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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  April 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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thank you for doing on a sunday night with us. >> we have a million dollars at micro right now give it away this month. micro were helping train the next generation of skilled laborers. we do it every year. go get some give your wife my regards. trey: micro works foundation. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. we will see you soon. trey: thank you for spending your sunday with us. have a great week ahead. until next week find us online or tri-county podcast. good night from south carolina good night. ♪ hello everyone i am tom along with molly line, tammy bruce and guy benson. welcome to "the big weekend show". the big story tonight is a fox news alert.
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>> march madness, the south carolina lady gamecocks finish a perfect season with a championship went over the iowa hawkeyes 87 - 75. >> suite redemption. undefeated south carolina has one of the third national championship. tom: caitlin clark who has captivated the country's attention scored a game-high of 30 points. despite her teams loss, she has a reason to celebrate she's expected to be the topic in the wnba. do i know a lot about the wnba or the women's basketball in general, no i do not. guy does but i am leaving the show so i'm going to go directly to you. guy: i'm not an expert but i watch the game a lot of americans skim untreated final four drew over 14 million viewers i bet that was eclipse
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today, caitlin clark is an incredible talent she had 30 pointed in a play that well and still had 30 points. >> why did you say she didn't play that well how do you know she got the point what you mean she didn't play well. >> she missed a lot of shots. >> south carolina's really good there undefeated for reason and if you look at the difference in the game if you like i'm on a sports network but points off the bench 37 - 0 for south carolina rebounding 51. tom: points off the bench what does that mean. guy: people who are not started to come in and contribute. a deeper more big athletic team and they want congratulations to south carolina what a career for caitlin clark. guy: i want to show this film diana taurasi wnba player she has warned caitlin clark, don't get cocky because you're going to be in for a surprise in the wnba, take a look at this. >> reality is coming you look
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superhuman against played against 18 -year-olds but you could come against grown women that have been playing professional basketball for a long time not saying i won't translate because when you're great at what you do you will get better but there will be a transition period where you have to give yourself some grace as a rookie speaker and captivated by her voice. molly: that was tough love but did give yourself some grace that was more walking we wait in things but hey, the experienced players now won't go as well and i must take the pressure off a little bit. tom: i don't know, i think she's going to do great usually when you're great in college correct me if i'm wrong if you come out of college and you come in as a hotshot you to be hotshot. >> she can hit anywhere on the floor the player the issue the morning she played really well in the final 34 mvp of the league.
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maybe there will be an adjustment but i think caitlin clark can handle it. tammy: mib 70 fresh off the team or little younger or little but a projection and that happens in every business, don't get all that excited if you're playing poker or something. what tells me real equality is happening with the breaking news swish for women's basketball, that is amazing i don't think i've ever seen it before. >> did you know the women cannot have brackets until 2023. >> you heard that from somewhere. >> you heard that. tom: is this a big change? i remember when the wnba started the butt of many jokes. now the joke is s&l that had the sketch when they were joking about women's basketball is really more popular than ever. tammy: the big difference wnba first started and you have the women's teams and the difference
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between men's basketball women's basketball young women's basketball about strategy and with men it is about power and pushing through and that's fine if that's what you like that's great. if you want to see strategy and the movement of the game in real competition in that regard as opposed to his bigger. it's a different kind of game. tom: that's why people like college sports a lot more than pro sports because it's about the strategy not the personality. guy: and much more into college basketball than the mba. the men's finals tomorrow night, yukon and purdue. tom: now to this, his dark branded making a play to bribe young people for their votes, this week the biden administration is set to take a second crack at broad student loan forgiveness even though the supreme court struck down the first attempt last year according to the wall street journal biden's advisers hope to use new rules to canceling waves
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of student debt in the run-up to the november election. do we think that this is buying votes. molly: there is pretty good chance he will make some of these announcements in wisconsin. it's a pretty important swing state so it's not a coincidence. a great point there is a recent poll in march, social fear pulled voters 48% say the canceling student loan debt is an important issue 70% of gen z respondents. if you want the youth vote may be go to wisconsin to say here's what i'm going to do an already done. regardless of what the supreme court did pushing back and tried to keep a promise that he made to young people. tom: if i answer that polling question is an important issue i would say yes because it shows what a phony our president is trying to buy votes. do you want in do you think i think the question should be do you think it's fair that taxpayers are subsidizing higher education. >> obviously not we have to look at the rate of young people say
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that the vote for trout. there is a presumption that americans can be bought in the meet you at the motel six if you throw enough money at them that is not true. also it's a reminder when you look at the promises be made that support word, some of this is not come through and there are some young people saying we heard about this and hasn't happened for me, why is it not happening for me and suddenly it's a lot of talk in the moment because some of these have worked in you getting the refunds and sometimes are not or out in the future and people know when they're being played first box, nobody likes it whether you're 18 or 98, it's enough already i think it could backfire. tom: the whole idea the proposition is dubious as we saw from the supreme court we will see this round of further scrutiny, obviously this is a pander in these trying to buy off a certain segment of the
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electoral votes but what's important to remember the democrats talk about fairness they love that word. the majority of american adults did not go to college. they do not have student loan debt. the vast majority of americans have 0 student loan debt and a lot of people who incurred debt eyes wide open, sign the contract and spent years paying it back, all of those people are being treated unfairly by this giveaway from the president of the united states doing it unilaterally with the stroke of a pen but this is what is going to try to do how is that fair, if the worry is the cost of college keeps going up which it does in the lucas way this will only encourage that pattern to continue the trend to accelerate. if there is an idea of a federal backstop for students there is no incentive for the colleges whatsoever to rein in some of these cost deltas keep this party going. tammy: how is this not indicated
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that american higher education is a lemon. we have to give you back your money because you cannot pay alone back when you've gone through higher education. it's not even worth it it was a waste of time. >> he might gain a few here but to lose more here is probably not good to be one-for-one from the washington post their op-ed joe biden muscala left and right at the same time, biden challenge here is twofold many progressives younger ones find it hard to see the 81 euro president as an avatar of change biden has a lot of work to do to show them how much reform he ushered in and how much more he is proposing in the conservatives whose votes need particularly those in the corporate world quiet to boldness and the status quo in transformation and all that stuff. i was getting sick of reading. all i wanted to hear is here's the deal do you agree with the nonconservative of the
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washington post that biden has a lot of work on his hands because he is a left ear in the right here. >> there are a number of issues that are hurting it with the youth vote when it comes to israel there's a big challenge with 38% of youth vote 18 - 29 saying israel's reasons for fighting hamas are valid that is pretty low but now we see changes in the way that this administration is addressing israel, that is part of the broader, hate to say it but political challenges that they're facing and they may be doing this because of that, that is one aspect reno student that may be something that they're using to change things and turn things around and the swing state. >> in the last election younger voters were at record highs for the turnout. >> that might not happen this time. all he has to do is go left with
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some people these are death quality politician this is joe biden. tom: not so death. we have a jampacked big we can show including this. >> i would say it wasn't just energizing it was inspirational. tom: trumps big record breaker. plus john fetterman about-face the washington post claimed the squatting problem is a republican talking point. also the eclipse countdown is taking in millions gear up for the once-in-a-lifetime event, stay with us. ♪
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guy: walk back to "the big weekend show". president trump setting a fundraising record with his 50 million-dollar hall as a fundraiser last night down in florida that was doubly wet president biden raised recently in new york city, fox news correspondent madison madison in
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washington tonight. >> trumped it over $550 million that's double what biden raised over clinton, obama. this was the first major fundraiser for trump in the rnc since he became the presumptive nominee. trumps that americans want change. >> the election is going to be a little more than six months and is going to be the most important election we've ever had. >> high dollar donors paid anywhere from 200 - $800,000 to have dinner with the former president. they were special guests including governor doug burgum who has endorsed trout. >> it was inspirational being with all of these incredible job creators many people that started with nothing they live the american dream. >> the biden campaign is slamming the high dollar donors strategy. >> this campaign is cotton versus palm beach, real people know the stakes of the selection and rolling up their sleeve to
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pitch and what they can. >> some donations will go to a political action committee that helps pay trumps legal bills. his campaign says it also covers other expenses, donations will help trump close a fundraising gap with president biden who has a cash advantage with $192 million in cash on hand. trump and biden have more fundraisers this week. guy: i find entertaining that the biden campaign inviting himself is pretending that the big money party is the republicans with their bragging how much money they raise all the time but democrats are the big lose days the campaign unhappy with what trump was able to do, the biden campaign. 50 plus million dollars is a stunning figure. here's a reaction from the biden cam on msnbc. watch this.
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>> a whole lot as billionaire scammers, extremists and racists who understand if they fund trumps legal fees they get cut taxes while he cuts her social security. that's a fundamental contrast between the fundraising operation, the we are building up and how it's allowing us to committee with the voters in the money that trump is raising from billionaires doing nothing more than paying off his legal fees. >> scammers, extremist and racist. >> that is the campaign the talking point for the campaign and that's always good to be for the rest of the year and they're shocked that trump is going to be the nominee but he has the support in the coalescing of donors from the nikki haley donors, desantis donors, et cetera. people are coming together when they can't understand, they don't realize that they have been found out, it's a cat that sticks his head under the curtain in its entire but is out there but it's completely hidden that is the democrats we see them in they don't understand. guy: another squatting showdown as flames ripped through an abandoned cvs in oakland
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california that was taken over by squatters in left lane policies are wreaking havoc in 70 places. democratic pennsylvania senator john fetterman is not buying it. he told the nerk post, this is quite a post squatters have no right targeting pretend that there is anything other than breaking the law. i am not woke it is wild if you go away in a long trip for 30 days and 70 breaks into your home suddenly they have rights, this is crazy if someone stole your car and held it for 30 days and now you have rights, fetterman stands clashes with the washington post which recently called squatting a right wing talking point. i want to come to you this i was watching jesse watters and hear clay travis on they were talking about the progression that starts with something is not a problem then it might be a problem that is overgrown. then it's actually good if you think about it minutes racist if you are against it.
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where are we on the squatting scale. >> were almost to the races point but i love that fetterman's been talking some sense lately which is surprising which is a no-brainer but the idea that you can occupy someone's home. why wouldn't i just buy a house and after my first month stop paying my mortgage and when they come to sai was here for 30 days i think were good it doesn't make any sense at all. their argument is a right wing talking point, of course it is and it should be. guy: the victims are left or right wing it, it's a nightmare for people who are victimized by this. molly: some of the outcomes that we seen from the influx and the
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massive influx has been predictable, the overflowing of shelters you could've called that way before it happened, the democratic leadership across the country stepping up and calling to the federal government to do something because now it's in their backyard. the squatting with the bigger breast out of new york city a group of venezuelans had records, guns, drugs allegedly found their, at some point where this continues to have an allow there will be some sort of confrontation where homeowner gets hurt. a moment ago we showed a fire, it's a very dangerous situation and one that is escalating and if it comes to a bad outcome, that was a predictable bad outcome. guy: take a crack at the squatting issue, another question as well, fetterman is this a guy he's always been, were we wrong about him. tammy: would anybody has a life-threatening expenditure accidental experience with his stroke things begin to change when you realize tomorrow might be the last day i think that affected him. he then had depression and he
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went into the hospital for that, then he went into therapy. for me partly my ability to escape the left i was in psychotherapy a couple times a week, nobody else was when you're getting outside point of view of how you view the world and the nature of envy and anger and rage which is what is fueled and perpetuated on the left you can move away from that person really, it's amazing how you view the world differently. as part of his experience. when it comes to his squatting, that was cvs it was in somebody's house. i think we should go to fifth avenue and put up a tent in the basement and that i claim the entire store apparently. >> why smash and grab when you can move into be the boss. guy: speaking of rage on the left we have the story coming up, democrats praising president biden for imposing aid conditions on israel during israel's war against the boss that hamas started six months ago to the day they slaughtered 1200 civilians.
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>> we have to make sure when the president request something that we have a means to enforce it. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "the big weekend show", the idea makes a significant withdrawal, six months ago to the day of hamas seizure on israel. trey yingst is in tel aviv tonight. >> today marks six months since october 7 massacre. israel announced it is withdrawing troops from the entirety of gaza with the exception of one brigade that will focus on logistics.
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israeli forces allowing them to continue operating in gaza when needed to conduct limited targeted raids, all of this comes as the ongoing negotiation taking place in cairo egypt. negotiators hoping to hammer out the details of the cease-fire agreement that could see were hostages released from gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners. israel is focused on the southern front, there is continued fire coming from the lebanese militant group hezbollah in the north and a broader bracing of a larger attack that could take place from a run. it's been threatening israel over the past several days following his strike last week into syria next to the iranian embassy that killed two top generals in israeli forces say that they have to be ready in case there is a drone missile or a grground attack against israel in the aftermath of the strike. >> trey yingst our gratitude to him for exceptional reporting
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over the last six months of the early days when hamas attacked israel. today thousands of people marched in washington to mark the anniversary. democrats are praising president biden for his tough talk on israel. >> i was glad to see the president at least reported out finally to see the president benjamin netanyahu, if you don't follow my request that there will be consequences. the president and the white house have yet to lay out what consequences they have in they want to impose we have to make sure when the president request something that we have the memes to enforce it. >> there is been a significant shift among the democrats and among the biden administration regarding how to respond to israel but i want to start with you, you just returned from there with a remarkable trip, your thoughts on all of this. >> i want to say it's mind blowing to hear democrats talking about consequences for israel.
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every ounce of human suffering that is happening in gaza right now is the fault of hamas which on october 7 invaded israel and slaughtered in raped and tortured 1200 people and took a bunch of hostages dozens of whom who are still being held including five americans. one of whom who had a daughter born in his absence. that is happening right now and sometimes it feels like were not even talking about that. i have some photos from my trip last month in israel we went to a bunch north of gaza home of a 230 couple a beautiful couple, you can see the bullet holes spraying all over the cord were in the opening area of your house the fourier, they were murdered right there and that was a street filled with young family all of whom were slaughtered in cold blood. this is from t the festival nova a makeshift memorial for the victims, that was the dance floor of what you're looking at
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that's where people were going in dancing with her friends. hamas showed up and killed hundreds of people in the dance floor is now basically a graveyard, this is the heartbroken desperate young woman i met in tel aviv in the photo is her sister, she is one of the dozens of hostages still held by hamas they rejected every cease-fire from israel including lopsided and sometimes i feel like i'm slowly going insane watching the discourse around this issue were the hostages in october 7 is almost treated as an afterthought it's the whole reason this conflict exist. >> i think you bring up a great point, the hostages are still being held in working to get them out and we see what appears to be a change in tone from the administration. here is john kirby on the possibility of withholding weapons to israel.
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>> as we understand in the public announcements, it's really about rest and refit for the trip set up it on the ground for four months and not necessarily that we can tell indicative of a coming to operation from the troops. >> would you rule out slowing down or pausing weapon transfers if this does not happen. >> is not my place to roll anything in or out we have to changes with operating organ have to think about making changes in her own policy towards gaza. >> much of the massive shift came after the bonding of the world kitchen workers there in gaza by israel and they have acknowledged this. i want to get your thoughts on this incredible shift in tone. possibly because that was an excuse because we've seen this ramp-up for over a period of time. israel has investigated and fired a few leaders who were involved in making that decision in their taking action on that. israel has implemented the most stringent efforts to protect civilians to warn civilians, to take action, they did not want this war they have been
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upholding by a massacre that was animalistic and army of charles manson and people only seem to get upset when the jews defend themselves and that is unacceptable in the effort here in america to normalize jew hatred and this is a normal reaction. it's not that this is an ally and we went into into any other country. >> in dearborn michigan were biden into steamer pandering hard to placate a single element there was a chance of not just data israel but death to america as well. >> it's about the jews in western civilization. >> i guess i agree with john the left-wing guy who was basically saying it makes biden look weak. from his perspective you should take harsher action enforce israel's hand. i don't know why the united states thinks they have a right to act like they are referee and a gentleman's disagreement. this is a war, israel is our
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ally and the president should say israel will fight their war and were getting out of their way. >> i will come back to you tom, this is tim kaine on the possibility of implying that the idf could potentially harm u.s. forces as this goes forward. take a look. >> even the u.s. military operation these are troops deployed out of virginia in charge of the marine operation, we knew will be announced at the same ipl harm's way from hamas but after the events of this week with the humanitarian aid are going to want different harm's way from the idf. >> is quite a statement. >> he should know america has killed civilians we know what this is israel said we made a terrible mistake and were going to investigate this with the highest priority the president should've said they made a terrible mistake in a sound like they can investigate this that's
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all they need to say. tammy: idf in the israeli government has saved innumerable american lives, i'm being told to wrap it. there are many different things that the israeli government has done that is save the middle east and saved american troops and it's outrageous to suggest that the idf is an enemy but it's another effort to normalize the hatred of jews, this is what this is about. molly: guy we want to end with you. guy: the kaine clip is mind blowing to me. if the doctor to rely on the idea for security because they might attack americans, that was implication and then who's going to supply the security on the ground on the shore, u.s. boots on the ground? the decided to think about the applications of what he said before spewing that out? molly: time is ticking towards america's solar eclipse as millions gear up for the eclipse for the speech ocular show coming up.
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♪ ♪. tammy: welcome back to "the big weekend show". less than 24 hours until the total solar eclipse will be the last one for the next 20 years. millions of americans across 13 states will have the chance to watch, severe weather is threatening to disrupt this event. brandy campbell is here with all-important forecast. >> we are coming to you from rochester, high falls behind us in the beatable city and this is one of the last word in the u.s. we can catch the total eclipse
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that three or 500,000 people that is expected to come in many people might be nervous because we can have a considerable amount of cloud coverage over this town potentially blocking the clips of view. you will still experience the darkness at all setting over the town of the temperature shopping as well in niagara falls and the texas area may also have the same issue. i will say regardless the party will go wanted rochester, the city says they have over 50 events scheduled in honor of this eclipse. john lyons with the tennessee brewhouse i know this is been a long time i know this is going to happen there's a lot of plated that goes into that. he talked to about that. it's been about 12 to 18 months of planning at this point it takes a village to make all this come together and were excited to have people coming to town
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it's been great to see rochester bustling the way it has been at the brewhouse tomorrow were expecting a lot of people we're going to have live music and a lot of fun in themed around the solar eclipse which is going to look very cosmic from outer space which is going to be a lot of good fun. >>hank you so much for joining us. tomorrow we can expect the crowds to set in and everyone crossing their fingers that we will see some action up in the sky. tammy: that is great there's going to be a special beer, that is great free day jerky. even if you are a long the path of totality, you can take part in the craze. this is all about the economy and spending your money there are a ton of eclipse theme deals included the total solar eclipse donuts and you can see there in the eclipse. this is really what are the good
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things. guy: we should go to tom first. tammy: your light shine so brightly. are you going to watch it now that you have those. tom: i have looked at the sun with these to make sure that they are valid in their great when you look at the sun you can see a little circle but these are so strong you cannot even see the bright lights in the studio. tammy: maybe don't look. tom: can you pass those down. tammy: those are fox printed. tom: "fox weather" branded. tammy: you just need to be "fox weather". i hope you have your glasses you're going to want to look up there. tammy: "fox & friends" on monday, you're doing it tomorrow? >> yes i'm posting it we will talk a lot about this. tammy: you are probably a little excited. molly: my brother is going to
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the saying, i have a cousin going to the saying, 4 million truck under people traveling to the path of totality and hotel prices niagara falls up to a 49% since we talk about money that is crazy, waco texas up 81%, there is a lot of money being spent. tammy: something we can all enjoy together doesn't matter about politics. your part of the planet because it's going to get dark and you get a laser something bigger than you. tammy: i know that's hard to grasp. >> you don't have to be in the path of totality, that is overrated. the whole fund is watching it go in front of the sun. when it is half way there it gets darker and darker. even the path of totality, it's only a fleeting moment, the whole fund is an experience. stay home, getting your lawn chair, put the glasses on and you have to wear the glasses,
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don't do this, don't squint, nothing works except the glasses. tammy: it can ruin your cameras phone. be careful. special coverage of america's total eclipse of the sun's total eclipse is tomorrow on fox news channel and fox news weather, get the app as well. our workaholics withdrawing from the workplace that is a question on the media's mind one blue state might have something to say about this as it looks to put managers on mute, that is next. ♪ i'm your overly competitive brother. and i'm ready for a rematch. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served.
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molly: welcome back to "the big weekend show". office compulsive workaholics are getting pushed out by the 501.crowds everywhere the live to work ethic over? >> if you do your job better you get points. >> 5000 points i will let you tattoo whatever you want on the old ss bernard.
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>> have you noticed a mood shi shift. >> i se sat next to the stanleyr years and this is not time. >> shall be the best numbers this place has ever seen. it took them one day. molly: now a democrat, guesswork wants to make a law to write to ignore after hours calls and e-mail from their bosses, california assemblyman offered the bill saying we are in constant competition for other states on texas and new york who are trying to woo california workers to their states the workers to disconnect will be a major benefit to our workforce and make the tech sector better able to compete for skilled workers as bloomberg puts it always on, always off, the era is over as workforce is big and small ditch business as s usual for worklife balance, this is the most california thing ever. >> i call him that complaining.
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he says it can help them compete in the tech sector but you're taking away the incentive, if they want to offer a parklike 5:01 a.m. done then you can half work, half at home then the company can do and attract the best people. how can they use that if he makes a law, i'm against the law but i'm for loping off on the job. it is great. >> is a wall street journal of the editorial board the california right to disconnect, haney hilariously claims of legislation will make california businesses more competitive for desperately needed workers in the california tech sector to compete for skilled workers for other states. has he been to silicon valley with 9 - 5 are far from the norm and you can wear them an additional benefit. we shall see. >> the great thing that we can find and land where you want to land and you can find your level
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based on if you want to surf all day and stay in the office, it's a matter of personal choice, all kinds of different things that you can do with this country this is the issue, government interfering once again, you are bound by these rules that make no sense and nobody trying to get this california workers. they are ready to way from california and landed in texas and do you think you could go there because they wanted 9 - 5 job, the get go there because they want a lot of money in a great job and a terrific future. >> engagement dipping down in 2020 with 36% going down to 32%. what do you think. >> if you want to do the 9 - 5 saying and slam your laptop close from friday evening until monday morning you can find a job where that is acceptable and figure out what is going to work for you and that will limit your career but at least you will
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prioritize time off and have the worklife balance. if you want to be a go-getter in america you should have the choice to go do that as well and the government should not impose rules on this kind of thing, figure out what's best for your life and make choices accordingly. >> my question was a lawsuit, how does this lead, were envisioning where this can go in the future, it also limits some people that want to work harder and get ahead. >> especially if there is a law could you see this being used by the person that wants to slack and then they're embarrassed by the person that doesn't. >> i heard a.i. is coming in and going to take half of our jobs, maybe we should wait. 24/7. tammy: maybe we can all learn french. molly: next up the big four in coming up tomorrow on "fox & friends", janice dean america's total solar eclipse live from the little rock zoo on "fox &
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friends". dvr the show if you cannot watch it. dvr the show if you cannot catch
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♪ ♪ we are back here to sign for the big four. pics for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. i will go first. so, more than a dozen pro-
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palestinian student protesters at pomona college are now facing suspension after storming the college president's office. here's talking to the protesters when they refuse to leave. >> the next 10 minutes every student in this building is immediately suspended from this institution if you are from pomona. if you are from elsewhere you mediate will be banned from this campus. >> and adults, thank god madame. guess what she was ignored by some of them, arrests and suspensions. more of this. >> listen to that lady. new jersey governor phil murphy is catching heat after not returning to his home state following the historic 4.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the northeast on friday. you've got to come home when there is an earthquake, governor britt this is what he posted on experts state emergency operations centers deactivated as of 10:00 a.m. today we have had no reports of major damage
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to structures, roadways or infrastructure as a result of yesterday's earthquake. but on a hard hat. pull the press conference tell everyone is going to be alright. but i cannot stand him and his dub jack-o'-lantern smelly jacke governor in america. if not for gaffe eat cap the vocal. players had quite a scare this morning the metal while cover of a boeing jet fell off during takeoff it was forced to return to denver international airport the plane was headed to houston, texas it landed safely in denver after about 35 minutes there's video of course. after it initially departed wild stuff according to fox 31 the fourth time a boeing plane had to divert to denver for issues so far this year. not great news for boeing it's based on a lot of skeptical issues right now. safety issues for taconic company. >> "new york times" is finally facing the facts op ed admits the liberals are not as happy as
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conservatives the left wing temperament despite nature unhappier than the moderate conservative alternatives the refusal of contentment is essential to radical politics for that is a lie they desired to take the givens of the world and make something better out of them is always going to be linked to less but lacked gratitude more of a discontented itch. that is a lie it's not don't believe it. >> that doesn't for us fantastic show everyone print thank you so much for joining us. we will see you next weekend as well. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ martha: i am dealing with a record breaking numbers of migrants. walking across the southern border and now increasingly coming in on commercia


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