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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 4, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> all right. look at this chilling video. the moment an elephant charges a vehicle during an african safari, killing ang american tourist. >> take a look back at anothermained guest remains hospitalized after that attack. four others were treated for minohospital after tr. our prayers are with all of them. that's all the time we ll the. t this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episodr so mise. hea hannity in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld he isoubled standig by sitting actually, to put a smile on your face. y rather have a great night.
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well, yes, yes, yes. happy when day, everyone. >> let's get to it. so gambling websites still have donald trump favored to win the election, but joe biden has closed the gap in weeks. also in a close race with biden, this guy on monday, iowa, his victory over lsu set a tv ratings for women's college basketball. good. may >> maybe it'll help those gals find good husbands. oh, sexistll would say >> a bearded trans athlete was suspended from a female rowing team for leering at a topless i girl in the changing room.
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>> he said it was all a misunderstanding. he was just trying to stereotyptrying te. et >> he get rid of his. great >> that was a great joke. all right. thank you. i will take the applause. all right. of course. of him. a physically healthy 28-year-old dutch woman has decided to legally end her life due to her strugglesealthy withn depression, but glee. she came to the conclusion after a new book, california minimum wage increase has forced starbucks to raise prices in the state. yes. now you'll have to pay more to al get the same exactiforni area. oh, come on. that's how that happened. planters is looking for someone to drive their nut mobile. i do it, but the pay is peanuts
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. that's for you, grandma. a little folksy humor. one out of four gen z taxpayers say they'll need a therapy4 je to deal with the stress of tax season. i'm just happy one out of four gen z are taxpayers. taxe huh? what can i say? all right. py yeah. alec baldwin turned 66 today. how was he able to reach how that age apparent good health?ce well, he cites a healthy diet, regular exercise, and not getting shot to death by a careless actor. scotland introduced new law where anyone who calls trans people by their actual gender could where face seven ys in prison. >> because in scotland, it's the man who wears the skirt. years >> finally, shakira sent.
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her two sons hated the barbie s movie because it was emasculatingkirt. >> well, whether they can without pants. e movi all right. glad we got that out of th e wayk ca . >> so here in new york, policenu arrested eight illegal aliens on charges of attempted murder, drug theft, trespassing and child endangerment. d onand while that sounds like the usual big city mayhem orcity a typica mayl on spirit air, tyc what happened after you? why you get a whole lot of crime when you take away mit cops on a gun run in the bronx saw a man standing in a driveway pointingm a pistol at another man. they chased the perp into the home'sy wi where a subsequet search warrant netted cocaine. ketamine and four more guns. >> there was also a seven year old child living there. i doubt those guns and drugs were the kids. >> but if they were, he is so grounded as it turns out,ground the occupants were illegals from venezuela. >> squattersed who?
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>> the landlord had been. in court trying to evict. the copsthey w, all of them, including the original perp who had an open attempted murder case. another was out on bail on a loaded gun. suffice to say, this was not a meeting of oprah's book club. >> but before you could shout defund the cops, three times in the mirror, the judge cut loose six of the thugs, includint g the man who was outr on the previous gun charge. as of noorw at least six of the squatters are back in the basement. fortunatel 6 ofy students at vanderbilt are already delivering them tampons. >> okay, so it's thent same question i ask when i wake up in a port authority restroom. how did we get here. i when the are democrats going to finally admit that they gotd a problem and it's thewem? look no further than carl heastie, the head of the new york state assembly. heastie was the one of the so-called brains behinds be new york's bail reforms, which have beebail rn emily added acrh
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the nation and have been universally successful. if and you're metric is body co. this guy has more blood on his hands than howser. >> after an 18 hour shift, heastie recently shot down a proposal for a law strengthening penalties againsdt those who attack retail workers. quote, i just don't believe raising penalties is ever a deterrent on crime. ime he he said that with a straighthist and changeless facore. >> so if there really is a mount olympus of stupid, i think we found our zoos.foun this guy believes punishingd th wrongdoers doesn't work. our >> where does he get his research? it's human nature.realit >> denying the reality of consequences. because you don't believe deterrence is like denying intelligence because you're stupi'sd. >> was he ever a kid? if his parents never slapped him, then can we ask them t to slap him now? >>ap does he not realize that even animals train their youneyg a from bad behavir through punishment?
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>>, even single cell blobs recoil from discomfort. the phrase f around and find out is not just an expression. it's life. if someoned out is to do bad th, they eventually face the consequences. >> thing even the craziest of st crazies know this. that's why they never try to push someone the size of tires in front of the subway. they're nof tyru frontt that cr. >> he continued, quote, if you just keep dealing with the penalties, what happens after people get arreste penald? l wor you're still worrying about what happens after something has already happened a . yet what happens is easy to see for anyone who doesn't sleep with their head inside a dry cleaning bag. the dirt bags in jail wher.e, he can't commit more crimes and inspiring dirt bags. aspie that? think you know i don't want to be in jail either? i heard they have substandard wi fi, but in this, why shoulds victims get upset when their attackers are freed? ady a >> the crime already happens.
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look, we all know therppee ar are people out there just incapable of rational thought. >> but the fact.t the fact that guy. the fact that this guy is one of the most powerful people in new york state hasw yo b,emplat contemplating migrating myself to venezuela oin r, even chicagoam m in the mainstream media. >> of course, this story receivedediastor about as much e as that i wore at liberace's funeral. but there's no disincentive for thr. erhavio it will only go further. no penalties for invading the border. no penaltieses forg the for gunltie possession, for robbery, assault or slinging doper gu. >> who do these guys have to misgender to face jail time? st >> so why the rest of usar are held captive to progressive delusions about and not rest punishment? rest assured, there are many who see no saere. and applying the same logic now to kids in boston, legislationse is being proposed by racial justice advocates to stop
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suspending misbehaving students . >> sam adams must be turningst over in his keg. so let's translate that. let's teach kids earlys earl as possible that bad behavior has no consequences. it sound poses bad, but i guess in today's world, they're just getting prepared getting for lir democrats. let's welcome to guess for april fools. his ex-wife said she wanted him back. comedianapri jamie lasalle. mr. clean called and said he wanted his head back. former acting attorney general matt whitaker. geez, lane, christine gets mistaken for a teen. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor cartoon and his arms allowed through tsa checkpoints. "new york times" best selling checor and comedian and former nwa world champion.
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you know, jamie, i have to ask you, in the world of incentivedc tvs and disincentives, you were homeless and you didn't resort-l to squatting. that's right. you follow the law. >> i resory you do that? i would squat. just use the bathroom. juse thebut never would i go in someone's house. >> oh, nice of you. this guy so wrong.rong harsh punishment. does deter behavior is just a fact. like i would never get married agai in. >> you know what? i think it does get a little bit like i was a psychk like. r i was a psychology major. and i remember. i remember learning about b.f. skinner. by the way, if learnin skin a psychologist, you can, you know, there are options. you could become a comedian orn you go back to school. >> yea ah, but like, like i thin that having no deterrent whatsoever, i think you could make a criminal out of someone that wasn't going to be a criminala out o. all yo like, if you said like, oh, lululemon you can steal from there. theicak someone that was nevertl
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i ing to do it might go like, i'm just going to i'm going to steal a guy on the other end . think it's a little more foggy, but i think it could. maybe i wafoggy bu s at a target the other day and i was sitting on the bench down from the target and i saw, a man, steal a three boxes that were a desktop computer just ran out, just like you hear about happening. i saw it happen. and he ran out with a by the way, that's how you know, when someone's stealing, if they're running with a desktop computer, like you're not even de to walk with a desktop computer. >> and he ran outside and i t immediately got my phone and i was like, i'm going to record this and like, get views od getr whatever. have people see what's going on. and the guy stealing goine gu stillkve me a loo that like scared the life out of me. like, i was like, oh my god, what if he has a gune an ? y stil like, what am i do? cares if they steal. and when i took my phone and itp stoppehod running like i was recording and i picked it up and i was like, hey, man, they're giving away free computers target. i just pretended it was likey a sale. but i doters at jus was lik bes guy i saw might not have done it if he didn't know. kneeea youh, you could just, li, get away. like, that was a really long story.
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yeah couldn' for a moderate to . payoff. yeah, i woul d argue. no pa >> maybe. maybe no payoff. e just >> it does make me mad that people get free stuff from get e stuff is so expensive. like, i bought a pair of just comfortable pantn s that were like $120. they're. they're so comfortable. they're so comfortabler that i feel like i'm in an age where i like i don't think about get into other girls pants anymore.t i just can't wait to get intoi u my own pants. okay all right, matt, that was o you know what he's trying it was cathartic for him anyway. >> but he borrow his pants ever so. mr. whittaker, what is it about left that rejects the idea of incentivese feel l and consequences? >> because these feel like principles, they're likeik, firy principles. they're like, almost born in you. they areou. >> and they're also making itd much harder for law enforcement to do their job. i mean it if you think about tho
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revolving door in some of these places like new york, wher like you know these gentlemen that were squatting, let's call them gentlemen them, one of thed a prior attempted murder where they just couldn't prove the case on him because the person that he shot wouldn't cooperate with law enforcement t. the other one had, you know, a prior gun charge, depending on charggun chare, was let out. and then buried in that story was the landlord was having a hard time kicking them out from squattinge because they'dn0 been in there longer than 30 days. yeah. i mean, and all of the, all you know, razors are behind glasors and much of in the convenience stores here in new york. >> it's insanestores in new . don't know how anybody lives here, you know, thank god i can go back to des moines, iowa, after this. yeahherek t b. a oh, wait. you're not going to be staying at my place tonight? nothat, i. >> that foldout bed for you, matt. it's very comfortable, but it's not my size. >> i know. nothing is your size, your big lug. all right, cat. so i want to go back to madn question about this rejection of incentive s. okay, so i imagine when a left prober drives to his left-wing
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tank, he would probably takesafe the shortest, safest routest because anything else would lead to consequences. why is it they suspendquencethe the common sense of real life when it comes to something seen, which is life or death? >> well, i think that incentives play a in all of this, right. even when people come here in the first place, i think that we wouldn't have this issue if we didn't juswete thin give free things to people who come here. >> and thegs blue come 30 day lh just stop that? yes. does anybody like that except people who are squatting in homes excep , is pro squatting laws. >> yeah, it's absolutely. and these people are also very, very stupid. likee , i'm all for the second amendment, but i don't think they take gun safety very seriouslsafetyy because the stuf they found, okay, likewerful h they're doing powerful hallucinogenic, dissociative drugs around a bunchni of loaded weapons, you got to be stupidu to do that. >>ha hmm. very dumb. yes, i would go out on a limb g: and sa iy is not being safetyt'
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conscious. >> they wouldn't even brins noga that in a gun course because they'd assume that you knew that. >> yes. chapteser seven if you're high. >> yes. don't play with your gun when. d >> you don't do ketamine around three loaded guns. loads ass. you know, tyrus, the irony is we have no consequences fornv people who believe there are no consequences. >> well, here's i've bee n because we've we've this is a horse we have shot at already. but ye t at its, here we are. here we go.we what i think we have here is afr failure, to communicate because we have two very different philosophies. mm-hmm. we believe in the system to keep people from eating eache other. the left seems to think the system's the badre guy, and the human beings are good, and they just need chance. so we'll take away all the rules. i invite the the rulesm. e same >> try the same thinking at the zoo. mm-hmm. see the poor silverback gorillao sitting in his cagorese and he's angry and throwing stuff around. angry throwi.
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it's his environment. so have. let's go drag to have him bringv said gorilla with him and seeite how it go. >> yess. so when both his arms are ripped out of his socket and then he'll be like, you know what? >> i think he's here. wher think thesee they think pee good until they show up at their house with hammer. mm-hmm. then all of a sudden, we need to change the law. the guy in, oregon, the governor of order was like. yeah. oh, boy. he changed. you know why cha ityo? s as because it was his they were going after when he checked. i'm going to go outside no mattero them what i say, don't let me in. he was worse than jeanne. while they're like, open it or ,get me out. >> these people are great. human beings are bad, horrible i . and that's why we have lawn spl in place and bibles in placeo kp and in place to try to keepng them from being horrible because humanshorrib each othera other, rob each other at the drop of a hat. i don't know why we're f a this, but it's part of who we are. and laws are the only thing they keep it lik
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e i get upset at people. i think, man james, don't bother me about pants. >> i'm going to choke him for a while. but i won't do it because i know. >> oh, you're about to get turtlenecks and neck guard yous. thank for jamie.anti- tr yeah. up next, michaelbby. avenatti blasting the anti-trump lobby. >> if you'll be in the new york area with, like, tickets to, see gutfeld go to, slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> so when you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders. i would get you three classic tenders for butterfly shrimp coming, baby. i win. oh, is that alwaysahhh! oh, is that alwaysahhh! a competitio >> i am the shrimp, but i'm y with >> allergies don't have to be scary. be scary. spraying flonase daily you long lasting non-drowsy
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michael avenatti is actually defending donald trump's right to ing speech. avenatti was serving time foreri cheating clients outng. millions spoke up about the injustice of the justice system. when injus it comes to trump, q, we can't be hypocrites when ite comes the first amendment.e itfirs is outrageous that cohen and daniels coul d countless tvews interviews post on social soci bogus bog documentaries all by talking about trumusmentariep. gag but he's gagged and threatenedth with jail if he respondsreaten. avenatti posted that on the x platform, which raisesdo the question how do they have have? s itjail was it smuggled inside anotheri inmateanot? i'm asking for a friend. >> but you remember avenatti represented porn star stormy weniels in herented st against trump before he went to jail. he rose to media stardomntrelene by trolling trump relentlessly, but now he's changed and defending his arch nemesis. it's like me suddenly switching
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sides and defending kill me. it would mean it's notg ki suppd to happen. >> in that post, avenatti was referring to the expanded gagt order that blocks trump from speaking about the familocks tr the judge in his hush money trial. the family, a.k.a. the judge's adult daughter, who runs a progressivelitica political consulting firm that has raisel md $93 million f the case. nope, no red flag here. thened. nd gentlemen that's less a coincidence then, jesse, for getting his wallet when. erhi that bill comes. but i ended up paying for both . >> now, ,daddy got the mediar defending the judge's daughter, saying she's no different than barron trump, that she's off limits because she's a child. yes, child. a child in her thirties who whose firm raises millions i of lawfare directed at trump in which her dad is dad isa judt >> what is it with libs?y they think actual children can
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make decisionsal child removing, but actual adults are fragile babiesital, incapable of handlig any criticism. instead, criticism is an. attack. this all comes after trump's relentless s on judge mark, sean and his daughter. >> and, of course, that's the trial donald trump has been attacking the judge, his daughter, by name. dog , trying to attack the judge's daughter to me is alls al about him trying to u out of having that judge over the case. it also comes in the wake of repeated and ongoing ones by trump on the judge's daughter. >> it's amazing you call someone a democrat and, they consider that an attack. i guess i can't blame them. >> i i would too match is what trump doing anything wrong by speaking outhint? >> i mean, is he doing anything wrong? no. the daughter clearly in the mak
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game of politics was, you know, makinginas, as you point out. but this judge also donated to joe biden's campaign in 2020. >> and trump has wit some experience with these new york judges. es i mean, he already got screwed by the civil case. so i completely understand whytd he wants to fight. i mean, the fact w that who was no fan of trump and was allegedly going to run for president as a democrat is now somehow tweeting from prisone which is like, to your point, amazing. >> yeah. that he could do that but is somehowbu defending the president's right to speak. he should be able to speak. he should be ablspea e to make sure people understand how much corruption and unfairness is is in the system here in new york. >> you know, kat, this is such a great story. a it's about thet it's firstw amendment, but also it's about how a ban hais changs changed ou nanny. >> they could do a buddy filmld together d to trump it overnight together. >> you know, i mean, why is he s
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doing this really? i mean, is it because he reallyh just cares so much about like the rule of law? he's in federal prisonw for a reason, but maybe maybe he's changed. >> maybe. i think there's a lot. yeah, exactly. think there's a lot of incentive to act as if maybe he did changcentive s ife. 's i think there's obvious first amendment concerns here. but for foefirst amr him to comt and do that, he has some kind of angle. he does. he alway therys an ans some kind of angl. you're so cynical. oh, because i don't trustse i d that this slimy scumbag in federal prisoonn might have a ulterior motive. prison. prison can might change people. look what it did to kill need, you know, before he went to jail for killing that family. he was an odd dude. w >> granted, he was 16, and that was in seal. oh, ai should have said that. >> i think we can fix it. that it everything with stormyal clearly about it. i mean, she's probably
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watching this like, man, he really is not a good lawyerwg e's nos al for me. but that was all about attention. a lot of this stufn a lof potens being on tv. >> i do think this is abous t attention. >> oh, he's listen, he doesn't give a rat's about anybody. t givehe the he is the definitil of the most sleazy lawyer. we watched commercialseas la whe he had people complaining about him stealing their money and he usesteyd videos for hims. but this guy just sees an opportunity. he's no differen at than any other. they made money with trump. they didn't have an issue with trumpy o . when h they saw an opportunity. he became so famous that remember. stelte r like blushing, like a schoolgirl, like, oh, my god, you be president. >> and peoplsent people'e love . and he was robbing fromhair people in wheelchairs this but becaus e there was an opportunity. you say trump's name, you can make money. you mentioneyd i can't remember the guy's name anymore. what was the name of that reporter? steltenaporter. r no, the other one, yelling the one that was always like getting yelled at and. >> oh. acostathem. i can't remember th. and his name is assault. acosta but they made so muchhe
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money off the trump train. >> so now they're looking at the way the world is changing and how it goes fromgoes voted for trump. anybo but don't tell anybody now. it's likdye trump 21 with trumpe >> so he's seeing he's like, hey, maybe i cann ge get onan that. and to your point, maybe if i do this right, he will. if i get a pardon. so he's looking at the angles. do that's what he interesting jimmy still the argument is a sound one why do you lose cour freedom of speech just you're involved in a court battle. >> i don't know, man. urthe what's really got mehink confounded here is i keep thinking about what you said. >> like, how did he gehaait pho? and if it was brought in fromt another inmate'swa, why? >> why doesn't that guy get it? it's like, i don't know. that's a good question. he done all the work he did. h i mean, my ex-wife paid me hush money once, and i go, what's the secret? usyou, me to keep?p an >> and she goes, i just wantst you to shut the up. is it a good it's good to be be, right?l stough[
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steal stuff, be in jail for like 24 hours. you caor 24 hon from jail.last you know, i can't remember the last time i got surprise te you know, your time. >> yeah, we don't. we don't know the whole thing with stormy. tha how rich is trump, by the way, that he's watching as watc movi? he's like, if bring me that one, i'll order her. it's like it's the shopping networ sk. i don't know. i don't know either. start something that's a g a great. i can sereat idea.e. ay >> yeah. he goes, i want that one. they go, okay. and she just shows up. the great idea.o >> yeah. the whole thing's i don't know, i, we don't know. we'v trutht knte to be truthfulr we don't know what happened if he actually did it or not. right. t bu dhe did it.e ha but we don't know. like, we have no wayo of knowig whether or not he actually did. >> he would have done it. yeah. >> all right. >> go movemove on. jamie. up next, how amazon shopping. i was a big fat lie. amazing stor shoppiny.
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908606 on call down. >> hello pan cheering great great great of the range amazight yeah tonight's free for the week amazon for replacing workers with overseas lurker reps do you ever amazon's much ballyhooed just walk outhe technologyir used in its amazonn fresh stores and a lot of people to shop and leaved skp the store while skipping the checkout line now it's closing check and you'll nr guess why. >> first, here's how amazon claimed it work. you know you scan a qr code whu you enter the cameras and sensors track what you leave with and you get charged accordingly. amazonleharged this as a step forwardt it in ai. but turns out it was all b.s.. according to a report, it actually relied on over 1000er real people in india scanning. the camera feeds to ensure accurate checkouts.
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acckouts iin other words, inste5 of hiring, you know, five american cashiersameric, they just outsource them. although i have to say, it's pretty cool that some guyne in new delhi knows my brand of ointment, but it raises some keyt . what if tech companies told you things were automated dud and it's just some dude in bangladesh? larry kudlowin bangladesh? is gk out. he has eight robots whenut he finds out they're all the same dude named amir cat. does this make you wonder if there's other supposedly a.i. fach out there, but it's fake a.i.. >> this is so creepy. and kei just. what a dumb idea to begin. it is a dumb idea. nobody really enjoys going to the store and, waiting in line and having to get all your stuff. >> but i would much prefer i blt not being known that i was being watched the entire time that a method that is crazy. it's creepy. it's weird because we are in
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the grocery store. you feel like you're alone? yes. like there's people t you feel like you're by yourself. i do a lot of nose picking there. i feel like that's. feel like that to you. but it's just. under >> i just.stw i don't understand how ideas like this actually get through. like what we're going to d thiho overseas is going to be a thousand people. >> what it is, a sol it's a soln in search of a problem. >> it's just. just. it's not that bad. yeah. you know, tyrus, i mean, this is kind of like it is kind of creepy that nobody knew. >> they could have told us. who thinks that? yeah. i wanted. there's a bunc bunch of guh guyn watching this. you know, unless you're on indian televisio fn, then theres a good chance they probably are. >> let's disagree a little bit . >> i enjoy grocery shopping. it's like my great escape. i gojoy grocte my little fresh , and i see my butcher, and he's like, how are you doing, boss knob of the and.e ho has and i'm never alone because i usually have a small bane i'd elderly old women wheeling behind me, trying to get hug givs of okay. and of course, if something's
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really high on the shelf, parias yeah, but that's who i am. like, i enjoy that aspect. but the one thing i will notis a tolerate is the machine checkout. yeah checkou. if i see a machine checkout, i'll be like, no, where's the people? tobecause one, i don't want to contribute to people losing their jobs with these things. and it's part of the wholef th social thing is you get in line with the i the checkerss you actually how you weeks going you say horrible as usuagt you know they said whenever you have coupons you know i do and you know it's like thi a whe thing and you get to know each other and they don't get mad at you when you eat grapesma you of the bag. >> like there's a lot of like, you know, saying, i do like shop, i do shopping. grocery shopping is fun. i don't it is. avt you you have an edge because you're so big, you candg eat whatever you want. me as a little guy, i have eamee. mie th >> jamie. yeah. this might be a way foisr you t standup. you could tell jokes at the jokekout because you're guaranteed, you know, six or seven people in india 7plndia areare watching. >> that's very true. i was. i was immediately that they stole the name of my standup tour. just walk out and i don't know,
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i to the i think that i don't i like the idea of it when i think about whenf yo buy something like embarrassing. >> so you're buying like knowyou go no one's watching me. but now i got a thousand guys in india laughing at m there's myah, well, i. i do. i'm a self-checkouheckout t guy. >> they're not laughing at you. they're going. en they' he gets's a this dude's awesome. what's he doinwet isg with thosy yeah, those are awesome. listen, if you're getting paid to watch people live their life, you're notouidto scoring . yeah. who's he shopping for? i would hope that when i do like, though, because i think it's a great way to save money. you can make anything a banana if you wan t to. i >> that's true. you know, be so great, though. wouldn't it be if you didn'tf know you were in an amazon? go and a thiefyo k in and stole a bunch of stuff and then two days later just got a receip bf t for it?zing >> wouldn't that be amazing? coulcould sort of get kleptomania, you know. >> yeah. out of the way but still get chargeuria outd. . >> yeah, but that's a good point. whittaker.
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this seems to me that this is an invasion of privacy because you were acting. >> you were not aware you're being watched. it's almost like, you know, back when you'd go use dressing rooms and there'd be a two way mirror and it wouldn't telyl you there's a two way mirror. >> so, yeah, you do stuff there. dueyou had no idea. >> yeah, maybe. yeah. i think it boils down the expectation of privacy. >> but i would also say thisexpt is a reverse a glitch in the matrix, because we haven't come that fars a. oz whe the wizard of oz. where the guy behind the curtain. actually, there is nrea o intelligence. it's just a thousand guys in india. and the other thing i would sa y to my good friend tyrus, you've got to wash those grapes before you ead thost them. i mean, that's like the law for. monkeys and sorts of like animals have done all sorts of things. those grapesble amazing. >> if the internet was like an entire planet of a billion people who were just getting information for you, we thought? it was like we thought it was like algorithms in digital. e rn >> it's just people running
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around. yeah, it's like.e al >> like it's a giant library. it's like you're going to. >> i want to know when, wheren f and cut back. it's going to be in the next cityeld willth for a live show. and then somebody is like running it in here. >> i think about how many here where they keep a straight face injecting transport with race. that's crazy idea. >> it's hard to forget a murder mystery, especially when it's unresolved until the case is solved, every possibility should be explored. i'm james patterson, me and fox nation for an exclusive new original series that investigates three unsolved murders to to the bottom of what really happened during the search to find the true unsolved with james patterson streaming now on fox nation sign up we get your first year of fox nation for only 2999. hiding your fungus damaged toenails get clear healthy
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men with girls racist. >> oh, tyrus, this is amazino me the national organization for women now blasted athletes on x posting repeat after weaponizing womanhood against other wome n is.triarc white supremacist patriarchy at work makinghy people believe there isn't enough space for trans women in sports. is supremacist patriarchy at work? >> that is amazing. this is why women shouldn't run wishorganizations. it's called it's you and meup at the car dealership right now. >> i'm not cosigning yet the c.t put in your pocket. almost there the clap that iscld with hands, no wt the car. >> listen, talk. >> oh, i don't know. when i was growing up, they just called being a .
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yeah, somebody just talking about. i'm like, yeah, this is then is stuff that they connect is unbelievable. it's not white racism for women to have a proble havm with jackd men pretending to be women. jstealing all their gold and competing against girls and stuff, like, that's not a racist thing. yeah, that's a that's a genetic thing that. n has nothing to do with it. but no one cares about that conversation. you dropobs abou those magic wo, white privilege and racism never goes up. you're right c word back up.e yo what i'm seeing now is, thank god white people are getting ] sick of it. like, no, no, you call me racist all you want to. youbut six eight tigress with a wig is not going to be competing. at my daughter in a weightlifting contest like this just is ridiculous s. i'm glad to see us start talking. there is a here's the problem. there is a place for for trans athletes to compete, but it needs to be with their gender with the virus, because i think it's if a transgender athlete competes against
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biological men and women, isn't that a great moment? yes. trans athletes. right. and you're a her. hersteao insti villain. it's just not it's not fair. but at the same time. r bu but talking about it, i just think it's across the line. just make it a gender thing. if you don't have an argument, you know it because they'll say it's whitet yobecause and raci >> and i say, you know, they don't have an argument. you know, jamie lee thomas, le the male swimmer who says he's female, is what, a white s male, right. so i don't know how this is like going. i don't get it. he also failed as a swimmer. he failed the testalso a peds, h is performance enhancing dingus . >> yeah. i don't think he should be able to compete. compete in women's >> swimming ift when you when you get an. >> yes. and i'm like if they hangon y the gold medal on your, perhaps you shouldn't have competeoud in the first place. i don't think you do the backstroke and you lay down on a bed with i mean, what?n th >> what do you think? a swim meet is like? exactly. i don't know. she's got. she does have . reg: y
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>> you done?ou yeah, i think so. yeah. >>a. ha h >> national organization for women is now favoring men who are taking the place of women. >> yeah. who's out? women and girls compete and be the best they can be. i mean, i just think about, caitknow, my beloved home state of iowa and caitlin clark and what she's been able to do have been much she'sble if shes competing against trans men right now, trans get confused. i'm sorry. but -- but if there were men who were were me competing t her, it just it's so difficult that no one is is supporting and encouraging and defendingn h women to compete on their oweins consistent with how it's always been done. >> yeah. now, kat how can now be an can organization for women when they're selling women out? >> well, at least that part of the tweet was on the topic. >> yeah, right.
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when they throw racism in there ,i really you really lost. all that evetn came to be a part of the tweet at all. and i watch and. i still couldn't find it. and it just didn't think that just that just like just an throw it in there when they when they don't have an answer on the topic at all. >> also, you can't say repeat after us and then put that many wordcan's. a h >> yes, it was like a hundredun words. no one can repeat after you. >> it's impossible. thank you, jamie. well, that was necessary.. up next, does your jockstraps are roma? put others a coma? >> what if you'll be in the new york area with, like, tickets to see gutfeld? >> go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> our pharmacy has been in business for nearly hundred years. my wife and i have run it for the last 30. american technology is making us more efficient and customer friendly. we use online tools to fill prescriptions, process
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of sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. ingredients to help you get back in shape absolutely free. that's impact of 21521 five five more and half in sweaty undies. this is disgusting. i can't believe we're doing this. jamie. out of 2000 people polled in the u.k., 53% of them said they wash their used underwea50% saidr after one worl while almost half admittedf admi to wearingtt their sweaty, smely underwear again for the next gym session. granted this was the u.k.
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they already smell. >> yeah. >> do you think they're not working out hard enough to be able to usworking e their underc the next day? that could be it, you know, i mean, i don't think their work. because you ever do likeou be at hot yoga, you can't use your underwear again after actually exertin likt youg. and so i started doing hot yoga and don't judge. the it's a lot of women in there.n it's nice. i'm the only guynice o i wish te was some way to advance faster. >> like i wish there was a way to go. yeah, barely lik go able to tou my toes to sleep with one of the instructorsmy toe to is t happened, mate to this?er >> could it mean there's actually more? that was funny. i want. thank actually i like that can clap. you had a rough night. yeah. yeah. but i like dirty jokes. let's go. >> you got under 2 minutes. oh, sorry. >> listen, take the gym out of it. you change your underwear every day regardless, okay? work you don't need to go workout. stay if you do like.
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i don't know. i can't wear my workout stuff,io but once. and no, i would throw away like. yeahd. wow. i was kind of loste ph on the phrase gyrase gymm under. like you talking about.ut >> like you have a specific underwear you wear and then you, like, put. >> so i was like, no, no, touch it. that's my gym underwear. like, all of you need some, like some serious help, i some guy you gym i knew gym site is where i go oh of course the gym underwear yeah it's not a thing you it's a workout if they have gym underwear they've never been in your lives full stop or your regular. get my math hat on today is i changed my underwear every workout. but i will keep my sports fora p the next couple of sessions. well, that's mostlley my go back support, right? >> yeah, exactly. oh, my godd.. thank god for the surgery. all right, whittaker, you're a you're a gym rat.
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>> yep. sisters, these are the ase don't wipe off their equipment. well, the fact that they don't even talk about compressio n shorts, your compression shorts in the gym, and thens in you wee underwear in on the street. mm. and sometimes you wear lululemon joggers if you're this guy. >> yeas if youe thish. compression shorts. all right, whittaker, ittle pe you little. i >> i'm just picturing you inn compression shorts. doesn't that make you the littleshorts , perhaps? >> yes. right ba all right. we'll be right back. >> it's that time of year again . answer the question, ladies. when the boys in blue. pam, don't get a much earned, you should be more nice. i was in second grade. there's people like, shoot each other in the head. you're worried about me. fox nation brings us back to the beach. none of you guys are 21, right? cops spring break new episode friday on fox nation. the only place to watch new episodes of cops all of
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