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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 8, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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presidents classified documents case claiming they are concerned that house republicans will use the information for "ethical purposes." pretty ironic coming from joe' weaponize doj. the attorney general garlent is not at risk of being held in content -- contempt he should be up there feeling to produce the subpoenaed material but today's nude -- noon deadline. that's the one where joe sent was as still vice president in 2009? you started that year, roe v. wade. unfortunately that all of them have left this evening. think if you're being with us, please set your dvr three never ever ever ever miss a show of "id." in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld turning back to put a smile on your face. have a great day. [cheering and applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> greg: all right's. i like that. i like it. thank you. that's enough. [cheering] happy monday, everybody. so as you probably already heard earlier today the big solar eclipse took place. it hit washington dc at 3: 3:30 interrupting joe biden' dinner. [laughter] nancy pelosi also wants the eclipse she had no choice, she hasn't been able to close her eyes since 2004. [laughter] during the eclipse it was still dark in manhattan that new yorkers had to announce when they gave each other the finger. [laughter] it was so dark outside new yorkers had no idea who they were urinating on. according to the new york post many people reported eclipse sickness cat plagued by weird feelings, headaches and insomnia. while you should be so yell lucky. most of us have eclipse sickness year-round.
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except we call it joe biden's america. [cheering and applause] by the way that i actually got a picture of the eclipse on my smart phone. here it is. not that one. [laughter] this one. take a look. [laughter] pretty -- it's amazing, don't you think? you think maybe it took a picture in my pocket but that is the actual eclipse. all right. enough without crap. a kentucky man has admitted to faking his own death to avoid paying over 100 grand in child support. man was his sister passed. [laughter] i agree "this weekend, hamas supporters and was contented death to america. meanwhile michigan supporters in gaza chest -- chanted go wolverine's. [laughter] the new report claims that türkiye is the most promiscuous country in the world with the average person having slept with 14 people
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kept beating america by four partners. i tried my best at said one man. [laughter] the u.s. placed 13th on the list and what -- would've placed as high as second but madonna was not included in the study. true, researcher sadie average american has not with about ten people. still waiting for my first said one man. [laughter] actually, the precise number for american's was ten points seven sexual partners. .7? that means a lot of people bang danny devito. [laughter] all right, we're done with that. last week that troy reed interviewed a so-called occult experts on her so-called tv show and both agreed tramp -- trump -ism is a cold. -- it might be the most double results since hunter
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biden' std result came back as all of the above. can't wait until next week when joy ask him hand are more inches bringing a day to her family reunion. [crowd groans] rule it, sven. >> the good news is that it's not permanent and people wake up and they are embarrassed and in shame as i felt in 1976. but more and more people are leaving the mag occult. is important that people not just yell at people who are still trapped in this delusion. ask questions in a respectful cat curious way that gets them to start realizing they've been cons and that their minds have been hijacked. >> trump has reached that point where he's done a document from saying that he's leading a movement of believers who saying that the believe should be in him like he is the messiah speed. [laughter] >> greg: this from a lady wearing a trump wague. torry tanner junior, this was
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you breed trump. this is you now. [laughter] someone's hairstylist is definitely maga. [laughter] so the interview -- interviewee and interviewer seemed satisfied with this conclusion for an arms -- so it would absorb them for understanding why or how people would think differently than they do. in this case with her brains "know if joy says trump-ism this -- is occult then i see what a terrible cult it must be because it violates every single tenant of accords. no abuse, no isolation from family have no weird sex rituals. and as you count shouting your fire during lovemaking. but maga heads know what's going on outside maga world and they really move in and out of it. they have no problems dealing with people who aren't into trump. for instance your uncle in the redcap still loves his big niece with a purple hair. the feelings are not mutual until she needs a loan to pay off her seventh year at wellesley. a texan in a pickup truck with a trump sticker would
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pull over to help a woman change her tire on her "and with her" bumper sticker previous. but the reverse, i wouldn't bet on it mainly because the previous driver like the upper body strength. [laughter] try asking a manhattan liberal for directions if you're wearing a maga cap. we'll tell you where to go. and it won't be to the emperor state building. the fact is them so they don't know whether -- what it trump or believes. they don't mix with people outside the bubble which is how the bible ends up sounding like this lexis. >> the orange man? the orange man? like this? is going to take a way your social security -- [cheering] >> that's right. >> he's going to take a way your healthcare. because his -- until their 26 can be on their parents healthcare and the orange man wants to stop that. [cheering] own no. >> greg: aha. and that's not occult?
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that makes -- look like h&r block. [laughter] but lives assume the worst and not the best cat in the people they disagree with. for it beats being surprised and shaken out of their own cult. now those who us who are put not progressives are forced to deal with this dynamic daily. for our culture demands a. we are in the minority in entertainment, media and academia so we know there are -- the -- their arguments will be no -- we're so used to live yelling in our faces we can still smell the almond milk. [laughter] but because we're often outnumbers, we're more than aware of different beliefs and we learn to accept them. sort from personal the outside world as opposed to the reverse. the libs only interaction with trumpets these days is when they pay their plumber or scream at their driver. upper for example according to data that liberals are less likely to accept dating a conservative even one who looks like me. but a conservative will need
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a liberal and not just because they're easy. maybe because conservatives see politics as a small part of life were liberals see it as a foundation. a conservative realizes that politics isn't as important as a human connection. and so the liberal will show you their blm science, rainbow flags and coexist bumper stickers. but tolerance? that's harder than i and then rob reiner's jawline. [laughter] but as for trump himself there's never been a candidate was blurred so many lines. he's very much middle-of-the-road, is just that he states his positions with all the delicacy of a toaster thrown in to a bathtub. [laughter] so he says build a wall pack well since when was controlled legal immigration just hard right? is the rise of the no borders scrawled on the left that made it that way. it was bill clinton who for started building mortar walls that we settled for an electric fence that keeps hillary on her side of the house. [laughter] it's the same with crime.
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since when is a political dew want to put criminals in jail? guess that would be right around the time when the left decided that that was correct. so he's in occult cult was of the ring the other side? we hear about sidling of beliefs but for us it's not by choice. most right leave were there are you see the snow was meant in the democratic party's. there are each joining a cult and we're leaving one that redeems men terminally oppressive. now true some men are unsavory cannabis casting even. but current data shows that every day at workingmen are fleeing the dems. the media says its mostly black and hispanic but that is because most of the weights already built. the men still stuck in the democratic party are there because if they leave their wives will have their balls in our sling. i know. [laughter] i'm here -- i hear it feels better. some a course for your leaving -- using their jobs
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but for the last seven years men whose process despise trump have been enforced in the same position. you've seen this with men who weren't always anti- trump and then mysteriously they were. the good analogy is the boss permit your wife might find him rude or egotistical but you overlook the stuff because you know he's great at running the company. which in trump's case is america inc. but he just said something rude to the waiter carrier my wife might say, and you just not because you know tomorrow you'll make -- you know -- and by the way he paid for dinner, of course. to what is the republican party do with this info? will if the dems have all but abundant men captured in the other party embrace this shift with open arms? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheering and applause] >> announcer: let's welcome tonight yes. >> greg: he's like lebron james born in akron and graduated high school and back -- walter kerr! [cheering and applause] >> greg: he puts the hearts in disheartening. host of "one nation" and fox and friends can brian kelln need. [cheering and applause] >> greg: his trump expressions -- impressions are better than alec baldwin and i never saw anyone get after an comedian color bishop! [cheering and applause]
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>> greg: she's like an eclipse. be careful share she's around your sun. near times best-selling author and fox news conservator cap kat timpf! [cheering and applause] >> greg: walter got everyone always compares the other side to cult right? because it's an easy way to dismiss the natural debate. what are your thoughts on that? >> one of the reason you have me on this show is because you want the benefit of my oxford education. and one of the reasons i do it for free is because it's not worth much -- but i did study cults and i have written about -- about in and have a number of things in common. one is they tried to control what you eat. for example, how they might do this you eat insects rather than meet at right. and everything tried to control is your sex life payment for example they might suggest you join public ewles enough sex with a lot of people while dressed as the other gender.
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[laughter] >> none of these are features of the maga cult but they are features of another kind of cult that i might mention. so, you know,'s colors said a cult is a religion that i don't like and i think -- the other thing is that so what if it's a cult? you have to start somewhere, you know? [laughter] i got it. >> the dry humor often leaves you in suspense about whether i'm finished are not. [laughter] speak for we never have that problem with brian. we know he's finished. >> right. >> greg: in your face, tell me! thank for securing and doing this so by the way. >> so far i have not said a word but i've gotten -- and i'll forgive you for that but i cannot forgive you for this assignment because you gave me an attachment to the story in which was the whole segment that you made me
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watch and enjoy the reed agonized -- i could not believe the crap that was coming out of her mouth. number 1, she thinks that donald trump is an cootes with mark burnett of survivor an apprentice on a christian cults so there on the same wavelengths. does anybody think that mark burnett is orchestrating anything with donald trump or vise versa? number 2 she said if you want to know what donald trump is doing look at what that the chinese do for brainwashing and look at pimps. [laughter] i did not know they were working together to brainwash and also i think on the mentally this is a problem. they thought they will be riding a story about trump down like he loses the primary and he goes to jail and they would look back and say how did he get the cult going? but the bad news is he is actually more popular than 2016 at more popular than 2020. is more popular in 2024 he's winning and all that battleground states. he seems to be on top of these court cases and gaining
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momentum. so to do an after action report while he's at the top of his game seems bizarre to me. how did i do? >> greg: there is a great answer. [cheering and applause] >> yeah. >> greg: so stop sending the letter saying you want him fired. [laughter] tyler is trump-ism eight cults or is it more like 18? like ateam that you would like to be -- you elected the captain of the team. what is it like? your insight trump's head. >> percival i want to say walter looked like greg and alec baldwin and you had a baby my kids got -- in a conference -- ultimate cap minus the murder part. but no i think he would be thrilled because frankly that excuse me -- if you think of it i would have a pretty cool name because i'm the 45th -- i would be called cult 45 because we're killing it. frankly, were telling it. you know, there are rich cult that would be in the mansion because they were going to --
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he would be sniffing out the kids for them you know what i mean? and, of course,, heaven's gate was a popular one because china is knocking on heaven's gate right now. but no, we're not going cult suicide. were going for mass freedom and that's what i'll say. thank you. [cheering and applause] >> greg: what do you make of the dudes link -- leaving the democratic party connect you want to talk about that or you want to talk about the cults? >> the cults i think. let talk about the cults th then. >> i also watched the there was a lot of their. went -- the people thank -- i don't think people thank that. i have not met a single person who thinks that trump is god. trump doesn't even think that. so i don't know where she gets that when a part of the interview that really stuck out to me is when the guy was
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actually making sense when he was saying, you know, you can't yell at these people and you have to let them know you love them and that the door is opened. and she smacked, like, she is actually nodding along. like how dare you? you know? if you don't agree with anything -- that your -- if i were -- you know? but she's like yes that's right. i think there's a lack of self-awareness even more shocking than her saying trump -- people thank trump is god which i'm sure -- look for anything can become a cult if you get into it -- get into it! to intuit. >> greg: tell me about it. >> anything can. if they're like maybe may be run the people out there that -- i have not encountered that not even like on the internet. so -- >> greg: i'm definitely open to starting a cult if it makes, you know, it's fun -- but it has to be a fun cult, you know? none of the sixth of. will just hang out together. [laughter] >> as friends. >> recall those friends. [laughter]
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[applause] >> greg: all right. you got your class, kilmeade. up next, woke thirst or offer the rocker pack crying racism in women's economic if you would be in the warmth -- new york area and would like tickets to go see "gutfeld!." go to and click on the link to join the studio audience. ♪ ♪ for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go!
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>> announcer: "everything is racist! [cheering and applause] >> greg: there carmey heads burst at the words america first. find that soccer groups are accusing the utah royals of racism in -- and white supremacy because their uniforms prominently featured the logo of the sponsor america first credit union.
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from the overreaction you think you would call the brian kelln me bacon trust. >> that is so -- >> greg: to quote one super open an organization that creates quadrant "america first in the phrase fraught with contentious history that is always have deep ties to white supremacy. it is acceptable for anyone to have folks plan ideology were presented on their jersey in a sport that has been in the forefront of social change." what? for a sport where they can't use their hands they've done a hell of a job posting those words. i leave there cool with the name royals despite it's negative connection to colonialism in reading and meghan markle. [laughter] no skin of redundant there. but america first credit union tells axial city america in its name represents the founding federal employees who work at american military bases and
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first implies putting the members of the forefront. i like doing that. but at least this controversy is shining a spotlight on the woman' soccer. true is the most attention the sport has gotten since anderson cooper retired. [laughter] [cheering and applause] anyway. you remember that -- that lady remeasured the egg -- impossible, she actually makes people want to watch soccer let's. neck credit unions -- but america first is not a symbol of white supremacy in -- no doubt related to the big orange media -- donald trump who families you use the phrase in the 2016 presidential campaign. by saying the words they don't like the words america has any contact the soccer fans surely thinking if you too many balls to the cra cranium. let's just hope consultants was adjust the team get a more appropriate and less inflammatory sponsor. [laughter] i'm all for that.
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all right brian. you always want us to do a soccer topic when you're on. but the soccer topics are never about soccer, are there? is always anything about soccer. >> taking any during the national anthem -- >> greg: why is soccer always involved in these contentious stories? >> number 1 is the number 1 sport in a row. you don't seem to acknowledge that -- >> greg: what world? >> the earth, the one that was a close by the moon a short time ago. it seems like yesterday but it was actually today. have to give you a gift -- brief history. >> greg: no b1 americann first credit union was first called the dog -- they quickly changed in a federal employees for the unit in -- and now it has is threatening from 1984. at which time it went on the shirts of these woman who are looking up -- to have a bank sponsor which your point it's not easy for soccer to get a major -- that's a lot of money. so what is america first mean? is not just about trump.
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-- there was a group called america first wanted to not be in world war ii. doesn't seem like the nazi think it seemed like a point of view. the same thing in 19 -- 2016 with donald trump. so it's not an insult. here's the bad part. i think -- i think soccer is going to cave. >> greg: that sucks. >> the dc defenders are actually upset about this and i since there -- sense they're going to cave them and they always seem to go -- cave ends. >> greg: you could just said -- skipped all that crap and content that. >> but i want to give people depth. >> but brian katrek is mormon soccer. [laughter] >> greg: you were a mormon! >> i can say that as a mormon -- on the former mormon. >> greg: a foreman. you were a foreman. [laughter] >> i think the problem is with the word "first" not america because it reminds you that in sport somebody wins and communists don't like that. >> greg: that is true. [laughter]
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motions were talking -- don't you think a company called america lasts would do really well in this era? >> i'm sure that they would -- would've awarded the trophy before the game. >> greg: yes. [laughter] you would have to sit on it. you know kat you think they're actually going to cave? if they do that let's you and we agree we are going to boycott all the utah royal's games. i'm not watching. >> okay. sure. [laughter] i think this whole thing is so ridiculous. we are softened by, like, the name of a back, like, with delay here what a bank does. [laughter] you know what's not woke? the bank. there -- gilbert and the ark of the senate e-mail, like, happy pride month can we support all our 2slgbtq+ customers -- will also take a way your [bleep] house. [laughter] >> greg: there's nothing more heartless then a bank. >> how watered-down has the
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left become murder thing that they're getting enraged about the bank, is the name of the bank? they put money first got there the back. >> greg: exactly and if you -- it doesn't matter if you're gay or if you're black or your black and gay -- >> no still think your home. >> greg: but also the will not give you a loan if you don't have the right -- they don't give a [bleep]. that's why i like blank -- banks. so to me - -- to me the back is the most patriotic thing in the world because the color is green. [laughter] green, tyler! this is all about trump. these people didn't do -- made it in to a history class on this, like, boring kilmeade did. >> you are preparing for your segment? how dare you. >> greg: i apologize. i apogize. -- >> i think is the color looks a little trump -- i'm also having a hard time looking at it because a morn of the idiots that didn't wear the
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glasses looking at the clips. in fact, i just found out it was actually just lizzo starting -- standing in front of the sun. [laughter] is not going to do the damage you think. yeah, i mean look like a i'll get delayed a lot more if i didn't where this hat in new york city frankly. >> greg: i don't know if that's true. [laughter] [coughing] >> you set me up! >> greg: i'm sorry, go ahead. >> but, you know, you don't see american flags here and you don't hear about america first but walk around and see a rainbow black and the flags of other countries. today i'm walking on mri in trans- palestine, you know? or gay ukraine? so anyway. that's all. [laughter] >> greg: i love -- who gets announced when they're. and that is it for me. [laughter] up next, no endorsement from the rock for the prez who was asleep at 4:00.
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>> announcer: "it's video over the day." [cheering and applause] >> greg: all right. a star of wrestlemania want endorsed a prez with no br brain, yeah. today's video comes to us from doing the rock johnson who said he will not support trump this year as he did in 2020. hit it back gladys. >> and my happy with the state of america right now? the answer is no. do i believe were going to get there? a monopolistic guy and i believe we can get better. the endorsement that i made years ago with. [crowd groans] was what i thought was the best decision for me at that time. am i going to do that again this year? that answer is no. not going to do that because what i realize what that
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caused back then was something that tears me up in my guts. back then and now which is division. i wouldn't do that because my goal is to bring our country together. >> greg: sadly, roe v. wade can't smell what the rock is cooking. know he can! any taste or chew it and as it smashed in to a fine paste -- insiders claim that. [crowd groans] says he was her to not have johnson's endorsement but at trenin's age directly should be worrying about is the undertaker. [laughter] kat of this makes me think of a blog that somewhere down the road he realized that the party is not for men or him. >> i. [coughing] i think i could be part of it perhaps. i think that out of that though is it to be more generalized where if all a group has to offer is to just tell you how bad you are over and over again, people get tired of that which is where -- why i think a lot of this work for trump came for trump
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in the -- and i think also just exactly what he said with the division. i mean it was, like, seen as the default position michael of course are going to win -- endorsed trenin because otherwise you are for trump and you are all those bad things and want to be all those bad d things but i think people -- out here living real lives because they don't want to just be there and told her that bad they are all the time and people get tired of it and that makes them support trump even more. >> greg: yes. i like to be told how bad i am. sometimes i'll pay for it. [laughter] tyler -- >> speaking of got you only 50 bucks. >> greg: yes. well you have to find it. [laughter] you know, is all in quarters. imagine how he must really feel if he said that publicly? because generally people don't say [bleep] like that -- they will -- i don't know many celebrities that will do that but if you saying that imagine how he really feels. >> i would like to know how we -- i mean he's a big guy but the little rock if you can't actually see what he
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thinks. huge guy -- actually fun fact another fake news conferences for conspiracy got it wasn't an earthquake the other day it was the rock and lizzo landing in a new york air airport. >> greg: you have a thing -- >> that's what you have a problem with? 's anyhow. i'm done. no, not done. [laughter] but he's not saying what he's going to do. it's like saying "i'm not doing heroin anymore," so you're going to do other drugs? well, you know, we'll see. >> greg: that's good. >> he's not saying it but he's not being very clever either. let's see, there are two people running president and he's not endorsing one. this basically shows that rock thinks trump is going to win and more importantly rock' agent thinks trump is going to win. more importantly his agents pr person thinks --
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>> greg: the publicists and we'll go down the online also do you think he was influenced by --'s friends? imagine the people that -- if he's friends with wrestlers and people that are into fitness, you know, fitness is racist remember when we were -- we were told that? it was right premises being physically but. he must have been like what w. bmi doing with these weirdos and he started listening to his buddies going why do you think -- >> you -- he knows for a fact he's an idiot. [laughter] so he also knows that everybody listen to him the first time was an idiot. and this time he is trying to let them off the hook. >> have to tell you i think even more -- he's in the entertainment business and he knows 50% of the country is ticked off and joe biden is not something to rally around. you not like roland -- is going to be in an airport sunday at everybody knows that about joe biden.
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you know what i'm not sure he's endorsing --'s going with trump you does not going with anybody because think about it bruce springsteen comes out, what you think about that -- i think about goure and by the way this is -- lebron, hillary, never -- joe biden stephen colbert got there is -- and scott built -- but still i think scott bail and trump together i think the rock is saying 50% of the country really -- what was the name of that black adam? absolutely bombs, came out right after -- it really hurt his career and he's saying to himself why do i need that? also i think he fundamentally is more to the right. everybody -- that set about when bin laden was shocked, he got contacts with the military -- >> greg: men aren't -- i do not trust illiberal mail. i'm sorry. i just don't. >> but using his liberal? >> greg: no. don't think anyone -- any man is liberal. i don't think howard stern is liberal. i don't think camel -- i
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think they're all lying. i think it's a virtue signal. i think it's to be -- for their wife isn't mad at them. i think that's the whole -- your own -- absorbed -- liberal woman if you think your husband is liberal copy don't know. he leaves and he like [bleep] [bleep]! [laughter] [applause] >> it's the new homose homosexuality. >> greg: oh is it. >> walter and i are starting a foundation if you're wife is a liberal -- your husband illiberal rather that he come to our house and will take care of you. [laughter] didn't we talk about that? never mind. okay. [laughter] coming up and he mocked america on tiktok and now he winds in the cellblock. [cheering and applause] ce with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪
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venezuelan immediate -- illegal alien he recorded videos telling his half-million tiktok followers to invade the border, squatted the spot in -- know he's arrested and complaining that he's missing his freedom. new field back room? >> first of all he has more flour as my followers to me on tiktok which processes me off. 500,000. >> i've been frozen for three years because i made fun of fauci and the sky can, you know, speak in the country and percival i said before i'll say it again tiktok should be changed to anything out for women in the late thirties. that that think and caregiver the second. [laughter] but i want the privilege of an immigrant. i'm officially walking to mexico and i'm crossing the back over as an illegal immigrant so i can get my tiktok back, get a girlf girlfriend. >> greg: you still don't have a girlfriend? >> and a debit card. >> greg: i feel bad for you, tyler. >> greg: >> thanks, greg. [laughter] >> greg: walter, so he
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claims that he's not really the person he is on tiktok, that that was a persona for his clicks. what if he's telling the truth? what if he was just responding to the incentives of social media and he got screwed? -- that's even more funny. [laughter] >> well he chose wrong. g: yes. >> he is being persecuted. but not enough. [laughter] [applause] listen. he came to the country, he gathered 500,000 social media followers that he became a huge influence or. now he has millions of enemies. that america. those are the rules. [laughter] he's had the immigrant experience that sometimes takes people 40 years in three weeks. that -- >> greg: there is so true. it has been hyperspeed.
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bryan, he is no as heated as you are -- >> that is not true. >> greg: you took it -- you took it to -- it took you 46 years. >> usually when i hates me. say one thing -- i filled out a form and i should appear mcaium aarons what are you doing -- speak spanish and he said well i want money to be able to speak and then he refused and then they just kept talking and in the end back he said i'm a great husband, i'm a great father that i'm a great son. please let me go. mother coming up because he -- his agreements on his -- also he might have a gun. so together i think he is not an asset to our country. 's are we done tremendous damage. keep him in prison. >> greg: remember that video, kat? [cheering and applause] theoretically he achieved the squatting, he's living rent-free, room and board, he's taken care of by us. >> yeah. the video -- the stuff he said -- you guys are all just
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mad because i make all this money and i don't do anything you all work so hard." it's okay, yeah. exactly, like, you nailed it. nobody -- i don't know i wouldn't have a problem if you wanted to come here and work hard and contribute to the economy. you're sitting there rotting -- encouraging other people who -- the money is not free got a lot of us work really hard and are -- and our taxes are absurd any you're rubbing it in our faces? yeah, [bleep] you. [cheering and applause] >> greg: all right! they you -- did i already got you? >> yes. >> greg: i can't remember. >> i'll go again! >> greg: up next, a spoiled brat causes a traffic spat. [cheering and applause]
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, t up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection.
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call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit >> announcer: what to say
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♪ ♪
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>> announcer: we got another clip for you. it's video of the day part two. ♪ [cheering and applause] >> greg: second video that he comes to us from climate activist rittenberg was detained twice in one day, twice this 14 blocking traffic any progress in another regions. hit it. >> we are here because we are facing an exceptional -- existential crisis. the plan is an emergency and renege with the standby and the people lose their lives and livelihoods and be forced to become climate refugees when we can do something. >> everyone: [chanting] >> greg: as a bonus video check out this lazy turd getting dragged away from that same protest.
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>> everyone: [chanting] >> greg: she doesn't even have the excuse of being drunk. [laughter] >> or wearing makeup. [laughter] but, you know, she got arrested twice in a day, big deal. i mean trump sometimes gets arrested five times in a day. [laughter] and it's, you know, anyway. we were told to be short. >> greg: i'm sure all the time. you know, kat at boone she think -- don't you think she peeked to early? allocation became world-famous, person of the year at 14? it's all down here downhill. >> there has to be difficult. i mean getting arrested twice in one day -- imagine what would happen if she -- just went home. >> greg: that's true. >> the killer inside. >> greg: it would. i think now she's addicted to being, like, -- she's like
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being legally object if i'd as opposed to physically. bryan gagne you know what i mean? >> not at all. [laughter] but a couple of things. she gets arrested in holland, she is from sweden. she's protesting subsidies for fossil fuels. that you think and wilber, kaslo over there? i'm not sure. number 2 she said the world is going to end back in 2030. i don't think so. >> greg: i would put money on it. she should put money on it. >> i would love to see it max before tyler, she is single and so are you. [laughter] i think she's over 20. >> just like the migrant, this bitch has more tiktok followers of me. i've been doing comedy for 30 years. i feel bad. she's heavy on the spectrum, the kind of exporter like you guys do to me on this show "i'm a little puppet. but you know what, these people grew themselves to stop. i think we should glue these to the backs of navy seals so they can see what actual fighting looks like. america.
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[cheering and applause] >> greg: i don't think that's realistic. >> it was an easy applause break those before it was. i admire your red meat father. all right. don't go away, will be right back. >> announcer: if you're in the new york area and would like tickets to go see "gutfeld!," go to and click on the link to join the studio audience. ♪ ♪ rrounded. you're just gonna stand there? or are ya gonna take your lawn back. ake it back. we're gonna take it back. with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps your lawn growing strong. glorious! -agggghhhhhh! -aaagghhhh. no no no. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. there are over 7 million us businesses on tiktok. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband
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and i own the village bakery. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that ever. keep tiktok.
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