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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 31, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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grace, wipe the tears from my face. ♪ says come as you are. ♪ you pay the price. ♪ you gave your life. ♪ you did it all. ♪ with me on your mind. ♪ whoa, me on your mind. ♪ whoa, with me on your mind. ♪ yeah. ♪ it was me on your mind. ♪ whoa, me on your mind. ♪ [ applause ] >> that's matthew west performing me on your mind. we're finishing up our faith and friends concert series. batting cleanup for us. matthew, thanks for being us. the best seat in the house. rachel: the grand finale of the
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series. joey: hitting a grand slam. >> we'll get a chance to talk to matthew west at 9:50 this hour, it is easter the sunday, march 31st, year of our lord 2024. the proclamation the white house put out about a different way, said the year of our lord 2024 in the proclamation a. our calendar is oriented around the birth of jesus christ. today we celebrate his death and resurrection. it is easter sunday. he has risen. rachel, it's great to be with you as all. joey: the top headline, he is risen. rachel: absolutely. fox news alert. i love it from the grave is empty. rachel: the grave is empty. >> the sto stone is rolled a. rachel: after this we're all going to church, meeting with our families. we're happy you're joining us. because you're our family too. >> what she said.
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it is -- we do share this with you. you go all year long, whether it's patriotic holidays, religious holidays, significant events, you give us feedback and we briappreciate it. thank you for supporting us. rachel: someone who had a difficult week is the widow of jonathan diller, stephanie diller. she gave remarks yesterday at his funeral, it pierced the heart of so many. i want to share that with you of. this is a wonderful y day, east, it's got mixed emotions for the dirl family. listen. >> it's been two years and two months since detective rivera and moore made the ultimate sacrifice, like my husband, jonathan diller. they pleaded for change. the change never came and now my son will grow up without his father, i will grow old without my husband.
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and his parents have to say good-bye to their child. how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? i don't wish this kind of pain on anyone. jonathan lived his life doing good for people. it's now time for people to do good for all the officers he represents. i'm amazingly grateful for every moment we had with you. rest in peace, jonathan. the man who cap kurd my heart a -- captured my r heart and now all of new york's. rachel: it's amazing. it feels so like -- she -- the whole family they're still at the foot of the cross right now, it's still so raw, it's still so hard and somebody who knows a little about what that's like are the guests that joey had on a little earlier, pat ryder, nassau county police commissioner and bruce blakeman, a nassau county executive. they went to the funeral and shared what that was like to be
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there in person. >> making laws up in albany that affecting us and hurting our men and women in law enforcement. we're no longer protecting the good guys. we're about protecting the bad guys. yesterday, his wife would break your heart, listening to the jewel i did. eulogy. you saw the outpouring of support from communities, law enforcement, all over the country, they came to support. to show you take one of ours, we'll come back stronger and remain stronger and united. >> the eulogy was very powerful, not only the expression of love to jonathan but the fact that enough is enough. how many more police officers have to die? and you have to wonder why these left wing politicians choose evil over good. >> that's exactly right. if you were watching the channel yesterday you saw the powerful display of support for the family, of the community, that loves their cops and appreciates what stephanie gave, what her
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husband gave, intensely personal, giving up her future but also she spoke very carefully and simply about the political reality of the moment which is how many more times does this have to happen? the guy who killed my husband wasn't supposed to be here. shouldn't have been out on bail. these policies are killing cops and people that try to attend the funeral which kathy hochul did to the wake, she did attend, tried to pretend like they're backing us when they create policies that put us in the cross hairs. joey: there's no pretending in the picture we're seeing, that's people from all over the community and the state and the country, coming together to not just mourn one life but to stand as representation of all the lives that are put on the line every day and why it's so important that we live in a society that not only respects what they do, but has accountability so what they do matters. i think that's what bothers me so much. this guy sitting there, 21 convictions, if that hadn't gone the way it did and he had to
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arrest them and they went to jail, what are the chances they would have been out the next day? >> 100%. >> risked his life in that moment but what did that matter? that's the problem. i think his life will matter more than we can imagine, i think he'll be an agent of change and his sacrifice won't go unnoticed. rachel: that's certainly what we hope. >> we know it in the military context. catch and release program could not be m demoralizing. >> look at the withdrawal from afghanistan. >> we did it in iraq on a regular basis, rolled up dudes that would be released three days later because of legal nonsense. that's as your day job, with crime tcriminals that get back t where hey, where's the cop that arrested me. they know there will be no consequences. rachel: there was a moment we showed earlier, i don't know if our producers could pull it up,
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but brian kilmeade was able to interview father duffy who married john than and stephanie and now had to preside over the funeral. he said that donald trump came in, he asked -- he thanked him for coming. and then asked if he would pray the our father with the family and he led -- they all preyed the our father together. and then donald trump hugged the family. it was just the way he described the moment, you know, you talk a lot about comforter in chief when it comes to joe biden who i think doesn't really deserve that title. he has failed so many times, making it about himself. father duffy what he described in the moments was somebody who was there for the family. >> you're exactly right. it's called leader pship. it's not just that day, it's what you did before that day. the cops know donald trump has their back. that's why two days ago you saw the contrast, clear as day,
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clear as day if the city and i think this day is a day about contrast too, to our second topic. the contrast of two days ago, you had three former democrat presidents with a -- hob-knobbing at radio city music hall, raising money and you have donald trump with the family, recognizing their pain. today we'll celebrate easter all day long. it's what the day is about. the white house made out of away to make sure today was first and foremost proclaimed a trans day of visibility. you saw you that yesterday all over the internet. the proclamation from joe biden, year of our lord, march 31, 20242024, trans day of visibili. they could moved it by a day. they knew it was easter. they didn't move it. yesterday we reported an easter egg roll where you can't include religious imagery.
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the white house is trying to tell us that's the policy for 45 years i don't believe it. donald trump puts out a statement yesterday about easter, about how significant it is, how important i it is. i guess the white house just put out a statement a few minutes ago about the easter -- great. you can see the contrast. rachel: they're feeling the heat. this is a weekend as you just said of contrast. it's a time for choosing. i think it's an inflection point in the campaign. as you said, who does this party worship? you know. and who does this party worship? i think we're at a crossroads culturally in our country where we either put our foot down and say we are a christian done you tri, we're -- country, we're going to stand by our traditions, hold fast to them, honor our holy days or we'll allow something that's been around for two minutes, trans visibility day over something that happened for 2,000 years. >> and pretend like -- which
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falls on easter this year. no, no, easter is easter. doesn't matter what day it falls on, a made up day from 10 years ago. move it to a different day, decondeconflict it because our priorities are easter. rachel: that's the excuse. it happened to fall on easter. who cares. one is more significant than the other. joey: before we move on from memorializing officer diller and talking about what it means for the country, two angels have become representations of where the country is with the leadership of those in charge and where the soul of the country is and those people are laken riley and officer diller. it's not because they were some special circumstance, it's because they too uniquely were the place that every officer could put themselves in, where every citizen, innocent citizen could put themselves in their shoes and say look at the history where our governments that's supposed to provide for our security could have had our backs and to be talking about it on easter really is special
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because we just saw the images of officer diller's family, obviously they're a christian family, had a christian funeral service. it means something for them to have faith and hope they'll see officer diller again. i got a techs text from laken s step dad. he said he has risen indeed, we take comfort in the fact that because of him we'll see laken and all our loved ones again some day. to know that family has that much hope and that much faith and a feels that much love, that's the soul of this country. not just christianity exclusively. but that's the soul of this country to have faith and to have the ability to exercise it and to know you can go in your community and celebrate it and to know the white house doesn't turn its back on it. it's freedom of religion. we can celebrate ramadan, celebrate other cultures and religions. why would attack easter sunday or at least do something that
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makes people feel attacked on easter sunday and i don't just mean the trans visibility day, the proclamation. i mean all the way down to the easter eggs. you can't decorate easter eggs. the people that are hurting the worst in the country have faith. the people that are hurting the worst in the country from these policies have love for us and have love for this b cou countrd believe and have hope there will be another day they'll see their loved ones, leaders should exemplify that, not spit in the face of it. rachel: i think it's an inflection point. we're looking at a moment where one side of the aisle wants to dechristianize our country. move it in more pagan directions. the other side wants to reinforce the values of krist christianity and celebrate who we have always been. it's a time for choosing. they made it so clear. >> you're 100% correct. i had a friend said we shouldn't call them progressives, they're pagan radicals.
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they want to dismiss, block, discredit, end any christian tradition they can because if you get rid of god then government becomes your god. joey: exactly. >> and then you can manipulate everything in the ways you want. that's what they prefer to do. that's why we have to stake a claim on days like easter and say no, you're not taking this. you're not changing this. not because it's important to me in a human sense, it's becomes god did come to earth and he's risen for all of us. it has nothing to do with politics. rachel: the white house has backtracked a little bit. they're feeling the heat. they issued the statement belatedly but i think everyone saw what they saw this entire weekend and it is what it is. joey: well, we'll continue to talk about officer dill r, we'll continue to talk about laken riley, continue to talk about americans that have suffered under the policies and the way the culture changed and hopefully they feel love and we
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start change. we turn now to the headlines. the arkansas river bridge in oklahoma is open again, after a barge hit it yesterday afternoon. sound familiar? no word on why the barge hit the bridge. but it caused traffic to back up for hours. thankfully, state police say no one was hurt. it comes less than a week after the francis scott key bridge in baltimore collapsed as you see right there when a cargo ship hit it. king charles and queen cay my la greeting the public at windsor castle after easter mass this morning. people offering words of encouragement to the king as he battles cancer. this is his first public appearance since starting cancer treatment. the prince and princess of wales did not attend the service and kate is undergoing p preventatie chemotherapy.
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the rock and deon sans deers deion sanderssupporting the ufls the stallions took down the renegades, 27-14. and in detroit, the michigan panthers hosting the st. louis battle hawks to open the season yesterday, former college soccer player turned michigan kicker jake bates drilling this 64-yard field goal if h in the closing moments of the game, that's a hero moment. afterwards a bates attributed this amazing feat to his faith. >> when you have faith in your guys, nothings is possible without god. he has risen. easter weekend, it's a special feeling. joey: the 60-yard field goal, the game winning field goal, that's the first one bates has made since high school. miracles happen and dreams do come true. pete, you should take that as an a owe men for your return to the field. pete: when i scored in the usfl,
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my first touchdown since high school. i didn't score any touchdowns in college. i did score touchdowns in high school. joey: did you play football in collection? pete: no. reverend fra franklin graham jos us with a message all the faithful should hear on this easter morning. rachel: i think they spent more time celebrating kwanzaa than easter at the white house. as you were reading sports, i was thinking about that. first, a tiktok fan getting mixed reviews from voters. joey: fore florida congressmae waltz reacts next. p we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is,
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joey: a bill that could lead to a ban on tiktok still facing an uphill battle in the senate as a new poll shows most voters are split on banning the chinese controlled app. however, an overwhelming majority agree on the need for apparent control for kids under the age a of 13 on social media. gop congressman michael waltz sins si--sits on the foreign afs committee. thank you for yourer service. >> good morning, joey and semper fi, happy easter. joey: listen, on this tiktok
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bill, i read the bill. there are two bills, one was more about data, that's a different topic. on the idea of punishing tiktok, banning tiktok, charging them a fee if they don't comply, the devil's in the the details. the way it refers to title 15 as the specific countries that apps would be banned, who has the power to change the countries. the people that don't want to ban tiktok are afraid south africa or mexico could end up on the list. >> yeah, joey, the end of the day it's about our adversaries. it is china, iran, north korea, russia, not having control of half of america's data, 150 to 170 million americans, at the end of the day we can divest it. this is about bytedance, the chinese owner of tiktok, more than it is about tiktok itself. i think you'll see a you group
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of investors, we're seeing that reporting, come out and buy tiktok, it's not going to go anywhere. this is about the chinese communist party not having control of the data and not being able to manipulate the algorithms without anybody knowing. we wouldn't have allowed this with the soviet union. back in that cold war. and when we have a chinese communist party that's openly talking about destroying america, replacing america, the decline of democracy, the decline of capitalism and the rise of themselves, we have to divest of this propaganda too. joey: i understand that. with that being said, as a conservative, do you feel comfortable handing that power to whoever the president is at that time. that's how a lot of people interpret the case. if that's not the case, can you explain how it isn't the case? >> at the end of the day, that's why we're putting it in law. i don't think any president through executive order should have this power. that's why we have a bipartisan
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law, both sides of the aisle, and again, this this is about a and the chinese communist party. i'm always nervous about the role of government and the role of information but that's -- if you're nervous about that and you're a conservative the and i am, you should be more nervous about our greatest ad add veery having control over information and what we believe. joey: as the u.s. military prepared for a potential war with china, we talked about how china is our greater adversary. the marine corpses is changing units to be nimble and small, changing the weapons, and pointing them towards the pacific because we feel like that's where china could come from. do you have insight on what the changes are and why they're good or bad? >> well, really this is about dealing with the thousands of missiles that china is prepared to shoot at our ships all over the pacific and the days of
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having literally thousands of marines loaded into large ships i don't think make as much sense anymore many this is small groups with drones, hopping around on islands, electronic warfare. we have to assume our satellites are going to be knocked out, that we're going to be under a massive cyber attack. these small groups of marines armed with anti-ship missiles, armed with drone, electronic warfare will be our eyes and ears. it's really about deterring the war, to stop it from happening. when chairman xi says we're ready to go, he thinks, again, delays day because taiwan is armed, we're manufacturing in america and we have a military focused an lethality. all of these things are what president trump knows. that's why we need a new leader in the white house. joey: i agree with a lot of what you're saying.
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the marine ma marine corps leadf seven years ago would say this. as we celebrate easter sunday, reverend franklin graham says the need for jesus has never been more evident in our world. he joins us next. ♪
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it's come to easter,s this year is a very difficult year. when we see the war in the middle east and ukraine and all the problems around the world ands were talking earlier about china's military buildup, the only hope this world has is jesus christ who came to this earth to a take our sins and he died, he shed his blood on a cross and was buried, he took our sins to the grave. on the third day which we celebrate today as easter, he came out of the grave, he walked out of it, he's alive. if we confess our sins and repent and believe on the name of jesus christ, god will forgive our sinni sins and gives eternal life. that's the hope of easter. even though the world is in a difficult place, maybe the most dangerous in history, the hope we have is that jesus christ paid the price of sin and he came himself to do it. so this easter, i would just
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hope that people would turn to him, be put their faith and trust in him. i want to thank rupert murdoch. he gave us time on fox, a special coming from israel this year and we're going to have a special easter service at 12:00 noon on fox all across the country and so this is a great day as we celebrate the christian faith around the world,s pastors, churches, small groups, large churches all around the world are celebrating our risen savior. pete: that is at 12:00, 12:00 noon eastern time on fox, easter message with reverend graham from israel. we have a quick highlight reel from that as well. we'll play it. watch. >> welcome to a special easter celebration from israel. with franklin graham. >> i'm in the place where jesus walked, talked and healed.
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the first easter message was preached right here. >> and michael w smith, with brand-new music. pete: sounds about right, a message and worship from the holy land on easter. sounds phenomenal. >> well, it was a great opportunity. michael w smith is a wonderful person. and he's got a brand-new song that he's never sung on television or anywhere and that is -- this will be kind of the premier of this song, crimson dust, fantastic song. it touches my heart every time i hear it. pete: franklin graham, thank you for everything you do, for everything samaritan's purse does, god bless you. happy easter. we'll be watching at noon. >> thank you. god bless you. pete: god bless. we have more "fox & friends" coming up. it's easter sunday and our prayer series continues with a
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reading of prayer from the hallow app. if you would at home, close your eyes, bow your head with us. risen lord today 40 days of fasting and pennance come to an end. this easter morning, your glory takes center stage. our hearts are of overjoyed as we celebrate your victory over sin and death. your sacrifice freed us and invited us into new life. your resurrection gives us the occurring to believe trans formation is possible when we trust in you. your love rescues us. your power redeems us. your victory renews our faith and our hope. may your abiding love break open the tombs of our hearts so we may be vessels for your glory. give us the grace to live as new creations ever aware of how deeply loved we are by with you. filled with t gratitude for the gift of your resurrection we pray, oh, jesus, we surrender
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ourselves to you. take care of everything. and amen. hey there. are you looking to grow closer to god? dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today. hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. my life partner connie and i were in really rough shape regarding our health. and our doctors told us that we needed to lose weight. i saw a golo commercial and i thought, "we really need to try this."
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pete: we're back with your headlines, hundreds of is railies gathering in tel aviv urging the government to do
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whatever they can for the release of the 130 hostages under hamas captivity. including americans. the unrest in tel aviv comes asy egyptian media reports they're set to engage in new rounds of cease fire talks today. cincinnati based nimia manufacturing is about second chances. they began with a mission to provide jobs to people with criminal convictions. they're partnering with tim tebow and his wife. they joined us earlier. >> we should believe in second chances. it's because grace gave us all the second chance first. and we need to believe in giving people a second and a third and a fifth and an 11 teenth chanc. >> as believers, when we see what he has done for us especially on a day like today, like easter sunday, how can we not but want to come alongside
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people and support them? pete: the second chance program is the largest and one of the most effective in the country. and to mar march madness, lsu ad iowa taking care of business yesterday. it sets up a rematch of last year's national championship game between the tigers and hawkeyes. the game is set for tomorrow evening. elsewhere in the bracket, the usc trojans and yukon huskies also advance. yukon is the only school in the country with a men's and women's team alive in the tournament. the men's team steam rolled yesterday against syracuse. those are your headlines. let's check in with myring's meteorologist adam klotz. >> i'm surrounded by a bunch of easter bunnies. you look really nice in the
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easter bunny -- can i get some? oh, yeah. there it is. [laughter] >> i look good, right? [laughter] >> are you having a nice day? >> yes! >> we're having a great day because it is beautiful out. let's look at the temperatures across the country. i hope wherever you live it's just as nice for you. we're up to 50 degrees on fox square, very pleasant. a couple spots looking at storms, the midwest could be rainy, we're also tracking winterinwinwintering weather acs portions of the west. i'll leave you with the forecast across the country, particularly nice in the south. back out here on fox square, can i get a happy easter? let me count, one, two, three. >> happy easter! >> what do you bunnies do? do they hop. let's hop around. hop around. >> hop, hop, hop. >> hop, hop, hop, hop, hop. rachel: that's a lot of cuteness over there, adam. [laughter] rachel: thanks, adam.
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>> thank you. rachel: all right. well, a long-time american economist sounding the alarm over president biden's massive budget, nearly $8 trillion and the impact on your wallet. >> normally what happens is democrats when they get to the election year, they move to the middle and they pretend like the conservatives and i've got to give joe biden credit. he's not moving to the my i del. this is -- middle. this is not the era of big government is over, it's the era of big government here to stay like never before. it's an assault against american businesses, small business, playing into the hands of our enemies like russia and china. rachel: fox news contribute and former congressman jason chaffetz joins us now. thank you for joining us on this easter sunday. you heard steven moore, he said it's an assault on american businesses. but i guess the question is, they're not moving to the
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middle. that seems like the politically smart thing to do given everything else that's happening in this election. why aren't they doing it on this issue of the budget if. >> because the democrats worship at the altar of big government, they think big government has all the answers to all of the problems and so every time you spend money out of washington dc, what you're really doing is you're pulling money from somebody's wallet and you're giving it to somebody else. and they think are better at making that decision than you are and this is a choice election and this is one of the key choices because remember thd trump tax cuts, democrats go nuts about this, sa saying it ad to the deficit. no, it didn't. revenue to the treasury went up. people had money in their wallets, businesses did better. if you want to make america less competitive, then take more taxes from them. it's also one of the key reasons we have so much inflation. the government is spending almost one out of every a five
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dollars spent in the country is spent by the federal government. rachel: earlier in the show we were talking about crime. governor newsom's crime policies have gotten crazy. his solution is a very big government solution which is oh, we'll just put surveillance cameras and it almost feels like he's letting crime get so bad that people will agree he to anything, including more government surveillance. i look at the debt situation, we have a saying in spanish which means think the worst, you might guess right. it makes no economic sense, the printing of money, the debt. are they trying to collapse our system in order to move us to digital currency or make us more he dependent on government? what's the end game here? it doesn't make sense if you love america and want her to prosper. >> for them it's all about control and power. rachel: yes. >> governor newsom, they want facial recognition. they want to be able to see every movement. they want to actually score you
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and understand how environmentally friendly you are, where you go, what you do. this is part of it, facial recognition plays into it. it's fundamentally wrong. if they can control all of your money and all of your benefits, again, it reaches their end goal which is control of and power. rachel: and i just don't trust them. to me that's the only thing that makes sense. nothing else does. you're guest hosting on sunday morning futures today. we're excited to see you coming up after the show. tell us what you have. >> well, maria bartiromo's very kind to let me sit in the seat. i love doing it. we're going to start with senator marsha blackburn, she just got back from the border and let's remember, secretary mayorkas is going to get those articles of impeachment coming over from the house next week. we have ambassador robert o'brien, the former national security add a vicar talking about peace -- advisor talking about peace through strength and how come we have chinese nationals trying to get on u.s. bases in the united states.
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there's an incident that happened days ago. well talk about that. we have buddy carter from texas, we'll talk about the funding of the big collapse of that bridge, biden just said we'll just spend it. what about the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. >> how come that doesn't pay for it? we're going to talk about hunter biden, more specifically the biden impeachment inquiry coming up with emma joe morris. rachel: sounds like a great lineup. thank you so much and happy easter. >> happy easter. rachel: it's the grand finale of our faith and friends concert series this easter sunday and matthew west, we're happy to have him had, he's performinger next. ♪ nativeltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. look who saved slider sunday again!
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joey: five time grammy nominee matthew west latest sin quell, don't stop praying, is quickly becoming a faith movement across america. rachel: matthew joins us now to wrap up the faith and friend concert series this easter sunday. great to have you. and happy easter. >> it's an honor to be here. happy easter to you. rachel: tell us about this song in particular. why do you think it's becoming a movement. >> i w was riding nashville to
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new york. i started writing the words what is this world coming to. i was thinking about the things you've been reporting on this morning, how many times have we asked that rhetorical question, what is the world coming to and as a follower of christ especially on easter sunday it's an honor to be able to proclaim, what i come to when i'm asking the question, was is the world coming to, i'm coming to jesus. the bible says my people are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, god says he will hear us and heal our land. i think there's a lot of people praying for a lot of things right now and what happens when you wonder how many more times can i pray, i feel like i'm wearing god out. is he hearing me? what do we do as followers of jesus? we pray one more time. there's a lot of campaign slogans we'll be hearing this year. in a way it felt like don't stop praying, i want to put my hat in the ring, i'll run for office and that will be my campaign
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slogan. rachel: i would vote for you. >> you can be my running mate. pete: is this part of a an album. >> it felt like an anthem that needed to be said. i just got off of a tour this s. we built a prayer wall and put it into the lobby and people could write down something they're praying for and put the tag on the wall. i tell you what. you want to see a tear come to your eye. you get perspective when you realize -- joey: absolutely. >> if everybody took their problems and put them in a pile, you would see what other people are dealing with, you would take your problems back. joey: we've got the band, the microphone in front of you. we need to get out of the way and hear the song. pete: thank you, matthew. ♪ so impossible. ♪ i need a miracle.
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♪ what's got you barely hanging by a single thread. ♪ what looks so hopeless now. ♪ what weighs down your heart. ♪ beg for a breakthrough but no sign of breakthrough yet. ♪ when you cry, you cry until your tears run dry. ♪ the answer won't come and you don't know why. ♪ and you wonder if you can bow your head even one more time. ♪ don't stop praying. ♪ don't stop calling on jesus' name. ♪ keep on pounding on heaven's door. ♪ let your knees wear out the floor. ♪ don't stop believing. ♪ because my tears move with just a little faith. ♪ your father's heard every single word you're saying. ♪ so don't stop praying.
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♪ he's close to the broken hearted. ♪ saves those who are crushed in spirit. ♪ the alpha and omega knows how your story ends. ♪ when you criednd you cried until your tears run dry. ♪ the answer won't come and you don't know why. ♪ and you wonder if you can bow your head even one more time. ♪ oh, do it one more time. ♪ and don't stop praying. ♪ no don't stop calling on jesus' name. ♪ keep on pounding on heaven's door. ♪ let your knees wear out the floor. ♪ don't stop believing. ♪ because mountains move with just a little faith. ♪ and your father heard every single heard you're saying. ♪ so don't stop praying. ♪ no, don't stop praying.
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♪ don't stop praying. ♪ don't stop praying for the miracle. ♪ hallelujah. ♪ hallelujah. ♪ and amen. ♪ don't stop praying that addictions end. ♪ don't stop praying for deliverance. ♪ say hallelujah, hallelujah, and amen. ♪ oh, don't stop praying for the sickness healed. ♪ don't stop praying for his power revealed. ♪ hallelujah, hallelujah and amen. ♪ no, don't stop praying for the kingdom come of. ♪ don't stop praying that his will be done. ♪ hall y hallelujah, ha, halleld amen. ♪ don't stop praying. ♪ don't stop calling on jesus'
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name. ♪ keep on pounding on heaven's door. ♪ let your knees wear out the floor. ♪ don't stop believing. ♪ because mountains move with just a little faith. ♪ and your father's heard every single word you're saying. ♪ so don't stop praying. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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