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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 29, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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another and heard that voice of that angel in our head? everyone who walks before us, whomever they are, as a child created in the image of god. if we treated each other that way, then we are looking on god's image when we see one another, would we not have a better world today? so this is a great weekend just to ponder those things, to be thinking about the direction of our lives, and if necessary, give in to the first time. if you need a recommit, do that, i think that is a great thing to do. i think it takes a lot of faith to not believe. there is so much around us that reminds us, we have an opportunity to be the people god calls us to be. >> neil: thanks for reminding us of that. happy easter. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, kennedy, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and
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this is "the five." ♪ ♪ call it operation make joe look cool. democrats are hoping to transform the broken down jalopy into a bentley. an electric bentley. so they rolled out biden's buddies barack and fill out a star-studded new york city fundraiser. the democrats want you to believe donors shelled out $26 million just to give a glimpse of the energetic and entertaining biden. it had nothing to do with the dozens of celebrities and two former presidents. axios hyping up joe saying "biden was the elf on a stage with two of the most distant gifted politician of our lifetime." stephen colbert was on stage just spoon feeding biden this zinger appeared to be the donald trump as we can tell has been trying to win a third champ each about his own golf course. [laughter] my question to you, sir: can voters trust a presidential candidate who has not won a
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single trump international golf club trophy, at long last, sir, have you no chip shot? >> well, look, i would be happy to play. i told him this before when he came into the oval when he was -- before he got sworn in. i said, i'll give you three strokes if you can carry your own bag. >> jesse: biden was apparently so forgettable that the dnc chairman jaime harrison posted biden's famous friends on stage, but missed the money shot at the top dog. and if the elite event didn't boost his cool factor, biden and kamala are ripping off "the five." we are the vps favorite tv show. they could never do "fan mail friday" like greg. >> folks, the vice president and i are going to answer some of your questions. the first question is when you and the vice president have lunch together, what do you
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normally eat? quite frankly, that's clas classified. >> [laughs] >> anything from hamburger to solid. >> the next question is how are you feeling about your college basketball bracket? i'm feeling quite good. i was very proud to have picked oakland at the very beginning. not oakland, california. i do recognize the difference. >> jesse: all right, tarlov, you had an insider at the fundraiser, probably. >> jessica: like friends? people had a really good time. and it was because of everyone who was there. it was like going to a big concert and a political chat show. yeah. people want joe biden to win again, and they also like the two other democrats that came before him, and they like stephen colbert, and they think it's fun to see lizzo perform, and all of those things are true. i don't see the travesty of all of it. would you like to elaborate on why it is so bad? >> jesse: i don't know, just because there was a lot of protesters outside. he skips the funeral of a slain
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officer. to do a podcast before the event. i don't know, jessica. >> jessica: the truth of the matter is that the biden campaign is doing quite well right now, and raking in $26 million in a night is really good, and donald trump hopes to figure the ap is putting out there bring in $33 million next weekend when he has a fundraiser at mar-a-lago. i hope you guys will be making fun of him then when he has it been allies kid rock. oh, i'm sorry. and kevin sorbo, may be? i am so excited just thinking about it. >> jesse: i will trade for lizzo. >> jessica: nobody will come to your concert. so the substance of it, though, when you bring in $26 million in a night or $10 million of the state of the union, you can do things like open up ten field offices in north carolina. it's the first time the democrats will have a field officer in lancaster, pennsylvania. we have three dozen offices in wisconsin. that's how you win elections with ground game, and that's
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what donald trump is hoping to do, as well, with his legal fees and then field offices. because we are arresting him all the time feared spewing yes, you are. >> jessica: i can't stop. >> greg: please do. >> judge jeanine: you know the difference is? in order for obama to raise -- biden to raise that kind of money -- he needs to bring into other presidents. he needs to bring in celebrities. he needs jeffrey katzenbach and all the theatrics of the three presidents coming up from below the stage, all being raised together. i mean, it's the theatrics for the elite. and i love the juxtaposition. i love the optics of president trump coming into go to the funeral of a slain officer and, you know, i couldn't help, i was reading about some of things that were said, and obama said to a protester, he says, you know, you can't just talk and not listen. that's what the other side does.
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well, mr. president, obama, that's exactly what msnbc does to republicans. they do all the talking, and they won't listen. and in the end, donald trump will out raise biden by just having people at his club, having dinner with him, because people are fascinated with him. they know he is not going to stumble or mumble or any of that other stuff. and biden talks about we are at an infection point in history. we are. the country is being overrun, crime is out of control, cost $10,000 more every year to live, and people are fed up with it, and i think -- i want to close on this -- is that there is video of governor hochul apparently getting rejected today at the funeral home of slain officer diller, and it is because people are fed up. they are fed up with the talk feared people talking the talk and not walking the walk. and there she is leaving the funeral home.
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>> jesse: are you fed up, kennedy? >> kennedy: i am actually deeply entertained by all of it. i think if president biden loses in the fall, they can look at yesterday and go, well, maybe that's why. if you hold the two screens up side by side, president trump doesn't look like the worst person in the world. he looks like someone who is fed up with an issue that is affecting every state in every major city in the country, and that is rising crime. and even though crime has fallen statistically a little bit in new york city -- >> jessica: a lot. >> kennedy: it still feels bad when "the new york times" is riding about women getting sucker punched in the face. jeffrey katzenberg talking about historic night, american record, they pulled in -- all of his historic accomplishments. meanwhile, 38% of respondents in the most recent fox news poll said the president's most impressive accomplishment is nothing. and 6% said the most impressive thing he has accomplished in office is nothing. trump, i don't know how that wins elections, and i don't know how relying on a list or friends to raise money gets you enough
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money to beat president trump when it's a very different game than it was in 2020. >> jesse: gg? >> greg: to me, it was like a live for ugly people. a march of dimes for millionaires. if only there was a word that describes a bunch of jerks that form a circle. >> jessica: circular -- >> greg: it was a telethon for a very sick man stricken by trump fever. and it's a shame jerry lewis wasn't here to host it. but here's the thing. so there were photos with the three presidents, right, which cost over $100,000. what a great story to tell people. like hey, how did you get that picture? i paid $100,000 for it. it immediately deflates the uniqueness of having that photo, it is just a pompous thing to have around your office. the big point and the judge alludes to it, why were the three of them there? you needed three democrat presidents to deal with trump.
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think about the math on that one. they needed three democrat presidents to deal with trump. now let's move on to the phrase limousine liberal. we hear that phrase. why does that phrase exist but limousine conservative doesn't exist? well, i'll tell you why, he describes hypocritical rich leftist demands the use of public transportation while they fly private. they are the same people who demand public education for all of you without choice but then send their sniveling little brats to private education with high tuitions. they are the people who marched for defunding the police, who championed black lives matter's but are separated from the rabble with private security, usually manned by retired police officers. so what you saw there was an encapsulation of the limousine liberal. now i love rich people. they are the best. i think i might be one of them. but there is no such phrase as
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limousine conservative precisely for this reason. it is not about wealth or status. it is that the limousine liberal wants you to practice the views they themselves refused to practice as they push them on you. so they use their wealth and status to keep themselves immune from the hell that they put forth on others. so when you look at that and you can't explain why does that make me sick? i explained it. that's why it makes you sick. we are all going to -- trump is going to raise money, biden is going to raise money. biden might raise more because, you know, trump doesn't need as much. he beat hillary, right, without having -- so they are all going to try to raise money, but there is something different about this. it's because they want the money and the status for themselves, and they don't want it for you. that's a limousine liberal. >> jesse: wow, jessica. >> greg: how do you feel, jessica? >> jesse: recover from --
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>> jessica: i'm still back on kkevin serve opiates >> jessica: that's a class thing. they always make fun of the conservatives in hollywood, sometimes of cheesy hoagie because either they are religious, but you know what, a lot of hollywood conservatives are older because they had to wait just jon voight had to wait because he did not want his career destroyed. >> jessica: we are making fun of how it desperate conservatives are to have -- >> g>> jessica: that is klas -- you are the mean girl. >> jehouthi regina george? >> jessica: historic. >> kennedy: president trump doesn't need celebrities. 2020 very different. everyone was mad about -- >> jessica: pretending as if you wouldn't be thrilled, like with kanye west preanti-semitism
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or the wider no one death of his anti-semitism was out there, conservatives were thrilled. we got ye and then it's like oh, no, we blew that one. now it's new year's eve, vanilla ice. >> greg: the vanilla ice. >> jessica: i actually like vanilla ice. >> jesse: lizzo, by the way, queen latifah? something is happening over there. no one wants to be seen with joe biden. >> judge jeanine: didn't lizzo have some problems recently? >> kennedy: real banana republic. >> judge jeanine: banana, so to speak. >> greg: bananas are going up in price under biden's america. full circle. >> jesse: kevin sorbo is a very nice man. you owe kevin sorbo an apology. >> greg: and a banana. >> jessica: i can't afford the banana. >> greg: because of joe biden? go home and your limousine, liberal.
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>> jesse: up next -- good luck on the subway. it's time to get ready for blackouts. joe biden's green energy jihad can fry america's -- >> jessica: jihad? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kennedy: hi, there. welcome back. biden's clean green energy scheme to send us back to the dark ages but quick. the president at his ec eco-warriors too busy saving the planet to see the warning signs. watch. >> this existential threat to all of us is the ultimate threat to humanity: climate change. >> it is working. it's working, folks. >> the share of evs has been dramatically increasing every single year, and that is continuing. >> electric buses are key to the future. the bus has wi-fi, and even usb
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outlets next to every seat. i mean, come on, imagine. you can charge your phone on your way home from work. that's good stuff. >> kennedy: that's so good! tanking the economy because of a usb port! she has no idea what she's talking about. the reality is all of their climate policies are pushing our electric pa power grid to the worst, and "the wall street journal" writing "our potential to make artificial children's data centers are pushing the power grid to what could become a breaking point, one of the biggest culprits: electric vehicles the biden administration is pushing on you. people are buying them, but that is not stopping the energy secretary from dismissing some of the bad sails news. they may have gotten a little over their skis in terms of the rate at which the uptick, but the uptake is happening. you start a new industry, fits and starts, some has to do with range anxiety, to the price, but people realize that electric vehicles are so much cheaper to own and operate in terms of not having to buy gasoline.
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>> kennedy: don't you love when politicians post on swear they have a convoy of electric vehicles and then it stalls in the middle-of-the-road and they have to be rescued by gas powered tow trucks? is in the administration a little ahead of itself in terms of evs? energy secretary very enthusiastic, but. >> jesse: they are way ahead of everybody. i don't think anybody is going to catch up because everybody bought their first and they are happy with it. sales have flatlined. do you remember when you had a computer at home or in college, and then you had to get one of those little adapters, and then you plug in one of the little, like, strips to the adapter, and you have 15 cords plugged into this thing? that's joe biden ev economy. you can't charge all of these things you are charging and not expect the grid to blow up. we are reindustrializing the country after china. all of these ai and chip manufacturing plants and everything we are doing with these data centers takes up a
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lot of electricity, and what are we going to use to power the grid, jessica? not kevin sorbo's strength and masculinity. >> jessica: he can do it. >> jesse: could it be fossil fuel? he hasn't figured out how to balance evs and a growing industrial economy. >> kennedy: yes, but there are some very industrious companies who are figuring out that if they can set up shop next to some nuclear power plants, they are actually far better off, but we are taking our power plants and our nuclear off-line, one of the worst decisions environment to this country has made bid >> jessica: well, biden has backtracked on that a bit and it is deftly something that has aggravated lefty progressives. he has more "drill, baby, drill" and more open to fossil fuels and nuclear energy that he had perhaps set on the campaign trail. but i think that two things can be true. one, we are moving too fast. in terms of trying to push people to the ev world. when you have a ceo's of major
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car company, from people who have produced cheap cars to the most excess on the market saying we hope to get here but you can't push us to do this at your rate. you have to pay attention to that. and then you also have to acknowledge that our grades are from the '60s and '70s need need to be updated. >> kennedy: which is very expensive and takes a lot of time. >> jessica: sure, but it doesn't mean it is not a worthwhile project. you look at some of the outages that we have had, you know, ted cruz can't go to cancun every year. where >> kennedy: where does gavin newsom go? i guess he goes to the french laundry, judge. they are having the biggest looming crisis, energy crisis coming from california. >> judge jeanine: california, no question. look come as the demand for electricity grows, the u.s. continues to deny that there is a problem with the grid. it continues to refuse to protect the grid. the grid has been vulnerable for a long time, before this push for electric vehicles. it's vulnerable to a
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cyber attack. it's vulnerable to an electric magnetic pulse. it's vulnerable to a national disaster, which happens every 150 years and we are about do right now. and in truth, you know, the grid is like the border. they've got a policy, and they don't care about the consequences. you know, damn the consequences and repercussions, we don't care. our grid is like a vulcanized third world country. we have all of these local grids connected to the national grid, nobody takes responsibility for the grids, and california is part of the disaster. when you think about it, china and russia are the best allies that these these greeniacs have. the inflation reduction act, even though as jesse was talking about, we have to have fossil fuels, there has to be a mid way the point where we get to where
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everything is working off of the electric grid, the truth is, under the inflation reduction act, the tax credits that the electric companies get is like 50% greater than the fossil fuel companies get. so he can be out there saying "oh, i am really drill baby grill -- drill" with the only people who get the tax credit of the electric companies. >> kennedy: not building refineries and not enough charging stations. only 70 charging stations -- go it's an outrage. >> greg: it is an outrage. personally i would like to thank you for helping with my green agenda. i had a little bit of a booger on my nose and she was able during the break to clear it off my nose. you put the us in mucus. anyways. again, it is when you put an agenda before tech and people's needs, you are going to hurt everyone. a lot of people saw this coming but if you spoke out, you were
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called a climate denier. that shut up a lot of experts. meanwhile, there were other experts who played along and got government grants and the media spotlight. electric cars are an option and they will get better. musk is designing some great ones. but it is not a replacement. it won't be a replacement for a long time. and i coined this phrase a while ago called "charge anxiety," and i already have charge anxiety with my phone, with my headphones, my laptop. the neck massager i ordered. i am always looking for plugs and sockets and adapters, and i just don't need that on a road trip. i don't need to be in the car thinking i've got to find some place, and i know that they are not there. and also, lastly, i just question the entire premise of measuring the temperature of the planet. we just assume when they make these calculations on these predictions that they are accurate. do you ever stop, just sit down
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and think about measuring the temperature of earth? like all of these measuring stations, humans have to look at these instruments, that they have to test the accuracy and humans are fallible. thinking about that is absurd. none of this stuff is accurate. we have been lied to. >> kennedy: you know who else has been lied to do? the american people. they think that i am jessica tarlov. i am jessica tarlov. [laughter] i love donald trump, and i can't stand joe biden. ahead, speaking of president biden, if you didn't get bail out, it is going to cost you a lot more. tuition just hit $90,000 for only one year of schooling. we'll tell you where. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks.
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fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
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hi, i'm janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. when i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort. a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am the inside. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. when i look in the mirror, i don't even recognize myself.
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golo really works. ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: the price of biden's student loan debt bailout just got a lot bigger. despite the supreme court telling him no, joe is plowing ahead with plan b to erase loans. and this isn't going to help taxpayers. tuition at several new england colleges now costs $90,000 per year. to avoid debt, people are dumping the degrees and turning to trucking. a24-year-old social media sensation, alex, the trucking guy, says he found the golden ticket job. i'm having trouble with my lenses come i don't know. driving an 18-wheeler with viral videos, he shows off the average day in the life of a trucker. >> i have to go all the way through illinois, through st. louis, through indianapolis, through indiana, to ohio. >> i'm on my way to ohio.
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it's currently 76 degrees outside and we are cruising at 68 miles an hour. >> judge jeanine: okay, jesse. what was he using? was that a map? he doesn't have ways? >> jesse: i've never seen that thing before. >> judge jeanine: please don't say that. >> jesse: i can ever figure out how to fold those things. and then you get to a point where you know you are not folding it right so you shall date in the glove compartment and then you get lost. i was told i have to save almost a half a million dollars per child for college. so now we have jesse jr. in fencing because that is the only kind of sport -- >> jessica: 3-year-old fencing? >> jesse: getting a scholarship for, it's crazy. we did some research delivered d it for once. in 1950, only 6% of the united states population had a college degree. now, 37% of the population has a
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college degree. is it worth it? may be we are more educated, but maybe not, because yeah, it is expensive when you go to yale or tufts, you get a good education, but what happens if you pay $200,000 to get a degree from northeastern kentucky rensselaer institute? that is just a fleece job. and then four years later you are in a massive amount of debt and probably not that much smarter. no offense, i just made up that university, but you get my point. all of these universities are just popping up everywhere and they are just raping the pocketbooks of all of these people that think they need to go to college. if you are being forced into college and human instinct that says maybe i shouldn't do that, listen to your gut. i just met a guy who didn't even -- barely graduated from high school -- and now he owns three ferraris. three ferraris, judge. >> judge jeanine: is he in jail? >> jesse: no college degree. >> kennedy: not yet. >> jesse: not yet.
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>> judge jeanine: all right, kennedy, is the value of a college degree less than it used to be? is it because of the pandemic? is it because people have options now? is it because, you know, the price is just so high, it's absurd? >> kennedy: well, there is no incentive for colleges to keep prices low because they know the government is going to keep funding them through these government-backed loans. now, with the promise of debt forgiveness, even if the president can't exercise that their executive order, they are going to find a way to shoehorn that through the next democrat congress. and that's very unfortunate because the 63% of americans who don't have college degrees are going to be on the hook, especially lower income earners, for the small segment of the population that actually does beard and i think, if you are spending that kind of money, on a college degree, for something like film studies, you are going to get out and may be best-case scenario you will learn about $45,000 a year. but what this trucker shows us, radiology tech, according to the
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chart i was given when i demanded research, jesse, earns $94,000 a year after a two-year degree. >> jesse: pretty good. >> kennedy: there are plenty of two-year degree programs, apprenticeship programs, programs like job corps where people can get them training and make money right away with zero debt. >> judge jeanine: it's true, trucking has a large appeal to people. you don't go to college and make a lot of money and you can pick your own route. >> greg: a lot of people are buying trucks and going to work, dads, moms, a lot of mot mother-trucking. [laughter] we have been living in a world of abstract problems created by abstract people with abstract jobs, whether it's hr, p.r., dei, esg, but without concrete jobs, then you have concrete problems. that is what we are seeing right now in the united states. the people responsible for how this world works that allows us
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to watch videos of cats on our phones, these are the truck drivers and construction workers, first responders, the electricians, machinists -- ambleside magicians -- and they don't get any credit. we think all of the stuff just shows up. imagine a weird natural disaster that eliminated all of the people who make things work. biden would win in a landslide but nothing would work. write? because it is the side that you hear most about that takes itself so seriously that does nothing. and then there is another side, you never hear anything about, that actually works and makes things. >> jesse: like magicians. >> greg: like magicians. by the way, can we stop calling it loan forgiveness? you cannot forgive something that is not yours to forgive. it is loan theft. >> judge jeanine: good answer. >> greg: thank you! >> judge jeanine: jessica, you get a chance now. the truth is a lot of generations are refusing to pay back their student loans. they don't care about their
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credit. they are not going to buy a house. >> jessica: well, they also can't afford to, so they are pushing it off. when people declare bankruptcy, they don't have the money anymore. jesse, you need a 529 for your kids. >> jesse: we have that. >> jessica: they told you you have to put $500,000 in it? >> jesse: for each kid. b5 that's crazy. >> jessica: you need a new financial advisor. >> jesse: costs -- >> judge jeanine: you don't have to put that in now. >> jessica: it still a lot of money. we talk about 529s a lot but also talk about the fact that by the time our kids are going to college, your little kids, it will not look like this. there will be mass rebellion against this because even from people, the "upper echelons" of society, it is too ridiculous. people will start looking at the jobs that you were going to get, coming out of an ivy league school and paying $93,000 a
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year. i thought it was crazy when i was going to college, i went in '02, started, and it was over $50,000, and my parents were like, what is this? now kindergarten is $55,000 to $65,000 in these major cities, and it will take people who have gone to these schools to push back on it and to say, we are not giving any more, and we are not sending our kids into this. it's simply not worth it. >> greg: this is my home school, and i don't even have kids. >> jessica: the smartest kid on the block. >> judge jeanine: up next, speaking of greg, greg's worst just came true. ♪ ♪ i was born with wings, but psoriasis swooped in to clip them. it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me. i can love my skin again. with bimzelx. only bimzelx targets and blocks il-17a plus f to calm inflammation.
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okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back. it's time for "the fastest."
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first up is greg's worst nightmare. country music is about to get even more popular. beyonce releasing her highly anticipated country album today. her remix of "jolene" is getting a stamp of approval from country queen dolly parton. ♪ jolene ♪ ♪ jolene ♪ ♪ jolene ♪ ♪ jolene ♪ ♪ i'm warning you ♪ ♪ don't come for my man ♪ >> jessica: greg, what do you think? you love it? >> greg: jolene is a jerk. every time i hear that song, jolene, why don't you just leave these people alone? they are singing about you, you are always stealing other chicks dudes, jolene. anyway, i am so tired of this cultural appropriation. i mean, she basically is the vanilla ice of country music. >> kennedy: it's not dun-dun-dun-dun-dun.
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>> greg: if she did covers of -- >> judge jeanine: what? >> jesse: astrazeneca? >> greg: [laughs] god, the chafing. >> jessica: do you like the new country album, judge? >> judge jeanine: i love the song and i love the way she sang it. you know, it's kind of interesting, greg's take. you know, they would be so fast to do that to anyone of us. >> jessica: but she's from the south. >> greg: ben shapiro got a number one in rap. >> jessica: i did see that. >> greg: good for you. [laughter] >> jessica: jesse? >> jesse: and that's interesting because he's jewish, not because he's white. >> greg: exactly, jessica, exactly. >> jesse: so we have billy ray cyrus on the show tonight -- >> greg: also jewish. >> kennedy: shabbat shalom. >> jessica: how do you know? >> jesse: is there a way to find that out? >> greg: go online. >> jessica: there is a registry. we have to sign up. >> jesse: gosh. >> greg: billy ray cyrus on
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the show? >> jesse: so i'm going to ask him about whether he thinks beyonce is kosher. [laughs] [laughter] >> greg: ask him about that david lynch movie he was in. what was it called? >> jesse: i'm not asking him, oh, greg gutfeld has a question for you, billy ray. >> jessica: can i say something sensible? >> jessica: probably not. >> kennedy: i respect what she was doing. a few years ago i interviewed calvin harris, told him he should cover "jolene," and he said no, he thought that was too ordinary. i think beyonce's version is absently beautiful. dolly parton loves it because she is making more money pits b5 that's right. >> kennedy: she loved "i will always love you" whitney houston because she made so much money from that. >> greg: making money off the backs... do i need to finish that? >> jessica: please don't. up next, ever wonder what your childhood bully is up to now? they might be very successful. a new study found that kids who displayed aggressive behavior in school are likely to earn more money as adults and land top
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jobs. who was a bully at the table? jesse? >> jesse: y -- >> greg: of course he was. the guy who does not raise his hand is the bully. "i was the bully," says jesse water," i stood up to the bully," says jesse watters. >> jesse: i would kick your ass, i wish i knew you back then. >> jessica: do you buy into this? the idea -- >> judge jeanine: all i know is i was a kid i used to wear my hair in braids and this guy was always pulling my braids -- >> jessica: he liked you. >> jessica: he had a crush. >> judge jeanine: i don't care where he is and i don't care. >> jesse: do the thing, judge. >> jessica: she does it every show. she leans in. okay, kennedy? >> kennedy: its squeaky wheel syndrome. if you are the squeaky wheel, you will get the grease in our beautiful capitalistic economy. of the grease money.
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so if you figure out early on that being a little more difficult gets you what you want, then you are going to do that as an adult, and what you want is money because that equals opportunity and unhappiness. >> jessica: but aggressive doesn't have to mean bullying. >> greg: i disagree. it's the squeaky frog theory. you end up joining the manson family. there is a distinction here. these were classroom bullies. these were teachers that looked at behavior in the classroom. classroom bully is somebody that is really, really good at school and sits around and bothers people appeared >> jesse: really, really well in school, you idiot. >> greg: advanced intelligence. >> judge jeanine: jesse, you are wonderful. >> jessica: fan mail friday is up next. ♪ ♪ it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties...
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♪ ♪ >> greg: take me to funky town. cindy asks a really good question. a toy company makes an action figure out of you. what two accessories would it come with? kennedy? >> kennedy: honestly -- [sings] >> greg: i don't know what
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that means so i am going to move onto the judge. this is a family show. you are disgusting pits >> judge jeanine: a gun. >> greg: nice. jessica? >> jessica: i always have a pen, which is really dorky you. >> greg: your glasses. >> jessica: i only need them to read. i would like a great handbag. >> judge jeanine: what kind? >> jessica: probably a quilt-white bag, but in a great color. >> greg: wow. all right, jesse, save this topic. >> jesse: i was going to go microphone and then "get it together," which you can still get right now on amazon. it's the book, "get it together," and the mic. >> judge jeanine: tell them it was number one on "the new york times." >> jesse: it was. >> jessica: how about you? >> greg: i'm trying to speed through this. what's one thing you refused to share with others?
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jesse? your hair care products? >> jesse: no, i was going to see my drugs, but you have been asking a lot about that, so i will share this weekend, greg. probably my dreams. i always say it is not masculine for a guy to share his dreams with people, so i don't tell anybody what i dream about. >> greg: fantastic. jessica? >> jessica: pick and mix candy. i think that's -- because it's loose or because i just want it all. that feels private. >> greg: interesting. judge, what do you refused to share with others? >> judge jeanine: i don't know. i wasn't looking at you, i was just -- my mind is like unfamiliar territory. you mean like food or shoes? >> greg: it says one thing -- >> jessica: toothbrush -- >> judge jeanine: refused to share? cotton candy. >> greg: oh. >> kennedy: the gum in my mouth and that is the only thing, everything else, i'm pretty much a communist.
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[laughter] >> judge jeanine: she's on fire today! >> jessica: you can answer this one. >> greg: i would say it is friday night hot tub night at kudlow's, just me and him. and that is coming up in a couple of hours. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish?
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and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." jessica? >> jessica: okay. today marks one whole year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was wrongfully detained while on assignment in russia. gershkovich has been charged with espionage, facing 20 years behind bars. gershkovich, the "wall street journal" and u.s. government strongly deny the allegations and are demanding his immediate release. you can voice your support across fox news media platforms using the hashtags i stand with evan. we are all praying evan comes home to loved ones soon.
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tonight on my show 10:00 p.m. dagen mcdowell kat timpf and tyrus. as for gutfeld live we sold out two shows in vegas and another show in new jersey. be there, be there. we still have tickets fort lauderdale, florida august 10th, august 11th, g hey, let's do this. greg's sexy dolphin news. play it, baby. [saxophone] [laughter] >> greg: check out this hot back flipping dolphin. putting on an exciting show for passengers in monterey bay, california. he knew what they wanted. he gave it right to them. flipping and flipping like a flap jack in a late night diner. saying you be the spatula. i'll be the patty.
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sorry. [laughter] >> jesse: i feel like i need a cigarette. [laughter] >> jesse: all right. volcano erupting in front of the northern lights. i don't know what the northern lights are and i barely know what a volcano is. [laughter] >> jesse: this was in iceland and it is just beautiful. also beautiful tonight billy ray and his wife fire rose cyrus. 8:00 eastern. do we have time for kennedy? >> kennedy: punxsutawney phil and his life had two groundhog babies. >> jesse: yes. have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ >> gillian: good evening from washington i'm gillian turner in from bret baier. americans are growing concerned for the potential of


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