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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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harris, the whole point is you sign up for what you sign up for a. you have heard for a campaign it's 24/7, if you are an attorney you're working all the time. >> there are subsets to this law but the problem is those of us who work hard with work ethic we are ahead of the game it's not fair to everyone else because i will pick up my phone when the boss calls. >> this is san francisco's priority when you are a violent subway crime, people fleeing retailers? this is what you want to focus on? >> i don't want my boss calling me at 9:00 p.m. either but i don't need anyone to pass a law because i can simply just hang up. not that bad. [laughter] don't fire me. >> we are happy to have you and all of you watching today, don't forget to dvr the show when you can't watch us live here is "america reports." >> he is losing all the battleground states. >> no he is not. he is coming up.
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and even doing better. you know what? once people start to focus in the end they see they are two choices, it's obvious that joe will win the selection. >> first lady jill biden showing biden trailing the top 2024 rival in swing states this is kareem john pare takes to the podium amid the glowing crisis on our porter in the middle east welcome to wednesday i am john roberts in washington here we go, sandra. >> sandra: good to be with you i'm sandra smith in new york this is "america reports" the biden administration may be in for a rude awakening come november. brand-new "wall street journal" poll revealing trump beating biden in six of the seven battleground states in a head-to-head matchup. they are currently tied in wisconsin. >> john: despite what the good doctor says the polling tells a different story from four years ago when biden secured victory
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in nearly all of those battlegrounds but this time around voters views on the economy and joe biden's job performance continue to drag on his numbers. b2 will he be able to retain his so-called blue wall in 2024? we will ask katie pavlich and moments but first let's get to mark meredith come alive at the white house to kick things off, mark, what does the campaign say about this? >> sandra you are the first lady as well as the biden/harris campaign saying these are not accurate and they think they are in a better position and as you mentioned "the wall street journal" polling saying president biden is trailing in six of the seven swing states. spending his day talking about health care and bernie sanders perhaps a sign getting support from far left democrats as the president also pivots to abortion, an issue he thinks will give him an advantage of this fall. pico trump brags about he is the reason ruby willard was
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overturned. here is his quote, i did something that no one thought possible. i got rid of roe v. wade, end of quote. now he and his mega officials are calling for a national ban on the right to choose in every state. >> last night was because of formal president trump made it clear he believes more americans are focused on crime and border security, highlighting violent crimes by its illegal while avowing to security southern border once and for all. >> under kirk and joe biden every state is now a border state. every town is now a border town. because joe biden has brought the carnage and chaos and killing from all over the world and dumped it straight into our backyards >> today the trump campaign also celebrating some new fund-raising totals showing last month it along with the rnc brought in $65 million, so there's been a lot of talk about the money situation. top campaign officials telling the press our campaign working together with the rnc has been
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ramping up our fund-raising efforts and it's a testament for voters all across the spectrum. and this week and we are expecting another high profile at mar-a-lago an indication again the trump campaign now that he is the presumptive nominee trying to ramp up his fund-raising efforts but the biden campaign has a strong advantage there. center? >> sandra: mark meredith, john? >> john: editor and fox news contributor let's put the states up on the screen again, five points ahead in arizona, three in georgia, two in michigan, eight north carolina, four in nevada, paris and pennsylvania behind by three in wisconsin. if they hold trump becomes president again. >> first some of these are outside the margin of error that has to give the biden campaign. heartburn on that. i find it interesting ohio and florida aren't even on the list of swing states this time around. they used to be battleground states, they no longer are. solidly in the trump column.
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if you look at the issues in this polling it shows that voters in these swing states are more sensitive to the economy which is something that trump wins on and something so deep in being behind in approval ratings that he has a big hole to dig himself out of periods also in the polling young people, essentially minorities, the biden campaign is losing. they've gone to great lengths to try to get those voters back in the fold whether joining tiktok, although they say it's a threat to national security, or reallocating student loan debt in an effort to get them back into the coalition so joe biden has a lot of work to do if the election were held today donald trump be president. >> john: katie it's one thing to see say it and another to see it. trump wins 542 max 34 over biden, immigration or similar numbers, abortion biden wins, but that is pretty natural, and who is more physically and mentally fit to be president 48%
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say trump, 28% but say biden. those are bad numbers. >> bad numbers for the current income and we are seeing these are how the campaigns are working on the trail. we see the biden campaign really heavy leaping into the abortion issue turning it into a supreme court pitch of why joe biden should get a second term. the trump campaign is heavily focused on illegal immigration which the economy and illegal immigration are more toward independent voters on those undecided, and a lot of undecided on the abortion issue as well early on they are trying to get their basic coalition and their voters back into the fold ahead of the election. whereas the republicans don't have that problem. the basis solidly in the trump cabinet and they are trying to gobble up the voters on other issues and the swing states where economy is number one. >> john: you see continuing chaos at the border and continuing crime as a result of illegal immigration is becoming a more and more important issue for a lot of people. will there be a debate between
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biden and trump? we don't know at this point, but former president sure hopes there is. look at this. >> you can see we have an empty podium right here to my right. you know what that is? that is for joe biden. i'm trying to get him to debate me. [laughter] i am calling on cook and joe to debate anytime, anyplace, we will do it anytime you want, joe, so we can discuss in a friendly manner the real problems of our country. spew on the gauntlet is thrown, what is biden saying? listen to this. >> will you commit to a debate with former president trump? >> depends on his behavior. >> all right, what you think will happen? will the two of them get together on the stage at least once in 2020? >> i'm not sure when it says it depends on his behavior, i don't think donald trump will change his personality. as soon as he walked up the number of delegates to lockdown the g.o.p. domi nomination he ge the challenge to joe biden saying he's willing to debate
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anytime anywhere. i think the american people deserve a debate between the top candidates. especially when it comes to a former president debating a current president and only four years of policy changes in between i think it would be an interesting moment not just for this campaign but for the history of presidential debates. >> john: and could rfk jr. be on that stage? here's the criteria for commission on presidential debates at that 15% and an average of five polls in enough ballots to have a mathematical chance of winning the electoral college, he is close. they have been 15, number of other polls including our latest fox news poll. is in spitting distance. >> he's very close and doing whatever he can to get on ballots, he has the dnc now doing every thing they can to keep him off the balance because he is taking more votes away from joe biden then he is donald trump's and even in a head-to-head match up now trump is beating biden. the biden campaign has been very adamant about the last few weeks over his candidacy.
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he's not getting out of the race, there's a lot of potential for them to grow and bring in new voters especially looking at the numbers of people who have not decided who they will vote for. he is the most popular independent candidate we've seen the past 30 years. he has huge name recognition and i think more the biden team and the rnc attack him the more they will be interested in seeing what he has to say. >> john: ross perot did it in 1992 a lot of people think they denied george bush a second term we will see. >> lots to chew over, great to see you. sandra? >> sandra: thank you, in an appeals court heard oral arguments today of texas immigration law now at the center of the state's border battle. let's go to david outside the courthouse there in new orleans. >> hey, sander, three judges on today's panel, one of the judges very skeptical of the arguments put forward by the united states. another kind of in the middle, and other did not utter a word. the reason we are here in
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new orleans is because this fifth circuit covers the state of texas. this controversial law senate bill signed into law by governor greg abbott has really experienced quite an up and down battle over the past several months since it was signed into law behind me on the courthouse steps that federal court. people protesting the loss saying it should be unconstitutional. hoping the judges inside the building possibly heard their cries. the u.s. government argued the border is federal territory and border agents should be doing the arresting, not texas officials. right now this law allows any official in texas law enforcement official to arrest someone who crossed over the border. but the goal is to make sure that does not happen at this point. that's what we heard. i want to play a sound from into the courtroom to show you some of the skepticism on the part of the judges, watch here. >> if the answer is just we don't have the resources, why hasn't the federal government taken texas up on the generous
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offer to say, hey, here are resources, we will do it for you. they are not saying yes they are saying no. >> they are not just saying no, respectively, they are destroying texas' property. they are suggesting and saying awful things about taxes at the united states supreme court that are demonstratively on true and they are suing us. >> and sandra and john lawyers argue texas has no right to patrol the border, watch. >> opposing counsel has said how extraordinary our position would be but it's really their position that would be extraordinary and unprecedented. have not cited a single case in which the government has endeavored to bring an action of this kind and the court has refused to allow it. not going for many court. >> and i think we can say the bottom line here is that this case will ultimately end up back in washington, d.c., at the
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steps of the u.s. supreme court for the justices to make the final decision. sender and john? >> sandra: keep us posted, thank you, john? >> john: sandra breaking moments ago in the bronx, dhs agents were seen arresting two different people at that home where a group of migrants allegedly caught with drugs and guns were arrested for squatting in a basement across from an element tree school. already most of them are back out on the streets, good day new york anchor rosetta will join us in a moments on whether this may be just the tip of the iceberg over migrants squatting in the big apple, stay with us, sandra? >> we look forward to that. meanwhile also seeing two big briefings this hour the white house's department taking questions from reporters amid the growing crisis in the middle east so we are watching for that plus this. >> if you are trying to save money the easiest way possible this year then you stumbled upon my account for a reason. >> john: one mom going viral for feeding her family without
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breaking the bank. she will share her secrets on how she does it coming up. it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ 170 million americans find community on tiktok. i'm patriotic, kenny. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours, people had donated over $5,000. oh, you're kidding. set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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keep tiktok.
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> sandra: so many scenes like this at least nine people dead, hundreds more hurt in taiwan. following that 7.4 magnitude earthquake, the island's strongest in decades. crews are scrambling to rescue dozens of people still trapped at this hour after the quake rocked buildings right off their foundations. causing several to collapse as seen here. there are reports as many as 70 people may still be stuck in two minds operated by a cement
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company. we hope to get an update soon. >> john: terrible tragedy and a shocking case with opening squatters, guns, drugs, migrants, new york soft on crime bail laws. complete coverage now good day new york anchor is here to talk and ryan is live in the bronx, just saw some arrests at the house where these migrants were squatting who had been reporting all day what can you tell us? >> yes, john, we have an arrest happening right now. this is ice removal officers removing one of the migrant squatters inside that apartment, this is one of the third arrests we have seen in the last 15 minutes here. all of a sudden a bunch of unmarked vehicles showed up to the residents in the bronx and went back to the basement apartment in the back of the bronx home and they started arresting folks. this is something we have been seeing like we said in the last 15 minutes. all of them the police officers
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wearing federal agent paraphparaphernalia and we see o jacket these are unmarked vehicles outside of this home. here in the bronx. this is obviously all going back to what had happened just last week. the nypd says they were called to this residence out here with a man with a loaded gun and when they showed up they ran to the back and they saw seven other squatters, guns, and drugs. you will see the vehicle starting to pull out of. as we make our way back to give you back story earlier today we were outside of this property and we soft 24-year-old hector, he was somebody the guy with that loaded gun according to police. and we asked him what he was doing and he was moving out he said he was moving out of the apartment. he said he was tricked into moving there, and that is what
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he had told our own cameras at the time. disusa volalta was one of the six migrants released on bail, eight were arrested on drug and gun charges but six were released on bail including disusa with an attempted murder charge in new york. not only did they find four guns but a ghost gun inside the basement apartment, two bags of ketamine and cocaine inside of there. neighbors say these migrant squatters were released causing a nuisance. noise and motorcycles, according to "the new york post" one neighbor said she saw a migrant squatter beating a man with a pipe. we spoke to a neighbor earlier today and this is what he said about the situation. >> it's ridiculous. that's what pisses me off the most is there is a school right there.
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i am safe all the time. you know, who are you? and i've got friends that are cops, relatives that are cops and they can't believe what's going on. >> dare you have a john colby really upset with the fact this is also happening right outside of an elementary school. that is right there, john. ultimately this is what we have, indeed migrant squatters arrested on gun and drug charges six released without bail and now three have been arrested by ice removal officers right in front of our cameras. >> john: we will see if they begin removal proceedings against them. brian, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: that all just happened live. let's bring in rosanna, you are having an obvious reaction while that was happening. >> it's unbelievable because just the other day i was talking to the chief of patrol john shall. he discussed his frustration that police have with arresting these people.
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and then them getting out just moments later. as originally arrested six of the eight were let go on their own recognizance. may be one with supervised release. the other two were reprimanded, they didn't understand them because they were all charged with the same things. drugs, weapons, and a 7-year-old child was living in that apartment. >> sandra: this was the arrest happening just before the one we saw play out live. you can obviously see two people being brought out in cuffs. i mean, as you just pointed out and as brian pointed out across the street from an elementary school. >> across the street from an element tree school. now, what kind of interesting as new york city is a sanctuary city. which means new york city cannot tell ice about the migrants. and the crimes they have committed. but apparently ice can act on their own. this was the front page of
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"the new york post" today. obviously new yorkers are so frustrated with what is going on in this city. this has checked off every hot-button issue. migrants, squatters, drugs, weapons, and a young child living in the midst of all of this. now police, the chief of patrol is very, very adamant. is kind of stressing to me that these migrants who are committing crimes, small number of the migrants coming to this city. however they are the front page and just frustrating to new yorkers. people we heard in that neighborhood had called the police to eight times in the last three weeks to lodge complaints. they said that house was, well, active 24/7. they saw people coming on mopeds. they thought there may be illegal drug activity going on there. and they could not get it stopped until may be today. >> you mentioned the cover of "the new york post," we read it every morning, loose cannons, there you have a-determiner.
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migrant squatters freed on no bail and it talks about the neighbors and how the neighbors are angry and upset. what you just took from that one neighbor they are talking to our camera, that really says it all. they are just trying to go about their daily business and they have these guys just completely turning this neighborhood, and many others come upside down. >> upside down. and also that landlord has been trying to evict them. they were squatting in that apartment, they had not paid rent for months. you know, even the laws here or tenant's rights are so messed up in new york city that these squatters are allowed to live in this apartment while they are accused of major drugs and weapons charges. >> yes, this is paul morrow this morning on the need for the mayor and for the governor of this state to change these sanctuary laws, listen. >> this is on the governor hope go and on the mayor. the mayor could push this
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through to city council. in the city it's a law or not an order but he has the bully pulpit. on the state level hogle can do it with an executive order. cool mode it with an executive order, whole coal can undo that. >> they are outnumbered. the governor is trying to make some tweaks to bail reform but recently the speaker said he does not feel making penalties stiffer will deter crime. he has major, major backlash. in the city, mayor adams has asked the city council to change some of the laws. they are reluctant to do it. every which way you go there they are fighting against the progressive movement in the city and state. >> wow. this is our team turns this from moments ago this was another arrest we saw and watched together. >> this is unbelievable, sandra, because police were so
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frustrated that six out of the eight people who are arrested and charged with the same crimes, six of them were released. now it looks like ice has picked up three of them. i don't know where the other three are. your reporter, brian, mentions will one of them left earlier in the day. he was the one with the gun. he was the one police saw with the gun that they alleged outside the house across the street from the school. by the way, repeat offender, he was charged with gun possession and shooting somebody last year in yonkers. >> the feeling us something has to change. no one is more passionate about the city or the state then you, roseanne, that's why this is a must watch. the sanctuary trap available now on the fox nation. we should all watch it. >> thank you so much. >> great to have you here. good to see you. john? >> john: to the white house now, sandra, peter doocy is asking about the issue of migrant criminals of the press secretary lesson listen. >> anyone found guilty, and we have been very clear about that,
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anyone found guilty of a crime should be held accountable. we have been very, very clear about that. and if a person poses a danger to a community they should be detained pretrial. >> so more generally do you guys think some big cities in this country have liberal d.a.s that are too soft on crime? >> look, what i will say is i'm not going to speak to every state or city here. it's not for me to speak to. we have been very clear about this. anyone who commits a crime and is found guilty needs to be held accountable. that's what this president believes. and we are certainly very much we welcome local law enforcement support and cooperation and apprehending and removing end individuals in this country who pose a risk to our national security or also public safety if they are found guilty they should be held accountable. that is where we stand on this. go ahead.
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>> two questions. >> john: so there is cream jean-pierre not wanting to comment on some soft on crime prosecutors that we have seen in cities across the nation rather saying that the president believes anyone who commits a crime should be punished for it. not sure what to make for all of that, sandra. >> sandra: those committing the crimes are not being punished because of so many soft-on-crime policies all over this country right now. really great to have roseanne on, we were chatting as she walked off set how remarkable it was to catch that happening in that moment because if device is there when it's happening they can do something about it otherwise they can't. that was really a remarkable development. we will continue to stay on this, john. >> john: the big observation is whether or not they begin deportation proceedings against them before they are been convicted in a court of law now
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this. >> what you say to voters that are upset about the two choices? >> get over yourself, those are the two choices. >> hillary clinton saying get over it to voters not feeling the trump-biden match, sean duffy and mark penn coming up and the grim new polls for president biden in battleground states. >> plus lsu's women's basketball team not on the court for the national anthem at their last game, the louisiana governor says there need to be consequences for that. he will be here live on that. >> and iran blaming the united states after an air strike killed one of its commanders in syria. robert greenway on whether this will escalate the nation's proxo war in the middle east coming up war in the middle east coming up nextbrid... (♪) ...we recreated some of the wettest springs... (♪) ...hottest summers... (♪) ...windiest falls... (♪) ...and coldest winters. (♪)
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those who desperately needed, trey is on the ground in tel aviv with the latest, hi, tres. >> center, good afternoon. an independent investigation is being conducted into those is really air strikes this week that killed 78 workers from the world central kitchen. israeli officials have been outspoken following this incident saying you can see a hole in the top of an armored vehicle belonging to the world central kachin, initial reports indicate israeli drones struck this suv along with two other cars. when the incident took place. overnight israel's chief of staff released an apology in english. >> this incident was a grave mistake. israel is that a war with hamas. we are sorry for the unintentional harm to the
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members of wc k. speak of the incident will impact the ability for aid to get to palestinian civilians. the world central kitchen has temporarily suspended deliveries in gaza, president biden released a statement saying he was outraged by the deaths of these aid workers adding israel is not doing enough to protect humanitarians in gaza. we do understand president biden spoke over the phone with the founder of the world central kitchen, jose andres, to express his condolences, sandra. >> sandra: trey in tel aviv thank you. john? >> john: sandra, iran vowing to prompt on my punished israel and hold the u.s. responsible after the attack on the consulate in syria but the white house has said the white house had nothing to do with the strike ended even know about her. let's bring in robert director of the senate for defense and former senior director on the national security council under president trump. one, do you believe that israel
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is behind this attack in damascus? that killed a senior commander of the revolutionary guard corps what you think iran will do in a telly addition? >> while it is unusual to point to someone responsible for an attack it's unusual to place distance between ourselves when they are going behind a shared enemy and in this case a u.s. terrorist. we ought to be celebrating together in the end zone and here we see again the strength between jerusalem and washington. how i expect iran to respond is i'm not surprised that israel was ready to take the brunt of what will be a public relations issue in damascus but at the same time this is an important strike. iran will continue to choose to act out against the united states because it is most effective and its forces in the region, two because there is pressure on israel which iran
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can't do so they're using the united states to coerce and constrain israel and it's working for them. >> the white house is bending over backwards to say that we have nothing to do with this and didn't know about it. >> mentioned that the united states reached out to the arraignments can he say why? >> what is the rationale? >> to make clear of the u.s. had nothing to do those strikes, tensions being high in the region, we wanted to make it very clear in private channels that the u.s. had no involvement in the the strike in damascus. >> john: four years ago they took out the head of the and rgc but now we are doing every thing we can to tell iran don't look at us we had nothing to do with. >> which is pointless on the service because they expect the cooperation is so strong we would be in some way responsible as when we take actions including when i'm on strike they assumed the israelis were present. it's best not to say anything and let them conclude with a welcome it looks ridiculous when we are trying to backpedal off a
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strike we benefited from. this is the same individual no doubt with the strike on the jordanian side of the syrian border killing three americans. we should not be in any way i think discouraged by the fact that israel did this and it makes no sense to tell iran we were not responsible for it. again, iran will not exploit this distance between the two capital to their advantage. >> john: sander was talking to senator jack keane about this yesterday. to the point why is this white house being so deferential to iran? this is what jack said. >> a lot of talk and wringing of hands that this could escalate into world war iii. that is not going to happen. iran does not want a direct confrontation with the united states or war with the united states. all of their objectives in the middle east they are trying to achieve domination and control are gone. they lose their regime. >> john: so if as the general said there is no worry about this escalating into anything meaningful why is biden soft peddling it to this degree?
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>> the policy of appeasement at this point it has in fact escalated which is the fastest way to escalate is to end avoided entirely which is evidence. this strike points to israel's concern that the lebanese will be the next shoe to drop in regional escalation and i think they are right. by the summer i'll be surprised if a large israeli incursion is not required. to have 80,000 displaced civilians which is an intolerable position to begin with. to take your quarterback out makes a great deal of sense but the policy of appeasement has been undergoing an proposition. look, iran's economy grew at 7.9% and ours was only 2.5% and israel at two, we are doing more to prop up the iranian economy than our very own. >> john: to what end i think is puzzling to a lot of people, great to see you, thank you for coming out. >> thank you for having me. >> sandra: face, john, federal here is the look to protect
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texas' border. congressmen has been against it we will see if he has changed his mind plus this. >> one of my biggest money saving tips is to cut back on how many stocks you are buying. home meat alternatives will save you a lot of money and be healthier too. >> john: a content creator and mom going viral for sharing budget friendly meal plans to help you save big at the grocery store. she is up next with tips to help you fight rising food prices, stay with us.
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call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit ♪ ♪ >> john: newport beach, california, it will be darkened areas of the country soon in the middle of the day. if you are planning on seeing this year's total solar eclipse
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in person brace for major traffic jams. experts sounding the alarm ahead of the big event hoping to experience lengthy delays during the 2017 eclipse come about 5 million people traveled for that spectacle and even more expected this year. some tips to consider or arrive early, stay late, or even spend the night in the area. if you can. did we say saturday it's monday. >> sandra: grab some glasses. >> john: saturday or monday all end in "day" i was tracking the eclipse and where it is going. it comes right up through two of the hottest border towns of the country. eagle pass and del rio. and comes up through dallas which is expecting some terrible weather that day and little rock, arkansas, through the midwest. it will be an interesting event. >> sandra: it is and plan accordingly. i was thinking about traffic and
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it does get dark suddenly but also just people are going to be checking it out and causing traffic jams. it is a special moment for people to take and if you can with your family. >> john: i seen a number of them over my years [laughs] i don't want to see how many there are but they are really fascinating phenomenon to watch. >> sandra: we are looking forward to that we will cover it on the network on monday. all right, john, d.a. says americans are spending more food today more so today than in 30 years. now a mom and influence are sharing tips on how families can cut down costs. this viral video she is showing how to make more than 20 dinners, hold on, 20 dinners for less than $300. let's bring mandy the creator on instagram, we are so happy to have you come amanda, thank you for joining us. >> i am so happy to be here,
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thank you for having me. a-determiner >> a lot of these influencers are going viral for how they can show you how to grocery shop for less. and prep food to make a go further for your family. what are your tips? >> my biggest tip is to eat at home. i think people are trying to have their families eat out on a budget is nearly impossible these days. so if you can just take your coffee at home, have your lunch at home, having dinner at home, you can save so much money they're. but being intentional with how you make your food is really how i may have an impact on our budgetary believe it or not i don't cook dinner every single night. i cooked dinner every other night. i prep breakfast a few times a week. you can really cut down on your grocery bill when you are using less ingredients. and it is a bonus not to cook as often. >> sandra: incredible and i know one thing is to make things from scratch. be purposeful in your shopping list so you can do that, right?
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so you're prepared some things for us. especially for kids. >> i did, yes, i have three kids myself and snacks cost so much. i know a lot of us try to do that at costco bulk but you will spend twice as much. here you can see i have homemade kids protein bars. these are half the price to make them at home come away less sugar come away more protein. you will save money and it's a better alternative and the same thing with kids like this these energy balls, way cheaper than granola bars and better ingredients too. >> sandra: it really says something that the sites like yours whether it's on instagram or tiktok or whatever, they are going viral because people are searching for ways to save money. when you have grocery inflation like this, ground beef prices are up, snack items like you are talking about, cracker prices, the produce aisle so expensive, salt, seasonings, baby food,
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these are really expensive items the grocery store in so many are out there. is so, what do you hear from parents who contact you? >> the biggest thing is people being shocked they are able to do it for cheaper. i think the thing that is really hard for family specifically is for a long time we were going to the grocery store and spending the same thing every week. being able to have all of our meals and i try to go to the store and spends the same price and you are getting may be half of the amount of stuff. you can watch the prices weekly go up even on some of things like tortillas. most of the time people are looking for anyway they can to reduce it even a little bit. >> sandra: mandy, these are great tips. very inspiring for many of us. a lot of it is planning. taking the time to plan and think it through. mandy, thank you for joining us and appreciate it. >> sandra: thank you for
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having me. >> sandra: and a very organized kitchen as well. >> john: what does your budget go to recipe? speak to me? >> john: yes, you. >> great question. i am pretty simple when it comes to a simple meal to put on the table that's easy and fast, a piece of salmon grilled or bacon in a glass pan in the oven, maybe a little rice, i'm not a big casserole person. >> john: what i do and i want to save money is by the family pack of chicken thighs i've a great recipe for those. put in some brown butter green beans and for $12 you have yourself a family feeder you will have leftovers for. >> sandra: a great budget one is always like a soup, right? you can make soup very inexpensively with a lot of leftover veggies in your fridge. >> john: my daughter makes a great steak. lsu women's basketball could lose more than this year's tournament jeff landry the governor coming up on the consequences of them being
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no-shows for the nationa national anthem. >> sandra: looking forward to that plus diddy's ex-girlfriend shares edited home footage of that raid on his los angeles home. why one of his sons is now loitering up area that is next. e to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at i brought in ensure max protein
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>> john: an inside look at sean diddy combs' house when it was rated in las vegas this edited home security video as the heavily armed agents russian side jonathan hunt has been watching this in los angeles what is the ex-girlfriend saying? >> she is very angry, john encompasses the first time we have seen what is happening inside sean combs' mansion in l.a. during the homeland security raid as heavily armed agents moved along the hallways, weapons drawn, guide and in part it appears by a drone as they move into detain two of combs and his son's justice and christian who have their rifles aimed at the pair. the edited video was posted on instagram by justin combs' mother miss helton who called their actions overtly militarized and deplorable and she said "if these were the sons of a nonblack celebrity they would not have been handled with the same aggression.
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the attempt to humiliate and terrorize these young black men is despicable" but they say everything seen on the video is a standard practice. well-trained, well-prepared agents ready for any scenario. >> in this situation they probably had information about weapons, drugs, and some bad people who had frequented that location. they did not know what they would run into so you going with more equipment and people then you need. it's always easier to back down. >> sources have told fox the rate is linked to a sex trafficking investigation. his attorneys have dismissed that investigation as nothing more than a "witch hunt" john? >> john: we will see what comes of it, donovyn hunter for us in l.a. >> sandra: forma president trump surging in battle ground polling but what is happening in florida? it's a big question at this hour bret baier will join us on that.
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