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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  March 31, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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c1 the chaplain of the united states senate, thank you for bringing us a message from your heart on acer sunday but i hope you and your family have a wonderful easter we will see you again soon. berry: christ has risen trey, he has risen indeed. trey: risen indeed, risen indeed, thank you chaplain and thank you for swimming part of your sunday with us any of you have a great weekend denice we can find us online trey gowdy podcast said good night from south alicia: welcome to the big weekend show.
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the proclamation of easter sunday and transgender day ofe visibility. c empire stateit building in new york city will be lit in pink, white and light blue fortian transgender flag and christians everywhere are outraged. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with new reaction. lucas. reporter: alicia, republicansg are blasting president biden over designating hisnati proclamation, designating marco rubio 31st as trans day ofsibi visibility and happens to coincide with easter. president biden marking thema solemn occasion on x posting "today on transgender day of m visibility, i have a simplens message to all trans americans, i seine you. you were made in the image of god and you're worthy of respecd and dig dignity". he also post that had jill and i send our thoughts with the christians celebrating the
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reservation on easter sunday. trump cam kaine posted saying these are sadly two more examples of the biden b administrationid year's longouse assault on the christian faithgt and we call on them to issue a apology for celebrating today ae anything other than theit resurrection of jesus kris. the resurrection of jesus christ and proclaiming easter sunday as transgender day is outrageous and obstructing cerumen operate and the ought thomas mancino think attack and that march 31so
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lift up traps gender peopleur who -- transgender people that endure violence and bigotry, sin easter the date changes every single day but this is one moreo instance of folks that do notno know how to lead uw s trying to divide us.s an this is the opposite of the christian faith. reporter: tomorrow is annuale at easter egg egg roll here at the white house and the white house says it'ans banning any religios symbols for the art competition for little children and critics arite saying why call it theu ca easter egg roll if you can't do religious symbols and call @ holiday roll or egg roll. easter doesn't always fall onxt march 31st and next time it falls on march 31st, alicia, 2086. >> thank you, lucas.i do before we get started, i want to let everyone know we have heardt from the white house on this. white house spokesperson andrew
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bates issuing a statement sayin "as a christian that celebrates easter witsth family, presidentg biden stands for p bringing peoe together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every american.ns sadly it'sur unsurprisingin politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our countryru with cruelel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric. president biden will never abuse his faith for political purpose or for profit. now, joey, that statement there is actually a little bit for political profit when you read between the line there is wherei he's actually kind ondf take aga dig at president trump and thegu bibles he's selling. what is your response to all this?pr >> iesf you're president biden s haven'u hat checked your watch d the tarmac in afghanistan andev haven'ist fumbled laken riley's name and weren't bullied intole sayingy' it if you hadn't e essentiallnty ignored the fallen police officer thaist the entire country is memorializizing and
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missing this weekend and so many things that make centralt americans, right americans, patriotic americans, military americans, police and fire americans, blue collar americans feel personally agreged in the last few years and not allot ofh things would be said about it. it's the entire body of work anp sit there is and put out a s statement saying president bidet will not abuse his faith for political gain. that's interesting tntero me bee he's abused his heritage and been hispanic, ericish, hial --h irish ane'd italian and his son has died in iraq multiple times according tovery him.ab where's thoue dignity in him and all the hardship he had and t that's how he entires and how does this matter to me andan outrebounded am i involved in what does this mean to me?me gets called time after time embellishing or lying about his own past in order to connect himself to something so we come out with this, you know, thisn
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proclamation oean easter and i understand that the two datesar are one e moves, one doesn't. fell on the same daytime he's the first president to makee the proclamation. he did i t in 2021. he didn't have to.e i'm sorry, people that live anrt alternative lifestyle shouldn't get the same dignity and respect from our government that those on friday fought in vietnam. not everybody get as day. doesn't mean we don't like youay and find you abhorrent but don't know a triplhille j day or day r people from georgia. this is coming as a leader andoe understand not everybody get as day, not everything -- he's turned easter into a transan celebration in his tweets and comments and i don't understand its >> learfield img sackmary, we started -- lisa, we started this conversation yesterday and so much happened in the last 24t hours and there's beenof a lot f criticism and piling on for people in biden camp and heardsr from the secretary of state,bl
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antony blinken issuing aun statement saying on this day the united state s recognizes achievements and progress that trans persons made in the global struggle for equality and reaffirms its commitment to supporting the equality inflation and full recognition human rights of transgender persons. additionally, nbc news decided to also make a statement saying transgender day of visibility is dedicated to celebrating transtr people and acknowledging the discrimination that community faces and nbc news spoke to trans people about how theirsati life satisfaction has changed sincure transitioning.s isjunior thoughts? >> this is a clear effort andna coordinated effortte to remove d from our society and to replace god with false gods and in thish instance it's a trans communityt they want us to bow at alter of trans community instead ofommu bowing to god. even if you don't believe in god, you should want to live ina a society that does.
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what god cause as a society means we're accountable tourse something greater than ourselver and a society of boundaries and rooted in something deeper with meaning. as human beings, we're imperfecl and fallible and sinful and all the bad things and founding fathers knew that and tried to p protect us from ourselves in the way they devised our government anr god tried to protect us fror worst impulses as a society and a society that's devoid of god has no boundaries and no wrong versus right and selfish societt and inward facing and societyve right now that we have and a hav society where we have dragfo queens twerking for kids andbo mutilating the bodies of young people in the name of t transgenderrism. that's the kinhad of society wee living in. even if you don't believe inyou god, you should want to live ino a society that does. >> and, david, talk about this easter egg roll at the white house; right this. is a tradition going far back, buts kids havare an art contest and these are the children ofmb national guard memberser. they're not allowed to have any
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religious symbolings on the egg for art work. >> a lot f times they're sayingd ada prayer, pray for daddy to gh home safese and the very kids of our service members that sometimes with mom at homell typically and dad at home are saying a prayer together. it's about that foundation of w. want someone home safe so now they say take that away from them. but it is a behindness and it if also part of a strategy to not only take religion and play to their hard left progressive base
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the judiah radley background anm believe it's the foundation of a good society. >> i think you're absolutely right and it's a bait and to get a opportunity and anyone that disagrees that's hateful and spiteful and resentful and i don't feel any of those things towards people that are transgender. i have a special place in my heart for easter sunday.t fo i don't think that's a whole lot to ask for. i don't think it's hateful at all, and i don't think that people, everyone get acidism i t think that's part of the problem is this idea that we've gone from acceptance to adherence an. that's not what it's built >> trying not to discriminate in the name of race and more.
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>> it's a random day created bya nda random person in michigan ad no president marked as any sort of proclamation till 2021 andul could observd e on any other dao biden chose tobs observe it on easter. i think it was with intention and a thumb in the face of and christians and easter. >> we do have a jam-packed weekend show ahead including this.pp apparently nothing iars off lims for the anti-israel mob and climate activists as they ambush easter mass at iconictr st. patrick's day catheter need raleic.l plplus, people will do what they're going to do. new york governor kathy hochul defends her behavior at wake of fallen police officer and ante easter egg extinction.tinc why easter traditions may look s little different this year.
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♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show. easter mass ambushed at cathedrl protesters climate activist fox news correspondent cb cotton is in new york city tonight with what unfolded during the service. >> well group of climate activist behind this planned protest says it wants faith leaders to demand a cease-fire in gaza. so this group of protesters headed for easter vigil service here at st. patrick's cathedral saturday evening. the disruption beginning with some protesters standing up to sing possibly as a distraction while others walked to the front of the church and opened this banner which read silence equals death. as those people who were escorted out activist began chanting this. [inaudible conversations] >> stop genocide -- >> free palestinian -- free, free, free palestinian. >> an organizer behind this
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demonstration releasing a statement saying, quote, the united nations security council calling for a cease-fire is a good start. but churches making cease-fire statements is also part of the solution. it will make a difference end quote. now fox news contributor and civil rights attorney leo terrell saying these protesters were trespassing here at st. patrick's kat cathedral and should be prosecuted but he says he doubts that will happen. >> they know when they break the law they know they go away to a church, a house of god and violate those perish issue first amendment right and not going to get punished why is that? because biden administration have signaled we're not going to do anything and new york prosecute we're not going to do negative and that's why they'll continue. three men were arrested now face charges of disrupting a religious service. back to you. >> now to this, new york
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governor kathy hochul defending for her behavior for jonathon diller hochul failed policies on the minds of many at the funeral including her -- widow stephany. >> i will grow without my husband an his parents have to say good-bye to their child. how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? i don't wish this kind of pain on anyone. >> and at the wake on friday, a source tells our very own brian kilmeade hochul came in while the family was closing the casket but the family couldn't stop her. one family member told hochul, quote, his blood is on your hands, then the source says when hochul got outside another family member confronted her and told her laws need to change because that's the reason why officer diller was killed. the governor saying and i, quote, people will do what
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they're going to do for their own reasons i will remain convinced that it was the right thing to do. that i would do it again and that's my job. my job is to be there when people need me, if they need to talk to mess and -- they also needed to talk to me my job is to listen. so lisa, making it about herself -- right -- and she's complicit because in 2023 she signed the additional changes to the no bail laws that these let two criminals out of jail. >> her job is also to protect police officers and to protect new yorkers and she's failed. you know, stephany diller asked most critical question and she said this, she said how many more police officers and families must pay ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them i think kathy hochul should have to answer that question democrats put a target on police officers backs since they started lying about police dating back to 2014 and ferguson with hands up don't shoot lie about michael brown
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and jason riley wrote exceptional op-ed in wall street journal titled this no criminal justice system isn't racist and what he did was looking at a study of two stet ton sociologist looked at 17 year period of time on sentencing disparities and the way that jason summarized what they found blacks are incarcerated higher rates than other groups because they commit crimes at higher rates so perhaps if we addressed that issue police officers wouldn't be in this situation we would have less crime in america. >> can i also add that part of her job is to remember that she is, in fact, a human being and she's dealing with human beings and this was a moment when she decided to go on cable news and talk about and defend herself this was a moment where she could have said you know what, if my presence or behavior offended you or even worse made your pain deeper -- you are experiencing a loss no family should have to bare for
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that i am sorry. she had a moment and it passed because she thought of the job -- she thought of her position and forgot about the people whose hearts are broken. >> okay let me just read this because it is so frustrating. we -- from kathy hochul we would always ask -- would the families like us there if the families say no -- this is the time for our personal family grieving. we don't want a politician there. we don't go in this case, we asked we were told the family is welcoming. we always check and they said to come and i went and no one told me to leave. now that last part we know is a factual lie. because some did including officers uncle tell her to leave but joey and you explained this so beautifully accurately more importantly on the disruption. but i want to go to the human element here. at a funeral, it is about the family. and to alicia's point this is
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not about the governor but she inserted herself and my feeling is an observation of hers she needs a point of point on a huml what do you say? >> i say it is a bad day for politicians. politicians don't apologize anymore. they don't accept failures they don't accept the fact they know that time heals all and in their lives look at senators with a six year term. so it makes sense to me that she came out with a statement. it is -- it's by all sources we have, it is a lie. but the people that support her probably won't see it that way and that's what she's betting on that's where politicians live now they don't live in the truth but in the truth they can get away with. i would love to say that's not all politicians i can think of a few that i served with and that i knew before they got to congress. but our system of governing and our -- and our instinct to reward that's happening now and not yesterday allows politicians all -- the absolute cover. they don't have to go bag to apologize because that was yesterday.
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it doesn't matter anymore. and that's the part that we need to change. i don't expect to change kathy hochul soul as a human being but i would love to as human beings and ensure we remember. when somebody shows you who they are believe them. >> thank you joey. coming up, the extravagant lens people are going to change their easter traditions because of -- eggs that are expensive. that i said. ♪ ♪ rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective
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your recovery with oofos. ♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show, dyeing eggs is a long standing easter tradition. it is even a hot topic for comedians to joke about. >> easter that's a weird tradition. easter the day jesus rose from
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the dead what shall we do? how about eggs? [laughter] >> well what is that have to do with gee sues? all right well hide them. [applause] okay. i don't follow your logic. >> don't worry there's a bunny. [laughter] >> what tradition could look a little different this year with new record high egg prices. so what do we do instead? usa today with infinite wisdom gave us ideas including decorating egg alternatives bake egg themed cookies or cakes and don't forget, there are eggs in the batter -- but i digress make paper eggs for easter cards or host easter egg hunt using plastic eggs because environment doesn't matter when we don't have enough eggs. alicia i find this -- quite pace tronnizing there's symbolism in the egg a lot of
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christians father, son, holy coast shell, yolk and the white the fact we worry about which came first and creation of man there's symbolism i've heard in sermons so this is a christian symbol as well but a big part of easter we shouldn't as most prosperous country in the world have to worry about it. >> did you sees on this list one of the suggestions to decorate you can use rocks from outdoors for the same person -- can i throw those rocks at whoever came -- for violence i'm just saying i won't paint rocks for easter i agree with you it takes away from the celebration, beauty and fun of it all. and yeah, just kind of whole thing kind of bums me out. >> lisa on the topic of there aren't any eggs available. this is from talking about where people are in there skyrocketing cocoa prices impacting easter candy get this, consumers are expected to spend 3.1 billion
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dollars on candy this year down from 3.3 billion for the holiday in 2023 i think the important part there is 2.2 billion is 200 million dollars less. i don't know if that's a sign of a failing economy. maybe people just aren't as cheerful and aren't as eager but i would rather that trend tick upward, you know? >> all too eggspensivi. you look at the recent fox news polling i had to -- and majority of americans believe that they feel as if they're worst off under joe biden than they were under donald trump you look at 61% of americans disapprove of joe biden's handling of the economy. and i think during the holidayings people feel it more because -- you know, you partake in holidays year after year you notice thanks geoffing dinner is really expensive this year or eggs are outrageous or christmas
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trees are up and you've got eggs at a historic high. you look at thanksgiving dinner last year, and it was up 25% since 2019 it was a second most expensive thanksgiving meal in the farm bureau history christmas trees were up 10% this last christmas so i think in the holidays specifically -- americans are really recognizing like man, everything is more expensive under joe biden and i don't like it. joey: a good analysis and better yolk -- [laughter] >> why are we such nerds? >> david i don't to scramble these topics up -- [laughter] let's crack into some good news here. [laughter] so i want to bring this up this is top selling easter candy. 2023 i think these held true for this year reese's peanut butter egg and hershey's milk chocolate and california, north dakota, and the famed cadbury milk chocolate in alaska. what is your favorite easter
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candy because i'm just puzzled that peeps didn't make the list. >> but you know this is his tore tore -- about eggs i've loved cadbury cream eggs you get an egg shaped chocolate see scrambling them together that represents an egg. and if you eat about six of them like i do every easter you're good for the rest of the year because there's enough sugar in these things. let me sunlight never eat over a dozen egg pops in one sitting because your wife doesn't want to sleep with you for the rest of the night. egg pops are boiled eggs on a stick. >> this was an excellent segment. >> listen -- coming up, gavin newsom is celebrating the 20 -- the 20 dollar minimum wage but
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they say this is a silent tax on them. that's next.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show disgraced former lawyer convicted killer alex murdaugh heads back to court tomorrow to learn punishment and already serving life sentences for killing his wife and son. fox news correspondent madison is in atlanta with what to expect in court. >> lisa federal prosecutors are trying to keep murdaugh behind bars for as long as possible and they want out of a plea deal they say he violated that would have cut down on his prim time and would have let him serve federal sentence at the same time as his 27-state assistance
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for similar crimes prosecutors say murdaugh wasn't being honest about what happened to six million dollars he stole. made comments about another high profile criminal van der sloot who killed natalie and he's serving two life sentences for his wife maggie and son paul. but he says he didn't do it and fighting for a new murder trial and attorney for several victims of his financial crimes can concerned about overturned murder conviction. >> so there's the possibility if the federal sentences don't run consecutively, and all of these ducks run up in a nice little clean row, alex could get out of prison ten years -- >> that attorney says it would be a slap in the face to the victims if the sentences run at the same time. lisa. lisa: thank you. now to this. california business owners will be bleeding cash as gavin newsom
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minimum wage hike takes effect. starting tomorrow fast food chains and restaurants will be forced to pay their workers at least $20 an hour. some say the new law is a silent tax on owners and consumers alike. >> we're going to have massive layoffs, massive job losses. it is a silent tax on the public. the public will pay for the unemployment of the people that are let go. people need to wake up. this is like when you go out to the circus and the guy has a big fancy treky showing you meanwhile somebody is stealing all of the money out of your pocket because this tax is passed on to the consumer. lisa: david i'm going to start with you because you're very familiar with this law. what should the audience at home know? >> they should know this is started number one he signed into law in september by october pizza hut announced 1200 plus layoffs another franchiser in
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california laid off starbucks employees who, by the way, total compensation package around $30 an hour, they already closed seven stores with more layoffs über drivers, door dash all of them will pay a price restaurants are already squeezed, and he's basically -- but the people that get laid off then collect because the businesses had to pay unemployment compensation to the state. which means that taxpayers get to make up the difference. his buddy's gren glint and gavin newsom home got exception because he's a bread maker for panera at least he got rid of that because it was too publicly embarrassing but what this is -- idiotic, forced value on the cost of labor which is anti-free market anticapitalist and the real results are thousands of people have already lost jobs, and more will lose jobs and customers will have to pay the difference. >> i wonder if that friends was at french laundry dinner alicia
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toipght get you on this wall street job op-ed there's no free pizza and says incentives matter and still no such thing as free pizza politicians can try to dictate higher wages for entry level jobs but ultimately consumers decide how much they're willing to pay. fast food consumers demand a bargain. so restaurant operators are already trimming staff to keep costello. alicia you've been a business owner -- so as a business owner, what does that mean to absorb some of these costs? alicia: so we had a restaurant my husband had a restaurant and we actually closed last year. and the cost of labor was choking us so badly and trying to keep it staffed and to make up for it, our serving sizes shrank we had to take premium items off the menu trying to cut corners every step and it just became impossible and finally we became another one of those small businesses. i won't blame it entirely on the minimum wage increase we had one
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in denver as well. we tried to use a living wage. we started a $15 an hour this is when we open bud city started to decide how things would change and we had to brace ourselves and things changed. customers didn't like that. we didn't like that, and eventually we had to close. so yeah it's real problem. jason:lisa: joey. joey: san francisco and san jose came in number two and other california cities in the top ten so maybe hear me out, they need a higher minimum wage because it cost so dang much money to live in california. and maybe if they get -- just scaled back on some of those taxes that don't go anywhere, to anything that helps the taxpayers, they wouldn't need a $20 minimum wage because their money would go further. it is a self-eating snake and self-feeding problem. they created a state so
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expensive that you have to raise minimum wage for people to live there. i don't necessarily hate that people get more money on minimum wage because that's an entire -- economy problem there. >> we've seen fast food industry automate jobs i assume this accelerates that great discussion. next, a lesson on resilience through religion as jordan peterson delivers a message about her faith getting her through cancer and coming up, tomorrow morning on "fox & friends," trump's campaign press secretary caroline levet and a inside look at trump vp pick and dvr if you can't catch it live. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show king charles makes public appearance for easter sunday at winston castle since beginning cancer treatment fox news stephany bennett is in london tonight. >> his attendance is positive
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encouraging sign about his health and so far manage to keep up with some of his engagements and l tho have been held in private. today king greeted well wishers at st. george chapel in first public appearance since diagnosed with cancer and spoke to crowds after the easter sunday service and accompanied by his wife kamala and 75-year-old king joined by duke and dutchess and son james princess ann and her son timmy lawrence and, of course, prince and princess of wales did not attendant as katherine continues her own cancer treatment and not expected to return to official duties any time soon. during the easter sermon archbishop wishes king and princess well and encourage congregation to pray for them. >> managed it incredibly well and i think they've got the measure right with how much information to give to the public so we're aware of what they're going through which i think is very brave of them i think it brings the country together and unites those in
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hoping that they get, you know, back -- >> both king and katherine cancers have not been disclosed found during unrelated procedures earlier this year few days ago king charles spoke about his great sadness missing thursday service. of course, the kings attendants today does not mark his return to public duties yet and for now it is unknown how future royal events will play out especiallying in june. stephany bennett fox news. >> tammy peterson of dr. jordan peterson became a catholic today on easter sunday. in 2019 she was only given months to live with a terminal cancer diagnosis. that's when she renewed her relationship with god. she credits her faith providing her a source of strength through her cancer fight. >> it wasn't going kill me. but when they did the first operation and weeks later, i had
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some flank pain on my left side, that was the one indication of a much more aggressive cancer in my kidney that pretty much kills everyone. it grows so fast. they don't diagnose us and they descroangt any treatment for it. it's been a number of years that we've been going on this spirit of living in truth. and that has grown to not just leving in truth or living -- with the spirit of truth, but looking at everything we do everything we think, every step we take is that truth. or is it self-will that's guiding us? >> absolutely beautiful. you know, david this connection that she has between her faith and healing is just so incredibly powerful. >> so back to high school and work forward quickly to this father has a priest who was my
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fizz exteacher said that science and religion are not contradictory at all times they actually are part of who we are. and it comes forward to faith and healing. our bodies on a very basic level respond if you're happy and you're laughing -- your body is in a better state. it is releasing the right elements into your body if you're sad and you're depressed, you're causing more stress. more pain, more fladges. inflammation so faith, healing -- being in the right place at the right mindset is important and now there have been a lot of scientific studies done about this to show that those who have a level of -- faith and any form it doesn't have to be a particular dogma but a particular faith or good mindset can do that. and on a personal note, and i don't usually talk about things personally but my dad got a diagnosis of weeks with pancreatic cancer and he lived months beyond that and i think part of that was attributed to not only care of the doctors my mother, the family --
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but who he was as somebody who wanted to fight for life. i think there's a lot of value in that, i think science is also again -- science and religion are not necessarily contradictory to each other. >> i saw my ology l when he was dying of lung cancer he was a big alcoholic struggled with a lot of demons became a christian before he died and glad he was dying because he finally felt peace at life and that's testament to my mom who is devote christian drove him to all of his treatments took care of him and lived with my parents -- he lived with them for a while so i saw with him how faith really got him through and how he was glad that he had gotten cancer because he felt peace for the first time in his life. >> joey so many people now sharing this story -- can be inspired as well. >> yeah i think it is important this is tammy peterson if you follow them which i do joey and tori thought leaders leaders inr
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own way they reference text an they reference -- the classical thought but they bring their faith into it. i think it brings, it lends some credibility especially to younger generation that's sitting in college being told -- that you know, con is the way, is the way to finding things or and god is dead so for these young people and jordan peterson make no mistake is a big influence on young americans right now. because what he says is to truthful so well thought tammy i've seen her podcast she's very much the same. so for her to come out to do this on easter, and for her to use faith in what i perceive to be intellectual way she says living in truths. both the truth of her situation and the truth of jesus christ as her savior, it really lends some credibility i think, to the idea that you can have science, and god in the same conversation and same heart and same mind in
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regardless of what your faith is i think that's important. >> we will absolutely continue to think about her and follow her healing. but please stick around. the big four is next. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long—term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. (♪) and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. (♪) don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today.
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welcome back to the big weekend show. it's time for our big four picks up for the biggest stories
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everyone will be talking about this week. i'm going to go first. this is near and dear to me. fdny firefighters were reportedly told to take down the flag honoring 9/11 heroes because a leftist new york politician complained it was quote a politically charged symbol. we are hearing may be they were allowed to put it back up. the reason i wanted to bring this up as if this did happen shame on anyone who thanks the thin red line is politically charged for just a few days ago three firemen almost lost their lives going back into a house they did not need to go back into to save people. that is in a small town. what happened on 911 exemplifies that. for me personally i'm going to hand it off to you and say everyone with a thin red line. >> president biden will visit the site of the baltimore bridge collapsed sometime this week. watch this pretty quick to mr. president will be a visit baltimore? >> beg your pardon? worklooks when we visit baltimo?
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[inaudible] ask yourself what is actually different about the baltimore bridge from east of palestine, ohio where it took the president one year end 13 days to show up and over 5000 americans were harmed by toxic smokes and other issues in toxic fumes for the fact they are still suffering property value is gone. biden feels he can sell this to somebody but not to me. >> he is the worst performer president trump is looking to one up biden's 25 million new york city fundraiser with one of his own in palm beach for this upcoming saturday which reportedly bring in $33 million. i do not think the beach working with liz at. [laughter] they hope will raise so much money. >> four-legged friends dressed up in their sunday best participating in the huge easter parade in new york city today. the dogs really stole the show
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but there is at least one cute cat. twin chihuahuas dressed up i cannot get enough of it. i wish i would've seen them and person i was scared of the protests out there. i did not go out to see them which is quite sad. because the bonnet parade, the easter parade is quite beautiful. >> some raw eggs. [laughter] >> throw them at the protesters. >> we cannot waste eggs like that. too expensive. >> guys it has been fun it's been a blast of a. >> happy easter everyone too. >> happy easter bread that doesn't wrestle see you next weekend, "life, liberty & levin" ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hell


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