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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 30, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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career for us. in 2006 the democratic essentially kicked lieberman out of the party because he was not progressive enough for them. well, instead of bending to the dominant cultures senator lieberman held by his principles won reelection as an independent went on to have an extraordinarily admiral public career. that is the kind of independence we need more today. >> he really understood we have to face up to america's enemies of forthrightly. that is it for this week show for it thank you to my panel and for all of you for watching. we hope to see you right here next week. ♪ with the inspiration and strength from that motive and the desire to reach the united states, to see my kids grow. so for every time they asked me for something i have the memes to solve any and all their problems. because we cannot in venezuela.
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the reality is we can't. >> of migrants compelling reasons for traveling with the caravan heading toward the united states that group reportedly some 2000 strong is raising concerns at our southern border. communities there and across the country struggle welcome to "fox news live" progress good to be with you i am jonathan hunt eric shawn and arthel neville are off today. that migrant caravan is now in southern mexico. as it heads our way u.s. and bor officials are already dealing with those currently at the border. group of migrants huddled on the texas side of the rio grande river. behind them a row of razor wire installed by the states to try to prevent illegal crossings. the border crisis also driving crime concerns. texas dps releasing this new video of a high-speed chase with
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a human smuggler he got away but officers captured five migrants from mexico including two hiding in the trunk. >> senior correspondent casey stegall is live at the border in el paso, texas. >> good to be with you. it is a long journey as you well know. this most recent caravan left the mexico/guatemalan border earlier in the week and according to the organizer they made it about 65 miles over the last five days. they are bound for mexico city first. and then ultimately the usa with their final destination. it's about 2000 in size. the thinking is some will be bound for war is. just across from el paso where we are. where at the moment there are migrants are decamping out as you can see in this video. doesn't station on the mexican side of the wall. ngos in war is our preparing of the senior border officials say is this huge group gets closer to our southern border it will
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likely be divided up and sent to multiple locations across texas, new mexico, arizona, and carol california. >> people need to understand when you see this caravan coming up to our nation's board it's not necessarily going to be the red cross of that one area. what happens is the drug cartels which should be saying for quite some time they can truth control over the groups are going to cross. >> this gives you a sense of how far out they still are pre-gps mapping shows well over 1000 miles still from el paso for example. that is more than a days and drive it. mcallen is the closest. that is 18 hours by car. and as you sell they are on foot for now. as that plays out this past week, check this out. the del rio sector cbp agents intercepted illegal weapons and ammo hidden and a trunk down for mexico. likely it straight to the
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cartels trying to arm them. eighty-three guns a total some 680 rounds of ammo were intercepted as well as 172 magazines. some scopes, some cases, and a laser. quickset is scary. alicia: casey stegall live thank you. jonathan: was spring here temperatures are rising border states like arizona preparing for illegal crossings to go up even further. the tucson sector is are the busiest in the nation with over 300,000 migrants crossing this year alone. that traffic has been driven west after texas tightened security at its border and ports of entry. at the front lines of the crisis in arizona sheriff mark lam is also a republican senate candidate. great to have you. how busy is it in your area and
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your county? is it getting busier? >> thank you for having me on. it's busy and is getting busier. what we see is a lot of what you show for you saw the video of the car running from dps my guys had a traffic stop just the other day. while there is the driver question his story was not adding up. we asked to do a consent to search. he took off. we had to spike his car three times. we popped all of his tires he was still going 80 miles per hour on the rims. we finally did a pit maneuver. but we finally got him stop we heard pounding from the trunk he had a juvenile illegal in the trunk of his car he believed he was there without his consent as well. this is what we see every day. plus we deal with. >> it strikes me that as we move towards the election here there will be a message is sent from the human smugglers who want to make more money by getting more
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people up to and across the border that they better, those who want to come to the u.s. better do it now in case president trump wins because by any objective measure they believe in president trump is a tougher on illegal immigration. so you are going to get more of a surge of this summer perhaps than last summer. would that be a fair reading? >> absolutely. you are exactly right for their going to push if they see the gravy train might come to an end they're going to try to encourage as many people as possible to show up to the border to overwhelm this country. to get as many people in as possible. and look, we are already seeing it. 500% increase in family units. 121% increase in juvenile unaccompanied minors. we get really concerned because the tucson sector leads the way and got a ways these are the people do not want to be caught in coming here camouflage close, corporate shoes and they pay a lot of money to get traffic and
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undetected. jonathan: what you say to the accusation made by some on the democratic side against president trump and others that there are republicans who do not want to ameliorate to improve this issue over the next few months because it is a good issue to campaign on. is there any merit to the argument that republicans are holding back progress in stemming the tide? >> the democrats are trying to deflect the blame off of themselves for their the ones that deserve this administration, joe biden, mayorkas have created this problem of their failure to secure our border has been what has furthered this problem. the republicans are responsible for it. we have not controlled congress the first two years but we do this you but we still don't control the senate. that bill they tried to run which of other bulimic republicans for it was a garbage bill per there's a lot of bad things in there and it was not a
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border bill is lumped in with ukraine and some other global funding. that is what they are going to continue to do to try to deflect this off of themselves parts part of the reason why i am running for u.s. senate produce only so much i can of the sheriff level. we've got to ask these issues back in washington d.c. and i look forward to being in the senate and helping president trump hopefully be able to do that. jonathan: so sheriff, there is a a lot of talk about what can be done in the future. very specifically, what could be done say on the border? i know you sit above the border you are between tucson and phoenix at the big quarter for migrants coming in obviously. but on the border itself, what could be done right now, this coming week to change the situation there? >> texas shows a message in matters they can truly too multi- so that border with a barbed wire but their messaging is said if you come into our state were going to hold you accountable and look at it. it has reduced the flow to a trickle. it's now pushed over into
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arizona, why? with not change our narrative. at this administration were to change the narrative say you cannot come here if you do we will hold you accountable we're going to enforce title eight were not going to let you make false asylum claims as well. that would help tremendously. as far as what we can do once we take back a power once this administration is out, we can restore the remaining mexico take handcuffs off border patrol, let them do their job and keep people from coming into this country illegally. jonathan: does the messaging make a difference of the cartels are telling of them get across cluster. >> est cartels are not trying as hard and texas are coming over too arizona and california where it is a lot easier or new mexico. they are still pushing people through texas but not to the extent they were. so i would have to say it that messaging doesn't matter met the proof is in the numbers. jonathan: sheriff mark lam great to have your expertise today thank you very much. >> thank you jonathan happy
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easter. >> to date we mourn the tragic death of one of our own. police officer jonathan diller hero to all new yorkers and all americans. alicia: mourners are poorly thousands gathered on long island to to pay final respects to new york city police officer jonathan diller he was fatally shot during a traffic stop in queens monday. the service today comes after a heto date waco that was attended by former president donald trump. cb cotton is life in new york. >> hi. this tragedy has shattered the hearts of so many people. especially here on long island. he was born and raised here. to date the priest to officiate at his funeral at the church behind me also offi officiated s wedding to stephanie. the widow now joins the sisterhood which no one wants to be a part of it. a sisterhood of women whose
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husbands have been killed in the line of duty. >> now my son will grow up without his father. i will grow old without my husband and his parents had to say goodbye to their child. how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? i do not wish this kind of pain on anyone. >> stephanie went on to describe how she and jonathan were set up by a mutual friend she said the first date was at the movies and she joked he fell asleep began snoring so loud people asked for her to wake him up. she said jonathan loved watching their 1-year-old son, ryan reached for his milestones. the widow think the nation for support such that she hopes to see jonathan standing in heaven looking at her like he did on their wedding day. diller suspected killer head 21 a prior arrest before latest crime. but he was back on the streets today at new york city mayor eric adams recounted body camera
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video showing the fallen officers. >> i hear over and over in my ears i have been shot. i've been shot. i've been shot. and even with the acknowledgment that he was shot, he fought and took the gun out of the hand of the person who would take his life. >> diller join the nypd three years ago but he was today posthumously promoted to detective first grade. his widow says he love the job. going and release tank and late, back to you. alicia: thank you our thoughts are with the entire family on this day. jonathan: former president trump is appealing a ruling by judge scott mcafee that allow him better fani willis to stay on the georgia election
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interference case. that, despite her affair with the former special prosecutor. madison scarpino is live it. >> the codefendants d.a. willis her and touched the entire office taken off the case. willis relationship with the former special prosecutor she hired is at the center of this appeal. defdefense attorneys say the improper relationship should disqualify willis from the case. willis and former special prosecutor natively testified their relationship did not start until after he was hired. but in the appeal trump is codefendants is a great essay the indictment should also be dismissed. the egg it will should be disqualified because the comments she made at historically black church in atlanta back in january. willis claimed the efforts to remove her from the case were racially motivated. the judge called those comments legally improper here is what willis said at an event
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yesterday. >> recently they tell me they don't like me too talk about race. i'm going to talk about anyway. the truth is it's challenges that come to being black. >> the appeal comes two weeks after the judge ruled there was no conflict of interest. but set willis and wade made quote bad choices. the judge did say either willis or wade had to go. shortly after the ultimatum awaited resigned. the appeal says that did not go far enough. defense attorneys argue willis and wade's relationship started before he was hired in this case willis financially benefited from his position. willis and wade deny those claims the defense says remove it willis will give the former president and their clients a fair trial. one defense attorney wants another d.a. to take over the case. >> we truly do not believe someone else and we have a neutral detach person someone who did not have an actual financial interest they would bring these charges. articulate against my client
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too. >> given the complexity of a and number of defendants in this case defense attorneys say at multiple trials may be necessary for the court of appeals has a 45 days to decide if it is going to take this on, jonathan. jonathan: will certainly all be watching. madison scarpino thank you bro tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern former president donald trump will be on "one nation" with brian. >> president biden spending the weekend at camp david after catching flak for attending a glitzy new york city fundraiser that brought in more than $25 million for his campaign. lucas tomlinson has more from the white house. hate lucas. >> president biden's deputy campaign manager boasting about the big hall in new york took some swipes that former president donald trump. >> it takes resources to run a campaign that set up this infrastructure you need time and donald trump does not have either. he is running out of time for it is not consolidating his base he is strapped for cash the rnc is
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in shambles. we are pulling fundraisers like this. >> hundreds of protesters showed up outside at radio city music hall for the fundraiser was held and some made it inside. >> shame on you joe biden. shame on you. shame on you. >> 's latest fundraising numbers are in from of february show a sizable advantage for president biden. 53 million -- 20 ma trump was also behind hilary clinton in the fundraising department back in 2016 that did not stop him from winning he lost four years ago. we are set for a first for first presidential rematch since eisenhower and steven sit in 1956. biden hoping appearance on stage with obama and clinton example of better times in u.s. history biden's poll numbers offer a check only 30% approve of his handling of immigration a majority disapprove the prices are up about 20% since biden took office in new york biden
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focus on something else. >> i think our democracy is at stake. look, i was not going to run in 2020 because i just lost my son a bow a little earlier. until i watched what happened down in virginia those folks came out of the fields carrying torches and nazi flags. >> trump campaigns as a hole its own fundraiser that will top the one 26 million hall the biden campaign hauled in. palm beach is a good place to do that. alicia: if that happens i'm sure we will be about it. support lawyers for the idaho quadruple murder suspect are fighting a judge's order that bars them from surveying potential jurors. our next guest explains how that could influence where the trailp takes place. stay witroh us.
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jonathan: heavy rain is continuing to sweep through southern california. triggering some intense landslides that have damaged multimillion dollar homes perched in the hollywood hills. no injuries have been reported as a result of the landslides but some of those houses are now
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red tagged. officials warned residents to be on the lookout for any land movement as more rain is expected for the region throughout this easter weekend. some areas could see up to 3 inches of rain through monday. i know you are worried but i do not live in a multimillion dollar home in hollywood hills my house is just fine. alicia: i'm sure it will survive the rate i was very worried for the record, jonathan thank you. the judge and the university of idaho quadruple murder trial is blocking defense team from serving out of the county where the killings happened the defense filed a motion saying quote the state was well aware of the survey taking place long before its late filing on march 22, 2024 the court issued an order halting defense work without giving him any opportunity to be heard. this is a violation of his
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constitutional rights pursuant to the poor 14th amendment of the united states constitution. joins me now constitutional law attorney former federal prosecutor. katy, good to see you and thank you for being here. can i first get your take on this ruling by the judge to stop the survey? >> it is an interesting issue. essentially they defense in this case is attempting to ask for a change of venue because of the publicity in the county where this offense occurred. in order for the defense to get the change of venue they have to establish that there is reason to believe and impartial trial could not be held in the particular county where it's now filed. they hired an expert to conduct what they say is a survey of general information and sentiments about the case in the jury pool. but the prosecutors have taken issue with that because they're saying they are trying to taint the jury pool it's a catch 22 for the defense they are the judge has decided to hold a
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hearing on this th is probably e right solution. >> prosecution is saying when the surveys are being conducted by the social psychologist at the defense hired in the question itself is releasing information there are things that should not be up at the social psychologist that was hired by the name of o'brien had something to say in a court memo he says the notion of pulling 400 community residents 1% of tthe latah county population 18 and over is because potential bias in the county has been saturated with hundreds of highly prejudicial newspaper articles. television news stories in social media post as not credible. there is no evidence that conducting a survey has had had any impact on the master list of potential jurors or potential in this case. the sum of the ways that worded his question who has the better
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argument here? quest this is exactly why the judge is going to hold eight factual hearing to establish what exactly is being asked of this community member. but, because the defense has the burden for a change of venue they have to establish in some way there would be an impartial trial and how else could they do that aside from speaking to people and taking a general pole. but specific questions were asked of these people whether they fell outside the judges order which is essential there not to discuss anything that's not publicly release from the case at this point. they have to collect evidence. when i saw this i did not realize the defense team the surveys were done for potential jurors for this kind of argument. the judge said the defense can't survey the prosecution can't
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either. in all fairness he saying that? or something the prosecution would do as well to make their argument that it state in the county? >> the change of venue is not something comes up in every case. attorneys are not allowed to go around and try to quote uncle taint the jury pool. but for the purpose of establishing whether it should be held in this county or not it is important especially in the death penalty case the defense have an opportunity to establish what would be to mr. kohberger. all of the constitutional the defense is going to raise throughout this very important in order for this conviction if there is a conviction, to be maintained. this case is going be scrutinized very closely on appeal given the gravity of the allegation. this going to be a big fight about this. i think the defense has a right to establish whether it would be fair to hold the trial there and the only real way for them to do that is to take a survey of some sorts. we will save the judge says but that is my read on it.
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alicia: what does it take for a change of venue to occur? you mentioned it is rare. >> it is entirely up to the discretion of the judge one of the parties files a motion they have to establish there is reason to believe an impartial trial could not be held in the county where the case was filed. you will typically only see this in high-profile cases particularly in the college community there w where the cass currently pending. that is the requirement to show there is some reason to believe it would not be impartial. and again that is a subjective standard but the judge has discretion to make that finding upon a motion of the defense. that is why the defense have to bring forth evidence to show why there may not be an impartial jury pool in that county. alicia: we are looking at a time when it takes this case well into next year is going to beat some time for these families were seeking justice. katie cherkasky thank you so much.
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jonathan: wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich marks one year year end eight russian president, president biden is facing calls to cracked out on russian spies here in the u.s. former cia at moscow station chief dan hoffman always in up. are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. qulipta. the forget-you-get-migraine medicine. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized,
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[background noises] 's before you feel the frustration and anger that is held onto the streets and israel as thousands of protesters rallied in tel aviv calling for the release of hostages being held by hamas in gaza. israeli police as you can see were working hard to contain
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that crowded. at least 10 people were arrested there. the protest coming one day after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a delegation to cairo for a new round of cease-fire talks with a boss of those meetings are scheduled to begin tomorrow one week before the war and gos gaza hits the sx month mark. >> we are starting to see a number of drone incursions that are disturbing. we are trying to get the message out to anybody. many drone enthusiasts and many people wanted footage of this they do not understand and we want to emphasize this is an impact on national operation. this is significant recovery. if you bring a drone out here you're going to get charge up or do not come anywhere near with the drone. alicia: fbi warned the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore is eight no drone e as recovery operations continue. crus prepare for the daunting task of cleaning up the thousands of tons of debris.
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madeline's life at the latest. >> good afternoon. significant progress today. crews will begin lifting some of the debris off the water but right now they are working on the north section of the key bridge. that's right around where the two cranes are they'll be cutting up and removing some of that wreckage off the water. that will allow them to open up a temporary restricted channel to get more assets to the area and begin salvage operations. >> we are working to get there as fast as we can pay it will open it as soon as possible we will continue to do it safely. >> notable there you do not hear a timeframe. this work is complex it is complicated. but think of this as the first phase if you will their step to try to get the span of the bridge hanging over the bow trying to break that part of the bridge up into smaller pieces of the cranes can lift them up out of the water. the number of resources on site will go up over the next five
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days to seven cranes, 10 thugs and nine barges. crews they'll be working 24/7 to find the fort for still missing until they can open the port which is the priority right now. >> even after the initial lift takes place in his main understanding of what forms of adjustments have happened. how has lifting that one will process how does that impact the remainder of the bridge that still sits inside of the bay? >> more it says a small business can now apply for federal or rather disaster loan assistance from the federal government. president biden is expected to visit baltimore next week. alicia: madeline rivera thank you. >> these charges are bogus the proceedings are bogus incidentally it's all taking place with the hearings that you see and secrecy. >> is an innocent man behind bars but ultimately don't think about anything he did he
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certainly did nothing wrong he was an accredited journalist. he spends 23 hours a day in jail cells because my message the biden administration push extra hard to get a swap done to get a deal done. wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich friends and family reaffirming his innocence and calling on the biden administration to secure his release from a russian prison. yesterday it marked a one year since evan gershkovich was detained on espionage charges that he, the paper, and that u.s. government been mislead and deny for which the kremlin has yet to produce any evidence for it former cia moscow station chief fox news contributor dan hoffman joins us now. great to see you, dan. before we get to a discussion of this i want to play for you and our viewers former view on how the u.s. needs to get tougher. here he is. >> if you look at the russian
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embassies in this country, there are a lot of spies that are part of those embassies. i think we have got to get tough with those that are spying on the united states and make clear the russians are not going to be able to do that as long as they are holding evan. it is got to be a tough game. jonathan: what form can a tough game take we know russia has spies here we know who many of them are presumably. does tough mean expelling them or just tough mean rounding those people up and throwing them into prison here? >> that the option of throwing them into prison in the united states, that is not viable they have diplomatic immunity the russians would certainly seek to turn around and do the same thing to us. that is not an option. now i will say when leon was director cia back in 2010 the fbi arrested russian illegals
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deep cover russian foreign intelligence operatives whom we traded for fort russians who would have taken their last breath and siberian death camps. there is certainly the option to hunt down and arrest those sort of intelligence operatives. it is also russian intelligence operatives right now being held one in brazil who was sentenced to 15 years for using a false brazilian passport identity. and a russian hitman who killed a chechen fighter and berlin. the challenge for the united states is both of those russians are held in foreign countries and neither germany nor brazil is interested in extruding them here to the united states. jonathan: if we can't put russian spies into prison here because the russians would then do that there that is a nonstarter as you say. but do we always have to stay
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above the levels to which somebody like putin is willing to bend down to? do we have to be better? if you are playing a tough game with a guy like that the only language he understands is his kind of tough language, isn't it? and that means action. persuading another country to release does not seem tough enough to a lot of people. >> is frustrating and tragic but from i lost my wife to cancer three years ago. there is nothing more precious than time. vladimir putin's corrupt barbaric regime has stolen a year of evans a life a year end counting. but we can do to vladimir. in its asymmetric warfare we do operate by the rule of law. he doesn't. he's got another of other americans paul has been imprisoned since 2018. he is a whole slew of americans
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he is holding. look it is arbitrary and it is unlawful. the best way to defeat vladimir putin is on the battlefield let's pass the supplemental is give you cream but they need to carry on the fight against vladimir putin. that is the best way we can handle this right now. that and carry on negotiations and carry on calling out russia's evil government for what they're doing to our citizens. jonathan: the bigger picture is russia ultimately moving on from vladimir putin. should we be and do you believe we are encouraging opposition within russia to do something, anything to take up mr. putin is something not going to happen at the ballot box as we saw this week. >> it is not. we are not interfering and russia's internal affairs. i will say vladimir putin's war on journalist reflects what
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scares him the most, democracy, freedom of the press. and so i do believe the biden administration should be using our soft power to appeal to russians and call out russia's barbaric autocracy for what it is. we should be doing that and i run as well. were not using our soft power as well as we should be. the president secretary of state blinken can get up on their bon the bullypulpit to make thef forceful pronouncements. i do think they carry weight inside those countries. jonathan: it certainly seems that would be good to hear more from our leadership were only condemning what putin is doing. it is so frustrating, as you say when you watch a man like putin break all of the rules. and we continue to play by them because we frankly are better than them. dan, great to see you as always. we hope will be having a back on very soon when we could all
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celebrate the release of evan. thank you dan hoffman thank you so much. alicia: powerful important conversation there. thank you. pope francis leading as service after health problems sidelined him during the procession.hund more from but vatican city,li ngnext. baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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a yesterdays good friday procession that renewed concerns about the 87-year-old pontius health. >> many people thought his appearance might not have happened. it hhas an all good to see him p there. it is in fact still going on it should be wrapping up shortly. today the pope over all looking well. a little bit tired ahead of tomorrow's easter festivities. pope francis entering the room for the easter vigil at st. peter's basilica tonight there is a growing concern on his frail condition. pope francis was expected to preside over the way of the cross procession at rome's coliseum but just as the event was to begin the vatican announced he went instead watch from home. pope francis also skip the event last year in 2023 because he was recovering from bronchitis. >> i deafly do not think it was
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to be taken lightly. they prioritize his health for easter which is very responsible thing to do. >> the 87-year-old was also part of his along was removed as a young man. he's been battling what he and the vatican have described as a case of the flu, bronchitis, or cold all winter long. in 2021 he had a chunk of his large intestine removed was hospitalized twice last year. he's also been using a wheelchair and cane for over a year because of the bad knee he has. for now easter mass is next up for the pope. starting around 4:00 a.m. eastern time tomorrow. alicia: stephanie bennett thank you. >> bipartisanship is rare in l-uppercase-letter these days. one key issue in uniting senators from both sides of the aisle. potatoes a. [laughter] [laughter] that story is coming here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie
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alicia: this next sentence make me so happy b for his rating of marshmallows near detroit yesterday oakland county held its annual great marshmallow drop. 15000 floppy treats fell from the sky as kids scramble to collect as many as possible, why wouldn't they? parents say it's a delightful twist on the traditional easter egg hunt. >> the celebration the weather is beautiful. for so happy to get outdoors and interact and pick up some marshmallows. >> the kids had the option to trade in their marshmallows for prizes like candy or water park tickets. or maybe more marshmallows, i do not know. special coverage tomorrow as christians around the world celebrate easter.
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fox news will broadcast live easter services with pope francis from vatican sitting starting at 4:00 a.m. eastern per at noon eastern franklin graham will deliver a special easter message from israel for that is followed by "fox news live" from 12:30 p.m. until 2:0. fox news contributor jonathan morris will be among the guests on that show. jonathan: looking forward to that. here are some food for thought in the meantime. our potatoes a vegetable or a grin? the question is apparently causing a lot of fuss on capitol hill and the answer could affect dietary guidelines for the entire country. kevin has the story. >> is a potato a vegetable or a grain? >> is not a grain. >> cooked potatoes or potato. >> the department of agriculture currently classifies spots as veggies. but there have been report usda is considered labeling potatoes
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as grains and a new set of dietary guidelines. the usda spokesperson has said however the advisory committee is not considering reclassifying potatoes. still, the reported change outraged a bipartisan group of 14 senators. those lawmakers arguing in a joint letter quote unlike grains white potatoes are strong contributors of potassium, calcium, tiedeman c, vitamin b6 and fiber. worries have taken root in the industry. last year the ceo of the national potato council and testified before the dietary guidelines committee sang a saya change could cause chaos. the nutrients and vegetables. >> the lowest cost vegetable items for things like the school lunch and school breakfast program that's tremendously
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expensive for school districts across the country to assemble meals for students that are nutritious records usda's work on developing its new round of dietary guidelines for 2025 through 2030. they are expected sometime next year. in washington fox news. jonathan: kevin thank you bread were taking a live a look that baltimore as the sun sets there were teams of engineers are beginning the daunting task of cutting portions of the collapsed bridge before they can lift those sections of twisted steel out of the water. to help with this resources have been searched to the site. seven floating cranes including a massive one capable of lifting 1000 tons plus 10 tugboats, nine barges and eight salvage vessels are currently assisting with the cleanup. and we should not forget four bodies there have yet to be recovered. that is it for us. we'll have the very latest news and headlines coming up at
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6:00 p.m. eastern on the fox report with jon scott. great to be with you today. alicia: great to be with you is jonathan and everyone out there. have a great night. w ♪ha with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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