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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 29, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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ridge to lived in california had a message it's friday but sunday is coming. powerful reminder no matter how bleep things may look on friday when the xavier is on the cross sunday coming and the resurrection. that's the message of easter we all absolutely ought to hold dear to our hearts. >> carley: you have such a great way with words. put things in perspective. thank you for joining us ahead of your easter celebration with your wonderful family as well. governor mike huckabee, have a great weekend. thank you so much for joining us. >> joey: thanks, governor. >> thank you. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is good friday, march 29th, and this is "fox & friends." who is what is happening today. second wake planned for the fallen nypd officer jonathan diller after former president trump attended yesterday's
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memorial, his wake, i spoke with the former president right after the service. >> we lost a hero, really. the family is devastated. the police force is devastated, it's happening more and more and really a lack of respect for law and order. >> will: 40 minutes away president biden's, obama, and clinton busy with auto ritzy fundraiser brought in big bucks for democrats. >> sandra: today we do mark one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was jailed in a russian prison where he remains still today. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: day two second week memorial march held today for the nypd are father jonathan diller. >> lawrence: police say a career criminal pulled the trigger. >> sandra: here is the headline from the cover of this morning's "new york post." trump attends wake for killed
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hero nypd cop while three democrat presidents attend a glitzy fundraiser. >> will: madeleine rivera is here with the details. good morning, madeleine. >> madeleine: good morning, guys. former president trump is looking to draw contrast with presidtopresident biden on crim. he spoke with his wife and one-year-old son. >> the child, brand new, beautiful baby, sitting there, innocent as can be. doesn't know how his life has been changed. but the diller family will -- will never be the same. can never be the same. and we have to stop it. we have to stop it. we have to get back to law and order. >> diller was shot and killed monday during a traffic stop in queens. the alleged shooter is facing several charges, including first degree murder of a police officer. police say he had more than 20 prior arrests. president biden was also in new york thursday. he wasn't at the wake, though
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the white house says he called new york city mayor eric adams to give his condolences and said the president was at radio city music hall enjoined by former president obama and clinton fundraiser. mod der races by lizzo and queen latifah. the event pulled in $26 million. the biden campaign has called it the most successful political fundraising event in the history of american politics. also on their agenda yesterday, president biden, obama and clinton did a podcast called smart list. the slamming the split screen saying thursday night offered the chance to have gram recover froms snap you slapping hands with president biden or predecessors barack obama or bill clinton for a donation of a mere $100,000 to biden's re-election campaign. prpretty poshfor the supposed pf working class. drawed the ire of
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pro-palestinian protesters. hundreds gathered outside the venue calling for a cease-fire and slamming biden for support of israel. the issue is a political vulnerability for the president whose poll felt trouble despite the insistence that their fundraising prowess is a sign of move momentum. back to you. >> brian: out raise, no doubt about it. sandra and will, thank you. >> sandra: thanks for having us. >> brian: they are going to outraise republicans that goes without saying especially when the president has to divert some of his fees for court. no doubt about it. one man army and going against really three presidents. they know they got to help out joe biden. >> sandra: really incredible the split screen when you think about that happening while the former president donald trump on the ground there in your town massapequa. >> brian: he could have done both there san airport five miles away come in with a chopper hey bill clinton serve the drinks for awhile. hey, barack obama, you work the door i will be a little late. they didn't even think of it. >> lawrence: it didn't have to be binary choice.
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we covered this on the show yesterday. we knew you were going to be doing the interview with the former president. we knew that the former president was going to attend. and i kept whacking my head like why wouldn't he go? remember, this is the same joe biden that used to have massive support amongst the police union. this is the author of the 90's' crime bill. >> brian: he runs from that now. >> lawrence: it used to be his thing. and he decided to change. so you ask donald trump this same question in a way. and this is what the former president had to say. watch. >> -think that politically he can't support the police. i think is he also making a mistake. but i think politically, his base won't let him support the police. and i support the police. i would say at the highest level of any president by far. maybe double or triple. and they knew that. that's why when i walked into that funeral parlor it was like love.
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it was just -- they want to shy away from it. they didn't even call the family. they could have called. you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know even a call would be, perhaps, -- i'm not sure they would take his call. >> brian: what is the message to the presidents at radio city right now. before you leave new york and go back to florida what did they miss today? >> they missed a sad moment for our country but it's a moment that they have to be a part of, whether they like it or not. they can't skip this moment. i have never seen so many police. i have never seen so many firemen, a lot of firemen. they view it, you know, in a very similar way and i understand that. they are going to have to get involved a little bit. because this country is going to hell. our country is not respected anymore. >> will: my take away from last night -- and i think last night canned be oversold where your mind is at, sandra. they say a picture speaks a thousand words. the images from last night and the dichotomy between these two campaigns couldn't be more
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stark. on one hand president trump at that wake. on the other hand joe biden doing a podcast with the host of smartless. it's a very popular podcast. celebrities, jason bateman, will are alet and sean haze. inside a building cost half a million dollars to get into the inner circle. lizzo was in attendance. you see exactly sort of the picture of joe biden's presidency while president trump is visiting the wake of a fallen officer. i would point out the dichotomy right over there across the street. passion of the protest are on the street radio music hall that picture tells you a lot about this upcoming campaign. >> brian: they were chanting let's go brandon and worse. >> lawrence: can i say something else about the president refusing to attend the memorial? he also did a drive by whether it came to sending the condolences through the mayor of
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new york if you have got to call the mayor and say pass on this note to the family. why can't you just call the family. this is probably not a family, even though they disagree with the liberal policies that it's not going to be respectful to someone that's offering their condolences. so, i don't really understand the passing of a note through the mayor of new york. by the way, this is also a mayor of new york that the biden administration kicked off of his re-election campaign and has not been returning his calls when it comes to the migrant crisis in the city. so to do this drive by with the mayor, i thought, was inappropriate. >> sandra: i know you have much more coming up. but the full interview with the former president donald trump. this was a moment where he could push a message that works for him. and i believe he called it a moment. this is a moment -- some families all over the country right now are vacationing, they are traveling for spring break ahead of the easter holiday weekend. and they woke up to that news that young cop, a new dad, a 1-year-old son at home, his wife
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now widowed. and it is a stark reminder that it's dangerous out there for so many of these cops. this is a routine traffic stop on monday. this guy was shot in the stomach underneath of his protection. his a horrible story. and, you know, the country would have benefited from seeing the president address this in a more serious manner. >> brian: yeah. absolutely. some things wrapped up in it. the killing of a 31-year-old cop who looks by the numbers extraordinary. 30 collars in seven years. the lack of law enforcement for career criminal. one year off probation with a gun. surveilling a store about to hit another store with a criminal named killer. this cop says they are up to something. not only in the bus lane they are up to something. let me knock on the window and shoot through the window. still gets up and still tries to protect his partner. partner gets out and has to shoot this guy in the back. sadly he is going to survive. now we got to pay for his life
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in prison. that's what it took to keep him in prison killing a' do. he should get the death penalty. >> lawrence: brian, we cannot forget that he tried to kill the partner as well but the gun jammed. and so, my thinking here is whether it comes to the left, remember this guy already had a gun charge. >> brian: he says this is guns. the president says we have to get guns off the street. they have the strictest gun laws in new york city, period. that's not the problem. >> lawrence: he already had a former weapons charge and they let him go. this is why i can't take progressives seriously when there is some mass casualty event because you have people that are committing crimes with guns that these liberal d.a.s are letting back on the street. you had the opportunity to take them off the street but you put them back because of restorative justice. >> brian: last night you talked about the fundraiser as it was happening. >> will: i did. by the way brian does. you see it up on your screen as. >> brian: does have more coming up with donald trump coming up 7:00 a.m. eastern time.
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filling in laura ingraham ari fleischer jumped ton talk about the other side of this picture we are talking about elite fundraiser with three presidents in attendance, barack obama, bill clinton, and joe biden. this is what ari fleischer had to say. >> the fact of the matter is, will. the democrats have become the party ever the rich. the democrats actually defeat republicans now among those who earn more than $100,000 a year. those are now democratic voters. they used to be republican. now they're overwhelmingly democratic voters. and, when you look at all the different labor unions, service employee unions, the infrastructure of the democratic party. the super pacs, not to mention the event tonight, across the board, the democrats, because of their rich contributors, going to outraise republicans. republicans are going to have to work real hard and it's a wake-up shot, a warning to anybody that wants republicans to win that they are going to have to contribute and work hard because the democrats hold the cards. think have got the advantage. >> brian: that's why i say he should name his whole cabinet. he needs help.
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they have got two presidents. i asked him later do you feel like you are fighting against three presidents. surrogates all across the country. what does president trump have. waiting to name the vice president. ratcliffe and robin o'brien and stephen miller in there talking policy. maybe tom cotton and marco rubio. talking policy as well as talking about the president. >> sandra: did do you ask him about that? >> brian: i do. >> sandra: all right. we will be watching for that i believe enough to do we get to see and hear from carley? >> carley: you sure do. >> brian: we could choose to toss to carley and not to toss to carley. >> lawrence: i'm going to choose to do. >> carley: you get to pick them. >> brian: whatever you want. >> carley: i love sandra. san wished between lawrence and brian. >> will: after thought. >> brian: no question. >> carley: it's not. i promise. more news to get to, starting with this. this is a live look at at the patapsco river as a massive crane arrives to help clear the channel after tuesday's bridge
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collapse. four victims are still unaccounted for. yesterday president biden approved $60 million in emergency relief funds. and one expert says the bridge rebuild could take up to 10 years. wow. a massive migrant caravan headed towards the u.s. southern border. the group of about 2,000 people formed on monday near mexico's border with guatemala. the caravan is expected to arrive in el paso, texas in just a few days. this as another 200 national guard troops have been deployed to that border city. in atlanta, two anti-police protesters are facing charges after chaining themselves to a construction crane seat up in the air. the suspects are part of a protest group that opposes a planned public safety training center. >> there is no need to put yourself in a situation we're cutting and we can't carry you down and you drop 100 feet from the ground and snap your neck on this metal.
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look at this. how crazy is that? it took about 50 first responders to finally get those people down. wow. the federal agents who raided sean "diddy" combs' los angeles homes port rothedly with footage. tmz reports the rappers has cameras in virtually every room. officials took the hard drive during the raid and disabled a security system to ensure the search was not captured on camera. comes is undercombs is under inr alleged sexual trafficking but has denied those allegations. a palace source is revealing why princess kate made announcement without prince williams. the princess of wales wanted to make the announcement solo. it prince william has been supporting her throughout the process and wanted her though share it at the right time. pope francis has a busy day
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ahead of him. lord passion at st. peters basilica. tonight he will be leading the way of the cross at the roman coliseum. it comes one day after he washed the feet of 12 female inmates to mark holy thursday. keep it here because the archbishop of new york, cardinal dolan will share his good friday message with august of us. and those are your headlines, guys, back to you. >> sandra: thank you, carley. today does mark one year now since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was detained by russia while working on assignment there. the. >> the "wall street journal" honoring evan this morning with a special blank page. >> lawrence: benjamin hall with is live with more. >> lawrence, good morning. evan gershkovich is 32 years old. seeing being held in notorious russian prison for one research. that is that he is an american. vladimir putin has shown over the last few years that you can pick up americans and he suffers no consequences for it.
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and also being held because he is a journalist and doing exactly what journalists do. he was in russia. he was reporting for the "wall street journal" and he had been critical of russia while doing so. and for those reasons he was arrested a year ago in the city. he has been accused of of trying to military secrets those claims are entirely unsupported by any evidence. there is no date set for trial. just this week they extended his detention for another three months. in an interview in february, vladimir putin did say an agreement can, perhaps, be reached to swap everyone and dropped a heavy hint that he wanted a russian hitman being held in germany freed. that swan was close going through and included navalny that fell apart once navalny died. is he being held in two man cell. he is allowed outside for just one hour a day. despite, this his friends and family says he hasn't been broken. he sticks to daily schedule. he reads, he writes, he works out, he exercises. and he has kept his sense of humor. that, said, his parents said
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just this week this was beginning to take a toll. and we can't finish this without talking about paul whelan, another american being held in russia at the moment for five years. and, again, the point is that vladimir putin feels he can take americans and faces no consequences as a result. >> brian: hey, ben, one thing, think about his last column. he wrote his last column about the collapse of the russian economy that it's not like it says it is. it's not accurate. et goes out to dinner when that story plushes the next day and then he gets grabbed from there. he knows the whole country because he has been there and his parents are from there, right? >> he knows it painting a picture of real negativity how russians in many parts weren't happy. that's a clear reason why he wants to do it. vladimir putin likes to stamp out freedom of speech. if you are writing negatively about russia he will arrest you. evan has been in this one jail
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for a whole year now and at the moment no signs of him coming home any time. >> sandra: hey, ben, it's sandra here. we secured a copy of the "wall street journal" this morning on this one year marking one year since he went to that russian prison, the reason for the "wall street journal" doing this his story should be here is the headline. a year in that russian prison, stolen story, stolen joy, stolen memories, the crime journalism. as we know journalism is not a crime we are all left wondering what is going to happen and when eventually will he be released releasedfrom from this prison? >> no. it's a very good question at the moment vladimir putin does not seem in a rush to make any swap deals. we have seen a couple of swap deals in the last year or two years. trevor reed and bryan released. there is one prisoner that vladimir putin wants back and is he held in a german prison at the moment. it's unclear when that is going to happen. certainly evan's parents were saying that they had a promise
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from president biden that he would do everything he can to get him back. again, vladimir putin doesn't seem to be facing any consequences for this. >> lawrence: you know, ben, i'm curious, i know it was a fake re-election, but do you think there is more room now to get evan back that the fake election is over, that putin was reelected? >> i think putin, to be honest, feels more powerful than he has ever felt. election is behind him. is he doing, you know, better and better inside ukraine. the western support isn't being given to ukraine at the moment, so right now i don't think he feels in a position where he has to move on evan. that's why this is going very slowly. >> will: all right, benjamin hall, thanks so much for being with us this morning. a little later in the show we will be talking to "wall street journal" president busher and pliewsher. publisher. >> maybe for brittney griner he got the number one weapons
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trader in the world. so, what could he we don't have a piece equal to that. >> definitely a turn through this administration peace through strength and donald trump always says if he believed even just a half percent he knew i wasn't playing any type of games. are. >> brian: the other thing is, too. to keep in mind, is that they just had a massive terror attack. we still tipped them off to the terror attack that was coming. they accused us of trumping it up. and then they get hit even worse than we told them they were going to get hit. still trying to blame ukraine. at one point all these lies have to catch up with them. lawyer. >> lawrence: so true. brandon johnson migrant crisis get worse as they scramble to shelter more than 10,000 illegal migrants. the next guest calls the situation inhumane.
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not a good spot... eh.. he's in trouble... [ chuckles ] let's see how this plays out. off the comcast business van. where is this going? - look out! into the vending area. oh! - oh, not the fries! w-wait a second... where did the ball go? guys, do we have it? oh wait, there it is! look out! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. it is over for collin. - or is it? are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! can you believe it? what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. how about that alligator?
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♪ >> will: back with your headlines, starting with. this sam bankman-fried express nothing remorse after being sentenced to 25 years in prison after defrauding ftx investors. the former crypto ceo must pay $11 billion for his role in the collapse of the digital trading platform. the judge labeling him as a power obsessed scammer. meanwhile, ftx is reportedly planning to sell bankman-fried's
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bahamas real estate holdings worth estimated $22 million a texas attorney general ken paxton now opening an investigation into one of boeing's parts suppliers after a series of mishaps on recent flights, including mid-air blow out on an alaska airlines flight. spirit arrow system produces the fuselages for boeing 737 jets and packsston saying, quote: the potential risks associated with certain airplane models are deeply concerning and potentially life-threatening to texans. i would hold any company responsible if they fail to maintain the standards required by the law. the average full-time working american can't afford to buy a basic home. that's according to new data from the real estate company redfin. first time buyers must now earn at least $76,000 a year to afford a house. four years ago only needed to earn less than $41,000. the average full-time worker only earns about 66 by the way
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thousand dollars a year. the major league baseball opening day exciting one. tyler o'neil makes history with fifth consecutive opening day home run as the are red sox stops the mariners. feel east coast bias. i'm going to tell you about the yankees. new york star juan soto making incredible saving throw to help the yankees beat the astros 45-4. here we go. technically it's early in the central time zone. texas rangers going crazy after beating the cubs in extra innings and revealing also their 2023 world series banner. thank you, lawrence. i got speak by the way to rangers executive vice president the voice of the rangers choice maury yesterday after the game -- before the game. >> this has been a long time coming in texas. >> a long time coming after he said after that last out this is not a dream. tonight we get to celebrate the reality of being the defending world series champions. >> will: that is actually john
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blake is he executive for public affairs. chuck morgan is the one that says it's baseball time in texas. rangers won 4-3. lawrence, it's iconic it starts every game in texas. >> lawrence: that's what i'm talking about two texans on the show today. thanks, will. so chicago mayor brandon johnson says that the city is moving migrants out of this public parks facility starting tomorrow as part of his ongoing scramble to shelter more than 10,000 illegal immigrants across the city. but there is no word yet on where any of those migrants will end up. and our next guest is demanding answers calling the situation inhumane for everybody. devin johnson is the chairman of the group south side republicans. he has been kind enough to join us this morning. you know, we have been on the ground, brother, talking with people. they are upset in chicago about this. especially when you got shutting down of schools, the community centers that place the migrants there. what's been the reaction so far that you have been hearing on
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the ground? >> you know, i think a lot of people have been upset. these institutions have been used by communities for decades and some of our communities the park districts, the libraries, the different things like that are the only outlet that children have. that's where you go to football and different things like that. and so to have these people housed there, it's really inhumane because they are not situated for a person to live in. on top of that, you are bringing in thousands of people into a flashed, sometimes neighborhoods already have crime in them and then you are bringing unvetted foreign nationals into these communities to live that bring their own element of crime as we have seen measles outbreaking in some of these shelters. especially when the city is not responsive to the tax paying residents by and large. >> lawrence: 10,000 illegal immigrants in 23 shelters.
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as we know chicago already has its own problems going on right now. why are they not focused on those issues? you can't complain about the brother shooting each other on the street if you are going to take away the rec centers that keep them off the street. >> yeah, correct. you know, chicago, the city of chicago government has been corrupt my entire life. i'm 38 years old this has been a long time coming. unfortunately many of the voters and residents of chicago maybe didn't see it. didn't realize that the city and our elected leaders didn't really care about us. but everything is coming to bear right now. we are seeing that it's not a government of the people, for the people and by the people. it's of, for, and by elected and unelected bureaucrats here in chicago. so, i think the next municipal election you will see a huge difference in how people vote. but, even in this upcoming election, where we are voting for state reps, state senator, a lot of state offices, you will
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see people start to look for candidates that really live up to the constitution and create a more responsive government. and not a government that just plows over people, overtaxes them and sending the money to house and feed foreign nationals. we have 60,000 homeless people in chicago. the average city councilman only represents 56,000 people. and to date we are at about 40,000 migrants or i call them foreign nationals. because they are not citizens. they are not residents of this country. they don't belong here, unfortunately. >> lawrence: you are exactly right. devin, you were talking about election which is the perfect segway. opened up the south side republican office. >> yes. >> lawrence: sonnie johnson there a lot of folks that care about the community. tell me how impactful this is going to be, not just on the next presidential election but those local races in chicago? >> sure, so, it's named after
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booker t. washington and ida b. wells to power house republicans, conservatives, black conservative, ida b. wells was a south side republican. she blew the lid on what the clan was doing down south and was a huge assessment advocate. it's a renaissance center. so we will have civic education. we will have classes, training people how to be candidates. how to be community activists. how to be organizers. how to start a block club, for instance. how to pressure elected officials. so that we don't end up with what we just had, where we had 10,000 plus foreign nationals living in our park district, for instance. what meetings to go to and what to say to each individual elected official. so, this is a space where community members can host meetings. it is open to the public. so, if there's nothing going on in there, and you want to have a
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block club meeting, by all means come by. >> lawrence: i love it. i love a black republican that's actually in the community, that's doing the work. >> yes. >> it's not just about the commentators out there speaking for a living. you got actually do the work. >> yes. >> lawrence: if you want to make an impact. thank you so much, brother, for joining the program. >> thank you. >> you got donald trump. is he calling out the lack of support for law enforcement after the wake of officer jonathan diller. >> the family is devastated. the police force is devastated. it's happening more and more and it's really a lack of respect for law and order. >> lawrence: he's not wrong. retired tulsa police lt. sean sticks larkin says biden should have been there and he's next. ♪ (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine
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happened yesterday, calling out the lack of order in this country. >> the family is devastated. the police force is devastated. it's happening more and more and it's really a lack of respect for law and order and we have to have law and order back in our country. and we are going. to say it's getting worse and worse for police because we are not -- we're not taking care of them we're anat allowing them to do their job properly. >> brian: this as assaults on police officers are increasing w. over 65,000 in 2022 joining us now is the host of "crimecam 24/7" back on fox nation. sean sticks larson. sean, your reaction. is the president overstating it when he says there is a lack of respect for police officers, lack of law and order on the streets. >> something spot on, something we have seen growing over the last several years. officer diller killed here in new york city. just here in new york city alone in two years the number of assaults against police officers is almost 25%, has increased. in minnesota, the number of police officers shot at since
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2017 compared to 2023 has almost quadrupled. this is happening across the country and we have seen this movement where the police are the villains, the police are the bad guys. it's empowering these criminals out on the streets. >> brian: so sometimes -- do you believe the president of the united states, the current president of the united states should at least made the call, let alone go out he? could be there, chopner to farmingdale, long island and chopper back to radio city. >> absolutely, listen. you know, the fundraiser he had here in new york city last night was obviously something preplanned. >> brian: he didn't have to miss it. >> he landed six miles away from where this incident happened. 30 miles away from where this happened. make adjustment in your schedule to pay respect to this officer and family and profession. >> brian: they don't really support him and he didn't know if he would be welcomed. what do you say to that? >> you're of the president of the united states. you know, people in offers, celebrities and things like that, they speak out when a police officer kills somebody. >> brian: all the time. >> even before the investigation is even complete even if it's
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justifiable, right away someone is speaking out for it. for the officer, that same things you stand up. you speak. i know the press secretary had something to say. you are the president of the united states. this is the largest city in our country, largest police department four country, young cops three years on the department, 1-year-old child you need to say something. >> brian: it would help. what is your reaction to about 100,000 people going to be descending on this town of massapequa where this -- where this officer lived, jonathan diller? why is it so important -- they are coming as far as texas. >> exactly. listen, in 2020, we had at the height of the anti-police movement. defund the police movement in july. we had two police officers shot in my city, tulsa, oklahoma, one of which died. the support we saw there meant so much to every single, you know, officer that puts that uniform on there. not just in our city, across the country to publicly see that type of support. >> brian: "crimecam 24/7". new season. we have a clip. what are we going to see. >> the turbulence are going to tune in for season two, police
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police cam, body cam. what is different surveillance cameras, cell phone cameras. home ring cameras. the things i love about this. not just the crimes that you see, you see citizens themselves fighting back holding these guys accountable. >> brian: let's watch. >> when no one responds to her banging, she tries a different approach. ♪ she fires a round at the door leading to the interior of the station. if she didn't have the attention of officers before, she does now. >> brian: what was she doing. >> this is a woman that actually showed up at a police station with a gun and tried shooting through the ballistic glass that was there listen, officers tried to negotiate with her. people need to tune in and see how it ended. >> brian: sean sticks larkin great to see you in studio. sadly we have a lot of crime to talk about. we need an experts on standby. there you go. meanwhile ahead on this show timothy cardinal doll lynn will join us this friday ahead of
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>> carley: welcome back. it is time to get social. some ladies are doing just that because zemp babies could be a new thing a growing number of women on social media report they have had surprised pregnancies while taking the weight loss drug. even though they were on birth control. and it's not just ozempic, some women taking wegovy and mounjaro saying the same thing. it could be that ozempic can hyper metabolize birth control so it's not in your system as long. quite a side effect. beyonce releasing a new album called cowboy cover dolly parton's famous 1973 hit song jolene and putting her own spin on the country legend's lyrics, in beyonce's version she changes the lyrics to don't take the chance because you think you can instead of just because you can. the album drops at midnight tonight. and arnold swearts.
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schwarzenegger. reassures fans he will be back to work next month. the terminator storm previously had three open heart surgeries to address a congenital heart defect. and listen to this. oppenheimer director christopher nolan is set to receive british knight hood for his service to film and wife and fellow movie producer emma thomas will receive dame hood. nolan joined "fox & friends" back in july to discuss his acclaimed film. >> the story was simply the most dramatic story i ever encountered whether you are looking at fiction or historical fact. it's a story with incredible stakes, incredible suspense. this is a person who changed the world forever. >> carley: that's so cool. brian interviewed a real life knight. oppenheimer won best picture and nolan won the award for best
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district. director. those are your headlines. >> adam: hello there, carley. on this good friday on fox square a little on the chilly side. things have cleared off along the east coast. that's the good news. we will dive right into this forecast. it does bring off cool, fowforts, 50 degrees. you do see cooler degrees across the midwest. currently 34 degrees back in chicago. warmings up to be a pretty nice day. there are a couple of trouble spots on this good friday as we continue through the weekend. right along that blue line the jet stream where we will see the most action. we will keep it moving and you see rain and storms and snows across the mountain west, a little bit of rain across the midwest for your saturday. and what about easter sunday? that's the forecast i will leave you with, much of the same. temperatures though, they are not looking too bad across the country. those are the weather headlines for now i'm tossing it over to you, will. >> will: start your engines, the new york auto show is making a pit stop on fox square and joining us now, here you go. is auto expert mike caudill.
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mike, so we are work through some cars. you are filling in so you get the subaru. as you watch, i'm a strong family man. like an alpha. >> i understand. >> give mee the subaru forester. >> rachel campos-duffy loves the subaru. i wanted to the make sure she was represented today. what is great about subaru all about all-wheel drive capacity. not only a met trick call all wheel drive but 8.9 inches of ground clearance. i want you to look at these three cameras eyesight technology standard on all of them. 70 miles on a freeway if a car stops in front of you this will emergency s brake on point to protect you and your family. your price starts $28,000 for this vehicle brand new. >> will: i'm taking care of the family. i want you to think about that as you see brian over here. [laughter] mid life crisis, brian, tell him about it. >> brian: i already said to myself i don't have enough attention i need a black yellow
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car a gladiator. what makes this cool? >> we want you to be flashy. that's what we are doing with this color. ruby con gladiator javits convention center. camp jeep this track. this is what is really cool, the window comes all the way down, the top comes off. the second row top comes off for a full open air environment. this is the open off road vehicle. it is a jeep and the price is right around $37,000. >> brian: not hybrid, gas. >> that's correct. this is gas. >> brian: your feeling are we going electric? are they going to start banning gas cars? >> the take rate last year was somewhere between 7 and 10% on sales. shift toward hybrids. that is what is happening. still see electrics learning it takes time to get them to market. >> brian: have you met sandra smith? >> sandra: hello. what vehicle? >> this is the honda prologue and i wanted to represent the overall market. here is electric. here is what i love the most. throw everything aside just look at the car. it's absolutely gorgeous.
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hitting dealerships now. get under just 300 miles of range. what they are doing is giving consumers incentives if you buy the charge, a home charger with t credits to charge it and have access to you will at charging stations across the country. not yet there in the industry. there is a shift towards electric but hybrids are the game. >> sandra: i like the size and the color is unique. >> it's stunning. >> sandra: adam. >> so we have been dog a lot about hybrids. toyota is a brand leading the game in hybrids. grand highlander. a gas version, a hybrid version and took it a step level, go with a hybrid max version. this is one of their best selling vehicles. it's a full size suv. it's gorgeous on the inside. your price on this is going to be right around $58,000. but it's all about that technology. toyota safety sense technology just like subaru is going to be on this vehicle as well. they are trying to make sure your family is protected. but, as you can see, this is a toyota and the inside is all about luxury.
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>> adam: luxurious so is lawrence. is he luxurious. >> i saved this for you. >> lawrence: this is the raptor. >> this is the ford ranger rant tore. >> lawrence: so if you are my size. this is not for you but for will's size. >> will: i know he wanted this. i want this truck. >> i just came from salt lake city last week. ford allowed me to jump this truck and race it out on a trafthreeleader twin turbo. it hauls out on the road. i personally own ford f 150 raptor. the bigger version of this. it's cool. >> lawrence: nice screen. >> 2 and a half inch list. it's meant for the baha 1,000 in a small size. >> will: a ranger they turned into a raptor version. >> that is the ford ranger raptor. >> brian: american cars in good shape. >> american cars are in good shape. this is amazing right here. american car companies doing well. jim farley says things are looking strong.
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>> lawrence: visit auto show new and mike caudill, thanks so much. "fox & friends" keeps trucking along. ♪ every day is a winding road ♪ or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor
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