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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  April 8, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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pointers monday night. >> i've had games 2-16 and i've been 9-15 like it all averages out. it was nice to have a game where i got some good looks at three for sure. >> clark led her team it a nail biting victory friday night an plays against south carolina this afternoon. >> yeah it is extraordinary that's great package that you put together for us looking at the history of all of that thank you howie. >> more attention than the men. >> that's extraordinary incredible story thanks for joining us today i'm marth ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark
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levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sen so send every two t guests tonight. we have pete and brent. before we get to our friends, i want to pick up where i left off last night and dig deeply with you. i hope you are sitting down. this is a tale of two democracies for the united states and israel. and one man who is seeking to destroy both of them. i know he is mediate to protect him and attack anyone who challenges him. but joe biden is a very diabolical evil politician who is trying to imprison donald trump and clear the political playing field for his reelection. he is trying to take out benjamin netanyahu remove that government and install a government that he and the democrat party want in the state of israel. joe biden is at war with two democracies. our country and israel and i'm d
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to prove it. how? first let's go through a little bit of history. joe biden is behind these investigations against donald trump. he is behind all of them. he sends signals and his staff sends a signal to staff has a meetings and conversations unfortunately the fulsome nature of this sort of tyranny that is taking place will not be known for years and years and years and maybe when we are all gone. when true historians and true turtles take a look. let's take a look right now. state of the union paired president joe biden reportedly pressured attorney general merrick garland in 2022 to prosecute former president donald trump. "new york times" report from april 2022 highlighted by its frustration with garland's approach is believed trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted. this is their theme all the time. he says that, his campaign says it, his political hacks and the
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media say because they want to influence the democrat judges, the democrat prosecutors in any future jury pool. it is a constant public campaign. the attorney general's deliberative approaches come to frustrate democratic allies of the white house and at times president biden himself with the "new york times." of course at the department of justice they all read the "new york times" rather than the bible and there it is. as recently as late last year mr. biden confided to his inner circle, this was in the times, that he believed former president donald trump is a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted according to two people familiar with his comments. while the present has never communicated his frustrations directly to mr. garland, he doesn't have too. the "new york times" will do for him. he said privately he wanted mr. garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor. he is willing to take decisive action over the events of generally six. from that point on, that article was published all kinds of things took place and were
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triggered. trump and insurrectionist? question biden i think it is self-evident biden said whether the 14th amendment applies. we will let the court make that decision he says. he is certainly supported an insurrection biden said no question about it. none, zero. there you go. talking points out to federal law enforcement. federal investigators and of course the american media. what about this one manhattan d.a. hires former d.o.j. official who previously investigated trump foundation. a wow, abc news manhattan district attorney alvin bragg announced his office has hired former addresses official as senior counsel. he served in the department of justice he is the associate general of united states. appointed and that slot by biden. soaring in the department of justice is part of the team and investigated trump foundation
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former charity. he also led the ny ag opposition so here the biden administration sent sends their hitman to help letitiletitia james in that outs case to the alvin bragg case. he is the elite prosecutor there as they have made by the way this judge in the case in the alvin bragg case is a disgrace making statements that are outrageous. his unconstitutional gag order to protect his daughter and other people. not from violence but from being exposed to. donald trump is a first amendment constitutional right to speak as a citizen. and even more so as he is running for president as a former president and everybody else is speaking against it.
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everyone else is making allegations. this judge whose daughter has raised over $90 million of the casie is seeing money that has been raised for adam schiff and chuck schumer's political action committee. he does not see conflict of interest. these judges in new york gotta be nuts a state of new york and get out of there. handling a federal insurrection case he's dumb as a doorknob democrat jury that hates donald trump that got the word from the immediamediate they know that tb is. it is to convicts that's t the whole goal here. with the immunity issue before the u.s. supreme court trump's lawyers said local state judge, judge let this immunity decision
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what's on the calendar? the election. we have two memos actually for memos from fort previous attorneys general. that warned prosecutors not to interfere with an election. by the way the case being brought in manhattan is almost identical to the case that was brought by jack smith you may have heard of him. that was the case against jon edwards. they tried to turn a perfectly legitimate donation to his campaign in which case that donation was used to keep his lover out of sight. they tried to turn that and rewrite the statute that was illegal campaign contribution that should have been reported a different way. the jury found six charges not
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guilty or a hung jury with one juror. the department of justice decided not to take that case. guess what the former biden employee at the department of justice who worke work for letia james and alvin bragg he is using the same case they figure it's a different jury they've got this thing elect. thirty-two or 34 counts they brought the figure all they need is one. let's talk about the georgia case. newsweek, their calls for the white house revealed details of 222 meetings there reportedly took place between its employees and nathan wade, remember him? he is or was a special prosecutor work in the fulton county district attorney patty willis georgia election interference case which was brought against trump and 18 other defendants the filing for michael roman, or the defendants' case included a bill sent from wade the fulton county d.a.'s office requesting two payments of $2000 for separate occasions under the project title anticorruption special
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prosecutor. the first on may 23, 2022 is labeled travel to athens conference with white house counsel for which wade charged $2000 for eight hours of work paid the bill read weight also had an interview d seat white house quote unquote on november 18, 2022 for which he also built $8000 at $250 an hour. that is a long meeting. two long meetings. invited lawyers, let's go on. that's going let's go on to jac. this guy is unconstitutionally appointed. who is not part of the federal government at the time. so merrick garland violates the appointments because of the constitution. because you have to go through a senate confirmation process it's different if you are u.s. attorney of articlto that process and of course he can delegate that authority to someone who's been confirmed by the senate. jack smith never has he is a rogue prosecutor. that ibird that isall he is them because he isn't out of control
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rogue prosecutor who leaks and leaks and leaks to his friendly media. here we have cases involving january 6 the ku klux klan act of 1871. i do not even think donald trump was around back then. that is not insurrection. then we have the enron obstruction case. there was eight statute passed because enron had destroyed a whole bunch of documents knowing they would eventually be subpoenaed by congress and the federal prosecutors. they pass a law to prevent it. that is a law they are using is donald trump about 500 of the generate six protest u.s. district judge charles nichols saw this. he said this is a stretch of the stretch of the law beyond the scope to inappropriately apply in these cases he ruled that a defendant must have taken quote is quoted from the law some action with respect to a document, record or other object that's a quote right on the statute. to obstruct an official proceeding under the law.
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we have three judge panel in washington d.c. that decide this applies to donald trump and these protesters who was on the panel? two biden appointees two out of three that's not too bad. one of them judge upon one of the most outrageous political hacks to ever wear black robe as a matter fact. that is saying something given the state of the judiciary today. what else happened? this prosecutor went to another obama judge in the district and insisted that lead lawyer handling donald trump's document case be forced to testify in front of his grand jury. weight that is attorney/client cheery dishes is a crime fraud exception and they had a secret hearing decide donald trump's lawyer had to testify for the prosecution in front of a grand jury and provide all of his notes. what you think of that, folks? the fact he brought an indictment and the documents case in washington d.c. but the case was in florida he said okay i've got the indictment now moved to florida i will get a
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rubber stamp indictment from another jury that never heard a single witness and testimony at nothing of the sort is trying to cut corners he demanded to the supreme court order a trial take place in front of another obama judge in washington d.c. the supreme court said on the immunity issue excuse me at the complex constitutional issue. you may want to get this done before the election he didn't put on breeding between the lines but we don't have to do that. we have the espionage case which is a joke. espionage? the law passed in 1917 is never been applied against the former president. it is not applied against hilary clinton the many excuses for her. it was thought of putting into certified imbecile joe biden who violated it ove over and over ar again. here is the evidence right here. look at this violated it when he was a senator he stole documents when he was a private citizen he stole documents. when he was vice preside vice ps documents and he conveyed the classified information to a ghostwriter because he was getting paid $8 million by a
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publisher which i say it means he sold classified information for $8 million. this is all going on today as they try to put donald trump in prison they don't care who doesn't multiple charges multiple outrageous chargers. multiple phony judges. democrat prosecutors essay their two countries involved. joe biden is trying to put donald trump in prison and his media are celebrating is also trying to destroy a government in israel simultaneously and take out benjamin netanyahu there's a p in j and s the war rages in the gaza strip more than israel, lebanon, the streets of israel cities iran's and many proxies maintain and ethically their operations against the jewish state. unmoved by the state of affair israel's far left is reinstating
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the antigovernment riots that occurred regularly for the first three quarters of 2023 she goes on later to be sure and was a number of reasons these are happening perhaps the main onese was revealed on march 17 right right leader the head writer and a whatsapp group chat with his colleagues the communication which he authenticated in an interview in chapter 14 verse reported on ex twitter by opposer who operates under the handle. stick with me. and that communication the head writer told his colleagues the white house was asking them to reinstate the riots. base of what he referred to as a conversation with his contacts in the white house i set out in granular detail the white house four-part plan to overthrow the netanyahu government. components of actions and use of the u.s. security council extortion of government ministries mass protests.
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he called his report an important update from the american administration predicts point in this update following an earlier text he set out on march 6 of the same topic. the american plan remains unchanged. the day after my publication abide administration announced the establishment american port in gaza that will seize from israel the ability to rule the strip. the port will be used initially to provide food. the central purpose of the port is to rebuild gossip for the purpose of the u.s. campaign for humanitarian aid he explained was twofold. under mundermined the control oe israeli forces in gaza blackmailing government ministers. while netanyahu cheap political driver was summoned to washington a few weeks ago he went they want to replace netanyahu. this guy the head writer said he was summoned to the nine states for a reprimand calm he was humiliated by the american said hair-raising things to him.
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the start of the where the americans demand to join the government he was their man the man that would ensure netanyahu and did not get set the world on fire. he came and blocked the war in lebanon promised he was going in for six weeks and then he and the protest groups would take the government apart. after six weeks he and dori promised promise by january 1 td deliver the goods and the final deadline the americans gave him was ramadan in other words overthrow netanyahu by ramadan. the ministration understood they cannot trust him. maybe he'll be a comfortable prime minister in the future but the americans seized full control over management of the war against netanyahu. guess what he announced last week in september he wants a new election resented the government. there are other articles on this by our friend joel pollock what is taking place. joe biden is trying to put donald trump in prison on multiple fronts.
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so he can win the presidency without a real challenge. and simultaneously he is trying to drive netanyahu from office he is involved in promoting a civil war in the state of israel. and now you can understand what he says the things he says speedway funds the organization he funds. evil, diabolical, joe biden destroying tdestroyed two democe same time. i will be right back
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than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. mark: welcome back america. i am a big big pete hegseth fan he's a great patriot and a hero, and smart. arthel: weekend hosts. iraq and afghan war veteran he is a brand-new book coming out in a few weeks the war of warriors behind the betrayal of the men to keep us free. very, very important when the book comes out i want to have him back. so pete, you heard might my mone as i understand it. my position is a joe biden is an evil mad. he's always been an evil man he started out supporting the confederates of the old south in segregation and racism and opposed public school
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immigration. he will write any wave to retain power. he wants to make sure the next election is not close so he is trying to put donald trump in prison or at least get him convicted so that becomes the issue. he keeps threatening donald trump's threatened democracy. it is joe biden who is destroying our republic. and destroying israel's democracy. what do you make of that? what's i agree completely a phenomenal set up. in revealing the way in which the white house is trying to manipulate against our allies you set it right. joe biden for his entire career he has ridden a wave he's not a talented guy. he does not have anything it is background that would suggest is a competent manager he's been wrong most everything especially foreign policy. the wave he rode into office was by making a deal with the far left lunatics. the godless left the pagan radicals who believe god is
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government. they can fundamentally transform this country. had to get rid of bernie sanders. even though he sold himself as a centrist he made a deal with bernie and the hamas caucus which is why you see his treatment of israel over a few votes in michigan. he made a deal with them and then ushered them to the white house for more years of effectively the entire staff of a barack obama who said he wanted to fundamentatally transform america. you have anti- american godless administrationonorships at the altar of climate change and believes international institutions should be in charge effectively of us. the result, as you talk about all the time is they do not believe in citizenship. they do not believe in borders. they don't believe in law and order put everything that is illegal in their minds to something they want to facilitate. they think is cynically it's all a pathway to more control for them. they believe that is more votes. look at the flood over the
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border the terrorist attacks how can we say how can this be happening in our country? the left to seize opportunities they see dreamer 3.0 four-point oh five-point oh political wedges and liabilities for conservatives for eons to come. and then they expect the press to cover for them which the press of course does. you hahave written a book on th. this is a spiritual battle by this is a battle of higher realms it's about people who believe in god, believe in our country print understand we are a constitutional republic with laws. versus people who believe god's government. do not believe there is a higher being think we are a democracy. you know this distinction very clearly, so do your viewers they don't. they want to bring racial back into american sister us and point us against each other this is a higher battle that donald trump has engaged in.
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you see it almost every issue we talk about. mark: well said the media are so corrupt they are contributors to this. i was top and the other day about the democrat party seeks monopoly power like all autocrat parties do. that's why want to change the voting system is going to have waves and waves of amnesty and then take credit for it all. they believe they are importing democrats. that is why they hate separation of powers so joe biden rules by executive order over and over and over again he's been urged to do it more so by sanders, warren, the other marxists. that is why they only like judges who do their bidding, not judges who actually judge. the florida judge in a case involving the documents case was calling it straight and acting like a real l judge who is very careful about what she says she is now under attack by the democrat party media and the democrat party are trying to intimidate and threaten her and also to send a message to the
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supreme court. going to ask about this. we have this judge reggie is a district court judge has been around a very long time. too long it's quite obvious at this point. his trash is donald trump because he said donald trump is threatening violence against this clown judge. donald trump did not threaten violence against anybody. now chuck schumer did he threaten to supreme court justices. he said there's going to be a whirlwind and you are going to pay a price. i do not remember this judge leaving the bench, calling cnn, showing up in a word about violence as a result of that. do not member this judge waring about violence against supreme court justices after the dobbs decisions wit when their homes e being threatened and not a single one of them was arrested under federal law. what do you make of the judiciary today? what's what they decide it is it what is legal or illegal looking at the law they decided what is
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good and who is good and who gets to benefit. in this particular case and every scenario they will bend and contort to go after the primary threat not just political opponent but primary opponent to everything they cling to which is power and control the man willing to expose the underbelly of who they are and what they represent the man willing to call them the names they know they are or they are unwilling to admit that no one else will say. mark, you know it is not a justice system. it feels like a banana republic i know i would not be treated the same way a democrat will be treated you would not be. donald trump has not been and that most of the very fabric of our republic and our nation is a very dangerous moment. what's with these judges and justices think if you do not respect the rule of law the constitution of the united
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states especially the bill of rights, due process and all the rest of it there's absolutely no reason for america to respect any of you be just because you say something does not make it right. it is not based on our constitution and a rule of law. you are nothing more than another person wearing a robe, walking around in a nursing home. we will be right
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safety. i am jon scott back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪.
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mark: welcome back. pete hegseth has a great book coming out in a few weeks. the betrayal on the menu keep us free. we'll have a back to discuss it fully. now pete hegseth would he think of the republican party look at the senate headed by mitch mcconnell. but the republican senate but for a relative handful of republican senators seems completely useless. they had a filibuster they had powers are public because of the house do not have. they refused to use it. whether it is his spending, whether it's the border, whether it's defending the state of israel i see nothing going on in the u.s. senate to stand up against biden and blinken. what is going on with the republicans? the only time we hear them speak ias many are trashing donald trump. quick senate republicans are part of the captured class. they're part of the unit party. not all of them there are a few
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good ones you have them on your show we know who they are. but otherwise they are far more happy dealing with democrats and running up the national debt and playing inside the beltway games then they are putting the country first and putting a stake in the ground for what they believe in. a lot of these folks or compromise one way or the other. by lobbyists, by other countries by special interest, by their donors, by people that tell them which way they need to maneuver to stay relevant. and as a result they do not put the country first. this is donald trump's republican party buried there is no other way to put it. there is no other way to see it. there's no way the way to legislate on it. his priorities he is running out right now as the third time being the republican nominee are a reflection of what grassrootss republicans and conservatives believe. what we know in our heart. this is not a flirtation or a moment or a flourish or a rebellion this is the core of what the republican party
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represents. the belief in strong borders. the belief in a law and order. the belief in winning the war and not fighting them endlessly you can go on and on and on with all the basics. somehow washington d.c. cannot get that message. somehow congressional leaders do not understand. mark: it's very interesting, maga republicans they never say what mega wrist and support. make america great again. it is so extreme, that is so radical, make america great again. because they don't love america. when you look at the democrat party you look at schumer, you look at hakeem jeffries, you look at all of these people exactly what is it about america that they love? they love our constitution? no do the liver history? know the borders wide open. did love our economic system was most prosperous in the face of the earth they spent every day trying to destroy. they do not even like the combustion while they do not like progress, industrial
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progress the inventiveness of the american people so what is that these people like about america? i do not know. what i know they love is control and power. they will drive every grievance a possible to get it. meritocracy's are not allowed to survive. that's part of the reason i wrote this book over and talk about it later the war on warriors. the pentagon had to be captured. had to be too much meritocracy. you cannot have a bunch of normal men out there training to defeat enemies and coming home and voting accordingly based on their love of country and their understanding of their relationship with god. no we had to take that back to were going to crush the generals with political prerogatives and social justice nonsense that makes us worse because it is about control. they do not love freedom for they do not love the declaration for they do not love the constitution for they do not love the bill of rights for they do not love capitalism, freedom, you cannot control freedom. free people are pesky, difficult
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it is not fit into the boxes of their spreadsheets and the way in which governments can control. you member at the life of juliet that is the life they see. we are going to tell you what you're supposed to live and how you are supposed to operate. that is their view. mark: if you want to fundamentally transform something you cannot love it. he went to fundamentally transform your wife, your husband that's a very bizarre statement. i am sick and tired of the democrats using the flag to destroy the flag produced in the constitution to destroy the constitution. using liberty to destroy liberty and then accuse others who are trying to stand up to them doing exactly that. pete hegseth thank you for your past service in your present service and god bless you my friend.
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mark: welcome back america. it's always great to have our
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buddy brent bozell research founder president. he is extraordinary and how he monitors what are corrupt media do and he knows has been corrupt for decades it's but he's been on top of for decades. brent bozell, we see this war between good and evil in the middle east. the israelis are good and their enemies are evil part is that simple. we see sympathy in our media is the democrat party are attached at the hip. literally for the terrace and the terrorist organization for they do not pursue the funding of iran, that funding of hamas. by the biden administration they have no interest in that whatsoever. in fact they use the spoon fed hamas nazi statistics to try to undermine israel in this war. what do you make of this? >> you have got two kinds of news out there. one is hard news which is the news of the moment. the other one is investigative journalism. in hard news there was once a
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rule that said you needed to sources to confirm any allegation that was made out there for tw two independent so. next time you look at a story dealing with the war with israel, look at the death count put forward. whatever that number is, at the very end the news reporter might say if anything at all will save these numbers are not independently verified. this is because these numbers are coming from hamas. once upon a time with the news animmediate were doing their job they would have said when the plo and hamas came out with these numbers they would say thank you palestinian authority we cannot confirm what you are saying we are not going to report it at all. now they reported as news that is the huge difference. on investigative journalism,
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what investigative journalism? there is no investigative journalism on hamas. none whatsoever. if you were to cover this, how about this. look at google as a prime example of this. we asked bard which was the google artificial intelligence service that they had after october 7. we asked them to identify the ira a terrorist organization they say. to identify and blm terrorist organization they said. hamas, they did not know. we asked bard what was the capitol of england? london propose a capitol of thef france? paris was a capitol of four countries bordering israel? they named them. what's the capitol of israel? they did not know. on and on it goes. when you have got a mediate
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whether it's the news media or social media or digital media with every opportunity they have this as a media that once upon a time when somebody says something those anti-semitic they jumped all over them. ironically they are all anti-semitic now and thu that'se world we live in. mark: there all anti-semitic now. are we talking about basically political rockets here? the white house the democrat party takes a position. the media point in that direction they kick their feet in the water and basically they take their orders from the democrat party in the biden administration. for they give the orders to the democrat party and the biden administration. we have basically a monopoly party in a monopoly press isn't that the definition of tyranny?
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>> once upon a time george mcgovern was far left in 1972. was a radical left for his time. you never called him anti- american. ted kennedy far left never called him anti- american because they had a version of america that was different. today's immediate are anti- american. with no problem whatsoever. the destruction of the judeo-christian tradition and the united states. they are dangerous. they are very, very dangerous this is not news to be its tip of the spear for
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mark: welcome back america. mrc president and founder brent bozell. the way the media covers the legal cases that are swelling around donald trump, every single one of them brought by democrat prosecutor all but one judges seems absolutely left wing outrageous, predictable in the rulings. the way the media covered this as they bring in these so-called legal analysts. radical leftists some of them
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formal former political prosecutors who are not out of the closet has left us. what do you make of the media's coverage of the biden's war on donald trump? >> it is interesting. over a four year period we look at that media's coverage of donald trump when he was president. and found on average every month it was a 90% and negative coverage they gave. no matter what his successes and his success as you cannot argue his successes. but they just did not cover them. so we started doing it again. and february the number has gone down. it is now 89% negative from a 90%. what are they covering? they are covering exactly what joe biden once covered. they want his trials covered. they went 91 felony counts covered. they are covered and slanted against him. this is exactly wit what the bin campaign once you've got to
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cover the issues. if you are going to cover the issues you are going to look at inflation. you're going to look at interest rates it. you're going to look at the border. that is out of control. you're going going to look at tn cities where crime is running rampant. you're going to look at those issues and every single time they fall in favor of donald trump. so this is the playbook the left had. it is with the biden campaign and it is with the news media to do nothing but focus on trials and legal woes and do it from a negative perspective. you cannot argue that i was i just gave you 89%. mark: brent bozell the effort to put donald trump into hitler they take words he uses out of context and three days escort stories on and look on the internet it's like every news organization says the same thing. he is is perfectly legitimate words they take it out of context purposely. they want him to be portrayed as a dictator they refer to him as
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hitler. he did the same thing to barry goldwater. they did the same thing to richard nixon they did the same thing to ronald reagan. they do not want to really run against an opponent they want to delegitimize a character assassinate their opponent is that what you see? >> it yes. the most recent one is anti- democracy. worded that word come from? this is a talking point i think it came out of the biden administration. now everybody on the left is using it. if you elected donald trump you will have the end of democracy as we know it. this is the height of hypocrisy. this is eight news media if i can go over too ronna mcdaniel. it will put into perspective for the part of her msnbc was not because she was a republican. they've got plenty of republicans on their liberal
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republicans. it was not because she was a conservative it. she is not a conservative. it was about one thing. it is not about election denying. they have nothing but left wing election deniers. going back to a 2020 when hilary clinton. 2006 he met hakeem jeffries. and abrams we are talking about russian collusion. 2008 and in 2000 and it was the gore/bush campaign. election interference -- election denying is not the issue. the issue is she defended donald trump. they will not allow it that voice on that network. what does that mean? 51%, 52%, whatever the number is to support donald trump do not allow it to have heard. so how in the world can they pass judgment on donald trump being antidemocracy everything in the power to influence and change the election outcome in
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america. cookson brilliantly put. this is the administration known for censorship to courts and found it outrageous. we have not seen anything like this and woodrow wilson but again woodrow wilson and joe biden have something in common. they both started out as racist segregation. i want to thank you for all the great work that you do that that mediate research center my friend, take care of
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the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and >> welcome back america, this is the united states constitution the democrat party and the media despise and wave it around as they try to destroy it, you heard about the fifth amendment and i want to read you a segment out of the fifth amendment no person shall be deprived of life liberty or property without due process of the law. i think we need to amend that don't you know person should be
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denied life liberty or property without due process of law unless his name is donald trump. because the full power of the federal government the full police power of the federal government the full power of the federal and state local judiciary the full power of the so-called department of justice and the prosecutor of their investigators in the full power of the invisible hand the svengali behind it all, joe biden who knows how to work the levers of power she's been there for 50 years are aimed at destroying one man, donald trump, here's the problem, you have to come to 70 million of us to get there i will see you next time on "life libert ♪ ♪nd >> trey: good evening, and thank you for joining us. i'm trey gowdy and it is "sunday night in america


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