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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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finally bob asks on the golf theme, what was your lowest score for 18 holes? bob, i shot a 67, long, long ago in a land far, far away but now i'm a walking wallet and i just hand money to my friends. anyway, tomorrow on "special report," our "common ground" segment features senate armed members joe manchin on the democratic side dan sullivan on the republican side, what they're working on. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 3:00 p.m. on the west coast and 6:00 p.m. in the east. fair balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. >> laura: good evening, everne, i'm laura ingraham. ingraham angle from washington tonight. disturbing video of a
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68-year-old woman attacked on the steps of her church on the way to mass, yeah. that's america tonight. well, her nephew will join us with an update. plus, senator marco rubio is here on biden's smear and fear campaign. but, first, kicking sonia to the curb. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> now, there was some nugget that got lost last week in the new gallup poll that are key to the 2024 campaign. in the presidential character and abilities categories, biden is losing ground big time. check this out.
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>> he is down nine on likability. wow. and is he down, down 9 on whether he displays the democral as the cucumber, oh, the stories say oh, we're confident and focused. there seems to be some contingency planning underway. the party that prides itself for being pro-women and, of course, they are all champions of diversity, is giving the first latina on the supreme court, justice sonia sotomayor the bumps rush. as usual, ideas are advanced by liberal senators and then by pressure gas. >> republicans are very y good t stacking courts. democrats aren't very good at seeing the power of the supreme court. that's why i worry. i worry that why would you want
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to repeat history? why take the risk? you have a democratic president and democratic senate and justice about to turn 70. it shouldn't be a personal choice. what are people doing in their 80's on the supreme court? >> laura: perhaps the obvious point, i love a brit lecturing us. the obvious point alludes him. she is 12 years younger than biden, dude. and the constitution gives them life tenure. again, read it. plus, it was their side that has literally floated the idea of court-packing. is that different from stacking? meaning an attempt to dilute the power of any republican appointees by expanding the number of justices or judges. >> pass the judiciary act to expand the supreme court and bring balance and fairness back to the supreme court. we have a moral duty to act. there is no more time to waste. supreme court justices may serve lifetime appointments but we cannot wait a lifetime to right
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injustices. >> laura: senator snake eyes from my home state of connecticut tried the opaque approach to influencings justice. >> you should no mystery about what the lesson should be. the old saying, you know, grave yards are full of indispensable people, ourselves in this body included. >> okay richard or is it dick. why don't you go first? and this isn't the first time that the left pressured a senior justice to step aside. the "new york times" wrote about justice stephen breyer's retirement two years ago saying justice breyer retired a little
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reluctantly under pressure from liberals who wanted to make sure that president biden could appoint his successor and that the conservative's super majority on the court currently 6-3 would not get any more lopsided. again, what this tells us is that even their first and their vaunted brilliant justices are fair game if there's any hint that their presence on the scene is becoming inconvenient. this is how ruthless the left is. and it's so consumed, of course, by holding on to power by any means necessary. and that's the angle. joining me now jonathan turley, washington -- george washington university law professor and fox news contributor. jonathan, we're going to get to
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this trump push for that judge merchan's recusal in the travesty of that hush money case in a moment. but, regarding this rather crass pressure campaign on justice sotomayor, let's not forget how they assured everyone how great she was when she was nominated. watch. >> the brass and depth of judge sotomayor's experience makes her uniquely qualified for the supreme court. her keen understanding of case law and the importance of precedent. >> judge sotomayor is immensely qualified. >> we know she is incredibly well qualified. she has got more federal judicial experience than any nominee for the past 100 years. >> laura: jonathan, it's only 12 years ago. they suddenly want to get rid of her. >> it's amazing transformation from the gold standard to junk bond status because that's what they're treating her as. that this was in just 2009 she was celebrated as the wise latina. now, they are treating justices like they are entirely fungible. that they are all just a lever-throwing liberals on the court. obviously they are more than that i mean, what's amazing about these commentators is they give no consideration at all that individual justices may have something to bring to the court, that maybe their legacy is more than just casting votes. they have reduced them all to
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just votes. and getting a reliable liberal that's younger and this trend has been going on for a while until, you know, you're going to have calls for the first fetal justice. if we keep on along this line. you can't just make age the sole criteria with ideology for the court. >> laura: jonathan, this is coming at a time when poor joe biden, you know, the visiting angels with him going on and off the stage. yet, sotomayor whoho is complety with it, i mean, maybe she is bored on the court. i have no idea what she wants. reports she is disallusioned. that's kind of convenient. people haver roding trust in his basement judgment on basic issues. >> also shows how the court has long been this island in which it was able to exist outside of
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the rage and division of our politics. when we saw those billboards going through washington, d.c. telling breyer to resign and his legacy is at stake, it was really a breathtaking g moment r many of us. you know, i teach a supreme court class. and i love the fact that my students are from every end of the spectrum. but they all have a really undying respect for the supreme court. but, they're not seeing that in many professors. even deans, who are calling the justices hacks and calling for the replacement with younger models. you know, you just need a 2024 model that's going to last a bit longer on the road. >> laura: it's clear that to them they're just another activist at an ngo or, you know, one of their pet, you know, nonprofits. that's all they are. and a super legislature. whatever they want -- you know, regard court as. but, so much for the vaunted
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return to normalcy of joe biden. i mean, they are just ready to up end every institution. >> right. and you got to remember that ginsburg was 87 with serious health problems. sotomayor is fine, obviously she is great mentally ane is fine physically. oliver wendell homies was on the court until he was 90. >> laura: how about thurgood marshall. >> i can only imagine what sotomayor is thinking gee, i just think. >> laura: she is 69. i think it's ageism, jonathan. my goodness. i don't think these people actually understand how they sound and the arguments they are making given what is happening on their side of the political aisle. it's just absurd. i never thought i would stick up for justice sotomayor but i'm sticking up for her because i don't think it's fair. jonathan, thank you. the fbi arresting an 8-year-old from idaho this weekend in what they are describing as a truly horrific and violent plot to
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attack churches. on behalf of isis. joining me now with all the details, fox news senior national correspondent kevin corke. kevin, what can you tell us. >> incredible story, frankly, laura. 18-year-old by the name of scott mercurio 20 years in prison allegedly pledging allegiance to isis and intent to commit acts of terror on the group's behalf by attacking people at cord da lane idaho churches. this arrest follows multi-year investigation by the fbi joint terrorism task force. arrested on saturday just day before he allegedly planned to attack a local church. now, according to court documents, those plans included attacking his father, stealing his guns, and then carrying out a suicide attack on churches in core da lane. plans involve using a flame sword, explosives, knives, a machete, a pipe, and ultimately
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firearms. now, isis and other terror organizations. couple interesting facts here. is he 18 years old. and previously he admitted to having drank of the, quote, kool-aid of white supremacy before finding more purpose with isis. and they may have gamed him into this sort of environment where it went from talk to goading from a controversial source into ultimately real life behavior and now he could face 20 years behind bars because of it. >> laura: wow. we are going to continue to follow that i want to follow the police angle, the fbi angle on that, too kevin. thank you. >> um-huh. >> laura: pandering that continues biden runs to univision as hispanics are running for the exits. all right. senator marco rubio reacts, next. ♪ bara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition...
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>> laura: biden staff works overtime to keep him away from actual press interviews. things can get embarrassing fast as we have seen. but his approval numbers among hispanic voters have sunk so low, so fast that they actually risked a sitdown univision
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interview in an effort to stop the bleed with the voting block hean't afford to lose. but, rather than try to convince his audience that his policies are working, he just trash talked trump. >> think of the things he says. look at the way he -- the way he talks about minority populations, hispanics, you know, talk about them being -- anyway it's just -- i can't think of any other time in my lifetime in history that's occurred that you have had somebody that's had this kind of attitude. >> laura: smear and fear, it's all they have. biden's advantage over trump among all latinos is slipping from 29 points after his first year in office to just 9 points today. of course inflation and crime are top of mind. oh, and biden's lead shrinks even further to only 3 points among latinos who say they actually plan to vote in november. joining me now is florida senator marco rubio.
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now, senator, we don't have -- which i always bee money the fact that we don't have a hispanic rush limbaugh and i think george soros investment company what should trump do now to capitalize on what is a trend. >> he has already done it. first of all, that seeing is a lie. trump doesn't talk bad about minorities or hispanics. he talks about criminals. they might happen to be minorities. member of a gang came here from venezuela. they are gang members and criminal not because they are venezuelan they are criminals. every society has criminals. if they are in the country illegally it's insulting to the country and that's what he points out.
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i think a couple things i would say. the first is i think this is being under estimated the number of hispanics that watch this program and this network and get their news from other sources is more than from univision. growing number of hispanics do. that continues to be the case. >> laura: we should do hispanic language ads though, correct? >> there is a segment of the audience that gets some of their entertainment in spanish. >> laura: spanish-speaking ads would be great though. >> people like these soap operas for example on univision actually made in turkey. some of them are made in brazil. >> laura: ruining if tore me. >> well done. those ads are run in spanish. the message look what is happening in the country. you see a great sorting out that's happening where working americans, working class americans that have working class values that live life by
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common sense, whose minds have not been polluted and poisoned by some crazy professor and some left wing expensive university are gravitating away of the democratic party they can't cohabitate. becoming part of the republican party trump speaks to them. their primary identity is not hispanic. they may very well be hispanic they live hispanic attribute that is a male attribute from the time.they ha.
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>> big money, marco. >> and all the money is on the that side of the argument. this is a very simple thing, okay? tiktok's algorithm the entire app. is built by the algorithm. not only does it belong to a chinese company. belongs to a company that has to do whatever the chinese communist company tells them to do. in a time crisis china decides invade taiwan and go war with america. they will weaponize and bytedance that owns it can't say anything about it. divest by the dance from tiktok.
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>> do you think it's going to happen in the senate. >> i think we can get it passed. put it up to a vote. the real impediment is procedural. has to go through the commerce committee. cantwell has expressed skepticism. >> laura: can't do cantwell. people working to kill it and advertising. i don't think they are influential ads. uphill climb but something that needs to happen. >> laura: tiktok is about veterans and dogs nothing else in it. we are going to keep following this. and thank you for what you are saying about young men. i think that's something we have to stick to in our culture. thank you. all right. how far do the liberal media need to go to carry water for biden and npr just got called out by a long-time employee and the details are absolutely devastating. and that's next. ♪
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>> laura: conservatives for years have railed against the left wing bias at wer npr. heritage foundation put it well government must stop services. taxpayer money to serve all americans but which cater only to one side. npr doesn't even try to show good faith. it expects conservative leaders to lack the backbone to take away the government and sadly this assumption is usually correct. npr, therefore, feels free to act brazenly as the imperial tribune of the permanent bureaucracy amplifying the woke mindset of the bicoastal elites. now it's so bad that they are even getting hammered by one of their own. one of the most senior editors at npr yuri berliner blue the whistle on how it manipulates courage from the conch of the lab leak theory to its efforts to damage trump's presidency.
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he writes open-minded spirit no longer exists within npr. that wouldn't be a problem for openly polemic call issue in outlet serving a niche audience. journalism and business model. berliner admits npr has always been liberal we know. things went really wild when trump entered politics in 2015. rise of advocacy took off donald trump. schiff the top democrat at the house intel committee became npr's guiding hand ever present muze by my point npr hosts schiff 25 times trump and russia. when the mueller report found no collusion the npr conch was notably sparse. russia gate quietly faded from our programming. joining me now juan williams fox news senior political analyst spent 10 years as a news analyst and correspondent for npr. also with me jason chaffetz utah congressman and fox news contributor. juan, you got your own taste, which you talked about on this
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network of npr's brand of tolerance in 2010 does this surprise you. >> not only did they fire me. they called me a psycho. they said horrible things about me quite publicly. this doesn't surprise me what he had to say. this was before trump, laura. so, they are very much an insulated cadre of people who think they're right. and they have a hard time with people who are different. so, from even for me, i don't think i'm any wild i'd conservative but they thought you i was two conservative a black guy for their kind of company. and, you know, so i said something way back gee after 9/11, i got nervous in the airport with people dressed in muslim guard and went on to to defend the right of muslims to have a build property near
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ground zero yet they threw me out the door. this doesn't surprise me at all. i think what you are seeing now, especially after trump is that we live in a very polarized media landscape and they had established a beach head on the far head. berliner mentions in his piece that now the audience is disproportionately liberalal, me heavily than ever, and you see fewer conservatives tuning in laura bush lawyer npr plays a shell game with how they describe their funding say they only get 1% from the federal government you dissect it and the hill did a great job on doing this. it's been done many years but it's misleading because they get a lot of government contracts and it ends up being federal funds flowing indirectly to npr. they got about 90 million in revenue from contracts and customers and 279 million much more than 1% when you really go through it. so, why hasn't the republican
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party moved to stop the madness here. >> between npr and pbs, we're $34 trillion in debt. we are paying more money in interest than we do on our national defense. >> laura: but where are the republicans? i have been listening to npr for 25 years. i enjoy it. basket weaving and bass wanna segments, i love those i have enjoyed them. it's ridiculous. it's not national public radio. it's liberal public radio. always has been. >> never a balance. chairman of the oversight committee we were doing serious investigations a handful of times did i maybe get an invite. but adam schiff, like he pointed out. 25 times to trump and russia gate but no balance. no attempt to hide it. all things considered, juan, wasn't really all things. you were frankly the reason i like to listen to npr. that's ingraham saying that about juan williams. but you know what i'm saying? you offer kind of a different perspective and it sounded and
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seemed sane to at love people who were listening so again berliner did his own digging a couple years ago when he thought there could be a lack of diversity in the nurm in d.c. where npr is headquartered, 87 registered democrats working in editorial positions and zero republicans as in none. so on may 3rd, 2021, i presented the finding at all hands editorial staff meeting when i suggested that we had a diversity problem the response wasn't hostile, it was worse. it was met with profound indifference. juan. >> juan: at least they didn't fire him. i mean, the problem is they treat you as if you are a pariah, you are just like weird. like what kind of black guy are you? i mean, to me the thing is i share your sentiment. the senator segments are fine. i liked a lot of the journalism there. but when you start digging underneath you say there is no acceptance of people who have divergent points of view. >> half the country is not
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there. debate i think what we do is debate. you say yeah, you are wrong. i think that's good journalism. >> laura: more fun to listen to in the end, too. it's national. the nation is, as it usually is, divided on a lot of these big issues. >> jason: i love it when the people preach the most diversity and inclusion and equity, they're the least tolerant of having divergent view and actually having a real debate. i don't want to pay for it anymore. it's time for republicans, like you said, grow a backbone and say you want to do that on your own private dime and go sell it, go do it. but why should we as taxpayers continue? >> laura: my old radio producer does this thing called hour american stories. hour every sunday syndicated. stories about america. it's beautifully done. and it's thomas edison jacqui robinson. actually classic american story telling. that's what npr is really good at. that's what "60 minutes" is really good at.
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that's what i think america is craving. you got enough of the other stuff. juan, will you come back? i want you to come back any time, happy birthday, it's his birthday tomorrow. >> happy birthday. >> thank you, guys. >> laura: i said he is the snappiest dresser tonight. juan and jason, thank u so much. new low in america today. a 68-year-old woman attacked outside of a church. yes, church. her nephew joins us with an update. ♪
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♪ >> laura: that what is happening in america. even sunday mass isn't safe. another despicable and depraved attack caught on. a 68-year-old woman walking up the steps to her church in new york city this weekend, 8:15 in the morning. when a thug, dressed all in black ran up ahead of her and then threw her down the stairs. the woman hit her head fracturing her skull. now, as she lay motionless, nearly motionless on the ground. this demon rifled through her bag and her pocket, stealing her phone, her purse with 300 bucks inside. now this behavior is classic of this psychotic junkies and soulless freaks terrorizing americans coast to coast but especially in places like new
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york and often they hit the most vulnerable. but it didn't end there. joining me now is danielle cafaro hill who is the nephew of the woman attacked daniel, first, a skull fracture especially in late 60's is serious. how is your aunt doing. >> she is making a recovery. we just visited her in the hospital. she is able to speak to us a little bit. she still can't put full sentences or anything like that. she is suffered a skull fracture and it's been the whole family has came from out of state to see her. she has been recovering in the hospital. they think it's going to be a long recovery period. >> laura: what happened after the suspect attempted to or did three the scene? >> so my aunt was strong enough that she actually did get back she attempted to walk towards her car. when she got to the car it, seems like the suspect was up
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the block watching her. and obviously she stepped away from the car once she realized she didn't have her purse and her keys. he then stole the car and she had walked home where her daughter called 911 and taking an ambulance to the hospital. >> laura: with a skull fracture. she managed to walk home. >> yeah. >> laura: do we have a description of this suspect? can't really tell in this video or any leads, daniel? >> apparently the nypd did pull a fingerprint off the of the vehicle today the detective just visited us they have a good idea who it might be but they didn't tell us anything further. >> laura: was she on her way to mass. >> yes. she goes to mass every sunday. >> laura: i mean, i keep saying what is happening to america at this point like but the most
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vulnerable are the most frequently attacked weather young people oppressed or disillusioned or the elderly or those who are disabled. even people in wheelchairs. this is what's happened to our country. daniel, thank you for joining us and it's -- we pray for her swift recovery for your aunt's swift recovery and for your entire family. thank you for sharing your story. >> thank you. it's just so bizarre. >> laura: all right. well, over the years the liberals complain that middle america was filled with a bunch of ming so chauvinistic my chauvin chauvinistic women sports their view they were wrong. on sunday the ncaa's final between iowa and south carolina became one of the most watched sporting events of the century. according to the espn with 18.7 million viewers, i was one of them. but in the name of equity and inclusion, the left, they want to take it all away. >> if you consider yourself a
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woman or and you want to play sports or vice versa, you should be able to play. >> do you think transgender women should be able to participate -- >> -- that's your question you want me -- i mean you want to ask i will give you that, yes. >> laura: joining me now dan host of don't at me on outkick the former head coach for men's basketball bowling green university indiana. kim russell former head coach for women's lacrosse at observer lynn and ambassador for independent women's forum. kim, i want to start with you. if that coach had her way, do you think you would have 18.7 million people watching the woman's basketball final. >> no. i don't. i do think that she took some time at the beginning and really waited to make that statement and i truly believe because of
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some things she said after they won that perhaps that isn't how she feels in her heart. >> laura: okay. well, she said it. unless she corrects what she said, i think that's kind of weird, right? it's almost like a hostage tape, dan. i mean, i keep watching this going finally women have, you know, this incredible following for what was amazing season in basketball. men watching it. women, young people, and now oh, no, no, no. let's have men play. this is insane. >> it's totally insane. and that opportunity to clarify this, that was not after a game when that question was asked. that was on the day of. and dawn staley, the coach, laura, was talking about women's sports and how great it is and then she could not defend women. this drives me crazy. and i will tell you why. why do all the transitioning people participate against
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women? man transitioning to women plays against women. woman transitioning to men plays against women. it drives me nuts. the frauds that say inclusion they never talk about this. can you play, laura. why doesn't everybody go play against the men? do you know why? >> laura: because they are not that good. >> they can't dominate. >> they like to come to nate women. >> that's right. that's what exactly what this is. and when dawn staley, the biggest voice, the most respected voice among them can't defend women on the biggest stage, you said it earlier on different segments, what i'm going to add something, what's hell is going on here in america? that's crazy this is happening where you can't simply say hey being look, we want you included. go play with the men, period. or, like the naia did said you are not playing unless you are a female which is cool with me, too. >> laura: i like the fact they oversee the athletics at mostly
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small colleges they said enough of this. biological men cannot compete against female athletes. and they said its decision is rooted in fair and safe competition and kim, i would add on this to this that dawn staley was one of the great, great female basketball players. she is a great athlete, period, right? now, she didn't -- >> -- one of the best. >> laura: have to compete, ever, right. >> yes. one of the best of all time. >> laura: she didn't have to compete against biological men. had she competed against biological men, who were star high school basketball players as men, but wouldn't make, you know, they wouldn't make division one basketball, would she have been one of the best women on her team? i don't know. but, you know what i'm saying? it's easy to say this now, she didn't have to compete against biological men. >> absolutely. and i think, you know, when you look at the two games, i mean, dan, you know, this you coached men. we all just watched amazing
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men's and women's games at least i did. and so did most of america. the women's game is much different than the men's game. >> laura: right. >> we need to keep women's sports female only. and all of these people who are saying that we are excluding anyone, no one is being included. in fact, in most instances, the men's game is the open category. so, there is always a space for everyone. no one is being excluded ever. >> laura: yeah, well, you know, it's supposed to be based on talent, athletic talent for your biological sex. okay? so, otherwise, get -- boys basketball players from high school, top ones, they will dominate. i mean, i'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. i say this as a form are athlete myself. we sent one of our producer outs to new york to see what people think about biological men playing with women and this is what they said. >> i think it's unfair that a
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girl practicing has to be outdone by something who is transgender. >> do you think it could be like a safety issue. >> it definitely could be safety issue when you are literally taking physical strength. there are different avenues where people belong. >> if you had a daughter, would you let her play against a trans? >> no. well, yeah, let her play but i wouldn't agree with the fact that they were playing because they are built differently. >> laura: dan, dos that surprise you? i wouldn't let my daughter compete against a male athlete i would just say, you know, sorry. that's just not what we are doing. i know -- they work their whole life to compete but i think women just have to say, no. and say we will not submit to this. we will not submit to this. >> that's my point, laura. why aren't more women standing up. according to dawn staley, don't think this is out of the realm. >> dawn plays on tuesday for indiana men's basketball against purdue and then he says you know, i kind of feel like a
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woman. so then he plays against purdue's women on thursday. now, according to dawn staley, that could possibly happen. and i'm telling you, 10 years ago, we would not have thought to have this conversation, would we? >> laura: no. >> so don't tell me in a world. >> laura: it can't happen. >> get rid of all rules, it could happen -- you know, two years, five years, 10 years, i don't know. but i'm not going to be shocked if something like that does. that's what dawn staley was promoting right there, essentially. i just don't understand why famous women in sports don't stand up and become hey, look, this isn't hang. i don't get it. >> laura: i will tell you why, they see what happened to j.k. rawlings she would be fired. kim, look what they did to you. that's why they are not doing it. dan and kim, we have got roll. sheila jackson lee. the worse mayor hired to investigate the current worstam failla, next.
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♪ ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax.
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>> laura: time for wtf, looking all preppy tonight. no clown outfit, strip outfit. >> i've a bad and the overweight figure skater collection for one night only in your honour. >> laura: very nice. congressman sheila jackson lee held an event like everyone and their dogs was clipped yesterday. is this houston high school, she keep her best kamala harris impression, watch. >> sometimes you need to take the opportunity cannot see a full moon is a complete rounded circle which is made up of gases , we on humans live on the moon. are they gases such that we can do that? the son is a powerful being. it's almost impossible to go
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near the sun. the moon is more manageable. >> i'm glad you cut her off before she said it was onion rings around saturn. [ laughter ] she is such a dope to the sad part is that government officials like sheila jackson lee make me think that we are incapable of going to the moon. the truth is, we did. and obviously i'm proud of that achievement. but when you watch somebody like her speak. it really does kind of break your heart that we don't have better then this in washington. >> laura: a fiery ball, the sun is a fiery ball and it's around. and orange and its circular. >> she called a planet. it's a planet, she thanks pluto is a dog that hangs out with mickey mouse. i can't. laura: she struggled as well, i think we have video at this pic she struggled as well to put her on because that's
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kind of tricky. she's doing an impression of kamala and biden. that's pretty good. [ laughter ] >> a proud moment. >> laura: proving the democrats do not know anything about science. here's the latest from the ladies from the view that i know you're supposed to be on this is what they said. >> a solar eclipse, also i learned that cicadas are coming. >> all those things together may believe that climate change exists or something. >> the eclipse have known about the eclipse coming because they happen. [ laughter ] >> laura: when she's the voice of reason you know you are in trouble. i believe is a lawyer. good for her. >> whoopi goldberg the woman that once nominated joe biden for surgeon general on live television. is now the voice of reasonon on the show. you have to give sonny
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some/here. the eclipse is a big deal, if the 10 million thing to come through the country through mexico under biden. so there is a milestone aspect of this. when you realize the show is just an insane asylum with hair and makeup makes more sense. >> laura: it's like the conversation at the nail us on. but don't look for any great wisdom out of this. the current worst mayor in america is now going to deal with somebody who held her, chicago's lori lightfoot. they're hiring her to investigate misconduct 400 bucks an hour. here's how she reacted. >> you should be ashamed, black and sitting up here attacking on black woman in power. >> out of order.
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>> did not compute have the business thinking to do a political theatre stunt. >> laura: that might been old video but you get the point. money well spent. >> that's what i'm so fascinated by, they're investigating -- investigating away taxpayer dollars by wasting taxpayer dollars. hiring lori lightfoot to investigate corruption is like hiring o.j. simpson to save your marriage. i don't think you're going down the right street here. >> laura: maybe they can come in to do the cleanup. great to see you. huntsville alabama catch jimmy live and jesse watters is next. go to my facebook page and closed don't want to miss. 's you tomorrow. >> jesse: welcome to 'jesse watters primetime'. tonight. >> i'm sure the first vice president to use the word uterus. >> jesse: vote for joe is really a vot


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