as he said, odor of mendacity that is because of joint activity of fani willis and nathan wade, it does not get cured by taking one of them out. legally on appeal, it is possible she could be booted. as a trial lawyer, if i'm defending trump or one of the other defendants, i'm sending a limo to her everyday to make sure she gets to work. she is the best thing the defense has going for them. >> lawrence: i asked ashleigh merchant about this, here answer
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is yes, i see your point on this. if we were to get another prosecutor, we don't think there would be a case there. where do you stand on that? >> i'm in a different place, i'm an analyst and trying to decide what the best thing to happen is. whereas if i were a defense lawyer in this case, it is your duty to bring the motion and follow it through all the way and if she's right and they get a neutral, fair prosecutor, there is so much wrong with this case. we respondent the last couple months on this salacious stuff, this case stinks as a case and has since the beginning. you have 19 people she's trying to indict and only thing they have ever done together is get indicted and idea they are rico organization is one of the more
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preposterous things i've seen in many decades. >> joey: on that topic, she said she felt like, defense teams feel like this is first amendment issue and that is their strongest argument. can you explain what she means by that and why the first amendment? go ahead. >> i think the thing is what she's done throughout this indictment, when you peel back the rico and conspiracy rhetoric, she is criminalizing first amendment protected activity and first amendment activity without which government doesn't work and there are circumstances in the law where you are allowed to criminalize speech and association. if you insight, that's a crime. your words can be criminalized. if you combine with other people to commit a crime, we get together and plan to rob a bank, you have association.
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in this case, they are talking about speech and association for political governance purposes and you can't criminalize that just because your policy disagrees. >> brian: are they wanting them to turn on each other and get more information? is the objective never to try them? we had two or three deals before this case became a soap opera. >> yeah, but brian, those four pleas that happened so far are a t testament to what a ridiculous case this is. she has now taken four pleas, not one person pled to a rico count and not one person will do an hour in jail. for a case where she said our democracy is under attack and hanging by a thread. >> rachel: good point. >> brian: case closed. 22 after the hour. >> lawrence: it's unbelievable. serious story here.
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teen gone for more than a month now growing more frantic. 15-year-old sebastian rogers has not been leave since he left his bedroom with a flashlight. joining us are his parents. thank you for joining the bed show this morning. >> lawrence: you put him to bed, you heard noises in there, you told him to knock it off. you got up the next morning and haven't seen him since. where do you think your son is right now? >> honestly, we don't know where he is. now we haven't found substantial evidence to locate where he is or where he went. we are pleading for help if anyone might know something or see something. >> lawrence: was sebastian a runner? did he have history of running away from home or school any
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time before? >> he did not have a history of running. >> lawrence: and you are -- mr. proudfoot, you are three hours away. you agreed to a polygraph, you had not been ruled as a suspect. what do you make of the criticism and people online saying they think you are involved? >> it is their personal opinion. it is sad that people have resulted to this kind of rhetoric and verbiage and harassment, but end of the day, it is their opinion. the truth will come out and when it does, everybody will finally have their answers. >> lawrence: ms. proudfoot, did your son sebastian have any friends you can think of, had a cell phone, made any type of contact? >> not that we know of. >> lawrence: ms. proudfoot, you
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did decide to leave the home and went to see your husband, which is three hours away and some people said you have an autistic child missing, why leave the home. can you give us insight on why? >> there are a few reasons, we are posting fliers every direction we can. there were quite a bit of people that were sending very threatening and hateful messages to us, following us, driving past our house all hours day and night disturbing the neighborhood and the neighborhood is upset, concerned and people are worried about their safety at this point. one reason i did that, in the hopes if we left for a couple days, it might calm that down and give our neighbors reprieve, as well. >> lawrence: his biological father has said he doesn't believe he would have been
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barefoot because of a traumatic experience he had stepping in a pile offants. you think he left barefoot, why are you confident he did not have shoes on or anything like that. >> all of his shoes -- >> all of his shoes have been accounted for, as far as all of our shoes have been accounted for, mine and my wife. there is no other answer as to what he would have been wearing at this point. >> lawrence: yeah. thank y'all for joining us on the program, our number one concern is to get sebastian home and back to y'all. we'll put the number up for anyone who has information if you have seen sebastian call 1-80 1-800-tbi-find. if you were in any of these areas reach out to the number. thank you for joining the program this morning. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for having us.
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>> lawrence: we're praying for you guys. nine of the migrants seen storming the el paso border charged with assault, the reporter who saw it all is next. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place reporter who saw it all is next. s next. the reporter who saw it al next. the reporter who saw it al next. ling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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>> rachel: welcome back to "fox and friends." former syracuse basketball player accused of be ing sean diddy combs drug and gun mule is facing two felony charges after being arrested at a miami airport. we have the details. >> police say they found brendan paul in possession of cocaine and marijuana-laced candy. he is described as the rach mogul gun and drug mule.
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he has denied allegations. federal agents are responding to concrete, detailed, explicit allegations. victims may be reluctant to speak, but when they speak, they speak a lot. a former backup dancer for combs said she knew to avoid diddy at all cost. raids were in los angeles and miami at his homes. diddy remains a freeman. he has not been charged with any crime at this stage. joey, over to you. >> joey: thanks. fox news alert, nine migrants, part of massive mob that stormed the border last week now in custody charged with assault and inciting a riot. our next guest broke the story and was at the el paso border when it happened. "new york times" reporter jenny
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joins us now. i would love for you to explain to viewers why this was not simply a mob pushing into guardsmen, there was malicious intent here. >> exactly. and as you mentioned, we learned nine migrants have been charged and the state intends to charge dozens more in this violent incident. they became agitated they were being pushed back to mexico saying they could not cross illegally and couldn't aval themselves to border patrol. they became angry and pushed through the razor wire and pushed the national guardmen out of the way and we've since learned the assaults were more tense than thought. you could see the group envelope the few national guardsmen, a
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hundred versus a few soldiers. a honduran national was stomping on the knee of a soldier in a malicious way is how he described it in court documents. >> joey: that is insane to me. when we look, the state of texas has charged the nine individuals. you can look at the video, there is more than nine people at large there. the border patrol has them in custody. what is the problem there and will they have a chance to ep coo them in jail? >> right, exactly. we are a week away from this happening and border patrol purpose right now is to get people in and out of custody extremely quickly. that is what the biden administration has instructed agents to do and they try to do that within 72-hour period. the state of texas says you need to hold them longer than that so
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we can levee charges against the people. they are working with federal authorities and the state and federal authorities are at odds right now from the standpoint of washington and the governor's office in texas. this has been difficult for the state to be able to do. they have been trying to push forward this law sb-4 to allow state and local authorities to arrest migrants for illegal entry. that could have played a role here. we know that the state is really trying to get dozens more charged. >> joey: a lot of viewers and americans sitting at home, can't they be charged with the law they broke coming to the country? i guess not. gennie taer, thank you for joining us. it is opening day at globe life field and will cain is in ranger fan heaven.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> brian: it is sentencing day for cryptosam bankman fried. he faces prison for defrauding
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ftx investors. his parents arrived at the courthouse moments ago. kelly o'grady is there. >> today we will learn the penalty, sam bankman-fried stole over 10 billion dollars. the defense looking for five to six and a half arguing there was no harm done to victims, the money is expected to be returned. new york law focuses on intent, not loss. calling this a prison sentence. pushing back on no harm, the customers will be repaid. bitcoin is priced five times more than it was then. it kicks off at 9:30, sam bankman-fried, they want to send a message here.
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>> rachel: thank you so much. as you prepare for easter sunday new study revealing those who regularly go to church remained low and falling even more with only 30% of u.s. adults regularly attending church, down from 42% 20 years ago. our next guest knows about change, "the chosen" actor noah james james joins us. what is driving it decline? >> i certainly don't have the answer. i know that with our show, we've been really surprised with the amount of children and people under 18 who have actually found the show and found it to speak to them and reach them and we've found that parents have found great way to connect with their kids, as well.
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in our world, you know, we're meeting people all over who are connecting with the story. >> rachel: that is so great. it is family entertainment, one of the few things you can watch with your kids and not be embarrassed when a crazy scene comes up. i like that. by the way, it is on fox nation, we're excited to have that. mormons are the most, declining, most observant are mormons, and the least observant, ones that go to church the least catholics. i'm catholic, i'll blame that on the pope. >> i'm jewish. >> so was jesus. >> rachel: i will show a clip from "the chosen" and come back and talk about it. >> delifnquent by 40 days. 10% weekly -- >> six weeks? >> that is right, you are lucky
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to not be in jail. >> please. 60% depend on this. 60% of what i owe, i can't even pay. >> rachel: noah, just the production value is so high and it is so beautiful and we're so excited to have it on fox nation. when you were filming this, you got married during the filming of this. you are jewish, not christian, you still took away lessons from playing jesus, can you share that with us? >> yes, playing one of his disciples. i really have. you know, when you're standing at a recreation of the sermon on the mount, one of the most, if not most famous sermons in the history of the world, a lot can be taken from that. it is funny you said i got married while filming. our schedule was pushing further
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and further and closer to my wedding date and wasn't going to miss that. i remember talking to dallas, the director and i was freaking out. he said sometimes we have to surrender and let what is going to happen to happen. it helped mooy relax and i made the wedding and all went well. >> rachel: letting go of anxiety and knowing there are things we don't have control over. certainly during the pandemic we didn't because of the government. great to have you on. excited you will be on fox nation. sign up for fox nation for a limited time $29.99 for the year. thank you for joining us, fantastic to have you on. >> thank you for having me. >> rachel: you got it, it is mlb's opening day and will is getting the sights andun sos,
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but first check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up. >> bill: opening day is huge in my hometown of cincinnati, ohio. they play baseball. split screen today in new york. biden raising money, trump going to a cop's funeral, we'll cover both today. this while new fox polling tells interesting story about the election and what is happening with demographics in america. stay tuned for that. fani willis back in court today, we'll watch that develop together and cryptokid will learn his sentence for his financial madness. financial madness. it is a big fat thursday, dana and i will see you top of the hour. see you then. ry does provid e he. and as americans, we can do so much more. i started the comfort, peace and freedom foundation to help veterans define their personal vision and to build a future of success. a lot of them aren't looking to what life after the military looks like until it's time, you know, within their last year to do that. ken, you wrote a bestselling book
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>> hello, everyone. let's look at the forecast today. we have a storm moving into the west. another atmosphereic river setting up for california this weekend. our cold front is exiting the east coast. that's good news. you know what? mlb opening day for new york has been postponed to tomorrow because of the inclement weather. 50s and lots of sunshine tomorrow. the rangers for arlington, texas, game time is 6:35 local time. lots of sunshine. temperatures around 71 degrees.
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the easter sunday forecast as the storm system moves sku the west moving across the rockies and the potential for showers over the ohio river valley. brian, listen, you know how tuned in i am with baseball. i'm really looking forward to seeing if that 300 million in their salaries will pay off this year. >> brian: you talking about the mets? >> yes. >> brian: your biggest question did they spend the money well? >> yes, we know the yankees is $220 million for their salaries. we want to see if they perform as well. >> brian: very impressive. janice dean, so great. >> we rehearsed this. hold on a second. >> brian: we'll see if will cain can keep it up. stadiums across the country. will cain is live in arlington, texas where the rangers face the
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cubs tonight. he joins us with team public affairs v.p. john blake and p.a. announcer chuck morgan. take it away, will. >> it is about opening day and chicago cubs and the next three days. not without looking back at the very recent history and celebrating the texas rangers world series championship. i have talked about this extensively. sports is about history and tradition, tied to our past. statistically and with our child hoods. let me say right here we have a lot of history with the texas rangers. john blake has been here for 35 years. the voice of the texas rangers has been here 41 years. i've been a fan my entire life. it's impossible to describe for any other fan base out there that hasn't been through something similar what this means and how it is tied to what we have done and not done in the past. >> exactly, will. that's why michael carter is throwing out the first pitch.
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we won november 11th thing i thought about was relief that the fans and all the players that have been here since 1972, this is all for them as well, you know. >> cowboys fans are entitled. i'm one of those. mavericks fans had it in 2011. the best kind of title is one that surprises you. my buddies and i were saying if it ends with the alc it will be great. one of the best titles in my life. >> i think you can talk to anybody with the rangers. we didn't expect that to happen last year and it is so great it did. just special and as john mentioned for our fans that have waited so long for something like this. special. >> ladies and gentlemen -- >> our appeal will focus on the factual findings the judge already made. if you look at the order you can tell he made some really strong factual


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