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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 30, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> today we had to take our old gas heating and radiant heat. that was a really, really huge project who had the time as a toddler? mom? i do not. i was so overwhelmed. so i started contacting people off of gas to be able to see contractors that are licensed and real people review . so word with people that obviously knew what they were doing. it was a game changer. connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done. >> well, get started today and aecom will take you fromne here. dagen mcdowell, cat pirates,♪ our studio audience. foxx is an evergreen. gallagher i'm greg gutfeld. i love you, america.n >> i'm brian kilmeade in for laura ingraham. and thisr laura ingr is special edition of the "ingraham angle". tonight, new york governor anglh hochul confronted leaving wakedy what murdered nyp
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officer diller. we're going to have exclusive details on what happened and what exactly was was said. >> why? because i actuallymassapeq live in massapequa and i know a lot of people in that area that were theris: e now the days of scranton, joe, are long gone. last nightcool got joe cool.stau his campaign says that star studded fundraiser right across the street featuring not just hollywood celebrities prd clt obama and clintonet netted $26 million. okay, but get axiost of is describing last night as biden being, quote,he the alpha male on the stagee. with two of the most gifted politicians of our time. again, it happens without us watching. you know, i find it exasperate. >> and we never get to see that joe biden, even jon stewart feels the frustration. .i you're telling us behindof the scenes he is sharp, full of energy and on top of it and really in control and leading. you should feel that.
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that would be good to showle to people instead of a tiktok beere he goes. >> all right. capen we see that guy, jonye stewart? see that guy? becaussterday . e he popped up again yesterday, apparently. this is the clip team biden chose us that reveals that he was the alpha on stageon . a reminder, he was on stage for nearly an hour. and this is the best moment.hour >> my question to you, sir, can voters, a presidentialn a candidate who has not won a singlemp trump golf club trophy? at long last, sir, you no chip i shot? well, look, i'd be happy tol thito play. >> i told them once before when he came in to the oval, when owb was be before he got sworn in, i said, i'll give you: that three strokes should you carry your own bag. >> i is so alpha. in the past, joe biden, storieso have not passed the fact test. he i decided before show to ask president trump about it.
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so did this happen.g pres he said the conversation never happened and he's challenginidog biden to a round of golf right now to be followed by a debate. , abiden, he says, wouldn't the stand a chance. he told me, by the way, he's the country. that's typical president trump. and joining mefox news right nod is lisa bloom, contributor and former gop senate judiciaryu committee adviser. welcome to both of you. great to see you. lisa re anyth is there anything thats alpha about what you saw from joe bide n? and if you know, if he did, have a great night. can we see it? e it?ofcan we see more of the ty >> yeah,ea i to that clip i'm a about how, you know, joe bidenth was. i would just like the recordd to state that joe biden decidedh he would rather talk with lizzo at the fundraiser last night than . be honored. the fallen honor the blue as donald trump decidetrump ded. i mean that contrast really tells you everything about the two candidates. and that's also consistent with the way donald trump is thw mean. remember when he took office
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instead of attending the white house correspondents dinnecer, he held a rally in harrisburg, pennsylvania. >> but this axios articls realle you the level of deception and gaslightineg we're goingw to see from them or from the media this election cycle. they clearlyw da how damaging it is. the vast majority of americans believ e joe biden is senile. >> so instead of tell us the truth, they're going to tr y lier rece to us. >> oh, and eric holder recentl y in an interview was asked about joe biden's poll numbers and his response was, welle, ta the media turns its attention to trump. >> we're really fine because. a you know that axios, mike allen and people like that are goinguo to lie to the public. they're going to lie to us. well, we'll see, becausehe trump got a big checkmark yesterday from trump hater bill kristol. s he tweeted out, it's ank ci unfortunate day politically for the democrats. fundbiden does a fancychaoti new york city fundraiser in the midst of a chaotic left-wing street protest win. it looks like limousine liberals, plus the breakdown of law and ordertrump at and. trump attends the wake of a slain nypd police officer on island garrett. this is a check mark for.
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the united states. you can keep your 25 millionpren former oppressors. >> absolutely. brian. is that exactly? that's totallyum right here. and friend, president trump is setting up a clear contrast here for the american people. you have joe biden standing with one of the dumbest people on television. on, stepstephen colbert and bark obama and bill clinton at a ritzy, you know, fundraiser where it's raised $25 million and he's sitting with the family of a slain police officer here. and that's what america wants in a commander in chief. and you sasa yw. baltim you know, joe biden still hasn't been to baltimore. president trump went to eastt tt palestine, ohio, during the train derailment, as you remember. and joe biden stil l gone there.americ here. he has a disdain for the american people and the americananpl. and that's why president trump continues to trounce him at every single poll, includinug fox poll. he's up five. he's looking very well. he's chipping away at all of coalitions here and there. we're supposed to believe joe biden is likn ise tonye tonr bruce wayne is hilarious to me. he can barely walkwalk u the sta he can barely string together
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two or three sentences. and if that's the clip that thef white house is pushing, . joe biden's in deep trouble. if that's what alpha looks like, just release the tape. i wie i'm more than happy to do it on monday morning, but let me ask you this, lisa boothe, the the biden planthe bide now be almost zero national interviews , more interviews in key battleground states andst podcast. >> is this a form of the basement strategy? use the surrogateso , do the hard but work. >> you keep them where he can't hurt anybodyat. hav >> i mean, it is. but that's what they have to do with him. i mean, we've all seene wh that takes place when joe biden takes a stage i mean, he's had to be escorted around. this is a guy who fell off a bike that was staged injury.en >> he thinks he talks is wh to european leaders who have lone arg been dead.oice i mean, that is what we're up against with joe biden. o hidey have no other choice besides trying to hide him. but i don't want to downplay. 26 million is a lot of money that they were able to raise at this fundraisere democr.
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the democrats have a massive cash advantage. the dnc and biden enden ended de february with 155 million. that's more than twicetter trump the rnc. and that does matter. and we need to be paying attention repuise morecans nee money.d to raise-in ball more money, especially in this era of mail in ballots whereit n really is no longer about convincing americans. it's just about chasing. >> and that takes so republicans do need to raisep more moneyt game. we need to pick up that so i don't wanatt to downplayt the significance of that disadvantage, that cash disadvantage. >> yeah, well, we'll see what happens the. trump's three rejiggering the rnc, larry trump is he's up fot thr the challenge of presidr say he's going to put togetheret a fundraiser group that's supposed to get 30 million guys thanks so much. have a great thanksreat easter. r kath meanwhile, brand new video shows new york governor kathy hochul getting an earful as she was leaving the wake for murdered nypd officer jonathan diller. this over in massapequa. absource tells m me this happend moments after hochul refused to abide by the family'sidamily they would do an open casting viewing and she did not wantwa to waiit on t on the outside. ct so she came in while they were
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closing the casket as sher have stormed in, they just couldn't stop her. >> i'm told that family member o let her have it when she got h there saying, quote, his bloody is on your hands. when her uncle got outside, that's whe hern another familyv member confronted her, telling her that the governor then reaso telling the girl that the governor laws need to change because that'swh the reason why officer diller is dead tonight, hochul wasn't the only one approach the way mayor eric adams and d.a.n alvin bragg wee both confronted directly, this time by officer diller's . e thin the source tells me she let them have it, too, telling thes. the same thing that was told uncle, his blood is on your handsundersta. i understand that. heagg kept quiet, and for a second it looked like adams was going to engage. he realize hd he heavily outnumbered and a politician thought better of it and left. d the most shocking parter about all this is that despite that of these leaders were welcomed at the wake, i have now learned from a source that kathy hochul, the governor asked to speak
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at tomorrow's funeral at saint rose. >> so dimethind hold on to someg tight. ag letitia james both were rejected by the family. joininlongg us now, though, alon with lee zeldin, former new york congressman o who came, within just a few points of being the next governor of this state. we ve you h you had a chance to di that moments ago. your thoughtabes first about the request to speak from letitia james and governor hochul. you how completely out of touch and disrespectful it's about them when you make that kind of request. it really should be about family. they can have speak whoever they want to have speak. and if you aren'd t invited to provide remarks, then you don't trty push your way's m into it. i mean, i think it's time foforr some of these elected officials that you referenced to be doing some sel f when kathy hochul went to drop the first punk at the rangers game at madisonsh square garden, she was booed out of it. thousands of people the samee wi
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would happen if she went to yankee stadium or citi fielda and game or knicks gamems and support these politicians to ask themselveelvess why. the reason why they're getting this type of response isee won' is because you take kathy hochul, it's because she won't fire alvint fire, braggedw manhattan d.a. refuses to enforce the law. they jus t a new congestion pricing, making it more expensive to drive into the city when new yorkers are struggling to make ends meet. >> kathy hochul to give judgesnd discretion away dangerous se settings arwhenange bail. new yorkers are hitting their breaking point and about to flelee, and the people who are in charge. these elected officials aren'tan making life in new york any better. so now you confront problem with the raw emotion of a family who just lost their one. and the last thing in the p world that they want are any of theseoliticy democratic pols to try to grandstand selflessly for their own gon good.she wa >> and the reason whyrty you almost won, lee. there's many reasons, but it's becaustoe of crime and she wasn. late to the party to suddenly act tough on crime.
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now they're trying to walk back some of the reforms and the left-wing legislatures in albanin alban y, it's very similar to other states around the country. they don't want to hear of it. they say tough penalties don'twt deter crime. what do you idio aout, you idio >> if these people commit a crime and go to jail, they commit another. >> i don't care about their rehab. sa to metinsidesiden trump said to said to me yesterday about what it was like insidhee the massapequa and ral home seven is incredible. >> and they wanted me to be theri wanted e and i wanted to be there. and i came in from floriday. and we want a family, the diller family, and they lost a hero, really just i a hero. they devastated the families,whl devastated the police forces, devastateds this. the whole country feels this way. and it's happeningeally more, c and it's really a lack of respect for law and order. and we have to our cound w havew and order back in our country. and we're going to because this can't happen. o you kn >> this was a brutal murder. you knowoing? what they're doin?
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i believe they're trying to take law and order and showin e funerag up at thesember. funerals and acting like they're tough on crime because they're desperate for novembernf . they knew they were going to get blasted probably to a theyee because of their stanceir . and they did it anyway because and they wanted to speak at the funeral becaus are toue they wat to act like they're tough on crime. and i, i don't think anyone's buying. >> no, absolutely not. especially massapequa. you know, massapequa better than anyone. i on long island, when you getew out, you get it. exactly. and when you get outsidecity ofw york city, the bluest countiesre in new yor it'k, whether it's manhattan or queens or bronx or brooklyole lon, there a whole lot of other parts of this state that arethey a rec they are more conservative. they are not happy with the far left policieie s coming out of a place like new york city or albany or washington, d.cs i i was in the room when president trump was there yesterday and. i have to tell you that the photos that are coming out
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,they don't tell the story. even president trump reflectin gowerfu just now, i got to tell you, is a hundred times more powerful than that. the grandmother running upe asking president trump, if shee can hug him and the embrace and president trump kissiny g, b the one year old baby and just being consoled by the family console ing each of them, it was so powerful of a moment. and i got to tell you, the family is going through a lot right now. >> and now is justt th a time tm respecting them first and foremost. and when therete a time afterno this, if you really want s to honor the memory of this nypd officer, then doo something to fight for all the other nypd officers and the other law enforcement. we're on the streets right now. the people who you are stabbing themres, if y in the back with your policies. if you want to honor officer diller, then do your job. actually protecting law abidinsy new yorkers instead of criminals. >> yeah, but they want to empty
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rikers islan d. they don't want to put anyone in there. they want to crack down on president trump anliker's p the marine who saved everyone on that subwaya, it is and that's why alvin bragg washe blasted and all the others were, too. lee zeldin, you get it. i appreciateetrd it. >> i look forward to seeing you at the funeral tomorrow. geanwhile, one year ago, ago wall street, one year ago today, i should say, "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovichdetained was detained while on a reporting assignment in russia. fox news correspondent alex hogan joins me now with an update on where we stand on gettg back. >> alex? hi, brian. a full year now of evan gershkovich, this american reporter being bars since he was arrested in russia. we know he's being helprison tha prison that has harsh conditions. ar-old "wathe 32 year old "wall street journal" reporter spends about 23 hours a day to in that jail cell. he's onl y allowed to stretch his legs for about one hour in a small courtyar d. n journalist lives here in london, but he was arrested last march on a workwork tri trt
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in russia, and he's accused of espionage, although there has been no evidencehe has been provided at this point. now, on too triap of 12 months d bars, with no trial date in sight, this week k a moscow court extended gershkovich pretrial detention sentencntione by another three months, russian president vladimir putin said lasssian prt month tt could be a part of a future prisoner swap. but the white house house says that russia has rejected its recent exchange offer. toda offer y, biden faced some questions about evan and another american behind acmarine wrs on this same accusation of being a spy is paul whelan, the former u.s. marinerreste was arrested in 208 and is serving a 16 year sentence. now, as far as gershkovich, his family says that he communicate with him through letters, his sister telling fox, today, that despite
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the painful year that it has s been, they are so proud of how strong evan has been. brian, i can't imagine what he's going through in paul whelan, too. >> it's amazinks so g. alex, thanks so much.enez all right. meanwhile, we have an update for you on that venezuelanuelans legal who's been telling others to squat in homes oncee bo they crossedrder the border into the u.s.? >> plus, we're facing a massive electricity crisis. >> i'll explain because the answer is yes. >> it's a new day, one where our shared values propel us towards a more secure future. two anchors, a partnership built upon the cutting edge of american, australian and british technologies, will develop state of the art next generation submarines and build something stronger together. security, decades of peace and prosperity for america and our allies. we are going forward and staying forward together. >> i. r.
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them as medical conditions that can be effectively treated treated. egal w >> and we are back. the venezuelan illegal who went fo otherl for urging other illen to squatting homes across the u.s., has finally been caught. fox's film allusion is here with the details. with>> brian, bill o'brien. >> fox news can confirmn that venezuelan illegal alien tik tok influencer lionel marino is in federal tonight. mt an ice official telling me an ice fugitive ops team arrested him earlier today near columbus, ohio. this is the gu.y who had been posting videos on tik tok urging other illegal aliens to squat in americans homes. we can now confirmarrested his d and in ice custody tonight. thehe's not the only person ice has been arresting. we were with them here in the boston area as they tooky owd ra several alleged child and anorn. ms. 13 gang member. all in a single morning. the predit's the predawn hours
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in boston. >> it has a real violents elit.r and this elite team of icehe deportation officers is briefinday.g on their target list for the day. >> they it illegal aliens charged with egregious crimes. all the targets today. every single one of them is anth aggravated felony here in the commonwealth. so these are the really the cases that aree worsorst thk the worst here in massachusetts. ice quickly takes down its dowrt first target, an illegal alien from guatemala charged with aggravated child. carlos, we're minutes lateerr, t ice arrests. a colombian national charged with the of a childh f above age 14. >> i don't have enough officers or resources to tackle every one of these public safety threat threatss. are we going after the child fea today? lare we going to go aftert that two times? deported fentanyl dealer because we can't get bot goverh >> you got to go.e che's next arrest, a combativem1 ms. 13 gang member from el salvador charged with a slew of violent crimes.
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cro officers then arrested this brazilian man chargedses n with five counts of aggravated of a child. abhow are you guys not notified about a child being released? >> unfortunatelymassachu, massachusetts, that's how it is with most of these sanctuary jurisdictions. a shor tter ict later, ice tookn justr final target, a brazilian gang member also charged with child. justg today. this morning today, four accused child and one ms. 13 gang member. those are the kind of people you're going after that that's every day up here in boston. those are the public safety threats that we really want to get off the street.mmunity it was a great day forze the teams that supply public safety threats that aranyonee ie community, going to go ahead and victimize anyone else. bri >> and brian ice says all those guys they arrested were e onon the streets because local jurisdictions did not honor ice's detainert hono due to sany policies. here in the state of massachusetts of for that's task for the guys they did pick up.
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they say they are all going to stay in icel arge until their local charges are resolved. then ice will seek see to deport all of them. we'll send it back to you. all right. >>, bill, it's up to the people in massachusetts to demand to get rid of thos er cris policies. is try that. meanwhile, from the border elecisy crisis,ricito new fears that air data centers and joe biden's climate crusadjd could be straining our nation's energy grid to the point of causing an electric powere shortage nationwide. nas of thisly chaect would be catastrophic. you talk about rolling blackouts, you talk about supplyin chain disruptions,ed by loss of communications and an increase in vulnerabilitfoy of y foreign actors, just to name a few. and yes contin tt democrats conu to wage war on america's most reliable and abundant source of energy. >> republicans might sit here and tell you that renewable energy is a threat to our power grid, that it jeopardize s its security. simply untrue. you know what threatens the grid wha? >> dependent on fossil fuel? climate change. jo
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>> exactly who is take my cues from her. joinin turg now is daniel turne, founder and executive director of power the future. dodaniel, how do we gt restraining the grid to this point? >> welg it? he wa >> yeah, well, since day one ofu the biden administration, when he declaretd he was going to shut down fossil fuels, they've waged a war on shuttinge down coal plants, natural gas plants. you have billionaire green philanthropists like michael bloomberg, who'st billions of dollars to shut down natural gas plants. f so when you take the reliable production of electricity off lf anne and you promise these wind and solar projects which haven't been built, and even ify they are built, they're expensive, they're intermittent, produce electr produce electric. >> what we're having a huge problem. you can't have ally. the electrification you want and not produce electricity. noyou know, it's so interesting is because georgia especially is having some problems ws. nd >> of course, we know california has their problems and they say a lot has to do with airands.u and the increasr demand. and now if you want electric cars, you need more electric.
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city, then you need more gridgo power. but the grid powerin is going away from fossil fuels. so the power is not effective. it's storm idiocy.this a >> it really and this administration is pushing everything to be electric. they're banning gas powered gas stoves. they're bannins stoves.g powere gas leaf blowers. >> so if you push everything to the electrieverythielectrc g you're going to have more of a strain. and yet the very fossil fuels that power y ar grids, they're also f taking offline. so it really is a recipeor foriy total disaster. >> and we just have to hope the next administration reverses this when president trump wins, because otherwise the country is going to absolutely collapse from infrastructure by 2035 because there's goin g to be tooan't expensive to get a gas car. but we're not going be able to plug it in because our great can't handle it. nice. i've never seen such chaosdaniel and it's all.s daniel turner, thanks. meanwhile,under th this two cite crushed under the thumb of career criminals. the detail s your way.
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get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. why multiple prior arrests. career criminal sweetheart deals. wis it that when tragedy striks in a democratic run city, we hearar a about the suspects hava a lengthy rap sheet. take a look at new york city lo by now, you've heard about the guy rivera, the suspect in the murder of nypd officer, the slaying of jonathan diller. had 2he had 21 prior arrest. his body. the guy behind the drive r. the driver wheel drivers wheel was also arrested has prio murrm murder convictions, too. then there's the suspected of killing a man by shoving him in front of an oncoming subway train. his name is calledur to mcpherson. he's been arrested four times since september. his familyimes knew he was a ticking time bomb. >> what about the jealous? wi in thewas smashed head with a bottle during a brutal attack caught on camera.
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out alleged attacker eight times june four, twice for assault. and she skipped oue of cout a ce of court dates. >> but new york city cares more about the criminals thahen victims. we let her go. danger and she's out and about. chicag shocks.sho bull shark. she was arrested again five days later for stealingnowd and now there's a growing trend of women randomly getting punched while walkinlking do sgn the street. >> i was literally just walking and man came up to me in thee face. so i just got punched in the facewalkin walking home. i was literally, like, bleeding fast i. i just got punched by some man.d well, he goes, sorry. c >> and then punches meha in the head. arrest >> the man chargeds. with punching her also has wait, arrests, a couple of them, for doing the exact same thing. , worse.d just this week, two thugs were arrested for pistol whippingleru a mom and leaving her five year old with a concussion
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during a terrifying moment. visiony haveor. do you think they have prior arrests? absolutely. one, let's throw if youhink i'm the other 17. if you think i'm cherry picking this, watch this. >> my kemper is the nypde big transit chieprf. the big problem, he says, is repeat offenders. weall the arrest people all the that have 50 plus arrests, are 100 plus arrests. you wonder why the police are frustrated. a, wake up. new york city, chicago, philadelphia jow joining us rigp now is paul mauro. he's an attorney, of course, former nypd enerd and fox news n contributor. paul, you knowtror of this. why is it to their benefit to let criminals out? s so >> who's benefiting from this? so this comes out of this sort of act. h >> demick complex allied with the media is the lai thin conservation and defund movement that was so trendsomeyr a while. i think there's some buyer's remorse now, but we're seeing it acros conois hass the. illinois has it in the safety act that it impacts chicago. h california has the same thing. newsham like to walk it back.
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we have itinsee th here in new k and we're starting to see the results. and you know what really is driving is so pushback is sol media, because people on social media, it's not curated. >> people can't get in front of it like the media to kind met of manage the message. and people, as you saw with those tic tacs, are getting out there and they're talkinsning. much eg about what's actually happening. so as much as we all have some issues with tick tock. fe media, the other social media sites, same thing people are speaking, you cael in n the air of menace in the subways and in the streets and people top. d thatu and you also talked about to the person who sucker punched sand kicked girl's face and got out immediately completely. >> and, you know, we hear a lotn about alvin bragg here in new jurk city, manhattaned, that actually happened in brooklyn, which is a different jurisdiction as fariss r as district attorney's going. >> gonzalez, who's the district attorney of brooklyn, should be looking whoever that charging d.a. was, because that should have been a felony d charge and that person should not have been let out as a result. howeveht or the person is righte on the street because they could they charged that misdemeanor despite b
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the that he caused broken jaw, knocked their teeth out permanent numb damage likely and yet right out soe a have az 74-year-old former cfo of thate trump organization at rikers. but you don't have that guy at rikers island right. tra >> and you've got danny penny, a hero on a subway train to everyoninnehee there. >> yeah, he's being tried, but everybody else is oud abt se and including the venezuelans that beat up those cops. >> yeah, that's right. wed it i saiand so, you know, ye how executed is. and like i said, people are starting to wake up to it. and so powers that beback. is starting little by little to try to walk it back. don't sso far, i don't see the political courage that's necessary to actually makeean?to change. vet do and what does that mean? somebody like governor hochul has to shoveof the down the thrt of the albany legislature because these things are statebr based for the most part.. throw new york city council is no better, but they are throwing all kindg bu of bureaucratic sand hav in the gears of the nypd. >> but statewidebeen cha laws te been changed, the quote unquote, criminal justice reform, bails we all called baii reform. that's what's driving this. but ng up toi don't see anybody
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stepping up to change it, and certainly not in an election year. boy what did you take a lookr co at this? take a look at what happened when a teenager coming hommingte after walking her dog. >> this is what happened. rdingo that was a mom jumping into thi the end to help the girl. according to the "new york post", this man hade rope sleeping pills, melatoninae in his car, which was parked outside his apartment. ablhe had a plan. she was able to wrestle her daughter away. your thoughtts about seeing that on camera? well, first of all, thank god for her mother being this could have been a really a lot worse. >> and i'm reminded of a scene it looks lik remindappenee, that happened down in chinatown about two years ago. similar circumstancen't en didnd as well. but you don't want to do other things that's going on here as this time arounaround thed, g the crime spike and we see
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the quality of life spike going down's . it's televised. this time the devolution is televised because we it. have social media. there's video everywhere. you can't hide ove,. t an they'd love to trust me, but they can't. and so people are seeing it and videos like that. seeing is believing. people understand what we're gettin i wang into.what h >>ap i just really have finally, when you see that it's a full circle , what happened at the funeral home, confronted by police officers and the cops and the families surro that endp surrounding and supporting the officeicerr. officer diller. yeah. and they confronted the politicianlaws ts that allow these laws to take place. >> and we had a breaking pointf . >> feels that way. i mean, i've never seen that before with a sergeantstheg d we actually came out and said, we don't want any of you here. and yet hochul and, you know, the thing about that is that i know a lot about how this kind of thing workwold haved s. she should have had an advance team. i checked it all out. the fact that she tells me she want to do a quick ad, get in, e on the. o up and get out she could have done a quiet thing, maybe on the side with the family, something no that wouldn't be televised. no, she didn't go that way.
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so that tells me. and she knows she she reads the paper. >> she knows the sergeant union said nobody show up from the political arena. so she knew what she was getting into. and they askedg into to do stuff likewanted a boy. she couldn't wait for them to close the casket. she had to get it in whe t>> se. she wanted to get in. seems that way. barbaro, thanks so much. thank you. all righauro, t you've read the headlines. you've seen the confrontations. america is experiencing a squatting crisiseric. another story, this time from texas. that homeowner tellshomeow abour horrific experience next. >> you're probably wondering who we are. i'm patrick chase and this is our next giveaway. we're giving away this three bedroom, two and a half baths in the heart of the ozark national forest. you can win this cabin or $1,000,000 cash. go to one country .com today. sound a today sign out or sign up today or tomorrow. no, you won't.
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. beginning end. shop now at show allegiance .com. h i had a squatter in my house inw texahis at home taking care of y mom. and today i finally got my done only to find that pretty mucprh everything own has been stolen e and that my house. t well, i'll show you some video of how awesome it looks. itchen >> here's what i used to have., a refrigerator. yeah. and then here' aently a s my ki, which is now apparently a junk room. >> a nightmare story coming out of texas where a woman fought for months to get squatters outi of her house. terry boyette joins us right now. deo showed youthat video showedl just a sliver of what happened. >> what else? yeahd i se was. >> >> what would i see if i was a right by you right now? see you would see a bunch of needles.
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pipee crack pipes in my oven and in the bathroom you would see little used drug packets on the floor and all the groundt dust residue of some kind. you would probably be bowled overth the smell because itis smells like a dumpster in there. so is just rotten food in all the room. >> i understand they took your stuff and had a yard sale. soa yard sale. they made money.y >> they did steal your stuff. it is. they actually we have. we were giving this to thefter e police there after they got the eviction notice. they actually went on offer up in five mile and sold my diningc room table, my entertainment centerend then, and i couldn't e out how they got rid of all my dishes and silverware. erware.they did that.and >> the yard so you go to florida to take care of your mom. you come back in texas and someone squatting in your house can't get them out. >> i thought texas was a no-go when it came to this. >> well, you guys got good business. i meana, why would they try
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this? >> i i you know, i thinka civi it's that the police don't want to get involved in a civil i'm sa matter. >> so this person saying, no, anm supposed to be here and i' m they don't into their thing is, well, the judge is going to have to determineushe that.jg then you just get pushed off to go to court. and when i reae evaid the court, the judge even said, because this person didn't show upgo. well, i'm going to extend the appeal process, i believe, because it's the holiday to be e don't want anybody to be homeless over christmas. and i was like, you mean other than o e becam ho me because i'm homels at christmas. >> so how much money did you lose? damage you don e to your house? right now, the estimates we're looking at or anywhere between 170 to $200000, which everything hasev be. that's stunning. what's the message of people watching right nowhing howis. how do you avoid this happening to others? one, have cameras. >> if you're going out of town, inside and out to put upur a no poster, no trespassing sign, and make sure you take
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pictures with the date three. >> do not call in trying to get to the eviction process.o you need to call somebody like o the squatter squad or people who dncu fio this? because once you filedd that report, they're viewe dll som as tenant legally and there's nothing else you can do. what you want to make sureeo el. you call from. that is so cool. you're taking it so well and you're trying to help othegr . >> what a tribute. good job. happy easter g be toug. that's going to be tough. yeah. i want to make sur callinge that theo get texas politicians that i've been calling and emailing themwn and are going to get a lawme in texas to change this. >> if i have to drive to austin and bang on some doors. you got it. i'm sure you will. yes. w tothank you, terry.est >> meanwhile, now to a sneak peek to the rest of my interviewrview wiump.. y. donald trump. people want justice in thi w ans. they want law and order in this country. they have to have law and order in the country they wantan to have strong borders. look at the taxes. they want double and triple t and quadruple the taxes. they don't wanrit that. def you know what we did with theea military?
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we defeated isis and then we didn'tdidn't any wars and we we respected all over the world. we gavyoe you the largest tax cuts in history. you're paying a lot less. but we gave the largest taxd re cuts larger than the ronald reagan tax cuts. and we gave you a lot in 2025 that you don't get if you don'ns get if you don't win, they're gone. well, if i don't win, that means your taxe as are goiu to go up four fold. >> all right. like trump, he feels like he's running against three presidents instead of just president bideg tor n. v you're going to hear his answer tomorrow night at 9:00 on my show. alher grea, you love.e the we also have other great thingsi in store. meanwhile, the biden administration now supportinadmg transitioning potatoes. we have the details. also a d, a truck driver goingbt viral for dropping a truth bomb about college debt. you. >> alex, the trucking guy appears from the road with advice for you.
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since the cold war. a moscow court rejected the latest appeal. the u.s. government has declared him wrongfully detained. i stand with evin. i stand with the evin. i stand that i stand with evin. i stand with evin. let's bring evin home. so there was a rare moment of bipartisanship on capitol, r happened this week over potatoes. fox foe x is senior national. correspondent kevin corke. heard about this story and said, brian, pleas le, can i do it? >> and i said, okay, kevin, you owe me a favor. go ahead. thani said, k you. okay. appreciate that. rare indeed. because believe it or not, right hereev in thise it o weekt 14 senators from both partiese actually made the case in a letter to the usda and hhs that the potate cao is a vegetae and not a grain. thanks for asking. >> now, you may be asking yourself, why are they doing this? yo askinkevin? well, the letter comes amid reports that the 2025 dietary5
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guidelines advisory committee is consideringdi changes to fooding chan groups, including the interchangeability of starchy vegetablesgetabl and grains like potatoes. now, senators are worried that sucess likees.h reclassifin would impact school food programs and immediately confuse consumers and retailers and restaurantd progra operator growers and the entire foodan . pply quote the scientific justification behind the assertio.n potatoes are notr vegetables is not strong, and there are documentedt benefits of potatoes. therefore, we stronglye are do e any reclassification of potatoes to the grainwe s unr the dga. of yothu who don'tw, know, dga's is short for dietary guidelines for americans, which are issued every five years. and frankly,ears the key here is they influence federal, nutritiona l and policy. i told y now, i told you all that, but there's this. a spokesperson for the usda
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says the committee is notth a change to the classification of potatoesiderings, noting thae committees can't do that, not comm their purview. do you believe them or not? somebody must believe them herem in washington. >> so they've made a big fuss. eone must those are veggies.fuss >> so there's that, right. you have now set the table fore the easter debate for families across america where they stand on this vital legislation. and as i said, the seed depar the defense department funded, if they have some extra time. >> appreciate it, kevin. thank you. appreciate it. have a great easter. th easter.meanwhile, this story, one young man is figured a key to success in life and it is truck driving. >> what keeps me goingn li is tt i see 30-year-old alex right s now i'm doing this just that. alex are like, do these job for a couple of years. you work really, reall thiy, rey hard. save your money so that way
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you can actually retire early and live the life that you really want to live and doing things that you really want to d theo. >> think long term and people are getting by showing us nowroi from the road is the man in the video, alex the trucking guy. the, alex you say you dropped a of college for this. you didn't want desk job, want you wanted something. you want to experience lifa des >> why was trucking the answer ? >> well, originally because i wanted to do a van. i wanted . >> and then one day i wasn life scrolling youtube and this youtuber that was also a truckv, driver involved blogging his life as a truck driver popped up called ridin g. dave and i just started watching video after video after video and.n. then something clicked in my brain. well, trucking is kind of basically van life, except you get to do it on someone else's dime. like this truck right here. this is not my truck. my company owns this truck. anything m breaks on it.
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they pay for it.or all the fuel they pay for it, and i just get to travel for free. and it's exciting and it's something new every day and it pays well. and you're you're chronicling it. you said. what are your goals? is it with these tapesf lsh you wanted a click through a 5% and each video makemake about 10,000 in sales. >> what about your goals? how are you doin 1g? >> oh, i far surpassed i had the dreams that i had. i never thought it would be this big. this my life is absolutely i'm blessed, truly blessed. w >> you're pretty depressed during the pandemic,en right? you went home. you afraid of getting your parents, your mother and grandmother sick. you didn't have a job. you had to reconfigure things. and whater sick. you say to peoe who think this, i don't know. trucking doesn't seem exciting enough for me. >> what should they know about what you dwhey knoo? >> well, i think that this is honestly an amazing career. >> i mean, there's very fewe vey jobs in the world where you get
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to take home a lot of like i get a free place to live and even trucking school cdl school, the company that i was hired on my they paid that. i didn't have to payi for that extra 5000 that they covered. >> and so it's just you justso y set yourself off. if you do it right andse you invest right, you set yourself up right for the future. >> they want to make these cars want to make the trucks, especially in california electric. would that work? one of the problems with electric trucksn electricork?, i thinkcks? it's a possibility, but i also k think where long from it, as we saw with the electric cars in the winter. i you know i'm concernedr about how the weather affects these batteries and how longaf they'll last for per charge. >> it's got it's got a problem. i see these guys complaining ebout charging stations and th c are so big they take up a lot of the room. alex good job.
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i love the way you analyzed your life and you took action and you foun w analyd a great occupation and you inspired a lot of other young people. pation.g, look them up and click through on those videos. haex thank you. >> have a great all meanwhile, i've been tryingi to lead throughout the show in for laura ingraham. foh part two of my interview with president donald j. trump. and it's exclusive. you have not see most of thist l before. you will see it all at 9:00 on one nation on this very channel. also, catch meannel. on the roa, on stage, history and liberty and laughs and talk about all my booksn on and put this couny in perspective. it's patriotic. it's motivational, motivationapl inspirational. go to brian kilmeade .com for tickets vip opportunities are available. >> that's it for the special edition of laura ingraham. here's jesse watters. well, everybody, i'm jesse waters along with judge jeanine pirro. jessicwatters along wia tarlov g gutfeld. ait's 5:00 in new york city.nd and this is th


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