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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 2, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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how do i know? how can i tell? it adds one more factor to a really confusing process. >> dana: we're proud to know you. you wrote a book called acceptance that came out in 2022 and having your first baby this may. what a success story and what a life turn around. congratulations and happy to have you here. >> bill: nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> dana: swing state battle under way now as voters helped to the polls in four states. former president trump is back on the campaign trail as he and president biden lock horns in one of the tightest battlegrounds in the nation, wisconsin. a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom" i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. we'll show you how close those elections were especially in the upper midwest. president trump appearing in wisconsin and michigan as we mentioned. both candidates putting a focus on what they consider to be the most serious threats to the country. trump will talk about the border and immigration. biden campaign will talk about
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trump. >> dana: full coverage on fox, former wisconsin governor scott walker joining us in milwaukee. first we go to hillary vaughn from fox business at the white house. good morning, hillary. >> good morning. former president trump making a big swing through key swing states today michigan and wisconsin where he will address president biden's handling of immigration. trump will give a speech addressing, quote, biden's border bloodbath. while here at the white house they're staying on message insisting it is trump who created the chaos at the border and is refusing to fix it. >> because of the last president and because they put politics ahead of american people, we are seeing chaos. president trump got in the way and now republicans are getting in the way. >> as president biden lays low today privately democrats are stressing how to bring in new young voters without accidentally encouraging young people who might end up voting for trump.
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the "washington post" reports a confidential memo circulated among top democratic donors warning them that encouraging mass new voter registration of young voters might come back to bite biden by signing up potential republicans. if we were to blindly register non-voters we would be aiding trump's quest for a personal dictatorship and recent fox polling shows they might have something to worry about. younger americans are souring on biden's handling of issues like the economy. just 29% under the age of 30 approve of biden's job. the memo also warned of another changing reality. some people of color are shifting to the right saying that the cost of targeting non-black voters of color like latinos is more expensive because it scoops up so many non-democrats and the advice just focus on african-americans who are more likely to turn out for biden. the memo saying, quote, only african-american registration is clearly a prime opportunity.
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yesterday at the white house the president said he thinks his campaign is doing great and he is optimistic. clearly some democrats behind the scenes are smelling trouble. dana. >> dana: hillary vaughn. thank you so much. bill. >> bill: how close was it? this was michigan in 2016, michigan in 2020. donald trump won it eight years ago. joe biden flipped it. oh by so much, right? .2 percent in 2016. biden more comfortable 3 1/2 points in 2020. what we think the polls are right now leaning toward donald trump put all the polls together this is what you get for the former president in michigan hence the reason he is going there. going to grand rapids, too. remember in 2016 is where he started and ended his campaign. here is wisconsin now. this is razor tight, too. trump won it in 2016, similar story, in 2020 biden flipped it as well. it was closer than michigan. at the moment this is what we see. trump with an edge right now
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might be a point here or there. right now in wisconsin donald trump leading in the polls over joe biden. swing it back over here and bring in a guy who knows a little something something about wisconsin. does he not? >> dana: governor scott walker former governor of wisconsin and president of young america foundation is with us now. in the "washington post" march 18th headline. in wisconsin a vote for biden or trump could come down to grocery prices saying shane reynolds, a 71-year-old roofer retired lives on social security checks and it is harder to afford groceries. picked up a cornish hen for 5.79 and potatoes. he had sports drinks marked down $3 to 5.99. paused gatorade is on sale but i still can't afford it. you hear this from people in wisconsin that grocery prices and gas are their top concern. >> yeah, no doubt about it. when we see a sale at kwik trip
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$2.99 a gallon of milk we rush to get a good deal on that and gas. the challenge without a doubt is not inflation. it is high prices. people in washington will sometime talk about gdp being up. it doesn't matter to the people you talked about finding it hard to keep up with where prices are at. not an issue just for voters in general. we saw the same thing at young america foundation. the economy even for college students is the number one issue. >> bill: the president sees it a different way. here he is just yesterday touting the economy and how he thinks it is so good. >> president biden: we have the best economy in the world. we have to make it better. we have the best economy in the world. jobs are up more than they've ever been. look, i think we're going to find out that what happened is a consequence of the crisis we had and it will have a lasting effect. we have to get people to move again. we're ready. i think the country is ready to
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come together in a way that i've never -- i mean that sincerely. i'm optimistic. >> bill: i do know when he says we have the best economy in the world and we are going to make it better. what do people in wisconsin think about that? >> instead of that he needs to pull a page out of bill clinton's playbook and say feeling your pain. people in wisconsin are feeling it. home prices, my kids trying to get a new home were married last year and pay $1500 more on their mortgage per month than they would have before joe biden was president. that's real money. when you go to the grocery store and fill up your tank. those are real dollars out there. i think people just understand they are not seeing what the pundits are saying in washington and new york and certainly not hearing what president biden is saying at the white house. >> dana: we're all talking about the economy and we should. i wanted to ask you about this. i believe it was just last year in a special election for the
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state supreme court in wisconsin one of the most expensive races ever for that level the democrat won big time. and the issue was abortion. and even if there is nothing on the ballot. i don't know if there is in wisconsin this year. we know the biden administration will make a concerted effort to try to turn out the voters once again on reproductive rights. will it have an impact in a race that's this close in wisconsin? >> every issue can but remember in that supreme court race the person who won, the radical out of the two big cities madison, milwaukee big turnout, they had seven or eight times as much money as the conservative candidate. it broke down to money. in this race everybody in america and everybody in wisconsin knows joe biden and donald trump. money will be far less a factor. i think it will be economy, border security, which is really personal security when you hear about the massive numbers of fentanyl overdoses here in wisconsin and across the nation
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and public safety. we see it in milwaukee and other big cities. those are the three big things and that's what the options are about, joe biden is in trouble. >> bill: unemployment rate in sheboygan is 2.1%. if you had 2.1% as a governor you would never lose. the fact that the economy is having such a drain on people's wallets that's why it becomes so relevant. now enter rfk junior who could be a third party spoiler. >> president biden has done something that no other president in history has done. which is to order media, particularly the social media, facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, google to censor his political opponents. if you have a president who can censor his political opponents, he has a license for any kind of atrocities. that's a genuine threat to our democracy. >> bill: what about his commentary. will he be on the ballot in
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wisconsin? >> i think he is right. one, i think he is right about what he is saying out there. the twitter files spelled out the role the biden administration and those before it involved in social media. secondly i think just as jill stein probably paid a big factor back in the 2016 election by taking a sliver of the vote away from hillary clinton, kennedy can do the same thing for joe biden. ironically like his uncle did against jimmy carter in 1980 in the primary that was a loss against ronald reagan in the general. >> dana: you could have other third party candidates there. fourth or fifth party candidates at that point. governor, great to see you. >> bill: unemployment is -- 2.1% that's almost full employment for that part of the state. >> dana: it is. when biden goes to wisconsin today he is dealing with this issue of his support for israel, even though he has distanced himself a little bit.
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abc news on biden and the protest vote. biden faces next protest vote with wisconsin's uninstructed campaign. basically that means that they are looking at a situation looking at hakim saying he will have pressure there because for people who want america to pull out and for israel to stop the genocide using quotes there, they could either stay home or even vote for rfk. >> bill: we've seen it in other states. >> dana: they're taking it very seriously. rfk junior out and about today. >> the white house usually hosts a large dinner marking the end of ramadan. these aren't normal times. later tonight the white house is planning to hold a scaled down celebration after being warned that a number of muslim guests would decline the invitation over president biden's handling of the war in gaza. to the point about what is happening in wisconsin and michigan and maybe north carolina as we saw in the
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primary, watch that issue. [shouting and chanting] >> dana: iranian protestors burning american flags in response to the killing of a top military commander. >> bill: republican prosecutors seeking a supreme court intervention. why they call a -- >> dana: police want to question an nfl -- an nfl player in regard to a crash. what happened here? all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this:
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blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> dana: a new report in the
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"wall street journal" claims boeing was plagued with problems and internal strife long before the door blew out on an alaska airlines flight in january. that day the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing and no one was seriously hurt. the factory was in disarray, crews were unable to keep a schedule and i parently didn't follow procedures and production pressure mounted as delays piled up. justice department has now opened a criminal investigation into the company and the ceo will be stepping down at the end of the year. so more coming to light on that. >> bill: tough year, huh? got to get it right. in the meantime, police are investigating kansas city chiefs wide receiver rice and his potential involvement in this high speed car crash in dallas that happened over the weekend. questions whether police can even find rice. two cars hit four other cars
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speeding down a freeway. witnesses say rice was driving one of them and walked from the scene. what more can we say about this? can they find rice? hello. >> we're not waiting for specific information as to who exactly was behind the wheel of the car and who caused the high-speed six-car pile-up. what was the involvement of wide receiver rice. it was saturday. central express way. lamborghini and another car racing and caused a wreck. an attorney for rice issued this statement. on behalf of him his thoughts are with everyone impacted by the automobile accident on saturday. he is cooperating with local authorities and take all necessary steps to address the situation responsibly. attorney representing one of the people caught in the wreck says the drivers just walked up the express way and left the scene. >> they walked right past the people they hurt. right past the people with
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cameras. very strange. that was the quickest way to get to a ramp. but they are all very distinctive people. dressed distinctively. even tattoos on their arms are better an a fingerprint and it is all clear in the photos. it won't be long and there won't be any doubt about exactly who was involved and who wasn't. >> mark donovan president of the kansas city chiefs said the one clear fact we do have, there was a multi-car crash in dallas. fortunately it doesn't appear anyone was hurt and grateful for that. we'll gather the facts and react accordingly. channel five in dallas reports rice rented the lamborghini but police call sheet said he was driving the corvette. >> bill: we're waiting. mike tobin on that. >> dana: a story i've been following. two dozen state attorneys general are asking the supreme
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court to take up hawaii's climate change liability case saying hawaii is trying to use its own state laws to impose energy policies nationwide. it could have grave consequences for u.s. energy production. alabama a.g. stephen marshall leading the effort joins us now. what's the case they are trying to make? >> this is an action arising out of the city of honolulu where individuals are asserting trespass claims against the fossil fuel industry. in terms of a marketing action it counts this is about asking a trial judge in the state of hawaii to be able to set national and global energy policy. that's not their role or their function. it is why it's so critically important for the supreme court to be able to weigh in. >> dana: there are similar pending lawsuits against energy producers. we can show you a map from california to rhode island, san francisco, baltimore, minnesota and more.
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so do you have other states that are joining you in trying to ask the supreme court to stop honolulu from trying to decide all this for the rest of the country? >> we do. 20 states have banded together to be able to file this brief with the supreme court. while it is directed to the hawaii case, which proceed durally is in the right posture for the supreme court to consider, the impact of this case is widespread. clearly on the cases you've described going on around the country but also we need to look no further than what the new york a.g. has sued jbs trying to use the efforts of state court to regulate certain industries around climate change. >> dana: how much would this cost the american consumer if our energy companies have to respond to a judge in hawaii? >> we don't know that number but it is clearly in the billions. the efforts in hawaii are to bankrupt the fossil fuel industry that directly impacts
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the pocket books in alabama and others across the country in the cost of fossil fuels. the reality is not only is this effort one to deal with damages and money, but also it is through the injuke shuns outside the rule of law. >> dana: two final quick questions. what are your chances of getting the supreme court to take this up? >> we think it is very good. this is a unique opportunity, different than when they've been given opportunities in the past. we think it is a compelling procedural posture of the case that will allow them to take it up. >> dana: my second question is it takes money to file lawsuits like this in hawaii or these other states. if we were to follow the money, who is paying for the plaintiffs in the case? who is paying to bring these cases against energy companies? >> these are radical environmental groups who have an agenda funded by billionaires across the country directly trying to get the green new deal
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in a way they can't through congress and the ballot box. >> dana: we'll pay attention to it. thank you for coming on today. >> thank you. >> bill: watch that. meantime, oh, oh, sorry. ♪ >> bill: that was on me. >> dana: that's a great song, right? >> bill: you were almost there. barbie may have been one of the biggest blockbuster at the box office this summer. that doesn't matter with shakira's kids. doesn't matter with her, either. her sons hated it and said it was emasculating. she wants to teach her kids that men and women compliment each other. barbie made $1.4 billion. making it the 14th highest grossing film of all time. i didn't know that.
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>> dana: i got through 38 seconds of it and turned it off on a plane but i am told by many people i should give it another shot. >> bill: you do that and let me know and i will use your guidance whether i watch it or not. she is saying men and women can be equal and the same. one doesn't have to be better or dominant over the other. >> dana: you have to listen to your kids sometime. fox news alert secretary blinken speaking moments ago in paris addressing the ongoing escalation in gaza. we'll monitor it for breaking news. the fate of the u.n. agency for palestinians now hanging in the balance following allegations it helped hamas carry out the terror attacks against israel on october 7th and also this.
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otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> bill: more now on the war in gaza. this is antony blinken arriving in paris.
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he talked about october 7th making sure that the terror of that saturday morning does not happen again. >> we've been focused on trying to make sure october 7th can never happen again. but having said that, the relationship we have the israel is not just about gaza, hamas, october 7th. it's also about the threats posed to israel by hezbollah, by iran, by various other actors in the region. each one of which has vowed one way or another to try to destroy israel. >> bill: the other comments that he was giving before we join following the story or not. they had a group out of cyprus took a big barge of food into gaza. over the past 24 hours several people were hit in israeli air strike. netanyahu is in the hospital and back now. he is out of the hospital after that hernia and he said mistakes
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happen in war and so this is something we'll follow and what blinken talked about it, too. humanitarian workers have to be protected. >> dana: when he mentions hezbollah pay attention to this. there is a lot of activity happening on the northern side so iran proxies are trying to squeeze israel from all sides while this is happening. the court of public opinion with the world kitchen crew being killed in these air strikes more pressure on israel but they are also saying we have to finish the job. complicated. we're on top of it for you. israel is unveiling a plan to dismantle the u.n. agency handling relief for palestinians with allegations that some helped carry out the attacks against october 7th. the white house is throwing its support behind the agency. this has gone back and forth between administrations. how will it land after october 7th? >> dana, the u.n. agency has been beset by this major scandal
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since this iteration of it since january, the beginning of the year when it was revealed as you mentioned some of its staffers were complicit in hamas's october 7th terrorist attack. now israel was putting forward this official request by a proposal to the you u.n. they do away with this agency once and for all. >> somebody inside the united states government has -- we continue to support the work that unrwa does in gaza and in the broader region. they play a critical role in delivering humanitarian assistance to people who need it. >> the state department as you could hear there, is standing by saying the group is the only hope now to try to prevent a complete famine inside gaza. you might remember that secretary blinken briefly suspended funding to unrwa after the october 7th allegations emerged and under tremendous pressure from republicans on
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capitol hill at the time. >> they should not receive a single nickel from american taxpayer. >> we won't accept any legislation that allows taxpayer dollars to fund unrwa. >> now the u.n. secretary general insists unrwa is a lifeline providing education for more than half a million students including these girls i met in jordan last week. unrwa must be allowed to continue providing vital services to keep hope flowing. israel submitted its proposal this past weekend and learning that in the proposal they are arguing that the 300 to 400 staff focused on gaza now get wrapped into another organization, whether the u.n. or some other ngo who provides relief to gaza. there are a bunch of them as you just reported. the world food kitchen being one of them. >> dana: thank you. [chanting and shouting]
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>> bill: this part of the scene on the streets of tehran, iranian protestors burning american flags and chanting death to america in response to a strike in syria that killed one of tehran's top military commanders, iran is blaming israel vowing to retaliate. robert greenway is the director of the center for defense at the heritage foundation. a clip from the "wall street journal." iranians pay a price in syria. israel targets the generals orchestrating tehran's terror war. what comes of this strike? he wasn't the head of the force but high up there. >> that's right. israel took a strike holding accountable the iranian official maintaining the training, coordination and funding for hezbollah in lebanon and for the armed militia groups within syria supporting the assad
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regime and holding iran directly accountable. it was the most significant since the bombing of the organizations in 2008 but as you said a couple rungs below soleimani in 2020. i think caught by surprise. likely they will apply additional pressure against the united states believing the united states will be willing to apply pressure and achieve their ends without having to directly confront israel. israel provided a path for us to recognize what should be done to hold iran accountable. the same individuals that could order naivetyed the attack that killed three americans before. >> bill: to the american government is the support of zionist regime america must be held accountable and what you were saying there. when you talk about january of 2020 and soleimani, i think most observers thought there was going to be a significant response. and there wasn't.
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will there be one now? >> reality is when iran is confronted they step down. 30% there is a minimal strike to restore public relations credibility after being embarrassed. the reality is that iran doesn't respond and why israel established a pattern. the trump administration followed. we've seen a lack of response and a loss of deterrence purchase soft by the biden administration of failure to hold iran accountable. >> bill: jake sullivan is going to saudi arabia. is there some peace deal that can be salvaged that involves the saudis and the israelis at the forefront of this? >> the reality is i think it's unlikely. first, is situation in the middle east is dee terroriateing so rapidly. appeasement of iran, saudi arabia's enemy is the responsibility of the biden administration's policies. they are all cognizant of it.
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the relationship between washington and jerusalem is the lowest it has been since 2015 and with riyadh not much better. the congress -- without preparation i think it's very difficult path indeed. >> bill: my observation, robert, this administration has slowly warmed up to saudi arabia but it might take an entire 180 in policy to get them to come around entirely. if biden were to win the election in november, they would need a significant peace deal to quiet the region. that pulls in jordan and egyptians. you have to start this relationship somewhere. >> it's true. the place to start is to stop funding iran. look, you can't feed cash to its principal pen -- it has to take
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place in policy. i fear a lot of this is public relations more substance. we all have to be hopeful a peace deal can be concluded and israel's relationship with its neighbors can be restored and washington plays a big role in this. >> bill: robert green way. >> dana: this caught my attention. one person caught the bird flu from a cow. prosecutors are getting tougher on mexican cartel members caught smuggling illegal drugs. a former dea director up next with analysis. >> cjng is one of the most powerful and dangerous criminal organizations in mexico character aislesed by a business model of extreme violence and trafficking.
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>> bill: there is a highly contagious pathogen jumping from birth, cow to human. texas health officials issued a statewide alert after the first case of human infection from bird flu that came from a dairy farm. the virus has infected cattle in texas and elsewhere after wild birds were found dead on farms there and may have contaminated
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the feed. so we are on alert for more on that. check this out. >> a 50-count indictment charging 41 people of drug trafficking and cocaine, heroin, meth and fentanyl, as well as money laundering. those charged are registers of source drugs from mexico. >> dana: three dozen charges. federal prosecutors bring the hammer down on an international drug smuggling ring and the cartel is pulling the puppet springs. what do we need to know about this? >> well, it's law enforcement once again doing tremendous work protecting the citizens in america saving lives. the cjng is one of the most powerful cartels in the world, not just america. making billions dollars and sending poisonous drugs into america at record levels. here is the point. we can't rely solely on law
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enforcement. they need support. the white house has to step up. we need to decimate these cartels. they are international terrorists like we've never seen in the history of this country. all americans should be aware that there has never been a terrorist organization that has killed or poisoned so many americans. so i would like to see some support from our government to help law enforcement and god bless all of them for the great work they've done. >> dana: president trump will be in wisconsin today talking about this. he calls it biden's border bloodbath. this as we learn about the known gotaways at the border. new numbers here. known gotaways recorded at the border just on easter sunday, 919. seven day average of known gotaways, 761. if i'm doing the math here, chances are that somebody the cartel wanted to get in america is in these figures. >> let me make it clear.
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we're at severe now in america. the old homeland security warning. even the border patrol chief was on face the nation last weekend and he talked about this is a national security threat. there was 140,000 gotaways, known gotaways he was talking about. remember, we have over 1.8 million known gotaways. that's why this week our team, border 911 with ceo tom homan is going down to florida to rally up a bunch of american patriots and educate people in this country about the dangerous threats that we are all facing. this is not a red or bluish yu. it is red, white and blue. all americans need to wake up. we're being threatened with violent gangs and our kids are being killed at record levels. enough is enough. by the way, we can't rely on mexico and soft on crime leadership down there and corrupt leaders. our kids are dying at record
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levels. >> dana: is there one or two high priority policy changes that you would like to see done right now that could help stem the flow of the drugs coming across, people coming across? if you could get the biden administration or congress or whoever it is to do what you think needs to be done, what would those two things be? >> just listen to the front line warriors, listen to the guys that help the former administration put policies like remain in mexico and stop the catch and release. you need a deterrent. if you come here illegally you have to face consequences. we must have law and order. without border security, we will have no country. and get that wall up and keep these people out. you want to come here, you come here and you go in line. we welcome immigrants. we love immigrants in this country but we can't have chaos. it is not safe. >> dana: derrick, thank you and bringing us the information about the new group. we appreciate it. >> thank you.
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>> harris: donald trump is on the campaign trail today targeting what he calls biden's border bloodbath. joe biden is trying to catch up to trump deciding to hold a campaign news conference coming up. biden's record breaking disaster at the border is hurting the state of new mexico becoming a new epicenter for illegal border crossers there. new mexico state senator steve
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mccutchen will join me and kellyanne conway, matt whitaker, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: how safe are you, america? transportation secretary pete buttigieg giving an update on american rail safety. so a week ago he was on the bridge safety in baltimore. the secretary will be on america reports with sandra and john. check him out then. let's move to this. >> dana: we were getting our hands on a column comparing vladimir putin to evan gershkovitch. "wall street journal" editor at large jerry baker writing the russian leader is no match for the jailed reporter saying this. who is the stronger man here? how strong are you really if you lock up an unarmed, innocent man, throw him in a cell for 20 hours a day, deprive him of his freedom and company of family of friends. does that make you stronger than him? or for the other man standing
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with dignity. >> bill: good stuff, jerry. evan would be proud to read that. from last night there are millions watching this go down. check it out. >> ball is up. another deep one. it's good. the hawkeyes are headed back to the final four. >> bill: revenge is a dish best served cold, right? caitlin clark and hawkize beating lsu. elite eight, iowa won and face uconn in the final four late friday night. a former basketball player and coach who now hosts don't at me on outkick. welcome back, dan, to our program. caitlin clark had a great game. 41 points, amazing. roll this. clark and angel reese.
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say they are coming. that's gone on for what, a year now going back and forth. last night i thought it was a -- it wasn't an embrace. it was one recognizing the other, don't you think? >> yeah, i thought it was great. look, what are you going to do, fist fight in the handshake line? caitlin clark and angel reese are two great players. caitlin clark sat in the loss for a year with the face waving and the ring. this was revenge. caitlin clark in the third quarter opened the thing up. 43s in the third. angel was terrific. 17-20. clark was the absolute show. she and her friends and teammates and family woke up feeling unbelievable. the weight of the world off their shoulders. >> dana: jason gay wrote a column about her today. she changed the geometry of the
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game. everybody knows i don't know a ton about it. i watched because our executive producer is a huge fan and i'm watching it and i don't understand how caitlin clark sinks those three-pointers over and over again. she is a generational player and makes everybody around her better. what's next for caitlin clark? >> well, what's next is she will try to win a national championship. let me explain what caitlin clark is in my opinion. steph curry. used to be the three-point line in men's basketball. coaches want you to shoot from close to the three-point line. curry comes and now caitlin clark is the exact same thing. she will change basketball. he is right. deeper threes. it is okay to have a little swagger, pull up and shoot. that wasn't really the men's game and wasn't really the women's game. it is the men's game because of curry and will be the women's
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game. young women will be told it is okay as long as you practice it and make enough of it. caitlin clark will take a swing at the national championship and coming here as the number one pick in the wnba draft and we'll see a lot of tickets in indy. >> bill: who is your country, not the birthplace of basketball but pretty close, right? and she is going to start her wnba career in indianapolis. here you go friday night, south carolina, nc state. iowa at uconn. dan, can you remember a time when women's hoops got this much attention? >> no, absolutely not. espn has pushed it. we all know people will pay attention to games on espn. the other crap who wants to watch? absolutely not. i tell you this, caitlin clark and the way she shoots the basketball is the way everybody likes watching basketball. you yell when she pulls up. certain people are really good
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players. and certain people are great players. certain people that are great players that touch the audience, it's unique. it is incredibly unique. caitlin clark has that. it is not race, it's not she is in iowa. nothing to do with that. what it has to do with her style of play resonates to basketball fans across the country and she wins. if she were on a 4-24 team you would say somebody has to score on a bad team. she gets to the national championship game and gets to the final four doing it with everybody. white, black, everybody enjoys the way she plays the game whether they want to admit it or not. >> dana: i love the message from her. if you live in the past too much, it ruins the present. be where your feet are. the biggest thing we talked about is what does iowa need to do to win the game. a good message for everybody. don't live in the past or the future, try to be here in the present moment. thanks for being with us.
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>> bill: like your energy. don't go changing. see you later. >> dana: hey hey hey, before we go. do you want to see this? the zoo celebrating a baby gorilla born via c-section. her name is jabilla. just weighed in over three pounds. hello world, i am here. she might not be ready for a close-up yet. they will have a good time watching her grow up. >> bill: turn out the lights on this thing. leave me alone, people. >> dana: here i am. i'm cold, figure it out. i could watch her all day. we need a gorilla cam. >> bill: this is what we think she is thinking. well done. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. former president donald trump is busy on the campaign trail today going to two battleground states and taking a swing at what he calls pr


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