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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  April 7, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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they be called at what animal should be at symbol? no, they should be called the cake morning, the symbol should be read look up and was be honest, drunk teens is better than anything in congress. party is over, thanks for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy fail. 10:00 p.m. every saturday here on fox news. don't forget to follow us on social media at as an saturday night for more, my underwriting calm down to her tickets on sale now at vons across and you can listen to my radio show weekdays 12:00 o'clock to 3:00 p.m. eastern. good night from new york city, i am jimmy failla, i was you next saturday and until then, you want to help the work? you could be republican, you could be democra ♪
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good evening, i am by benson, one accrue we have 30 folly client, tammy bruce and tom shillue. welcome to the "big weekend show". big story tonight -- tom stern, the former president is expected to raking $50 million of florida fundraiser this evening. he just arrived the residence moments ago if they bring in $50 million from about it's probably double the more or less 25 million president biden raised at the new york city event lazily. protesters crashed the stroke last week monthly remember that but there's a big celebrity drop for those liberal elites. ♪ ♪ >> trump has a slightly different guest list. tonight fox news national correspondent madison? carpino is live with that.
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>> former president trump rallying support from donors near his home in mar-a-lago with a fundraiser in palm beach. on social media trump call it the biggest night in fundraising of all time, it will develop the biden number of last week at radio city. president biden's new york city fundraiser last week with former president clinton and obama raise record $269. hedge fund billion are oil tycoon steve quinn will be up terms fundraiser among others. trump is trying to close the big fundraising gap with biden. our cash on hand with $192 million to terms $93 million. experts say both candidates should meet the fundraising goals. >> both are on track to raise what they need to raise must trump suspending employers get out of hand the dumbest can't do it anymore, i think they will both have enough stomach the biden campaign going to
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cash-strapped operation to pay off legal fees. they state department, trump will do the bidding of his billionaire buddies is that what best for the american people. so nation from the fundraiser were go to trump's campaign. the rnc state gop parties and political action committee helps pay his legal bills but trump campaign spokesperson test covers expenses aside from legal fees. terms fundraising continues next week with georgia, florida and pennsylvania. >> a lot to unpack. tammy, i saw whole, a national poll done at wisconsin and there was a number that jumped out at me and we can put up here on the screen, it shows how former president trump is trailing current president joe biden, likely reliable voters by four-point nationally. we don't have the graphic so i will describe.
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that is a lead for biden among likeliest voters but then you go to register voters unreliable show up, trumped up by 12 points. among adults eligible to vote but not registered, trump is up by 25 points. when we talk about fundraising, it's not just tv ads, the ground game matters and for republicans could do themselves good by registering voters and making sure their people get ballots one way or another. >> a number of people noticed a trend where people have not been participating who work registered or maybe registered the unlikely develop based on previous behavior and that upsets the democrats wondering if there get out the vote registration stuff was going to hurt them because they could be registering trumped voters god forbid that should happen. this is i think a sign, a national poll about likely voters registered voters doesn't work for us especially when it's not close because it is the electoral college but works when
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there is a large gap like the other two you mentioned for there's a double digit kat something has occurred with people who haven't felt the need to be there younger or haven't felt the need to participate in this is the big problem for america, does the president make a difference box the system on autopilot, it's just the same no matter who the president is not we've noticed and correct, trump was different than biden, the individual at the top does matter and their vote can make the difference so i think it's exciting and you're right, getting the money tonight is one thing. how you spend it is another an atomic the state -based local race. >> figure how to people register, who can help you and the people who are registered who want you to went but don't typically show up, how do you get them to the polls? tammy's right about the
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electoral college mattering more than any other bull, other polling data, the "wall street journal" showed how the seven states they reviewed, trump is leading by our last report we have the numbers here, and six epistemic and the last one thing wisconsin, exactly tied. there some numbers out there biden and company but they have to look at these statistics and have hurt because this coming tuesday the former president is probably the favorite, right? all of these numbers are terrible for democrats but there's no reason for republicans to run on celebrating or being cocky because you look at the numbers, 48, 47%, 46 and a half, trump needs to look at over 50% in all swing states. i want to see celebration from maga folks. that's what you need and swing states and as far as the money, i agree. it's over, the old school with taking ads out on tv, and war chest to pay for advertising,
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advertising doesn't work and you know what else doesn't work? strategists. none of those dumped got a just know anything. i spent time on panels with them all the time, this will be our program on the show next sitting next door strategist smarter than all the strategist and nobody pays me during the pain tape campaign so the page huge fees had extended advice and think it's kat the boat, vote collecting not just registering voters, stopping bags full of boats for three months before the election because that's -- >> in a legal way and when you say they don't work, political ads, not our fabulous sponsors here on the fox news channel just to clarify. [laughter] >> meanwhile, the president we had the audio or video of him arriving at this massive fundraiser and he spoke, let's
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listen to what the president said on his way and. >> will make america great reagan and everybody knows it. a little more than six months it's going to be the most important election we've ever had. the most important date in the history of our country, november 5 will be the most important date in the history of our country. >> so maybe a bit hyperbolic about the most important date in american history. the choices are stark when you talk about registering voters, i covered trump the first time around he was packing airport hangers with people to the rafters of are covered in paint coming in and ever ready set they are not going to vote, they are therefore celebrity aspect of the did register and vote and pulled in this huge contended that haven't been seen before. the question, they going to shop again? big fundraising numbers, you are
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right, things are different, they beat of money doesn't matter but it's a fundraising gap the covid is behind us, it's a different collection, the parties are back, the longest general election we may see and who knows how long, the longest in a long time and we will see the big money now is the time begin with that big money we will see what happens. >> is an opinion host, supposed to be a news anchor but i understand his real job and he said this about president trump, former president and how he draws up this coming election. >> objectively speaking, actually speaking without any bias or skew, it makes a greater threat to american democracy done joe biden. >> watch go down memory lane, glory days of the individual trump was president, he's taking for them.even though he hates them. >> can you give us a chance to
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ask a question? can you state -- can you give us -- can you give us a question? >> i'm not going to give you a question. you are fake news. >> i think you should rerun the country, he run cnn did about -- >> if i may ask. >> that's enough. put down the mike. >> i miss him so much. at the president right there. also, when it comes to, shape before you go to resume call for doing that. it looked like a hostage video the first video that was on for him i'm sure but we see the different when it comes to president trump engaging with everybody including media, he would spend an hour having that kind of banter with everyone at
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i think that's what the american people remember, he might not like everything he said but there weren't wrong episodes of silence, people didn't have to beat him off the stage, they may seemed like simple things are in the moment but we do attach that to what persons goodwill of doing to also provide being able to deal with people who aren't necessarily like you what had someone like that or a foreign leader or somebody, he wants somebody who's going to be a leader and get stuff done, that simple and we've seen the difference. >> almost disconcerting to see the second video, a president standing at the podium with people asking questions, what is that? the press conference? >> you knew he would get something new, you knew you would hear something about the issue, something about policy, kind of fun to watch but in the media and i think everyone, they don't want to admit it, they were wrong three years ago. >> at the very least, it was a
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press conference, i would like to see more regardless of whose president. jampacked show coming up including us. >> first crack at the new different jobs. >> the future is electric moving toward lightning speed. >> maybe not so fast, pumping the brakes on biden's green dream plus a group of cruisers at the dock will have the blame game debate. >> what they had forgot about so it does concern us. >> new proof millennial's are moving out of blue states into red states. we will get to all that and more straightahead, keep it right here. ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". gas planning thousand overdrive, electric vehicle sales are going to the roof, maybe because of biden and disciples, this is what they want to happen. >> first crack at the new and
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different jobs for electric vehicles. >> the future is electric moving got lightning speed. >> thousands of union workers here and across the country building vehicles of the future. the batteries will power the charters that will support them. >> now ford is postponing new ev's including three real suv and pickup truck until at least 2026, just don't ask the white house about that. >> when it comes to ev sales, they are reaching record highs. ev's are more than ever. under president biden ev sales have more than quadrupled, sales are at record high of 18%. president has always had lower prices, it's part about and everything we can to deal with climate crisis. >> the goal is for lower cost
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but a new analysis by biden zba says the cost of implement biden's climate rules, regulations can cost taxpayers nearly a trillion dollars, a price take meanwhile court reporting foxbusiness 4.7 billion foster protective cost 5 billion, 5.5 billion this year so a lot of money at stake. >> they can brag how they want and you talk about the losses ford incurred and ev's americans can't afford. these what americans simply don't want because they don't think there liable. i am go ev if they want that, if it works for them the car to do around town and buildup of infrastructure where people make it work, great but they shouldn't have to mandate and coerce their way into more sales. the product should sell itself. >> the chamber of commerce launched regulations out there pushing back doing is unfair, to
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push things, here's a quote from ford ceo as the number two brand in the west committed to scaling profitable ev business bringing to market the right gas hybrid and fully electric vehicles at the right time sticking up for the ability to handle their own business the way they see it. >> a lot of people automatic, here's the government interfering with business telling them what they can and cannot build not with mandates but rules or regulations and the implication when we bailed out the industry and car industry and covid, i think the willingness to step away is because perhaps biden is going like so they can see a future with amanda's is not going to continue for the business but you have like california, who can forget rolling blackouts? they didn't have enough
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electricity during the summer in the first think they told people to do was don't plug in your car so americans are looking at that, californians are looking at that when it comes to the system, infrastructure not just when it comes to being able to charge it but let's say there are charges everywhere and no electricity so that's what they are aware of. >> certainly infrastructure calendars. >> this is what they are celebrating, somebody people will make so much money if they forced this new ring deal on us and the sad part is they have made ev part of the democratic party and there is a lot of red state guys who love electric stuff, electric tools. i have a friend with an electric chainsaw so these affect -- i know, the guys i know are anti- ev because it's become left-wing think, they want to preserve their internal combustion engine and they see people taking
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getaway. people want to twice and when you force it, they will take sides, that is the sad part. >> and tonight the white house depending biden's calls for immediate cease-fire in gaza, six months to the day since hamas attack gaza. live the white house tonight. >> president biden demanding immediate cease-fire in gaza without calling on hamas to release more than 100 hostages including americans, they still have in captivity. >> military aid to israel. [inaudible] cement john kirby, martha
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maccallum. >> we want to get the cease-fire in place temporary, six weeks or so to get hostages out and more humanitarian assistance and. >> hamas start of this war, the cost the border, slaughtered families and children, none of us would be happening if it weren't for october 7. >> hamas start this month no question about that, the conflict wouldn't exist without the decision to violate cease-fire but what we have said is israel in addition to having the obligation to eliminate the threat, they also have the obligation to do everything possible to protect civilians and humanitarian assistance and we just haven't seen the meet the obligations -- >> a short time ago we've learned reporters traveling president biden wilmington this weekend out of the first time since the massacre, protesters seen outside the president's home. i'm not sure if we have video can pull up the president motorcade how to make an
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alternate route, divert to church to take the presence charge, you can see the motorcade, a longer route because of the protesters in a reporter for the president later set a protester was seen warning take blood outside the president motorcade pulling back into his home and you can see genocide joe, number of protesters author and the first time the protesters showed up side the home. >> genocide joe, posters and a number of protests. lucas tomlinson from the white house, thank you. coming up, rare earthquake in the northeast sent shockwaves across the ultimate, they are trusted into the spotlight. hip-hop mold homes. >> it became friends and we still hang out and watch football together and he says i'm going
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♪ >> welcome back to the "big weekend show" critically liberty was not the only one on friday certainly, the rare event since the internet into a frenzy with memes even empire state building posting i am fine. fox news correspondent cb cotton in new york city, i think she's on. here we go. >> tremors felt the main found mid atlantic often earthquake with the epicenter in new jersey with the state government was out of town according to public schedule, the democratic governors association, several phone interviews and made several posts to social media but when we asked his team why he did not return to new jersey, we were directed to this post governor made on x this morning
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which set our state emergency operations center the activated as of 10:00 a.m. today. no reports of major damage, structures, roadways or infrastructure as a result of yesterday's earthquake. in his state more than two dozen people had a brief care after they were temporarily evacuated from three multifamily homes due to concerns about possible earthquake damage. >> had to help get maestro. she's in a wheelchair, she can't move as fast as we can so i had to worry about getting her out. >> the geological survey reported 4.8 magnitude quake 10:23 a.m. friday in the agencies has more than two dozen aftershocks in the region since. no damage and other parts of the northeast but several elected leaders including kathy hochul and new york city mayor eric adams addressed the public to
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say teams were assessing buildings, bridges and roads. extra crews will be on standby to respond to any reports of building damage and the public's help is needed. >> 1.1 million buildings in the city which means we need cooperation from construction professionals, we smashed them but let me take this opportunity to remind all construction professionals, you need to check on your buildings the mark some places took the chance to find levity after yesterdays circumstance. the empire state building taking 2x after the earthquake to write quote, i am fine. back to you. >> shawn did it comes a spot in miami beach carefully while riding a bike named in another lawsuit but this time with the hip-hop mogul's son facing accusations of sexual assault. his attorney releasing the
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statement about the claim vote is not seen this woman's claim but i'm sure we can expect the same manufacturer applies would come to expect from blackburn and his client was we saw and rodney jones lawsuit which is yet to be served. he was stopped by a federal judge in new york earlier this week for his pattern of behavior and improperly filing cases in federal court to garner media attention, embarrassed defendants with allegations and pressure defendant to settle quickly. two days after referred to the disciplinary committee in the southern district of new york, it's interesting he chose to file a new suit in california, another page from the same label because we learn of the lawsuit, the same way anyone cares about his filings to the media. death row founders give ominous warning to duty, formal rival thanks i tell you what, your life is in danger because you know the secret, who's involved in the secret room you're
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participating in, you know they will get you and did he scream his friends seem nervous in the wake of federal raids. >> was curious, i got to see some things. i went there to see lifestyle and i saw it. [laughter] i don't know if i could indulge and understand what i was looking at, pretty wild. >> so nobody -- some woman didn't come -- >> i didn't say that but i did say there were curious things taking place and i didn't understand. >> hollywood impressing us aga again, what is your take? >> i have no idea if sean combs led a wholesome lifestyle or not but when i hear the phrase human trafficking in terms of celebrity, my bs meter starts clicking furiously.
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they use that with bob kraft, that ridiculous thing and take. when i hear human trafficking when actual human trafficking is going on at the border all the time and they don't have say in this. all i can take as i would never speak to these people making these claims but i don't trust that prosecutors or federal law enforcement and when they use human trafficking, is a ticket to kick down doors. >> is not a problem, we've lost all faith with federal law enforcement, we don't have the details yet, he heard the statement, mollie, what is your take? >> a lot of salacious intent both from celebrities that have no, going back to old videos like 2016 with usher to this video, it looks pretty intense and you don't see that where many other crimes see something like that and they are taken away and be duly so we really don't know a lot, innocent until
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proven guilty but the last couple of hours, shawn did it comes close to a defiant video on instagram saying bad boy for life. >> this industry seems to have problems in the past with mr. knight and tupac, we have violence we seen so it is difficult, weinstein and what goes on in hollywood and americans have seen this horrible history involving trafficking and etc. >> it's hard to say and it's all conjecture and potential human trafficking, you want to start off and say i believe this person over this person, we don't have anything close to perfect information. if people are guilty of serious crimes they should have to go away but i don't want to jump to conclusions because we don't know enough to say. i woke, making the comment about the secret that some people know, and ominous stamp there,
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her life in danger, the room you are in, secret little room, backbeat bravado or something he knows, insider information and i'm going to keep my mouth shut and watched details unfold as they do in the coming months. >> having a position as a mobile in that framework and asked to grind so we shall keep an eye on this. coming up, gen z is moving out blue states from the doom and gloom as they join the renaissance, that more when the "big weekend show" continues. ♪
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sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you're probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it's packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. grab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today.
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>> thanks for watching, right collegial you can hear their when he sang the words moving out and wrote that song, i'm not sure if he had this in mind. we will bring you that story in a bit but first, a perfect dollar store chain closing all locations, gone because of the impact of inflation and rise in crime. fox news correspondent christina coleman in los angeles tonight. >> we been reporting from 99 cents only store here in santa monica in the parking lot has been packed all day long. shoppers have been here busy trying to get their hands on whatever they can before the stores close. the company is shutting down all 99 cents only stores located in four states, texas, arizona, nevada and california, started on friday. many shoppers are sorry to hear. >> we are disappointed.
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>> would you like to buy here? >> anything from dog toys, everything. one stop shop for me. >> the ceo cited multiple reasons for the decision to shut down. it a statement he said unfortunately, the last several years presented significant lasting challenges in the retail environment including unprecedented impact of the covid-19 pandemic, shifting consumer demand from rising levels, inflationary pressures and economic headwinds, all of which have hindered the company's ability to operate. more job loss on the way, 1400 employees that work at these stores center shut down. >> they tell us the economy is fabulous, just ignore those types of stories. growing numbers of money else exiting california and other blue states, a new study finds almost millennial state foster, those who did move typically chose red pleading states and cities over blue ones.
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economic reasons up lifestyle change top the list of reasons why including newport cutting housing or changing jobs. those are two big factors and not a coincidence people are looking for where the jobs are moving to get the new job trying to seek affordable housing which is a big pressure for a lot of junk people to move to the states where they are more available, it's not like a medical reason why. policy tends to matter. >> in the modern age you can get your lifetime in all these places. when i was a young single guy in the business i was in, in new york or l.a. and not a showbiz career, you could spend ten years in these other studies and people moving to austin, joe rogan is in austin. these 99 cents stores, look, i
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hope box of many heroes. [laughter] terrible situation but i used to love these 99 cents stores when i was a young single man, i'd moved to a new city and stock up there and walmart it was great for a young low-income person and when it closed down, it affect people's lives and every month when we get the jobs reports and especially when biden is thumping his chest, there should be a heat map of where the jobs are being created because you will see a pattern, texas is the number one state people are moving to and in the remaining migration states, most are red tinted with republican governors. >> for the left if you are democrat and want great things for your family in the future a lot of these things they. reporter: are like aspirational, it's going to affect your life but when you think about buying a home, you can look at and out
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and they give you crime framework, where is the crime in the district? what about the noise? than you think this is our first home, we need to have us make money for us, we don't want the money to go down, where can we see that happen? schools? one of the attitudes of the school cent tax rates? suddenly moderate democrats or liberal ones are looking at all these things that matter and are different in red states and as compelling and educational generation. >> the big success story, massachusetts telling a slightly different one. >> among many blue states, a survey old a lot of young people over a hundred young people, boston and beyond the reporting 24% of those surveyed plan to leave the boston area in the next five years and they highlight things they are most concerned about, job availability and the ability to
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buy a home so big challenge not just in massachusetts but a lot of places. >> up next, some travelers ditched at the dock. did the cruise line make the right call to just push away without them? right should debate on the horizon next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal.
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and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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welcome back to the "big weekend show". america's total solar eclipse medic 31 million people across 15 different state catch a glimpse of the truly spectacular show fox weather reporter max gorden in cleveland, ohio for the equipped hype. >> hello from cleveland, ohio well totality is expected monday 3:13 p.m. until 3:17 p.m. eastern but the big question, will folks be able to see the solar eclipse? clouds are expected monday so there's a lot of uncertainty right now.
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a lot of people in turn specifically for the solar eclipse? one that we spoke to from calc company has asked he's happy to see whatever he can. >> even if it's super cloudy, i think we will still see it turn dark i think i think it will still be equal regardless. when the moon locks at this ti time, it essentially looks like it turned night for a bit and i'm excited to see that. >> the eclipse leading to spikes in tourism all along the path of totality. year-over-year search volume for travel is up 90% little talk up to six 100% in buffalo come up one 100%. airbnb and the rpo tells a story in itself, listings are booked up for you quincy totality. tickets to cities in the path of the eclipse are skyhigh with some shelling out for thousands. back in cleveland, 140200000
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people are expected to flocking the city to see the eclipse. to put it in perspective, the crowds expected would be as if three games were going on simultaneously. the guardians will be playing their home opener monday so whatever the weather brings, it's going to be a day to remember for folks in cleveland, ohio. >> america's total eclipse is on fox news channel and fox weather on monday. cruise line sparking a debate after ditched eight passengers on an island off west africa. the group in a private excursion and missed boarding time. >> they forgot they are people in the hospitality industry and the safety should be the first priority and basic care they
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forgot about so it does concern us. >> the crews line stood by the actions think guess are responsible for ensuring that return to the ship published time which is communicated broadly or the ship's intercom in the daily quick communication and posted just before exiting the vessel. that makes a lot of sense. we have to have some controversy on the show so i am assigning you, you must defend these passengers. >> what did she say? but the points the passengers are making is about hospitality and they should be more hospitable to their passengers. >> i was pretty good. if you want to be the lawyer for the passengers but guy, i'm thinking of something you will say, go ahead and you say it and i'm going to tell you if you said what i thought a private tour, not done through the crews line so they freelanced on this
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one. they had a time to get back, they missed it by more than an hour and everyone else on the crews play by the rules. you have to keep your stuff together and there is personal responsibility here blaming the crews line for you being late by an hour on something you chose to do on your own itinerary, i think it's blame shift, i'm with the crews line. >> i'm going to make you, what you call it? the gopher on love quote, you should be running the ships hospitality. >> or be kat stupid, it's joe biden, what can i tell you? >> they went along talking to the soccer bill soccer ball closing. >> we think about hospitality, responsibly to your passengers, it was every other passenger, they have the expectation of leaving the port at a certain time in getting to another court at a certain time, you make plans like connecting with another plane. it will stay you have limited amount of time to have everyone else suffer because of this
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inappropriate but loses, it seems like they are coming back and it's a great idea, i think we should try it in good book directly and they will be fine in the end. >> they probably -- seven countries and $40. >> when you talk about the four of us. [laughter] >> we are going to do a cruise with the audience. i'm making it up. >> big weekend flops are next. ♪
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♪ ♪ we are back here on the big weekend shepherd time for the big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest fields of the week. i'll go first. vice president harris made this an bracket busting claim during an interview on thursday, watch. >> do you know a bit of a history lesson, do you know that women -- make the women's teams were not allowed to have brackets until 2022? think about that. talk about progress, better late than never. but progress. >> what a great history lesson that is completely made up us not true at all 2022? what is she talking about. there been brackets for decades present obama filled out women's brackets every of her presidency shpresidentsissues i was a big n sports i will point out iowa
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versus south carolina is a championship game tomorrow afternoon for a big ten guy i was to go hawkeyes. >> listened to the susa refines americans believe they will need nearly $1.5 million to retire comfortably with 53% increase from 2020. to make you look like you're not worried yet that much in your van no. [laughter] >> my few zeros. this is the result of people expecting to be taken care of they have a life they have enjoyed and now of course the sugar daddy is the government. now for mine, took new york nearly 40 minutes to send out an emergency alert after yesterday's rare northeast earthquake. now, as a california at 4.8 this monday that is without reflexive. but everybody panicked a little bit but that did not help and by the way for it 40 minutes later beeping and buzzing the alert was if you are injured called 91. stay in your house, stay in her
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house. >> the alert scared me more than the quake did progress was too much. forty minutes their emergency progress i have next democrats are pushing just to leave the supreme court citing health concerns democratic senator richard blumenthal saying this. i'm very respectful of great admiration for her but she really has to wait the competing factors. we should learn a lesson it's not like there's a deep mystery here about the lesson should be the old saying graveyards are full this body include active point out justice is only 69 years old. blumenthal however 78. i don't know about that. >> yikes. >> joe biden' is 81. >> great point. just move that hispanic woman to wriright out out by the dozen fr us will see you tomorrow at seven for the big eastern show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪


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