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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 2, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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really taking voting advice from multiple time presidential loser hillary clinton? i think that's an issue. >> look, she couldn't each win because americans really don't trust her. she is not genuine. she is not authentic. >> carley: if your selling point is compassion and look at what happened just last week where the former president was at the memorial forren. >> todd: detective diller. >> carley: and look at how they handled average talk to the mother-in-law of mcgee one of the service members who died she is still trying to get an appointment with the president and apparently has not heard back. thanks for joining. got to leave it there. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: we start with the time, it is the 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. tuesday, april 2nd, this is "fox & friends." we begin with an alert. former president trump has posted $175 million bond in his
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new york civil fraud case. jonathan turley is here in a matter of moments on what comes up next. >> ainsley: and the actor michael r rap pa port is fed up with the democrats and progressive leaders. >> my political views have changed immensely i will not vote for joe biden. >> steve: who will he vote for? stay tuned. we have all the results from i heart radio music awards including jelly roll's big twin wins. >> and beyonce hugging. >> god will always use the least likely messenger with the biggest message every single time. take it to the bank. >> lawrence: always inspirational message. remember, mornings are better because you are with friends. >> 6:01 in new york and a fox news alert. former president donald trump has posted is $157 million bond for his new york city civil fraud case.
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>> ainsley: this lays the groundwork for an appeal and prevents state attorney general letitia james from seizing his new york assets. >> brian: she could not be more disappointed according to me. brooke singman is here with more. >> the former president taking to truth social shortly after posting his bond saying quote i have just posted $175 million bond with the sadly failing and very troubled state of new york based on a corrupt judge and attorney general who used a statute that was never used for this before. the 2024 presumptive republican nominee owed $454 million but an a350e8s court cut that bond by more than half. attorney general letitia james is now barred from collecting that full judgment while the appeals process plays out. the former president's lawyer say he quote looks forward to vindicating his rights on appeal and overturning this unjust verdict. judge arthur engoron found him liable and in february ruled he
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inflated his assets to ensure better tax and insurance benefits. if former president trump does not win on appeal he will be faced to pay that full $454 million judgment. trump will be back on the campaign trail today with stance in the battle ground states of michigan and wisconsin. guys? >> steve: all right. brook. thank you. >> thanks, guys. >> brian: bring in fox news contributor george washington professor jonathan turley. it's not a surprise he said he could post it and he did post it. do we have a timing of when the appeal will take place, when the arguments will dig? in? >> we don't have idea what this clears the way for the courts finally look at what many view is obscene judgment. this number was pulled out of nowhere. when you drill down on the order, there is really nothing there i mean, the court basically makes a series of assumptions, might be speculations how much he might have saved.
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but, there were no victims here. there wasn't a single penny that was lost by anyone. the banks involved testified that they wanted more business from trump. to come up with figure shocks the conscience. new york law unique. doesn't require victims, doesn't require losses. they still have to justify the amount. and that could go all the way to the supreme court. >> ainsley: you are saying the judge will have to justify why he was asking for a bond of 454 million? >> right there. is no justification in my view in the order i think the integrity of the new york legal system is at stake here can't have a special code for trump it. has to be consistent.
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when you are the leading business law jurisdiction in the world this has put a shell below the water line. a lot of people are looking at this but for the grace of god go i. am i going to be the next person that gets tagged by someone like james? >> steve: let's switch gears and talk about what going to happen on the west coast. hunter biden in the news again. abbe lowell apparently pled with the judge out there for three hours, it sounds like he talked, where he was trying to convince the judge to throw out the tax charges against hunter biden who, by the way, was at the white house easter egg roll yesterday. in the end, essentially it sounds like, no. the judge is saying full steam ahead. there's going to be a trial. >> well, this is really stinging. i mean, the court said you didn't give me anything. i was looking for something called evidence. and, instead, you gave me a
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series of press collision and cd said i should toss this whole thing outs. i don't do that i'm a court. you got to show me something that is legally credible. you didn't. and so have a good time. you're on your way to trial. >> lawrence: jonathan, do you get the sense? and this is what the judge said the motion is remarkable that fails to include a single declaration exhibit or judicial notice instead of defendant crites portions of internet news scattered showers, social media news portions and legal blogs. these are not evidence. i guess my question is do you get the sense that was no preparation because they thought they were going to get the sweetheart deal and when the federal judge said is it really any precedent that looks over to the prosecution as well as looks over to the deference and both of them said no. then they have to actually come up with a legal strategy. >> well, there is an element of
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improvization that you see in these filings which is quite disturbing no way argument getting thrown out. argument of no prosecution has has been chuckling. all the way up to the indictment this was special treatment. they allowed statute of limitations to run and never explained why department of justice said we were trying to resurrect it. it was the hunter biden people not playing ball. this has been a caves special treatment not selective prosecution in my view. >> brian: john thanks lastly on the massive gag orderly put on the former president 6 the united states in the alvin bragg case. because they don't want him talking about prosecutor matthew colangelo and don't want him talking about the judge's daughter. matthew colangelo was in the justice department with joe biden. that is outrageous to president trump. also the fact is that the
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judge's daughter is an activist who worked for kamala harris. and there was some dispute on whether she did have a picture up on a website with donald trump behind bars. that, to me, is something that if i'm donald trump, i'm a little concerned about. the judge has a daughter who feels this way. >> yeah. i have actually been opposed to gag orders for years. particularly efforts to gag you, brian. [laughter] >> brian: that's been widespread and well-known. >> yeah. coming from your colleagues. but, no, you are absolutely right. this is a really controversial order and i think it's wrong. you know, you have got michael cohen going on the air every night attacking trump, basically campaigning against him. he is not allowed to respond. now, i would prefer that trump leaves these attacks or issues raised with the judge's family to his counsel. i think that's always the better
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approach. but in this case you have prosecutors pushing this trial right before an election. the judge is assisting in that then they want to gag the president from talking about the main issue in the election. whether they like it or not, this election is likely to turn on this question of the weaponization of the legal system. and so i think that these courts have to acknowledge that you have a d.c. judge that says i'm not going to take any acknowledgment or accommodation for the fact that you are running for president. really? because you are insisting on trying him all the way up to and possibly through the election. >> ainsley: yeah. i was watching another network this morning the news anchor in the copy she was reading from the teleprompter these false claims that donald trump is making about the judge's daughter. all right. thank you so much. jonathan. >> brian: they act like she is 11. she is a full grown woman. she works for the democratic party. >> lawrence: she has been vocal. >> steve: meanwhile speaking of
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vocal. hillary rodham clinton was across the street at 30 rock on "the tonight show" with jimmy fallon. we wanted to play a soundbite that she said oh i didn't realize she wore that big hat. that is really crazy. >> >> brian: she is so fun. >> ainsley: pirate hat or easter hat. >> steve: i can't tell it was easter monday. >> brian: is she going to a funeral. >> steve: jimmy asked her. you know it, looks like the election of 2024 is going to look like the election of 2020. what do you have to say with that? here she is. >> biden vs. trump. we know that. >> it is. it is. >> what do you say to voters who are upset that those are the two choices? >> get over yourself. those are the two choices. >> i love that. >> all right. good. you know, it's kind of like one is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart. and really cares about people. and one is old, and has been charged with 91 felonies.
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[laughter] [applause] >> okay. interesting. >> i don't understand why this is even a hard choice, really. >> brian: okay. >> lawrence: prosecution of donald trump and the charges. the question is why wasn't she charged? >> brian: do you notice with her not going to say anymore? donald trump was illegitimate president and he really didn't wen in 2016. same with stacey abrams she says i never denied the elections. they don't want it they realize as pointed out over the weekend of all people democrats should stop being hypocrites. they keep going after donald trump for saying this and they should. they should also acknowledge that they denied the election in 2016 and stacey abrams said that it was an illegitimate governor in georgia. so she can't even say that. >> steve: he was making the point, brian about ronna mcdaniel that was the double standard. >> brian: listed both. ains instance i ado agree with the first part of this. these are the candidates and
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focus on the issues and which candidate you like better. 91 charges were brought on by democrats. letitia james ran on taking down donald trump. we saw what happened in georgia with fani willis. these are democrats that don't like president trump. they are doing everything they can to make sure he is not candidate. >> lawrence: i think it's a bad modify to tell voters to get over it. instead of issues that matter to the voters. >> this is the same criticism bill clinton and former staff had with hillary clinton. she wouldn't go to different swing states and talk about the issues that matter. >> she thought she had them in the pocket. >> she had the fireworks ready remember for the last night? >> the glad window. >> brian: still not over it. >> steve: she hired them. speak that liberal talk show to a very liberal former new york democrat, i say former because
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listen to michael rapaport. he has been a standard liberal democrat here in new york for a very long time. he has been on this program a number of times as well being interviewed on israeli beach. it sounds like he voted for joe biden back in 2020. but, because ever so many democrats in the democrat party supporting hamas, essentially rather palestinians rather than hamas he said joe biden is not going to got his vote. and is he even considering voting for the other guy. listen. >> my political views have changed immensely. i will not vote for joe biden at this point when we are doing this interview voting for trump is on the table. people are like what are you talking about? that's my reality. i will not support anybody who is anti-israel. i will not support anybody that
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is anti-making america safe. that is cool with the fact that -- i got to show my i.d. at least three or four times at the airport but it takes you two minutes to cross the border. i'm not down with that shit. i'm not down with police officers in the greatest city on earth getting beaten up. >> ainsley: we forgot to bleep that one. >> brian: we will bleep it in the next hour for the west coast viewers. he went on to say taking a look at trump much more educated. he speaks for a lot of the people. joe biden has left the border wide open. it's not a matter he could bring up anything he wants about legislation. he has allowed this to happen and he had to be begged to got border. number two is he has no comments when cops are beat up. number three he does not visit slain police officers or make a phone call to the widow? this type of thing when people -- that will get people incensed and that's exactly what happened. >> ainsley: he hosted the oscars and his whole monologue in the
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beginning was pro-israel and here's a guy who was liberal hollywood. well-known actor in the u.s. very well-known in israel because he has been over there so much and speaking out against what happened to the israeli people. and to hear him say that are democrats now waking up to the truth? we have interviewed so many. when we had all of the panels of jewish people on right after october 7th. many of them said this is their single issue what they are voting for. >> steve: what he is doing and other liberal democrats are doing. remember, when joe biden had the big fundraiser across the is street a couple days ago. there were so many people out in the street. democrats are trying to pressure joe biden to get it over with figure out a solution with israel and hamas and the palestinians as quickly as possible. and i think essentially michael rapaport is saying for him saying voting for trump is on the tactical but i won't vote -- on the table but i won't vote for joe biden. >> brian: they took out some of
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the high value target over in syria and hezbollah picked up the pace of bombing. >> >> you negotiating with saudi arabia on some sort of mega deal. >> that won't effect anything. >> steve: we will see. >> lawrence: i think at his core though and we all have jewish friends and a lot of them were so loyal to the democratic party. for historical reasons. but i think that issue the way democrats responded to october the 7th opened the door for other issues as well. so it was once i was getting emails and text messages from my friends that were just saying hey, thanks, fox, for the conch you have what is happening. now i'm getting messages about the border. about crime, issues that it didn't seem like that they cared about at that moment because they were loyal to the democratic party. i think their eyes are open now because of what has happened. >> ainsley: this election is about issues. it really is. these are the two candidates. do you like how the state of our world is going right now under
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joe biden or do you like donald trump's policies? >> steve: sounds like your friends continue to watch. >> lawrence: they do. >> brian: going back to that interview with if a reiss kari over the weekend why is it hate speech but not when you protest against jews on campus. why is it okay for bill clinton to lie under oath condemn donald trump when you say he is lying? and people should realize stacey abrams do what she did. there is a problem when people look at this and they don't think you think myopically and broad kazakhstaning it. you act like donald trump was the only one that ever said anything controversial i think what you are pointing to is the. >> ainsley: r.f.k. coming on the show a little bit later and don't change the channel. here are some of your headlines starting with a fox news alert. the world central kitchen suspending operations across the middle east after search of its workers killed in what is believed to be israeli
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airstrike. the idf responding to the strategy moments ago. >> we also express sincere sorrow to our allied nations who have been doing and continue to do so much to assist those in need we have been reviewing the highest levels of what happened and how it happened. >> ainsley: meanwhile tensions rising between israel and iran after a separate strike levels iran's consulate in damascus. tehran is blaming israel for the attack in syria that killed two iranian generals and five other officers. iran's president saying, quote. cowardly crime will not go unanswered. more than 220 migrants are now facing charges in connection with that riot that broke out at the border fence down in el paso, texas nearly two weeks ago. of the county sheriff's office says that only about three dozen suspects have been processed to be released to ice custody so
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far but court records show many of those charged remain in custody at the el paso county jail on monday. and surveillance video shows members of a chilean gang looting over $800,000 worth of cash and jewelry from a single house in the detroit suburbs. the oakland county sheriff sounding the alarm. >> they are super well trained when they get here. highly organized. they look like ninjas. they're all masked up, gloves. >> imagine being home and you see these people outside. the sheriff says the suspects come to the u.s. through a visa waiver program. rap mogul sean "diddy" combs was spotted for the first time in miami since the federal sex trafficking raid on his los angeles-miami houses. the feds are now reportedly widening their probe to reinvestigate the infamous 1999 club shooting in times square that wounded three people. some scary moments for skiers at a world-renowned resort in the
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italian oips last week. chair lifts being whipped back and forth. one person reportedly thrown from the chair lift but did survive thankfully. two others were trapped. at least 10 chairs on the lift were damaged and have been taken out of service. worlds top musicians gathering for the i heart awards on fox. stevie wonder presenting beyonce with the innovative award. >> i'm honored to receive this recognition from you, stevie wonder. when anyone asks me if there is anyone i can listen to for the rest of my life it's always you. >> ainsley: so true love him and her. taylor swift accepting the award for artist of the year she is prom missing swifties for exciting things ahead and what does that mean? and lainey wilson joining best new artist winner jelly roll for
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a stripped down performance of save me ♪ ♪ i've been shattered my hope and my dreams ♪ >> ainsley: abby hornacek was on hand chatting with the stars she will join us later with the red carpet headlines. >> steve: when jelly roll was on our program we all got a chance to actually talk to him and he is such a lovely man with such an incredible story after he won one of the two awards last night. this is what he had to say about his journey. >> my momma always told me i had a face for radio, baby. [laughter] cheers. i remember being a kid in the back seat of the car with my brothers. i had three older brothers and older sister. all we did was ride around and listen to the radio. we sung every single word. i never would have dreamed i would be one of the voices
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coming through your radio and to be the best new country artist to represent country music and the best new pop artist. you don't know what this means to a kid like me. i was thinking about it. what does it mean when a guy like me has the opportunity to be the new pop artist of the year? and i heart radio's award? it means that god will always use the least likely messenger with the biggest message every single time. you can take it to the bank, baby. i love you, jesus. and i love you, bunny. my wife. thank you for everything. bailey ann, my daughter. i hope you are watching. i'm coming home. i will see you. we did it again! >> brian: that is so cool. i saw that he has lost 50 pounds already. that's the big thing i'm working on now to lose weight. looked for trim down. >> lawrence: every time he gives a speech he sounds like a southern baptist preacher. he can focus on himself, he always sends a message about christ and trying to inspire people. >> ainsley: i love his story
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and, yes, none of us here on this sofa or the curvey couch have gone to prison. we can't relate to that message but can i relate to the overall message that god uses the least likely. look at the disciples, they were fishermen. they were probably cussing out on the body and god said you follow me and they did. look at donald trump. who would have thought he would be president one day when he was on our show for all those years and god used him. >> lawrence: look at brian kilmeade. >> brian: go ahead, lawrence. finish up. how do i possibly fit that conversation? peter on a fishing boat. look at brian kilmeade, jelly roll? i'm so curious. [laughter] >> brian: you were determined to bring me in. you have no follow-up. i do not belong in that conversation. [laughter] >> steve: talking about that restraining order. >> ainsley: i have a problem with his mom telling her child that you have a face for radio? >> brian: that's why you get face tattoos. my mom doesn't think i'm
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good-looking either. >> steve: congratulations. >> ainsley: we love you. >> brian: jelly roll. >> ainsley: do you call him mr. roll? >> steve: like kid rock. >> ainsley: mr. rock. >> brian: mr. kid. 23 minutes after the hour. disturbing new details about the beating death of an arizona teen. >> ainsley: former detective details how a local gang reportedly boasted about their alleged crime as we learn their parents might have tried to cover it up. ♪ ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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with xfinity mobile! plus, save even more and get an eligible 5g phone on us! visit today. >> steve: talk about the weather. nearly 50 million americans today are under a severe weather threat as storms hammer the heartland and the northeast with heavy rain that has just started here in new york city. senior meteorologist yanice dean is here with our fox weather forecast. and this is impacting a lot of people just waking up. >> janice: absolutely. we could see a significant risk of tornadoes later today for the ohio river. we already have tornado warn storms in and around the kentucky area. paducah, kentucky all the way up to evansville. these are actually tornado warn storms. doppler radar indicating rotation already as people are still sleeping. have a way to get watches and warning until 8:00 a.m. tornado watch. that is going to expand across the ohio valley and tennessee
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river valley. there is a significant risk here. you don't see a lot of that storm prediction center say all the ingredients come together for severe weather outbreak including tornadoes. this pressure moves into great lakes and snow on the back side of this and see a coastal storm on thursday and friday here in the northeast. so fox for all of your latest details. i will keep you posted carley over to you. >> carley: yes you will as you always do. janice, thank you so much. actress andy harman making news for a bad reason she said instagram killed and shot her dog over easter weekend. he got out of his car, delivered the foot and then shot our dog. our ring camera was charge not guilty house which he saw. and then knew he wasn't being recorded. whoa. this happened while harmon and her daughter were inside their north carolina home. she says police let the driver go because he claimed it was self-defense. that is so sad. shakira revealing her kids were
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not big fan of the barbie movie. my sons absolutely hated it. they felt it was immass could you a little and i agree to a certain extent. i'm raising two boys i want them to feel powerful while respecting women. the film hauling $1.4 billion at the box office. and to march madness upper indicated lynn clark and the iowa hawkeyes outlasting elite 8 showdown. >> pulls up. another deep one is good. the hawkeyes are headed back to the final four. >> clark finishing the game with 41 points securing place in next weekend's final four. uconn women advancing after holding comeback attempt to the final four and the women's bracket is now set iowa faces uconn. south carolina takes on nc state. what's going to happen? who knows.
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>> lawrence: she is just too cold. they can't stop her. when you are shooting from the logo. that's nba level, that's wnba level. huge fan, thanks, carley. >> carley: she is such an inspiration to little girls. even me i want to become a basketball player now i will now minimize in 3, 2, 1. >> lawrence: serious story, multiple teens connected to arizona gang known as the gilbert goons for the beating breath of a teenager. the vicious assault happened months ago but allegedly covered up by well-connected parents of the suspects. here to discuss is former nassau police gang detective matt brownie. i'm looking at these mug shots of these kids. they were bragging about this. what do you know about this case? >> well, i will tell you, these
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guys it was just a group of thugs, you know, gangsters that went out brutalized the east valley through intimidation and through assaults unfortunately around horribly press was murdered. >> lawrence: i want to go to the tiktok of what one of these young people said. because it was also in the court filing of, you know, of the court filing there. this is what they said in here. this is on snapchat. i got in a fight. a big group fight. and i accidently killed a kid. he goes on to right wright, i s i'm too strong no. compassion at all and was bragging about it. >> well, there is no compassion in gang activity. these guys thrive on the thrill of the assault. they thrive on the thrill. actually, these guys were
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videotaping every assault they did. and they thrived on the clicks they were getting online and people watching them and that's what motivated them to keep doing what they were doing apparently this is a wealthy community. were they influencing the prosecution in some way. did they pay someone off within the office? what do we know about the parents. >> i think the cover-up, what we are talking about is friends knowing that the assaults were happening. these assaults had been going on since 2022. november of 2022 so the parents knew what was going on. they had to see the blood. they had to see the different bruising and stuff on their kids' hands and face. they were trying to cover cup. push it away. the renner boy, tallan they took him out of town. when he was starting to be accused of the murder of preston. they took him out of town.
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falsified records of their business. anything they could do to cover up what was really going on is what they were doing. >> lawrence: this family deserves answers. i hope they go after the parents as well. you can't have a bunch of thugs running around town and because they have wealthy parent they are allowed to get away with it. the parents should be charged as well. thank you for joining the program. >> you betcha. thank you for having me. >> lawrence: north korea state investigating 150 alumni cancer cases possibly linked to a building. next guest a graduate diagnosed with two different cancers and they join us next. s. ♪ in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today.
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and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions... ...and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,... ...had a vaccine, or plan to. ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time,... ...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one... ...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. steve welcome back. north carolina state now investigating reports that contaminants a at the schools poll juame be linked to a number of alumni cancer cases. reporting indicates that 152 former students who spent time in the now closed classroom
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building have since been diagnosed including jennifer walter attend closes at the hall for three years and since been diagnosed with cancer. she joins us now. jen, good morning to you. >> good morning, thank you for having me. you were in this building 20 years ago, 2004. >> yeah. >> at what point -- and i know that right now they are saying that apparently there are some contaminants, maybe pcbs higher than what was allowed by the epa in that building at what point did you start to get sick? >> i started in 2004. and then i graduated in 2007. and these when i started feeling just not right. there was a lot of. [lost audio] >> steve: we have momentarily lost her audio. let me read the latest statement from north carolina state university. they say the process of understanding the building and
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the potential impacts of this situation takes time. we recognize that those who have spent time in the building are concerned and we hear you. we're working as quickly as we can to get answers and get those answers in the hands of our faculty, our staff, and our students. all right. they have also got an update on their website with poo hall updates they say thank you to the countless teams across north korea state work together to relocated more than 230 classes they anticipate close that's building. keeping the community updated on our progress and the latest testing results throughout the process as welling. all right. jen is back. so, jen, shortly after you graduated you started to feel
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sick and you gold to doctors and you would describe what was going on and they couldn't figure it out, could they. >> no. i was tested for everything. everything you could think of. >> steve: and ultimately, who figured it out? >> a doctor noticed that my thyroid levels were increasing. so he put me on some medication and then within a year of that, they diagnosed me with graves disease and they took my thyroid out and noticed that there was cancer. and then noticed on further evaluation that it was in my lymph nodes as well. >> steve: right. they say that there are 152 cases of cancer relating to people who graduated and many from that building. what do you think is going on. >> obviously something. it's too much of a coincidence for this many people to be getting sick. >> steve: absolutely. i know that you have -- you have had your thyroid removed.
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usc treated. but, given the fact that you have this history now, you got to go in for periodic scans and tests. and that freaks you out, doesn't it? >> yeah. it's scary. you never know when the scan is going to come back and show something and, you know, you start the process all over again. and it's really scary. >> steve: yeah. jen, they say there's no official link between the building and the cancers. but you have -- you mentioned a moment ago somebody who has exactly the same thing. what do you think the university needs to do, other than just keeping everybody informed? >> i think they need to do everything they can to make sure everyone is safe and help us, really. i think they need to do everything they can. >> steve: for the folks just looking in on you right now, how is your health today? >> it's good.
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i have a lot anxiety. aside from that, i'm good. i'm pretty healthy. >> steve: would you ever go back in that building? >> no. [laughter] , no. >> steve: i think you are probably not the only one. jennifer walter who graduate of from north korea state in 2007, jen, thank you very much for telling us your story. >> thank you. >> steve: and good luck. all right. about a quarter before the top of the hour. coming up car chase scenes have long been a staple of hollywood action movies. >> i hope you're n shed insured. >> steve: me too. and thanks to a new gadget real life high pursuit chases may be a thing of the past. kurt the cyberguy is going to explain that coming up next. ♪ just a shy guy ♪ looking for a aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? yo to u
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>> brian: all right. we're back with a cruise ship nightmare. vacation back on track. after being stranded on african island. a paraplegic and one person hasn't had access to heart medicine for days. eight days into a 21-day voyage left high and dry while on excursion. one member of the group telling a local outlet we were on a tour
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of the island. we had an issue on the tour. they didn't get back to us in time. according to reports the captain of the norwegian cruise ship did not let them board the ship despite it still being anchored when it returned. south carolina couple now 6,000 miles away from home trying to reunite with their ship on another port in africa. the group traveled to another port in gambia couldn't get on board because of low tide. norwegian releasing this statement over the weekend. while there is a very unfortunate situation. guests are responsible for ensuring they return to the ship at the published time. the group is trying to get to senegal where the ship will be in port today. all right. we will keep you updated. over to you. >> ainsley: that is horrible. it was there. they wouldn't let them on? >> brian: get back on the ship on time. bring a watch when you are bathing. >> ainsley: when you hear their conditions it's really sad. hopefully we can rescue them. car chase scenes have long been a staple of g.p.s. tracking dart
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that can be fired, launched from a police driver track a suspect without speeding behind them. kurt the cyberguy joins us now to tell us more about this. how does it work, kurt? >> ha, anxiously, good morning to you. leading into the easter weekend. i heard helicopters above and sure enough there was a pursuit here and helicopters. not every american city has helicopters that can pursue criminals lead on high speed pursuit. equipped with there technology called star chase. and they simply fired this star chase missile like styrofoam, g.p.s. tracker directly at the vehicle ahead. a heat tracker. guides it in and it's got this sticky substance on the outside of it that then latches onto the vehicle so they can back off a little bit. because, questions often arise about hey, are the police making
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the pursuit worse? well, in this case, this will allow law enforcement officers to back off a little bit, ease the pressure on the pursuit so that hopefully they won't do as many dangerous things. in the case with this. pursuit i was watching leading into the weekend it. got into downtown los angeles in a big high rises and the helicopter lost the ability to track it. this device would have changed all of that a huge leap toward greater public safety, i think, for american cities and also apparently very affordable. >> yeah. apparently the old west bury police department on long island is using. this are a lot of police departments using this now? we have soon it rolling out in various new york cities. i think we will start seeing it around different cities simply because it makes sense to use technology like this. >> ainsley: it's genius. talk about senate is it $4 a month to get snapchat plus and
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then rank your friends. a lot of parents are upset about this because they are saying we don't want our children to log on and see it's a solar system type thing. we don't want to see that their neptune or pluto and they get jealous of whoever is mercury. >> exactly. so a drug like addiction of social media wasn't bad enough to harm kids. this new snapchat feature that is 4 bucks a month will show where you rank as if you are one of our planets in the solar system. if you are pluto you are probably far out of your friend's network. planets that are closer. it said essentially how much do they really like me. so you can imagine the addiction that's going to happen from this storm addiction. this one in particular is unsettling for the profiting of the social pressures and measurements that will essentially effect very impressionable minds and self-esteem and their values at this age.
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not a good thing i don't like this at all. big tech right here. not just the wild west. it is a no rules, harmful attack on the mental health of american kids, period. i think this is just a terrible invention. i mean, it's just one more reason like when my nieces came out to visit, i was -- the entire time their heads are right here. entire trip was about what can they do to tell their friends that they are having a good vacation? i said how about first having a good vacation? anyway. ainsley, you can tell i'm passionate about it and i will leave you with this. we are tracking a story that has to do with iphone threat that's coming up in about 45 minutes at we will send out that newsletter with that information what can you do about it. >> ainsley: thank you so much, kurt. trump posts $175 million bond and is back on the campaign trail in michigan and wisconsin today. so stay with us. ♪ keeping dreams alive ♪ 1999 ♪ i ain't worried about it right
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