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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 29, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. ♪ >> lawrence: it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast on this good friday march 29 9d and this is "fox & friends." >> will: today we mark one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was veiled in a russian prison where he remains today.
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>> brian: tale of two candidates biden headline as ritzy fundraiser while former president trump jonathan diller 40 minutes today. i spoke with the former president while he attended that service. >> they lost a hero, really. the family is devastated. the police force is devastated. it's happening more and more and it's really a lack of respect for law and order. >> sandra: plus, squatter showdown. trespassers reportedly holding a yard sail after taking over a woman's home. >> lovely pile of trash. that's a brand new mattress or it was. here's where i used to have a refrigerator. >> lawrence: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. a sakd wake and memorial march will be held today for fallen nypd officer jonathan diller. >> will: the young father was a husband. he was gunned down on monday and police say a career criminal
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pulled the trigger. >> brian: here is the headline from the cover of this morning's "new york post" it. really it all. trump attends wake for killed hero nypd cop while three democratic presidents attend a glitzy fundraiser. >> sandra: peter doocy is live at the white house for us this morning. peter? >> peter: and president biden wound up sending his condolences to the diller family through mayor eric adams so the split screen yesterday was biden in manhattan, trump in massapequa. >> the child, brand new beautiful baby, sitting there, innocent as can be, doesn't know how his life has been changed but the diller family will -- you'll never be the same, can never be the same. and we have to stop it. we have to stop it. we have to get back to law and order. >> peter: the "new york post" editorial board writes about the biden event at radio center thursday night offered a chance
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to have photographer bill clinton and barack obama donation of mere $100,000 to biden's re-election campaign. pretty posh. working class. we were watching, progressives really steamed out on sixth avenue tussling with police as they screamed about a cease-fire and then inside the three presidents were trying to keep things light my question to you, sir, can voters tressst trust a presidential candidate who has not won a single golf club trophy at long last, sir, have you no chip shot? >> well, look. i would be happy to -- i told them this before when he came in to the oval, when he was being -- before he got sworn in. i said i will give you three strokes if you carry your own bag. >> peter: also four separate interruptions during this event that cost a lot of dough to get in. one guy was yelling about nuclear war with russia.
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>> the other three sounded like they were yelling about gaza and represents a real ongoing problem for the democratic party. they have allegedly been trying to vet attendees to prevent outbursts at biden events but they couldn't do it even when the party's wealthiest most influential donors were all there for this big one of a kind event. bark to you. >> will: all right. >> sandra: peter doocy live at the white house there. to use peter's liner that split screen was really something. you have got this community grieving this fallen officer out in massapequa. a community you know very well. brian. and have you got this glitzy fundraiser happening just a couple blocks from here in manhattan. and have you heard the former president, donald trump, with his law and order message and you have to think in a moment in this country where so many people fear their own cities and towns and see the crime rates rising fear for their own family's safety that's a message that resonates. >> brian: current president of the united states says the numbers are going down in terms
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of crimes. murders are going down. assaults are not going down. subway crime is not going down. robberies are not going down. he said carjackings are slightly down but they go through the roof. other thing people say be cautionary and sean sticks larson was telling me the reason why murder is down now is we are now trained as the three suspects out in the field. used to be new shot somebody you just sit there now cops are all trained as medics. so they are able to, thankfully some of these guys survive. number two is a lot of these police stations are not reporting their stats to the fbi. so it looks like the numbers are down because they are just saying i'm not bothering with some federal numbers. lawrence redine defined the law. >> will: split screen. we put up literally a split screen. now, the point of a split screen is to show two images in context to one another. those two images in context. joe biden with celebrities and former presidents and donald trump at this wake because they are happening roughly geographically and within the
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same time frame next to each other. if i could offer another split screen, i would also put up the inside and outside of that fundraiser for joe biden because on one hand, you have $100,000, $500,000 podcast and celebrity driven environment. on the outside, you have incredible passion on the left protesting joe biden's position on gaza. now, i would offer you, all that passion, lawrence, look at that on your screen last night. that's last night less than a block from where we sit right now. i would offer you up all that passion vs. this endorsement from barack obama. he said this last night. >> when asked about joe biden. he said joe volunteered for the job as we all do but at the end of the day you have to make a choice and the question then becomes who is it that you really sees cares about you and i'm pretty confident the other guy doesn't. my point is i find that tepid. i find that passionless. i find barack obama making the case for joe biden hey, let's just not vote for trump.
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he doesn't have anything great to say about joe biden. he just, once again is, like he is not trump. >> will: do you know what. >> lawrence: do you know what will in a different time period that, ament probably would have been sufficient. we have way too much to deal with. little jihadys marching out here, pro-hamas. i don't care what they say. i have interviewed the people. i have questioned them. they hate the jewish people. they have steal their signs they are for the anti-semitism going on in there. they stand with hamas. you got what is happening at the border right here. these are all the choices that you are going to have to make. the crime, cops being openly shot by career criminals, democrats say that they care about guns and getting them off the street. except for when you are a criminal they let you back on the street and then eventually got a guy that killed the cop. got the economy. we can go issue to issue those are the choices. now, i think what the former president was alluding to was the choice of personality, right? do you want to return to the mean tweets or now on truth social or do you want to have
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someone that shuffles around air force one? i mean, by the way can we talk about the contrast? we took it live yesterday of obama coming down air force one and joe biden stumbling down air force one? shuffling around. those are our choices this election. and honestly, i don't care it's going to be a hard choice for americans, brian. >> brian: i don't. sandra? >> sandra: i'm really curious to listen to the rest of your interview because, obviously, as we get closer and closer to election day, a lot can change over the next few months. law and order is going to be a huge message that this candidate continues to push. and it's one that's going to be harder and harder for the current president. >> brian: and you are right. he is going to have to be in court while they are raising a ton of money. everyone is going to be outraised. to your point set up the full screen. at the end of the day, you have to make a choice. who is the one that really cares about you. one was hugging the widow. >> lawrence: right. >> brian: the other one was with will arnett.
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who do you relate to more? a 30-year-old that has to raise a 1-year-old on their own after their husband, who is probably making $45,000 a year gave his life on a weekend in the worst section of new york city because he saw a crime about to develop? and he is up encountering one of the meanest, murderers in america today? he confronts him. and then this former president shows up and says "i am sorry for your loss. the other one says will arnett look how funny you are. and barack obama look how charismatic you are. >> lawrence: to your point, brian, also consoler and chief is meant for the current president of the united states. donald trump did the job of what the current president of the united states, which is to go to grieving families. and console them. whether you agree with their politics or not, you got to man up and go to them and say listen, i'm sorry for what is happening. you don't got to talk about politics or any of it.
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>> brian: i have to add to this. trying to get what happened at the funeral parlor. i was asking everyone what happened at the funeral parlor? president showed up one minute. anything i should bring you to what happened? he said not that good situation. so sad. all right. in the post. do you know what happened? they went up to him, the grandmother looked at him and said could you give me a hug? >> sandra: oh. >> brian: do you know how easily the president it really moved me. he goes in my mind he is saying that's private. but in the "new york post" was observing it and they see the picture. >> sandra: the former president spent 10 minutes with the grieving widow as well. the family invited the former president. and after he paid his visit there, they did say that it brought them great comfort. there is a crazy story, we were chatting just before the top of this hour about this squatter showdown that's happening. we had a lot of people effected by this on our program in the afternoon hours. people are entering homes, okay. trespassing. they are taking over the homes, and then in some case earning the rights to stay there i
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cannot even believe that exists. but this is terry, a texas homeowner. this is a tiktok showing the aftermath of these squatters, okay. this is going all over tiktok. is there any sound here or just showing the pictures? okay. this is what they are dealing with people are taking over their homes. then they have the right to stay there bring on lawyers, including andy mccarthy, we talked to him about it. how is this possible? how is this hang? and to the point of the "new york post" this morning had a piece saying what they are recommending now in new york city for people who are facing this growing problem, put a no trespassing sign in your window. >> brian: wow. what about beware of dog do you have that? >> sandra: that might work. >> brian: florida was moved to attack, this again, governor desantis on squatters. >> sandra: this is terry b boyette. >> i had a squatters in my house in texas while i was home taking care of my mom. today i finally got my eviction done. only to find that pretty much everything i own has been
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stolen. just started with the front door. it used to be black. this lovely pile of trash instead, yeah. that's a brand new mattress or it was when i bought it last year. here's where i used to have a re fridge rarity. yeah. and then here's my kitchen. which is now apparently a junk room. so, anyway, today is my birthday. happy birthday to me. i got in my house. and now i have this to deal with. >> sandra: crazy. >> lawrence: you know, will, looking at that. i'm surprised texas actually has laws on the books that protects our homes in a better way than some of the other states that i have reported on when it comes to the squatting problems. but i look at this video and i look at it being our home state, our hometown, dallas. this could end very badly in texas. if you know the people that i know and i know you know what i'm talking about, rolling in someone's house in texas. this could end really bad.
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do you have a gun lawrence they do have a gun. most dems, republicans independents herb cares in texas. especially in the home you don't need a gun lie license. >> brian: take your gun not locked up. >> that's when you have the stand off return home. yeah, that story is insane. before weave got. i just wanting to revisit because it's been banging around in my head. i think that's really fascinating that the president told you that was a private moment. fiewrl the talk about him being braggadocious and sings his own praises the loudest. told you or you heard from him that was a private moment we later learned was public. while the former president of the united states, barack obama, is suggesting that the man raising $100,000 plates in front of celebrities is the one that really cares for you. i just think that you shouldn't let that moment pass without at least taking notice. >> lawrence: not just that, according to the nassau county executives that went on our air later on in the day yesterday, they erupted in cheers, which i have never heard happen at a memorial before, let alone a
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funeral, a wake. broke out in cheers as the former president exited the room. that shows you. >> brian: appreciation. >> lawrence: how compassionate they felt like he was. >> brian: right. >> will: carley, held over to you for headlines. >> carley: more news to get to here. starting with this tragic story. happening in texas. shocking dash cam video shows a cement truck slamming into a school bus that was packed with prekindergarten students. this happened in texas last week. and a 5-year-old boy and an adult in a third vehicle were killed. the truck driver reportedly admitted to using marijuana the night before only had three hours of sleep and used cocaine to stay awake. georgia republicans now backing a bill that would allow sheriffs to enforce federal immigration laws, law enforcement would be required to hold suspects believed to be in the u.s. illegally and officials would be punished if they failed to do. so the bill, which now heads to the georgia state senate
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prompted by the murder of nursing student laken riley. the new york city city council's women's caucus getting called out for suddenly caring about the crime crisis. the group spoke out about multiple women said they were randomly punched in the face by strangers. the left leaning caucus posted on x, quote: we are deeply disturbed and concerned by b. widespread reports of attacks against women in new york city that have been confirmed by the nypd. we're calling on the nypd for an immediate and comprehensive investigation into these incidents. well republican councilman joe borelli responded saying quote where is the women's caucus on increasing policies on recidivists. republicans general in 11 states filed lawsuit against the biden administration to block his new student loan repayment plan claiming he overstepped his authority. kansas attorney general kris kobach telling fox news digital not since the civil war has the
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president told the supreme court yeah you blocked me but i'm going to do anyway. biden is trying to twist federal law once again and new plan is just as illegal as the old plan. those your headlines, guys. over to you. >> carle car. >> shannon: thank you, carley. >> sandra: thank you, carley. >> will: evan gershkovich one year since thrown in jail. >> sandra: a special blank page. >> lawrence: what a message. benjamin hall has more on that. hey, benjamin. >> hi, lawrence. a date we hoped would never come one year since evan gershkovich been in a russian jail. one is he a american and another journalist. no sign of him coming home any time soon. the russians accused evan a year ago of trying to obtain military secrets. but those claims are entirely unsupported by any evidence. there has been no date set for a trial. the russians have released no
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evidence. and just this week they extended his detention for another three months. the "wall street journal" wrote this about him today. evan has lost 12 months of normal existence as a kinetic and curious 32-year-old. a year he should have been jetting around europe and the u.s. between groups of friends family and trips to russia there has been a burst of weddings and engagements of friends from high school and college he has missed a year of the mets and the jets his favorite teams there have been some hopes of a prisoner swap with vladimir putin suggesting that a russian assassin being held in germany could be exchanged for everyone and other swaps of americans have happened in the past. this hasn't happened yet. instead being held in notorious prison. he is allowed outside for just one hour a day. despite this his friends and family say he hasn't been broken and that it is becoming harder and harder by him by the day. this is very hard and personal for me, too. both evan and i are journalists who are attacked and injured by
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russia. i got home and i am well because i'm surrounded by friends and family. that's how i got through it. evan is not at home. is he alone. he is in a russian prisoner for something that he didn't commit. i know right now on this day in particular he is hoping everyone hears his cause and hopefully tries to push for something to happen. brian? >> brian: great point, benjamin, let's build on the russia story. vladimir putin now insisting he has no plans to attack nato despite recent threats and his actions. when asked wednesday about western weapons in ukraine, he said, quote: if they supply f-16s we will destroy the aircraft just as we destroyed today. tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment including multiple rocket launchers. here to react fox news strategic analyst retired four star general jack keane. general, do you believe him? no interest in attacking nato allies? >> no, not at all. and the evidence doesn't support that i mean, he is making a statement because he recognizes full well that there is consensus developing to continue to sustain ukraine for the
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simple reason if you want to stop russia's aggression, and moving into eastern europe to continue to build his idea of a russian empire. the place to do that is in ukraine. stop him cold right there. defeat their armed forces. set them back for a number of years. that's the argument certainly being made and sticking to the wall here in the united states with the overwhelming majority of the american people believe we should fund ukraine. so, that's the reason for it. but, listen, there's is plenty of evidence that putin, for a number of years now, just as he did with ukraine, brian, has made his case that he really wants to return to the russian empire and he wants those eastern european countries that used to be a part of the soviet union to be part of that. certainly the prime minister he is stone i can't when she was here recently reaffirmed that py vulnerable. the german media leaked a classified report coming out of
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the german intelligence services several weeks ago that they believe that russia was preparing to expand into europe, into nato after the ukraine war if they were successful. the institute for the study of war, that i'm associated with. they have come to the same conclusion themselves and issued a report on this. just two weeks ago. so the evidence supports that russia has ambitions beyond ukraine and certainly he is trying to do everything he can to undermine the funding and support for ukraine, which is what his statement is about. >> brian: f-16s it's a brush back pitch, you bring them in we will blow them up. have they been blowing up planes and missile defense systems? >> well, he certainly has -- he has taken down ukrainian aircraft. but, i will tell you what, the ukrainians have knocked down far more russian aircraft than anybody expected to happen. the vulnerability of the ukrainians without the funding and the support that they need is going to be seen around this
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issue. russia is not in the near term next several months is not going to gain a lot of ground. but they are -- have the ability to penetrate russian cities as the air defense systems begin to be minimized. and we'll see casualties go up and certainly it will be horrific story. also, they are going after their energy infrastructure because they just want to shut the lights out and take -- water treatment plants and the rest of them. they have not been successful in breaking the ukrainian's people's will with an air campaign. nor have they been successful in destroying energy infrastructure. but that's what they are going to be after the next few months without support for ukraine from the united states. >> brian: general, it looks like the speaker is going to try to move some ukrainian aid. is the equipment on the tarmac, so to speak, get the green light are they going to have to take time to ramp up all this military hardware? >> no. from the beginning, when decisions are being made, in the
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pentagon approved by the white house, very quickly everything starts to get assembled and packaged for movement. that is ready to go. once the fund something there, the decision is there. the shipments will begin. >> brian: all right. general jack keane, always great. thank you so much. that is the answer. >> happy easter, everybody. >> brian: same to you and by the way colonel o'connor coming up shortly. let me tell you on one nation saturday night 9:00. hope you will be watching, charlie hurt, keith o'brien fresh off a biography on pete rose, 57 interviews there and craig carton on is there an expanding problem when it comes to gambling in baseball as well as basketball. those two know and tom shillue not a gam glory not funny he will duel it out with us. caught up with president trump at the airport after he left the wake of fallen officer jonathan diller. that's next. >> the man is arrested 21 times. his nickname, i guess is killer
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former president trump attends a wake for are fallen officer diller. >> sandra: brian had an achance to the former president in his hometown of massapequa. >> brian: this is what we got up to today "new york post." prime of his officer, taken out. you placed the call earlier this week. why was it important for you to talk to stephanie? >> stuffily is incredible. wanted me to be there. and i wanted to be there. i came in from florida. what a family, the diller family. and they lost a hero, really. i mean, just a hero. they are devastated. family is devastated. the police force is devastated. the whole country feels this way. and it's happening more and more andreally a lack of respect for law and order and we have to have law and order back in our country and we're going to because this can't happen. this was a brutal murder. not only is he a police officer in the prime of his life cut
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down. this guy had 70 collars in three years. he loved doing the job. and this is a blue blood family. >> blue blood, top of his class, and everything perfect. a beautiful record of doing his job properly. and fairly and this is what happens. it's just so horrible. jonathan was, you know, they say walking at the top. he was the top in every respect. top of his class. and this happened to somebody this should not have happened. >> brian: in this town, my town there will be about 100 police officers. they are coming from texas, they are coming from all around. what are your thoughts when you see men and women in blue show up for someone's funeral they never met? >> so, when i was leaving, paid respects to the family was magnificent, beautiful wife, the whole, the grandmother and mother. everybody. everybody is there but jonathan. and what a scene. but when i was leaving, we're driving down the road, and it
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felt like we were driving for miles. and there were men and women in blue. they were going for such a period, i said that's a lot of people. >> brian: it's moving. >> a long blue line. a long blue line indeed. that's respect. they have respect for this family. they have respect for what jonathan meant and to me, they are the most brave people. look, it's getting worse and worse for police because we're not -- we're not taking care of them. we're not allowing them to do their job properly. if you think about it, the man is arrested 21 times. is he a killer. his nickname, i guess is killer or the other one was killer. and when you think about it you go up to a car and they shoot you and murder you? this shouldn't be happening in this country and shouldn't be happening anywhere. we're going to stop it. it's got to stop. we have to have law and order and when you have people
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repeat -- this isn't a repeat offender this is ridiculous. >> brian: i was watching the monitor and the split screen was president biden, president obama and president clinton going to a fundraiser at radio city. you know the logistics. would it be possible for president biden to have got to massapequa and visited the family. >> i would say within a half an hour depending on the mode of travel. they have some pretty fast travel. >> brian: what does it tell you? >> i think that politically he can't support of the police i think he is also making a mistake. politically, his base won't let him support the police. and i support the police. i would say at the highest level of any president by far. maybe double or triple. and they knew that. that's why when i walked into that funeral parlor, it was -- it was like love. it was just -- they want to shy away from at which. they didn't even call the family. they could have called. you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know even a call
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would be, perhaps -- i'm not sure they would take his call. >> brian: right. >> not sure they would take his call. >> brian: two police officers greeted you. commissioner said thank you for coming. that's important for you. >> well, it's important for the country. i think it was almost affection in both cases because, you know, they are there. and they are very devastated by that and the one from new york city came out and i have known him a little bit. and i think is he doing the best he can but, you know, the restrictions that are put on the police are so incredible. they are protecting the criminal. they are not protecting the police. the criminal has far more protection than a police officer. >> brian: what is the message to the presidents at radio city right now before you leave new york and go back to florida. what did they miss today? >> well, they missed a very sad moment for our country but it's a moment that they have to be a part of. whether they like it or not.
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they can't skip this moment. i have never seen so many police. i have never seen so many firemen. a lot of firemen. they view it, you know, in a very similar way. and i understand that. but they are going to have to get involved a little bit. this country is going to hell. our country is not respected anymore. we are really -- i say it in my rallies and my speeches. we're a nation in decline. we are a nation in decline. >> brian: but fixable. >> but totally fixable. we have to do it fast. i will tell you what. the most important day in the history of our country is going to be november 5th. that's election day. it's going to be november 5th. that is the most important period of time. it's the most important day in the history of our country, our country is going bad. and it's going to be changed on november 5th. if it's not changed. we're not going to have a country anymore. >> lawrence: brian, it looks like the president was balancing a somber tone. >> brian: wide open political chances he didn't take. they i asked him do you feel three presidents against one
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because biden is no longer going to be national press they say. going to be doing podcast and local radio. and barack obama calling the chief of staff every day. he says he expects it. he expects 3 on 1. that's what he believes. >> will: i don't pretend to be important for the biden administration to raise all that money to be with former presidents. i had just have to think this kind of thing breaks through. i don't even know that it matters lily, but just trying to understand where the minds ever the people of america are i think you are right about his tone. i think you are right about his choices. i think it's a stark contrast vs. a sitting president. >> sandra: really interesting interview and the timing is obviously interesting as we get closer and closer to this election. i wrote down a few things. one, he leaves behind that fallen cop, a 1-year-old son. that little boy ryan will never ever see his father again and his wife stephanie. the president said in that interview to you i hope something comes from. this something should come from this as the country does watch
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this happen. he also pointed out in that interview a lot of police officers feel like they are doing more paperwork than they are taking bad guys off the street. that's the definitely going to resonate with a lot of the blue out there. and this was a cop family by the way. the fallen officer's brother-in-law is a cop. his cousin is a cop. this sends a very strong message that when the worst happens, we grieve with you. and we support those in uniform. >> will: we were talking a little bit off camera, 20 minutes and you had many other conversations with the president including r.f.k. >> brian: we talked about r.f.k. the impact. we talked about what do you feel about the mexican president threatening us unless you change your policy with venezuela and cuba going to let people come through again. he had an interesting answer to that along with the threat we got from guatemala's president president. he would have a different take on that. truth social boom as well as where we are at with this election and more. that will be -- there will be more on this on one nation. it will be tomorrow night beginning at 9:00.
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lawrence lawrence great interview. >> sandra: thank you, brian. >> will: today marks one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich detained while working on assignment. the ceo of dow jones and plush everywhere of the "wall street journal" joi joins us with the to bring evan home. that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america.
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look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! >> sandra: today marks one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was arrested in russia and held on allegations of espionage. which he and the u.s. government deny. on march 28th, 2023, gershkovich published an article titled russia's economy is starting to come undone. the following day, he was detained. and month after month russian courts have extended his
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detention. >> has not arrested an american reporter on charges like this since the cold war. >> russia's claims are baseless. it is clear that evan is being held for leverage because he is an american. >> if convicted, evan gershkovich faces up to 20 years in a russian prison. >> evan is, in fact, a hostage of a foreign government. what you and i understand as good reporting is now criminal in russia. >> sandra: here now to react is dow jones ceo and "wall street journal" publisher al more la tour. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me and thank you for the support. >> one year since he has been imprisoned. what is your message today. >> today we have got to keep the hope alive is he coming back. we are fully confident that eventually he will come back also a moment of urgency right now. he has been incarcerated for a year a trial at some point will be coming up. we think that might be in the next few months and so there is
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a window push extra hard this is my message to the biden administration. push extra hard to get a swap done to get a deal done now before evan gets stuck in a much longer cycle. >> sandra: your message on the cover of the "wall street journal" today a blank page today. his story should be here is the headline government officials are quoted in the "wall street journal" saying they are hopeful they will be able to negotiate and secure evan's release. are you hopeful? >> absolutely. and so throughout this year, we have seen ups and downs. there has been a lot of activity. official channels, through private diplomacy. through public communication. there's a lot of commitment publicly, also, from the administration, so, i am hopeful that weigh will get to a deal. this is tuesday. and in moscow.
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this is obviously when his detention was extended three months. he is smiling at the cameras there. what do you think when you are able to see him and see these pictures of him knowing that the very harsh conditions in which he is living only allowed out of his cell one hour day? >> yes. well, you see a person who is resilient. who is driven, who is keeping his own spirits up. but you also know that when you are there in the glass cage, that smile is most likely not a natural smile. >> sandra: that's a big statement. the "wall street journal" from the very beginning has vehemently denied the allegations against evan. the government has obviously backed that up and declared him wrongfully detained. sitting here today, there has been no hard evidence provided to the u.s. government or others
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to back up. claims jailing. >> and this is bogus. these charges are bogus. the proceedings are bogus. incidentally other than these hearings that you see in secrecy. even his own lawyers have to sign ndas so they can even communicate with us. this is all taking place place in the cloak of secrecy. with the message. like so many things in russia today the truth is just out of reach. >> sandra: i really urge everyone to read this cover story of the "wall street journal" today what evan has lost during his year detained all the stolen memories and stolen moments for someone so young. really at the early end of his journalism career. his family has stayed so calm. we hear from his parents throughout this. and you read in the journal today about the communications. he trades chess plays with his father via the mail. which is amazing to me the level of communication there.
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>> well, so in part that's a reflection of the kind of person that evan is. and we have come to know him from afar even those of us that don't know him very well. he has so many friends from so many different periods of his life and different countries. that is very infectious. a lot of people have committed to correspond with him. on the other hand, the correspondence that you see with someone in a russian jail. the russian. despite well developed because, that has such a big impact on their society. so it's also partly a grim statement. but, you know, mainly i would like to see the positive part of this. >> sandra: and it's so important the family says to stay optimistic. peon messmichelle will kill youe optimistic. >> we are committed to get this done. the support from everyone. including from fox and the media overall. government it just has been phenomenal and so we are
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hopeful. >> sandra: thank you very much for joining us. th>> thank you. >> sandra: peterson wife of jordan peterson joining the catholic church this season. we'll talk to her next in a "fox & friends" exclusive. ♪ mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪
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♪ >> will: tammy pearson the wife of peterson began journey undergoing cancer in 2019. on this easter sunday she will officially join the catholic church. tammy peterson joins us now "fox & friends" for exclusive. thank you for being with us this morning. i would love to hear more about your personal journey. your conversion to con alcohol schism and the moments in your life that led to this big moment. >> thanks for the invitation. what led to this, i traveled for a year with my husband and sat in the theater i think for 250 lectures. on his first book 12 rules for life, which was faith-based psychology. how to set up your life so that you are aiming up and finding the next right step to lead your
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life in the right direction. and the spirit of -- the spirit of truth and gratitude and i did find that. i did find that when i was put under pressure, i found that. >> will: you know, tammy, when you were put under pressure, you are referencing there, i think cancer. am i right? that's the pressure that pushed you towards this direction? >> i believe so. when they first diagnosed me, they told me i had a very easy form of cancer. reasonable cell carcinoma which only grows one millimeter a year. it wasn't going to kill me. when they did the first operation and weeks later i had some flank pain on my left side. that was the one indication of a much more aggressive cancer in my kidney that pretty much kills everyone. it grows so fast. they don't diagnose this and they don't have any treatment
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for it. >> will: you know, tammy, you brought up sitting through those lectures of your husband's. i had your husband on my streaming show the will cain show. this actually came up. not you in particular but his relationship with faith. i know he is very curious about it and intellectually approaches it. we talked about has that caused you to become a believer, your husband jordan. and that's not for you to answer nor for me. that's for him to answer. what i think i'm curious about is your path and his and those conversations in your home regarding faith. >> well, when we first decided to get married, the one value that was not just important but necessary was to tell the truth. and that started our relationship together as husband and wife when we were 27 years old. and now i'm 63. so, it's been a number of years
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that we have been going on the spirit of living in truth. and that has grown to not just living -- living in truth or -- living with the spirit of truth, but looking at everything we do, everything we think, every step we take is that truth or is it self-will that's guiding us? and that's what i found that i was leading my life sometimes with self-will. and i was also thinking thoughs that were self-motivated rather than in the spirit of finding out what was absolutely, without any doubt, as high up a goal as i could make it. >> will: right. this has been a fascinating conversation, tammy. and i would love to learn more but i also congratulate you a big weekend here on easter
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weekend for you as you officially become a catholic. thank you for sharing your story with us on "fox & friends." >> thank you very much. happy easter. >> will: happy easter. timothy cardinal dolan will join us in the next hour. ♪ but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel,
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