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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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and then it'll be total. in the zone a totality which will be amazing. >> reporter: this is cnn. this thing was one of the most underwhelming events. all we had new orleans was cloud cover. i've seen approaching hurricanes that were darker, would you do? >> laura: i was outside gardening as i am when i'm not working. and my dogs are outside. and they put classes on them. i'm not sure if they like it so much. >> reporter: that sounds thrilling. >> laura: so he doesn't like it. she's always cockeyed. even the glasses were cockeyed in and did not like hers at al >> reporter: maybe she stared into her sonon, that will hurt you. >> laura: up next, jesse. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime tonight. [ ♪♪ ] trump and biden. day and night. >> plate save don't be silly.
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>> welcome to 2024 cmt award. >> jesse: country music takeover. >> working a party, let's go. >> jesse: ted is here. >> [ bleep ] is hitler. >> i know what mental illness looks like. >> jesse: get it together people. >> you will bow down. >> jesse: plus... >> stop [ bleep ] play. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: did you see it? did you stare at it? did your eyes hurt? mind do. >> there goes. [ cheering ] look at this. look at this! >> that crowd is willing it. [ cheering ]
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i will take it. look at it! [ shouting ] i can see the diamond ring. yes! >> jesse: not only to solar eclipses stop news, they stop wars. over 2000 years ago in ancient greece, and eclipse stopped a six-year war between the lydians, a peace treaty was quickly signed. humans have always seen solar eclipses as bad omens. the inca civilization, sun worshipers believe eclipses where the wrath of god. so to appease him you casting, human sacrifice. some native american tribes believe that the sun burned into earth and seeking revenge the dwarf ensnared the sun and only a mouse was able to nibble through the ropes and release it back on its path.
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hindu mythology taught us that a cunning demand disguising women's clothing invaded a banquet to drink the nectar of the gods for quest of immortality but was caught and beheaded. in the decapitated demon head would float across the sky and steer the sun. ancient chinese blue celestial dragons were devouring the sun. so to save it they bang drums and created a ruckus to scare the dragon away. >> the ancient chinese believe that dragons were eating the sun and the only way to stop it was to yell at it. have added. stop [ bleep ] playing. >> jesse: millions of americans grab their silly glasses, left work and stared at the sky. >> it's gonna be amazing. and this is the best idea or the worst idea. >> set aside all journalist credibility. >> this is what's gonna happen if i can reenact, the moon we'll be going in front of the sun,
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and that is a partial, i think we have a full eclipse there. >> jesse: once the moon passes the sun, everything goes back to normal and it always does and it always will. asked donald trump. the last time we experience in eclipse the president stared right into it and then it was over. and he was fine and so are we. some thanks have changed. >> folks enjoy the eclipse. play it safe. don't be silly. >> jesse: finding doesn't you to see what's coming. i want you to forget what happens next. [ ♪♪ ] 's. [ ♪♪ ] [ cheering ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: the trump eclipse, a bad omen for democrats. a mythical dragon devouring their powers so they banged the dictator on day one drums and raise hell. and if that does not work, only human sacrifice will save them. but good luck finding virgins in dc. heavenly about -- bodies are lining. former president hosting a golf tournament at his miami club. the games biggest names all they are. the night before trump raised over $50 million, beach fundraiser shattering joe biden's 25 million record hole
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and he did not need help from other presidents and -- >> people wanting change. rich people want to, people wanted, everybody wants change the country's doing poorly. we're laughing stock all over the world and look at that change quickly. we'll make america great again, everybody knows it. the election is gonna be a little more then six months and it's gonna be the most important election we've ever had. >> jesse: trump is going to have plenty of money twin. the court cases are backfiring any speaking with nuance about abortion, imagine that. trump nuance. and he is ahead in every battleground. democrats know it's coming and they see it as a sign of the apocalypse. just like ancient cultures due to the moon that you're screaming take trump go away. >> he will punish everybody did that did not vote him. let me tell you how i know this [ bleep ]. i know it because i know what mental illness looks like.
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that mania is unstoppable. this [ bleep ] is hitler. >> jesse: democrats that you need to do more then scream. because just like they thought the moon would never leave they say trump is going to stay for life. >> you hear about trump saying he's gonna be a dictator for a day which is not gonna before david happens. could be for the rest of our lifetime and our children's and more. >> jesse: just like what happens after every eclipse, everybody knows trump is going to leave off is just like he did the last time. but just like bh and, in order to restore order to the universe liberals dance and pray for power back. >> yes, pennsylvania! [ cheering ] you have to get out and register to vote. and you have to vote for biden! [ cheering ] because that other guy, the
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orange man, like this, he's going to take away your social security. >> he's bad. >> and he's gonna take away your healthcare. >> jesse: democrats are using every ritual, bribing voters, hoaxes, arrests and the biden campaign is going door-to-door to different ethnic groups and offering food to the demographic gods as a form of atonement. earlier biden showed up to black families home to eat fried chicken, they talked about basketball in bullets. and this weekend biden went italian. >> this is what happen when the president and first lady came to our house for pizza. here is betsy hamming it up with the president. >> you did awesome last nights. >> president joe biden: god love you. >> doctor budden went there classic margarita, well done.
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>> i may be irish but i'm not stupid. sicilian. >> jesse: what's next? taco to stay with hispanics? hold all night in michigan? these food offerings are not gonna stop what's coming. from now until november people are going to scream in tell you something horrible could happen. to have to sacrifice your paycheck and you're seeking to stop it. but be smart. the greek philosopher was the first human to predict a solar eclipse. he was considered the first scientist so be a political scientist, you also know what's coming. don't be an ignorant villager. let's bring owner of the jets. woody, you were at the big 50 million-dollar palm beach fundraiser for donald trump. what was it like?
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>> well, it was a trump it clips, i guess by your monologue. it was unbelievable. i've been going to these things since reagan, never see the thing like it. everybody's back $59, as you said, twice with biden and clinton and obama raised together. very enthusiastic people, 100 people at that dinner, a little over a very appreciative of what trump and his family are giving up to do this, to save america make america great again. so the good news is, you raised 50 million, just a start, all these people are fired up in the second, small and medium-sized owner came out with a huge huge 50 million, another 50. so that's a couple million, pretty good. >> jesse: pretty good and blows away the biden record, not
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even close. you always hear about what joe biden tells donors at these events. he goes off script, former president donald trump and tell donors different than what he tells the public, what did he say to you at this fundraiser? >> i think it was one of the best of speeches can get better and better. but he really was was very relaxed this kind of describe what you want to do and the dire things that the countries in with inflation in no rule of law, importer, what's going on in the middle east in europe. and all of this tremendous inflation, gas prices are unattainable for a lot of people. and he has a solution and he's done it before and i think you'll be even better, a lot better because he really knows what he's doing now. people to get inflation down, gas prices down. you close the border, you'll
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make good deals with china and north korea and some of the adversaries in iran and israel and so on. and i think the world will be a safer and better place, less crime, he's extremely compassionate people don't know that, he's extremely funny, i think people are starting to appreciate his since of humour and he just impressed all of us once again and i think, the overwhelming thought was that this is just the beginning for us, everybody was ready to step up hard but it was really an appreciation. >> jesse: it's good to hear the party is coming together and coalescing after a lot of the division that we've seen over the last couple years. we've had an earthquake, we've now had a solar eclipse. and you're starting quarterback
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almost what a vice presidential candidate. what is going on, what is happening right now? >> he is getting back to football 100 percent, he never left. but that was a momentary distraction, going in the dark whatever. but he's back 100 think a great leader, tell the receivers, you count to 10 hold your hands up and look around, the bowl be there. so he's gonna be really good, if we can keep them on his feet which i think we can, it's gonna be an exciting start this season. >> jesse: we have to say the jets, save rogers, save america. >> save the country. and you're doing a great job, congratulations on your numbers, the really good. >> jesse: we appreciated and president trump's numbers also pretty good. thank you so much. >> take care. >> jesse: diddy, volcanoes and
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abortion. i had on prime time. [ ♪♪ ] not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: two years ago the supreme court overturned roe v wade, sending the issue of abortion back to the states. then the red wave did not realize how powerful the abortion issue was. and continues to be. since then the democrats have been running hard on abortion, it's a major pillar of the biden reelection campaign. kamala harris even did a campaign event at a planned parenthood. first-time anything like that has ever happened. democrats telling voters if trump is elected kill enact a federal abortion ban. where is the public actually stands, large majorities of
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democrats and independents are strongly against a federal ban. they want legal abortion nationwide. 42 percent of republicans agree. so whether you like it or not a majority of americans think abortion should be illegal. the issue is is that what steed should it become legal. around two thirds of us feel that abortion should be legal in the first trimester. that is 12 weeks. once and get into the second trimester anything past 12 weeks people's opinions change. a majority think of second trimester abortions should be illegal. and then in the third trimester nearly everybody thinks that it should be banned. therefore, i'm only speaking about this politically. estate that allows abortion and the first three months of pregnancy, that is where the american people are. anything more restrictive than that is politically challenging, i'll say for republicans.
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which is why democrats are trying to frame donald trump is a federal abortion. but this morning she came out against the federal abortion ban, watch. >> my view is that now we have a brochure where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint is -- the state will determine five by vote for legislation and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. at the end of the day this is all about the will of the people, this fifty-year battle over roe v wade took it out of the federal hands and brought it in to the hearts and minds and vote of the people in each state, you must follow your heart on this issue but remember you must win elections to restore the culture and in fact to save our country which is currently in very sadly a nation in decline. >> jesse: a biden campaign responded that donald trump supports extreme vans without exceptions, another hoax that we expect. but politically abortion is a
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thorny issue, strong feelings on both sides. the former president posting this later. we cannot let our country suffer any further damage by losing elections on an issue that should always have been decided by the states. and i will be. trump is asking republican politicians to follow their hearts which show wisdom, the country cannot state publicans lose power over the abortion issue. south dakota governor joins me now. governor your reaction to donald trump statement on abortion? >> the president is right, in his thoughts and his heart is with women in crisis that are feasibly situations with precious babies. and then roe v wade gained this right back to the state and that's exactly where it should be, every state will look different, we may hold personal beliefs, i'm pro-life. but every state will look different and it is about the
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will of the people. never seen the federal government come in on a tough issue and offer a solution and fix it, in fact the reality of the federal bill passing through the senate and through the house just is not there so why are we talking about it, people have more of an input in more of a way to frame their state laws and what it looks like in their state with their legislators that are their neighbours and business men and women and talk to them and have that conversation and that is exactly what president trump was saying. >> jesse: do you believe that republican governors that are pushing for six week abortion bans to have that be on the pallet this election is politically risky for republicans? >> i think we've shown that in many swing states that those over 80 percent of the women in those states are more then a single issue voter, we should be talking to them about the issues that they care about as well as the border and gas prices,
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economy how they're taking care of their kids. these governors, we have opinions and we all have personal beliefs and values but the will of our people in our state decides with the law is. i don't get to be a dictator. and no other governor gets to as well, we can voice our opinions and at the end the day the people should decide. that's what i would encourage republican governors to do is to listen, talk to their people and recognize that democrats are the extremist on this. that overwhelmingly the vast majority in the swing state, these democrats and those that are the single issue voters want abortion until that baby is born and may be after that babies born. why don't we just talk about loving people, what about taking care of people that are in crisis and giving the resource of information t that they need and when the hearts and minds of people instead of constantly just picking fights and arguing and talking about a federal ban that is never gonna have. >> jesse: the media does have a way of getting in there and dividing this country, we saw yesterday, ncaa women
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championship south carolina coach, she was asked about whether men should play women's college basketball. here's what she said. >> i'm wondering if you tell me your position on that issue? >> dam, you got deep on me there. i'm on the i'm on the opinion of if you are a woman you should play. if you consider yourself a woman and you want to play sports you should be able to play. that's my opinion. >> jesse: if you consider yourself a woman you should be able to play.
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>> it was hard watching that press conference because she was just so wrong. and should not have this battle yet and winsport, we see in other sports but in women's basketball she's not have to face that. and she can have that opinion but as soon as men start stepping on that cordial change her mind quickly. jewels the opportunities gone for young women. scholarships gone for young women. i was super impressed with her after the game, she talked about uncommon fever from the lord and how she talked about her faith, and her team was incredibly disciplined, i was impressed with her defence and how their offence of boards were amazing, i think she's a good coach, she just obviously was put in a press conference before big game and asked a question that she got wrong. because there should never be men playing in women's sports and if a man shows up, let's say them and stained from college want to play her girls and women i wonder how she would like that game and how that would result. and for any other sweet 16 team playing her team, how she would feel about that if that was a
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fair game. so it's just our physical bodies are different, are gifts and talents are different, women's sports was created for women to have opportunities and have success and to build confidence and to go on and do bigger and better things. she was wrong. >> jesse: well said. we will see what we can do with her. i'll talk to her. >> you do that. >> jesse: thank you so much. johnny sees the eclipse. >> i can't see nothing. >> you're not supposed to be looking without protection. >> i don't see nothing. [ ♪♪ ] roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! your yard is your sanctuary. where you should feel free. i know... i was talking about the dogs. they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass.
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>> jesse: the entire biden images region is it a mirage, we're paying more for everything but they tell us inflation is down. they tell us the economy is great but the jobs go to migrants. biden's flying migrants into our airport so they can tell us border crossings are down. and now they say that there's no
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crime wave but do you feel safe? warning the videos were about to show you our graphic. in arizona cops were calalled ta hotel because a guy was swinging around a samurai sword. >> were you doing? >> i'm taxing -- practising with the katana. >> are you not able to do that in the comfort of your room? leave it there don't do it. i'm telling you right now. dull [ bleep ] >> jesse: in la guy was for a dui, cops bronze the hospital and then he started biting. >> stop trying to bite me what is your problem? >> helpmeet expo. >> watch your hand. >> relax.
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>> watch out. >> jesse: in your costs responding to an assault an apartment building when they tried arresting the suspect. he grabbed the cop's gun and shot two officers. >> i got you. [ bleep ] watch out expo -- watch out expo -- watch out expo
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>> jesse: crimes everywhere why did they say crimes down? >> a report for the fbi shows that there was a 13 percent decline in murder. >> despite what the data shows we've been talking about, the fact that crime is going down in most places is not registering with the public. >> i can walk my dog through the capital in a way that you cannot do when you got here. >> jesse: i'm glad he can walk his dog why should we believe the fbi turns out we shouldn't. the washington examiner did some digging and discovered that the fbi's been cooking the books. did you know about half the country doesn't send their crime stats to the fbi? so the fbi just estimates the number of crimes? and then they estimate in the wrong direction. murders are actually 23 percent across 70 cities since 2019.
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in milwaukee, the fbi reported a 13 percent drop in robberies milwaukee police reported a 7 percent increase, the biden administration is using enron style accounting to cook the books on everything from crime, border, economy. and in the media reporters they just regurgitate the propaganda and they wonder why the country is soured and we don't trust them in trump is wending. paul's an attorney and former nypd inspector. how regis is this fbi crime book cooking? >> it's pretty bad. you only have about 63 percent of the country that's even covered by these numbers. and what the media does is that they find some point that works for them, they hammer it and hemorrhage. you know how this works. he goes to all the proxies and they lead with that story and hope that everybody's eyes glaze over and numbers are numbers and nobody cares. but truth of the matter is i
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think this is good for the right and good for donald trump because nobody believes it. and as they continued to hammer this point, people know what they see in here, and the reality is as you point out, since 2019 we are up, if you take the murder number which generally the anise like to use the metric we are all that are highest number for last year in aggregate murder number since 1996. and that is because 1996 is no coincidence is when broken windows policing really begin to take hold, rev about 12 percent since joy biden took office. people point to covid-19. we are in a post covid-19 era, we have to deal with reality as it is on the ground, new york city similar metric going on, other prosecutors were up a full third in major felonies since 2019. that is reality and people know it in the not buying that storyline. >> jesse: it's good politically for republicans and bad for the country. do you think that the media
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knows what they are doing? >> of course. i think there's enough counter reporting going out there so they know, if we actually look at what's taking place since joe biden took office, we're not going to have a great storyline that we want, siliceous take what we know works for us and we're gonna go at that. >> jesse: it's all a storyline. >> the video, that's a key point and you went to it, every days -- these days everything is televised, it's hard to change that reality. >> that is a graphic footage, will break free from these officers, think you so much. ted joints primetime next. [ ♪♪ ] start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ooo, that looks complicated. that's why visionworks organizes our frames
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: being a rock star takes more then talent, it takes controversy. ozzy osbourne cross-dressed in your needed. axel rose started a ride at a concert and then caught giggling in the backseat of a cop card. keith moon strips nude and then drove his oldsmobile into a tell pool, chipped his tooth in on to jail didn't -- did not mean
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novocain and went to the dentist was that drunk. when i found out morgan wallen got arrested for throwing a chair off a rooftop bar, i thought, kind have a long way to go. i'm going to a morgan wallen concert in may so i hope he keeps his nose clean until then. he needs to get together. i don't know what's happened to me. but i watch the country music awards last night. and i have to say i thought it was refreshing. it wasn't like other ward shows, it was authentic, patriotic and i don't even know who the host was but she crushed it. >> i'm so happy to be hosting the show again this year, when cmt called as they would you host for the fourth you're in a row, there is only one appropriate response and it was yes, sure. okay. >> jesse: kelsey, casey, i
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don't know. and then i found about lanie wilson. [ ♪♪ ] i'm from philly and i'm starting to like country music. non. the whole award show was a moving ceremony, most of it dedicated to the late country legend toby keith. >> real quick, get them out. repeat after me everybody at home raise your fist if you don't have a solo cup. let toby hear you. repeat after me, whiskey for my men and be year for my horses. let's go! [ cheering ] >> jesse: it was reminder that
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this country still has class. listen to the acceptance speeches. >> i guess first things first, god is good all the time, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheering ] >> my very first award and award in general, think you so much. [ cheering ] thank you lord, think you lord. >> a moment i want to take to thank the fans for everything they have done for me and thank god, i think my beautiful wife and my daughter at home. >> jesse: rock icon and american sporting legend ted nugent joins us now. 10, will you see morgan wallen get arrested -- [ laughter ] we have to go hunting together. >> i got it together and getting it together, jesse. >> jesse: not a lot of people do. and that's the point. when you see morgan who needs -- to get it together short throwing chairs off of rooftop bars and getting arrested.
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i'm sure you've had some trouble in your time, how do you see that kind of behaviour? >> number 1 i've been clean and sober for 75 years hence the mystical flight of the arrow i approach life as a martial arts, are trainable my heart and soul in being the best i can be. that's why i sold 40 million records and that's why toby keith and i connected and what you are acknowledging is that the music industry, especially country artists, toby said i'm more country than all the other country artist because of a ranch from a former, hunter, fisherman, trapper, sheriff deputy, and i believe in god, family, constitution, bill of rights, 10 commandments, along in order in that manner the arena work and it helps you get it together and me get it together and me get together. and i would recommend that that young man that got arrested to get clean and sober immediately. because god gave us this precious gift of life and the only way to show appreciation and accountability is to treat your sacred temple and you're
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spirit as a gift from god. and that's what i've done for the last 75 years that's why i'm still going out, i'm not gonna to her again because hotels are like jail but i'm still doing ted nugent speakeasies and taxes and still rocking out. but those are great people and it's good that you could knowledge that because there's some great people in that industry that are epitomized by the great keith, a dear dear friend of mine that stood up for god, family, country and hunting buddy of mine. so i know these people intimately. >> jesse: it's new to me, i sea to sky bailey zimmerman performing and i grew up on hip-hop, classic rock for the grateful dead, my parents are democrats. i listen to all kinds of music but just never given an opportunity to enjoy country music. of its dena perino or what's going on, but i'm going to a morgan wallen concert and loving these guys. i'm loving it. >> like to think of the best country music best music, my music i have a record called
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detroit muscle with the song called american campfire. hunting lifestyle is like for what we'd country music, ranching, the great outdoors, conservation, god, family, country, the important stuff. i have to tell you. if you listen to too much hip-hop and rap, i can fix that. i can help you with ted nugent rhythm and blues rock 'n' roll. i am the best bands in the world. but toby keith and his incredible band, guitar player that you saw last night at the awards. those are honest to god world class of virtuosos. and i had the honour and privilege and excitement to jam with those guys. i'm doing a special event with big and rich and all these country bands, those players, toby's guitar player, richie's one of the greatest guitar players in the world and make a problem with country music is that they do not put our volume work properly within the context of that music.
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here's a tip for country music people. turn up the damn guitar, would you. >> jesse: i saw roger clemens almost crying. this guy throws fastballs you don't charge the mound with rogers on the mount, this guy's a tough as nails. and he was crying. this award show touched me. it touched me. >> a lot of heart and soul. the little too much cartooning type of pop music for my taste. i like more bold, from detroit, motown funk brothers and are those artists. what you saw spirit there listening and i salute them all especially the tears that are because we lost a great toby keith, everybody cry. a salute everybody there who represented that agreement. sammy did a great job inserting books and. >> jesse: pulled back when we're talking beautiful weapon. we'll go to tease, ted nugent
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everybody. taking us to commercial break. [ ♪♪ ] >> the mystical flight of the arrow. >> jesse: there you go. he's gonna see the eclipse. >> the greek said eclipse meant god was mad at us and sending down misery. what you think we did? >> we elected biden. [ ♪♪ ] the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over...
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alerted, and aslan the cocaine are opting after a crater cracked and unleashed a massive flow of love obinma shortly after the initial rush in the greater collapse on itself and is causing even more lover to start flowing immigrant know it is imposed any immediate danger but as the potential to reach a major road. if the situation worse since. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: everybody in new york city was outside today
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staring at the stand to look at the eclipse vaughan there were people out gathering, blurring all around so we sent johnny in with some production. ♪ ♪ >> joe biden wants to wear protection, why aren't you wearing any? >> i don't give a [bleep]! >> is about to get real doc -- back up in here. >> i'm excited what. >> are you going to do when their cup happens? >> hang out with my friends. >> is going to get dark over here, my bad. >> mr. trump: don't turn the lights on. >> what happens during an eclipse? >> the earth rotates around the sun "it's not like a failed science. >> the moon crosses between the sun and us. >> i just know the sun and the moon go over each other. >> you got the earth, then you got the sun and here comes the moon. >> there you go. >> when the sun and moon love each other. >> that what happens? >> then they -- >> the levees the baby.
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[ singing ] ♪ ♪ >> earthquakes eclipse is. what is the world trying to tell us? >> she's telling us -- the earth to try to tell us to get it together. don't get back with your ex. >> something is going on. aliens, zombie apocalypse. ♪ ♪ >> looks like we're almost there. ♪ ♪ the ancient greeks believed that an eclipse meant that god was angry at us and he was sending down misery. what do you think we did down here? >> what didn't we do? do you see this place? it's a mess. >> nothing to fear. >> we haven't really taken care of the planet. >> humans are pretty stupid. >> we elected biden. >> we did it, joe.
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>> but the ancient chinese believe that a dragon was eating the sun during the eclipse and the only way to save the sun was to yell and scream at. have added. [ screaming ] [bleep] >> president biden: stop at. stop at passed topic, stop at. >> what are we looking at? >> the eclipse. >> i'm concerned my what can be stored at any moment given how intense i am reticent. >> make me feel so vulnerable. >> whether they look like? >> looks like a fortune cookie right now. >> what do you see up there? don't look. >> i can't say nothing. >> you're not supposed to be looking without protection. >> [bleep]. i don't say nothing. >> mr. trump: he'll be dead by the morning most likely. >> what's your message to jesse watters on fox. >> you better get protection. >> copy eclipse jesse. me release everything that's not serving your. >> jesse watters, the best!
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: check out the pbd podcast, patrick back david. i was on it over the weekend at apple, spotify you ju. pbd. we'll look. let's do some tax. laura from california starting to like country music because you're getting older, jesse. happens to all of us." [laughter] david from nevada. "hi, biden, and polish. come have some perogies with a media producer from new york "please make the new york jets good again." that's all for tonight. dvr the show and always remember, i am a water my world. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to the special edition of "hannity." countdown to the election in just 210 days. that is at. joe biden can finally be held accountable by you and despite terrible approval


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