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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 29, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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contributor tammy bruce, fox news contributor and host of tomi lahren, tomi lahren, and fox nation host tom shillue. we begin with the 2024 presidential race and why working-class joe is losing the working class vote and potentially the white house. president biden joined barack obama and bill clinton at an event at radius city music hall. and furthermore how mia heide grad donation the campaign got a photo with biden and his predecessors. to get ranged up to half a billion dollars. it is a lot of cash to fund a politician to say that president biden is fighting for them.
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>> while biden has traveled far and wide, scranton, pennsylvania, has never left him. he knows what life is like for working people, and knows middle-class life is too expensive right now. >> emily: but to biden administration, it was a grassroots fund-raiser. and that fred roosevelt did more than $26 million and of course they could not resist taking shots at from the president, donald trump. >> my question to you is can photos trust a presidential candidate who is not one a single trophy and have you no chip shot? >> i told him this before when he came into the oval office when he was sworn in, i said i will give you three strokes if you carry on bag. [laughter] >> emily: yes that was worth
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every cent, while they were laughing it up, donald trump was that long island attending the wake of officer diller. >> what happened is such a sad event. it is a horrible thing. and it is happening all too often and we just can't let this happen. maybe something has to be learned that we have to toughen it up and strengthen it up. they should never be allowed. >> emily: they are putting out the stark contrast between the two scenes and democrats are growing that disconnect with working-class voters. this was written, "reveling in desiccants while a cop family moorings and americans pinch pennies" it exposes his true base in the highest income bracket. at last meeting, he said that many blue-collar workers had fled to the republican party. and people say we can't imagine
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why. it was a really powerful contrast but at its root it is frankly heartbreaking. >> it is an campaigns cost about a billion dollars on either side of the ticket so fund-raising does have to be done, at the trump campaign is happy that this optic is what is coming out of yesterday that while that fund-raising was being done in the form of judgment is there with law enforcement members with the grieving family and a grieving widow and he's going to have his own big fund-raiser this weekend to hook into eclipse the number that came out of the radio city music hall last night but donald trump is one of the ministries of modern-day politics, a bulletin who falls on an private jet but he sees the americans any years that many stands with law enforcement and he managed to build those relationships and convince people that i am here for year and he sees it as a very genuine thing. >> emily: talk t about this illustration of the impact will have on americans who feel
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heard and stand in the grieving alongside the blue community here in new york. >> tomi: the fact that president biden didn't change his plans knowing that donald trump was going to be there, to me that is pretty brazen because you have the opportunity to show up even if you roger stone effect optics and he chose not to. again i do not know who rents his campaign but they are doing a horrible job -- to your point about donald trump, i come from middle america, the thing that they love about donald trump is that he comes that he is. they do not try to wear blue jeans or cowboy boots or try to be one of us, but he still is one of us and he cares about us and he cares about the forgotten americans and he doesn't have to pretend to be one, he doesn't have to pretend to understand the plight of those smaller folks out there, but he can still resonate with them because he cares about them from a very genuine place. it was proven yet again
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yesterday where he stood with the law enforcement community. you can see how much he truly cares not for fame or optics, and they wanted him there which speaks more to how much the law enforcement community appreciates that man. >> emily: i remember the exit polls for those who have voted for donald trump, and they said that it's because he fights for people like me. again that's in stark contrast to what the message the democrats are sending when they say i stand with you if you pay a hundred thousand dollars. >> that is an issue especially for voters, but also always in every election is does this person care about people like me? it isn't a issue of empathy and that is always been the discussion. but the difference between a billionaire and a police officer or an unemployed person or a stay-at-home mother, that is the american story. it doesn't matter who you are or how much money you have, the differences in all of our lives is sitting here it is that we
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are relating to each other and we are in the same type of fight for living a dream that is really up to us in a system is supposed to leave us alone in the process of that. so, you can have empathy whether you are poor or rich or if you are a politician or not, that is the nature of who we are as human beings. we even have the holiday weekend coming up and that is really about love and embracement in the future and what we need to each other. last night, you didn't have to plan it when it comes optics it was so honest on both sides and the most honest thing you are going to see about the republicans and the democrats and the difference between donald trump is genuine empathy -- he was asked because they knew and then at radio city music hall of course they were going to change it because that is who they are. you don't touch that. donald trump goes there because he is as much then as he is
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their own billionaire friends. >> emily: so let me ask you, tom shillue, where the money they raise last night matter with the working class leading to the party that listens and cares? >> tom: great question i was looking at that and i was thinking that's ineffective at showing president biden a you look at him you think, i guess he did look like that at one time. i guess he didn't hang out with those guys at one time. so the ad would be effective but i don't think they are effective anymore. these heartstrings -- it worked in the 1980s but now people are just not paying as much attention to that. people used to sit around and watch network tv and when those ads came on date always consider giving that guy a shot but we don't see that anymore and we are tired of being manipulated by media. to the point of this empathy -- the clinton was that i feel your pain, they always said that, but we know that donald trump does not feel our pain, these guys,
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the construction worker, the police officers, i love talking to these blue-collar guys, and you know what they talk about now, how it is worse in this country. they think donald trump left the country. that's what they care about, not the person of pain, they don't want to want to feel their pain but they want someone to make the country better. that's why, will be seen in 2016, a lot of these blue-collar guy said i'm going to give this man a shot. donald trump is rough on the edges but now he is unknown entity. now they are not talking about donald trump they are talking about how they think president biden is ruining their country. they are talking about president biden, they were talking about donald trump saying this man has something but now it's not about donald trump i think cory's personality is about the country for them now. >> emily: i am only one voter and only one new yorker that lives here but when i think about what happened last night
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after walking by radio city, i will remember that donald trump was standing alongside the officer diller community and nypd. president biden while he was at that fund-raising rose care of and that is days away from our southern border. those details will come up next okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health.
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>> emily: while president biden is heading to camp david after a night of palling around in manhattan, a caravan of some 2,000 migrant's marching towards the united states. the destination is el paso, texas. you will remember this will show you there on the left side of the screen where a mob of hundreds of migrants stampeded across national guardsmen last week. we should be checked anymore by any of this because the handouts and migrants canceled when they hit you i saw continues to go. this week new york city started looking at prepaid debit cards to migrants in that program is cussing people like us taxpayers, $53 million. president biden is considering giving green cards to 4,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation each year. what are your thoughts? >> tomi: that last part about
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the green cards, we all know this was coming when you have millions of people in this country the next likely push is going to be listened, we have a shortage of millions of people who want to work let's give them authorization to do so in this administration's are ready done that and expect the push for that to grow as we get closer to the election because that is something that they can say that we want them to work and if they're going to work they can afford to pay their own way in their own rent. it's just a short leave now and they are working and paying taxes we must give them voting rights. this is all prepanda my estimation and it's all manipulated but for those people who are complaining about ms. minimum wage and complaining about livable wage adding all these people to the economy what you think it would do to wages? do you think they will make them go up? so for people who try to advocate for two things, the
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math is not my thing. it is just not my thing. >> emily: i think the regulation is not working as it rolls out these bullet point programs think they like to say to a check, the reality is if you are telling people what they have to wait two years for hearing or adding additional legal requirements like show me there will be suffering by your family that he is adding more confusion to already tangled system and then somehow expects us to think that he really is cleaning it up? there's no such thing. >> people are not believing that. when we asked people about these topics on immigration, former president, donald trump think that he would do a better job -- really at any time -- donald trump is leading by 18 points in a topic that you've noted is one or two right now for voters out there the economy and the immigration people are seeing
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these topics is intertwined. so the white house has to do something -- while they are not taking some actions democrats and republicans agree that there is executive actions that the president could take not that it would solve the whole problem, but it would stem some of the flow and they are choosing not to. >> emily: calmly better to me, but i see with the president is doing is just going around withe glitzy elite and then blaming republicans for the other stuff. >> yes you are turning into a pushy woman that's what we like to say. look, i think that you have a dynamic where so much of this is gaslighting. they do not want you to believe what you are seeing, they want people to be here and they are creating more incentives for this to be happening. yet, of course, everything is donald trump's fault, that may be four years ago or even eight years ago, but as you've noted, now that people have seen everything we are now not in the dark. but my column is about those
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prepaid credit cards or debit cards $53 million this is just a pilot program. and it comes out to -- we want people who need help to get help but this is not that. as an example according to the center on budget priorities -- face to look at the edge and a $50 a week up to a family of four that is $1400 a month. it is effectively food stamps right? for the average american who gets this it is a $713 a month for the same family of four. why are we benefiting foreign nationals who are here illegally, and identities were still unclear about twice as much money when it comes to assistant that we give to the elderly that we give to the disabled or that we give to those who are unemployed or working or can't work. and yet that is the priority that is what americans are
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seeing, the nature of this outlay which is another incentive and it is an enormous amount of money for new york alone. over three years it has projected to be a $12 billion overall costs especially with the free health care and the free housing and now of course a cash stipend that gets replenished every week. $350, and it's more than americans who are in need, and more than the 53 million -- more than what the state is paying for veteran services, twice as much for veteran services or cancer services programs for new york state, as stated for for2,025 it is for 19 million. this pilot program is 53 million, that is the priorities of the democrats and that's what they want to do to the country. >> emily: so then why can't we have asked these presidents
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these questions? there's no accountability for it for the media. >> tom: yes because most of these reporters do not want to hear the answer so they don't ask the question. the other day, elon musk tweeted out that most people do not know that congressional districts are based on population. that also includes undocumented immigrants. and people say you're a dummy, everybody knows that that's always been in policy and people are yelling at him but people do not know that. that is why republicans should push that even if they think a bill is going to fail they should push a bill to end this because most americans do not realize that and when they hear about it and he actually think about it states with more undocumented immigrants get more representation and that is at the foundation. this is what this country was built about when it comes to representation and it really offends people to hear that. >> emily: when he said that the former anchor who was interviewing him at the time was
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pushed back and he challenged it saying it's not true to your point. the ignorance is just wrap it that the me yet as well. but not on this couch. we come with the facts, and coming up we have something very important. today marks one year since evan was wrongfully imprisoned in russia. more on this somber anniversary and how you can stand with evan next. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪
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>> emily: today marks one year since glossy journal reporter, evan gershkovich was wrongfully imprisoned in russia. president biden called his detention illegal and unjust. "the wall street journal" running this powerful front page and said his story should be here. the fight for his freedom grow stronger each day and his family says they will not stop until he's home. >> has been a really difficult
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year for our family. it is just a lot of uncertainty and reaches have to take this date by date. >> evan gershkovich sister speaking out here in washington along with "wall street journal" assistant called becca and many others. he is the american-born of soviet era russian jewish and immigrated into the u.s. his parents taught him russian as he was going up in princeton, new jersey, a valuable asset in his work as a generalist. on march 29th of last year, evan gershkovich was on assignment, when he was detained by the federal security service. he had four press credentials from russia's foreign ministry. >> obviously the russians when they confirmed it and they immediately accused him of espionage. it was vital for us to come to his help aid in -- white house
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quickly condemned that. >> he was sent to the notorious prison in moscow who was famous for imprisoning political dissidents, and is a scene from mass executions. he spends 90% of his time each day and a small cell. >> we would like the united states government to do whatever it takes to bring evan gershkovich home. he is in it prison that is isolated to break you down. >> the u.s. government has officially recognized evan gershkovich as wrongfully detained. and is calling for his immediate release. president biden says that the u.s. government is working around the clock to bring him home. last month vladimir putin said a prisoner swap was being discussed with washington but refused to give a time frame for a deal. >> standing here one year i
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have been truly reflecting and it is incredible to see this community of general's rally around evan gershkovich. we are so, so grateful. and we're just just going to keep believing that we are going to get him home soon. >> emily: that fight will continue. >> emily, this is w what the valve near prudent they are very valuable bargaining chips for him. >> emily: what makes me feel especially sad on this day, i am grateful we are shedding light on this on this continued tragic and deeply unfair situation because we know this is what vladimir putin does. when i hear my president say is he dead, to all americans abroad held hostage and wrongfully detained, we are with you and we will never stop working to bring you home. i feel a measure of disbelief in that statement because he worked
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really hard to exchange brittney griner for -- i see his attitude in the sphere of exploration and the fact that he doesn't draw that hydrant always seems he doesn't and i feel about all the good work he did and so much work that has been done unravels with the president that is infirm to stand against vladimir putin inc. say we want to bring him home now. >> tammy: the difficult thing is we don't have someone to bring home -- they don't just take people so we have them for these negotiation place. >> tomi: i am glad you brought up brittney griner because it's really hard with the fanfare that got and the press attention that got. it is truly hard i am sure for the families who look at that and wonder why not my loved one why are they not as important is it because they are not a wnba player? do they not have a that much attention? we do not want to think that way but it is hard to miss that and
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miss that feeling. i also think it brings home -- in a time when americans do not trust the media or journalism, when you have someone out there that is a true journalist that's willing to sacrifice for journalism that to me as inspirational because it shows they are still people in this profession that cared enough about this profession that they are willing to risk something like that. to me, it is inspirational as much of it is tragic. >> tammy: he is a hero, and tom we understand he keeps a schedule there and i hope he knows how many people are fighting for him. >> tom: i don't think i'm away sometimes how much the news is not out there about evan gershkovich. we see his picture -- it's on our minds all here, but it is good that we are using this opportunity, the anniversary of his detainment, and being taken hostage to get the word out.
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hopefully, all i can say is, a lot of the stuff is behind-the-scenes we do not know what is going on but we hope that is going to be resolved soon. >> russia is going to say he is a spy or a suspect, but right now he is a hostage. >> tammy: we know he is not the only american hostage, that they are people being held by hamas, this is wild, evan gershkovich is the face and is very important, it is important for americans to know that thiss about a complete situation that has drawn us and as a nation and that we are living on the same planet in just a litte while ago there were reports that the united states wind in russia about a impending terrorist attack. apparently they didn't take it seriously or didn't do whatever they needed to do, they had that horrible massacre, but in the midst of being human beings on this planet, we were not going to withhold what we do to try to
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help them. that should've been a signal to normal human beings that we are in this together. yes we have different interests and i understand and we do not need to be naive, but that is not about being naive. this is a reminder that we are in a world now that is of course in a shocking place with waters, and you have north korea, and israel, and the middle east and russia. none of us can survive this if it is like this. that is the alternative that americans have to see. america does not do this, other countries do that and it's a sign of who they are and why evan gershkovich is everyone just like the hostages whose names you might not know in israel, they are all of us. because it could be any of us traveling as a tourist and as someone who is a expert paycheck -- whatever this is the world and they are the ones who are at risk. so when you think about hostages
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or when you see evan gershkovich, think about your daughters are your husbands are your sons, or the people you love because that is who they are. >> there are so many of these situations because americans are wrongly held all over the globe, evan gershkovich is the name and face that he would not fighting for everybody else not just him we have, and many others. to every family americans out there who is worried about a family member who is trapped somewhere, you are right tom, people are working all the time to get these people home and maybe get a deal to get it to get these people all home including evan gershkovich. if you would like to join the fight, use the hashtag #istandwithevan and hopefully that news gets to him and others who are being wrongfully held around the world. more "outnumbered" coming up next. it isn't. not with rosland capital.
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>> earlier this week we told you about a disturbing trend of women being randomly punched in the face on the streets of new york city. now the nypd says that one suspect is in custody for attacking tiktok influencer, his name is sue bogie start and according to local reports he's been booked for other assaults but it is still unclear if he is connected to any of the other an new york city and the nypd reportedly is investigating at least four more attacks from just this past week. tommy, we are in a city and you have the pleasure of not living in new york city but we are in a city where i saw a lot of this happening as the pandemic started in the city at the it out. that this is about the opportunities that the depraved
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and the bad guys they take these because the signaling is that you can get away with it what are your thoughts? >> tomi: the question was posed by a lawmaker, where are they men and why are they not doing something are stepping in when they see young ladies being punched in the face or otherwise harass? it is not just punched in the face of it is all sorts of harassment that occurs on the streets. the question is where the men are the protectors and look no further than daniel penny. who now has to stand trial for his willingness to stand up for others around him and the innocent around ten and to do his best to protect those around him. i think it is clear in this city, that if you are a distant person or a good samaritan of someone who wants to protect other people especially the vulnerable and the innocent and the weaker, then you might be the one that is punished instead of the ones who are going out and victimizing people. that is the upside down reality of living in new york city. not so much in a red state.
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this would not occur and i can also tell you this, the men in these red states would not allow these to happen if they were in the presence of this. you would feel a sense of protection being in a place like this. >> tammy: this is the connection between the defund the police movement and the no bail and discounts suspect has a history and he should not have been on the street but we can connect the dots between the attitude of no bail, no real arrest, the police not being there, law and order being demeaned, good guys being arrested. it seems to be an incentive for people who are depraved to act on their worst motives. >> emily: absolutely it has created an environment ripe for lawlessness. even if there were arrests i'm sure he will go free. this person by the way, he has a massive history of also live streaming on multiple different tiktok accounts, and his attacks on women. he is running for mayor and
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different political offices and one of the disturbing videos i saw, wasn't fuming the young women after he punched her in the face who was sobbing to police and screaming to them plp me i do not feel safe and he is videotaping us please help me do something as you see her arise in her anxiety and fear and her alarm and what others might call hysteria i call a righteous reaction. especially to the attack that is a epidemic to all of us in our cities. a final quick point, i walk around with my pepper spray in my hand, that is not legal here, the reason i have it is because i shipped it from a friend and drove it here. i realize that the reason i could get them to everyone on my podcast team is because i then shifted to another state and drove it here. so thank you new york city for creating a climate where women are being attacked and punched in the face but now they can even carry pepper spray to defend themselves. >> tammy: we need to decide
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between will be committing a crime of defending ourselves, versus getting hit or having people deal with the end result. at the same time, the crime is so bad the mirror and say they're going to put in body scanners into the subways to catch the people who want to bring guns in. but that means more innocent law-abiding people are going to be searched because they will not arrest the bad guys, because that man should not have been on the street, brought to his invitation however, you are free to roam, but the game now is we are going to try to find you. >> tom: yes the uproar over stop and frisk that it is so unjust, but now they're saying everyone has to stop and frisk. i think it -- people talk about women's issues, women voters issues, about the suburban moms, crime is going to be the women's issue of this upcoming election. and i have talked to people who are suburban mothers and suburban fathers, when i go on tour and go around the country and i say come see my show they
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say we don't go into that city anymore because if you come out to the suburban, i'm looking for venues in the suburbs because they don't want to go into the city. so i do an early show such as at like 4:00, so i can get people to come into the city and then they can have dinner and then go home before the sunset. >> tammy: you know there was a shooting incident where matt had his own gun taken a used against them. in that video some of the people were saying where the police? well, we know the answer to that in new york. they are certainly -- we did not have their back and politicians do not have their back and there are thousands fewer of police. >> it is hard to retain and recruit because these are not super high paying jobs who put on these uniforms these are public service they grow up in their family and they feel the need to defend other innocent people they are not doing this to get rich. so, if they feel like going out to do their job, they had their own lives at risk and they are
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put in a situation where they had serious problems by trying to do the duties of their jobs. these people are not that actors come at these need to face criminal action if they do something bad, but how do you recruit and retain when morale is so bad and they don't know if anyone is gonna back them up. >> this is the price be obtained without the the rhetoric and everything else. >> tammy: most women do not report this at all, so these numbers i think are higher than we think. everyone, the anti-defamation league has a major problem with the 100 %. we will tell you why next. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself.
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>> top of the hour, live update, at that caravan that is now making its way north to the u.s. southern border, plus, president biden expected to touch down shortly after that glitzy fund-raiser here in new york city last night and we will watch for that if he speaks to reporters we will have that for you and then david rubin is here as new york city mayor adams is insisting that the city is not out-of-control despite the murder of a cop, a simply writer pushed to their death, and women reported to be punched in the face unprovoked.
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we will have a picture for you as comes in at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> 100%. it is a term most of us including myself use almost every day. but there is even a emoji for it. to the average person, this means absolutely. totally. but the anti-defamation league disagrees they now claim that they know that 100% really stands for wait for it... racism. they write a hundred percent issue at amongst white supremacist 400% weight. 400 100% white. they also admit that most use it all the time and use it claimed that they are not actually racist. most uses of the symbol are not
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in fact white supremacist in nature. thank you captain obvious. tom shillue, of course it is not. who is analyzing this? is this another federal funded thing? >> tom: they call you races first then they look for something they are doing like remember this was like the word okay was racist, that's a secret symbol and they are signaling to each other. and 100%, and be emoji that we see, it was originally a black thing. like keeping it real -- i am not the best that urban slang but keeping it real with keeping it 100% real. that's why i never used it because i didn't want to seem like a white guy try to act like a urban guy or whatever. so it used to be a black thing and then white people started copying it and now everyone likes 100. >> i must be older than that because i just thought it was a
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mathematical symbol. 100%, yes i agree and i like to super exaggerate and say one million percent. >> may be that one won't be trouble, but the first thing i thought of was the lizzo song, the world we cannot say in the air and it made me chuckle a little bit because everyone uses this in different ways but when i first saw this i honestly did not know if it was a joke because i feel like i am afraid that every day there is a word that we will use will end up in a bac bad list, they are real ts that we need to complain about and will be focused on things like this it takes away from real issues that we need to be solving. >> at the end that a day it's always going to be something. something you do is always going to be racist in front of the eyes of people who obsess over it. >> tomi: people are actively looking to be offended and they sit there and i believe they sit there with the white poster board and tried to make this
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connection with things that can somehow seem racist or hearken back to the days of slavery and they even acknowledge that people who use it are in fact not racist but they want to change our language in such a way. people will then become afraid to say anything that everybody is just confused. they don't know which pronouns to use, which words have the racist roots, who can say what did this or that, it is not just a tactic to make people self-conscious or make people not want to speak because they are afraid of offending somebody. and now 100%, they make such a leap i wish they had something better to do with their time because this is not it. >> the whole point is they will always be that people who co-opt regular regular things for that purposes so i can refocus on the number of us wert using it for bad things. >> discussed extremes where
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you have to keep upping the ante and we have to raise money and perpetuate the idea that there is more victimhood, you need to just keep moving in that direction. this is one of those issues. also, there are a list of words that are no longer acceptable which included and they were retracting their list, this was like american. just crazy stuff and when you look deep enough into something, with the narcissism you are going to see what you want to see because it suits you. so, this is becoming obvious. again i think about fund-raising and staying relevant in a world where victimhood is preferred. and you have to keep making it -- it's almost like hate crime hoaxes. we need to be able to step up and step up against this because enough is enough. it is 100% enough.
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>> more "outnumbered" in just one moment. ♪ ♪
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>> emily: last but not least, today we recognize the courage, resilience, and sacrifices of our brave vietnam veterans and their families on this national vietnam war veterans day. today marks 51 years since the departure of the last u.s. combat troops from vietnam in 1973. the day got its official designation when president trump signed the vietnam war veterans recognition act into law in 2017. we are so grateful to all of our veterans and their service to our country, and especially those who served in vietnam on this day. sobering images, shannon, that hearken back to the sacrifices of these veterans that they've made on our behalf. >> shannon: all of our veterans, but we think specifically today about our vietnam veterans because they did not get a hero's welcome
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home. they had such a tough time getting back to society, readjusting, being called all kinds of horrible names rather than being celebrated for a difficult job, whether you agreed with what they were doing there or not. they were on mission. it wasn't their decision. >> emily: that's why the gratitude is so important to show we are grateful. >> kayleigh: many of them on the streets still struggle, a lot of homeless veterans, and we can't forget them, either. >> emily: shannon, tell us what you have a news for store firstfox news sunday. >> there's a widening gap between the two different in administrations, congressman ro khanna. >> emily: that's fox news sunday was shannon bream. do not miss it. now here is "america reports." >> he took 216 criminal migrants who posed a significant danger to our community is from 28 different nationalities of our streets. >> with the migrants and the


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