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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 1, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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>> rachel: good morning, everybody. it's monday april 1st. this is "fox & friends." the white house marking yet another holiday on easter sunday, despite backlash over his transgender visibility day paproclamation. >> brian: why would there be backlash? caught me by surprise. response demand for billions from the biden administration. >> they would never say that to me. they would never say before we even -- they want $10 billion a year. i wouldn't give them 10 cents. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. the florida sheriff is putting squatters on notice. >> you obey the law, and we'll be your best friend. you disobey the law, and we'll be your worst enemy. are. >> lawrence: the polk county sheriff grady judd will join us live. >> joey: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪
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>> brian: all right. so we're getting more information about that top secret fundraiser across the street. we heard some interesting things about that. again, we heard that the alpha on the stage was joe biden. [laughter] >> brian: really? can we see that joe biden? with bill clinton and barack obama he was the fall on the stage. one clip we saw making up a story about donald trump and saying i met him in the oval office and i said i will play you 18, spot you three strokes if you carry your own bag. not true, again. trump says i never talked to him in the oval office. >> lawrence: totally scripted. >> brian: wouldn't smooth and now we are getting more information. the alfa. we don't see anymore from the alfa. we have to be swuferg barack obama. >> rachel: in fact, we have a clip from it. >> brian: you brought it with you? >> rachel: you know how much i love him. >> at the end of the day, what you're -- what you want not just out of your president but out of your government, is people whose
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values are rooted in wanting to make sure everybody gets its shot. >> gets a fighting chance. >> that is willing to fight on behalf of people who weren't born into privilege. and that's who joe biden is. and so who is it that really sees you and cares about you? i can't -- ha ha -- i'm pretty confident the other guy doesn't. [laughter] >> this guy does. that's why we will have to fight so hard. >> rachel: a lot of irony that clip on that weekend. you know, this past weekend. so, as they are sitting there saying we care about you as they are sitting with the elites, lizzo and stephen colbert and charging $100,000 for a picture. on the other side of town 30 minutes away is donald trump with the family grieving with
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them. comforting them. so this is really odd thing to say. but, of course of course in the media they can get away with it. >> lawrence: the i i do coat tomorrow, donald trump grieving with the family. only took the flight to grieve he came exactly for this where you got the current president with all the people with all the money. >> brian: can i add this he also went to a bigger place and just to show you, burgers all-american in massapequa legendary muregger place and grilled cheese and tuna. you might say he was born rich. i understand that. if you have seen the way donald trump grew up. it was in a queens house that was no sprawling mansion. >> lawrence: he definitely has a poor man's pallet. i think the real issue that i'm seeing right now on the landscape. normally you bring the former presidents in to close the deal. you don't bring them at the
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beginning of the deal who are they going to bring in at the end of the campaign. remember, it was bill clinton when obama was on the ropes. it was about arithmetic. the clothes. they are not going to have anyone burn them all out. >> rachel: answer soof weakness. clyburn said they will be on the trail the entire campaign because he can't do it by himself. >> you called it top secret introducing because we haven't seen a lot from it. i have to imagine that the pima room, it was probably almost a misstep because if you juxtapose joe biden to barack obama, regardless of what you think about obama's policies, i went to two state of the union addresses right after the tea party came into the house. and barack obama was so good at saying what you thought you wanted to hear and then pivoting it back to whatever policy he supported. i saw at love republican congressman almost clap and no, no, no. he is a very good communicator. and to put him next to joe biden and to show that contrast. that's how you highlight how bad joe biden is at communicating. so, i don't -- maybe from donors
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who feel like they're behind the curtain anyway, it makes sense. on the campaign trail, i don't know that it's asset to have the two of them on the stage together. because it really all it does really highlights -- >> rachel: i think you will see them at rallies together. see them maybe behind closed doors with donors in case joe biden buffers and can't finish his sentence and then they will be able to jump in and save him. but the point is that they're going to send bill clinton and barack obama on the trail. here is representative clyburn actually saying it's a show of unity. we all know it's a show of weakness. >> my question for you, congressman, do you expect to see those former presidents out on the campaign trail routinely? will they be a common presence on the campaign trail? >> i think so. but not to show force but more to show unity. unity of purpose.
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to show defense of democracy. that's what's going on here. three former presidents, all-three of whom have this their challenges. every one of them stood for what is right in this country and that is to protect this democracy. and p putting themselves bloat needs and aspirations of the american people. what we saw in new york last thursday was a show of unity and a show of defense of democracy and that is what we need in this country at this particular juncture. >> brian: here's the problem they gave the show elitism at radio city. rant $26 million. number two is they had. -- bill clinton got the working class and so did barack obama. that's what he was trying to say. i'm for the working class. you can't do it at radio city. when you charge $100,000 to take a picture with him. and at the same time donald trump has gotten the working class there has been a jujitsu
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in america in real time before our eyes. wall street is siding with them, at least publicly. and the president is making inroads with unions and working class americans while he continues to tell them i'm building an economy from the bottom up or the middle out. they go not really. not with me you're not. >> rachel: you can't do it with an open border. a open border is a direct threat to the wages of the works class. the working class have figured it out. caesar chavez day yesterday. it was easter and transgender visibility day. even chester chavez back then was a hawk on immigration. he ran the illegals campaign where he went and said the border patrol isn't doing enough. we are going to go down and arrest and harass the illegals coming over they are a threat to our wages. number one issue at the border. and as you said they are losing the working class. that's why.
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>> lawrence: don't tell that to ro khanna he says joe biden has a better economic vision. excuse me, have you been looking at the country and grocery store. he also says this and this is the stunning part. the president will get more support once the war between israel and hamas ends. so you are telling israel that they need to speed up the war on terrorism. can you imagine someone doing that to us? after 9/11? you got to speak this war on terrorism up so we could benefit the election. >> rachel: that's what is going on right now with our next topic which was mexico. he is telling and you had a great interview with donald trump asking about that. obrador in mexico. joe biden is saying hey, listen. this open border thing, i know we want it, but we need you to slow it down at least until election. and then obrador says sure, that will cost you $10 billion. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> brian: so did the gwatney mall lynn president wants a check, too. >> lawrence: it's crazy. the white house is hosting annual easter egg roll after releasing a new video
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commemorating caesar chavez day on easter sunday. >> brian: his daughter is running joe biden's campaign. jacqui heinrich is at the white house with the details. >> tough conditions out here. it is raining. we heard some thunder and lightning and controversy surrounding the event this year. transgender day of visibility falls on march 31st every year. this year it coincided with easter sunday. and although president biden, who is catholic and attends mass every weekend, issued a statement commemorating easter sunday. he also issued a statement marking transgender day of visibility. it reads: today on transgender day of visibility i have a simple message to all trans americans, i see you. you are made in the image of god. and you are worthy of respect and dignity. republicans sounded off about that and also about an egg decorating contest for the children of national guard members. a flier that was promoting the contest said kids submissions must not include any questionable content including
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religious symbols or overtly political. this restriction has been in place for 47 years and the american egg board told fox rules are mandated by the usda. this new contest for the national guard children was started by the first lady in 2021. it appears that her office just co-opted the same rules. >> i think everyone should be insulted by. this the intentional nature of this, easter is a religious holiday. it is such a sacred day where we all meet at the cross. >> the president also issued a statement marking easter sunday as caesar chavez day. so plenty of controversy coming from or critics -- criticism coming from critics. and it is range. weraining.hope it goes off. >> brian: can couldn't rattle you. no problem. just thunder and lightning.
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that's all and have this metal object if my hand. what could go wrong? let's talk about president trump and, of course, obrador sat down with 60 minutes last weekend and said this about our border around what he could be doing about it if we do a few things. watch. >> if they don't do the things that you have said need to be done. then what? >> the flow of migrants will continue. >> your critics have said what you are doing. what you are asking for to help secure the border is diplomatic blackmail, what do you say? >> i'm speaking frankly. we have to say things as they are. and i always say what i feel. i always say what i think. >> and just what he wants? he wants us to change our policy on the blockade of cuba and he wants us to normalize relations with venezuela, which by the way, they have done nothing but spit in our face. >> rachel: mostly he wants the money. >> right. yeah. he wants money. and he says that he wants us to
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give certain aid to certain countries. write checks or else keep the border open. >> lawrence: as if he is in any position to negotiate. >> brian: unless we hit him with tariffs, he is. >> lawrence: exactly. just shows you how comfortable foreign governments feel with going right after joe biden. brian, when all of this was going on i was like what would donald trump say about this? so i text and said brian, do you mind asking the former president about this. you asked him. this is what he said. >> 60 minutes the president of mexico says we are not going to shut down our border until you change your policy on cuba and change your policy on venezuela. is it okay for the mexican president to dictate american policy? >> well, he said much more than that he said he wants $10 billion essentially to talk. $10 billion to talk. that's come out since. no, that wouldn't happen with me. i get along great with him. i dealt with him. evidence supplied us with 28,000 soldiers that's why i had the best while i was building the
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wall. >> brian: what changed? >> lack of respect for the president. it's that simple. they would never say that to me. they want $10 billion a year. mexico just asked for $10 billion a year. they would never ask me. i wouldn't give them ten cents. >> lawrence: a little irony here. feels like a trump move to say hey, i'm not going to do anything for you unless you do these thee three things from me. i think someone like president trump could absolutely win that argument. could come in and be a larger authority, a bigger bully and make something happen. we saw it happen at the end of trump's presidency anyway with the border. and so, to many do out and say you know, i'm not going to do anything for the border until you do these three things for me. that's speaking trump's language. i think president trump could handle that. >> rachel: i think that president trump with remain in mexico he first went to obrador and said i want remain in mexico. i want illegals to stay in mexico go. through their paperwork there. and not have them here which you
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know. releasing them and backlog of proceedings and so forth. obrador said no. basically donald trump threatened him with tariffs and all kinds of stuff and then he said okay. not only that, we're going -- mexican military to help. the point that donald trump is making is they don't respect us. >> joey: that's exactly right. trump said he wouldn't give him 10 cents the biden administration foreign policy is to write checks. if president trump doesn't get elected we probably will be sending money to mexico while they are sending criminals here. >> brian: since he left the biggest disaster is venezuela. the president doesn't want to pump oil. he wants them to pump oil. because he lets them pump oil the price around the world iran and venezuela pump oil. the price stays down. gas pump prices stay palatable. and tell green people i'm not drilling as much as i could because i hear you and we are going to go electric cars and reform our grid. i think that's really important. go ahead and look at venezuela
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and we have to decide are we going to put the sanctions back on? what they said is we are going to allow real elections to take place. in turn for that can you pump oil. they have now arrested their opponents so maduro is running unopposed again. what are we going to do about it. >> lawrence: you point to the energy policy which is a valid point there has been escalation at the border currently. >> brian: emptying the prisons. >> lawrence: people are fighting our border patrol. they are fighting the texas dps. our national guard. they know they are being pushed back. the biden administration is not backing up texas. they are suing us in court. every single week there is some type of -- >> brian: remember they took the buoys out of the rio grande. >> lawrence: exactly. this is an opportunity. i know it's an election year and you are seeing this right now. by the way, all these people are back on the street because, for some reason, the judge in texas. >> joey: the nine that were arrested. >> lawrence: thought it was okay. the people that assault our
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national guard should have some type of release back into the country. so you have got judges in texas. i hope the people of texas are watching this that are letting illegals to attack cops as well as national guard. i don't understand how this person should win re-election. >> brian: they got a democratic mayor. >> lawrence: exactly. >> brian: in el paso. that's going well. all right, 15 minutes after the hour. speak of going well. carley shimkus is in a good mood for a change, right? >> carley: i'm trying. more information on our top story of the morning. one of the suspects charged in connection with to the murder of nypd detective jonathan diller will be in court today. lindy jones is facing weapons charges. the "new york post" reports jones has been arrested at least 14 times. police say he was in the driver's seat when the passenger, guy rivera is also facing charges. including first degree murder. he has been arrested at least 21 times. the el paso times reporting that a texas judge is ordering the release of several migrants arrested as part of this mob. that stormed the border fence
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and pummeled national guard members about a week and a half ago. this was what lawrence was just talking about. former acting dhs director chad wolf joined us on how dangerous this ruling could be. >> again, this sends the exact wrong signal to other migrants and other individuals that are going to want to storm that border. storm the fence. storm any barriers. and actually push over an assault border patrol officers. >> there are more hearings for several of the migrants involved. set to happen later today. the u.s. coast guard giving a fox news crew a tour of the collapsed francis scott key bridge in baltimore yesterday. maryland's governor wes moore revealing crews are working to open a channel in the port of baltimore. >> there will be an ongoing investigation. i want that investigation to be speedy. and for anyone who needs to be held accountable to held accountable and at the same time, we have got get this channel omgd and commerce flowing again and rebuild the francis scott key bridge. >> the bridge collapsed after a
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cargo ship lost power and rammed into a beam last week. six construction workers were killed. police are investigating after a suspect tried to set the freedom bell in washington, d.c. on fire. the metal sculpture located just north of the capital building outside of union station thankfully didn't suffer any damage. but reports on social media originally claimed the man tried to set himself on fire. however, no injuries have been reported as a result of this fire. measles cases are increasing across the country. a second case now confirmed near san diego. health officials say a california resident who recently traveled out of the u.s. was diagnosed with the disease. that person is being treated at a local hospital. and how about this? miami's mayor is naming may 30th as mispeaches day in support of rescue dog. miss speeches is the viral pit bowl rescued by bar stools founder dave portnoy.
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miss peaches account has 1 million followers. her rescue led to a wider mission. >> she was living in a horrible situation. flew down on my private plane and picked her up. now getting all the love and attention. selling t-shirts. raised $150,000 for the organization that saves dogs. >> wonderful. >> carley: portnoy raised as much as 150,000 for various animal shelters. that's a cool. >> lawrence: that's a good cause. >> brian: look what he did for the diller family matched 150. over $1.7 million. people are going to start looking at him as a nice guy whether he likes it or not. >> lawrence: did it back in the day with all the small businesses. >> brian: but he still has a robbery commissioner of football throws him out of every super bowl. all right. ebb remember to dvr your show 6:00 a.m. eastern time and just convince yourself it's as good
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as it was. >> lawrence: you said their show. >> brian: we are for the people. >> lawrence: i love that. >> brian: i know you think it's all about you. that's what i'm thinking. that's how it's coming across. >> lawrence: you still troll me. >> brian: a little bit. i was going to waited for the break. hey, we are talking to one florida sheriff vowing to be squatters' worst nightmare offering up another place they can stay if they trespass in his county. >> said what are you doing here? well, it's our house. no one was here, so we moved in. well, we moved them out to the county jail. to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue shelters, pet food that will save pet lives.
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♪ >> rachel: we're back with your headlines starting with. this anti-israel and climate protesters interrupted the easter vigil at saint patrick's cathedral here in new york city on saturday night. >[shouting] [chanting free, free palestine] >> rachel: the protesters were charged with disruption of religious service. by the way, they also violated the faith act.
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we will see if the doj does anything about that. the fdny firefighters were forced to remove their thin red line flag honoring 9/11 heroes because one woman says her cint called it out as a political symbol. 25 year veteran of the nypd allison he is pa zito has this to say about that? is the problem with the far left. always outraged and concentrated on the wrong things. that red line signifies brave firefighters that have perish in the line of duty. >> rachel: the fdny officials say that the flag can fly now and check out this unique easter egg hunt. the easter bunny donning some scuba gear while hosting at the florida marine sanctuary. divers and snorkelers searched around corral and sea life for the eggs. those your headlines.
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lawrence? >> lawrence: okay. that's different. i guess we like it. thanks, rachel. >> rachel: you got it. >> lawrence: as squatters continue to infiltrate homes across america. one sheriff in florida had enough. promising to give the free loaders a new place in the county jail if they continue trespassing in thinks jurisdiction. joining us now poke county florida sheriff, grady judd. sheriff, you are known for being a border guy. you don't take any nonsense. tell me about the job though your cops have go to the scene, someone squatting and they have this fake contract and they have to decide if it's real or fake? >> good morning, lawrence. yes. that's true we have people that want to move in to vacate houses. sometimes they try to do that with a dummied up contract. and what they are doing is trespassing. they have broken into somebody's house. well, there is many jurisdictions across the state and across the nation says oh, it's civil. so now all of a sudden these
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free loaders are in your house for months while it works its way through the civil process. the state of florida made that abundantly clear through our governor desantis which we think is the greatest guy ever, and our legislature, they said no, we are going to make that a criminal event. well, in polk county it was already a criminal event. we never had that problem because we go to the house, we determine well, the real owner doesn't know who these people are entered into no contract. we load them up and give them a one way ride to the county jail. it's just that simple. you don't have to bog it down in court. just do what's right. >> so, sheriff, what's been the difference ever since i'm sure they are leaving your county and probably leaving the state and going to other states you are giving the discretion to your cops; is that right. >> that's right.
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they have already been that way in this county. they pop smoke on us and leave whenever they get out of jail and they are gone. i mean they are gone fast. because we don't put up with it. and that's the bottom line, lawrence. across this nation, if you get tired of it. do something about it. we do that every day. and that's why our crime rate is at like 50-year lows here in poke county, florida. >> lawrence: imagine that when you lock people up the repeat offenders, they can't do the crime anymore. so, sheriff, i guess i would ask you because there is a lot of states, a lot of counties that have said this is very complicated. what is your advice to them to end this crisis that is happening all across the country? >> lawrence, you are right. you don't have to make it a civil deal when somebody breaks into your home when you are in it at the time. it may be up for sale. you may have gone on a cruise around the world, for whatever reason your property is empty. people don't have the right to move in, turn the electricity
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on, change the locks and claim it as theirs. it's not difficult. it's burglary. it's theft of your property. it's trespassing. just your current laws and go arrest them and lock them up. they will be more than happy not to come back whenever they find all their stuff stacked outside after you have appropriately taken them away and the homeowner gets their home back and throws your junk out. >> lawrence: real quickly, sheriff, because i have gone to a lot of the scene -- really the scene of a crime the amount of damage that they do. they are doing drugs there, cooking drugs there, is there any legal recourse for these owners of these properties to get some of that money back? sure, lawrence, can you sue them, but you can't get blood out of a turnip, they don't have anything. whatever money they have they nick up their nose or
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brains. bunch a dopers and free loaders. we call them squatters. yes, you can legally sue them but it's a waste of time and effort most of the time. >> lawrence: yeah. they don't have any money. that's why they are squatting. that's why they're taking other people's property. >> that's right. >> lawrence: sheriff. thank you for joining the program. great work. i hope other departments becomes a bold as you are, sir. thank you. >> thank you, lawrence and i will help them out if they give me a call i will tell them how to do it. >> lawrence: thank you. i hope they are watching "fox & friends." thank you, sir. one indiana father is turning his heart beat into a purpose. running to congress to put a stop to the fentanyl. flowing across our southern border after losing his own son to the substance he shares his message to president joe biden. next. ♪
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hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that.
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♪ >> brian: all right. happening today in california a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers go into effect restaurant owners are warning that employee layoffs and increased menu price could say be on their way. carley shimkus has more on this. >> carley: brian, i certainly do. most fast food workers in california will be making 20 bucks an hour. starting minimum wage for them today. the new law could result in price hikes and even job cuts. one los angeles restaurant owner says the public will ultimately suffer for the increase. >> those of us that are still here are lucky to even be alive from covid. we are the ones that were strong enough to be the mom and pop shops that survived covid. and now we're hit with this. and it directly impacts the small businesses. this man is destroying california. i don't understand why people can't see that he is the biggest strictstrickster of all time.
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he is literally saying i'm going to help everybody and give them $20 an hour and now they are getting laid off. they are losing their jobs. and by the way who is paying for it? it is a silent tax on the public. the public will pay for the unemployment of the people that are let go, the public will pay the $26 now for the hamburger. the lower class, middle class, upper class has been completely shut out. they can't even afford to go to mcdonald's. >> carley: to her point mcdonald's, chipotle and jack in the box plan on raising prices. welcome to the era of the $26 hamburger, brian. >> brian: clearly never worked in a restaurant or food industry would never think about doing. this over to rachel. >> rachel: thanks, brian. opioid deaths like fentanyl topped 120,000 for the first time. next guest lost his youngest son
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joey to fentanyl poisoning two years ago and blames his death on drugs pouring in from the open southern border and now he is running for congress to stop this tragedy to hang to other families. jamesson joins us now. my heart breaks looking at your son's picture. tell us a little bit about joey. >> joey just an incredible, incredible person. he lived a full life we lost him way too soon but he was an outdoorsman. he was a hard worker. someone that everybody loved. he struggled. he had struggles with addiction. he certainly never ever dreamed he would, you know, fentanyl would be in anything. and it's just, you know, it's a tragedy for him. >> rachel: so, jameson this year 112,000 other people lost their lives to fentanyl poisoning which is a synthetic opioid.
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we know where it's coming from. it's coming from china and coming across our southern border. so, what's your message to joe biden? nothing leaves china and that communist country without the communist party knowing. so clearly our president could tell xi jinping to stop this but that hasn't happened. what can happen to stop this? >> look. there is a very specific date that we can track our border issues to. and that is the inauguration of president joe biden. that is when the border went out of control obviously president biden doesn't care about it. we got to get president trump reelected because we know that he will take care of the border situation just like he did before. >> rachel: so the chinese are providing some of the inputs into the fentanyl, they are working with the cartels. as you said, the border was
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open. this is when we started to see this rise of fentanyl coming across the border. we have interviewed dea agents on this he show. former d.e.a. this is actual strategy by the chinese to weaken us. tell us about the china connection. why they are involved in this? besides the money part of it. >> yes. this is an attack from the chinese on our nation. it's now the number one cause of death for those 18 to 45. it's our military age men and women. >> they have put a very specific attack on us and, again, it's the chinese, they sent it directly to mexico and coming across our border, which is wide open. and, yeah, they are attack us without firing a shot. >> rachel: what would you say to families that look at what your family is going through and are worried that this could happen to them? how can they protect their own children? >> i mean, you know, to children, i would say, you know, please, you know, don't play
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around. it's way too serious. and all of us have impacted by this in one way or another. >> rachel: yeah. >> the reason that we are running is i had a mentor that told me a lot of people think hate is the opposite of love. he said apathy is the opposite of love. put our love into action. love deeply we have to act. >> rachel: mother teresa said love is action. so tell us about your race. i know you are running in indiana 6. it's a republican district. but a very crowded field. i believe vivek ramaswamy has endorsed you. >> he sure has. yeah. we are very grateful for his endorsement. you know, it's serious. there are seven of us that are in this race. look, i'm not running against anybody. i'm running for the platform that we're running on. i'm running for the constituents within this district. and we're running to make a difference. >> rachel: wow, i'm sure your son joey is looking down and proud of you for taking some
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action on this very tragic situation of our border and the poisoning of our mostly young people in this country. thank you for joining us this morning and thank you for highlighting, putting a spotlight on this important issue. good luck. >> thanks, rachel. >> rachel: you got it. if you listen to the radio any time in the last 50 years, you probably remember the voice of legendary host kasey kasem. i remember growing up listening to him now his daughter kerry has a successful career of her own and she joins abby hornacek ahead of tonight's i heart radio awards ♪ dreaming about the things that we could be ♪ but, baby ♪ i've been praying hard ♪ no more counting dollars ♪ we'll be counting stars ♪ yeah, we'll be counting ♪
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>> janice: hello, good morning, new york. we have got some cloudy skies and friends with me from oklahoma. >> oakland, kansas. >> what's your name. >> my name is trevor maher. >> cheryl lee. >> brother, sister. >> mom and son. >> janice: that's awesome. you want to say hi to anybody. >> hi kyla and hi oakley, kansas. >> look at the maps. rain in the forecast for your flight tomorrow i'm going to give you the latest details. 50 right now. i don't see any sunshine. i don't think that's accurate. >> 47 in new york. we have colder air moving in behind this big storm system all right? this going to bring. so much stuff including tornadoes. we could see heavy rainfall in and around the kansas area in towards oklahoma and missouri. that is the greatest risk for tornadoes today and then that's going to move across the mississippi ohio valley tomorrow. forecast highs can you see that cold front moving into very warm
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air and this is going to bring us the fact that tornadoes are going to be in our forecast not only today but tomorrow and then heavy snow for parts of the upper midwest, great lakes and the interior northeast. that's something we are going to have to watch. fox for all the latest details. i missed you, did you want to say hi to anybody at home. >> hi family and friends. >> janice: thank you for being here. i think i'm tossing back inside to everybody. yea. happy april fools day. >> joey: i heart radio awards back on fox tonight. >> brian: biggest stars taking over the historic doll buy theater in los angeles. and our next live from los angeles fox nation host abby hornacek joins us now with radio host kerry kasem the daughter of kasey kasem who is the sound track voice of my childhood. abby, good to see you. >> good to see you guys.
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and it's great to see kerry here. she was nice to wake up early and freeze here on the lowe's balcony overlooking hollywood. thank you for joining us. >> absolutely. beautiful view. >> you are a legend yourself you have been in radio for 26 years. been with i heart. talk radio, rock radio. what are you looking forward tonight. >> i'm excited about the rock category and shine down. very interesting story my dad who did the american top 40 created it, casey says accept. he signed off and the last song he played was from the band shine down. and this last year i went to their concert my boyfriend took me. and i didn't know this. but they play that song and before they play that song they play my dad introducing it. i just cried and cried i'm watching this song. is he filming me. so i'm really excited about that i mean, jelly roll is up for i mean pop, rock, and country. is he phenomenal. i love justin timberlake and i did a show with ludacris and
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luda is one of the nicest people so i'm excited to see him host. >> going to be so fun to watch. that's a beautiful story by the way. you were telling me another story about cher before. this do you have mind sharing this with the folks. >> my dad did these dances in thousand objection here in california. this was a while back. i think like the 60's. he would book these acts. and it was son any and cher that he booked. it was raining that night and this is very interesting. a lot of people didn't show up. he said sonny and share went on like it was madison square garden. that's the true sign of an artist. they didn't care who they were playing for. they gave it their all. >> cher received the icon award. definitely iconic behavior right there. gives you the goose bumps. >> absolutely. absolutely. yeah. >> a lot of exciting things, obviously. if you could pick one person or artist that you're excited to see tonight who would it be. >> i like a lot of these people but i love olivia rodrigo. i don't know. her song vampire, so my
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boyfriend, get over here he actually performed at the i heart radio awards with his band 6:00 a.m. using guns and ross. i literally sing vampire to him all the time because i call him my little vampire. she suspect. i'm super excited about that. >> you guys are a beautiful couple. maybe get you on stage tonight together. >> you heard it here first. can you watch the i heart radio music awards 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox. guys, thanks so much for coming on. >> thanks for having us. >> carley: you will catch them live i will make it happen. >> why will be watching and thank you for making that happen, abby. >> lawrence: i am in a better mood than you are. over to you, carley because you have some headlines. >> carley: thank you. i feel like i should say something right now but i don't know what i'm going to say so i will deliver the news. how about that? business headlines to get to here. starting with this kia is recalling over 427,000 tell you ride suvs because of a defect
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cause the cars to roll away while parked. federal officials say a pair of shafts on suvs made between 2020 and 2024 may not be fully engaged. so far no injuries have been reported if you ride an affected tell you ride you should hope the federal reserve high prices come as central barn go on gold buying spree driving the demand. march the best month for the precious medal in over a year. pepsi and ihop say they are creating new maple syrup flavored beverage available in soda and float form. the new drinks will be available through april exhoustonly at ihop. the convenient release date of the product has invited some serious speculation on social media whether it's an april
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fools day joke. i like to keep my soda and pancakes separate. >> brian: put your soda on the pancakes? >> the soda is maple syrup flavored. because they are saying because it was released on april 1st it may be a joke. >> lawrence: too much sugar. >> carley: you think it's a joke? >> joey: absolutely. >> lawrence: eat the pancakes with maple. >> joey: the problem it's pepsi it got to be coke. i'm from georgia. >> lawrence: i don't like endorsements unless anybody pays me. >> joey: nobody pays me or want to pay me so i can just talk about. i do like all the things on the commercial break though. okay. all right. crime but no punishment, new report saying the migrants behind the stampede at the border will be back on the street. after an el paso judge ordered their release. that's ahead.
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♪ (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪) (♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes.
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>> lawrence: it's 8:00 a.m., monday, april 1, i know this is april fool's, but i promise, this is "fox and friends." the migrants


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