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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 10, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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and do business but came here to do political response. might be old video, but you get the point, money well spent. >> that is what i'm soat fascinated by. they are investigating waste of taxpayer dollars by wasting taxpayer dollars, you know?oo hiring lori lightfoot to investigate corruptionstig is le hiring o.j. to save your marriage. going downw you are the right street here, laura. >> laura: maybe josie small it can do the queen appeared great to. see you, huntsville, alabamh jimmy live and jesse watters is. >> todd: a fox news alert, it is dualing hearings on the hill as house and senate lawmakers both get their chance to question alejandro mayorkas. you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus.
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house republicans going to transfer articles of impeachment for alejandro mayorkas today but now say they will do it next week. con congressman ben cline will get a chance to question the secretary today and he'll preview the drama for us this morning. >> todd: first lucas tomlinson is unpacking everything from washington for you. lucas. >> lucas: good early morning, carley and todd. house speaker mike johnson delaying until next week. here he is explaining why mayorkas is being impeached. >> mayorkas is not impeached for being incompetent or negligent, this invasion is not an accident, it is not that they're bad at the job. sadly, it is that alejandro mayorkas is very good at the job he's trying to do and the job he is trying to do is maximize
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number of illegal immigrants in america. this is absolutely deliberate and this is flouting the law. >> lucas: white house spokesman calls it a pr stunt, writing if know ares believe this impeachment was so urgent, they wouldn't have delayed for two months and now delayed it again for another week. lays bear how void of substance this pr stunt is. many would like president biden to bring back trump policies, including remain in mexico, which biden scrapped first day in office. >> president biden: i would have that power under legislation when the border has 500,000 people, 5000 people per day trying to cross the border because can't manage it. slow it up. there is no guarantee i have
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that power all by myself without legislation. and some have suggested i should go ahead and try it and if i get shut down by the court, i get shut down by the court, we're trying to work through that right now. >> lucas: secretary mayorkas expected to appear before house and senate panels at 10:00 a.m. this morning and 2:30 this afternoon. when they do arrive in the senate, chuck schumer is expected to dismiss them quickly, it would put vulnerable democrats on the seat. >> carley: he is in the shot seat. thank you. this crazy story, presumed skeletal remains of a boy who went missing in 2022 are found in remote area of the utah desert. >> todd: there is a plea deal.
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ashley has more. >> ashley: he went missing in 2022 and although the utah medical examiner needs to officially confirm it, his family says they are grateful to have his body two years after he disappeared. his mother said they thank everyone for love and support and they are thankful to have his body. james brener had been squatting in a trailer near his property, is accused of murdering the teen. he's been in jail since 2022 and last year he was charged with murder or desecration of a human body. he took officials to the burial site. while the sheriff's office called it a difficult and
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extensive investigation, they offer condolences. the area was prosed for evidence and recovered the remains, our heart go out to the family of dyshs libraries an-- dylan bro. there is video of brenner cleaning a gun with blood on it. and bren his d.n.a. was found on the suspected killer's bloody shirt. >> todd: the arizona supreme court voting to uphold an abortion law criminalizing almost all abortion except in cases when the mother's life is un in danger. enforcement is delayed for 14 days. white house blaming the ban on extremist republicans.
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>> it is dangerous what women in arizonaville to go through, there are 21 extreme state bans across the country, across the country. it is because of what extreme republicans, elected officials have been able to do. >> todd: i don't know how current republicans are responsible for a 160-year-old law. republican arizona congressman saying the territorial law is archaic, we must do better for women and i call to immediately address this in a bipartisan manner. meanwhile, kamala harris will visit the state to discuss abortion rights. >> carley: former president trump will hold a fundraiser in atlanta this week weekend. the rnc says trump raked in a record 50 million at a
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fundraiser on saturday, roughly doubling the amount of money president biden made in new york alongside obama and clinton. >> todd: i understand the desire, you cut to the chase when you get super packs donating. >> carley: donations are importance. another big story happening, president biden hosting japanese prime minister ahead of major summit tomorrow and china is the main focus. a global politics expert is here to assess the administration's handling of the communist regime. >> todd: and here the president is talking about his legacy. >> president biden: i hope the legacy is that i kept my word that i said that the reason i was running was to change the life of ordinary people and
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reduce the prospect of war because of vietnam. >> todd: vietnam? joe concha here to react to that, don't go anywhere. ♪ choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct.
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with xfinity mobile! plus, save even more and get an eligible 5g phone on us! visit today. >> severe thunderstorms sweeping the gulf states here early this morning and will throughout the day. this is a big, long-range storm system we're tracking throughout today into thursday and friday. this morning, heavy rain across louisiana, back across texas. all areas into mississippi flooding is a major concern. we've just recently seen severe thunderstorms across houston, that is a tornado-warned storm on the ground. we'll get all different type of weather across the gulf coast. north of new orleans, the pink box is four on scale of five, that is incredibly high. big, severe thunderstorms and
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likely large tornados with this from the morning into the afternoon hours. that is louisiana into portions of florida and even alabama and mississippi, risk of ef 2 tornados or greater from this morning into the afternoon hours. it does last a while. run through wednesday morning into wednesday evening, this is running and getting to florida by early thursday morning. think of all day today through the overnight hours and where does this system go, i will leave you with that. big low pressure system across the southeast and runs up along the east coast. it is not severe weather for us, yesterday if you live in the northeast, beautiful spring, it is going to be cold and rainy. >> carley: it will come back, maybe next week. >> todd: i'll hold you to that. fox news alert today president
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biden is hosting jap 19prime minister for a state visit to d deepen u.s.-japan military a alliance ahead of biden's first ever summit with japan and philippines tomorrow. they will focus on shared goals on military technology and infrastructure. let's bring in global politics expert and director of research at american ideas institute. i think this meeting is great and important and vital, are meetings with japan and philippines too little too late when it comes to joe biden's response? >> you're right, one thing joe biden wanted to do, to form an a alliance system based in asia where allies play a bigger part. one thing they need to do is
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make japan, philippines and taiwan -- yes, japan and philippines form alliance with the united states and balancing china is great. they are a rich country, they can do. >> todd: spending money is one concrete action. i'm leery about meetings about meetings about meetings. what concrete step can joe biden take to counter the china threat? >> four things, number one, influence them to spend more money, more than 1%, which is a measly amount of money for japan. organize tech transport with japan and australia, united kingdom and we don't have japan
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in it. if we can invite them to be part of the alliance -- look, there is a very easy solution to that. with japan manufacturing not as cheap as china, we are not sending manufacturing to japan. we can inn v-- invite them to join with the united states and do like chips for example and number four have join patrolling between japan, australia, philippines, we have didn't systems, countries have different air defense systems, that needs to be in interoperatable, that could be done within a couple of years and those are things we should focus on. >> todd: seems like biden administration is onboard understanding china threat. another issue demonstrates they
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don't understand the threat. biden and his administration are defending their china [inaudible] guam after republicans called it out. white house says allowing chinese nationals to enter guam, where we have military bases, is appropriate because it is good for territories economies. joni ernst not agreeing and scolding joe biden saying the biden administration shamefully defends this policy while our national security is on the line. it shows how seriously this president takes the threat of china. your thoughts, doctor? >> i think the visa exemptsion exemption is sham bollic. if they are a threat, we need to stop people from going to places
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like this. the ultimate issue is -- open borders, 20,000 chinese men crossed the border in the last year, we have no way to vet them, no idea if they are with local gangs, it is insane. these are people who would be in different parts of the country like sleeper cells. if you don't vet 20,000 military-age men coming into your country, then you don't have a country or border. >> todd: they are not hanging out at california beaches, they are here for a reason. fact our current administration does not appreciate that makes no sense. we appreciate your time. parents of ethan crumbley handed
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maximum prison sentence. constitutional law attorney is here to talk about the p precedence this set. >> carley: and congressman ben cline is an impeachment manager, we'll ask him what he makes of this decision and what comes n next. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can
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and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. >> todd: the parents of michigan high school shooter ethan crumbley sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison, both convicted of involuntary manslaughter, first parents to be held responsible for their child's school shooting. the parents of the victims delivered emotional impact statements during the hearing.
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watch. >> this tragedy has taken incred i incredible toll on our family. >> it will never come close to the life sentence i was given. >> we are coming up on 2-1/2 years now, the wounds are still as fresh. >> i am denied the chance to hold her or her furiture childr in my arms. >> your reaction to the sentences? >> clearly the judge communicated she felt there was a lot of aggravating factors that led to that high sentence. >> todd: listen to the crumbley parents. >> this is claim of appeal by right when you are not entitled
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to file appeal, application to -- >> todd: okay, we didn't hear the inner parents there. theyed they were apologetic. they had implication this could happen to any parent out there and this kwksz came doun /* /* conviction came down from a mi michigan court, what precedence could this set? >> the prols prosecutor said the parents ignored issues with the school they were aware of on the day of the shooting was reckless
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enough to be criminal. in terms of liability, there is no telling what the extent of that is. if parents have information their child struggles, if they give their child access to a car or alcohol or in this case a gun, could they be held criminally responsible? there is possibility for other prosecution to take place. >> todd: it is where you draw the line question. in your experience, knowing how prosecutors work, do you expect to see more prosecution of parents, not just for a horrific school shooting, but other acts with criminal liability attached? >> it is very possible. in this case, there is specific evidence of the foreseeability the prosecution displayed that
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the parents had to their son's shooting. they were aware of mental health issues and they were giving him access to a gun and on the day of the shooting he made drawings that were threatening. foreseeability is easy to see, that is what the injury found. i think you have to have more than issues with a child that led to a criminal act. the waters have not been tested. prosecutors could try to hold parents responsible. >> todd: foreseeability leads me to think there will be a state legislator that create a standard of care. could you see legislators create a standard of care codifying it into law? >> they could do that, they don't have to, we have rec
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recklessness statutes. if they want to be more specific then that is very possible. >> todd: this case is a horrific case, we pray for the families that gave the statements. this just opened new world of law and we all have to be on the lookout for it. interesting to see how it plays out. carley, over to you. >> carley: dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas will testify before house and senate committees today after republicans decided to post own handing over articles of impeachment to the senate. mike johnson says it is to be sure senate has time for their duty. virginia congressman ben cline is a house impeachment manager and he joins me now. good morning. can you explain this decision to delay the impeachment trial further and have you heard any
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anything about when it will begin? yes, it is my understanding senators have requested additional time before articles are trans mited by the house. the senate has to go into the trial and no further business can be done. we're accomodating the senate's request and understand there are many members deliberating about whether a trial is necessary, it is our contention, the senate should have a full trial. we're happy to give them as much time as they need to make that decision. >> carley: understood. how much important are these hearings mayorkas will be part of today? >> they are important, they show the hubris, he is coming before them asking for more money after
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not having done his job. he's failed at his job. it is understandable we need resources. it is ridiculous this man is the one asking for more money to do his job when he doesn't do his job in the first place. it is pretty extraordinary. >> carley: you are an impeachment manager. when the trial begins, it is your job to convince the senate to remove mayorkas from office and democrats made their position clear, they feel this is a policy dispute and if republicans don't like the biden administration policy on the border, don't like the fact secretary mayorkas is following the policy, that should be left up to voters and doesn't rise to high crimes and misdemeanors, how do you convince democrats otherwise? >> what we don't like are americans dying everyday as a result of this open border
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policy, from the drugs, from fentanyl coming across the border, from the sex trafficking and human trafficking coming across the border. if the transparency transportation secretary pete buttigieg decided not to enforce safety laws and planes started crashing and colliding, people would demand his resignation. if fda manager did not enforce -- dying from formula being bad. laws are in place to protect the public and people are dying as a result and he needs to be removed immediately. >> carley: president biden did a meeting with univision yesterday and he said if he uses executive aksz to get border under control, anything he does will be blocked by the court.
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we did see the court blocking some things donald trump tried to do when it comes to the southern border. does the president have a point there? >> courts will be involved no matter what. if the president wanted to address this, he could. he could have addressed this for the last 3-1/2 years. no telling how many lives could have been saved if he kept trump policies in place. i see nicus full, schools having to divert budget resources to accommodate migrants. every district is a border district. the president has this power and ability to seal the border and he refuses to take it. >> carley: back to removal of secretary mayorkas who has been impeached by the house. do you expect any members of
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senate to cross the aisle, meaning democrats voting yes to remove him and republicans voting no to keep him in place? >> it is my hope once the senators hear the evidence, they will make the decision there own, on the merits on their own. each senator will have to make their own decision and we are just planning to layout evidence for them to make this decision. >> carley: first time in 150 years, cabinet member faces impeachment trial and that is set to start next week. congressman cline, thank you, have a great day. all right, have you heard this? >> [chanting] [screaming] >> carley: that was not in iran,
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that was in deerborn, michigan. that activist you heard chanting death to america has inflammatory comments before and we have the tape. mike rogers is here next. ♪
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>> todd: capitol police ar arresting 50 pro-palestinian protesters after they shut down the cafeteria in the senate office building. watch.
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[sing [singing and chanting] >> todd: these protesters were demanding ceasefire in gaza. they were charged with crowding and obstructing. protesters disrupting lloyd austin's budget hearing earlier that day. >> carley: activists in michigan heard chanting death to israel and death to america during a rally. >> [chanting] [screaming] >> carley: it turns out that person on the screen has a history of inflammatory comments. >> from the river to the sea means the absolute annihilation of the zionist regime.
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>> carley: mike rogers is running for senate in michigan and joins me now. mike, good morning to you. there is a lot bubbling up to the surface that is concerning. you have chants of death to america in your home state of michigan. just a few days ago, an 18 year old pledged aleilegiance to isi and came up with a plot to murder people at a church in his hometown. when you hear those things what goes through your head from a national security standpoint? >> that rhetoric is dangerous, there are people in that crowd that may be moved to do something or take up arms in some way. the preacher you showed, which is other than canning, is involved in a school in deerborn
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and that worries us. isis-k, you saw hit russia and did the bombing in iran and outreached to this individual in utah, people are starting to sense there is opportunity to commit violence in the united states and thap with a porous border we have a recipe for a t terrorist attack here in the cou cou country. director of fbi said it is not if, it is when we have a t terrorist attack. you see what is happening in d deerborn with antisemitic language talking about rocks and fists to aninihilate israel. >> carley: also potentially harm
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americans. regarding people chanting death to america at this rally, i guess there are first amendment considerations, that could be considered violent rhetoric. do you think the fbi has eyes on thesis people? >> i'm not sure. people screaming death to america is something we ought to pay attention to. this is probably not the first event he's been at saying america is bad or evil and democracy is bad. if you listen to the videos along the way, bad stuff about america. it means you have to pay attention to action and activities of certain individuals that have views that are antisemitic and don't like america, either. there is probably a good reason local law enforcement and others
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should understand where these people are, what kinds of things they are doing to see if they are taking the next step toward a violent act. >> carley: mike, you mentioned the southern border. regarding the southern border is the fbi terror watch list. the thing with that, people get adcalized all the time and we were talking about this teen in idaho who pledged alelegiance t isis. could there be people crossing into the country who were recently radicalized so they are not on the list and in the country right now. >> absolutely 100%. no way all of the people coming into the country are on a terrorist watch list, that is not possible. worst part is even the gotaways
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dope know who they are, people don't have to present their real name. there is no way to vet some of the people to where they are from and what their true names are. you change the name, you drop off the list, it has to be accurate. my biggest concern, the individual trying to take a bomb to new york city and texas, he was a terrorist before he got here, he was radicalized out west. there are people using the border to do criminal activity into the united states and terrorist activity in the united states. we know it happens, everything in the fbi is blinking red, they are overwhelmed by number of people we don't know what their intentions are. this is a huge problem. >> carley: it is. we thank our fbi agents for
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keeping us safe, they have to be right every time, get it right and know about all threats. the michigan gop primary is in august, donald trump has endorsed you, fox news labeled you as a clear front-runner. you will face slotkin. it looks like this could be a close one and there are questions about you being registered to vote in florida. >> i'm registered to vote in michigan and pay tax in michigan. this is democrats trying to create a dust-up because they have nothing. most expensive vehicle is the grocery cart thanks to joe biden. it is $1000 more under biden and
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slotkin. that is groceries, gasoline, unbelievable. it is absolutely hurting working families in michigan. they don't want to talk about that or the border and the crime wave coming, we've had sexual assaults of minors in our state, murder in our state by illegals, illegal criminal cartel gangs in the state. if i were them, i wouldn't want to talk about any of this. i've been in michigan 50 years, florida two years. people don't believe it. >> carley: the primary is august 6, general election november 5. you have served our country admirably and you hope to continue your service. have a great day. all right, it is supposed to be national public radio, but npr is letting bias sway their
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telling of stories and one editor is exposing it all. joe concha will respond. >> todd: don't miss him or brian kilmeade. >> brian: that came from the heart, that was not in the prompter, thanks for your toss, todd. biden administration labeling trump biggest threat to democracy after record-breaking ub fundraising weekend. eric trump is up early to tell us about it, march jobs report show part-time jobs way up, full-time jobs way down. we'll ask stuart varney about that. and china tension heating up, the president set to meet with leaders of japan and philippines as fbi wray says the commun ist giant china. morgan ortagus and pete and will
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are going off the grid, enough said. throw in the animation and bring up the you have music. gradually get dressed and stay within yourself. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now.
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>> todd: tiger woods returning to the masters tomorrow and confident is he overcome injuries to win his sixth green jacket. >> i still think they can. i don't know when that day is, when that day comes. but i still think that i can.
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i haven't got to that point where i don't think i can't. >> defending champ jon rahm plans on keeping that title. returning to the title for first time leaving pga for liv back in december he said he wouldn't miss it. >> it is the biggest tournament in the world. no offense to anyone else. >> rory mcroyal grand slam. the open championship and pga championship just missing that masters. the clear favorite is scottie scheffler opening up about his faith ahead of the big tournament. i believe in a creator, i believe in jesus. ultimately i think that's what defines me the most. his wife about to give bitter to their child. all eyes on whether he can get the call early and have to split. maybe he gets that call on amen corner. >> kayleigh: masters win and new
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baby incredible. >> sacrificing own journalistic values and focusing on left leaning conch. he was quote concerned by the lack of viewpoint diversity and looked at voter registration for our newsroom in d.c. where npr is headquartered and many of us live. he goes on to write i found 87 registered democrats working in editorial positions and zero republicans, none. joe concha is a fox news contributor. berliner talked about the stories npr would pick and choose. he writes, quote: the schiff talking points became the drum beats of npr news reports. when the mueller report found no evidence of collusion. the report was sparse. i listened as one of npr's best and fair minded journalists said it was good we weren't following the laptop story because it could help trump. your reaction to the factual
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confirmation of what we all assumed. >> that's an amazing number. actually it's not surprising though, right? 87 people considered to be liberal, zero considered to be even independent or conservative working at npr. your taxpayer dollars at work. look, as far as the hunter biden laptop story we have been talking about this for years as far as that being sketched by major media outlets not just npr but every other acronym out there. this revelation isn't exactly surprising but where and hot story came from, that is noteworthy. considering berliner isn't some right wing guy calling this out. and, look, uri berliner this took guts as far as writing this now and here we are. but, many journalists at outlets it doesn't matter what acronym we are talking about, npr, pbs, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc, they all renounced any rules and norms
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and ethics in journalism once trump was elected and proceeded to basically embrace being what they always were privately. and that's political advocates and activists and they do it in the most insufferable and pies way possible. we saw it with ronna mcdaniel and msnbc just last week. look, this is a welcomed event as far as this journalist coming forward and saying this is what is going on behind the scenes at npr. what i'm not seeing this morning, guys, all those acronyms i just mentioned cnn and msnbc and cnn and "the washington post," they are not talking about this story for whatever reason. they are all complicit in terms of the behavior that uri berliner was describe nag wonderful piece. >> the npr editor and chief i and my colleagues strongly disagree with uri he's isn't of the journalism and newsroom process. we are proud to stand behind exceptional work our desks and shows do to cover a wide range of challenging stories.
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so, that is their story and they are sticking to it. there's also this, joe, that we want to talk to you about "u.s.a. today." being accusing of changing headline about trump's abortion stance after the white house complained about it. original headline said the will of the people, trump opposes national abortion ban says states should decide after the criticism, the headline was updated donald trump says states should decide abortion policy, avoids talk on a national ban. man o man 10 seconds remaining, joe, what's your reaction to this i'm sorry, joe we ran out of time. >> a little tribute to share about u.s. today they didn't endorse,. >> carley: we're sorry we will get more reaction from you tomorrow. have great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> steve: thank you very much, carley and todd. it is exactly 6:00 here in new york city. it is wednesday,


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