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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 2, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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and drink circle icon we were always concerned as friends about the work that he was doing. did i think it would rise this level? >> absolutely not. streaming now on fox nation. >> all right. get ready. it's going to be a loud spring, to say the leaste a alto say. , later this month, two large broods of cicadas are going to emerg f e at the same time acros across 16 states now. s.after spending 13 years and 17 years underground, respectively that means we will seeco trillions of cicadasme t come to the surface. that didn't happen since 1803. thomas jefferson was president. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld put a smile on your facele b and happy
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birthday, everybody. stop. bad. okay. united flight out of germany bound for san francisco was forced to turn around after flowed int io cabin, which was unfair to the. thatit had bought a ticket to se his family in san francisco. thme from germany. >> the white house warned that sticky fingered reportersit are stealing items from air force one. hey, leave me out of this, says one man. remember him? a new study finds that 40%sentim of adults will go days without face to face interactionl go. ky i should be so lucky. for mefor me, it's 100% face to thank god you founds.
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the pictures of us clothed. e' >> lizzo announced he's quitting the music lisiness because he's tireittin being dragged by everyone in her life and on the internet. she says she othe internet. plah more time with her fridgtee. the good news is, her doctor says, walking aways frommost e the music industry will be the most exercise she's had in yearsd years.. >> it is intriguing. her announcement to keep a low profile comes just days beforest solar eclipse. coincidence or just lame? >> just before the start of an w nc to a women's basketball gamee thisnd weekend.discov officials discovered that the three point lines weren'er t the distance on both sides of the court. d fans were outraged that the game postponed their flea gameet . 's a goo it's a good joke. t
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>> a new survey finds that half of senior congressional staffers are considering quittingngressioaffers a their staffers say the environment so toxic they can'tnt find a quiet place to film themselves. havinghaving a. oh, mortgages just looked up. economists are cautioning consumers are upset over higher prices, that things costing more is a good sign for the economy. >> plus, they add that rising formula prices mean babies are slimmer. ever. look at those babies, abs and a "wall street journal" report says that in a van is moreghter] difficult than expected. well, i coulile i cod told you . >> on this day in 1889,d in the dishwasher was marketed in chicago. it came with movable arms, a a cloth covering and a cheerful demeanoremeanor..
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>> oh, all right. when protesting isn't fun, they 911. remember last week when we covered the greatestcover therep was and perhaps will ever be? >> well, time once? again for atom bomb terror. yes >> yes, it was a campus emergency to end all campus emergencies during yet another protest against israel. a woma t anothen had to change fri her tampon. soends her friend called 911. >> yeah. ehere is a currently a femal student is being denied the right to change her tampon that has been in her multiples o hours, which leads to an increased risk of toxic shock syndromecreasef toxi. so while you're saying the female. right. so can you sit? understand? okay. thatible ]t hearing what you're not hearing is that if she stands up to use
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arrerestroom, change her tampon. they are threatening arrest. so it is not an option foro itsu her.e an and you have an emergency? yes, ma'am, i did. itemergenc is an emergency? i don't know. do you have an emergency? not your frien ad. f you have it. that is my emergency. insi i don'ti don't remember th that i needed to have an emergency personally to callhan 911 for help. i'm sorry. what? i don't remember . to a time when it has to be a personal emergency for me a to call 911 for help. i am requesting assistance. medicatingce medicl, urgent ass. >> no, man. it was over a tampon. the ist i'm sure for them, that time of the month is every day of the month e o. look, i'm happy to send maxim hp pads to soak up their tears, the but this is hardly the stuff of nelson mandela. >> somehow of cool with bloodshn by hamas terrorists. but an unexpected visiectet. an flo has them screaming bloody murder. murder. ion to >> here was our reaction to then original story. al story..the people who want tl the police call the police over
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a tampon. bu, but this is not the first time protesters made us think of feminine products. >> usually they always act like ,but she chooses to wasteesourc the city's resources and caleslv 911 over a tampon. she should have just have called med, i know know pe >> i i could have pulled[lau some stringsghte. the jokes right themselves because the protesters are jokes themselves themselv. >> now, because we're a major news show covering the important stories, going to bring you an update. some of the students involved got arrested and hele studend d presserk ou the next day. >> check out this chubby chuckle head . f th >> i was one of the few students who was arrested last s whe. nside the hom i just want to really quickly kind of share my experiences, compare them to what i experienced last night. agaiagain, as people sat for 21 hours and were deprived re medical attentione de, you're deprived of sleep, deprived of food, water, resources and at 530 in the
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morning, i got a pat on my back. i was told to stand up. i was handcuffed and i was escorted out of my own university. i was not told that i was going. i was not being told. i was not told what i was being charged with. it's disgusting. shame >> and this is how they treat student protesters on this campus. sham "she jail. i experience better conditions than a vanderbilt. i access to water. i had access to a bathroom. i had access to my friends and the ability to rest. how dare this university deprive of basic humanity? we demand that vanderbilt reinstate the referendum, that they drop all charges against students that were filed under false pretenses. that they drop in suspensions and harassment from administration and that they issued an immediate apology to what we experienced over the 24 hours. >> you must know, oh, you they?
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feeling that tampon was actually for that guy? a oh, i mean, it did look a little bloated. and, you know, if it is your time of the month, dude, maybe don't plane moa on risking jai. >> instead, try the red roof in. nope, nope but let's recount the facts. >> according to the reporting, they trespass in a building, assaulted a guard, put staffers who offered to meet with them. then they sat down, refused to leave. so how do you think an act wit of uncivil disobedience ends with mommy cominh g to tucks you in? getting arrested is the idea. thate you singt wheridea . we shall overcome. god, we shall overflow. nal and >> that's not bravery. that's a tantrum. and i hope potential employersle take note. they'll get a new starbucks. now, here is a perfect starbucwe from one of the other intrepid freedom fighters in this fighter theater of the absurd and dangerous which trying
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to emerge is not even a thing. >> yeah, a collective pile you of work. i got news for you, beanpole. you're not thinkin youthginking at collective thinking is for insects, commies in the view. and if you personallve thinky sg to think about, i'd recommend protein shakes and bench dos ans. >> but does this story boy even realize he just admitted that they'reheed t all a bunch of mindless automatons who can't think for themselves, who are just engaginanorg a risb free hobby that they think makes them relevant. here's a fewy th more privilegee robots from the collective. yesterday at saint patrick'sghte cathedral, a group of protesters, at least one in a palestinian scarf, disrupted easter mass. >> it was the end. yeah, that's a priest who can d play on my pickleball team any day. aybetter way to honor the patro
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saint of the irish than kick in the as irisg tha patty stranget now, the reason these buffoonshe could dofoon this is that note f only will they suffer no notve theces, they also don'er have to deal with the actual issues. they have the luxury of distanc l distane and ignoranceeved with beliefs propped up by an enabling system. they hat pope. atrick >> last time i checked, st's o patrick's didn't sit on the west bank, but this comes down to luxury beliefs, beliefs held by white live s. everyday material needs are taken care of and believe that they should be catered to like their emotional, physical invalids. and when theiremotio they they r removed from whatever cause of the day, they actually embracbecause e. these ego driven dopes couldn't find gaza on a map of. if you showed them gaza on a map. so let me address them directly. children, nobody in hamas oror even gaza for that matter, mattu are or gives half a . >> in fact, none of this silly no use againstgans america here are ever uttered in gaza. >> the gazans are not worried
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about vanderbilt's investments. there's no social protesabout t in gaza. >> they hate you, too. and terrorist groups not big on the first amendment. if you tried social protests in a place ruledif you tl by h, you'd probably look at october 7th a bit differently. proctobe and another thing, hamn is probably not big on freedoms like women's rightot os. try disrupting mosque services in gaza. i'm pretty sure there no tampon dispensers in the ladies or the men's rooms eitherr th. >> of course, whatever charges the students will face thosstudents slap a on the wrist, although as frail as they are, that might be fatal that . >> but really, the fault here lies with more than just sociatl justice. a you don't realize they become a parody of themselves. it's our systelsrealize becommd we reward this. v since vanderbilt costs about 60d grand a year and is ranked as a top 20 school, those are our elites, future leaders.w ye in just a few years, they'll be running things, which is wheare runn whin their luxurl untethered to the realities that make them possible, will threateen everyn hard won the rest of us have. like public safety
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, the border,tem a neutral media, a legal system. so are the make suy funny.t mayb sure. but maybe not so much because there's a lot a t more stake hee than tampons. >> perry, let's get.! hey. looks like mr. clean after a car accident. ycomedian jim jordan. as a former miss florida said, dreads, teeth, curvy and prevented scurvy. oh, so the morgan ortega show. >> what's there is that morgan ortega has to celebrate easterct by hanging with their teens. "new york times" best selling author of i'll just get river got to add he's got weight like regulars and can open jar pickles "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former heavyweight with jamie harri s. >> jim, i know you're a compassionate person. you're concerned about today'sb and i admire that. that but imagine b being the parents of that. e to >> well, greg, i'd like to seeer
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those brave warriors reputationavs as spoiled. he stood up there and i can't even pretend to defend him. it's so it's so funny how mealyl . they're just the children laughing as adults using pseudo therapeutiop aadultsrapeuticc l. just trying. there's no passion behind it. they're. they're joiners. you just want to belong. tit's like 50 years ago, it wad one, two, three, four. we don't wan's ot you more. >> and now it's. we were denied waters. and resources. they're not sincere. u yeah, not sincere at all. i mean, what you say, what you want to do 60. but at leasto sixties t they believe what they were saying. they're just kind of laughing. k cute.d n say i think we should encourage it. i think watching the kids ac in a play is adorable. >> that is a perfect because part of me, morgan says i can'ti stand these people, but i also love watching it. >>ld just like to apologize to xi jinping and the chinese communist party foi jinpin r.
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everything that i've said over the last ten years, because you were right. are righi watcvideosthose video. but here's the crazy thing. so we're makin'sg of them. d, yu and, you know, they're talking about how they were denied access to change your tampono hingto next week in the washington post. this will turn into a story wherwill turo ae they're talkinw israel is preventing feminine products, getting to gazan women. and within two or three weeks, ore airdroppings into tampons into gaza because of this story. you just because watched. i hope so. can i look out? l thin >> oh, but i was just going, to say one small thinge ne about vanderbiltxt the next daye after all of this happened, i hosted the israeli ambassadonr on thursday and didn't get any press because no one whined about their tampons. but vanderbiltut is a greatisrael university and they did host the israeli ambassador the next day. >> o nexth, well, that's nice. did you host any ambassador? i don'oe'st think so. >> no, i. i'm just confused a little bit. this is my second time talking about this now. yeah. do these students not know? it'
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it's not just like a special thing about vanderbiltt like thn you can't just, like, rush in and change your tampon. he like lot of buildings that. >> yeah. like most of them are. i don't know where the right where. t of th like you.n literally. you can't, like, go into, like, to a sandwich shop and you have to, like, buy a sandwich. right. th. i don't know where that came from to actually call the police. >> i can'te i can'. lot my tampon here. like, there's a lot of places i can't change my tampont ch, and that's just part of life. >> yeah, that's true. and it's part of being of a woman . >> god bless women. all right, we're round it out for us. you know, do you think these protesters outin, these protests will have a great story to telle their children or will they never get laid and have get how c? they may not get laid, but thetr problem is they'll get triggered beforeyre they yw they finish. >> oh, god. so we just can't right now. 911. she made my happy place weird. e send help now.
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yelps. , you know what bothers me is if we weren't protesting. mm-hmm. and greg needed to change his tampon. >> we would form a protective circle like musk ox. yes. facing our enemy. we're great to do the bait and switch. yes, i would cry because. lier you know, mom made us peanut butter and jellies earlier, i. when? eight, nine already, obviously. then i would have gave him the ziploc and you could cont put it in thereedy, ously,n you could have said that we could have continued on. i have never used the term,a but other than that time, i had a bloody nose when i was a kid, my mom i kid popped it in therep and pulled it out. not a drop. yeah, a white t-shirt. not a drop. phenomenal. there's other use. suppt's warm. exactly what they're supposed to be used for. but the poinfor.but tht is, we'r enough to figure out a way to get greg to switch in and out so he won't get the toxic shock syndrome. shock syndrome?
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>> they couldn't figure that out to the point where prey complained about if you're going to protest, plan for the day. >> yes. you know, backpack it up, maybe some water, snacks. >> tampons and pads. yeah. you never know the situation you . if your girlfriend's out there carrying more than just some bamboreo here.pplaus girl, what you need to pute] behind your ear. let her know, see? oh, you're going to love this. up next, a card. ger? >> a stranger. will it save you from dangereri if you'll in the new york area>n with like, tickets to see gutfeld. >> go to foxnews.comif you'rllec slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience . >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce disease, you can reduce the risk with procedure because there with procedure because there are places more secure. >> it can cause serious side >> it can cause serious side effects, including ket
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acidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract or yeas neum cou infections andw blood sugar, a rare life threatening bacterial infectioin in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking for a second. call your doctori-ga ♪ away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis. >> so many more people know it through the myth than through the reality. the los judge sentenced each brother to two consecutive life terms, but there is real suffering at the heart of this story? just goes round and round. oh, my god. this is great. a number of people understand that if these were the menendez sisters, they would not be in custody right now. how could these people be killed by their own children at queens? make inexpensive expensive things? you know, it sounds like a paradise.
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>> hey hey that's the other day if are beaten and scarred. pick a card any card or video of the day is from a city in decay. san francisco's transportationy, system, a.k.a. bart. oh, i took that every. these are promoting bystanderin intervention cardsterv to helpie riders report harassment and feel safe on public transit. >> roll it, skip. hello. we're to college students who are bart riders, and it is really important to utys. ane so we're going to go ask ford. the bystander intervention cards. hello? excuse toxcuse me. will we be able to have b some bystander intervention cards, please? erintervenoh, yeah, sure. thank you so much. sr hereo much is for when you are being harassed. says you got me so you'd hand it to somebody else. and it gives them instructionsfo
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on how they can help you if you see someone being harassed. you can also give themu i gotge you card, which gives themructis instructions on the back to find the bart police or call someone or more instructions on how to be safe. >> i really appreciate these cards because they gave me a concrete way to dealdeal withn unsafe situation. i'm not very equipped to deal with theippem my own. >> and so these cards give me a sense of community and,to eit a sense of support. >> it just gives a very easy way to eithehehelp somr someoneo for help without havin mg to muh . if everyone has one, then has justter feble to suppor other so much better and feel safer. >> yeaelg: yeah. h. as a bonus, if you and your victim card get punched ten times, you receive a free ice cream sundaeu ee. ated >> the cards are also laminated so they can easily be wiped so tsilyn of blood stains and bodily fluids. and on the back it reads b"
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my which can be handed to your next of kin. partn be eight officials say it's not a perfect solution and warn commuters that if wimmeyp their cards while getting stabbed, they'll be charged with litterin g. >> so, morgan, here's a closer look at the cards. wen we putok a them up there? it's pretty amazing. so doing t they're this becausee and open drug use are upthin and ridership is down. they think these cards will make a difference. what say you?ration >> i hate this generation so much because it's just like, n a ridiculous. >> i you know, here's an idea. if you want to keep people saf y ,how about funding the policeple and making the subway? but justified? justified. that's so ridiculous. if you fund the police, o the police might hurt somebody. these cards that these cardsse y high risk, will create a sense of community and support. i don't want to punish i don' anybody. >> yeah. let me ask you. there's none of the weede.
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in california for this one. >> oh. , so, basically, are transportation systems in san francisco are really soccer games. you got a yellow card and the guy assaulting you. that what we're doing? the card, sir. r] >> that card is going to end up being a tampon. yeah like, it's not the kids. e got to stop blaming t the kids. these are grown adults. these are gen xersse are that ut with these ideas? i'm starting to think they care so littlin e about this age group that we're saying, yeah, you know what you guys should do next timeould do?? th you're getting assaulted. hand person next to you videotapintog you with a card., yes, you got i got you. you look great. i used the term, but this is.s i don't know, unless you're going to put something like some kindd to som of to die the attacker to the cards. have a quick movie, poc orpte something like. >> or maybe a whistle, ratethin. ebod is useful
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>> what if what if said, what would you do if somebody handed you a card? >> keep it movin t movingg and if i'm on the train and someone tries to hand me something, justt ho instinct. you're going to keep walking, right? no, that's. that'sw it how it is. i don't think anyone want any ay use for this, for maybe men will use it to try to pick up women righttos. we'll be like they'll have, oh, i got you. or you need help. a but really, he's just trying t to pick up just the girls to let off this disrespectck. is the worst, greatest idea. a man no longer has to yell. a bad crazy it he just hands you a card. i got you. yeah. rize >> yeah. and then while you're terrorized, he goes, you got me lik "yot mee. >> that's. that's what that is. that's jim. this could. greg: t be an answer for like you. yeah. they'd be like, what's on the card? i'm like, oh, it slipped[laugh. they are. they're not having it tonight. yeah. hair trigger.
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no, this is. this is a culture that doesn't know how to communicatete anymore. see, everything is twitter and everything is written and everythingr an is writ is just kind of stare straight ahead with drew spittle in the corner of their mouth. yeah writ and so instead of just saying, hey, you are right, or you are standing next to somebody, it's i don't do its in writing. it's absolute. ifolute -- any you imagine how f bernard gets, his life would have been. yeah. instead of a gunwould have b, ht a card that said go fish. yes. fo a gunr the cops on arrest pe they just hand you a card, you go to jail. do not , go pass. >> go. do not collect guns at all. it's -- it's just an idiotcoll it's kind of dystopian thing. it's really creepyian. that anyl thinking would actually go, yeah, this is an idea that's going to help somebody when they're being assaulted or >> gt whent at thad. you said dystopian, that is the description of that videisoi because of the music that was like very like almost like playe date muzak and they're like"gho those kids wouldn't last in a subway. >> i thought it was fake. i watch video.
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i'm like, oh, this is a great parody of an absolutely asinine . and then when they finish their i was like, oh god, they meant every word of that. yeah. i thand ough wi thought it was a sarcastic parody. yes. and also, you know what the proble. m with the card, i don't think it was it only in english. i wan english?s oh, i think sher shame, shame on you for clapping. i mean yellinge . >> i think i discovered a newi way to. >> get applause. shouting shame. yes, that i can finish when i have i say excellent. all right. ve up next, have staffers had their fill of beats on capitol o
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to find out if your policy qualifies. insurancor call one 893 6200. coventry direct. >> redefining insurance. a story in five words. goodbye. congrats. rding to little staffers are quitting. all right. tires. according to a new capitol tol hill hill survey. >> my favorite kind, by the way ,nearly half of those senior aides believe will want to quit because of the toxic partisan environment. does thidoes ts bother you?e it yeah, because it doesn't make any if you're working, if you're the senior staffer,partis you're only working for one person. so it's not really partisan. it's jus'st you're too.y everyone's too afraid to say they don't like their boss anymore. thss anymoeveryone hates their . they used to be like, what wasel al bundyl ab all about? you know, like everyone. now you hate your job. you have to send secret blogs
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like i'm about to quit. m but didn't quit. t yeah. so shut up and go to work like the rest. all us like horses. you know, they say all this stuff is so partisan s , and soe gu are you're collecting the check? yeah. and chances are the guu ary 3 you're working for is 30 years past his prime. so you get to vote. passisyou get to play the leadew i mean, right now we have ahave senior staff are playing a b president, so i'm true. >> there's never been a better time to be a senior staffer. >> scat, what do you think? >> is there a downside to this? i don't feel like there'think?s downside. well, i feel like some of these people might have thoughtt an that they could get into politics to make a differenctic i don't think that happens anymore. i think that all these people they work for. i mean, we watch tt all hearings when it's like it's all just like it's people just showboating aroundle's shoarounl to get a viral clip. it's like i think all politicians do all dayticiag is like tweet at each other. >> yeah, that's true. so it's like it's -- it's all about trying to go viral and get the attention nobody really wants to solvntion nobos anymore. they'd rather exploit
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the problems for their own gain. sfor theiowso i feel like if you're somebody that somehow didn't know this before you entered politics, you would probably be feeling very aggressively disillusioned. agisillusiyeah, that's true. >> i want to go back to you, jim. thank you, greg. s. >> could you imagine working for the government at this point with everything:g that learned? i feel like i feel likned?e trump broke a lot of things. i think he brokee he the government. yeah, i could imagine myself wro for the government. i'm incompetent and i like. . e but i think one of the things they said was that the amountpe of toxicity of peoploplee just saying awful things to each other all day and, it's like everybody is just 100% bent on on. i'm not breaking the other person. again, there's no workinrsonain- there's no like, hey, let's do it. so it's like it's just a hateful, disgustina ha g, people that don't want to get out. i mean, imaginwant te being nany pelosi for 20 years for any of them. yes. you know, it's funny.e th >> when i see the old
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politicians, i can smell them. yeah. do you ever get to like whener you're watching, you go, i can n smell jerrold nadler. i can smel canl all. well, i could smell yeah. that'sme u. the only one i can come up with. nancy, they smell like a desert >> that's attended every dead guy ever thought of tested in ages. >> why would you? you're not a parent. yeah, that'ss. y true. >> diaper rash. what the? i got it by accident. id have one day i did one. i bought it by accident. >> one day i thought it was foic something else. oh, toothpasteci one yeah. i let's just say i thought it was toothpaste again. yes. >> it's also in woodsy. the worst one of the worstt cities in the country. so you go there, you can'tn th,r afford to live there. you're in a you work for basically what it'smpany called corrupt company in d.c.. i worked in d.c. i didin well, actual on the hill, they actually get paid quite well. so the chief of staff makes- mo most of them make $170,000
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a year. the chief policy guys or, womeno can make 160 grand a year. they also get their student loans paid off their. when nan and when nancy pelosi was in control of the house during covid, shel of tried to actuallt sneak in a provision that they would get free peloton subscription get freinscri. >> that's right. yeah. you remember that? yeah, it is. guess you have to deal with a lot. but i think $178,000 to dealh with a dysfunctional congress. that's a lot of mone iy. >> don't know that. i'm shedding a lot of tears for them. i think this is be the solution to the government is just making the government inhospitable thi be tckin i makin. right. go get a better job. go do something else. it'lr jooelse.l us out. y >> you could do this. you could do the governmencouldt part time you want. >>e ow they used to do it. but they are doing it part time. there'doins 30% of the federal workforce in d.c. shows up to work every dae iny it part t. you also can't get away with anything anymore. so it's likeat purge o the greas of working for, like a congressman or something like that. and, you know, none of it. so it's all on record. >>soything traceable
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there's not even a great perks. and you can't even drive a car off a bridge anymorea br. >> oh, that's what you mean. yeah, right through that. i ended it on a somber note.ows. >> yeah. attaboy. e she danced all over the place with that diaper on her face. annou >> if you'll be in the new yorkc area, would like tickets to sehe gutfeld. go to, slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our audience. >> when you hit 40, you start your edge. just ask superstar athletes frank thomas and doug flutie. i did notice at the 45th energy level had dropped dramatically ,just basically slowing down all around and everything you were doing, what you're at, you need nugenix, total t total testosterone boosting formula.
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>> oh, our second video of the day comes from taylor loren. >> and at the pornhub awards. you remember taylor. she's a goofball wapo journalist, washington posost wt who even infamously docs the lives of tik tok accountktoa well, there she is.e here she is. a anyway, dancing like at n idiot. >> the awards in a covid mask role. it now and about a year kindg: and so on. i >> some songs and some songs,cr stu knowedit i give her credit r wearing the mask her stupidity can be contagioutagious and in r you're not aware, pornhub is aea website that millions of mencant pretend not to know about. >> kat i have no problem with her being at the pornhub awards. who gives a ? i don't care. she's wearing a mask. then aw thatdamnis sending a positive or negative message. >> odingh, i think it's a look.
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>> if she wants to wear a maskjt ,go ahead. >> i just find it interesting that she doesn't seed m to bed worried about or need to worry about people being around her anywayabou being. she she's dancing by herself ifd then she goes off to someone else. if i see someone with a mask on, usually i'm like, they must be really sick. and like, i don't know. but if that'ally sict ifs makesy you want to wear your mask, that's great. but i dir yourd wear the whole : >> i really. t i wonder if she wore at allims t know shes includ wears. she wears it wherever she goes, including a place where there are adult film stars, which i think is deeply offensive to the adult filt whm. em they're already objectified enough. they're just piece starts.s of jim you often pay women to wear masks and dance in frontwomen to of you. >> yes. and they pay me more to put t one on myself. have you ever been to these mysl awardsf. these i mean, thiss is is new pornhub, but not
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the pornhub. first of all, i'm going to wear a mask. make it a ball gag. yeah first ion't, i hosted the s twice. i've hoste hosted in january of0 four, and i think in oh seven,vs they were really, really norvelous experiences, much bigger then than they are nowin because stufe now it's all onlie stuff. yeah. yeah. but he's dead. t of yeah, that would be a lot i' people are dead, but foadr gets a bad rap. i it's not bad. i've been watching since i was five. i'm finencwas five, i'm . >> oh, my god, morgan. shouldn't she be a hazmat suit?] yeah, i just curious what it's like to go to the pornhub conference hub and ber] the only person who doesn't get laid and, well, can help you? i can tell- you there's a lotf of horrors at the pornhub conference. rnshe's the only attention, horror, that's for sure. >> yeah. yes, you. it's funnyreg: youwhat's. she it's kind of funny because shegd could say she still has less of
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a moral compass than. i'm sorry, man, but theremore you are trying to mask at a party, man. you're this othet catchir you sr be more aware. >> you know, i'm saying, likeleh put the mask somewhere else, man. you might be a little safer. but then littlbut th, as have pd she couldn't give it away. read a little bit more party dancing with sequins on and nobody cares like. that's as a guy, you would not m [laue at some somebody like guitarist. no, you need to goghter] like you're just it's a thing now sheeyone's like pointing at you . he's being she could have she maybe she was triggered maybe her dancin maybeas r dancing was her you it's -- it's when somebody puts on a mask when they're dancing,e they don't look like they're dancing. it looks like she's prowling. r danctshe's like she's coming . she's like prowling around. or maybelike she was trying to n
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them, like with some new character she was working i on. i don't know. the masked dancer. yes, it all you se don't e cat are her crazy eyes. for look, if that's how, maybe that's fun for. maybe her? yes, it maybe it is.s. maybe it is. and who am i to deny somebody's else's fun? >> i think that's the problem,rn greg. one likes her. we can't even make jokes about her. yeah, nobody wants to be associated eve j with a good joe with her, because then she's going to come email you, find you on twitter, then you don't have to talk about it with a team of scientists like we jus ith aentists.t let her de by herself at the party and the rest of us wan thet. >> yes, yes. and i perhaps billy idol had it correct the entire time. >> mm-hmm. make s you think, doesn't it? >> i hosted twice and i presented an award once, and il. did not get laid at all. thin >> nothing. i was aroundi a thousand
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porn stars, and i struck out. wow. i just went back to my roomt ba and watched them on my laptop. oh. >> up next, reporters think t it's fun to steal from air force one. it's hard to forget a murder mystery, especially when it's unresolved until the case is solved. >> every should be explored. i'm james patterson. join me and fox nation for an exclusive new original series that investigates three unsolved murders to get to the bottom of what really happened during the search to find the truth unsolved. with james patterson streaming now on fox nation, sign up and get your first year of fox nation for only 2999. >> attention former marines and family members stationed to camp lejeune. if you lived or worked at camp lejeune, north carolina, for at least 30 days from august
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store or android. >> five more words by four words words. reporter's lewd ai.r force one more. again, apparently white house reporters have beee., apns from air force one, like platesa in great glassware, pillowcases. as a souvenir. you readu've wri in force one ad correct. you steal. - >> i don't know if it's okay.hi i took a lot of the inventions and a lot of thenkt of. ste i would not steal a play. i did see. pldid selet's see. i won't say this person's name, but someone recently fired fromi nbc news stole a pillow in front of me off of air force one. oft was pretty ballsy.l, >> i wish that i had done that. but again, i still like when you buy from nbc, when you go to work there for like 6 minutes. no shoes. yeah. brian williams no. yes. boo hoo. i thought it was because>> gre the best who. all right. yeah. ronna mcdaniel. ronna mcdaniel. t >> i thought it wawas funny.
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it's fine. i've taken, like, the little champagne that hasaken a . the presidential seal on it. but this is all stuff that you're allowed to have. remind me to never in front of morgan. you know, the tires. it's. tyrus hit's hard to resist. n i mean, it's not every dayay you you see the presidential sea sl on an adult diaper. that's not that is not>> tha what this is about. everybody wants to get a piece of something to say. they were therpi say thae when t away because they're going to sell off like i be grabbing h everything in that white house to prove that i would buy all thishite going to be worth i much money. this dude is crazy. like all this stuff's going to come ous crazall thutt. everyone wants stuff, right on, because he won't remember. hey, we this for me here for me in britain, this president just keep loading up. >> have a a yard sale. >> where do they think they are? jimmy walgreen. it's ha i mean, it's hard. it's hard not to steal. yes,>> greyes! i don't have you. >> you must have taken mementos. i've taken mementos, c continental.
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i've taken them from united. love taken them from usaanfrom i to every airline that is no longer around except united. yeah. if i wasngteyes, on air force oa i would steal everything. it's fun. fori stole a little girl's hea. i mean, it's just kind of fun to take tough room today. the crew i once took a door for . oh, that's good. yeah. i thought that joke would have died, but it was a great joke after my my unfunny littley thing that just that was a relief that anybody somethinge other than mboe catch you see, i do. >> you don't strike me as somebody who would steal something. >> knot countg if as stealing? if you can walk off with a pillow and no one says anything walk you can't do that atyou ca my apartmentn'. a >> i know.s. security's a lot less like somebody tried to leav somebe apartment. >> i feel. do like. >>at do you think you're doing ? why would you take a pillow? because it has the presidential seal
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. d of cr. it's just kind of freaked out. yeah, i don't. that'see. i don't want to fly on air force one anyways, but i would maybrce ons bue, like, give youh a cool pair of wings with the presidential seal on it. you know, something coolu you got on there? yeah. oh, no pins because he might hurt him. yeah?ohou , well, it he gets all seal on a crack- ona pipe they have playing cardse ty and everything. havthey have all the stuff thas already that makes it. it's you greg: y and it's all te same . who cares, right? ?who? james brown. and i love this audience. they hate our jokes, but they love death. all right. don't go away. we'll be rightdon't back.
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