tv The Five FOX News March 28, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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laugh. i can hear him now. i cancelled the segment neil, i'm already missing that. and i already missing that laugh. and i miss that soul. just say it eight so joe. say it ain't so. joe lieberman. gone at 82. even though he didn't look a day over 81. good night. [ ♪♪ ] >> hello everyone i'm did not free no it's 5:00 in new york city. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> 22024 presidential candidates touching down a new york part different reasons. former president chuck to take -- attending the wake of a slain in ipd officer. the 31 rolled was killed in a line of duty by a career criminal who was arrested more than 20 times. he leaves behind a wife and 1-year-old son. president trump spending time with his wife today and says this tragedy should never have happened. >> such a sad sad event. such a horrible thing that's happening all too often. we're just not going to let it happen. twenty-one times arrested this thug, the person in the car with him was arrested many times. they don't learn because they don't respect, you know, they're not given the respect, the police of the greatest people we have. there is nothing and there's nobody like in. this should never happen we have for the stop it. we have to get back to law &
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order. we have to do a lot of things tearfully because this is not working. >> president biden is also in new york he did not attend the wake he is in town for a big fundraiser tonight he spent the afternoon taking -- talking on podcasts. liberal soft on crime policies are being under the microscope. the two men in the car had 35 churches between them but the white house is shifting the blame sing this yesterday... >> president biden is deeply grateful for the sacrifices police officers make to keep our communities safe. this shooting is yet another painful reminder of the toll of gun violence and what it's doing to inflect on families and our communities and our nation. that's by the president signed more than two dozen executive action and that's why were able to pass a bipartisan agreement to deal with the gun violence we are seeing in this country. >> today sean pierpoint and fingers at republicans.
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>> surge under the previous administration which repeatedly attempted to cut all their budges targeted the key funding for police and proposed doing it again. this is a president biden harris administration doing the polar opposite taking decisive action from the beginning to fund the police and achieving historic reduction in crime under his leadership. >> brian kelln eta of fox and friends was able to talk about former president donald trump today and the full interview airs tomorrow. we have a little sneak peek, watch this... >> they wanted me to be there and i wanted to be there. i came in from florida and what a family. the diller family. they lost a hero really, their devastated. the family is devastated, the police forces devastated. the whole country feels this way. is happening more and more and
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it's really a lack of respect for law & order and we need to help back -- law & order back in our country. >> jesse attic in years past we might have been shocked suspects had 35 priors between them and that they were out on the streets. but now it's like routine. we expect that to be the case. >> they all have priors and they're all being allowed to come out prey on people. this guy has got attempted murder charges got gun charges, he has assault khaki has drug distribution. there is no way this guy should have been out but he was. and now the diller family is in shock. it's such a tragic -- travesty because it doesn't need to have been. so you have a framing. you have joe biden making it rain at radio city and don will trump at a funeral for a slain cop. we've seen this before at the border. i don't know if it is luck or timing joe biden at the border can't really get his way donald
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trump there at the wall doing his thing. and this is happening couple times. during east palos teen rape for the president within swinton. at uc and college football his means are slick. so when you compare these two people it really gives the country a choice. one man is paying respects and the other man is asking for money. i know the timing is strange but it's not even about politics for trump. if you know him you how much he cares about law enforcement. he has a huge heart and he wants to be there. this isn't even really political for him but joe biden is derelict because if i were the president, i would get on the phone with adams, alvin bragg, i would say are you kidding me. twenty-one priors? what are you doing? i would call the city council chief and say what are you doing. whatever you're doing, racism,
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equity forget about it. fix the problem, get together and your costing lives. your costing joe biden reelection. that's the way they need to hear that. find. but that is destroying this country right now. people have had it. >> jessica there was a report joe biden called mayor adams but it was described as offering condolences, not necessarily saying what's happening up there in terms of can you get alban bragged to do it hughes doing which is prosecuting crime. >> yeah, i'm not sure exactly what happened on the phone or what the conversations are, now douglas can be. but it does feel like a missed opportunity -- and none of us can be -- not only expressing condolences to this family but also that you have a plan to rectify the problem so that it won't happen again because the other day the judge said traffic stops are the most dangerous
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time for a police officer because they don't know what they are walking into a. if you're going to have people on the street who argued we should be in jail, something bad is going to happen within that car especially if you have 35 priors between them. i think it's deeply depressing and i think there is a moment to talk about your record and this was not it. i mean there is lots of evidence you can point to and say i invested this are i did that, but is just a sad day. >> not today. judge, support for law enforcement used to break fairly evenly between the parties, in 2016 the average donation from police was 57% and 2020 it was 77%. what happened to between was he had to defund the police movement and to thank that hasn't had an effect is absently not true. >> looked we had four presidents in new york city today. three of them were here for
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political reason. three of them were here to raise money. three of them were here to make sure the fourth president didn't become president again and one president, one president alone was here to pay respects to a fallen police officer who should never have died in the line of duty. i've been at that notion that line many times and what you have are of the law enforcement community who know who support them and who doesn't support them. today when joe biden landed at 1:30 pm he could have gone to that wake khaki did a podcast with some celebrity. that's more important to him. raising money is more important. joe biden is about america last ten joe -- doll trump is about america first. joe biden about opening the order and century cities and recidivist crimes. donald trump is about law and order and supporting, please. and i am so fed up with kareem
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jean-pierre. did that gun walked out of the car injured officer we we will blame the gun he said. it didn't. both of them had illegal guns. stop telling me about all of your gun legislation because i don't want to hear about it. i've got 32 years in this business. they commit crimes with illegal guns they don't give a damn what legislation you passed. and how many clips you can and bullets in your clips and magazine it's a bunch of nonsense to them. both of them had illegal local -- loaded guns in that car and were ready willing and able to use it in a city where they are not going to be helped. one was in prison for attempted murder. and he is out on bail for gun possession. are you kidding me? this is the fall of a civilized society. when we don't respect police and law enforcement act when we don't recognize it's time to take it to the democrats, it's time to put it to them. they are responsible for this nonsense social justice bail
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rewarm which is nonsense and all of these ta's. they should be getting rid of the das not prosecuting crimes. they should vote for legislation to protect new yorkers. and sick of illegals getting protected in sanctuary cities where they commit crimes. at least americans go to joe when they commit crimes but not the illegals. and a this. if you don't want to lose this country there is one man who will save it. >> on gun control it does seem to be a default position. >> it's also not about the number of murders, it really is the stories about the number of preventable ones of both police and civilians. we are seeing people getting killed by people who should have been put away, whether they should have been in jail or mental institution, gun violence as the kgb stated, it's not like this generic category like car accidents or accidental overdoses, there is a criminal
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forest directly involved in gun violence and there is something bad happening and intentionally done. it's not about the gun, a gun did not push the innocent man in front of the subway. and killed him. that was a long, a new bail law that allowed that guy out then he pushed the innocent person front of the subway. there was no gun there. all of this really goes back to recidivism. it all goes back. is the fruits of the george floyd mythology which allowed this radical ideology that teams any attempt at trying to preserve the civil society as racist. so were experiencing the teardown of a system and were watching it's replacement which is chaos that is disguised as social justice. in this are on society, officer jonathan diller was a casualty right. the ideas pushed by elites got him killed. their far removed from those consequences. meanwhile these murderous thugs are seen as more important then the people who protect our
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streets who had a wife and a baby. i know there people who will say trump is politicizing this, know he is simply noticing it. that's all he's doing. and he is noticed law enforcement before he was in politics. people have stories about that. it is weird how joe biden only recognizes the dead if they are part of a trendy movement. only then he can be bothered and think what you call that is politics. >> and a reminder this program he don't miss the exclusive interview with donald trump tomorrow 6:00 am eastern. up next while donald trump paid respects as he was invited to fallen officer kark joe biden across the street from us getting ready for a star-studded fundraiser with barack obama and bill clinton. [ ♪♪ ] all these games on directv—
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>> joe biden was in the big apple for a fundraising extravaganza. right across the street at radio city music hall for a star-studded event. but of course biden can't be counted on to raise money by himself so his campaign is calling in bill clinton and barack obama. the trio we'll cozy up to celebrities and participate in a hard-hitting interview with stephen colbert. they will also enjoy musical performances by queen latifah and lizzo. tickets costing up to $500,000 each.
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making it the most lucrative political fundraiser in u.s. history. obama major show of support coming after reports he has been frantically calling biden's staff fearing a trump rematch. aid telling the times obama has always awarded about a biden loss and obama is prepared to " eat it out" alongside biden on the campaign trail. alright jesse i will start with the. we've got the three stooges. bubba, berry and clueless joe. they have to come in to raise money because clueless joe can't do it himself can he creaked. >> i won't knock a politician for raising money but joe needs help. these two are there to save the campaign. he is the establishment candidate, you're going to have a lot of corporate people donating a lot of money khaki is not very smart you can tell joe biden what to do he opens later and keeps the national security state paid. but donald trump is just
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pivoting off of this primary so there's going to be a little low fundraising flow now but it will ramp back up. a big event next week that we'll be fine but it does help when you've got $3.5 billion coming in out of the middle of nowhere paired am not worried he is tense of current beaded but what ain't concerned about is where the republicans invest the money judge. they have no what six weeks of voting? and some of these states. so the democrats are going to be out there harvesting, going to nursing homes and high-rises and just gobbling up all of these mail-in ballots. that's the game now. could not about persuasion, it's about mobilization. the republicans need to get in and really figure it out and execute because we need -- we know how important early voting is now. >> you know, a not it's interesting, obama jumping in to make sure biden gets the money
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he needs in spite of the attention between the two campaigns and in spite of the fact, you know, biden said as recently as a couple weeks ago obama is jealous. is obama jumping in more about getting biden elected or defeating trump? >> defeating trump and also trying to resurrect his own legacy because president trump really dismantled a lot of things, not everything but a lot of things during his first four years. obama doesn't want that to happen and i think he takes it personally. i also think he thinks it's his responsibility to try to help because joe isn't doing as well as he needs to do. i think you always see this right. democrats have new york and hollywood entertainment that will come and do this for them. at chums events, trump is the entertainment. you don't have to rely on that. people actually show up to see him are tonight are coming to see obama, maybe some of the others lizzo and entertainment but obama to me is still the draw for the democrats. i imagine even if joe said tell
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you what let's go to long island and visit the diller family instead his staff would say can we stay behind and see obama? we really mess them i also understand that biden really wants to have a great fundraising quarter in that first quarter. the federal election campaign report is due soon and he is going to get a big number. it will be bigger than trump's and he will get all the headlines that come with it. cable probably come along with a bloomberg poll that says biden is doing really great. >> that's a call back from yesterday but i think the truth remains that a lot of the accomplishments biden will talk about tonight and are his larges vulnerabilities. all this >> a recent poll show that joe biden in his most popular number is for doing nothing, 38% for the economy and inflation 98%, not beating trump 6%,
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student dead 6%, nothing is 38% >> got work to do, good thing we have eight months. able to get it done and he's been crisscrossing the country talking about when he has done. i'm not going to talk about that everything is calm and beautiful. this is a dead heat race and it's going to be a dead heat race on november 5th as well. these elections are decided by tens of thousands of people in a few key states and that's it. the idea that joe biden struggling to raise money is ludicrous. the man had a $10 million hall after the state of the union, the largest fund-raising month on record in february. the rnc is in complete tatters. the dnc is cruising. anyone in their right mind would give almost anything to be able
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to raise $25 million in one night. it's custom for previous presidents to campaign with a new president of their own party. no one made fun of barack obama when he said bill clinton is my explainer in chief. i can't connect with people in a folksy way so i need to bill clinton to come with me and explain my policies in this way. then obama obviously campaign for hillary clinton who didn't win the race, but for joe biden and bill clinton was out there for him too. this is what you do and there is a common enemy. the enemy is who is ever at the top of the republican ticket. you know, donald trump will get his money for sure but you have the contract of someone who is selling out events like this like by the way, has tickets that go for $200. it's not all $500,000. donald trump is doing ads, hocking $60 bibles, he siphoning off donor money to pay for his legal fees. it's a pretty stark contrast of
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what's going on here and again, to return to where i started, it doesn't mean that joe biden is definitely going to win this race. you look at the money -- >> he does need to be a lawyer. >> you did. >> use at his mug shot is the most powerful piece of campaign -- >> do think the american people are more impressed with money then just because talking about? there more impressed with the president who goes to honor and respect than a fallen police officer? >> i look at the fund-raiser and reminds me of live aid. and start of a starving population it's a starving presidency. he's got clinton and obama. one guy's a dog and the other one ate a dog. i don't think you've seen a more perfect example of the sparkling obscene will he aloof elites in one spot in your life. at least people so far removed
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from the price of things in the supermarket or what it's like to ride a subway, there are a collection of overrated elites who've done well divining this country as they jet from dallas to aspen and aspen to dallas. you see and jessica laid out in a stark contrast as she said, look at the money. it's about them raising money while draining trump of all his money. and then boasting about it. he's got to pay for his lawyers, see how it's working? you know they're not going to elect a felon. that was the strategy. it's not about policies or people, is about a financial advantage and winning at any way possible. meanwhile, you've got stephen colbert whose morphed into a full on chill. remember he was dancing for pharmaceuticals. and now he's dancing for a leader who's on pharmaceuticals. i don't think fox would allow me
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to do that. i don't think fox -- i know that you should be holding a fund-raiser for the republican candidate in 10 minutes i'd be doing a podcast with don lennon. okay. >> good question. >> i had come on the free loading just got a new follower. ice. ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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illegal led officials to believe he's living in ohio. he is not the immigrant coming to the u.s., liberal cities are shelling out big time. new york city beginning to handout prepaid debit cards with up to $350 per week to migrants. mayor eric adams insists that cash isn't lowering anybody here. >> it sends a mixed message when it's distorted. i'm not hearing from my colleagues out in ecuador, colombia, mexico, hey, everybody's running to york because they're getting a food card. i'm not hearing that. that's not what i'm hearing from them. >> dana, is he saying that no one south of the border has any idea what happens the minute you cross? >> it's ludicrous because we know that's not true. we know about all the facebook posts. they show bill melugin and griff jenkins when they're down
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at the border, how did you find out? oh, the cartel sent me a facebook post where i saw it on snapchat, i have it on tiktok. i've been skeptical about this guy because i feel like he's just straight out of central casting like is he a fake, is this an actor? you feel like you'd find him in a south park episode. it like a conservative fever dream. you have this guy coming across the corner and trying because he's going to get kicked out because they found him. we saw the other day when the bridge collapsed in baltimore that many of the people that were working on the bridge that died were immigrants. they are working hard, working in the middle of the night. we are for illegal immigration, i don't know all their staff was, but they're willing to do the work. what we are asking for is help us all figure out all together, like in a process in place where it's legal, where you can deal with the fact there is people who are already in line for many
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years and they are furious that all of this has erupted into chaos. instead of it being the land of the free, they think it's the land of the free housing and lunch. >> guys like this that brag about getting freebies, it ruins it for every immigrant waiting in line. >> it raises an interesting point. how is this behavior not viewed as enough of a? i would burst into a country and i mock their laws and their customs, i would be called the ugly american. i'd be called just another xena phone, and hear illegals get a hall pass. if we complain about it, we are still xenophobic. xenophobia right now is coming outside the house. the refusal by so many people to integrate and assimilate and they are encouraged not to assimilate. that's not only zima phobic, it's an attack on the basis for our survival. america, we are successful because we put outside the
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differences. we didn't celebrate the differences. we achieve success through the reciprocity of something called capitalism and what we are doing is bringing people in and saying you don't have to assimilate. modern migration is coordinated. people are told where to enter, they are given tech assistance and money, and how to exploit asylum loopholes. and when they get here, they get cars and they are being told by this fella how to get into a house. of course a house is not a super rich house because you do not want to p anger the libs. if you look at south america, the middle east, eastern europe, why is america the police everybody's coming to? unlike the rest of the world, we have stamped out conflict between lineage, lineages. we replaced it with collaboration. we used to call it a melting pot. but now we have a movement galvanizing in invasion in order to undo this collaboration,
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right? they want us to go after each other. so we are just like the rest of the world. the people that are coming here and being told -- i'm nothing that's what they want to do, i'm telling you there is a movement here that's telling them to do that. you don't have to learn the language, just come here, get free stuff. >> would you like to respond? >> sure. obviously, people know that if you go to some of the big cities that you will be sheltered and you will be fed and clothed and have opportunity, but these cards for instance are being completely distorted. this program that starts with ten families. that you have to have kids in order to qualify for this. there hope it gets to 115 families in total by the end. they can only be used for food and baby supplies. the card gets rejected if you're trying to buy something else. you can't go shopping, the w mayor said in a press conference. you have to sign an affidavit that you're not going to
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improperly use. these kinds of pilot programs, their hopes is it can save the city $600,000 a year because they know they can go to churches and they can get a room at the roosevelt hotel, et cetera. >> they sign the affidavit because they follow the law. >> these are people who are in the system and because they have to have children, it's different than what you're talking about. usually i see a single man across the board, these are the type of people who are working on that bridge when god forbid a boat crashes into a -- >> they shouldn't have been working on that bridge. if we had a working border, some of those people might have been alive. right? i just heard about this now, but it makes me think -- >> we don't know if they were undocumented. >> guatemala, honduras, all of them. >> nobody was saying that, they are saying they are willing to work and that there is a legal process then we'd all be able to
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support that because it would make sense for all of us. >> judge? >> all right, what we are talking about is this guy who says i didn't cross the rio grande to work like a. i came to the u.s. and i joined in this signing an affidavit. first of all they came here illegally, now they'll sign an affidavit. what just happened at the border when they rushed to the border and nine people have been arrested for assaulting and one stomping on the border patrol officer. they had ships and all kinds of weapons to cut the border. a lot of people are coming here so that they can access what they consider you're seeing it right there, the american dream. new york city spent $53 million to give them cards. don't tell me it's like ten families, all right? $45 million, louisville and kentucky. two 300 million in chicago.
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these are numbers we do not have to pay. we don't have this money. they know it. this guy is so sophisticated, he knows about squatting. he's telling other illegals how to squat and how not to get arrested. you don't think they know the ins and outs about how to take advantage? the reason he gave up canada and give up canada is he didn't get the freebies. he didn't want to work. the borders about this guy, this tiktok guy, then let them in they can't find them, they don't know where he is because they want to arrest him, they'll never find him. >> what they do when you and they squat, you take a hornets nest and you drop it down the chimneys. >> that's a new one. >> i have so many new ones. >> i see a book on the way. >> squatters waters. >> a city so backwards or battling a 102-year-old man
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it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ ♪ ♪ >> that was beautiful, greg. oakland, california, getting called out for having mixed up priorities. the city dealing with a crime crisis drying outreach after going after a 102-year-old beard slept with a citation after vandals covered his fence with the graffiti. officials ordered him to remove the pain or face a $100,000 fine. covering up the vandalism has been getting harder for him. >> somebody's crazy, it's really crazy. i'll be 103. >> dana, it was one of those
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stories i didn't think it was possible that this was true. >> like the city manager or mayor, if he hears about this he should get over there and pay that himself and say sorry, i'm so sorry, what do you like for your birthday and how can i help you? i'd go and make sure -- you know what, sir? we are going to have a parade for you. and then out burger, we talked about that, and then was it all the taco bell's? all cashless? oakland is a mess. graffiti is a huge problem for a lot of cities and i was talking to a police officer today who said it's very hard to get ahead of it because -- but you need to in order to have some sort of deterrent to let the judge know about this about prosecuting difficult thing to do. last thing i want to mention, i talked about how there's is california trying to overturn 47. in the group working on that
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come more than 600,000 signatures for the ballot. so it'll be there on the ballot and i think all the city managers and all the mayors and a lot of the prosecutors are saying they want to change the law so it looks like it could happen by the fall. >> judge, why is the law so funky on this? >> you know, look, you've got the police who can't respond to a 911, but the department that controls the city hall is looking to make sure you don't have graffiti on your property. the guy paid taxes for 80 years and kept his place clean. apparently there's something in front of his house, some kind of utility thing that's covered in graffiti that the town won't clean but they are calling it to him saying you have to clean your house. what i would do if i worked for the cd and the department or whatever it's called, i would put a camera -- i'd find out who
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was doing it and then make sure they can get cars and focus on the house. and what i would do is file charges against them and clean up the graffiti on this house and every house on the street. paint the house, paint the house next door, or go to jail. there is no consequences any anymore. that's what i do in this situation, it is absurd. >> greg? >> there's no point in painting it because graffiti always comes back, and learned that on my street. it gets cleaned and 12 hours it's covered. you have politicians that are benefiting their egos by going after names of schools or policies about pronouns, but the actual real government help doesn't show up for a people who really need it. republicans may not care about the window dressing of a statue or the names on a school. but they sure care about that.
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this is where the real compassion and false compassion are easily comparable. republicans care about this. law and order, policing the street, making sure the community is taking care of it. right now, you have a left leading leadership where basically all they care about our symbols. things that do no good for somebody like that. the only people left in oakland are the people that cannot leave. sadly. >> jesse? >> you know, the city agencies are like? it's like a bureaucratic avalanche. get a bunch of people, you have seen them at their desks all day, nameless, faceless people and they need to feed. you get the momentum and it just comes down and it crushes anything in its path. 102-year-old veteran, cats, flowers, it doesn't matter how beautiful or innocent it is,
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this government machine will just sold anything. you know what? the people behind the computers don't care who they hurt. they have a job to do, they punch the clock and then they go home. they do it day after day after day. and i've had it, jessica! i've had it! >> i love the word wicked, i feel like we should use the word wicked more than evil thrown around. okay, "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. qulipta. the forget-you-get-migraine medicine.
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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back, time for "the fastest." we all make mistakes. an animal lover rescued what she thought was a sick baby hedgehog. after spending all night nursing the creature back to health she noticed it wasn't moving, that's when she rushed it to the vet and the staff informed her that it was not a hedgehog, but a pom-pom from the top of a winter hat. jesse, i think the doctor missed an opportunity to completely mess with her. they should have told her it was sleeping and it needs to be petted constantly in a public
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place and she has to sing taylor swift tunes to it. >> oh, taylor? don't get me started. >> i know. >> i want to know what she did to nurse it back to health. that's what i'm wondering. did she tried to breastfeed it? did you know this none of the food was missing? >> or that it weighed form 4 ou? >> if she was wearing pink, she would have fit in that the protests in. >> what were they called? >> no, i didn't have the hat. >> she might have just invented the new pet rock. >> you know what would have happened if i did that? my that would have told me it was sick and needed surgery, charged me $3,000 and then paid and told me that it died and they have permission for appropriate services. >> you cannot get out of that without a.
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by three months. to say mark the anniversary i participated in the journal's read-a-thon. public reading of his reporting for a 24-hour period. bill hemmer and many others were there and participated. good to be there and smart to do it. tomorrow across all platforms fox news media will have special conch about evan be sure to watch and share his story on social media #with i stand with evan. and now we shall go to the judge. >> judge jeanine: okay. i will be hosting the hannity show tonight at 9:00 p.m. and among the guests are alina habba and mark geragos, stephen miller. and we are going to talk about the menendez special that we on fox nation. along with jussie smollett, you remember him. >> dana: greg's favorite. >> judge jeanine: he is back in the news in the highest court in illinois is hearing his appeal. so something's cooking there. >> dana: all right, greg. >> greg: tonight we got a great show, sage steele, kurt metzger, kat timpf, tyrus, that's
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tonight. let's do this real quick. greg's repulsive news this is so disgusting i don't want to show it to you but here it goes. take a look at disgusting red pandas enjoying a nice, nutritious snack at a milwaukee zoo, bamboo, fruit and eggs. enough to make you sick to your stomach. jesse? >> jesse: there is a math teacher in dallas who changed his name to literally to anybody else running for president. so he expects his name to be right under the names of trump and biden so if you are interested in literally anybody else, vote for this guy tonight "jesse watters primetime" r.f.k. jr. at 8:00. >> dana: all right. jessica, next time. >> dana: that's it for us, everyone have. great night. hey, bret. >> bret: dana, literally anybody else has a shot. >> dana: tonight at 8:00. >> bret: thank you. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, a split screen in new york today as the current and former president are both in the stat
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